RNS Number : 1176H

Oxford Instruments PLC

13 November 2018

Release Date: 7am Tuesday 13 November 2018

Oxford Instruments plc

Announcement of Half Year Results for the six months to 30 September 2018

Oxford Instruments plc, a leading provider of high technology products and systems for industry and research, today announces its Half Year Results for the six months to 30 September 2018.

                                          Half year to    Half year to     % change 
                                           30 September    30 September 
                                           2018            2017 
                                          GBPm            GBPm 
 Revenue(1)                               147.0           132.1           +11.3% 
 Adjusted* operating profit(1)            21.0            18.8            +11.7% 
 Adjusted* profit before tax(1)           19.8            16.3            +21.5% 
 Profit before tax(1)                     11.6            12.7             (8.7%) 
 Adjusted* basic earnings per share(1)    27.3p           22.3p           +22.4% 
 Dividend per share (interim)             3.8p            3.7p            +2.7% 
 Cash generated from operations(1)        21.4            3.7 
 Net debt                                 12.5            19.7 

(1) Continuing operations

Financial Highlights:

   --      Orders up 10.3% to GBP162.9m (2017: GBP147.7m), an increase of 12.0% at constant currency 

-- Order book of GBP177.9m (31 March 2018: GBP153.0m, restated for IFRS 15) up 16.3% (12.5% at constant currency)

-- The Group has adopted IFRS 15 'Revenue from Contracts with Customers' and IFRS 16 'Leases'. The impact is to increase revenue by GBP5.1m

   --      Reported revenue increased by 11.3% to GBP147.0m (12.6% at constant currency) 

-- Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations up 11.7% to GBP21.0m (16.0% at constant currency) with margin rising to 14.3%

   --      Adjusted profit before tax from continuing operations up 21.5% to GBP19.8m 

-- Reported profit before tax down 8.7% to GBP11.6m due to mark-to-market movement on currency derivatives

   --      Strong cash conversion of 91.0% contributes to reduction in net debt to GBP12.5m 
   --      Interim dividend increased by 2.7% to 3.8p 

Operational Highlights:

   --       Continued progress with the implementation of our Horizon strategy 
   -     Good underlying order and revenue growth 
   -     Continued focus on innovation and R&D 

- Further investment in sales, service and operational capabilities, with increased focus on strategic procurement, operational efficiencies and logistics

-- End markets and underlying drivers remain positive, with strong growth from commercial and industrial customers

-- Strong financial performance across Materials & Characterisation, driven by recently launched products, customer application focus and positive end markets

-- Good first half performance in Research & Discovery, driven by growth in Healthcare & Lifescience, and Quantum Technologies end markets

-- Good order and order book growth in Service & Healthcare, with growth in service contracts in OI Healthcare and increased demand for services related to our own products


-- Our expectations for the current financial year remain unchanged, supported by growth in constant currency orders and order book, along with our anticipated second half seasonal bias

Ian Barkshire, Chief Executive of Oxford Instruments plc, said: "We continue to make good progress with the implementation of our Horizon strategy whilst maintaining a focus on the near-term delivery of improved performance. The strategy is now well embedded across the Group and we are starting to see positive results with good underlying order and revenue growth."

"Our commitment to provide leading product performance and commercial solutions in markets with long-term growth drivers, coupled with our increased investment in operating efficiencies, will continue to drive progress."


   Oxford Instruments plc                                                          Tel:  01865 393200 

Ian Barkshire, Chief Executive

Gavin Hill, Group Finance Director

   MHP Communications                                                           Tel:  020 3128 8100 

Rachel Hirst / Luke Briggs

Number of pages: 41

*NOTE: Throughout this half year announcement we make reference to adjusted numbers. A full definition of adjusted numbers can be found in note 2. Where we make reference to constant currency numbers these are prepared on a month by month basis using the translational and transactional exchange rates which prevailed in the previous year rather than the actual exchange rates which prevailed in the year. Transactional exchange rates include the effect of our hedging programme.

Chief Executive's Review

We were greatly saddened when Alan Thomson, our Chairman, passed away on 22 July 2018. Alan had led the Board of the Company since September 2016 and brought a wealth of experience and wisdom to the role. His commitment and passion in working with us to drive improvement, and his support, guidance and friendship have been greatly valued. The process to appoint Alan's successor is underway and, in the meantime, Steve Blair, our Senior Independent Director, is operating as Interim Chairman.


We continue to make good progress with the implementation of our Horizon strategy whilst maintaining a focus on the near-term delivery of improved performance. The strategy is now well embedded across the Group and we are starting to see positive results from our increased focus on end market applications, with good underlying order and revenue growth.

Our chosen end markets and their underlying growth drivers remain positive and robust, with reported orders for the Group up 10.3% (12.0% at constant currency) to GBP162.9m (2017: GBP147.7m). Each of our three sectors - Materials & Characterisation, Research & Discovery, and Service & Healthcare - reported order growth.

Reported revenue rose to GBP147.0m (2017: GBP132.1m), an increase of 11.3% (12.6% at constant currency), with strong growth in both the Materials & Characterisation and Research & Discovery sectors. Revenue was slightly down in Service & Healthcare due primarily to lower orders from our US Healthcare business. Reported adjusted operating profit increased 11.7% to GBP21.0m (2017: GBP18.8m), an increase of 16.0% at constant currency, with strong growth across both the Materials & Characterisation and Research & Discovery sectors partially offset by a lower contribution from Service & Healthcare.

The order book, representing orders for future delivery, as at 30 September 2018 increased 16.3% on a reported basis (12.5% at constant currency) since 31 March 2018.

Continuing adjusted basic earnings per share increased by 22.4% to 27.3 pence (2017: 22.3 pence).

Good cash collection in the period further reduced net debt to GBP12.5m, down from GBP19.7m at the year end.

Revenue from commercial and industrial customers increased in the period driven by our enhanced customer application and market focus. The proportion of revenue in the period from commercial customers increased to 52.7%

(2017: 45.3%), with revenue associated with academic or government funded customers remaining broadly in line with the same period last year.

From an end-market perspective, we have seen strong order and revenue growth in Advanced Materials and Healthcare & Lifescience. Quantum Technologies revenue was up in the period, with orders slightly down due to the phasing of order intake, but with a strong future-looking pipeline. Semiconductor & Communications revenue was broadly in line with last year, with good order growth in the period and a healthy pipeline for both our measurement and semiconductor processing solutions. Advanced Materials represented 24% of sales, Quantum Technologies 10%, and Healthcare & Lifescience and Semiconductor & Communications representing 28% and 21% respectively. Energy and Environment each represented 5%, with Research & Fundamental Science at 7%.

From a geographical perspective, we had strong constant currency revenue growth across Asia and Europe of 18.9% and 10.8% respectively, with growth of 5.3% in North America. Within Asia, we had strong growth across the region, with China, Japan and the Rest of Asia each achieving double digit growth relative to the comparative period. Asia represented 41% of Group revenue, Europe 25%, North America 32% and Rest of World 2%. China represented 21% of revenue, up from 17% in the previous half year.

This encouraging first half result has been achieved against a backdrop of increasing global political tensions that have impacted the overall international trading environment. We have seen a slight tightening of the grant of export licences to certain customers. In addition, the imposition of US sanctions and China tariffs has had a modest impact on orders and revenues in the period. We are monitoring this situation closely to mitigate, where possible, any future impact.

Horizon Strategy Progress

We have maintained a sharp focus on our Horizon strategy to deliver sustainable revenue growth and improved margins. In the period we have continued to embed an increased commercial focus and build capabilities across the Group, including extensive training for all our customer facing teams. With our cohort of internal operational champions now in place, we have increased our investment and focus on the Operational Excellence aspect of Horizon, with a specific focus on strategic procurement, operational efficiencies and logistics. This will support our future growth ambitions and contribute to margin improvement.

Sector Performance

Turning to the performance of our individual sectors:

Materials & Characterisation focuses on applied R&D and commercial customers, enabling the fabrication and characterisation of materials and devices down to the atomic scale. This sector delivered a strong first half, with positive contributions from all the constituent businesses, namely NanoAnalysis, Asylum Research and Plasma Technology. Reported revenue increased by 20.0% to GBP60.1m (2017: GBP50.1m), with reported adjusted operating profit increasing to GBP9.7m (2017: GBP7.2m). Reported order growth of 13.7% to GBP69.5m (2017: GBP61.1m) contributed to a positive order book growth for future deliveries. The enhanced results were driven by strong demand for recently launched higher margin products, an increased focus on end customer applications and operational efficiencies. These elements contributed to an improved reported operational margin of 170 basis points to 16.1% for the sector (2017: 14.4%).

Research & Discovery provides advanced solutions that create unique environments and enable measurements down to the molecular and atomic level, used predominantly in fundamental and applied research. Reported revenue increased by 13.4% to GBP54.3m (2017: GBP47.9m), with reported adjusted operating profit increasing to GBP4.8m (2017: GBP4.2m). This was driven by increased demand for our scientific cameras and optical microscopy systems, as well as increased revenues from our cryogenic systems and superconducting magnets. Improved performance from Andor Technology and NanoScience was partially offset by a softer first half performance from Magnetic Resonance, X-ray Technology and Scienta Omicron in the period. Reported order growth of 3.8% to GBP60.0m (2017: GBP57.8m), contributed to order book growth of 5.0%. Operational margin for the sector remained flat at 8.8% on a reported basis. The Group has adopted IFRS 15 'Revenue from Contracts with Customers'. The primary impact is the recognition of revenue on our complex cryogenic and magnet systems on installation, rather than shipment. The financial impact in the half year is to increase revenue by GBP5.1m; we expect this difference to partially unwind in the second half. The improvement plan within our NanoScience business is progressing well under a new leadership team, with greater commercial discipline and investment in sales and service resources. Consquently we have seen an anticipated reduction in the backlog of uninstalled complex systems.

Service & Healthcare provides customer service and support for our own products and the service, sale and rental of third-party healthcare imaging systems. Reported revenue for the sector fell by 4.4% to GBP32.6m (2017: GBP34.1m) due to lower volumes from our US Healthcare business, with a decline in reported adjusted operating profit of 12.2% to GBP6.5m (2017: GBP7.4m). The sector saw an increase in reported orders to GBP33.4m (2017: GBP29.1m), up 14.8%. The sector's performance was impacted by the ongoing strategic movement of our US Healthcare business towards a higher proportion of service revenue and a change in mix of upgrades and contract revenues associated with our own products.


Innovation remains core to our Horizon strategy and we continue to invest in products, solutions and technology that help our customers improve their productivity and develop new capabilities. We have maintained our focus on strategic investments in line with our short, medium and longer-term roadmaps to expand our market shares and provide growth into new market areas. Investment in R&D initiatives was slightly lower in the period at GBP12.3m (2017: GBP13.0m) due to the phasing of specific projects, timing of associated spend and the receipt of additional external grant funding.


As we continue with the implementation of Horizon, it is our people that make the real difference. Our thanks go to all our employees for their ongoing support of our strategy and for their willingness to help us deliver an exceptional experience for our customers.


The Board has declared an interim dividend increase of 2.7% to 3.8 pence (2017: 3.7 pence), reflecting improvement in underlying earnings per share.

Current Trading and Outlook

We continue to make good progress with the implementation of our Horizon strategy whilst maintaining a focus on the near-term delivery of improved performance. The strategy is now well embedded across the Group and we are starting to see positive results with good underlying order and revenue growth.

Our commitment to provide leading product performance and commercial solutions in markets with long-term growth drivers coupled with our increased investment in operating efficiencies will continue to drive progress

Our expectations for the current financial year remain unchanged, supported by growth in constant currency orders and order book along with our anticipated second half seasonal bias.

Ian Barkshire

Chief Executive

13 November 2018

Operations Review

Our Group reports in the following three sectors: Materials & Characterisation, Research & Discovery, and Service & Healthcare.

