RNS No 2956j
12th November 1997

                1997/98 INTERIM RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT


The Consolidated Interim Results (Unaudited) of Oxford Instruments plc, the
advanced instrumentation company, for the half year to 30 September 1997 show:

                        Half year ended       Half year ended        Change
                        30 September 1997     30 September 1996

Turnover                #81.4 million         #67.0 million          up    22%

Profit before tax        #7.3 million          #9.5 million          down  23%

Earnings per share       10.0 pence            12.5 pence            down  20%

Dividend per share        2.3 pence             2.1 pence            up    10%

The Interim Results and Chairman's Statement are attached.

The Interim Report will be sent to shareholders on 18 November 1997.  The
Interim Dividend will be paid on 26 March 1998 to shareholders registered at
the close of business on 20 February 1998 the record date.  The shares will be
marked ex-dividend on 16 February 1998.  


Oxford Instruments plc               Tel:  01865 881437   Fax:  01865 881944
Peter Williams, Executive Chairman
Martin Lamaison, Financial Director

Citigate Communications Plc          Tel:  0171 282 8000   Fax:  0171 282 8010
Miranda Kavanagh
Further copies: For further copies of this Interim Results announcement please
contact Della Gorham at the Company's registered office at Old Station Way,
Eynsham, Witney Oxon OX8 1TL.  The Company is registered in England Number

Chairman's statement

Peter Williams, Executive Chairman of Oxford Instruments plc, said today:-

"Our 22% increase in sales to #81.4 million in the half year to 30th September
1997 was in great part due to the sale of Helios 2, our second compact
synchrotron, to Singapore.  Nevertheless, profitability in this period has
been affected by both the strength of Sterling and the relocation of two of
our major business units.  As a result, interim pre-tax profits of #7.3
million are down 23% on the corresponding period a year ago.  This figure
contains a small profit contribution from the sale of Helios 2.

We estimate that the effect of the present strength of Sterling relative to
the major currencies which most affect our exports has been to depress
operating profit in the half year by #1 million compared with the same period
one year ago. On the basis of the Group's current forward exchange contracts
and the length of our order book, we are able to estimate that the operating
profit for the full year to 31st March 1998 will be adversely affected by up
to #3 million cumulatively compared with last year.  These movements are
almost entirely transaction related and translation effects are negligible.

During the half year, two of our leading businesses - Research Instruments and
Microanalysis - were relocated to new purpose built facilities.  Both sites
are now fully operational and will have a favourable impact on efficiency and
output from the second half onwards as well as allowing for future expansion
in sales.  However, as anticipated, the short term delays in shipments caused
by the moves also adversely affected our performance in the half year to a
considerable extent. Although it is difficult to quantify this, it is likely
that it was comparable in profit terms to the effects of Sterling.  We are now
able to proceed with the relocation of our NMR business into the space vacated
by Research Instruments and we are making good progress on the new facility
for our Industrial Analysis business, which will be completed by the end of
the financial year. This major cycle of long term capital investment in
manufacturing and facilities, which will largely be completed within the
current financial year, will undoubtedly strengthen the Group and enhance our
performance in years to come.

As forecast, the further modest fall in the profit contribution from our
associate company, Oxford Magnet Technology, also impacted our pre-tax profits
for the half year. However, I believe the decline in OMT's contribution will
soon be arrested and with a growing order book, I am confident that the
operation will continue to make a very valuable contribution to our future. In
particular, relationships continue to strengthen with both our partner,
Siemens and our other principal customers in the USA and East Asia. OMT
remains world No.1 in its field.

In my statement with the full year results for last year I noted that the
growth in our order book was also beginning to be affected by the strength of
Sterling. At the half year the annualised rate of intake of new orders was
running at #162 million, virtually the same as the closing prior year end rate
of #163 million, which is encouraging in the current export climate. However,
it should be remembered that this figure includes the order for Helios 2 so
that the underlying rate of receipt of new business is now somewhat below that
at last year end. Nevertheless, order backlog remains healthy and it should be
stressed that in our major export markets in the USA, Germany and Japan we
continue to focus on market share in order to preserve and enhance our long
term competitiveness.

The net cash position was largely unchanged since the year end closing at
#24.1 million in spite of continuing expenditure on new facilities. We are
actively continuing to explore the possibility of enhancing growth by the
acquisition of businesses complementary  to our existing activities and I am
optimistic that progress can be made in this area.

Helios 2 has now completed its commissioning trials in Oxford and has received
formal factory acceptance by the National University of Singapore. Work will
commence shortly in Singapore on the new facility which will house the system
and we plan to install Helios 2 during the latter part of 1998. Meanwhile, the
performance of the synchrotron has been well above its specified levels which
has helped to focus further interest on the part of other potential customers.
We remain confident of the potential of X-ray lithography for certain critical
process stages in the manufacture of semiconductor devices once the resolution
limits have been reached with current optical techniques.

