RNS Number:6008I
Trafficmaster PLC
12 March 2003

                                                                                  12th March 2003

                                        Trafficmaster plc
                                    2002 Preliminary Results

Trafficmaster plc, the leading supplier of telematics systems, today announced its results for the 
year ended 31st December 2002. 
- Moving into growing in-car navigation market with launch of Smartnav product in June 2002 
- Revenues increased to #34.9 million, up from #30.9 million in 2001 
- Trackstar revenues more than doubled to #2.55 million (2001: #1.17 million) 
- Operating costs before exceptional items cut to #28.9 million (2001: #38.7 million) 
- Operating loss before exceptional items reduced to #9.1 million (2001: #19.6 million) 
- Cash stood at #5.7 million as at 31 December 2002 
- Exceptional Items of #53 million, as announced in January 
Sir James McKinnon, Chairman, commented: 
"Management has taken firm and decisive action to restructure Trafficmaster and to focus attention on areas of the
market that provide the most growth opportunities. Costs and working capital remain firmly under control and we are
confident that we have now positioned the business to take advantage of the developing in-car navigation market
whilst remaining active in our traditional sector. 
We are encouraged by the outlook for Smartnav, which we believe has enormous potential both as an after-market and
original equipment product. In addition, Trackstar continues to grow strongly. We look forward to playing a major
role in those sectors of the Telematics marketplace which compliment our strengths and are exhibiting growth
For further information please contact: 

     David Martell, Chief Executive     Tel: 01234 759 300 
     Nigel Bond, Finance Director       Tel: 01234 759 301 
     Financial Dynamics                                    
     Ben Atwell / Samantha Robbins      Tel: 020 7831 3113 
Chairman's Statement 
Trafficmaster has taken decisive action during the year to counter the difficult trading conditions in its core
markets. The anticipated general rise in demand for traffic information products has failed to materialise and
Trafficmaster has taken steps to reposition the business to take advantage of the existing and developing in-car
navigation market and to consolidate its position in the traffic information business. 
Trafficmaster has established a market-leading position in the provision of live traffic information services and
enjoys relationships with numerous motor manufacturers, cellular phone operators and other strategic partners.
Although this market has not developed at the pace that had been widely predicted, we will remain active in this
market and we are well positioned to take advantage of opportunities as they develop.  
A strategic priority in 2002 was the opening up of a major new revenue stream through Trafficmaster's entry into the
more established navigation market. Our intelligent navigation system, Smartnav, was launched in June and has been
very well received by the industry, the media and customers. Trackstar, our stolen vehicle recovery product, enjoyed
a record year of revenue growth. 
Financial Highlights 
Revenues increased to #34.9 million (2001: #30.9 million). Our US business, Teletrac, contributed full year revenues
of #16.8 million, up from #12.3 million in the period from May to December 2001.  
Operating costs, before exceptional items, fell to #28.9 million from #38.7 million reflecting the measures
undertaken by management to bring costs more into line with revenues. As anticipated, losses on ordinary activities
for the second half of the financial year were lower than the first half, resulting in a group operating loss before
exceptional items of #9.1 million (2001: #19.6 million). As indicated in January exceptional items of #53 million
were recorded, principally in relation to asset writedowns. 
Capital expenditure for 2002 was #4.7 million down from #17.7 million. 
Net debt at the year-end was #3.9 million (2001: #4.2 million) comprising bonds held by Teletrac Inc of #9.6 million
(2001: #10.7 million) offset by cash balances of #5.7 million (2001: #6.5 million). Management believes that the cash
balances are sufficient for all current and planned requirements. The bonds held by the US subsidiary Teletrac Inc
are due for repayment in October 2004. 
Smartnav, the company's unique intelligent navigation system, was launched in the UK in June 2002. Since launch, we
have received a very positive response from the industry, the media and customers. The product has developed brand
recognition based upon its high functionality and relatively low cost. I am delighted that existing users share our
enthusiasm. This is backed by encouraging sales performance in the retail sector, where our longer standing Trackstar
dealerships have been particularly active. 
Smartnav is now available through a variety of outlets in the UK, including aftermarket dealerships, mainstream
automotive dealers and specialist local franchise organisations. We are constantly adding to this distribution base.
Additionally, we are engaged in programmes with a number of OEM customers developing distribution arrangements.  
With the successful launch of Smartnav, we intend to consolidate our position in the rapidly growing in-car
navigation market. We believe that Trafficmaster is ideally positioned to exploit the growth in this developing
market for the following reasons:  
- Ease of use: Many existing in-car navigation products are difficult to use whilst driving, they rely on a
cumbersome point and click user interface. Smartnav, with its single button connecting the user to a call centre, is
simple and safe to use. 
- Unique traffic data: Smartnav incorporates high quality live traffic information into the route planning
calculation, providing an intelligent navigation system capable of forewarning the driver of delays on his or her
chosen routes.  
- Marketing and distribution channels: Trafficmaster has established relationships with OEMs and has considerable
experience of marketing vehicle tracking and traffic information products direct to consumers and through retail
Traffic Information 
We provide numerous OEMs with live traffic information and have maintained an active presence in the consumer
marketplace. We added MG Rover to our list of motor manufacturer clients in the period and Trafficmaster continues to
supply BMW, Citroen, Fiat, and Alfa Romeo with live traffic information products.  
We also have established relationships with many of the major telecoms partners including Orange, O2 and Virgin and
continue to develop our relationship with the RAC, with whom we work closely in the collection and collation of
incident based road and traffic information.  
The traffic information business in continental Europe has not developed as previously expected and Trafficmaster has
decided to suspend all further investment whilst considering its future plans in those marketplaces.  
Trackstar Limited 
Trackstar, which is a leading provider of advanced GPS/GSM stolen vehicle tracking systems, has continued to grow
rapidly with revenues increasing by over 200% to a total of #2.55 million.  
Trackstar II was launched successfully during 2002 and is being fitted as standard by Renault and Subaru on certain
models. There is increasing interest from other automotive manufacturers for this sophisticated product. 
We expect Trackstar to continue to grow during 2003. Unit sales to all sectors of the market are forecast to grow
strongly along with the recurring revenue stream from steadily increasing subscription base. We expect this trend to
continue as insurance companies increasingly recognise the benefits of the product in protecting top-end models.  
Teletrac, our US fleet services business, has made progress despite the poor performance of the US economy. As noted
in the interims, our product offering and sales efficiency have improved the performance of the business in the
financial year.  
Revenues for the full year were #16.8 million. (2001: #12.3 million May-Dec) Tight control over costs resulted in
operating expenses falling by 10.4% in the second half of the year to #4.8 million. This management action has
resulted in Teletrac approaching a breakeven level of pre-tax profit on a month by month basis. Whilst this is a
strong improvement in trading performance, we believe that due to market conditions in the USA, Teletrac performance
will not improve significantly in the medium term. 
Asset Writedown  
As announced in January, Trafficmaster has undertaken a review of the carrying value of certain assets held on its
balance sheet. Accordingly, the net asset value of the company at 31 December 2002 was reduced by #53 million.  
Many of our assets were acquired and developed to take advantage of a traffic information market that has not
developed as expected. We have looked at our asset portfolio with a view to assessing its value in line with our
revised view of the market and now have an asset base that accords with our future earnings potential. The main
elements of the asset writedown are summarised below. 
Since acquiring Teletrac in May 2001, we have developed this company to a stage where it is approaching profitability
on a consistent month by month basis. However in light of the medium term potential of this business, we consider it
prudent to write off goodwill of #13.2 million. A further #2.8 million was provided against network and development
Germany has proved to be an extremely difficult region in which to earn revenue from telematics products. Owing to
this slower than anticipated development of the marketplace, we consider it prudent to writedown the assets of the
German network by #16 million. 
Even the UK traffic information marketplace has not grown as rapidly as many expected. To reflect this, we have
provided a total of #12.7 million against the cost of the network. This provision was primarily made against the cost
of the additional sensors placed on the trunk road system in the past three years. 
As a result of these actions, the Board believes that the carrying value of the remaining assets in the Trafficmaster
group balance sheet is now in line with expected future earnings potential. The cost of the writedowns is
substantial, however the result is a slimmed down group, focussed on our core strengths. 
Management has taken firm and decisive action to restructure Trafficmaster and to focus attention on areas of the
market that provide the most growth opportunities. Costs and working capital remain firmly under control and we are
confident that we have now positioned the business to take advantage of the developing in-car navigation market,
whilst remaining active in our traditional sector. 
We are encouraged by the outlook for Smartnav, which we believe has enormous potential both as an after-market and
original equipment product. In addition, Trackstar continues to grow strongly. We look forward to playing a major
role in those sectors of the Telematics marketplace which compliment our strengths and are exhibiting growth
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2002 
Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 
                                                                   Year to        Year to      Year to    Year to 
                                                               31 December    31 December  31 December 31 December 
                                                                      2002           2002        2002        2001 
                                                                    Before    Exceptional       Total             
                                                               exceptional          items                         
                                                                     #'000          #'000       #'000       #'000 
      Turnover: group and share of joint ventures                   35,624              -      35,624      31,362 
      Less: share of joint ventures                                  (694)              -       (694)       (448) 
      Group turnover                                                34,930              -      34,930      30,914 
      Cost of sales                                               (15,128)        (7,750)    (22,878)    (11,791) 
      Gross profit                                                  19,802        (7,750)      12,052      19,123 
      Selling and distribution costs                               (4,679)              -     (4,679)     (9,216) 
      Administrative expenses                                     (24,230)       (42,984)    (67,214)    (29,551) 
      Group operating loss                                         (9,107)       (50,734)    (59,841)    (19,644) 
      Share of operating loss in joint ventures                      (401)        (2,276)     (2,677)       (855) 
      Share of operating loss in associate                            (26)              -        (26)        (73) 
      Amortisation of goodwill arising on associate                  (180)              -       (180)       (180) 
      Total operating loss: group and share of                     (9,714)       (53,010)    (62,724)    (20,752) 
      joint ventures and associates                                                                               
      Profit on sale of business                                         -            559         559           - 
      Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                   -          (526)       (526)           - 
      Loss on ordinary activities before interest                  (9,714)       (52,977)    (62,691)    (20,752) 
      Net interest (payable)/receivable and similar income                                      (612)         362 
      Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                            (63,303)    (20,390) 
      Taxation on loss on ordinary activities                                                      31         482 
      Loss on ordinary activities after taxation                                             (63,272)    (19,908) 
      Equity minority interest                                                                  3,979         535 
      Loss attributable to the shareholders                                                  (59,293)    (19,373) 
      of Trafficmaster Plc                                                                                        
      Loss per ordinary share - basic                                                        (47.10)p    (15.39)p 
                              - diluted                                                      (47.10)p    (15.39)p 
All activities derive from continuing operations 
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses 

