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News) - Cloud services provider Outsourcery PLC's shares were cancelled from trading on AIM on Monday after the compan ...
AIM 18 July 2016 NOTICE 18/07/2016 7:00am NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON AIM OUTSOURCERY PLC At the request of the company...
News) - Outsourcery PLC late Thursday said administrators have been formally appointed to the company and its three su ...
Outsourcery PLC 16 June 2016 16 June 2016 OUTSOURCERY PLC Outsourcery Group Limited, Outsourcery Holdings Limited, Outsourcery Hosting Limited...
News) - Outsourcery PLC on Wednesday said Investec Bank PLC has resigned as its nominated adviser with immediate effec ...
Outsourcery PLC 15 June 2016 15 June 2016 OUTSOURCERY PLC Resignation of Nominated Adviser Outsourcery plc (AIM: OUT, 'Outsourcery' or...
News) - Outsourcery PLC said Wednesday it will appoint administrators from Ernst & Young in order to complete the sale ...
Outsourcery PLC 15 June 2016 15 June 2016 OUTSOURCERY PLC Update Outsourcery plc (AIM: OUT, 'Outsourcery' or 'the Company'...
News) - Outsourcery PLC Friday said it has received a number of initial offers for its assets, but the potential proce ...
Outsourcery PLC 03 June 2016 3 June 2016 OUTSOURCERY PLC Update and Suspension of Trading Outsourcery plc (AIM: OUT, 'Outsourcery' or...
AIM 03 June 2016 NOTICE 03/06/2016 2:00pm TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF TRADING ON AIM OUTSOURCERY PLC Trading on AIM for the under-mentioned securities...
Outsourcery PLC 12 May 2016 12 May 2016 Outsourcery plc ("Outsourcery" or the "Company") Appointment of Non-Executive Director...
News) - Cloud software company Outsourcery PLC on Tuesday said it secured a direct contract win with Keoghs, which pro ...
Outsourcery PLC 03 May 2016 03 May 2016 OUTSOURCERY PLC ("Outsourcery" or the "Company") Outsourcery Secures New Contract Win...
Outsourcery PLC 28 April 2016 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES(i) 1. Identity of the issuer or Outsourcery Plc the underlying issuer...
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