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Igraine Plc - Holding(s) in Company PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, February 19 TR-1: Standard form for notification of major...
Igraine Plc - Total Voting Rights PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, January 31 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS DEEMED BY...
Igraine Plc - Investee Update: Fixit Medical Ltd PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, December 17 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN THIS...
Igraine Plc - Maiden Exercise of Investment Rights Over GEM Energia PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, December 13 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED...
Igraine Plc - Holding(s) in Company PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, December 11 TR-1: Standard form for notification of major...
Igraine Plc - Holding(s) in Company PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, December 10 TR-1: Standard form for notification of major...
Igraine Plc - Holding(s) in Company PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, December 09 TR-1: Standard form for notification of major...
Igraine Plc - Result of AGM, Confirmation of Exclusive Investment Rights, Appointment of CEO and Board Roles PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom...
Igraine Plc - Notice of AGM, Investment Rights in GEM Energia Ltd and Board Changes PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, November 05 THE...
Igraine Plc - Grant of Investment Rights Over GEM, Conditional Loan Facility with Vela Technologies, Appointment of Executive Director and...
Igraine Plc - Interim Results to 30 June 2024 and Investee: Oscillate Plc posting of circular to approve acquisition PR Newswire LONDON, United...
Igraine Plc - Fixit Medical Ltd Receipt of Grant from Innovate UK PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, July 03 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN...
Igraine Plc - Financial Statements to 31 December 2023 PR Newswire LONDON, United Kingdom, June 25 Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31...
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