RNS Number:1779W
Warner Estate Holdings PLC
20 December 2000

The Warner Estate Holdings Plc announcement released on 19 December 2000 
at 11:00 under RNS No 0529W should read 2nd Interim Results - Part 1, and not
Final Results - Part 1, as previously stated.

The full text shown below remains unchanged.


Part 1

                          Warner Estate Holdings PLC                          
                    WARNER ESTATE REPORTS SECOND INTERIMS                     

Warner  Estate  Holdings  PLC ("Warner"), the property investment company, has
today  announced  its  second  interim  results for the twelve months ended 30
September 2000.

The  next  financial  reporting period will be for the 18 months  ending  31st
March  2001.   The new year-end will make the Company's results  more  readily
comparable  to other property companies as they will be published  during  the
main reporting period for the quoted property sector.


*    #97 million portfolio acquired from Winglaw Group
*    Considerable interest in Walthamstow residential portfolio
*    Second interim dividend per share up to 9.40p (1999: 9.10p)
*    NAV up 11.6% to 386p (1999: 346p)

Philip Warner, Executive Chairman of Warner commented,

"  Warner is evolving into a more transparent property  company.  Our strategy
is  to focus on well located, larger  properties in the South East of England.
Our  new  year  end  will  enable  us  to  be  more easily comparable with our
quoted  property company peers."

For further information contact:

Philip Warner, Chairman            Warner Estate Holdings PLC    020-7487-3312
Peter Collins, Finance Director    Warner Estate Holdings PLC    020-7487-3312
Web: www.warnerestate.co.uk

Simon Courtenay                    City Profile Group            020-7726-8588

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT                            
Financial Overview

I  am pleased to report an increase in net asset value per share of 11.6 %  to
386p at 30th September 2000 (1999: 346p) following a full property revaluation
for this second interim stage. The  increase was due to our residential assets
and retained profits.

Our pro forma net asset value, which includes the relevant net asset value  of
other  property  businesses in which we have invested,  rose  to  422p  (1999:
361p). However, with the announcement by BPT plc on 4th December 2000 that  it
had  entered  into  a  period of exclusive negotiations  with  a  third  party
consortium  with a view to agreeing a cash offer for the shares of  BPT,  that
figure  should be treated with caution while we await the outcome. Our 13  per
cent  shareholding  in BPT, valued in the balance sheet on 30th  September  at
#55.5  million,  is  by far the largest of our investments in  other  property

Pre-tax  profits, both total and revenue (which exclude profits and losses  on
fixed  asset  disposals), were lower at #10.86 million (1999: #12.95  million)
and #9.41 million (1999: #9.89 million) respectively. Profits from the sale of
fixed assets inevitably fluctuate from year to year. The reduction  in revenue
profits was  due to a number of factors, the most significant being provisions
of  #0.7  million  against  the cost of properties  held  as  current  assets.
Provisions aside, a valuation of those current assets by the directors shows a
surplus of #1.3  million over the figure in the balance sheet not reflected in
any NAV figure. 

Earnings  per  share  were  17.80p (1999:20.84p) in total  and  15.09p  (1999:
15.63p) in revenue terms.

The  Board  has declared a second interim dividend per share of  9.40p  (1999:
9.10p),  making  a  total for the financial period to date  of  14.00p  (1999:
13.60p)  covered  1.3  times.   This  dividend will be paid on 9 April 2001 to
shareholders on the register at close of business on 9 March 2001.

As  announced  on 25th September 2000, the Company's next financial  reporting
period  will  be  for the 18 months ending 31st March 2001. An Annual  General
Meeting  will  be held in May 2001 to comply with statute and an Extraordinary
General Meeting in July 2001 at which the accounts will be presented. The  new
year-end  should make the Company's results more readily comparable  to  other
property companies as they will be published during the main reporting  period
for the quoted property sector.


Expansion  and restructuring of the commercial investment portfolio  has  been
sustained  throughout the period. After sales and purchases of   #8.3  million
and  #72.2  million respectively and the inclusion of both our development  at
Watford and our former joint venture at Sale, Healey & Baker have valued it at
#261  million (1999: #162 million).  Recent acquisitions together with Watford
and  Sale  account  for #107 million of this figure and  the  balance  of  the
portfolio  showed  a small rise.  Restructuring  continues and  we expect  the
effects  to  show  through  by  way of  increased values in 2001  through  our
emphasis on increasing exposure to South East offices and industrials.

The  pace of lettings has been disappointingly slow at the Waterfields  Retail
Park,  Watford,  our 75,000 sq. ft. of retail warehouse development.  However,
demand  has picked up and, following the appointment of new letting agents,  I
expect to report better news following our March 18 month year-end.

Trading  activity  in support of the portfolio restructuring  has  contributed
significantly  to  profits,  most notably disposals  from  the  Winglaw  Group
properties acquired in March of this year. After sales and purchases of  #33.1
million  and  #26.2  million respectively, properties held as  current  assets
totalled  #37.0  million  after provisions at  the  period  end  (1999:  #44.6

On  19th June the Board announced a review, intended to gauge interest in  the
Group's residential estate in  Walthamstow,  London E.17, which might or might
not lead to  disposal.  I  am  pleased to  report that there  was considerable
interest. We have just  completed a corporate restructuring, which puts us  in
a  position to dispose of either the residential estate or our interest in BPT
or  both more efficiently. We now intend to further the interest in the estate
with  a  view  to  negotiations for sale commencing shortly. During the review
and   restructuring,  there  were  fewer  sales  of  vacant   properties   and
consequently  less capital profit during the period than would otherwise  have
been  the  case. The directors have valued the residential portfolio  and  the
substantial uplift to #52 million (1999: #42 million) reflects the strong rise
seen in the market as well as the value of retained properties.

Joint Ventures

In  July we purchased our partner's 50% share of Six Acre Investments Limited,
which owns a shopping centre and office block in Sale, Greater Manchester. The
property  has  been transferred to our investment portfolio and we  intend  to
refurbish the shopping centre.

Deferral of sales at Trade Centre Developments has held back profits  for  the
period.  However, we remain optimistic about the prospects for  this  company,
which specialises in the development of trade parks.


Borrowings  increased  during the  12  month period  from #132 million to #219
million  and gearing  from  75%  to 109%, down from 134% at the first interim.
We  ceased capitalising  interest  on  expenditure  at  Watford  in  February.
As  at  30th September  the Group had #57.0  million of  unutilised  borrowing


As announced on 6th December Jim Neill  has resigned as Property Director.  He
leaves the Group by mutual agreement on 22nd December 2000 and we shall be sad
to  see  him depart. However, our property team was strengthened in July  with
the  arrival of Richard Moore FRICS from NatWest as an Associate Director  and
Mike  Stevens ARICS from Celexa as Senior Asset Manager. They join Karl  Meade
ARICS, Associate Director in charge of disposals, and I am confident that,
supported by their staff, continuing progress will be made.


The Company's year-end in March should see the emergence of a more transparent
Warner Estate. Diversity has served us well but the focus in recent years  has
been on the commercial investment portfolio and other facets of the Group have
sometimes clouded the view. We have been reducing the number of joint ventures
and  departure from the residential sector both directly and indirectly  seems
increasingly  likely.  We  subscribe  to  the  increasing  importance  put  on
benchmarking by shareholders and commentators alike and my year-end  statement
will report fully both on strategy and performance.

The  economic  climate  appears benign for our continued  expansion  with  the
prospect of low interest rates and steady growth although we shall be  keeping
a  weather  eye  on  the  United States for signs of any  downturn  or  credit
squeeze, which may translate over here.

I  am confident that the combination of an improving commercial portfolio with
positive economic indicators bodes well for the Group's fortunes in 2001.

Philip Warner

CONSOLIDATED PROFIT & LOSS                                  
For the twelve months ended 30                              
September 2000
                                         Unaudited   Audited
                                         ---------   -------                  
                                  Notes       2000      1999
                                         ---------   -------     
                                             #'000     #'000
Turnover: Group and share of                          
 joint ventures and associate               69,574    51,639
less: Share of joint ventures                      
 and associate                            (10,589)   (7,101)

                                         ---------   -------                  
Turnover                            2       58,985    44,538        
Cost of sales and other property                    
 outgoings                                (36,897)  (30,072)

                                         ---------   -------                  
Gross profit                        2       22,088    14,466       
Administrative expenses                    (1,761)   (1,479)       
                                         ---------   -------                 
Group operating profit              2       20,327    12,987      
Share of operating  profit in:                              
 Joint ventures                     2          788     1,632                  
 Associate                          2        1,479       965    
                                             2,267     2,597     
                                         ---------   -------                  
Total operating profit                      22,594    15,584     
Profit on sale of fixed assets      3        1,448     3,064      
Investment income                            2,885     2,604      
                                         ---------   -------                  
Profit on ordinary activities                         
 before interest                            26,927    21,252
Net interest payable and similar                   
 charges                            4     (16,072)   (8,300)
                                         ---------   -------                  
Profit on ordinary activities                         
 before taxation                            10,855    12,952
Taxation on profit on ordinary                      
 activities                         5      (1,658)   (2,298)
                                         ---------   -------                  
Profit on ordinary activities                           
 after taxation                              9,197    10,654
Dividends                                  (7,259)   (6,955)       
                                         ---------   -------                  
Retained profit                              1,938     3,699          
                                         _________   _______                  
Earnings  per share                 6                       
                                                 p         p
Revenue                                      15.09     15.63      
Capital                                       2.71      5.21              
                                         ---------   -------                  
                                             17.80     20.84     
                                         _________   _______ 

Fully diluted earnings per share    6                       

Revenue                                      15.07     15.62                  
Capital                                       2.71      5.20                  
                                         ---------   -------                  
                                             17.78     20.82     
                                         _________   _______ 

At 30 September 2000
                                         Unaudited   Audited
                                         ---------   -------                  
                                   Notes      2000      1999
                                  ------  --------   -------                  
                                             #'000     #'000
Fixed Assets                                                
Tangible Fixed Assets                                       
Investment Properties                7     314,300   216,555                  
Other Tangible Assets                          311       389                  
                                         ---------   -------                  
                                           314,611   216,944

Joint Ventures                       8                      
                                         ---------   -------
        Share of gross assets                7,298    21,006                  
        Share of gross liabilities          (5,273)  (17,671)                 
        Loan accounts                        2,179     9,153                  
                                         ---------   -------                  
                                             4,204    12,488
Investments                                 79,290    67,761                  

                                         ---------   -------                  
                                           398,105   297,193
                                         ---------   -------
Current Assets                                              
Property stock                              37,027    44,562                  
Debtors                                      7,491    12,325                  
Investments                                    302       309                  
Cash at bank and in hand                    19,939       843                  
                                         ---------   -------                  
                                            64,759    58,039

Current Liabilities                                         
Creditors: amounts falling due                              
 within one year                          (101,829) (131,733)

                                         ---------   -------                  
Net Current Liabilities                    (37,070)  (73,694)                 
                                          ---------   -------                 

Total Assets less Current                                   
 Liabilities                               361,035   223,499
Creditors:  amounts falling due                             
 after one year                           (158,990)  (46,354)
Provision for liabilities and                               
 charges                                      (573)     (261)

                                         ---------   -------                  
Net Assets                                 201,472   176,884                  
                                         ---------   -------                  
Capital and Reserves                                        
Called up share capital                      2,610     2,560                  

Other reserves                             190,775   166,776                  
Profit and loss account                      8,087     7,548                  

                                         ---------   -------                  
Equity Shareholders' Funds                 201,472   176,884                  
                                         ---------   -------               

For the twelve months ended 30 September 2000                 

                                               Unaudited  Audited
                                               ---------  -------
                                                    2000     1999
                                                   #'000    #'000
                                               ---------  -------
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation       9,197   10,654             
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties   12,200   13,027             
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of investments   8,981    6,323
Tax on realisation of revalued properties          (655)      199             
Increase in deferred tax provided on investment               
 properties for sale                               (286)    (202)

                                               ---------  -------             
Total recognised gains relating to the period     29,437   30,001             
                                               ---------  -------             


                                               Unaudited  Audited
                                               ---------  -------
                                                    2000     1999
                                               ---------  -------
                                                   #'000    #'000

Profit on ordinary activities  after taxation      9,197   10,654             
Dividends                                        (7,259)  (6,955)             
                                               ---------  -------             
                                                   1,938    3,699

New share capital issued                           2,410        -             
Other recognised gains and losses                 20,240   19,347             

                                               ---------  -------             
Net increase in shareholders' funds               24,588   23,046             
Opening shareholders' funds                      176,884  153,838             

                                               ---------  -------             
Closing shareholders' funds                      201,472  176,884             
                                               _________  _______             

For the twelve months ended 30 September 2000

                                               Unaudited  Audited
                                               ---------  -------
                                                    2000     1999
                                               ---------  -------
                                                   #'000    #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities          7,818   10,464             
Dividends received from joint ventures and               
 associate                                         1,392      105
Returns on investments and servicing of                  
 finance                                         (10,078)  (4,316)
Taxation                                          (2,142)  (1,155)         
Capital expenditure and financial                        
 investments                                     (67,322) (46,497)

Acquisitions and disposals                        (2,166)    (765)            
Equity dividends paid                             (6,948)  (6,750)            
                                               ---------  -------             
Net cash outflow before financing                (79,446) (48,914)            
                                                ---------  -------            
Loan movements                                   102,665  (1,460)             
Issue of shares                                    2,410        -             

                                               ---------  -------             
Increase/(decrease) in cash                       25,629 (50,374)             
                                               _________  _______             

Operating profit                                  20,327   12,987             
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                234      176             
Profit on sale of other tangible fixed assets          -      (6)             
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                      7,535 (24,304)             
Decrease in current asset investment                  17       21             
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                     5,328  (7,262)             
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                (25,623)   28,852          
                                               ---------  ------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities         7,818    10,464
                                               _________  _______             
Wt Wner Usd (LSE:WNER)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Wt Wner Usd 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Wt Wner Usd (LSE:WNER)
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부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Wt Wner Usd 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.