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The following is a round-up of updates by London-listed companies, issued on Thursday and not separately reported by ...
Official List 25 August 2023 NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF LISTING FROM THE OFFICIAL LIST 25/08/2023 08:00 REMOVAL New Century AIM VCT PLC The Financial...
London Stock Exchange Notice 25 August 2023 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE 25/08/2023 - 08:00 At the...
At the General Meeting held at 4pm on the 16(th) August 2023, all the resolutions announced on the 20(th) July 2023 were passed The voting was as...
The Directors of New Century Aim VCT today swore an oath of Declaration of Solvency of the Company. Shareholders have been informed that IN THE...
The winding up process of New Century Aim VCT is now largely complete. The current position is that it has GBP1.69million in cash and just...
At the close on the 31(st) May, 2023, the net asset value of New Century Aim VCT Plc was 22.43p per share. View source version on...
As at the close on the 4(th) May 2023, the net asset value of New Century Aim VCT was 22.49p per share. View source version on
Since the agreement with a majority of shareholders to wind down the portfolio, we have reduced the number of holdings from 80 to just 5 with a...
At the EGM held today both resolutions were passed today with the following votes Special Resolution 1 To voluntarily wind up the company Votes...
Dealings in the shares have been suspended pending an announcement. View source version on
The issuer advises that the following replaces the New Century AIM VCT Plc Strategy/Company/Operations Update announcement released at 15:29 BST...
As at the close on the 31(st) March 2023, the net asset value of New Century Aim VCT was 22.41p per share. View source version on...
New Century Aim VCT Plc Dear Shareholder, I have pleasure in sending notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for shareholders of New...
As at the close on the 31(st) January 2023, the net asset value of New Century Aim VCT was 23.05p per share. View source version on...
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