Materials & Characterisation

                                 2018    2017    Growth   Constant 
                                  GBPm    GBPm             Currency 
------------------------------  ------  ------  -------  ----------- 
 Revenue                         60.1    50.1    +20.0%   +21.2% 
------------------------------  ------  ------  -------  ----------- 
 Adjusted(2) operating profit    9.7     7.2 
------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Adjusted(2) operating margin    16.1%   14.4% 
------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Profit before tax after 
  adjusting items                8.6     5.8 
------------------------------  ------  ------ 

(1) For definition refer to note on page 2 of highlights

(2) Details of adjusting items can be found in Note 2 of the condensed Financial Statements

The Materials & Characterisation sector comprises NanoAnalysis, Asylum Research and Plasma Technology. This sector has a broad customer base across a wide range of applications for the imaging and analysis of materials down to the atomic level, as well as the fabrication of semiconductor devices and structures through our range of advanced semiconductor etch and deposition processes and systems. Our market leading product performance, combined with customer focused solutions, continues to drive strong growth by providing increased value to existing customers and the identification and reach into new markets and applications. The sector has a strong focus on supporting and accelerating our customers' applied R&D, enabling the development of new devices, next generation higher performance materials and enhancing productivity in advanced manufacturing, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC).

Materials & Characterisation delivered strong growth in orders, revenue and profitability driven by our continued focus on tailoring our product offering to specific end customer applications that increase both the product value and the addressable market. The success of recently launched higher margin products and solutions strongly contributed to the sector's performance in the period, which saw margins increase by 170 basis points to 16.1%. Growth from industrial and commercial customers increased their proportion of sales in the period to 58% of revenue (2017: 48%), with the balance from academic and government funded customers.

Looking at end-market segments, we saw strong growth in Advanced Materials, which accounted for 39% of sales in the sector. Semiconductor & Communications also represented 39% of sales with Energy, Environment and Healthcare & Lifescience each broadly similar at 8%, 7% and 6% of revenue, respectively. From a geographic perspective, revenue grew in each of Europe, North America and Asia.

Growth in the Advanced Materials market segment was strongly supported by the continued success of our recently launched, Symmetry(TM), super-fast material structure analyser and the Ultim(TM) large area X-ray detectors as well as our portfolio of atomic force microscopes. These products enable customers to undertake significantly more accurate and much faster analysis, driving both capability and productivity for customers in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as those analysing metals, ceramics, composites and polymers. We also saw good growth from customers engaged in energy generation, storage and batteries.

We have continued to achieve success through our application specific solutions, in particular new solutions for QA and QC in the high-end additive manufacturing and 3D printing markets. Our Symmetry(TM) material analyser enables the critical qualification of the material properties, performance and quality of the additive manufactured metal components and optimisation of the manufacturing processes. This is of increasing interest within the automotive and aerospace industries, which use additive manufacturing to produce much lighter materials and more complex components than would be possible using traditional methods. In addition, we have exploited our expertise in particle analysis to develop a tailored solution to provide quality control for the raw material feedstock used in additive manufacturing, helping to avoid contamination that can significantly impact the performance and properties of the manufactured component or device.

Semiconductors remains a core market for the sector, where in addition to our imaging and analysis products we provide etch and deposition process solutions used across a range of advanced compound semiconductor and silicon device applications. We are entering what some call the 'decade of materials' - whereby performance materials will enable applications and device performance that silicon cannot. We are focusing on the global trends in optoelectronics, discrete devices, nanomaterials and research systems. Specifically, we are continuing to build on our core research market by targeting growth applications within the compound semiconductor device market with an overarching strategy of tailoring our market leading research and applied R&D products for production customers. As an example, we have developed leading capabilities in several key process steps required for the manufacture of power devices, MEMs sensors and vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). VCSELs are increasingly being used across a range of applications such as facial recognition on smart phones, and for higher-speed communications within data centres. We also see compound semiconductors providing growth in discrete semiconductor devices, where the properties of compound semiconductors allow faster, more energy efficient and higher voltage power electronics. This enables enhanced wireless charging capabilities and increased energy storage, providing longer range electric vehicles and higher data communication rates and capacity required for 5G networks.

Research & Discovery

                            2018    2017    Growth   Constant 
                             GBPm    GBPm             Currency 
-------------------------  ------  ------  -------  ----------- 
 Revenue                    54.3    47.9    +13.4%   +14.6% 
-------------------------  ------  ------  -------  ----------- 
 Adjusted(2) operating 
  profit                    4.8     4.2 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Adjusted(2) operating 
  margin                    8.8%    8.8% 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Profit before tax after 
  adjusting items           1.9     0.1 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 

(1) For definition refer to note on page 2 of highlights

(2) Details of adjusting items can be found in Note 2 of the condensed Financial Statements

The Research & Discovery sector includes Andor Technology, NanoScience and Magnetic Resonance, X-ray Technology and our minority share in Scienta Omicron. This sector provides advanced solutions that create unique environments and enable imaging and analytical measurements down to the molecular and atomic level, used predominantly in fundamental and applied research. We can build on our relationships with customers working on breakthrough applications in research to gain insights and support future commercial applications.

The sector had an improved first half, with growth in orders, revenue and profitability driven by a strong performance from our optical microscopy systems, scientific cameras, cryogenic systems and superconducting research magnets, providing growth in the Healthcare & Lifescience and Quantum Technologies segments. This was partially offset by a reduction in revenues from our scientific X-ray tubes and benchtop magnetic resonance systems. The sector has a high proportion of academic and government funded customers, representing 65% of revenues. From a market perspective, the Healthcare & Lifescience and Quantum Technologies segments represented 40% and 25% of revenue respectively; Research & Fundamental Science 18%, Advanced Materials 10%, with the balance from Environment, Semiconductor & Communications, and Energy customers.

Growth in Healthcare & Lifescience is supported by increased research within neuroscience and customers involved in developmental biology to image and analyse cells, tissues and organs for the development of advanced medicines and the improved understanding of fundamental disease mechanisms. Within this segment, our Dragonfly(TM) optical microscopy portfolio continues to gain customer recognition and market share through the provision of improved image quality across larger and thicker samples.

We continue to see growth from customers involved in Quantum Technologies with increased investment by large corporates and the wider academic community across the EU, US and China in areas such as quantum computing, secure communications, sensors and imaging. We continue to work with leading companies and researchers worldwide to provide the fundamental tools for research and the development of solutions for commercial applications. The market remains attractive with strong global research funding due to the potential for significant market and technology disruption. However, the nature of the sector means orders and revenue remain irregular in value and frequency and are attracting an increased scrutiny for export licenses. As previously mentioned, revenue benefitted from the introduction of IFRS 15.

We have built on our market and technical leadership in scientific cameras with the launch of a new range of application specific cameras focusing on key market drivers including cell biology, personalised medicine, astronomy and physical science & quantum technology. Sona(TM) is tailored for the lifescience market offering exceptional sensitivity to improve long-term live cell analysis to help scientists gain a better understanding of cellular processes; and Marana(TM) has been optimised for high speed, high sensitivity imaging, supporting a broad range of physical sciences, including astronomy applications involving the search for near earth objects and space debris.

Research & Fundamental Science remains an attractive segment for this sector with our range of optical components, spectrographs, cryogenics and magnets providing customers with a broad range of platforms and solutions used predominately across the physical sciences. These included the BepiColumbo European Space Agency mission to Mercury, which has incorporated our X-ray detectors. The mission, launched in October, is seeking a deeper understanding of the planet's origin and its impact on the solar system.

Despite a softer first half, our benchtop magnetic resonance analysers continue to see positive pipeline and we are gaining further opportunities for our solutions across a range of food and industrial applications as well as within the oil exploration market. The market for our scientific X-ray tubes remains buoyant with order growth in the period, although delayed shipments and timing of orders has negatively impacted revenue and profitability in the first half of the year. We expect to see some improvement in the second half from both business units.

The Scienta Omicron joint venture created the largest player in the ultra-high vacuum surface science field. The Group has a 47% share in the joint venture. Following weak order intake last year, we recorded a loss of GBP0.6m for the half year. Assisted by the launch of new systems, orders are recovering, and we expect an improved trading performance in the second half.

Service & Healthcare Sector

                            2018    2017    Growth   Constant 
                             GBPm    GBPm             Currency 
-------------------------  ------  ------  -------  ----------- 
 Revenue                    32.6    34.1    (4.4)%   (2.9)% 
-------------------------  ------  ------  -------  ----------- 
 Adjusted(2) operating 
  profit                    6.5     7.4 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Adjusted(2) operating 
  margin                    19.9%   21.7% 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Profit before tax after 
  adjusting items           6.1     6.7 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 

(1) For definition refer to note on page 2 of highlights

(2) Details of adjusting items can be found in Note 2 of the condensed Financial Statements

The Service & Healthcare sector comprises the Group's maintenance service contracts, billable repairs, training and support services, and spare part sales related to Oxford Instruments' own products under the OiService brand; and the sale, service and rental of refurbished third-party MRI and CT machines under the OI Healthcare brand.

Reported orders grew 14.8% to GBP33.4m (2017: GBP29.1m) supported by increased demand for services related to our own products under OiService as well as services within OI Healthcare, with the order book for future deliveries up 15.0% to GBP46.9m (2017: GBP40.8m).

Within OI Healthcare we have seen good progress in the growth of service contracts to new customers as well as an improved utilisation of our leasing fleet. Sales in the refurbished imaging equipment market remained depressed compared to previous years with weaker demand for new and used equipment, competitive market limiting opportunities and depressing margins. In Japan, we have signed a service agreement to start servicing Hitachi Healthcare's Mitsubishi magnet-based MRI systems.

Within OiService we continue our drive to provide enhanced support services tailored to customers' needs whilst improving our efficiency and response time to customers through the utilisation of mobile technologies. We have increased the number of application specific seminars and completed a very successful second microscopy summer school in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Reported revenue declined in the period due primarily to a lower number of refurbished system sales within OI Healthcare which, combined with a change in product mix from OiService, contributed to a lower profit and margin in the period.

Finance Review

The Group has adopted IFRS 15 'Revenue from Contracts with Customers' using the modified retrospective approach. Comparatives have not been restated. The main difference is within our NanoScience business, where the revenue recognition on complex customised magnetic and cryogenic systems is deferred from being primarily on transfer of rights and rewards of ownership to completion of installation. The Group has adopted IFRS 16 'Leases' in the 2018/19 financial year. The net impact of adopting IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 is to increase profit before tax by GBP2.2m. Further detail on the impact of these new accounting standards is set out in note 1.

Reported orders increased by 10.3% to GBP162.9m (2017: GBP147.7m), an increase of 12.0% at constant currency. At the end of the period the Group's order book for future deliveries stood at GBP177.9m (31 March 2018: GBP134.0m). The order book as at 31 March 2018 restated on an IFRS 15 basis is GBP153.0m, against GBP134.0m as previously reported. Against this IFRS 15 adjusted comparative the order book grew 16.3% on a reported basis and 12.5% at constant currency.

Reported revenue increased by 11.3% to GBP147.0m (2017: GBP132.1m). Revenue, excluding currency effects, increased by 12.6%, with the movement in average currency exchange rates over the half year reducing reported revenue by GBP1.7m.

Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations increased by 11.7% to GBP21.0m (2017: GBP18.8m). Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations, excluding currency effects, increased by 16.0%. Adjusted operating margin from continuing operations increased by 10 basis points to 14.3% (2017: 14.2%).

The effect of IFRS 15 is to increase revenue by GBP5.1m and adjusted operating profit by GBP2.3m for the half year. This difference between revenue recognition on product installation compared to product shipment is expected to partially unwind in the second half of the year. Against the previous half year, the Group was unable to satisfy additional customer orders to the value of GBP1.7m following the refusal of government export licences and compliance with US sanction legislation. In the half year we have engaged consultants to accelerate the operational excellence element of our Horizon strategy and incurred restructuring costs, primarily on the closure of a small facility in North America. These costs totalled GBP1.0m and have been included within adjusted operating profit.

Adjusted profit before tax from continuing operations grew by 21.5% to GBP19.8m (2017: GBP16.3m). Recorded within the comparative period under discontinued operations is a post-tax profit of GBP45.6m from the sale of Industrial Analysis, which was completed on 3 July 2017.

Adjusting items include amortisation of acquired intangibles of GBP4.7m and a net charge of GBP0.6m relating to loan note make-whole settlement payments and a net credit relating to our joint venture, Scienta Omicron. The movement in the mark-to-market valuation of currency hedges for future years gave rise to a charge of GBP2.9m.

Adjusted profit before tax from continuing operations of GBP19.8m (2017: GBP16.3m) represents a margin of 13.5% (2017: 12.3%). After adjusting items, the Group recorded a profit before tax of GBP11.6m (2017: GBP12.7m).

Continuing adjusted basic earnings per share grew by 22.4% to 27.3 pence (2017: 22.3 pence). Continuing basic earnings per share was 15.6 pence (2017: 17.5 pence).

Cash generated from operations of GBP21.4m (2017: GBP3.7m), represents 91.0% (2017: 12.8%) cash conversion. Net debt decreased from GBP19.7m on 31 March 2018 to GBP12.5m, representing a net debt to EBITDA ratio (for banking covenant purposes) of 0.2 times; our banking covenant is set at 3.0 times.

Adjusted operating profit is stated before impairment and amortisation of goodwill and acquired intangibles, business reorganisation items, the mark-to-market valuation of unexpired currency hedges, and other adjusting items, as set out in Note 2 to the condensed Financial Statements.

Income Statement

The Group's Income Statement is summarised below.

                                                      Half year     Half year 
                                                             to            to 
                                                   30 September  30 September 
                                                           2018          2017 
                                                           GBPm          GBPm   Change 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------- 
Revenue                                                   147.0         132.1   +11.3% 
Gross profit                                               78.7          67.7   +16.2% 
Administrative overheads                                 (56.8)        (48.7) 
Share of (loss)/profit of associate                       (0.6)             - 
Foreign exchange                                          (0.3)         (0.2) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------- 
Adjusted operating profit                                  21.0          18.8   +11.7% 
Net finance costs                                         (1.2)         (2.5) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------- 
Adjusted profit before tax                                 19.8          16.3   +21.5% 
Amortisation of acquired intangibles                      (4.7)         (5.6) 
Non-recurring items                                       (0.6)         (0.6) 
Mark-to-market of currency hedges                         (2.9)           2.6 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------- 
Profit before tax                                          11.6          12.7 
Tax from continuing operations                            (2.7)         (2.7) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------- 
Profit for the period from continuing operations            8.9          10.0 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------- 
Adjusted effective tax rate(1)                            21.2%         22.1% 
Continuing adjusted earnings per share - 
 basic                                                    27.3p         22.3p   +22.4% 
Continuing earnings per share - basic                     15.6p         17.5p  (10.9%) 
Continuing adjusted earnings per share - 
 diluted                                                  27.0p         22.1p   +22.2% 
Continuing earnings per share - diluted                   15.4p         17.4p  (11.5%) 
Dividend per share                                        3.80p         3.70p    +2.7% 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------- 

1. The adjusted effective tax rate is calculated by excluding the tax effects of impairment of non-current assets, amortisation on acquired intangibles, non-recurring items, the mark-to-market of financial derivatives, and other adjusting items.

Orders and Revenue

Total reported orders grew by 10.3% (12.0% at constant currency) to GBP162.9m. Orders, at constant currency, increased by 15.2% for Materials & Characterisation, 5.5% for Research & Discovery and 16.8% for Service & Healthcare.

Reported revenue of GBP147.0m (2017: GBP132.1m) increased by 11.3% (12.6% at constant currency). Reported revenue increased by 20.0% for Materials & Characterisation, 13.4% for Research & Discovery and declined by 4.4% for Service & Healthcare.

The book-to-bill ratio (orders received to goods and services billed in the period) for the half year was 1.11.

Revenue, at constant currency, increased by 21.2% for Materials & Characterisation with good growth across all constituent businesses. Growth of 14.6% in Research & Discovery was driven by a high level of installations in NanoScience and good growth within Andor Technology. A decline of 2.9% for Service & Healthcare is a result of selling fewer refurbished imaging systems.

On a geographical basis, at constant currency, revenue grew by 10.8% in Europe, 5.3% in North America, 18.9% in Asia and 66.7% for the Rest of World.

After adjusting the comparative period for IFRS 15, total reported order book grew by 16.3% (12.5% at constant currency). The order book, at constant currency, compared to 31 March 2018, increased by 33.3% for Materials & Characterisation, 5.0% for Research & Discovery, and 9.4% for Service & Healthcare.

                                       Materials      Research    Service & 
GBPm                          & Characterisation   & Discovery   Healthcare  Total* 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ------ 
Revenue: Half year 2017/18                  50.1          47.9         34.1   132.1 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ------ 
Underlying movement                         10.6           7.0        (1.0)    16.6 
Foreign exchange                           (0.6)         (0.6)        (0.5)   (1.7) 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ------ 
Revenue: Half year 2018/19                  60.1          54.3         32.6   147.0 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ------ 
Revenue growth: reported                  +20.0%        +13.4%       (4.4%)  +11.3% 
Revenue growth: constant 
 currency                                 +21.2%        +14.6%       (2.9%)  +12.6% 

* Excluding inter-sector revenue

Gross profit

Gross profit increased by 16.2% to GBP78.7m (2017: GBP67.7m), representing a gross profit margin of 53.5%, an increase of 230 basis points over last year.

Operating profit

Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations increased by 11.7% to GBP21.0m (2017: GBP18.8m), representing an adjusted operating profit margin of 14.3%, an increase of 10 basis points against last year. Materials & Characterisation margin rose by 170 basis points to 16.1% (2017: 14.4%). Research & Discovery's adjusted operating margin was flat at 8.8% (2017: 8.8%). Service & Healthcare margin declined by 180 basis points to 19.9% (2017: 21.7%).

An increase in administrative overheads of 16.6% from GBP48.7m to GBP56.8m primarily reflects an investment in sales and service resources and training, operations, a reduction in capitalised R&D and an increase in IT costs. In addition, the end of the transition agreement with Hitatchi High-Technologies following the sale of Industrial Analysis and the sale of two freehold properties last year has led to a rise in annual net administrative overheads of GBP1.6m. Commissions and logistics costs are included within administrative overheads.

Our share of the Scienta Omicron joint venture showed an adjusted loss of GBP0.6m for the year, against a break-even position for the comparative period. After adjusting items, our share of the Scienta Omicron joint venture was a loss of GBP0.3m.

Currency effects (including the impact of transactional currency hedging) have reduced reported adjusted operating profit by GBP0.8m when compared to blended hedged exchange rates for the comparative period.

At constant currency, the adjusted operating profit margin was 14.7%, an increase of 50 basis points.

                                       Materials      Research    Service & 
GBPm                          & Characterisation   & Discovery   Healthcare  Total 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ----- 
Adjusted operating profit: 
 Half year 2017/18                           7.2           4.2          7.4   18.8 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ----- 
Underlying movement                          2.8           1.0        (0.8)    3.0 
Foreign exchange                           (0.3)         (0.4)        (0.1)  (0.8) 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ----- 
Adjusted operating profit: 
 Half year 2018/19                           9.7           4.8          6.5   21.0 
---------------------------  -------------------  ------------  -----------  ----- 
Margin: Half year 2017/18                  14.4%          8.8%        21.7%  14.2% 
Margin: Half year 2018/19                  16.1%          8.8%        19.9%  14.3% 

Adjusting items

Amortisation of acquired intangibles of GBP4.7m relates to intangible assets recognised on acquisitions, being the value of technology, customer relationships and brands.

Non-recurring items were a net charge of GBP0.6m. During the period we repaid GBP11.6m of the principal outstanding on loan notes as a condition of the sale of Industrial Analysis. The make-whole settlement cost due at the time of the repayment was GBP0.9m. In addition, we recognised a net gain of GBP0.3m on adjustments relating to our Scienta Omicron joint venture.

The Group uses derivative products to hedge its short-term exposure to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. It is Group policy to have in place at the beginning of the financial year hedging instruments to cover 80% of its forecast transactional exposure for that year. The Group has decided that the additional costs of meeting the extensive documentation requirements of IFRS 9 to apply hedge accounting to these foreign exchange hedges cannot be justified. Accordingly, the Group does not use hedge accounting for these derivatives.

Net movements on marking-to-market derivatives in respect of future periods are disclosed in the Income Statement as foreign exchange and excluded from our calculation of adjusted profit before tax.

The mark-to-market loss in respect of derivative financial instruments was GBP2.9m (2017: GBP2.6m gain). This reflects a movement from a net fair value asset to a small net liability position on currency derivatives that are hedging future transactional currency exposures for the Group compared to the previous year end. The un-crystallised balance sheet liability is attributable to a fall in the value of Sterling at the balance sheet date against a blended rate achieved on US Dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen forward contracts that will mature over the next eighteen months.

Net finance costs

The Group's adjusted net finance costs fell by GBP1.3m to GBP1.2m (2017: GBP2.5m) with net finance charges falling by GBP1.2m to GBP1.0m and pension financing charges falling by GBP0.1m to GBP0.2m.

Profit before tax

Continuing adjusted profit before tax increased by 21.5% to GBP19.8m (2017: GBP16.3m). The adjusted profit before tax margin increased by 120 basis points to 13.5% (2017: 12.3%).

Profit before tax of GBP11.6m (2017: GBP12.7m) is after the mark-to-market movement on derivative financial instruments, amortisation of acquired intangibles and other adjusting items.


The adjusted tax charge from continuing operations of GBP4.2m (2017: GBP3.6m) represents an effective tax rate of 21.2% (2017: 22.1%). The current tax liability includes a provision of GBP2.9m in respect of a historical financing structure. The statutory effective tax rate is 23.3%.

Earnings per share

Continuing adjusted basic earnings per share increased by 22.4% to 27.3 pence (2017: 22.3 pence); continuing adjusted diluted earnings per share were 27.0 pence (2017: 22.1 pence).

The number of undiluted weighted average shares have increased by 0.1m to 57.2m.

Foreign exchange

The Group faces transactional and translational currency exposure, most notably against the US Dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen. For the half year, approximately 16% of Group revenue was denominated in Sterling, 54% in US Dollars, 19% in Euros, 10% in Japanese Yen and 1% in other currencies. Translational exposures arise on the consolidation of overseas company results into Sterling. Transactional exposures arise where the currency of sale or purchase transactions differs from the functional currency in which each company prepares its local accounts.

The Group maintains a hedging programme against its net transactional exposure using internal projections of expected currency trading transactions expected to arise over a period extending from 12 to 24 months. As at 30 September 2018 the Group had currency hedges in place extending up to eighteen months forward.


The Group's policy is to increase the dividend each year in line with the increase in underlying earnings, considering movements in currency. The Board has proposed to increase the interim dividend by 2.7% to 3.8 pence. The interim dividend will be paid on 8 April 2019 to Shareholders on the register as at 1 March 2019.

Cash flow

The Group cash flow is summarised below.

                                                               Half year     Half year 
                                                                      to            to 
                                                            30 September  30 September 
                                                                    2018          2017 
                                                                    GBPm          GBPm 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Adjusted operating profit                                           21.0          18.8 
Depreciation and amortisation                                        5.4           4.0 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Adjusted EBITDA                                                     26.4          22.8 
Working capital movement                                           (1.2)        (15.0) 
Purchase of rental assets held for subsequent sale                 (0.6)         (0.6) 
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                      -           0.2 
Equity settled share schemes                                         0.4           0.5 
Share of loss/(profit) from associate                                0.6             - 
Business reorganisation items                                      (0.7)         (0.7) 
Pension scheme payments above charge to operating 
 profit                                                            (3.5)         (3.5) 
Cash generated from operations                                      21.4           3.7 
Interest                                                           (2.3)         (1.0) 
Tax                                                                (4.7)         (2.5) 
Capitalised development expenditure                                (1.5)         (3.1) 
Expenditure on tangible and intangible assets                      (3.4)         (2.4) 
Increase in investment in associate                                    -         (2.1) 
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary undertaking                           -          73.0 
Decrease in long-term receivables                                    0.6             - 
Dividends paid                                                     (2.1)         (2.1) 
Proceeds from issue of share capital                                   -           0.2 
Payments made in respect of lease liabilities                      (1.6)             - 
Decrease in borrowings                                             (8.6)        (77.6) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents from continuing 
 operations                                                        (2.2)        (13.9) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Note: Adjusted EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, intangible amortisation, mark-to-market of financial derivatives and other non-cash adjusting items.

Cash generated from operations

Cash generated from operations of GBP21.4m (2017: GBP3.7m), represents 91.0% (2017: 12.8%) cash conversion. The impact of IFRS 16 is to recognise a lease liability and corresponding asset for leases previously classified as operating leases. As a result, the depreciation charge for the half year includes an additional GBP1.7m reflecting the increase in asset base. Compared to the comparative period, cash generated from operations is also higher by GBP1.7m. Cash conversion is defined as cash generated from operations before non-recurring items and pension scheme payments, less, capitalised development expenditure, capital expenditure and payments made in respect of lease liabilities / adjusted operating profit. Payments made in respect of lease liabilities are now included within our definition of cash conversion to retain a like-for-like comparison following the introduction of IFRS 16.

The working capital outflow of GBP1.2m reflects an increase in inventories of GBP7.9m, a decrease in receivables of GBP12.6m, a decrease in payables of GBP7.7m and an increase in customer deposits of GBP1.8m. The increase in inventories primarily reflects an increase in work in progress and components to support our planned production schedule in the second half of the year, particularly for our deposition and etch process solutions and optical imaging systems.


Net interest paid was GBP2.3m (2017: GBP1.0m). This includes loan note make-whole payments of GBP0.9m as a consequence of repaying loan note principal following the sale of Industrial Analysis. Net interest paid in the comparative period was low due to payment timing differences.


Tax paid was GBP4.7m (2017: GBP2.5m), the comparative period benefiting from tax deductions on allowable adjusting items and utilisation of brought forward tax losses.

Investment in research and development ('R&D')

Total cash spend on R&D in the half year was GBP12.3m, equivalent to 8.4% of sales, (2017: GBP13.0m, 9.8% of sales). The small decrease reflects lower material costs incurred this year and a change in timing of receipt of government grants. A reconciliation between the amounts charged to the Income Statement and the cash spent is given below:

                                                          Half year     Half year 
                                                                 to            to 
                                                       30 September  30 September 
                                                               2018          2017 
                                                               GBPm          GBPm 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
R&D expense charged to the Income Statement                    12.3          11.4 
Amounts capitalised as fixed assets                               -           0.1 
Amortisation and impairment of R&D costs capitalised 
 as intangibles                                               (1.5)         (1.6) 
Amounts capitalised as intangible assets                        1.5           3.1 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total cash spent on R&D during the year                        12.3          13.0 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Investment in Associate

In the comparative period, the shareholders of Scienta Omicron agreed to a capital injection to strengthen the balance sheet of the joint venture and ensure future liquidity in support of the business strategy. Our share was GBP2.1m and was paid in September 2017.


The sale of Industrial Analysis was completed on 3 July 2017. A post-tax profit of GBP45.6m is recorded within discontinued operations for the comparative period.

Net debt and funding

Net debt

Net debt decreased in the period from GBP19.7m to GBP12.5m. Cash generated from operations was GBP21.4m. The Group invested in capitalised development costs of GBP1.5m and tangible and intangible assets of GBP3.4m.

Movement in net debt                                      GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
Net debt as at 31 March 2018                              19.7 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
Cash generated from operations                          (21.4) 
Interest                                                   2.3 
Tax                                                        4.7 
Capitalised development expenditure                        1.5 
Capital expenditure on tangible and intangible assets      3.4 
Dividends paid                                             2.1 
Other items                                                0.2 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
Net debt as at 30 September 2018                          12.5 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 


On 2 July 2018 the Group entered into a new unsecured multi-currency revolving facility agreement which is committed until June 2023 with one-year extension options at the end of the first and second years. The facility has been entered into with two banks and comprises a Euro denominated multi-currency facility of EUR50.0m and a US Dollar denominated multi-currency facility of $80.0m.

In this half year the Group repaid, as a pre-condition relating to the sale of Industrial Analysis, GBP11.6m of its bilateral private placement note, leaving an outstanding note of GBP27.9m, which matures in March 2021. Associated make-whole settlement costs of GBP0.9m have been included within non-recurring items.

Debt covenants are net debt to EBITDA less than 3.0 times and EBITDA to interest greater than 4.0 times. As at 30 September 2018 net debt to EBITDA was at 0.2 times and EBITDA to interest was 21.3 times.


The Group has defined benefit pension schemes in the UK and USA. Both have been closed to new entrants since 2001 and closed to future accrual from 2010.

At 30 September 2018, the net liability arising from our defined benefit scheme obligations was GBP9.9m (31 March 2018: GBP15.3m), a fall of GBP5.4m. The reduction in the deficit was primarily due to the contributions paid in the period and a rise in the discount rate. Total scheme assets at 30 September 2018 were GBP285.7m (31 March 2018: GBP289.5m) while liabilities were GBP295.6m (31 March 2018: GBP304.8m).

Going concern

The Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position, are set out in the Performance, Strategy and Operations sections. The financial position of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity position and borrowing facilities are described in the Financial Review.

The diverse nature of the Group, combined with its financial strength, provides a solid foundation for a sustainable business. The Directors have reviewed the Group's forecasts and flexed them to incorporate a number of potential scenarios relating to changes in trading performance. The Directors believe that the Group will be able to operate within its existing debt facilities. This review also considered hedging arrangements in place. The Directors believe that the Group is well placed to manage its business risks successfully.

The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, based on the Directors' opinion, after making reasonable enquires, that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

Forward-looking statements

This document contains certain forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements reflect the knowledge and information available to the Company during the preparation and up to the publication of this document. By their very nature, these statements depend upon circumstances and relate to events that may occur in the future thereby involving a degree of uncertainty. Therefore, nothing in this document should be construed as a profit forecast by the Company.

Gavin Hill

Group Finance Director

13 November 2018

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited

                                                Half Year to 30 Sept            Half Year to 30 Sept 
                                                         2018                            2017 
                                            Adjusted   Adjusting    Total   Adjusted   Adjusting    Total 
                                                          items*                          items* 
                                    Notes       GBPm        GBPm     GBPm       GBPm        GBPm     GBPm 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
  Revenue                               3      147.0           -    147.0      132.1           -    132.1 
  Cost of sales                               (68.3)           -   (68.3)     (64.4)           -   (64.4) 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
  Gross profit                                  78.7           -     78.7       67.7           -     67.7 
  Research and development              4     (12.3)           -   (12.3)     (11.4)           -   (11.4) 
  Selling and marketing                       (28.9)           -   (28.9)     (25.4)           -   (25.4) 
  Administration and 
   shared services                            (15.6)       (4.7)   (20.3)     (11.9)       (5.9)   (17.8) 
  Share of loss of associate, 
   net of tax                                  (0.6)         0.3    (0.3)          -       (0.3)    (0.3) 
  Foreign exchange (loss)/gain                 (0.3)       (2.9)    (3.2)      (0.2)         2.6      2.4 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
  Operating profit/(loss)                       21.0       (7.3)     13.7       18.8       (3.6)     15.2 
  Other financial income                         0.1           -      0.1        0.1           -      0.1 
 --------------------------------                                          --------- 
  Financial income                               0.1           -      0.1        0.1           -      0.1 
  Interest charge on 
   pension scheme net                          (0.2)           -    (0.2)      (0.3)           -    (0.3) 
   Other financial expenditure                 (1.1)       (0.9)    (2.0)      (2.3)           -    (2.3) 
  Financial expenditure                        (1.3)       (0.9)    (2.2)      (2.6)           -    (2.6) 
  Profit/(loss) before 
   income tax from continuing 
   operations                           3       19.8       (8.2)     11.6       16.3       (3.6)     12.7 
  Income tax (expense)/credit           7      (4.2)         1.5    (2.7)      (3.6)         0.9    (2.7) 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
  Profit/(loss) for 
   the period from continuing 
   operations                                   15.6       (6.7)      8.9       12.7       (2.7)     10.0 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
  Profit/(loss) from 
   discontinued operations 
   after tax                            6          -           -        -        0.3        45.3     45.6 
  Profit/(loss) for 
   the period attributable 
   to equity holders 
   of the parent                                15.6       (6.7)      8.9       13.0        42.6     55.6 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
                                               pence                pence      pence                pence 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
  Earnings per share 
  Basic earnings per 
   share                                8 
     From continuing operations                 27.3                 15.6       22.3                 17.5 
     From discontinued 
      operations                        6          -                    -        0.5                 79.9 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
     From profit/(loss) 
      for the period                            27.3                 15.6       22.8                 97.4 
  Diluted earnings per 
   share                                8 
      From continuing operations                27.0                 15.4       22.1                 17.4 
      From discontinued 
       operations                       6          -                    -        0.5                 79.5 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ---------- 
      From profit/(loss) 
       for the period                           27.0                 15.4       22.6                 96.9 
  Dividends per share 
  Dividends paid                        9                            3.70                            3.70 
  Dividends proposed                    9                            3.80                            3.70 
 --------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 

* Adjusted numbers are stated to give a better understanding of the underlying business performance. Details of adjusting items can be found in note 2 of this Half Year Report.

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited

                                                           Year to 31 March 2018 
                                                       Adjusted   Adjusting     Total 
                                               Notes       GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
      --------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
  Revenue                                          3      296.9           -     296.9 
  Cost of sales                                         (146.0)           -   (146.0) 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
  Gross profit                                            150.9           -     150.9 
  Research and development                         4     (23.4)           -    (23.4) 
  Selling and marketing                                  (53.9)           -    (53.9) 
  Administration and shared services                     (28.5)      (12.1)    (40.6) 
  Share of profit/(loss) of associate, 
   net of tax                                               0.5       (2.4)     (1.9) 
  Other operating income                                      -         3.3       3.3 
  Foreign exchange gain                                     0.9         3.1       4.0 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
  Operating profit/(loss)                                  46.5       (8.1)      38.4 
  Other financial income                                    0.3           -       0.3 
  Financial income                                          0.3           -       0.3 
       Interest charge on pension 
        scheme net liabilities                            (0.6)           -     (0.6) 
        Other financial expenditure                       (3.9)           -     (3.9) 
  Financial expenditure                                   (4.5)           -     (4.5) 
  Profit/(loss) before income 
   tax from continuing operations                  3       42.3       (8.1)      34.2 
  Income tax expense                               7     (10.1)       (4.5)    (14.6) 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
  Profit/(loss) for the year 
   from continuing operations                              32.2      (12.6)      19.6 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
  (Loss)/profit from discontinued 
   operations after tax                            6      (0.4)        46.3      45.9 
  Profit for the year attributable 
   to equity holders of the parent                         31.8        33.7      65.5 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
       Earnings per share 
  Basic earnings per share                         8 
     From continuing operations                            56.3                  34.3 
     From discontinued operations                         (0.7)                  80.2 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
     From profit for the year                              55.6                 114.5 
  Diluted earnings per share                       8 
      From continuing operations                           56.1                  34.1 
      From discontinued operations                        (0.7)                  80.0 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
      From profit for the year                             55.4                 114.1 
       Dividends per share 
  Dividends paid                                   9                             13.0 
  Dividends proposed                               9                             13.3 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ----------  -------- 

*Adjusted numbers are stated to give a better understanding of the underlying business performance. Details of adjusting items can be found in note 2 of this Half Year Report.

