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Alerionclean Green Fx4.75%Dec30call Eur

Alerionclean Green Fx4.75%Dec30call Eur (3218803)

마감 14 12월 1:30AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.

3218803 뉴스

공식 뉴스 전용
0개의 기사가 발견되었습니다.
crazyjogger925 crazyjogger925 3 분 전
as i wrote earlier with data proof o/s kegs has remained the same for just about a year now..kegs seems to be on track now to generate
improved revenue with the beer now being sold online at patriot depot.the 1812 on the river bar restaurant has had over $.300,000
beer sales as well
LuckyLovie LuckyLovie 5 분 전
Not really the real TRUTH HURTS and scumbags wanna win at all costs,lying cheating,SCAM~ AMERICA WAY...YUP YUP..

Motor-goater Motor-goater 6 분 전
Ha ha ha. Look at you the master baiter….. you wish! Keep counting
meidiot meidiot 6 분 전
"WHY" has GMPR removed all posting on X ?
SupernovaGolem92 SupernovaGolem92 6 분 전
I am still an investor in Lightwave Logic to this day, hoping that the technology will eventually make an impact on the market—ideally before the company gets acquired or goes bankrupt.

I’ve been reading this forum for a while now, but one thing I can’t understand is why Proto has two
gfp927z gfp927z 7 분 전
Derf, >> Broadcom
jimr1717 jimr1717 7 분 전
You have too many scams to support the bid. Max out your credit cards your scams need help
Iggy_Bot Iggy_Bot 7 분 전
why the people love him and the elites hate him
LTListener LTListener 7 분 전
"Perhaps they don't care about gathering more eye balls currently"...

Quite possible. Maybe with all the pipeline activity and DOD/NIH clinical investment forthcoming, that a partner or funding source is working on structuring a funding package and waiting until the new year has vari
FOFreddie FOFreddie 7 분 전
Do you really keep a lot of money in your bank accounts? Why not just SIPC Money Market accounts - more interest and liquidity rather than a CD? The only reason to keep money at a bank is to have a business checking account - do you disagree?
rollingrock rollingrock 8 분 전
the triple Lindy!!!! OMG say it isn't so!
joev2 joev2 9 분 전
You forgot the best part concerning Eric:
The amendment increased the Severance Compensation, .....from an amount equal to one times Executive’s highest Annual Salary with the Company during the preceding three-year period to an amount equal to two-times (2) times the Executive’s highest Annu
jbog jbog 9 분 전

There you go again spreading more bs,,,,, """"He wants to revoke FDA approval of the polio vaccine."""

The revoke came from one of the lawyers who works for JFK with no connection to JFK

"An adviser and lawyer helping Health and Human Services nomin
Lykiri Lykiri 10 분 전
The backlog was reportedly 100% gone in their last update.

Only for established medicines.
As of its November 2024 report, the MHRA reported that it had cleared a backlog in marketing authorisation applications and some applications to vary licences. It said that it was now “as
Adjustedtosteep Adjustedtosteep 10 분 전
tedpeele tedpeele 10 분 전

We found out later from KCC that Marcelli was the source:

LWLG is “close on deals”. They have "calls all week discussing the deals". Just before the conversation, the executive was on a call with a "potential counterpa
stockinspector stockinspector 11 분 전
Total Daily Volume 12/13/2024 = 7.41m
up from 4.57m one day ago
unusual to increase on a Friday as an OTC ticker
carlson carlson 11 분 전
Appreciated Have a great weekend!!!
newmedman newmedman 12 분 전
they shot down a balloon.. The drone thing is unusually concerning..

I also think people are getting a little over their skis.

The dude who shot the other man and was filmed doing it pleaded not guilty. Trump will probably pardon him too.

1jas 1jas 12 분 전
Yes golf they could. but if they don't do Quantum work, that would be misleading. And in a good way I have to respect the fact that AFFU does not fall to that LEVEL
StockPrez StockPrez 12 분 전
Cool. Are you still holding them?
Sodapop42 Sodapop42 13 분 전
At this point, I don't think Henry could convince Goodwill to lend him a used pair of shoes. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
floridaboy floridaboy 13 분 전
No credibility till he produces something
StockPrez StockPrez 13 분 전
Sorry for not replying to your other post. Accidentally marked it as read on my email. Nice pick-TNXP! Looks like it's up a bunch after-hours.

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