                                                                                          Year to        Year to 
                                                                                      31 December    31 December 
                                                                                             2002           2001 
                                                                                             #000           #000 
        Loss for the period attributable to the shareholders of Trafficmaster Plc        (59,293)       (19,373) 
        Net exchange differences on foreign investments                                       896          (343) 
        Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period                         (58,397)       (19,716) 
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet 
as at 31 December 2002 

                                                                        As at                     As at 
                                                                  31 December               31 December 
                                                                         2002                      2001 
                                                                        #'000                     #'000 
                Fixed assets                                                                            
                Intangible fixed assets                                 1,889                    19,415 
                Tangible fixed assets                                  14,902                    51,023 
                Investments in joint ventures                                                           
                Share of gross assets                      290                     1,556                
                Share of gross liabilities               (724)                   (1,421)                
                                                         (434)                       135                
                Loan to joint ventures                     550                     1,340                
                                                           116                     1,475                
                Interest in associated undertakings      1,134                     1,314                
                Investments                                             1,250                     2,789 
                                                                       18,041                    73,227 
                Current assets                                                                          
                Stocks                                   6,310                    11,983                
                Debtors                                  4,695                     9,316                
                Investments                                420                         -                
                Cash at bank and short-term deposits     5,729                     6,537                
                                                        17,154                    27,836             
        Creditors: Amounts falling due within 
                   one year                             (6,990)                  (9,513)             
        Net current assets                                            10,164                    18,323 
        Total assets less current liabilities                         28,205                    91,550 
        Creditors: Amounts falling due after more 
        than one year                                                (9,350)                   (10,550) 
        Deferred Income                                              (1,569)                    (1,176) 
        Provisions for liabilities and charges                                                                 
        Investments in joint ventures                                                                          
             Share of gross assets                          -                       261             
             Share of gross liabilities                  (208)                    (734)             
                                                                       (208)                      (473) 
        Net assets                                                    17,078                    79,351 
        Capital and reserves                                                                                   
        Called up share capital                                        6,294                     6,294 
        Share premium account                                         90,759                    90,759 
        Profit and loss account                                     (79,630)                  (21,233) 
        Equity shareholders' funds                                    17,423                    75,820 
        Equity minority interest                                       (345)                     3,531 
                                                                      17,078                    79,351 
Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 