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited

                                                     Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                                            to          to 
                                                       30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                                          2018        2017       2018 
                                                          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for the period                                     8.9        55.6       65.5 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense): 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss 
 Foreign exchange translation differences                  4.6       (5.4)      (8.8) 
 Net cumulative foreign exchange gain 
  on disposal of subsidiaries recycled 
  to the Income Statement                                    -       (4.8)      (4.8) 
 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss 
 Remeasurement gain/(loss) in respect 
  of post retirement benefits                              2.1       (0.8)        2.2 
 Tax on items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss                                      (0.4)         0.2      (0.9) 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total other comprehensive income/(expense)                6.3      (10.8)     (12.3) 
 Total comprehensive income for the period 
  attributable to equity shareholders of 
  the parent                                              15.2        44.8       53.2 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited

                                                                         Share               exchange 
                                                                Share  premium     Other  translation  Retained 
                                                              capital  account  reserves      reserve  earnings  Total 
                                                                 GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Balance at 1 April 2018                                           2.9     61.7       0.2          9.2     105.6  179.6 
Impact of adoption of IFRS 15                                       -        -         -            -     (7.0)  (7.0) 
Total comprehensive income: 
Profit for the period                                               -        -         -            -       8.9    8.9 
Other comprehensive income: 
  *    Foreign exchange translation differences                     -        -         -          4.6         -    4.6 
  *    Remeasurement gain in respect of post-retirement 
       benefits                                                     -        -         -            -       2.1    2.1 
  *    Tax on items recognised directly in other 
       comprehensive income                                         -        -         -            -     (0.4)  (0.4) 
Total comprehensive income attributable 
 to equity shareholders of the parent                               -        -         -          4.6      10.6   15.2 
Transactions with owners recorded 
 directly in equity: 
  *    Charge in respect of employee service costs settled 
       by award of share options                                    -        -         -            -       0.4    0.4 
  *    Dividends payable                                            -        -         -            -     (7.6)  (7.6) 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Total transactions with owners recorded 
 directly in equity:                                                -        -         -            -     (7.2)  (7.2) 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Balance at 30 September 2018                                      2.9     61.7       0.2         13.8     102.0  180.6 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
                                                                         Share               exchange 
                                                                Share  premium     Other  translation  Retained 
                                                              capital  account  reserves      reserve  earnings  Total 
                                                                 GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Balance at 1 April 2017                                           2.9     61.5       0.2         22.8      45.1  132.5 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Total comprehensive income: 
Profit for the period                                               -        -         -            -      55.6   55.6 
Other comprehensive income: 
  *    Foreign exchange translation differences                     -        -         -        (5.4)         -  (5.4) 
  *    Net foreign exchange gain on disposal of subsidiaries 
       recycled to the Income Statement                             -        -         -        (4.8)         -  (4.8) 
  *    Remeasurement loss in respect of post-retirement 
       benefits                                                     -        -         -            -     (0.8)  (0.8) 
  *    Tax on items recognised directly in other 
       comprehensive income                                         -        -         -            -       0.2    0.2 
Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
 attributable to equity shareholders 
 of the parent                                                      -        -         -       (10.2)      55.0   44.8 
Transactions with owners recorded 
 directly in equity: 
  *    Proceeds from issue of shares                                -      0.2         -            -         -    0.2 
  *    Charge in respect of employee service costs settled 
       by award of share options                                    -        -         -            -       0.5    0.5 
  *    Dividends payable                                            -        -         -            -     (7.4)  (7.4) 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Total transactions with owners recorded 
 directly in equity:                                                -      0.2         -            -     (6.9)  (6.7) 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Balance at 30 September 2017                                      2.9     61.7       0.2         12.6      93.2  170.6 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity continued

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited

                                                                         Share               exchange 
                                                                Share  premium     Other  translation  Retained 
                                                              capital  account  reserves      reserve  earnings  Total 
                                                                 GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Balance at 1 April 2017                                           2.9     61.5       0.2         22.8      45.1  132.5 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Total comprehensive income: 
Profit for the year                                                 -        -         -            -      65.5   65.5 
Other comprehensive income: 
  *    Foreign exchange translation differences                     -        -         -        (8.8)         -  (8.8) 
  *    Net foreign exchange gain on disposal of subsidiaries 
       taken to the Income Statement                                -        -         -        (4.8)         -  (4.8) 
  *    Remeasurement gain in respect of post-retirement 
       benefits                                                     -        -         -            -       2.2    2.2 
  *    Tax on items recognised directly in other 
       comprehensive income                                         -        -         -            -     (0.9)  (0.9) 
Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
 attributable to equity shareholders 
 of the parent                                                      -        -         -       (13.6)      66.8   53.2 
Transactions with owners recorded 
 directly in equity: 
  *    Proceeds from issue of shares                                -      0.2         -            -         -    0.2 
  *    Charge in respect of employee service costs settled 
       by award of share options                                    -        -         -            -       1.1    1.1 
  *    Dividends paid                                               -        -         -            -     (7.4)  (7.4) 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Total transactions with owners 
 recorded directly in equity:                                       -      0.2         -            -     (6.3)  (6.1) 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 
Balance at 31 March 2018                                          2.9     61.7       0.2          9.2     105.6  179.6 
------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 30 September 2018 - unaudited

                                             As at     As at      As at 
                                           30 Sept   30 Sept   31 March 
                                              2018      2017       2018 
                                              GBPm      GBPm       GBPm 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                23.9      29.3       22.8 
 Right of use assets                           9.7         -          - 
 Intangible assets                           156.8     164.9      158.7 
 Investment in associate                       3.8       5.7        4.1 
 Long-term receivables                         0.9       2.1        1.4 
 Deferred tax assets                          15.4      28.8       13.4 
                                             210.5     230.8      200.4 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                  64.6      48.6       45.9 
 Trade and other receivables                  61.9      67.8       73.3 
 Current income tax receivable                 2.1       3.9        2.5 
 Derivative financial instruments              1.0       2.3        2.4 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    18.9      14.3       20.7 
                                             148.5     136.9      144.8 
 Total assets                                359.0     367.7      345.2 
----------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Capital and reserves attributable 
  to the Company's equity shareholders 
 Share capital                                 2.9       2.9        2.9 
 Share premium                                61.7      61.7       61.7 
 Other reserves                                0.2       0.2        0.2 
 Translation reserve                          13.8      12.6        9.2 
 Retained earnings                           102.0      93.2      105.6 
                                             180.6     170.6      179.6 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank loans                                   27.3      59.2       39.4 
 Lease payables                                7.5         -          - 
 Retirement benefit obligations                9.9      22.5       15.3 
 Provisions                                    1.3         -        1.7 
 Deferred tax liabilities                      5.2      10.3        6.1 
----------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 
                                              51.2      92.0       62.5 
 Current liabilities 
 Bank loans and overdrafts                     4.1       0.6        1.0 
 Trade and other payables                     99.9      79.0       85.5 
 Lease payables                                2.3         -          - 
 Current income tax payables                   4.7       9.3        6.2 
 Accrued dividend                              5.5       5.3          - 
 Derivative financial instruments              1.6       1.0        0.4 
 Provisions                                    9.1       9.9       10.0 
----------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 
                                             127.2     105.1      103.1 
 Total liabilities                           178.4     197.1      165.6 
----------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Total liabilities and equity                359.0     367.7      345.2 
----------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited

                                                  Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                                         to          to 
                                                    30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                                       2018        2017       2018 
                                                       GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for the period                                  8.9        55.6       65.5 
 Profit for the year from discontinued 
  operations                                              -      (45.6)     (45.9) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for the year from continuing 
  operations                                            8.9        10.0       19.6 
 Adjustments for: 
 Income tax expense                                     2.7         2.7       14.6 
 Net financial expense                                  2.1         2.5        4.2 
 Fair value movement on financial derivatives           2.9       (2.6)      (3.1) 
 Restructuring costs                                      -         0.3        1.2 
 Restructuring costs - relating to associate            0.3         0.3        0.4 
 Net profit on disposal of buildings                      -           -      (3.3) 
 Share of impairment recognised by associate          (0.6)           -        2.0 
 Amortisation and impairment of acquired 
  intangibles                                           4.7         5.6       10.9 
 Depreciation of property, plant and 
  equipment                                             2.2         2.4        4.7 
 Depreciation of right of use assets                    1.7           -          - 
 Amortisation of capitalised development 
  costs                                                 1.5         1.6        4.4 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Adjusted earnings before interest, 
  tax, depreciation and amortisation                   26.4        22.8       55.6 
 Loss on disposal of plant, property 
  and equipment                                           -         0.2        0.3 
 Cost of equity settled employee share 
  schemes                                               0.4         0.5        1.1 
 Share of loss/(profit) from associate                  0.6           -      (0.5) 
 Restructuring costs paid                             (0.7)       (0.7)      (1.3) 
 Cash payments to the pension scheme 
  more than the charge to operating profit            (3.5)       (3.5)      (7.9) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Operating cash flows before movements 
  in working capital                                   23.2        19.3       47.3 
 Increase in inventories                              (7.9)       (6.6)      (4.5) 
 Decrease/(increase) in receivables                    12.6       (1.3)     (14.4) 
 (Decrease)/increase in payables and 
  provisions                                          (7.7)       (9.2)        2.8 
 Increase in customer deposits                          1.8         2.1        2.9 
 Purchase of rental assets held for 
  later resale                                        (0.6)       (0.6)      (0.7) 
 Cash generated by operations                          21.4         3.7       33.4 
 Interest paid                                        (2.3)       (1.0)      (2.1) 
 Income taxes paid                                    (4.7)       (2.5)      (3.8) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net cash from operating activities 
  - continuing operations                              14.4         0.2       27.5 
 Net cash from operating activities 
  - discontinued operations                               -         1.9        3.0 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net cash flow from operating activities               14.4         2.1       30.5 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant 
  and equipment                                           -           -        9.3 
 Acquisition of property, plant and 
  equipment                                           (2.4)       (2.2)      (4.3) 
 Acquisition of intangible assets                     (1.0)       (0.2)      (0.5) 
 Net cash flow on disposal of businesses                  -        73.0       71.2 
 Capitalised development expenditure                  (1.5)       (3.1)      (5.8) 
 Increase in investment in associate                      -       (2.1)      (2.1) 
 Decrease in long-term receivables                      0.6           -        0.9 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net cash (used in)/generated from investing 
  activities - continuing operations                  (4.3)        65.4       68.7 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from issue of share capital                     -         0.2        0.2 
 Payments made in respect of lease liabilities        (1.6)           -          - 
 Decrease in borrowings                               (8.6)      (77.6)     (96.8) 
 Dividends paid                                       (2.1)       (2.1)      (7.4) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net cash used in financing activities               (12.3)      (79.5)    (104.0) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents            (2.2)      (12.0)      (4.8) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of the period                                        20.7        26.5       26.5 
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations 
  on cash held                                          0.4       (0.8)      (1.0) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  the period                                           18.9        13.7       20.7 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows continued

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited

 Reconciliation of changes in cash and cash equivalents to movement 
  in net debt 
                                             Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                                    to          to 
                                               30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                                  2018        2017       2018 
                                                  GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents           (2.2)      (12.0)      (4.8) 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 
  on cash and cash equivalents                     0.4       (0.8)      (1.0) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                                 (1.8)      (12.8)      (5.8) 
 Cash outflow from decrease in borrowings          8.6        77.6       96.8 
 Movement in accrued interest                      0.4       (1.0)      (1.0) 
 Amortisation of prepaid issuance fees               -           -      (0.4) 
 Movement in net debt in the period                7.2        63.8       89.6 
 Net debt at start of the period                (19.7)     (109.3)    (109.3) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net debt at the end of the period              (12.5)      (45.5)     (19.7) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

Notes on the Half Year Financial Statements

Half year ended 30 September 2018 - unaudited


Reporting entity

Oxford Instruments plc is a company incorporated in England and Wales. The condensed consolidated half year financial statements consolidate the results of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the Group). They have been prepared and approved by the Directors in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2018.

The financial information contained herein is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2018 are not the company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Significant accounting policies

As required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared applying the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in the preparation of the Company's published consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2018, except as explained below.

Adoption of new and revised standards

   i.      IFRS 9 Financial Instruments 

The Group adopted IFRS 9 on 1 April 2018. IFRS 9 addresses the classification, measurement and derecognition of financial instruments, introduces a new impairment model for financial assets and new rules for hedge accounting. It replaces IAS 39 Financial Instruments guidance and comprehensive updates have been made to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation. The adoption of IFRS 9 has had no material impact on the Group's results.

   ii.     IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers 

The Group adopted IFRS 15 using the modified retrospective approach on 1 April 2018, which means that the cumulative impact on adoption has been recognised in retained earnings as of 1 April 2018. Comparative information has not been restated. IFRS 15 provides a single, principles-based, five-step model to be applied to all sales contracts, based on the transfer of control of goods and services to customers, and it replaces the separate model for goods and services of IAS 18 Revenue. The impact on adoption of IFRS 15 was a decrease in retained earnings of GBP7.0m, net of tax; an increase in inventory of GBP11.0m; an increase in customer deposits of GBP19.0m; an increase in deferred income of GBP1.0m; and an increase in deferred tax assets of GBP2.0m.

   iii.    IFRS 16 Leases 

The Group adopted IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach on 1 April 2018. IFRS 16 provides a single model for lessees which recognises a right of use asset and lease liability for all leases that are longer than one year or that are not classified as low value. The impact on adoption of IFRS 16 was the recognition of right of use assets totalling GBP10.7m on the balance sheet and corresponding lease liabilities of GBP10.7m.

The table below summarises the effect that IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 have had on the Group Income Statement during the period to 30 September 2018.

                                      Pre IFRS                   IFRS 16 
                                            15      IFRS 15 
                                     & IFRS 16   Adjustment   Adjustment   As reported 
 Continuing operations - adjusted         GBPm         GBPm         GBPm          GBPm 
 Revenue                                 141.9          5.1            -         147.0 
 Operating profit                         18.7          2.3            -          21.0 
 Net finance expense                     (1.1)            -        (0.1)         (1.2) 
----------------------------------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Profit before tax                        17.6          2.3        (0.1)          19.8 
 Tax charge                              (3.7)        (0.5)            -         (4.2) 
----------------------------------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Profit after tax                         13.9          1.8        (0.1)          15.6 
----------------------------------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 

The impact of the adoption of IFRS 15 on the Group Income Statement shown above relates solely to the Research & Discovery segment.


The preparation of half year financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing these half year financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the group's accounting policies and key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2018.

Going concern

The condensed consolidated half year financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, based on the Directors' opinion, after making reasonable enquiries, that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

Exchange rates

The principal exchange rates used to translate the Group's overseas results were as follows:

                                   Half year   Half year 
 Period end rates                         to          to    Year to 
                                     30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                        2018        2017       2018 
 US Dollar                              1.30        1.34       1.40 
 Euro                                   1.12        1.13       1.14 
 Yen                                     148         151        149 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Average translation rates         US Dollar        Euro        Yen 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Half year to 30 September 2018 
 April                                  1.39        1.14        150 
 May                                    1.36        1.14        148 
 June                                   1.33        1.14        146 
 July                                   1.32        1.13        146 
 August                                 1.30        1.12        144 
 September                              1.29        1.11        146 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Average translation rates year ended 
  31 March 2018                          US Dollar   Euro   Yen 
 April                                        1.27   1.18   142 
 May                                          1.29   1.17   143 
 June                                         1.29   1.14   144 
 July                                         1.31   1.13   146 
 August                                       1.30   1.10   143 
 September                                    1.31   1.11   146 
 October                                      1.33   1.13   150 
 November                                     1.32   1.13   149 
 December                                     1.34   1.12   151 
 January                                      1.39   1.13   153 
 February                                     1.41   1.14   151 
 March                                        1.40   1.14   149 
--------------------------------------  ----------  -----  ---- 

In the preparation of adjusted numbers, the Directors exclude certain items in order to assist with comparability between peers and to give what they consider to be a better indication of the underlying performance of the business. These adjusting items are excluded in the calculation of adjusted operating profit, adjusted profit before tax, adjusted profit for the year from continuing operations, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EPS, adjusted cash conversion and adjusted effective tax rate. Details of adjusting items are given below.

Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by adding back depreciation of property, plant and equipment, depreciation of right of use assets and amortisation of intangible assets to adjusted operating profit; and can be found in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows. The calculation of adjusted EPS can be found in note 8. Adjusted effective tax rate is calculated by dividing the share of tax attributable to adjusted profit before tax by adjusted profit before tax. The definition of cash conversion is set out in the Finance Review.

Reconciliation between operating profit and profit before income tax and adjusted profit from continuing operations

                                                                                    before income 
                                                   Operating profit/(loss)               tax 
                                                    Half      Half              Half    Half 
                                                    year      year      Year    year    year     Year 
                                                      to        to        to      to      to       to 
                                                      30        30        31      30      30       31 
                                                     Sep       Sep       Mar     Sep     Sep      Mar 
                                                    2018      2017      2018    2018    2017     2018 
                                                    GBPm      GBPm      GBPm    GBPm    GBPm     GBPm 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Statutory measure from continuing operations       13.7      15.2      38.4    11.6    12.7     34.2 
 Restructuring costs                                   -       0.3       1.2       -     0.3      1.2 
 Restructuring costs - relating to associate         0.3       0.3       0.4     0.3     0.3      0.4 
 Net profit on disposal of buildings                   -         -     (3.3)       -       -    (3.3) 
 Business reorganisation items                       0.3       0.6     (1.7)     0.3     0.6    (1.7) 
 Share of impairment recognised by associate       (0.6)         -       2.0   (0.6)       -      2.0 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles                4.7       5.6      10.9     4.7     5.6     10.9 
 Mark-to-market loss/(gain) in respect 
  of derivative financial instruments                2.9     (2.6)     (3.1)     2.9   (2.6)    (3.1) 
 Loan note make-whole payable                          -         -         -     0.9       -        - 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Adjusted measure from continuing operations        21.0      18.8      46.5    19.8    16.3     42.3 
 Share of taxation                                                             (4.2)   (3.6)   (10.1) 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Adjusted profit for the period from 
  continuing operations                                                         15.6    12.7     32.2 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Adjusted effective tax rate                                                   21.2%   22.1%    23.9% 
----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ------  ------  ------- 

Restructuring costs

Prior year restructuring costs of GBP1.2m primarily relate to the Group's US Healthcare business and include GBP0.5m to successfully defend a legal claim relating to a prior acquisition.

Restructuring costs - relating to associate

Restructuring costs relating to the Group's associate comprise costs incurred during the disposal of its Vacgen subsidiary. Prior year restructuring costs relating to the Group's associate relate to exceptional costs incurred by the associate arising from the merger of the Scienta and Omicron businesses.

Net profit on disposal of buildings

The Group recorded a net profit on disposal of GBP3.3m during the prior year following the disposal of two buildings previously held under property, plant and equipment.

Share of impairment recognised by associate

During the prior year the Group's equity accounted associate recognised an impairment relating to the disposal of its Vacgen subsidiary. The Group's preliminary share of this impairment was GBP2.0m. Following the completion and finalisation of the transaction, GBP0.6m of the initial impairment provision has been reversed.

Amortisation of acquired intangibles

Adjusted profit excludes the non-cash amortisation and impairment of acquired intangible assets and goodwill.

Mark-to-market movements in respect of derivative financial instruments

Under IFRS 9, all derivative financial instruments are recognised initially at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition, they are also measured at fair value. In respect of instruments used to hedge foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk the Group does not take advantage of the hedge accounting rules provided for in IFRS 9 since that standard requires certain stringent criteria to be met in order to hedge account, which, in the particular circumstances of the Group, are considered by the Board not to bring any significant economic benefit. Accordingly, the Group accounts for these derivative financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss. To the extent that instruments are hedges of future transactions, adjusted profit for the year is stated before changes in the valuation of these instruments so that the underlying performance of the Group can be more clearly seen.

Loan note make-whole payable

During the period to 30 September 2018 the Group repaid GBP11.6m of the principal outstanding on its loan notes. This payment was necessary due to material changes to the Group's structure following the disposal of its Industrial Analysis business during July 2017. The costs of GBP0.9m relate to the make-whole balance payable upon settlement of the GBP11.6m principal.

Share of taxation

Adjusting items include the income tax on each of the items described above. In addition, during the prior year the tax rate in the United States reduced from 35% to 21%. As a result, this reduced the Group's deferred tax asset by GBP5.4m. This was excluded from the calculation of share of taxation attributable to adjusted profit before tax.

   3      SEGMENT Information 

The Group has ten operating segments. These operating segments have been combined into three aggregated operating segments to the extent that they have similar economic characteristics, with relevance to products and services, type and class of customer, methods of sale and distribution and the regulatory environment in which they operate. Each of these three aggregated operating segments is a reportable segment.

The Group's internal management structure and financial reporting systems differentiate the three aggregated operating segments on the basis of the economic characteristics discussed below:

-- the Materials & Characterisation segment comprises a group of businesses focusing on applied R&D and commercial customers, enabling the fabrication and characterisation of materials and devices down to the atomic scale;

-- the Research & Discovery segment comprises a group of businesses providing advanced solutions that create unique environments and enable measurements down to the molecular and atomic level which are used in fundamental research; and

-- the Service & Healthcare segment provides customer service and support for the Group's products and the service, sale and rental of third party healthcare imaging systems.

Reportable segment results include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those which can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Inter-segment pricing is determined on an arm's length basis. The operating results of each are regularly reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision Maker, which is deemed to be the Board of Directors. Discrete financial information is available for each segment and used by the Board of Directors for decisions on resource allocation and to assess performance. No asset information is presented below as this information is not presented in this format when reporting to the Group's Board of Directors.

Results from continuing operations

Half year to 30 September 2018

                                     Materials   Research 
                                             &          &   Service & 
                              Characterisation  Discovery  Healthcare  Total 
                                          GBPm       GBPm        GBPm   GBPm 
----------------------------  ----------------             ---------- 
External revenue                          60.1       54.3        32.6  147.0 
Inter-segment revenue                        -          -           - 
----------------------------  ----------------             ---------- 
Total segment revenue                     60.1       54.3        32.6 
Segment operating profit 
 from continuing operations                9.7        4.8         6.5   21.0 
----------------------------  ----------------  ---------  ----------  ----- 

Results from continuing operations

Half year to 30 September 2017

                                     Materials   Research 
                                             &          &   Service & 
                              Characterisation  Discovery  Healthcare  Total 
                                          GBPm       GBPm        GBPm   GBPm 
----------------------------  ----------------             ---------- 
External revenue                          50.1       47.9        34.1  132.1 
Inter-segment revenue                        -        0.1           - 
----------------------------  ----------------             ---------- 
Total segment revenue                     50.1       48.0        34.1 
Segment operating profit 
 from continuing operations                7.2        4.2         7.4   18.8 
----------------------------  ----------------  ---------  ----------  ----- 

Results from continuing operations

Year to 31 March 2018

                                     Materials   Research   Service & 
                                             &          & 
                              Characterisation  Discovery  Healthcare  Total 
                                          GBPm       GBPm        GBPm   GBPm 
----------------------------  ----------------             ---------- 
External revenue                         118.1      112.0        66.8  296.9 
Inter-segment revenue                        -        0.1           - 
----------------------------  ----------------             ---------- 
Total segment revenue                    118.1      112.1        66.8 
Segment operating profit 
 from continuing operations               20.1       13.8        12.6   46.5 
----------------------------  ----------------  ---------  ----------  ----- 

The adjusted loss after tax of GBP0.6m (prior half year: GBPnil; prior full year: GBP0.5m profit) from the Group's associate is reported within the Research & Discovery segment.

