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Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Zentra Group plc: Bulk Sale at One Meadow, Eccleshill 28-Feb-2025 /...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: TR-1: Notification of Major Holdings 24-Jan-2025 / 07:00...
- Manchester, England-based residential developer focused on the north of England - Signs new relationship agreement w ...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: New Relationship Agreement Signed with Majority Shareholder...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Transition to Aquis and Strategic Update 11-Dec-2024 / 07:00 GMT/BST...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Director/PDMR Transaction 09-Dec-2024 / 13:16 GMT/BST 9 December...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Results of AGM 28-Nov-2024 / 11:40 GMT/BST 28 November 2024 ZENTRA...
Zentra Group PLC saw its shares tumble on Friday afternoon as it updated the market on progress with its ongoing tran ...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Completion of Transactions and Listing Update 22-Nov-2024 / 07:00...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Delisting from the Main Market and Admission to the Access Segment of...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Property Transactions Extension 08-Nov-2024 / 07:02 GMT/BST...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Admission to the Access Segment of the AQSE Growth Market 08-Nov-2024...
Zentra Group plc (ZNT) Zentra Group plc: Director/PDMR Transaction 06-Nov-2024 / 15:35 GMT/BST 6 November...
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