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Goldman Sachs Marketbeta Russell 1000 Growth Equity ETF

Goldman Sachs Marketbeta Russell 1000 Growth Equity ETF (GGUS)

마감 19 12월 6:00AM
시간외 거래: 9:59AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.


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Think1st Think1st 2 분 전
Notice to board

no change to our account, still worthless
HappyAlways HappyAlways 3 분 전
You are wrong many times already.

The excessive NWS payments carries 10% annual interest (as per the same interest rate charged to the PSPA loan). If there is no NWS, the payments in excess of 10% original interest in 2012 alone should accumulate to almost $300B. That's fact. Check y
Bright Boy Bright Boy 4 분 전
Nice post for the Holidays:


Shawonsarker84 Shawonsarker84 5 분 전
I am giving it sixty days 🤣. Let the market decide.
Oleblue Oleblue 5 분 전
2024 Chicago Quantum Summit — Charina Chou
robinandthe7hoods robinandthe7hoods 5 분 전
robinandthe7hoods robinandthe7hoods 7 분 전
After the latest PR,Tobin Smith was telling his followers that Verses was going to 50x.
Yesterday,after Denise Holt's latest writeup,which was quite impressive,Tobin Smith has changed his target to 100x.
He should have a new newsletter for his followers going into the weeken
georgejjl georgejjl 10 분 전
This is an on topic post. Expect VERY VERY OOD NEWS regarding AVXL TOMORROW!!!

Good luck and GOD bless,
theswordman theswordman 12 분 전
Thanks for the medical advice. Your expertise in multi areas is impressive
Bigfootbud Bigfootbud 13 분 전
Love you!!! And al!! 2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Adam917 Adam917 14 분 전
I can see fb and they don't even maintain fb. See this lol
Bigfootbud Bigfootbud 15 분 전
why did I originally block you?? ♥
skitahoe skitahoe 17 분 전
I realize that what you're saying is probably the case, but has LP actually ever said so. I know that Merck had an exec working at the company and clearly they have the inside track, but I don't know that we won't be surprised by all the the trials that may be starting in the not too distant future
boi568 boi568 19 분 전
An abrupt rate increase of 62 percent is beyond existing inflation or insurance trends. It is certainly locational -- fire, flood, earthquake (I will guess flood) -- and, as you point out, has to be justified to state insurance regulators. It's also possible that federal guarantees have been pulled.
Bigfootbud Bigfootbud 20 분 전
expansion is not a negative. ♥
trip01fun trip01fun 24 분 전
thank you
Skulls999 Skulls999 26 분 전
Does anyone know if we the shareholders can file a class action lawsuits on MVNT. PR stated 10 million dollars. If they used that revenue other then for MVNT. They misrepresented or lied. Maybe we can all signed a certified letter to ceo coo
Just a thought maybe a notarized letter might light
harry crumb harry crumb 32 분 전
Trump will not allow ban! End of story, end of the line for this scam
harry crumb harry crumb 33 분 전
Yes buddy, agree. This is the Naz's #1 takked about scam! Its all over the internet, can't believe this was allowed to trade on it, wow. What trash
PuzzleHaven67 PuzzleHaven67 41 분 전
So you are not holding have any shares?
JJ8 JJ8 42 분 전
Interesting day tomorrow for stocks

This one had a great share price rise regardless of market direction.

But in Long Tail Up mode.

Impressive so far.

We shall see what will be the surp-rise

Cheers & Happy Holidays
Calvin Hobbes Calvin Hobbes 42 분 전

Just because the company has not PR'ed in 2024 does not mean it's not growing.
11.77M revs in 2023 on pace for that or more 2024 ,NO DEBT, NO NOTES. about $4M cash including term deposit
Moonboy1 Moonboy1 44 분 전
Because I live in LaLa land. Haha. I dumped just in time today. 80% of my crypto. Then I bought back almost at the very bottom. That is if doesn't crash any more. So I now have way more coins by flipping and I took another tax loss by selling when it had started dropping 5% already. Made $3500 pr
Slyhunter Slyhunter 44 분 전
I believe the reason the charts wwork most of the time is because people believe they work and make what they show happen by buying or swelling.

Some stock breaks the mold for a number of reasons like public excitement, and innovation ( new mats discovered in Nevada, Trump is probably

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