Our sales offices in both Singapore and Beijing are now fully operational and
will rapidly begin to make a contribution towards our drive for further sales
growth throughout East Asia. Despite the recent financial problems elsewhere
in the region, we believe that our focus on East Asia as a whole,
complementing our long established activities in Europe and North America,
will enhance our overall prospects in years to come. In addition, initiatives
are under way to explore the potential for further sales growth in Central and
South America.

Taking all the above factors into account and reflecting our continuing
confidence in the long term future of your company, your Directors have
recommended an interim dividend of 2.3p, up by 10% on the prior half year.

During recent years your company has enjoyed a period of sustained growth.
Looking to the future, I am confident that momentum will be re-established in
the second half, although the full benefits of this will not be felt until
next financial year. Our fundamental strategies remain unchanged and I would
like to thank all our employees world-wide for their continuing efforts and
their dedication."

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Unaudited)

                            Half year to           Half Year to        Year to
                               30 Sep 97              30 Sep 96      31 Mar 97
                      Notes         #000                   #000           #000
                      ----- ------------           ------------      ---------
Turnover                1       81,404                  66,966        147,056
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Operating profit                 4,726                   6,430         16,543
Net interest receivable            837                     672          1,345
Income from associate   2        1,730                   2,427          5,087
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Profit before tax                7,293                   9,529         22,975
Taxation                3       (2,334)                 (3,336)        (7,766)
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Profit after tax        4        4,959                   6,193         15,209
Dividends               5       (1,128)                 (1,032)        (3,714)
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Retained profit                  3,831                   5,161         11,495
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
                                 pence                   pence          pence
Earnings per share      4         10.0                    12.5           30.8
Dividend per share      5          2.3                     2.1            7.5

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (Unaudited) 

                           Half year to            Half year to        Year to
                              30 Sep 97               30 Sep 96      31 Mar 97
                                   #000                    #000           #000
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Profit after tax                 4,959                   6,193         15,209
Currency translation               
differences on foreign currency 
net investments                    293                    (582)        (1,918)
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Total recognised gains and       5,252                   5,611         13,291
losses for the period
                            ------------           ------------      ---------

Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)

                                   As at                  As at          As at
                               30 Sep 97              30 Sep 96      31 Mar 97
                                    #000                   #000           #000
                            ------------           ------------      ---------

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                  35,029                 25,243         31,160
Investments                       5,208                 14,058          3,804 
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
                                 40,237                 39,301         34,964
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Current assets
Stocks                           31,880                 35,301         35,323
Debtors                          48,560                 38,809         47,607
Cash at bank and in hand         26,797                 24,697         26,825
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
                                107,237                 98,807        109,755
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts        (2,719)                (3,396)        (2,642)
Other creditors                 (46,485)               (47,911)       (48,076)
                            ------------           ------------      ---------
                                (49,204)               (51,307)       (50,718)
                            ------------           ------------      ---------

Net current assets               58,033                 47,500         59,037
                            ------------           ------------      ---------

Total assets less current        98,270                 86,801         94,001
Provision for liabilities        (1,586)                     -         (1,586)
& charges
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Net assets employed              96,684                 86,801         92,415
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Equity shareholders' funds       96,684                 86,801         92,415
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Movements in Shareholders' Funds (Unaudited)

                           Half year to           Half year to        Year to 
                              30 Sep 97              30 Sep 96      31 Mar 97
                                   #000                   #000           #000
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Profit for the period            4,959                  6,193         15,209
Dividends                       (1,128)                (1,032)        (3,714)
Other recognised gains and losses  293                   (582)        (1,918)
New share capital subscribed       185                    328            950
Goodwill written off               (40)                  (358)          (364)
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Net movements in shareholders'   4,269                  4,549         10,163
Opening shareholders' funds     92,415                 82,252         82,252
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Closing shareholders' funds     96,684                 86,801         92,415
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)

                          Half year to            Half year to       Year  to
                             30 Sep 97               30 Sep 96      31 Mar 97 
                      Notes       #000                    #000           #000
                      ----- ------------           ------------      ---------
Net cash inflow from    7       4,590                  11,928          17,012
operating activities
Returns on investments and 
servicing of finance    7         808                     849          13,000
Taxation                          337                  (1,642)         (5,678)
Capital expenditure and 
financial investment    7      (5,977)                 (6,084)        (13,892)
Acquisition                         -                    (547)           (547)
Equity dividends paid               -                       -          (3,319)
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Cash (outflow) inflow before     (242)                  4,504           6,576
use of liquid resources and 
Management of liquid   7        2,000                  (7,000)         (8,722)
Financing              7          185                     328             950
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Increase (decrease) in cash     1,943                  (2,168)         (1,196)
in the period
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds

                           Half year to           Half year to       Year to  
                              30 Sep 97              30 Sep 96     31 Mar 97
                                   #000                   #000          #000
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Increase (decrease) in cash     1,943                 (2,168)          (1,196)
in the period
Change in liquid resources     (2,000)                 7,000            8,722 
Translation difference            (48)                   112              300
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Movement in net funds in the     (105)                 4,944            7,826
Opening net funds              24,183                 16,357           16,357
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Closing net funds              24,078                 21,301           24,183
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Analysis of net funds
Cash at bank on demand          6,797                  4,697            4,825
Bank overdrafts                  (155)                  (812)            (183)
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Closing net cash                6,642                  3,885            4,642
Cash on deposit                20,000                 20,000           22,000
Debt due within one year       (2,564)                (2,584)          (2,459)
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Closing net funds              24,078                 21,301           24,183
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Notes on the Interim Financial Statements

1. Accounting policies The consolidated profit and loss account and
balance sheet for the half years ended 30 September 1997 and 30 September 1996
have been prepared on a basis consistent with the accounting policies
disclosed in the Group's Report and Accounts 1997.  No operations were
discontinued during the period.

The principal average exchange rates used to translate the Group's overseas
results were as follows:-

                  Half year to            Half year to            Year to
                    30 Sep 97               30 Sep 96            31 Mar 97
               Average  Period End    Average Period End    Average Period End

US Dollar       1.63      1.62         1.54      1.56        1.59      1.64
German Mark     2.86      2.85         2.32      2.38        2.47      2.74
Yen              196       195          167       174         180       203

2.       Income from associate
The Group's income from its associated undertaking consists of its 49% share
in the profit before tax of Oxford Magnet Technology Limited.  Turnover of
Oxford Magnet Technology Limited for the half year ended 30 September 1997 was
#36.7 million (1996 #34.3 million).

3.       Taxation
The tax charge for the half year ended 30 September 1997 has been based on the
estimated effective rate for the full year, taking into account the reduced UK
corporation tax rate.

4.       Earnings per share
Earnings per share have been calculated on the weighted average of 49,607,407
shares in issue during the 26 weeks ended 30 September 1997 (1996 49,419,460

5.       Dividends per share
An interim dividend of 2.3p (1996 2.1p) will be paid on 26 March 1998 to
shareholders registered at the close of business on 20 February 1998, the
record date.  The shares will be marked 'ex-dividend' on 16 February 1998.

6.       Report and Accounts 1997
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 1997 are
extracted from the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. 
Those accounts have been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered
to the Registrar of Companies.  The report of the auditors was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act
1985.  Copies of the Report and Accounts 1997 are available from the Company's
registered office by applying to the Company Secretary, Oxford Instruments
plc, Old Station Way, Eynsham, Witney, Oxon, OX8 1TL.

Notes on the Interim Financial Statements

7   Cashflows netted in the cashflow statement

                           Half year to           Half year to        Year to
                              30 Sep 97              30 Sep 96      31 Mar 97 
                                   #000                   #000           #000
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Operating Profit                 4,726                  6,430          16,543
Depreciation charges and         
amortisation                     1,897                  1,775           3,417
Change in Stocks                 3,561                 (3,745)         (4,261)
Change  in Debtors                (381)                 6,617          (4,935)
Change in Creditors             (5,213)                   851           6,248
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Net cash inflow from             4,590                 11,928          17,012
operating activities
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Interest received                  837                    893           1,212
Interest paid                      (29)                   (44)            (87)
Dividend received from               -                      -          11,875
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Net cash inflow from returns on    
investments and servicing of 
finance                            808                    849          13,000
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Purchase of fixed assets        (5,625)                (5,785)        (13,756)
Sale of fixed assets               132                    143             284
Investments acquired              (484)                  (442)           (420)
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Net cash outflow for capital 
expenditure and financial       (5,977)                (6,084)        (13,892)
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Decrease (increase) in term      
deposits                         2,000                 (7,000)         (9,000)
Increase in term loans               -                      -             278
                           ------------           ------------      ---------

Net cash inflow (outflow) from   2,000                 (7,000)         (8,722)
management of liquid resources  
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Issue of ordinary shares           
including share premium            185                    328             950
                           ------------           ------------      ---------
Net cash inflow from financing     185                    328             950
                           ------------           ------------      ---------



Oxford Instruments (LSE:OXIG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Oxford Instruments 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Oxford Instruments (LSE:OXIG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Oxford Instruments 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.