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-- Fourth quarter SaaS and license revenue increased to $165.7 million, compared to $148.3 million for the fourth quarter of 2023 -- -- Fourth... Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALRM), the leading platform for the intelligently connected property, today announced that Steve Valenzuela...
Acquisition Strengthens’s Remote Video Monitoring Offering (Nasdaq: ALRM), the leading platform for the intelligently... Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALRM), the leading platform for the intelligently connected property, today announced that it will report 2024...
Innovative solutions detect people, respond with AI-generated verbal warnings, and send video events to...
L'acquisizione contribuirà a espandere le partnership con i rivenditori di energia elettrica in tutta Europa per generare risparmi per i clienti...
Acquisition brings EnergyHub’s experience building North America’s largest residential virtual power plants to global markets, a...
Die Übernahme wird dazu beitragen, die Partnerschaften mit Stromhändlern in ganz Europa auszuweiten, um Einsparungen für Kunden mit dezentralen...
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