Almost One-Third of U.S. Adult Population Plays Caregiver Role in Households Across America: 65.7 Million Caregivers
08 12월 2009 - 11:35PM
PR Newswire (US)
Comprehensive Report Details the Prevalence, Implications, Costs of
Caregiving and Demographics of Caregivers NEW YORK, Dec. 8
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Caregiving is still mostly a woman's job
and many women are putting their career and financial futures on
hold as they juggle part-time caregiving and full-time job
requirements. This is the reality reported in Caregiving in the
U.S. 2009, the most comprehensive examination to date of caregiving
in America. The sweeping study of the legions of people caring for
adults, the elderly, and children with special needs reveals that
29% of the U.S. adult population, or 65.7 million people, are
caregivers, including 31% of all households. These caregivers
provide an average of 20 hours of care per week. Caregiving in the
U.S. 2009, which was funded by MetLife Foundation and conducted for
the National Alliance for Caregiving in collaboration with AARP by
Mathew Greenwald & Associates, is the result of interviews with
1,480 caregivers chosen at random. The study was designed to
replicate similar studies conducted in 2004 and 1997 and includes,
for the first time, a sampling of those caring for children as well
as those caring for adults over the age of 18. Among the findings:
American caregivers are predominantly female (66%) and are an
average of 48 years old. Most care for a relative (86%), most often
a parent (36%). Seven in ten caregivers care for someone over age
50. One in seven caregivers provides care, over and above regular
parenting, to a child with special needs (14%). Caregiving lasts an
average of 4.6 years. The study also revealed that both caregivers
of adults and their care recipients are now older than their
counterparts were five years ago. Among caregivers of adults (ages
18 or older), the average age of the caregiver rose from 46 to 49.
The change can be attributed to a decline among younger caregivers
(those under the age of 50) and a shift upward among caregivers age
50 to 64. Among caregivers of adults, the average care recipient's
age increased from 67 to 69, mainly because of an increase in the
percentage age 75 or older (from 43% to 51%). The main reasons
people need care are old age (12%), Alzheimer's disease (10%),
mental/emotional illness (7%), cancer (7%), heart disease (5%) and
stroke (5%). However, the list of illnesses/problems for which
children need care is quite different. It is led by ADD/ADHD,
autism, mental/emotional illness and developmental delay/mental
retardation. Caregivers of children provide the most time-intensive
care. Increasingly, the study reports, there is a use of
prescription medication for adult care recipients. Caregivers are
also receiving more help than they were five years ago, which is
encouraging news, since one in six caregivers (17%) report that
caregiving has had a negative impact on their health. Since 2004,
there has been a sharp increase in the share of caregivers of
adults who say they are getting help from other unpaid caregivers
-- up nine percentage points among those not caring for an adult in
a nursing home. However, during the same time period, there has
been a six percentage point decrease in those who report that their
recipient uses paid help, a decrease that could potentially be
linked to the recent recession. "More and more people who are
65-plus are providing care to both children and adults," said Gail
Hunt, president and CEO of the National Alliance for Caregiving.
"The shift to an older population of caregivers points to a real
need for assistance for these individuals from family, friends,
employers and social service programs. With more support for
caregiving, older and disabled people would be able to do what is
so important to them, to remain in their own homes with those they
love." "Now in addition to family and work, boomers have added
caregiving, the equivalent of a part time job, to their
responsibilities," said Elinor Ginzler, AARP Senior Vice President
for Livable Communities. "Their work, health and time with family
and friends already bear some of the cost for this amped up
juggling act. Caregivers need help and information to continue to
keep all the balls in the air and assure that they don't end up
paying further with their own retirement security." "Caregivers
report they need help looking after their loved ones, but they also
need help managing their own stress," said Dennis White, president
and CEO of MetLife Foundation. "Those surveyed suggested potential
solutions for these challenges, including greater access to
information resources, emergency response devices, transportation
assistance, and respite services for caregivers." Methodology
Caregiving in the U.S. 2009 is based primarily on quantitative
telephone screenings of 6,806 adults and interviews with 1,480
caregivers age 18 or older. Caregivers are defined as those who
provide unpaid care to an adult or a child. The interviews included
a random sample of 1,000 caregivers reached using random digit
dialing and an additional 601 interviews consisting of 200 African
American caregivers, 201 Hispanic caregivers, and 200 Asian
American caregivers. The results were weighted by household, based
on the race/ethnicity and age of the householder, and type of
household (family or non-family). The National Alliance for
Caregiving is a nonprofit coalition of more than 40 national
organizations that focuses on issues of family caregiving across
the life span. Established in 1996 by founding members AARP, the
American Society on Aging, the National Association of Area
Agencies on Aging, the National Council on Aging, and the U.S.
Department of Veteran's Affairs, the Alliance was created to
conduct research, do policy analysis, develop national programs,
increase public awareness of family caregiving issues, and work
with state and local caregiving coalitions. The Alliance also
represents the U.S. often at international caregiving conferences.
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that helps
people 50+ have independence, choice and control in ways that are
beneficial and affordable to them and society as a whole. AARP does
not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to
either political campaigns or candidates. We produce AARP The
Magazine, the definitive voice for 50+ Americans and the world's
largest-circulation magazine with over 35.5 million readers; AARP
Bulletin, the go-to news source for AARP's 40 million members and
Americans 50+; AARP Segunda Juventud, the only bilingual U.S.
publication dedicated exclusively to the 50+ Hispanic community;
and our website, AARP Foundation is an affiliated charity
that provides security, protection, and empowerment to older
persons in need with support from thousands of volunteers, donors,
and sponsors. We have staffed offices in all 50 states, the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
MetLife Foundation, established in 1976 by MetLife, has been
involved in a variety of healthy aging initiatives addressing
issues of caregiving, intergenerational activities, mental fitness,
health and wellness programs, aging in place initiatives, and civic
engagement opportunities. For more than 20 years, the Foundation
has supported research on Alzheimer's disease and provided support
for a number of caregiver initiatives, including education and
outreach activities, caregiver videos, Alzheimer's education and
awareness resources, and resources for the Hispanic community.
Click Here for Companion Studies: Caregivers of Children Under 18
Caregivers of Younger Adults Caregivers of Adults 50+ Contacts
AARP: MetLife Foundation: Nancy Thompson Ted Mitchell (202)
434-2560 (401) 827-3236 DATASOURCE: MetLife Foundation CONTACT:
AARP, Nancy Thompson, +1-202-434-2560, ; or MetLife Foundation, Ted
Mitchell, +1-401-827-3236, Web Site: