RNS Number : 5772Z

XP Factory PLC

12 January 2024

12 January 2024

XP Factory plc (AIM: XPF)

("XP Factory" or the "Company")

Director/PDMR Shareholding - The XP Factory plc Share Incentive Plan (the "SIP")

As previously announced on 5 February 2021, the SIP is a tax-advantaged all-employee share scheme under which eligible participating employees of XP Factory can elect to purchase ordinary shares of 1.25p each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") via the SIP trustee using monthly salary deductions. Ordinary Shares acquired in this manner are referred to as "Partnership Shares" and, for each Partnership Share purchased, participants are awarded one further Ordinary Share, known as a "Matching Share", at nil cost.

On 12 January 2024, XP Factory received notification from Link Group, the trustee of the SIP, that, on 11 January 2024, it purchased an aggregate of 4,695 Partnership Shares in the market at a price of 15.975 pence per share on behalf of those Directors / PDMRs set out in the table below. At the same time, these individuals were also awarded (for no consideration) their corresponding Matching Shares.

     Director /          Number of          Number of           Total beneficial holding 
        PDMR             Partnership      Matching Shares      of Ordinary Shares following 
                       Shares acquired    acquired under            these acquisitions 
                          under the         the SIP on 
                          SIP on 11         11 January 
                        January 2024           2024 
                                                            No. of Ordinary     Approximate 
                                                                 Shares        % of Company's 
                                                                                issued share 
                                                           ----------------  ---------------- 
  Richard Harpham           939                939              909,235            0.52% 
                     -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
    Graham Bird             939                939             1,925,165           1.10% 
                     -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
   Andrew Jacobs            939                939             1,307,418           0.75% 
                     -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Sarah Lloyd-Baker          939                939              139,336            0.08% 
                     -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
   Joanne Briscoe           939                939              11,316             0.01% 
                     -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

The following notifications are intended to satisfy the Company's obligations under Article 19(3) of EU Regulation No 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation).

  1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
  a)   Name                         Richard Harpham 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  2    Reason for the notification 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Position/status              Director, Chief Executive Officer 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Initial notification/        Initial Notification 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
        auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Name                         XP Factory plc 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   LEI                          213800CMIYV5Q38P2487 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares purchased under the "Partnership Share" 
        transaction                 element of the Company's all-employee Share 
                                    Incentive Plan. 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)        Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                     GBP0.15975       939 
                                    ------------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares awarded under the "Matching Share" element 
        transaction                 of the Company's all-employee Share Incentive 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)       Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                      GBP0.00       939 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
  a)   Name                         Graham Bird 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  2    Reason for the notification 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Position/status              Director, Chief Financial Officer 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Initial notification/        Initial Notification 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
        auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Name                         XP Factory plc 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   LEI                          213800CMIYV5Q38P2487 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares purchased under the "Partnership Share" 
        transaction                 element of the Company's all-employee Share 
                                    Incentive Plan. 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)        Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                     GBP0.15975       939 
                                    ------------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares awarded under the "Matching Share" element 
        transaction                 of the Company's all-employee Share Incentive 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)       Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                      GBP0.00       939 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
  a)   Name                         Andrew Jacobs 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  2    Reason for the notification 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Position/status              PDMR, COO 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Initial notification/        Initial Notification 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
        auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Name                         XP Factory plc 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   LEI                          213800CMIYV5Q38P2487 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares purchased under the "Partnership Share" 
        transaction                 element of the Company's all-employee Share 
                                    Incentive Plan. 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)        Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                     GBP0.15975       939 
                                    ------------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares awarded under the "Matching Share" element 
        transaction                 of the Company's all-employee Share Incentive 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)       Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                      GBP0.00       939 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
  a)   Name                         Sarah Lloyd-Baker 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  2    Reason for the notification 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Position/status              PDMR, CMO 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Initial notification/        Initial Notification 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
        auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Name                         XP Factory plc 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   LEI                          213800CMIYV5Q38P2487 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares purchased under the "Partnership Share" 
        transaction                 element of the Company's all-employee Share 
                                    Incentive Plan. 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)        Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                     GBP0.15975       939 
                                    ------------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares awarded under the "Matching Share" element 
        transaction                 of the Company's all-employee Share Incentive 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)       Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                      GBP0.00       939 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
  a)   Name                         Joanne Briscoe 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  2    Reason for the notification 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Position/status              PDMR, Group General Counsel, Company Secretary 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Initial notification/        Initial Notification 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
        auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Name                         XP Factory plc 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   LEI                          213800CMIYV5Q38P2487 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares purchased under the "Partnership Share" 
        transaction                 element of the Company's all-employee Share 
                                    Incentive Plan. 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)        Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                     GBP0.15975       939 
                                    ------------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have 
        been conducted 
----  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  a)   Description of               Ordinary shares of 1.25 pence ("Shares") 
        the financial 
        instrument, type 
        of instrument 
       Identification               GB00BDB79J29 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  b)   Nature of the               Shares awarded under the "Matching Share" element 
        transaction                 of the Company's all-employee Share Incentive 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  c)   Price(s) and volume(s)       Price(s)    Volume(s) 
                                      GBP0.00       939 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  d)    Aggregated information 
          *    Aggregated volume 
                                     Not applicable 
          *    Price 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  e)   Date of the transaction     11 January 2024 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
  f)   Place of the transaction    London Stock Exchange 
----  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 


 XP Factory Plc 
  Richard Harpham (Chief Executive 
  Graham Bird (Chief Financial 
  Kam Bansil (Investor Relations)      +44 (0) 20 7846 3322 
 Singer Capital Markets, NOMAD 
  and Broker 
  Peter Steel 
  Alaina Wong 
  James Fischer 
  Jake Humphrey                        +44 (0) 20 7496 3000 
 IFC Advisory - Financial PR 
  Graham Herring 
  Florence Chandler                    +44 (0) 20 3934 6630 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 12, 2024 07:30 ET (12:30 GMT)

Xp Factory (LSE:XPF)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 1월(1) 2025 으로 2월(2) 2025 Xp Factory 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Xp Factory (LSE:XPF)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2024 으로 2월(2) 2025 Xp Factory 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.