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Matra Petroleum PLC 01 June 2012 1 June 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Director resignation effective The board of Matra...
Matra Petroleum PLC 21 May 2012 PRESS RELEASE 21 May 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Annual General Meeting Matra, the...
Matra Petroleum PLC 21 May 2012 21 May 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Board changes The board of Matra Petroleum plc...
Matra Petroleum PLC 15 May 2012 15 May 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Resignation of Director Matra, the independent oil and...
Matra Petroleum PLC 14 May 2012 PRESS RELEASE 14 May 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Allotment of 575,000,000 New Shares and...
Matra Petroleum PLC 10 May 2012 PRESS RELEASE 10 May 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Directors Dealings Matra Petroleum...
Matra Petroleum PLC 09 May 2012 PRESS RELEASE 9 May 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Results of EGM The Board of Matra...
Matra Petroleum PLC 09 May 2012 PRESS RELEASE 9(th) May 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Operations Update Well A-13 Matra, the...
Matra Petroleum PLC 18 April 2012 PRESS RELEASE Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Notice of EGM Matra today issued notice to...
Matra Petroleum PLC 11 April 2012 11th April 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Introduction of a Strategic Investor, Proposed...
Matra Petroleum PLC 27 March 2012 27 March 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Production commences at Well A-13 Matra, the...
Matra Petroleum PLC 26 March 2012 26 March 2012 Matra Petroleum PLC ("Matra" or the "Company") Full Year Results Matra Petroleum PLC, the...
Matra Petroleum PLC 01 March 2012 1(st) March 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Appointment of adviser The Board of Matra is...
Matra Petroleum PLC 30 January 2012 PRESS RELEASE 30(th) January 2012 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Operations Update On Progress...
Matra Petroleum PLC 30 November 2011 PRESS RELEASE 30 November 2011 Matra Petroleum plc ("Matra" or the "Company") Total Voting Rights In...
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