Reconciliation of reportable segment profit

                                          Materials       Research         Service         Group 
                                 & Characterisation    & Discovery    & Healthcare         items   Total 
 Half year to 30 September 
 2018                                          GBPm           GBPm            GBPm          GBPm    GBPm 
-----------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  ------ 
 Operating profit for 
  segments from continuing 
  operations                                    9.7            4.8             6.5             -    21.0 
  Restructuring costs - 
   to associate                                   -          (0.3)               -             -     (0.3) 
  Share of impairment 
   by associate                                   -            0.6               -             -       0.6 
  Amortisation of acquired 
   intangibles                                (1.1)          (3.2)           (0.4)             -     (4.7) 
  Fair value movement on 
   derivatives                                    -              -               -         (2.9)     (2.9) 
  Financial income                                -              -               -           0.1       0.1 
  Financial expenditure                           -              -               -         (2.2)     (2.2) 
 ----------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
  Profit/(loss) before income 
   tax from continuing 
   operations                                   8.6            1.9             6.1         (5.0)      11.6 
 ----------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
                                          Materials       Research         Service         Group 
                                 & Characterisation    & Discovery    & Healthcare         items   Total 
 Half year to 30 September 
 2017                                          GBPm           GBPm            GBPm          GBPm    GBPm 
-----------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  ------ 
 Operating profit for 
  segments from continuing 
  operations                                    7.2            4.2             7.4             -    18.8 
  Restructuring costs                         (0.1)              -           (0.2)             -     (0.3) 
  Restructuring costs - 
   to associate                                   -          (0.3)               -             -     (0.3) 
  Amortisation of acquired 
   intangibles                                (1.3)          (3.8)           (0.5)             -     (5.6) 
  Fair value movement on 
   derivatives                                    -              -               -           2.6       2.6 
  Financial income                                -              -               -           0.1       0.1 
  Financial expenditure                           -              -               -         (2.6)     (2.6) 
 ----------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
  Profit before income tax 
   continuing operations                        5.8            0.1             6.7           0.1      12.7 
 ----------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
                                         Materials       Research         Service         Group 
                                & Characterisation    & Discovery    & Healthcare         items    Total 
 Year to 31 March 2018                        GBPm           GBPm            GBPm          GBPm     GBPm 
----------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  ------- 
 Operating profit for 
  segments from continuing 
  operations                                  20.1           13.8            12.6             -     46.5 
  Restructuring costs                        (0.3)              -           (0.9)             -      (1.2) 
  Restructuring costs - 
   to associate                                  -          (0.4)               -             -      (0.4) 
  Net profit on disposal of 
   buildings                                     -              -               -           3.3        3.3 
  Share of impairment 
   by associate                                  -          (2.0)               -             -      (2.0) 
  Amortisation of acquired 
   intangibles                               (2.5)          (7.3)           (1.1)             -     (10.9) 
  Fair value movement on 
   derivatives                                   -              -               -           3.1        3.1 
  Financial income                               -              -               -           0.3        0.3 
  Financial expenditure                          -              -               -         (4.5)      (4.5) 
 ---------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  --------- 
  Profit before income tax 
   continuing operations                      17.3            4.1            10.6           2.2       34.2 
 ---------------------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------  ------------  --------- 

The total research and development spend by the Group is as follows:

                                                     Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                                            to          to 
                                                       30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                                          2018        2017       2018 
                                                          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Research and development expense charged 
  to the consolidated statement of income                 12.3        11.4       23.4 
 Less: depreciation of R&D related fixed 
  assets                                                     -           -      (0.1) 
 Add: amounts capitalised as fixed assets                    -         0.1        0.1 
 Less: amortisation and impairment of 
  R&D costs previously capitalised as intangibles        (1.5)       (1.6)      (4.4) 
 Add: amounts capitalised as intangible 
  assets                                                   1.5         3.1        5.8 
 Total cash spent on research and development 
  during the period                                       12.3        13.0       24.8 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

The Group's share of loss in its equity accounted associate, Scienta Scientific AB ("Scienta"), for the period was GBP0.3m (prior half year: GBP0.3m loss; prior full year: GBP1.9m loss). The Group did not receive any dividends from the associate in the current or prior periods.

During the 6 months to 30 September 2017 the Group invested a further GBP2.1m in its equity accounted associate.


On 3 July 2017 the Group disposed of its Industrial Analysis business for a final consideration of GBP82.8m.

 Effect of disposal on the financial position of the Group           2017/18 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Goodwill                                                              (4.3) 
 Acquired intangibles                                                  (0.1) 
 Other intangibles                                                     (4.7) 
 Property, plant and equipment                                         (2.4) 
 Inventory                                                            (11.5) 
 Trade and other receivables                                           (9.8) 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                             (6.0) 
 Trade and other payables                                                8.6 
 Provisions                                                              0.8 
 Tax balances                                                          (0.4) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Net assets divested                                                  (29.8) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Consideration received, satisfied in cash                              82.8 
 Cash disposed of                                                      (6.0) 
 Transaction expenses                                                  (5.6) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Net cash inflow                                                        71.2 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Carrying value of net assets disposed of (excluding cash and 
  cash equivalents)                                                   (23.8) 
 Recognition of provision on disposal                                  (2.1) 
 Currency translation differences transferred from translation 
  reserve                                                                4.8 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Gain on disposal                                                       50.1 
 Tax charge on gain on disposal                                        (2.3) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Gain on disposal net of tax                                            47.8 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 

Discontinued operations

In the period to 30 September 2017 the Group's Industrial Analysis business was classified as a discontinued operation. It was considered a major class of business on the basis that it was previously an operating segment and referred to in the Group Strategic Report.

The Group results were re-presented to reflect the classification of the Group's Industrial Analysis business as a discontinued operation.

During the period to 30 September 2018 there were no transactions relating to discontinued operations.

Note that figures included in the results of discontinued operations for the half year to 30 September 2017 were preliminary and subject to revision during the finalisation of the financial statements for the year to 31 March 2018.

                                               Industrial   Superconducting 
 Results of discontinued operations 
  - half year to 30 Sep 2017                     Analysis              Wire    Total 
                                                     GBPm              GBPm     GBPm 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 
 Revenue                                             16.8                 -     16.8 
 Expenses                                          (16.1)                 -   (16.1) 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 
 Adjusted profit before tax                           0.7                 -      0.7 
 Income tax charge                                  (0.4)                 -    (0.4) 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 
 Adjusted profit after tax                            0.3                 -      0.3 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 
 Adjusting items: 
 Amortisation and impairment of acquired 
  intangibles                                       (0.1)                 -    (0.1) 
 One off costs arising as a result 
  of disposal                                       (2.2)                 -    (2.2) 
 Property sale costs                                    -             (0.2)    (0.2) 
 Income tax on adjusting items                        0.8                 -      0.8 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 
 Loss after tax                                     (1.2)             (0.2)    (1.4) 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 
 Gain on disposal                                    50.8                 -     50.8 
 Tax on gain on disposal                            (3.8)                 -    (3.8) 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 
 Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations 
  after tax                                          45.8             (0.2)     45.6 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ------- 

The one off costs arising as a result of the disposal comprise a GBP1.8 million impairment of capitalised development costs in respect of a project which was discontinued as a result of the sale of the Industrial Analysis division along with related on-going costs incurred in the current year.

The property sale costs related to the ongoing sale of a surplus freehold property.

 Results of discontinued operations - full year to 31 Mar 
  2018                                                         Analysis 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Revenue                                                           16.8 
 Expenses                                                        (16.3) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Adjusted profit before tax                                         0.5 
 Income tax charge                                                (0.9) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Adjusted loss after tax                                          (0.4) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Adjusting items: 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles                             (0.1) 
 One-off costs arising as a result of disposal                    (2.2) 
 Income tax on adjusting items                                      0.8 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Loss after tax                                                   (1.9) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Gain on disposal                                                  50.1 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Tax on gain on disposal                                          (2.3) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Profit from discontinued operations after tax                     45.9 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 

Earnings per share from discontinued operations

                                        Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                               to          to 
                                          30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                             2018        2017       2018 
                                             GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Adjusted basic earnings/(loss) per 
  share                                         -         0.5      (0.7) 
 Adjusted diluted earnings/(loss) 
  per share                                     -         0.5      (0.7) 
 Total basic earnings per share                 -        79.9       80.2 
 Total diluted earnings per share               -        79.5       80.0 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 

Cash flows from discontinued operations

                                           Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                                  to          to 
                                             30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                                2018        2017       2018 
                                                GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
---------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                       -         1.9        3.0 
 Net cash generated from investing 
  activities                                       -        73.0       71.2 
 Net cash used in financing activities             -           -          - 
---------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
   7     TAXATION 

The total effective tax rate on profits for the half year is 23.3% (prior half year: 21.3%). The weighted average tax rate in respect of adjusted profit before tax (see note 2) for the half year is 21.2% (prior half year: 22.1%). For the full year the Group expects the tax rate in respect of adjusted profit before tax to be 22.0%.

   8     earnings per share 
   a)    Basic 

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit or loss for the period after taxation and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period, excluding shares held by the Employee Share Ownership Trust, as follows:

                                             Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                                    to          to 
                                               30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                                  2018        2017       2018 
                                                Shares      Shares     Shares 
                                               million     million    million 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Weighted average number of shares 
  outstanding                                     57.4        57.3       57.4 
 Less: weighted average number of 
  shares held by Employee Share Ownership 
  Trust                                          (0.2)       (0.2)      (0.2) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Weighted average number of shares 
  used in calculation of earnings 
  per share                                       57.2        57.1       57.2 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
   b)    Diluted 

The following table shows the effect of share options on the calculation of both adjusted and unadjusted diluted basic earnings per share.

                                          Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                                 to          to 
                                            30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                               2018        2017       2018 
                                             Shares      Shares     Shares 
                                            million     million    million 
---------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Number of ordinary shares per basic 
  earnings per share calculations              57.2        57.1       57.2 
 Effect of shares under option                  0.5         0.3        0.2 
---------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Number of ordinary shares per diluted 
  earnings per share calculations              57.7        57.4       57.4 
---------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
   9     dividends per share 

The following dividends per share were paid by the Group:

                                     Half year   Half year    Year to 
                                            to          to 
                                       30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                                          2018        2017       2018 
                                         pence       pence      pence 
----------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Previous period interim dividend         3.70        3.70       3.70 
 Previous period final dividend              -           -       9.30 
----------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                          3.70        3.70      13.00 
----------------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

The following dividends per share were proposed by the Group in respect of each accounting period presented:

                     Half year   Half year    Year to 
                            to          to 
                       30 Sept     30 Sept   31 March 
                          2018        2017       2018 
                         pence       pence      pence 
------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Interim dividend         3.80        3.70       3.70 
 Final dividend              -           -       9.60 
------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
                          3.80        3.70      13.30 
------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

The final dividend for the year to 31 March 2018 was approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 11 September 2018. Accordingly it is no longer at the discretion of the company and has been included as a liability as at 30 September 2018. It was paid on 19 October 2018.

The interim dividend for the year to 31 March 2019 of 3.80 pence was approved by the Board on 13 November 2018 and has not been included as a liability as at 30 September 2018. The interim dividend will be paid on 8 April 2019 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 1 March 2019.

   10    FAIR value of financial instruments 

The fair values of financial assets and liabilities together with the carrying amounts shown in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position are as follows:

                                                Carrying      Fair  Carrying      Fair   Carrying       Fair 
                                                  amount     value    amount     value     amount      value 
                                          Fair   30 Sept   30 Sept   30 Sept   30 Sept   31 March   31 March 
                                         value      2018      2018      2017      2017       2018       2018 
                                     hierarchy      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
----------------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
Assets carried at amortised cost 
Long-term receivables                                0.9       0.9       2.1       2.1        1.4        1.4 
Trade receivables                                   49.9      49.9      53.4      51.6       61.4       61.4 
Other receivables                                    8.3       8.3      11.1      11.1        8.2        8.2 
Cash and cash equivalents                           18.9      18.9      14.3      14.3       20.7       20.7 
----------------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
Assets carried at fair value 
Derivative financial instruments: 
- Foreign currency contracts                 2       1.0       1.0       2.3       2.3        2.4        2.4 
----------------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
Liabilities carried at fair value 
Derivative financial instruments: 
- Foreign currency contracts        2 (1.6)   (1.6)   (1.0)   (1.0)   (0.4)   (0.4) 
Liabilities carried at amortised 
Trade and other payables             (58.6)  (58.6)  (54.1)  (54.1)  (58.1)  (58.1) 
Lease payables                        (9.8)   (9.8)       -       -       -       - 
Bank overdraft                            -       -   (0.6)   (0.6)       -       - 
Borrowings                           (31.4)  (31.4)  (59.2)  (59.2)  (40.4)  (40.4) 
----------------------------------   ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 

The following summarises the major methods and assumptions used in estimating the fair values of financial instruments reflected in the above table.

Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments are marked-to-market using market prices.

Fixed and floating rate borrowings

The fair value of fixed and floating rate borrowings is estimated by discounting the future contracted principal and interest cash flows using the market rate of interest at the reporting date.

Trade and other receivables/payables

For receivables/payables with a remaining life of less than one year, the carrying amount is deemed to reflect the fair value. All other receivables/payables are discounted to determine their fair value. Advances received are excluded from other payables above as these are not considered to be financial liabilities.

Fair value hierarchy

The table above gives details of the valuation method used in arriving at the fair value of financial instruments. The different levels have been identified as follows:

Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets and liabilities;

Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices); and

Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data.

There have been no transfers between levels during the year.


All transactions with related parties are conducted on an arm's length basis and in accordance with normal business terms. Transactions between related parties that are Group subsidiaries are eliminated on consolidation.

During the period, the Group supplied services and materials to its associate, Scienta Omicron Gmbh, on an arm's length basis. The following transactions occurred during the period:

                                   Revenue   Purchases   Receivables 
 Half year to 30 September 2018       GBPm        GBPm          GBPm 
--------------------------------  --------  ----------  ------------ 
 Scienta Omicron GmbH                    -         0.7           2.1 
--------------------------------  --------  ----------  ------------ 
                                   Revenue   Purchases   Receivables 
 Half year to 30 September 2017       GBPm        GBPm          GBPm 
--------------------------------  --------  ----------  ------------ 
 Scienta Omicron GmbH                    -           -           3.6 
--------------------------------  --------  ----------  ------------ 
                                   Revenue   Purchases   Receivables 
 Full year to 31 March 2018           GBPm        GBPm          GBPm 
--------------------------------  --------  ----------  ------------ 
 Scienta Omicron GmbH                  0.6           -           3.0 
--------------------------------  --------  ----------  ------------ 

Included on the balance sheet is a long-term loan receivable of GBP0.9m (Septemper 2017: GBP2.1m, March 2018: GBP1.4m) and a current loan receivable of GBP1.1m (September 2017: GBP1.5m, March 2018: GBP1.1m) due from the Scienta. The loan is repayable at the end of May 2020. During the period the Group received interest charged on the loan of GBP0.1m (Six months to September 2017: GBP0.1m, Year to March 2018: GBP0.2m).

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Group has in place a risk management structure and internal controls which are designed to identify, manage and mitigate risk.

In common with all businesses, Oxford Instruments faces a number of risks and uncertainties which could have a material impact on the Group's long term performance.

On pages 35 to 38 of its 2018 Annual Report and Accounts (a copy of which is available at www.oxford-instruments.com), the Company set out what the Directors regarded as being the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group's long term performance and these are largely reproduced in the table below, with some amendments to reflect recent changes in the assessment of certain risks. Many of these risks are inherent to Oxford Instruments as a global business and they remain valid as regards their potential impact during the remainder of the second half of the year.

The impact of the economic and end market environments in which the Group's businesses operate are considered in the Half Year Statement of this Half Year Report, together with an indication if management is aware of any likely change in this situation.

 ID    Specific Risk         Context              Risk         Possible Impact         Control           Mitigation 
 1    Technical Risk     The Group          Failure of the     Lower returns      'Voice of the       Understanding 
                         provides high      advanced           through loss of    Customer'           customer needs / 
                         technology         technologies       market share &     approach to drive   expectations and 
                         equipment and      applied by the     reduced            the product         targeted new 
                         systems to its     Group to produce   profitability.     development road    product 
                         customers.         commercial                            map;                development 
                                            products,          Negative impact                        programme 
                                            capable of being   on the Group's     Formal new          to maintain and 
                                            manufactured and   reputation.        product             strengthen 
                                            sold profitably.                      development stage   product 
                                                                                  gate process to     positioning. 
                                                                                  manage R&D 
                                                                                                      Stage gate 
                                                                                  Product lifecycle   process in 
                                                                                  management          product 
                                                                                                      development to 
                                                                                                      business case 
                                                                                                      and mitigate 
                                                                                                      technical risks. 
                                                                                                      practices around 
                                                                                                      matching and 
                                                                                                      management to 
     -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 2    Routes to market   In some            Backward           Loss of a key      Customer intimacy   Product 
                         instances the      vertical           route to market;   to match product    differentiation 
                         Group's products   integration by     new competitors;   performance to      to promote 
                         are components     OEMs               lower sales and    customer needs;     advantages of OI 
                         of higher level                       profitability.                         equipment & 
                         systems, sold by                                                             solutions; 
                         OEMs                                                     Positioning of OI 
                         and thus the                                             brand and           Strategic 
                         Group does not                                           marketing           marketing with 
                         control its                                              directly to end     OEMs to sell 
                         route to market.                                         users               performance of 
                                                                                                      the combined 
                                                                                                      Broadening the 
                                                                                                      OEM customer 
                                                                                                      Direct marketing 
                                                                                                      to end users 
     -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 ID   Specific Risk      Context            Risk                Possible Impact    Control            Mitigation 
 3    Economic           Government         Reduction in        Lower sales and    Market intimacy    Market 
      environment        expenditure may    global research     profitability      and                diversification 
                         become             funding                                identification     - increasing 
                         constrained in                                            of alternative     penetration into 
                         key markets                                               markets            corporate 
                                                                                                      customers not 
                                                                                                      dependent on 
                                                                                                      external funding 
     -----------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 4    International      The Group               Changes in     Loss of specific        Contract      Broad global 
      trade risks        operates in             the            export customers        review and    customer base; 
                         global markets          geopolitical   and markets,            protection    contractual 
                         and can be              landscape      adversely               against       protection 
                         required to             resulting in   affecting               breach in 
                         secure export           a complete     turnover                the event 
                         licences from           embargo                                that export 
                         governments.            (sanctions)                            licence is 
                                                 on trade       Reduction in net        withheld 
                                                 with           selling price to 
                                                 specific       customers in 
                                                 nations /      markets                               Preferential 
                                                 challenges     adversely                             tariff rates on 
                                                 to selling     affected by             Regional      certain products 
                                                 to specific    tariffs and             pricing       sold 
                                                 end users.     potential               strategies. 
                                                                increases to 
                                                                input costs,            Contractual 
                                                 National       resulting in            terms and 
                                                 trade          lower gross             conditions 
                                                 disputes may   margins 
                                                 result in 
                                                 of tariffs 
                                                 on both 
                                                 goods and 
     -----------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 5    Brexit related     The UK will        Supply chain        Delays in          Strategic supply   Limited 
      risks              leave the EU       disruption in the   production and     chain review;      stock-piling of 
                                            event of a no       shipping                              key components; 
                                            deal                finished goods.                       Preparing 
                                            Brexit and                                                application for 
                                            disruption to                                             Authorised 
                                            shipping            Lower sales and                       Economic 
                                            products.           profitability.     Customer           Operator status 
                                                                                   intimacy and       to facilitate 
                                                                Increased cost     monitoring of      movement of 
                                                                of production      funded projects.   goods. 
                                            Lower               for purchases 
                                            participation in    with EU content.   Product pricing 
                                            EU- funded                             & strategic 
                                            research projects   Salary             sourcing           Market 
                                            post Brexit.        inflation.         reviews.           diversification 
                                                                Loss of key 
                                            Tariffs on          skills, and/or 
                                            imports from EU     increased 
                                            countries to the    recruitment,       Skills and         Long--term 
                                            UK;                 and/or salary      capabilities       pricing 
                                                                costs.             reviews.           agreements for 
                                                                                                      key suppliers 
                                                                                                      and strategic 
                                                                                   International      sourcing review. 
                                                                                   Trade committee. 
                                            UK becomes less                                           Pricing 
                                            attractive to EU                                          strategy. 
                                            nationals as a 
                                            place to work                                             Renewal of UK 
                                                                                                      work permit 
                                                                                                      scheme to 
                                                                                                      employment of 
     -----------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 ID   Specific Risk       Context            Risk               Possible Impact    Control            Mitigation 
 6    Supply chain risk   The Group          Supply chain       Disruption to      Procurement        Buffer stocks of 
                          operates a         disruption in      customers.         strategy to        key components; 
                          strategic make     particular for                        manage stock 
                          or buy policy      single source      Lower sales and    availability       Where possible, 
                          and outsources a   components         profitability                         dual source 
                          significant        leading to                                               supply is sought 
                          proportion         production         Negative impact 
                          of the costs of    delays and         on the Group's 
                          production to      potentially lost   reputation. 
                          benefit from       revenue. 
                          economies of 
                          scale and 
                          natural currency 
     ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 7    People              A number of the    Key employees      Lower sales and    HR people          Succession 
                          Group's            leave and          profitability      strategy for       management 
                          employees have     effective                             retention &        plans; 
                          business           replacements are                      recruitment of     Technical career 
                          critical skills.   not recruited on                      staff with key     paths; 
                                             a timely basis                        skills             Renewal of UK 
                                                                                                      work permit 
                                                                                                      scheme to 
                                                                                                      employment of 
                                                                                                      non UK / EU 
     ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 8    IT risk             Elements of        Increasing risk    Loss of business   IT security        On-going 
                          production,        of data loss /     critical data      policy &           evolution of 
                          financial and      breach through     and / or           associated         security levels 
                          other systems      cyber-attack,      financial loss     standards and      in consultation 
                          rely on IT         viruses or                            protection         with IT security 
                          availability       malware.                              systems.           partners to 
                                             "Zero-day"                            Internal IT        changes are 
                                             incidents, where                      governance to      in-line with 
                                             new viruses or                        maintain those     current threats. 
                                             malware can                           protection 
                                             spread before                         systems and our    Inter alia, we 
                                             security vendors                      incident           deliver user 
                                             can                                   response           education, 
                                             respond                                                  improved 
                                             represent a                                              configuration, 
                                             particularly                                             internal testing 
                                             high risk                                                and new tools 
     ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 9    Operational risk    Business units'    Loss of all or     Delayed            Business           Principal sites 
                          production         part of a major    shipments          Continuity Plans   have detailed 
                          facilities are     production         leading to lower   in place           BCPs which 
                          typically          facility           sales and                             include plans to 
                          located at a                          profitability                         restore or 
                          single site                                                                 relocate 
                                                                                   Use of             production in 
                                                                                   contractual        the event of a 
                                                                                   protection to      major incident. 
                                                                                   financial          Mechanisms such 
                                                                                   consequences of    as clauses for 
                                                                                   delayed delivery   limitation of 
                                                                                                      liability / 
                                                                                                      liability caps / 
                                                                                                      exclusion of 
                                                                                                      losses in sales 
     ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 10   Pensions            The Group's        Movements in the   Additional cash    Regular review     The Group has 
                          calculated         actuarial          required by the    of investment      closed its 
                          pension deficit    assumptions may    Group to fund      strategy.          defined benefit 
                          is sensitive to    have an            the deficit.                          pension schemes 
                          changes in the     appreciable        Reduction in net   Liability          in the UK and US 
                          actuarial          effect on the      assets.            hedging            to future 
                          assumptions.       reported pension                      programme to       accrual. 
                                             deficit.                              mitigate 
                                                                                   exposure to        The Group has a 
                                                                                   movements in       funding plan in 
                                                                                   interest rates     place to reduce 
                                                                                   and inflation      the pension 
                                                                                                      deficit over the 
                                                                                                      short to medium 
     ------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 ID   Specific Risk      Context           Risk               Possible Impact    Control           Mitigation 
 11   Foreign exchange   The Group's       Adverse foreign    Reduced            Natural hedging   Strategic 
      volatility         sterling cost     currency           profitability      to offset         procurement in USD, 
                         basis is higher   movements                             foreign           Euros & Yen. 
                         than its                                                currency sales 
                         sterling                                                through 
                         revenue sources                                         procurement in 
                         meaning that a                                          foreign 
                         significant                                             currencies; 
                         proportion of 
                         the Group's                                             Hedging           Short-term exposure 
                         profit is made                                          programme         to volatility is 
                         in foreign                                                                managed by hedging 
                         currencies.                                                               programme (forward 
     -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
 12   Legal /            The Group         Infringement of    Potential loss     Formal 'Freedom   Confirmation of 
      compliance risk    operates in a     a third party's    of future          to Operate'       'Freedom to 
                         complex           intellectual       revenue;           assessment to     Operate' during new 
                         technological     property                              identify          product development 
                         environment and                      financial          potential IP      stage gate process 
                         competitors may                      compensation       issues during 
                         seek to protect                                         product 
                         their position                                          development; 
                         property rights 
     -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 

Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the Half Year Financial Statements

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU;

   --      the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by: 

(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

   Ian Barkshire, Chief Executive                 Gavin Hill, Group Finance Director 

13 November 2018

Independent review report to Oxford Instruments plc


We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2018 which comprises the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and the related explanatory notes.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2018 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority ("the UK FCA").

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the UK. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. We read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and consider whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FCA.

The annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU. The directors are responsible for preparing the condensed set of financial statements included in the half-yearly financial report in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

The purpose of our review work and to whom we owe our responsibilities

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the DTR of the UK FCA. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Greg Watts

for and on behalf of KPMG LLP

Chartered Accountants

One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway

Birmingham, B4 6GH

13 November 2018

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 13, 2018 02:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

Oxford Instruments (LSE:OXIG)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Oxford Instruments 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Oxford Instruments (LSE:OXIG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Oxford Instruments 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.