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Gs Group Sc Jan34 Call Eur

Gs Group Sc Jan34 Call Eur (2786183)

마감 09 2월 1:30AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.

2786183 뉴스

공식 뉴스 전용
0개의 기사가 발견되었습니다.
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 4 분 전
Oh now you've hurt my feelings. I'll have you know I went to Tijuana once
marcis marcis 8 분 전
This is exactly your motivation here
500 million borrowed ( short ) shares two tick down to .0006 already is a fast $100,000

Down to 4 or 5 you get a big bonus plus

No wonder the passion to be on your point all weekend and night

I say take it dow
Testpilot Testpilot 12 분 전
I see that sales only dropped by .46%, however the operating income, Net income from continuing operation before income tax, along with Net income fell by -22.99%, -88.36%, and -94.40% respectively. The company submitted a vague explanation "Recognizing subsidiary equity loss and impairment" as to
nshi2 nshi2 13 분 전
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 13 분 전
😂😂😂😂 you're still mad that I noticed all liberals are feminine
Louinjaxxx Louinjaxxx 18 분 전
A friend of mine wrote a book on TA (Technical Analysis).  It was his opinion, and I agree with him, that TA and charting is worthless when dealing with penny stocks and especially with sub-penny stocks.
LVerstee LVerstee 28 분 전
I’ll wait. You either missed it or chose not to acknowledge it. Your insults don’t affect me, and I won’t take any satisfaction when you eventually understand what I mean. Not with you.
You showed one half of the evidence and you can't even tell yourself.
All you’ve proven is that you
DMC8 DMC8 30 분 전
jeunke22 jeunke22 31 분 전
One would imagine these guys have business plans in place and are aware of the critical success factors. I guess Deep Seek was a wake up call to keep an eye on capex, costs , power and sustainability.
For me Lightwave’s value propositions are becoming more solid going forward. Enjoy the Super
theswordman theswordman 31 분 전
What exactly was his contribution on those papers that had him listed as an author?

What exactly was his contribution on EVERY SEC filing that had him listed as CEO?

Absolutely nothing--say it again (What is IT good for?) Absolutely nothing

Leronlimab des
janice shell janice shell 35 분 전
janice shell janice shell 40 분 전
Why do these kinds of people never seem to understand they look like incels playing dress-up?

They get home and Mom asks, "What?? You BURNED that outfit I spend two days making for you??"
janice shell janice shell 50 분 전
Oh yes, Two hundred years of brilliant Russian novels. Similar to our own tradition in its quality and duration, really, except that none of our authors were ever sent off to the Gulag. The military, yes, but not political prison camps. However, it's a bit late to enter on a discussion of comparativ
janice shell janice shell 58 분 전
Oh my! So the Man Camp guy also runs a megachurch in Ohio? Do we think he knows Paula? Perhaps he does Manly things with her?

But as far as Crusher is concerned, I just think it's SO exciting to have our very first BOLSHIE on the board!! Not a mere Pinko, a BOLSHEVIK!!
fliper fliper 1 시간 전
Fridays filing fwiw:
janice shell janice shell 1 시간 전
Nice, dear. And today a federal judge gave Musk and his DOGEbags the smackdown they've been asking for.

So one of those DOGEbags spent a good deal of time posting on the social media, "I was a white supremacist before it was cool!" and other repellent stuff. Musk chuckled and said boy
igotthemojo igotthemojo 1 시간 전
"As of December 31, 2023, there was $2,617,211 in loan interest"

nope...there was $1.6 mil in outstanding LOANS (not interest)...

"As of December 31, 2024, there was a preliminary and unaudited $304,545 in loan interest"

correct...$304,545 in INTEREST acc
lovethatgreen lovethatgreen 1 시간 전
Thia account is suspended until Nov 2027
cptbac cptbac 1 시간 전
janice shell janice shell 1 시간 전
By the way, I just watched that video. What on earth presumably makes you believe I think this country is okay, and going in the right direction?

I should have imagined that you'd understood from my many posts that I think we're headed to hell in a handbasket. Unlike you, I do not fe
StocktonCA StocktonCA 1 시간 전
this bill is on the current Congress' calender to be discussed sometime before the end of Feb

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (03/28/2023)

Setting Consumer Standards for Lithium-Ion Batteries Act

This bill requires the Consumer Product Safety Comm
Chachang1 Chachang1 1 시간 전
It's nearly March. This stock has a history of running hard in March. First the float gets soaked up cheap which we have been seeing happening. Next, the Company will put out press and other media. Watch for this as they have been silent. Then boom, a run. As Florida stated he ran this from down her

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