OneSavings Bank plc 
   (the Company) 
   Notification of Transactions of Persons Discharging Managerial 
Responsibilities (PDMRs) and persons closely associated with the PDMRs 
   (i)            Awards 
   The Company notifies the following changes in the interests in the 
ordinary shares of GBP0.01 each (Shares) of the Company of the Executive 
Directors and other PDMRs arising from awards granted under the Deferred 
Share Bonus Plan (DSBP) and Performance Share Plan (PSP) on 19 March 
2020 at a price of GBP2.5836 per Share being the average closing price 
of the Shares for the five dealing days leading up to the date of grant. 
   The purpose of the DSBP is to facilitate the deferral of part of a 
participant's annual bonus into Shares.  Awards to Executive Directors 
will normally vest three years after grant and awards to other PDMRs 
will normally vest one year after grant. DSBP awards will not be subject 
to performance conditions. 
   The PSP awards are based on a mixture of internal financial performance 
targets, relative total shareholder return and a non-financial risk 
metric.  The performance targets will be measured over three financial 
years with vesting in five equal tranches between three and seven years 
following grant.  Clawback and malus provisions apply to these Awards. 
   The Group Remuneration Committee considered whether to reduce the grant 
level of the PSP awards in light of the recent share price falls, or to 
delay the grant.  However, acknowledging that Coronavirus (COVID-19) is 
impacting the stock market generally, it determined that the 2020 awards 
should be granted at the normal grant level under the policy. It also 
decided against delaying the grant, as it was not possible to forecast 
when the stock market was likely to stabilise. The Group Remuneration 
Committee however has discretion to adjust the vesting level to ensure 
that the reward level reflects underlying performance, risk and 
individual conduct and in doing so will consider whether there have been 
any windfall gains in the event of a swift recovery in the stock market 
and company share price. 
Name                Number of Shares acquired 
----------------  ----------------------------- 
Executive Directors 
---------------------------  --------  -------- 
                    DSBP       PSP      TOTAL 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Andrew Golding      114,558   312,935   427,493 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
April Talintyre      77,172   212,881   290,053 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Other PDMRs 
---------------------------  --------  -------- 
Jens Bech            33,909   121,002   154,911 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Alan Cleary          32,145   153,983   186,128 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Richard Davis        20,943         0    20,943 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Peter Elcock         32,145   151,783   183,928 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Jason Elphick        24,333    95,101   119,434 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
John Gaunt                0    77,992    77,992 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Hasan Kazmi          33,051   101,778   134,829 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Clive Kornitzer      38,186   129,774   167,960 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Lisa Odendaal        23,636    83,136   106,772 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Paul Whitlock        15,447    78,170    93,617 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
Richard Wilson       21,883    83,455   105,338 
----------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
   (ii)           Vestings -- Sale to Satisfy Tax Liabilities 
   The Company also notifies the following changes in the interests in the 
ordinary shares of GBP0.01 each (Shares) of the Company of the Executive 
Directors and other PDMRs arising from awards vested under the following 
   -- 2017 Deferred Share Bonus Plan, which was granted on 16 March 2017 at a 
      price of GBP4.0754 per Share being the average closing price of the 
      Shares for the five dealing days leading up to the date of grant. 
   -- 2017 Performance Share Plan, which  was granted on 16 March 2017 at a 
      price of GBP4.0754 per Share, being the average closing price of the 
      Shares for the five dealing days leading up to the date of grant; 75.1 
      per cent of the awards vested. 
   -- 2019 Deferred Share Bonus Plan, which was granted on 14 March 2019 at a 
      price of GBP3.9008 per Share being the average closing price of the 
      Shares for the five dealing days leading up to the date of grant. 
