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Company Wins 'Best Mid-Market Solution Hardware' Award NAMPA, Idaho, Sept. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- MPC Computers, a wholly owned subsidiary...
Introduction of Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis Module Earns Industry Praise REDWOOD SHORES, Calif., Aug. 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Oracle...
Mercury IT Governance Center Voted 'Best Solution' by IT Executive Attendees MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., June 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Today...
MPC Computers Garners Major Industry Awards Company Honored for 'Best Mid-Market Solution Hardware,' 'Reviewer's Choice,' and 'Best New...
Consumer Electronics Applications Drive Asia-Pacific Embedded Design - Global Sources-Gartner Survey HONG KONG, March 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCal...
MPC Computers Wins Multiple Awards at Government Solution Summit(TM) PC Company Honored for 'Best Vendor', 'Best Channel Strategy' and...
CORDA Technologies Wins 'Best Government Solution' Award at Government Solution Summit(TM) CORDA Also Nominated for Best Vendor Presentation...
Pervasive Software Earns Healthcare IT Summit Executives' Choice(TM) Award for Best Vendor Pervasive Named 'Best Vendor' for the Most...
Satyam Computer Services Wins Awards for Risk Management and Solution Delivery Company Recognized by Key IT and Business Executives at the Global...
Chip Designers in mainland China and Taiwan are Shifting to Advanced Process Technologies -- 0.18-micron Designs Gaining Momentum HONG KONG, Oct...
Trend Micro Wins Two 'The Best of VARVision' Awards for Best Software Product and Channel Strategy Trend Micro Enterprise Recognized by...
CommVault Wins 'Midsize Enterprise Innovation Award'(TM) at Leading Analyst Business-Focused Event OCEANPORT, N.J., Oct. 4 /PRNewswire/...
MPC Computers Receives Award at Midsize Enterprise Summit Company Wins 'Best Mid-Market Solution Hardware' Award NAMPA, Idaho, Sept. 27...
Toshiba to Participate in Gartner Dataquest Semiconductor Industry Summit Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. and Its Memory Business...
VeriSign Positioned in 'Leader Quadrant' in Managed Security Services Provider Magic Quadrant Report MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., July 30...
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