RNS No 8178d
18th December 1997

                 1997 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT

  NAV up 19 per cent to 308p, 27th successive annual dividend

*    Warner  Estate,  the  diversified UK  property  investor,
     announces  its  results for the year ended  30  September

                                       1997      1996 Increase
                                                      per cent

     Net asset value per share (p)      308       259     18.9
     Profit before interest
       and tax (#m)                   19.44     16.18     20.1
     Pre-tax profit:
       revenue (#m)                    9.67      8.43     14.7
       total (#m)                     12.25     10.10     21.3
     Earnings per share:
       revenue (p)                    14.26     12.84     11.1
       total (p)                      19.15     15.92     20.3
     Dividends per share (p)          12.90     12.20      5.7

*    The   increase   in  NAV  from  259p  to  308p   reflects
     improvements  in  all  sectors, particularly  residential

*    Rents  receivable increased by 12.9 per  cent  to  #15.71
     million from #13.91 million.

*    Despite   increased  activity  and  related   borrowings,
     gearing and interest cover remain similar to last year at
     49 per cent and 2.7x respectively.

*    The  investment  portfolio is well balanced,  with  shops
     representing 42 per cent of value, offices 27  per  cent,
     industrial 10 per cent and residential 21 per cent.

*    Philip  Warner, Chairman, stated "I am confident that  in
     this   buoyant   market   the   Company's   strategy   of
     diversification will continue to provide good returns  in
     the forthcoming year."


Warner Estate Holdings PLC                       0171-493 6480
  Philip Warner (Executive Chairman)
  David Veaser (Finance Director)
  Andrew Batty (Property Director)

Walter Judd Public Relations                     0171-236 4541
  Charlie Ponsonby

                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


I  am  pleased  to report that net asset value per  share  has
increased  by 18.9 per cent to 308p from 259p at 30  September
1996.   Whilst this is mainly due to the increase in the value
of   both  the  longstanding  substantial  investment  in  The
Bradford   Property  Trust  PLC,  the  UK's   largest   listed
residential   property  company,  and  our   own   residential
properties, our commercial properties also contributed.

Pre-tax  profits increased by 21.3 per cent to #12.25  million
whilst earnings per share gained 20.3 per cent to 19.15p.   In
revenue  terms (which exclude profits and losses on  sale  of,
and provisions against, fixed assets), pre-tax profit was 14.7
per  cent higher at #9.67 million and earnings per share  were
up  11.1 per cent to 14.26p.  I am therefore pleased that  the
Board can recommend a further rise in dividends per share,  of
5.7  per  cent  to 12.90p for the year.  This  represents  the
Company's  27th  successive annual increase in  dividends  per
share.   The  dividends  are  covered  1.1  times  by  revenue
earnings and 1.5 times by total earnings.


Rents  receivable improved by 12.9 per cent to #15.71 million,
reflecting   in  part  receipt  of  rents  from  the   trading
properties  including the new subsidiaries for three  quarters
of  the year.  The level of void properties, at 7.2 per  cent,
has  reduced  from last year with a potential of  almost  #0.8
million  to  be  added to gross rents, mainly  from  Ellesmere
Port, where the situation continues to improve.  The estimated
level   of  over-renting,  at  under  14  per  cent  of  gross
commercial investment rents receivable, is also an improvement
on last year's 17 per cent.

Turnover  from  property trading increased to  #24.66  million
from  #9.21 million, reflecting increased activity on our  own
account   following  the  acquisition  of  the   new   trading
subsidiaries referred to below.


Operating  profit was 18.4 per cent higher at #13.44  million.
Net  rents  receivable contributed #12.24 million of  this,  a
healthy  rise  of  10.0  per  cent,  whilst  property  trading
produced a considerably increased #1.23 million profit against
#0.27  million  in  1996.   The  increase  in  outgoings   and
administrative expenses to #3.47 million, a rise of  24.7  per
cent, is largely attributable to the new subsidiaries.


As  reported at the half year, we acquired Merivale Moore's 50
per  cent  interest in our former joint ventures  with  effect
from  31  December 1996.  The results of these six  companies,
which  engage in property trading, are included as  associates
for  the  first  quarter  of the year and  fully  consolidated


This  reflects  only one quarter's results  of  the  companies
referred  to above.  During the year we made further purchases
in  joint  venture.  With Stockbourne plc, a  listed  property
company, a mixed portfolio of high yielding mainly retail  and
industrial  properties  was  purchased  for  #11  million   in
Premierflair Ltd with a view to using Stockbourne's  expertise
in  intensive  management to maximise the  return  over  three
years.   With  another partner, 99 small industrial  units  on
three  estates  were purchased for #3.5 million in  Warrington
Industrial  Investments Ltd to take advantage of opportunities
to  improve the income stream.  With a further partner,  Trade
Centre  Developments  Ltd  was formed  to  develop  the  trade
counter  equivalent  of small retail  parks.   None  of  these
associates  had been trading long enough to have a significant
effect on the year just ended.  Following the year end, with a
financial partner in Six Acre Investments Ltd we completed the
purchase of a shopping centre in Sale, Greater Manchester  for
#15 million.


Sales  of commercial properties contributed more than half  of
this  surplus  which,  with  increased  sales  of  residential
properties,   rose  from  #1.70  million  to  #2.48   million,
significantly exceeding the 1996 valuation.


Dividend income has again risen, to #2.48 million, from  #2.11
million, an increase of over 17 per cent, derived mainly  from
the  investments in The Bradford Property Trust PLC  and  East
Surrey Holdings plc.


Interest  payable increased by 18.2 per cent to #7.19 million,
due   to   higher  interest  rates  and  increased  borrowings
reflecting  the  high  gearing of the  new  subsidiaries.   No
interest was capitalised and interest payable was covered  2.7
times by profit before interest and tax, as in 1996.


Revenue  profits chargeable to corporation tax at the standard
rate,  after  adjustment  for  depreciation  and  disallowable
items,  are reduced by capital allowances.  The standard  rate
of corporation tax was reduced to 31 per cent with effect from
1  April  1997.  With a low charge on capital profits, because
of indexation, and dividend income charged at 20 per cent, the
effective tax rate was 19.9 per cent (1996: 22.2 per cent).


During the year, equity shareholders' funds increased by  18.0
per cent to #157.00 million from #133.07 million and net asset
value per share by 18.9 per cent to 308p from 259p.


It  is  our  policy to revalue substantially all  the  Group's
commercial  investment properties externally each year.   This
has  again  been  carried  out by  Healey  &  Baker  with  the
remainder  and the residential properties being valued  by  an
officer  of  the Group who is an Associate of the Incorporated
Society  of  Valuers  and Auctioneers.   After  purchases  and
sales,  the  total  value of investment properties  rose  from
#127.52 million to #141.45 million.

In keeping with our aim to improve the geographical spread and
underlying quality of the commercial portfolio, we made  sales
and   acquisitions  of  #6.90  million  and   #11.52   million
respectively  during the year.  These changes, which  included
the  purchase  of  two  more retail  warehouses,  effected  an
increase in our proportion of retail to more than 50 per  cent
of the commercial portfolio and further improved the prospects
for  capital and rental growth.  As at the year end, the yield
on the portfolio was 9.8 per cent and on each sector:  8.9 per
cent  for retail, 10.6 per cent for offices and 11.6 per  cent
for  industrial.  31 per cent of the leases have over 15 years
unexpired, a further 11 per cent have over ten years unexpired
and a further 16 per cent have over five years unexpired.


During  the  year the value of our investment in The  Bradford
Property  Trust  PLC increased from #47.36 million  to  #57.57
million  and  that  in  East Surrey Holdings  plc  from  #6.11
million   to  #7.71  million.   Both  these  investments   are
providing  good  growth in capital and income  and  we  remain
optimistic that they will continue to do so.

We  acquired  a further 4,017,857 ordinary shares  in  Ashquay
Group PLC, a listed property group, in part consideration  for
the  sale  of another portfolio of properties to that company.
This  investment  provides  us  with  useful  exposure  to   a
development programme and we anticipate that it will show good


Our   level  of  stock  rose  substantially  during  the  year
following the acquisition of the new subsidiaries.  Values are
stated  at the lower of cost and net realisable value,  #31.03
million  against  #14.54  million at the  previous  year  end.
Although  some fell slightly below cost and have been  written
down, we are confident that the overall value is greater  than
that  shown in the balance sheet.  In addition to profit  from
sales,  trading properties also contribute through the  excess
of rents over the cost of funding.