   The number of shares sold represents the tax liability for each 
Name                      Number of Shares disposed 
------------------------  -------------------------  ------ 
Executive Directors 
------------------------  -------------------------  ------ 
                   DSBP   PSP                        TOTAL 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Andrew Golding    23,076                     50,769  73,845 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
April Talintyre   15,629                     26,904  42,533 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Other PDMRs 
------------------------  -------------------------  ------ 
Jens Bech         12,351                     22,060  34,411 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Richard Davis      7,540                      9,417  16,957 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Jason Elphick      8,819                      6,127  14,946 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Hasan Kazmi       10,263                     12,454  22,717 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Clive Kornitzer   13,279                     18,876  32,155 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Lisa Odendaal      7,414                      6,992  14,406 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
Richard Wilson     8,059                     10,328  18,387 
----------------  ------  -------------------------  ------ 
   (iii)          Shares purchased by Directors and other PDMRs in the 
   The following disclosures are made in accordance with Article 19 of the 
EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014. 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Andrew Golding 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Chief Executive Officer 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or  auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      427,493    GBP1,104,470.91 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      427,493    GBP1,104,470.91 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------- 
                                             GBP1.721785               73,845    GBP127,145.21 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------- 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               73,845    GBP127,145.21 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------- 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  April Talintyre 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Chief Financial Officer 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or  auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      290,053    GBP749,380.93 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      290,053    GBP749,380.93 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP1.721785               42,533    GBP73,232.68 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               42,533    GBP73,232.68 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Jens Bech 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group Commercial Director 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
  Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
  19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock   GBP -- British Pound 
  2020          shares of                     Exchange, 
                GBP0.01                       Main Market 
                each                          (XLON) 
  Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                            GBP1.764186    11,274     GBP19,889.43 
                                            -------------  ---------  ------------ 
                            Aggregated      GBP1.764186    11,274     GBP19,889.43 
                            --------------  -------------  ---------  ------------ 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      154,911    GBP400,228.06 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      154,911    GBP400,228.06 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP1.721785               34,411    GBP59,248.34 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               34,411    GBP59,248.34 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Alan Cleary 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group Managing Director, Mortgages 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or  auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      186,128    GBP480,880.30 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      186,128    GBP480,880.30 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Richard Davis 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Chief Information Officer 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or  auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument   Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                      trading 
              GBP0.01                        venue 
Nature of Transaction:                     Price          Volume     Total 
                                           GBP2.5836      20,943     GBP54,108.33 
                           Aggregated      GBP2.5836      20,943     GBP54,108.33 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP1.721785               16,957    GBP29,196.31 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               16,957    GBP29,196.31 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Peter Elcock 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Chief Risk Officer, CCFS 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or  auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      183,928    GBP475,196.38 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      183,928    GBP475,196.38 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Jason Elphick 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group General Counsel and Company 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of           Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code             Transaction 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
  20 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock       GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Exchange, Main     Pound 
                 of GBP0.01                     Market (XLON) 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price              Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  -----------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP2.25223         8,214     GBP18,499.82 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP2.25223         8,214     GBP18,499.82 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  --------  ------------ 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      119,434    GBP308,569.68 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      119,434    GBP308,569.68 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP1.721785               14,946    GBP25,733.80 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               14,946    GBP25,733.80 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  John Gaunt 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group Chief Information Officer 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      77,992     GBP201,500.13 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      77,992     GBP201,500.13 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Hasan Kazmi 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Chief Risk Officer, OSB 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      134,829    GBP348,344.20 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      134,829    GBP348,344.20 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP1.721785               22,717    GBP39,113.79 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               22,717    GBP39,113.79 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Clive Kornitzer 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group Chief Operating Officer 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      167,960    GBP433,941.46 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      167,960    GBP433,941.46 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  ----------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  ----------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
                                             GBP1.721785               32,155    GBP55,364 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               32,155    GBP55,364 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Lisa Odendaal 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group Chief Internal Auditor 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
2020          shares of                     trading 
              GBP0.01                       venue 
Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                          GBP2.5836      106,772    GBP275,856.14 
                          Aggregated      GBP2.5836      106,772    GBP275,856.14 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares                         Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
                 of GBP0.01 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP1.721785               14,406    GBP24,804.03 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.721785               14,406    GBP24,804.03 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person   Paul Whitlock 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group Managing Director, Savings 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or  auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
  Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
  19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a      GBP -- British Pound 
  2020          shares of                     trading 
                GBP0.01                       venue 
  Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume     Total 
                                            GBP2.5836      93,617     GBP241,868.88 
                            Aggregated      GBP2.5836      93,617     GBP241,868.88 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Richard Wilson 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Group Chief Credit Officer 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of      Financial        Identification    Place of          Currency 
  Transaction   Instrument       Code             Transaction 
  -----------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------------- 
  19 March     Ordinary shares  GB00BM7S7K96      Outside a         GBP -- British 
  2020          of GBP0.01                         trading venue     Pound 
  -----------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                        Price             Volume     Total 
  ----------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ---------  ------------- 
                                                GBP2.5836         105,338    GBP272,151.26 
  -----------  ---------------  --------------  ----------------  ---------  ------------- 
                                Aggregated      GBP2.5836         105,338    GBP272,151.26 
  -----------  ---------------  --------------  ----------------  ---------  ------------- 
  Date of      Financial        Identification    Place of        Currency 
  Transaction   Instrument       Code             Transaction 
  -----------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
  19 March     Ordinary shares  GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock    GBP -- British 
  2020          of GBP0.01                         Exchange,       Pound 
                each                               Main Market 
  -----------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                        Price           Volume    Total 
  ----------------------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ------------ 
                                                GBP1.721785     18,387    GBP31,658.46 
  -----------  ---------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ------------ 
                                Aggregated      GBP1.721785     18,387    GBP31,658.46 
  -----------  ---------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  David Weymouth 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Chairman 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or  auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of       Financial   Identification    Place of       Currency 
  Transaction   Instrument  Code              Transaction 
  19 March      Ordinary    GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock   GBP -- British Pound 
  2020          shares of                     Exchange, 
                GBP0.01                       Main Market 
                each                          (XLON) 
  Nature of Transaction:                    Price          Volume      Total 
                                            GBP1.731000    5,500       GBP9,520.50 
                                            -------------  ----------  ----------- 
                            Aggregated      GBP1.731000    5,500       GBP9,520.50 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Valeryane Elphick 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Spouse of Jason Elphick - Group General 
                                 Counsel and Company Secretary 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  20 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares of                      Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                             GBP2.26516                8,608     GBP19,498.50 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                             Aggregated      GBP2.26516                8,608     GBP19,498.50 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  ------------ 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Mary McNamara 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Non-Executive Director 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  ----------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares of                      Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  ----------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
                                             GBP1.73                   17,000    GBP29,410 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.73                   17,000    GBP29,410 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
   1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / 
person closely associated 
Name of natural person  Paul Whittaker 
   2 - Reason for the notification 
Position/status                 Spouse of Mary McNamara - Non-Executive 
Initial notification/amendment  Initial Notification 
   3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
Full name of the entity  OneSavings Bank plc 
Legal Entity Identifier  213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
   Transaction(s) summary table 
  Date of       Financial    Identification    Place of Transaction      Currency 
   Transaction   Instrument   Code 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  ----------------- 
  19 March      Ordinary     GB00BM7S7K96      London Stock Exchange,    GBP -- British 
   2020          shares of                      Main Market (XLON)        Pound 
  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ------------------------  ----------------- 
  Nature of Transaction:                     Price                     Volume    Total 
  -------------------------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
                                             GBP1.73                   27,500    GBP47,575 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
                             Aggregated      GBP1.73                   27,500    GBP47,575 
  ------------  -----------  --------------  ------------------------  --------  --------- 
   OneSavings Bank plc 
   Nickesha Graham-Burrell,                                               t: 01634 835 796 
   Head of Company Secretariat 
   Robin Wrench / Simone Selzer                                        t: 
020 7404 5959 
   Notes to Editors 
   About OneSavings Bank plc 
   OneSavings Bank plc (OSB) began trading as a bank on 1 February 2011 and 
was admitted to the main market of the London Stock Exchange in June 
2014 (OSB.L). OSB joined the FTSE 250 index in June 2015. On 4 October 
2019, OSB acquired Charter Court Financial Services Group plc (CCFS) and 
its subsidiary businesses. OSB is a specialist lending and retail 
savings Group authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority, part of 
the Bank of England, and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 
and Prudential Regulation Authority. 
   OneSavings Bank 
   OSB primarily targets market sub-sectors that offer high growth 
potential and attractive risk-adjusted returns in which it can take a 
leading position and where it has established expertise, platforms and 
capabilities. These include private rented sector Buy-to-Let, commercial 
and semi-commercial mortgages, residential development finance, bespoke 
and specialist residential lending, secured funding lines and asset 
   OSB originates mortgages organically via specialist brokers and 
independent financial advisers through its specialist brands including 
Kent Reliance for Intermediaries, InterBay Commercial and Prestige 
Finance. It is differentiated through its use of highly skilled, bespoke 
underwriting and efficient operating model. 
   OSB is predominantly funded by retail savings originated through the 
long-established Kent Reliance name, which includes online and postal 
channels as well as a network of branches in the South East of England. 
Diversification of funding is currently provided by securitisation 
programmes, the Term Funding Scheme and the Bank of England Indexed 
Long-Term Repo operation. 
   Charter Court Financial Services Group 
   CCFS focuses on providing Buy-to-Let and specialist residential 
mortgages, mortgage servicing, administration and credit consultancy and 
retail savings products. It operates through its three brands -- Precise 
Mortgages, Exact Mortgage Experts and Charter Savings Bank. 
   It is differentiated through risk management expertise and best-of-breed 
automated technology and systems, ensuring efficient processing, strong 
credit and collateral risk control and speed of product development and 
innovation. These factors have enabled strong balance sheet growth 
whilst maintaining high credit quality mortgage assets. 
   CCFS is predominantly funded by retail savings originated through its 
Charter Savings Bank brand. Diversification of funding is currently 
provided by securitisation programmes, the Term Funding Scheme and the 
Bank of England Indexed Long-Term Repo operation. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 23, 2020 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Osb 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
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부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Osb 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.