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YBSC York Bsoc

0.00 (0.00%)
20 12월(12) 2024 - 마감
15분 지연


그리기 모드:

기업명 주식 심볼 시장 주식 타입
York Bsoc YBSC 런던 채권
  가격 변동 가격 변동 % 주식 가격 최근 거래 시간
0.00 0.00% 150.00 09:00:00
개장가 저가 고가 종가 전일 종가
150.00 150.00
거래횟수 거래량 평균 거래량
0 0 -
최근 시간 타입 수량 주식 가격 통화
- O 0  150.00 GBP

York Bsoc

시가총액 발행 주식 Float 매출 이익/손실 EPS 주가수익률
 0.00 - - - -
공매도 잔량 주당 배당금 배당수익률 배당락일 인사이더 B/S Insider % Owned
- - - -

재무정보 더보기 »

News York Bsoc

Date Time Source Heading
16/09/202423:07RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Publication of a Prospectus
25/07/202415:00RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Half-year Report
25/05/202401:12RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Notice of Partial Cancellation
24/05/202419:56RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Publication of Final Terms
22/05/202418:48RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Result of Tender Offer
14/05/202419:42RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Tender Offer
17/04/202400:31RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Publication of Final Terms
16/04/202423:51RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Publication of a Prospectus
27/03/202418:49RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Publication of Suppl.Prospcts
19/03/202418:45RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Early Redemption Notice
07/03/202421:00RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Annual Financial Report
29/02/202416:00RNS Regulatory NewsYorkshire Building Society Final Results

YBSC Historical

기간 시가 고가 저가 VWAP 평균 일일 거래량 변동 %


What is the current York Bsoc share price?
The current share price of York Bsoc is £ 150.00
What is the 1 year trading range for York Bsoc share price?
York Bsoc has traded in the range of £ 0.00 to £ 0.00 during the past year

최근 히스토리

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