As  well  as  the  acquisition of the  subsidiaries,  activity
included  the  purchase in March of a portfolio of  20  retail
properties for #8.8 million, the exchange of contracts in May,
with completion deferred at our option until January 1998, for
the  purchase  of 18 retail properties for #14.0  million,  of
which  three  have  been  retained  as  investments,  and  the
purchase  in  September  of five retail  properties  for  #1.9

At  Watford  we  own  a  site of more than  three  acres  with
planning   permission   for  retail   warehouse   development.
Discussions  are in hand with adjoining owners  to  facilitate
the optimum use of our respective interests.


During  the year, net debt rose to #76.36 million from  #63.58
million  but  gearing only to 49 per cent from  48  per  cent,
constrained  by the healthy rise in net asset value.   At  the
year  end,  the average cost of borrowing, including  hedging,
was  approximately 9.2 per cent (1996: 8.8 per cent)  with  80
per  cent  of that cost protected.  32 per cent of  borrowings
are  not repayable for at least 15 years and a further 24  per
cent  for  at least five years (1996: 38 per cent and  12  per
cent respectively).

Further  long term finance was obtained during the  year.   #9
million  was borrowed from Bradford & Bingley Building Society
for a term of ten years at a variable interest rate linked  to
LIBOR which was exchanged for a fixed rate giving an aggregate
cost  of  8.52 per cent and a further #5 million was  borrowed
from The Canada Life Assurance Company at a fixed rate of 9.06
per cent, maturing in 2014.


The  Company purchased 367,837 of its own shares at  220p  per
share,  a  significant discount to net asset  value,  and  the
Board   continues  to  believe  such  purchases   to   be   in
shareholders' interests.  Therefore a proposal  to  renew  the
authority  to purchase up to 2,500,000 shares will be  put  to
the Annual General Meeting.


Since  the year end, we have sold an office property at  30/31
Newman Street, London W1 for #1.4 million.


Our policy of both direct and indirect property investment and
trading  continues  and  the  year  has  seen  the  successful
furtherance  of our objectives of improvement in  the  quality
and value of the Group's assets and of growth in distributable
income.   Risk is spread through diversity of property related
activity,  including investment in other listed companies  and
purchase  in joint venture, and through careful management  of
our borrowing costs.

The significant changes to the commercial investment portfolio
effected  over the last four years should enhance the benefits
from  improvements  in  rental  values  now  being  seen.   As
suitable  opportunities arise, whether to buy or  sell,  there
will  be  further  activity  as our properties  are  regularly
reviewed  to  ensure continuing enhancement of  the  portfolio
which represents some 42 per cent of gross assets.

Trading  turnover and stock, all of which is commercial,  rose
substantially  during the year following  the  acquisition  of
Merivale  Moore's  half  share in our former  joint  ventures,
which  were  managed  by Jim Neill, who remains  with  us.   I
anticipate a similar level of activity in the current year and
look  forward  to  a  further useful contribution  to  profit.
Trading stock represents some 12 per cent of gross assets.

Our  residential  property  assets,  held  both  directly   in
Walthamstow,  London  E17  where we  still  retain  about  920
dwellings  which are sold as they become vacant and indirectly
through  shares  in  The  Bradford Property  Trust  PLC,  have
performed  well  and  I  am optimistic,  given  the  continued
strength  of  the market, that they will do so  again  in  the
current  year.   They  represent some 33  per  cent  of  gross

We  have  continued to make purchases in joint venture.   This
allows  us  both  to  spread risk  and  to  benefit  from  the
specialised abilities of other companies and individuals, thus
complementing our own skills.  I expect an improvement in  the
contribution to profit from this source.

The  secondary  market  continues to  benefit  both  from  the
substantial  appetite for prime properties  at  ever  reducing
yields and from higher returns as a result of the current cost
of borrowing which still remains at an historically low level.
Although  the  ready  availability of  finance  has  increased
activity  and competition for attractive opportunities,  I  am
confident  that in this buoyant market the Company's  strategy
of  diversification will continue to provide good  returns  in
the forthcoming year.


The  Board  recommends a final dividend  per  share  of  8.75p
(1996:  8.20p), making a total for the year of  12.90p  (1996:
12.20p).  If approved at the Annual General Meeting, the final
dividend will be paid on 6 April 1998 to shareholders  on  the
register at the close of business on 6 March 1998.


Year ended 30 September         1997                1996
                          Rev-  Cap-          Rev-  Cap-
                          enue  ital Total    enue  ital Total
                          #000  #000  #000    #000  #000  #000

Turnover - note 1
Rents receivable
  (continuing) - note 2 15,710     -15,710  13,912     -13,912
Property trading
  (continuing)          24,661     -24,661   9,210     - 9,210
                         ----- ----- -----   ----- ----- -----
                        40,371     -40,371  23,122     -23,122
                         ===== ===== =====   ===== ===== =====
Operating profit - note 1
Continuing operations   13,440     -13,440  11,401     -11,401
Discontinued operations      -     -     -     (51)    -   (51)
                         ----- ----- -----   ----- ----- -----
                        13,440     -13,440  11,350     -11,350
Share of profit
of associated undertakings 602     -   602     915     -   915
Surplus on sale of
  fixed assets
  Group                      - 2,481 2,481       - 1,701 1,701
  Associated undertakings    -   104   104       -    77    77
Release of provision
for discontinued operation   -     -     -      51     -    51
Investment income
and other interest
receivable               2,813     - 2,813   2,196     - 2,196
Provision against land
and buildings
for permanent diminution
in value                     -     -     -       -  (115) (115)
                         ----- ----- -----   ----- ----- -----
                        16,855 2,58519,440  14,512 1,66316,175
Interest payable
and similar charges    (7,187)     -(7,187) (6,080)    -(6,080)
                         ----- ----- -----   ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary
before taxation          9,668 2,58512,253   8,432 1,66310,095
Tax on profit on
ordinary activities    (2,358)  (77)(2,435) (2,100) (146)(2,246)
                         ----- ----- -----   ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary
after taxation           7,310 2,508 9,818   6,332 1,517 7,849
Transfer to other
capital reserve              -(2,508)(2,508)     -(1,517)(1,517)
                         ----- ----- -----   ----- ----- -----
Profit available for
distribution             7,310     - 7,310   6,332     - 6,332
Dividends              (6,583)     -(6,583) (6,124)    -(6,124)
                         ----- ----- -----   ----- ----- -----
Retained profit
for the year               727     -   727     208     -   208
                         ===== ===== =====   ===== ===== =====
Earnings per share
  - note 3              14.26p 4.89p19.15p  12.84p 3.08p15.92p
                         ===== ===== =====   ===== ===== =====
Dividends per share     12.90p     -12.90p  12.20p     -12.20p
                         ===== ===== =====   ===== ===== =====


At 30 September                                  1997     1996
                                                 #000     #000

Fixed Assets
Tangible assets
Land and buildings - note 4, 5                141,446  127,520
Other tangible assets                             196      192
                                               ------   ------
                                              141,642  127,712
Investments - note 6                           76,359   62,352
                                               ------   ------
                                              218,001  190,064

Current Assets
Property trading stock                         31,034   14,543
Debtors                                        11,862    3,971
Deferred taxation                               1,465    1,434
Investments                                       772      767
Cash at bank and in hand - note 7               1,424    1,146
                                               ------   ------
                                               46,557   21,861

Current Liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year - note 7                     (57,257)  (40,578)
                                               ------   ------
Net Current Liabilities                      (10,700)  (18,717)
                                               ------   ------
Total Assets less Current Liabilities         207,301  171,347

Amounts falling due after more
than one year - note 7                       (49,939)  (37,913)
Provision for liabilities and charges           (361)     (361)
                                               ------   ------
                                              157,001  133,073
                                               ======   ======

Net assets per share                             308p     259p
                                               ======   ======


1    Turnover and operating profit

                              Rents     Prop-      ised
                            receiv-      erty contract-
                               able   trading       ing
                           (contin-  (contin- (discont-
                              uing)     uing)    inued)  Total
                               #000      #000      #000   #000

     Turnover               15,710    24,661         - 40,371
     Property outgoings     (2,251)        -         - (2,251)
     Cost of sales               -  (23,044)         -(23,044)
     Writedown cost of
     trading stock               -     (385)         -   (385)
                            ------    ------    ------ ------
     Gross profit           13,459     1,232         - 14,691
     Administrative expenses(1,220)        -         - (1,220)
     Writedown cost of
     current asset
     investment                  -      (31)         -    (31)
                            ------    ------    ------ ------
     Operating profit       12,239     1,201         - 13,440
                            ======    ======    ====== ======

     Turnover               13,912     9,210         - 23,122
     Property outgoings     (1,753)        -         - (1,753)
     Cost of sales               -   (8,898)       (51)(8,949)
     Writedown cost of
     trading stock               -      (40)         -    (40)
                            ------    ------    ------ ------
     Gross profit/(loss)    12,159       272       (51)12,380
     Administrative expenses(1,030)        -         - (1,030)
                            ------    ------    ------ ------
     Operating profit/(loss)11,129       272       (51)11,350
                            ======    ======    ====== ======

2    Sectoral analysis of gross rental income

                                    1997               1996
                               #000  per cent     #000 per cent

     Shops                    6,621        42    4,706      34
     Offices                  4,607        29    4,684      34
     Industrial               2,281        15    2,266      16
     Residential              2,201        14    2,256      16
                             ------    ------   ------  ------
                             15,710       100   13,912     100
                             ======    ======   ======  ======

3    Earnings per share

     Earnings  per  share  are calculated  on  the  profit  on
     ordinary  activities after taxation and on  the  weighted
     average  number of shares in issue throughout  the  year,
     being 51,264,426 (1996: 49,316,322).

4    Sectoral analysis of investment properties by valuation

                                    1997               1996
                               #000  per cent     #000 per cent

     Shops                   58,791        42   49,195      39
     Offices                 39,016        27   38,685      30
     Industrial              14,481        10   14,400      11
     Residential             29,158        21   25,240      20
                             ------    ------   ------  ------
                            141,446       100  127,520     100
                             ======    ======   ======  ======

5      Geographical  analysis  of  investment  properties   by

                                                  1997    1996
                                              per cent per cent

     Inner London                                   10       9
     Outer London                                   23      28
     South East (excluding London)                  14      13
     South West                                      7       7
     East Midlands                                   6       4
     West Midlands                                   8       9
     North West                                     29      27
     Yorkshire & Humberside                          3       3
                                                ------  ------
                                                   100     100
                                                ======  ======

     Substantially  all residential investment properties  are
     located in Outer London.

6    Fixed asset investments
                                                  1997    1996
                                                  #000    #000

     Shares in associated undertakings
       at valuation                              3,994   4,294
     Loans to associated undertakings            4,898   3,110
     Listed investments at market value         67,467  54,948
                                                ------  ------
                                                76,359  62,352
                                                ======  ======

     Listed   investments  at  30  September  1997   comprised
     19,260,000   ordinary  shares  and   214,000   cumulative
     preference  shares  in The Bradford Property  Trust  PLC,
     2,598,414  ordinary shares and 652,287 preference  shares
     in East Surrey Holdings plc and 7,674,137 ordinary shares
     in Ashquay Group PLC.

7    Indebtedness

                                                  1997    1996
                                                  #000    #000

     Falling due within one year:
       Bank loans and overdrafts                26,994  26,242
       Mortgages and other loans                   867     573
                                                ------  ------
                                                27,861  26,815
                                                ------  ------

     Falling due after more than one year:
       Mortgages and other loans                44,212  31,211
       Bank loan                                 5,708   6,702
                                                ------  ------
                                                49,920  37,913
                                                ------  ------

     Gross debt                                 77,781  64,728
     Cash at bank and in hand                   (1,424) (1,146)
                                                ------  ------
     Net debt                                   76,357  63,582
                                                ======  ======

8    Financial statements

     The consolidated profit and loss account and the abridged
     consolidated  balance  sheet do not constitute  statutory
     accounts  within  the  meaning  of  section  240  of  the
     Companies  Act  1985.  The statutory  accounts  for  1996
     received  an unqualified auditors' report and  have  been
     delivered  to the Registrar of Companies.  The  statutory
     accounts  for  1997  have not been  reported  on  by  the
     auditors.   It  is expected that they will be  mailed  to
     shareholders  in mid January 1998, when  copies  will  be
     available  from  the  Company  Secretary,  Warner  Estate
     Holdings  PLC, 3 Vere Street, London W1M 0JZ  (telephone:
     0171-493 6480).



Wt Wner Usd (LSE:WNER)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Wt Wner Usd 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Wt Wner Usd (LSE:WNER)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Wt Wner Usd 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.