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Thyssenkrupp (TKA)

Thyssenkrupp AG
정렬 기준:
 검색 관련기사 보기:BIT:TKA
2010/02/2415:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Strict Cost Management Softens the Impact of the Tough Economic Environment on Full-Year 2009 ResultsNYSE:TKAN^CURN
2009/11/1215:05PR Newswire (US)Weaker Economies in Foreign Markets, Currency Effects and Further Roaming Regulation Impact Results for the First Nine Months 20NYSE:TKA
2009/08/1914:15PR Newswire (US)Disrupting Regulatory Measures and the Overall Tense Economic Situation Impact Results for the First Half Year 2009NYSE:TKA
2009/05/1314:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: 1st Quarter 2009 Results: Committed to Free Cash Flow Protection Despite Tough Market EnvironmentNYSE:TKA
2009/02/2515:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Full-Year 2008 Results Underpin Strong Operational PerformanceNYSE:TKA
2008/11/1215:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: 3Q 2008 Performance in Line With Full-Year Operating GuidanceNYSE:TKA
2008/08/2014:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: International Business Remains Main Growth DriverNYSE:TKA
2008/05/1414:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Q1 08 Driven by Consolidation of MDC and Strong International ContributionNYSE:TKA
2008/02/2715:01PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Full-Year Results 2007 Marked by International ExpansionNYSE:TKA
2007/05/1615:56PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Strong International Growth Counteracts Challenging Domestic MarketNYSE:TKA
2007/03/0615:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Significant Increase in Results Trough Strong Contribution from all Group OperationsNYSE:TKA
2006/11/1415:56PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Outstanding Results for the First Nine Months 2006 Thanks to International OperationsNYSE:TKA
2006/08/2315:05PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Solid Earnings Development in the First Half 2006 as Opposed to Industry TrendNYSE:TKA
2006/05/1715:08PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Further Increase in Results for the First Quarter 2006NYSE:TKA
2006/03/1415:12PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Significant Increase in ProfitNYSE:TKA
2005/12/0722:03PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group Accelerates Acquisition of the Remaining 25% Stake in Si.mobil d.d.NYSE:TKA
2005/12/0301:34PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group Announces an Update of its Cash Use Policy at its Capital Markets Day (Ad-hoc)NYSE:TKA
2005/11/1615:11PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group Continues Upward Trend in 3Q 05NYSE:TKA
2005/08/2415:10PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Substantial Rise in Profit and Significant Expansion in BulgariaNYSE:TKA
2005/07/1415:00PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group Closed the Acquisition of Bulgarian MobiltelNYSE:TKA
2005/06/0118:45PR Newswire (US)Change to a Previous Ad-Hoc Announcement: Telekom Austria Accelerates the Acquisition of Mobiltel (Ad-Hoc)NYSE:TKA
2005/05/1815:10PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Continuing Solid Operating Performance in the First Quarter 2005NYSE:TKA
2005/05/1323:33PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group Welcomes Support of Austrian Vice Chancellor for its Expansion into SerbiaNYSE:TKA
2005/03/2216:30PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Telekom Austria Pays Call Option for the Purchase of MobilTel (Ad-hoc)NYSE:TKA
2005/03/1615:10PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Group: Excellent Results for the Financial Year 2004NYSE:TKA
2005/01/0701:58PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria AG: Notes IssueNYSE:TKA
2004/12/2301:13PR Newswire (US)mobilkom austria Submits an Offer for a Majority Stake in Telekom MontenegroNYSE:TKA
2004/12/1720:36PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Acquires Call Option for the Purchase of Mobiltel (Ad-hoc)NYSE:TKA
2004/11/2915:10PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Agrees Memorandum of Understanding and Exclusivity With Mobiltel's Shareholders to Acquire a Call Right for theNYSE:TKA
2004/11/1915:10PR Newswire (US)Telekom Austria Results for the First Nine Months 2004NYSE:TKA
 검색 관련기사 보기:BIT:TKA