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Regulatory News: Oncodesign Precision Medicine (OPM) (ISIN : FR001400CM63 ; Mnémonique : ALOPM), entreprise biopharmaceutique spécialisée en...
Retrieval by OPM of all rights to the OPM-201 program and associated patent portfolio Confirmation of the molecule's safety in healthy...
Finalization of the study report on the double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 1 trial of OPM-101 in 104 healthy volunteers (HV) who received...
Présentation par le Professeur Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet (M.D., PhD Professeur de gastroentérologie au CHRU de Nancy) et Bruno Robin (PharmD...
OPM-101 conclut positivement sa Phase 1 volontaires sains permettant de prévoir le démarrage d'un essai clinique de Phase 1b/2a, fin 2024 début...
End of double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 1 trial with OPM-101: 104 healthy volunteers (VS) participated in this trial designed to assess...
Regulatory News: Oncodesign Precision Medicine (OPM) (ISIN : FR001400CM63 ; Mnémonique : ALOPM) (Paris:ALOPM), entreprise biopharmaceutique...
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