                                                                                     Year to        Year to 
                                                                                 31 December    31 December 
                                                                                        2002           2001 
                                                                                       #'000          #'000 
            Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                        6,013       (10,184) 
            Returns on investments and servicing of finance                            (809)            571 
            Taxation                                                                    (10)              - 
            Capital expenditure and financial investments                            (4,438)       (17,307) 
            Acquisitions and disposals                                               (1,500)        (9,068) 
            Cash outflow before management of liquid resources and financing           (744)       (35,988) 
            Management of liquid resources                                             2,483         38,539 
            Financing                                                                  (225)        (1,945) 
            Increase in cash in the period                                             1,514            606 
            Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt                                         
            Increase in cash in the period                                             1,514            606 
            Cash outflow from repayment of debt                                          225          1,945 
            Decrease in short-term deposits                                          (2,483)       (38,539) 
            Change in net funds arising from cash flows                                (744)       (35,988) 
            Exchange differences                                                       1,071          (142) 
            Net debt acquired through purchase of subsidiary                               -       (12,839) 
            Change in net funds/(debt)                                                   327       (48,969) 
            Opening net (debt)/funds                                                 (4,239)         44,730 
            Closing net debt                                                         (3,912)        (4,239) 
1. Basis of preparation 
The financial information set our in this preliminary announcement does not constitute that Group's statutory
accounts for the years ended 31 December 2001 and 2002. The financial information for 2001 is derived from the
statutory accounts for 2001 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
The auditors have reported on the 2001 accounts: their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
section 273(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The statutory accounts for 2002 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the
directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Group's
annual general meeting. This will be held on 10 June 2003 at Cranfield starting at 12.00 noon. 
2. Exceptional items 

                                                     UK   Germany       USA      Other businesses      Total    Total 
                                                                               and joint ventures                     
                                                   2002      2002      2002                  2002       2002     2001 
                                                  #'000     #'000     #'000                 #'000      #'000    #'000 
  Exceptional operating items:                                                                                        
  Tangible fixed assets                          12,699     9,596     2,176                   507     24,978        - 
  Intangible fixed assets                         3,594         -    14,411                     -     18,005        - 
  Investments                                        96         -       720                 2,070      2,886        - 
  Stock                                           1,600     6,081         -                    69      7,750        - 
  Debtors                                             -       244       148                   459        851        - 
  Creditors: Amounts falling due within one           -        61        99               (1,698)    (1,538)        - 
  Profit and loss account                             -         -        54                    24         78        - 
                                                 17,989    15,982    17,608                 1,431     53,010        - 
  Profit on sale of business                                                                           (559)        - 
  Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                                       526        - 
3. Reconciliation of operating loss to net inflow/(outflow from operating activities 
                                                                              Year to        Year to 
                                                                          31 December    31 December 
                                                                                 2002           2001 
                                                                                #'000          #'000 
                  Group operating loss for the period                        (59,841)       (19,644) 
                  Depreciation and amortisation                                 8,655          8,108 
                  Impairment charges                                           42,985          1,787 
                  Provision against current asset investment                      130              - 
                  Decrease/(increase) in stock                                 11,427          (498) 
                  Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                3,321          (538) 
                  (Decrease)/increase in creditors                              (664)            601 
                  Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities           6,013       (10,184) 
4. Loss per share 
The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on the loss for the year of #59,293,000 (2001: Loss
#19,373,000) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 125,882,737 (2001:
Share options in existence at both year ends had no dilutive effect on loss per share because the share options'
exercise prices are greater than the current market price. 


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange