RNS Number : 7907J

Madinet Nasr for Housing & Develop.

21 August 2019

Nasr City - Cons 6-2019E

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.



and Limited review report thereon

AT 30 June 2019



TO THE Board of Directors OF


We have reviewed the interim consolidated financial statements of Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E. for the period from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019, from which the attached summary consolidated financial statements are derived, in accordance with the Egyptian Standards on Auditing and the relevant laws and regulations. As stated in our Arabic review report dated 20 August 2019, we expressed an unqualified review conclusion, on the consolidated financial statements for the period then ended, with an emphasis of matter regarding the going concern of the subsidiary (Al Nasr Company for Utilities and Installations), from which the attached interim summary consolidated financial statements are derived.

In our opinion, the attached summary consolidated financial statements are consistent in all material respects, with the interim consolidated financial statements for the period then ended.

In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the company's interim consolidated financial position as of 30 June 2019, the results of its operations for the period then ended and our scope of limited review, you should refer to the Arabic interim consolidated financial statements for the period then ended and our review report thereon.

Mohanad T. Khaled

Fellow of ACCA

Fellow of ESAA

R.A.A. 22444

FRA No. 375

Cairo, 21 August 2019

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.


At 30 June 2019

                                                                              30/6/2019        31/12/2018 
                                                                     Note        L.E.             L.E. 
 Non-Current Assets 
 Fixed assets (Net)                                                  4/1        51,625,715       54,445,418 
 Projects under construction                                         4/2        17,702,789       18,121,810 
 Held to maturity investments                                        5/1           672,200          672,200 
 Available for sale investments                                      5/2         4,833,310        4,833,310 
 Investments properties                                              5/3        12,944,380       12,859,265 
 Long term notes receivable (Net)                                     8      6,368,785,613    6,149,282,308 
 Deferred tax asset                                                   32         8,691,880        8,128,980 
 Total Non-Current Assets                                                    6,465,255,887    6,248,343,291 
                                                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Current Assets 
 Inventories                                                          6         50,860,502       54,799,073 
 Housing & development projects - WIP                                 7      1,829,246,532    1,455,180,110 
 Housing & development projects - Finished properties                 7         78,545,714       78,545,714 
 Short term notes receivable                                          8      2,455,587,808    2,239,238,936 
 Trade receivables (Net)                                              8        773,739,152      776,161,974 
 Trade payables - debit balances (Net)                                9        421,433,465      227,082,786 
 Debtors and other debit balances                                     10       316,358,073      262,364,491 
 Cash margin on letters of guarantee                                            10,290,918       10,290,918 
 Tax Authority                                                                   1,181,946          632,377 
 Investments at fair value through profit and loss                   5/4        12,697,753       12,169,504 
 Investments held to maturity - Treasury bills                       5/5          -             115,893,797 
 Bank deposits for projects' maintenance                              21       372,364,497      338,488,109 
 Cash and bank balances                                               11       804,182,872      485,592,406 
 Total Current Assets                                                        7,126,489,232    6,056,440,195 
                                                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Total Assets                                                               13,591,745,119   12,304,783,486 
                                                                           ===============  =============== 
 Issued and paid up capital                                           17     1,440,000,000    1,200,000,000 
 Legal reserve                                                                 223,961,329      170,478,648 
 Retained earnings                                                           1,598,077,281      918,233,758 
 Net profit for the period                                                     511,262,805    1,084,591,561 
                                                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Issued capital and reserves attributable to owners of the parent            3,773,301,415    3,373,303,967 
 Non-controlling interest                                             18        94,637,025       96,136,160 
 Total Equity                                                                3,867,938,440    3,469,440,127 
                                                                           ---------------  --------------- 
  CFO and Head of investors relationships       Managing Director                Chairman 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------- 
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelsalam             Eng. Ahmed Ali Elhitamy    Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.


At 30 June 2019

                                                           30/6/2019        31/12/2018 
                                                  Note        L.E.             L.E. 
 Non-Current Liabilities 
 Unearned revenues                                 12     7,285,304,789    6,694,922,865 
 Long term notes payable                           16        19,627,962       39,255,924 
 Term loans                                        19       227,091,983      238,780,101 
 Total Non-Current Liabilities                            7,532,024,734    6,972,958,890 
                                                        ---------------  --------------- 
 Current Liabilities 
 Creditors - customers                                      105,701,681       39,066,777 
 Provisions                                        13       123,043,415      124,043,415 
 Trade payables                                             355,517,025      343,573,058 
 Project infrastructure completion liabilities     14       112,189,904      116,553,018 
 Dividends payable                                           36,968,160       12,195,918 
 Creditors & other credit balances                 16       280,062,848      250,821,122 
 Current portion of long term loans                19        97,196,776      137,768,093 
 Short term loans                                 20/1      366,666,119      111,666,664 
 Liabilities for projects' maintenance             21       373,293,427      340,312,213 
 Credit banks (credit facilities)                 20/2      175,994,045       66,295,682 
 Tax Authority                                              165,148,545      320,088,509 
                                                        ---------------  --------------- 
 Total current liabilities                                2,191,781,945    1,862,384,469 
                                                        ---------------  --------------- 
 Total Liabilities                                        9,723,806,679    8,835,343,359 
 Total EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                            13,591,745,119   12,304,783,486 
                                                        ===============  =============== 

Limited review report attached.

  CFO and Head of investors relationships       Managing Director                Chairman 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------- 
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelsalam             Eng. Ahmed Ali Elhitamy    Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.


For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2019

                                                 Note        From            From            From            From 
                                                           1/1/2019        1/1/2018        1/4/2019        1/4/2018 
                                                              To              To              To              To 
                                                          30/6/2019        30/6/2018       30/6/2019       30/6/2018 
                                                             L.E.            L.E.            L.E.            L.E. 
 Net revenue                                     23-a    1,088,739,322   1,266,976,651     454,523,141     656,174,183 
 Cost of revenue                                 23-b    (303,936,448)   (266,734,173)   (142,068,675)   (144,439,745) 
                                                       ---------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Gross Profit                                              784,802,874   1,000,242,478     312,454,466     511,734,438 
 Selling and marketing expenses                   25     (102,929,037)   (120,366,161)    (55,426,859)    (83,651,778) 
 General and administrative expenses              26      (69,200,426)    (44,198,687)    (38,291,287)    (19,498,144) 
 Decrease in inventory                                        -              (700,000)         -               - 
 Impairment in Trade suppliers - Debit 
  balances                                                   (982,000)         -             (982,000)         - 
 Provisions                                       13          -           (14,653,944)         -          (10,000,000) 
 Provisions no longer required                                -              2,000,000         -             2,000,000 
 Finance expenses                                         (41,557,814)    (61,113,941)    (25,933,948)    (31,761,645) 
 Finance income                                   27        42,512,942      14,754,756      21,293,559       7,808,379 
 Relevant to activity income                      28        58,967,003      22,828,144      25,088,454      11,640,064 
                                                       ---------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit from operations                                    671,613,542     798,792,645     238,202,385     388,271,314 
 Return on investment held to maturity                         706,677          41,715         567,663         - 
 Other expenses                                   29       (4,513,602)     (2,873,511)     (1,710,001)     (1,241,003) 
                                                       ---------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net profit for the period 
  before tax                                               667,806,617     795,960,849     237,060,047     387,030,311 
 Income tax                                              (152,683,414)   (181,882,442)    (51,526,567)    (86,442,154) 
 Deferred tax                                     32           562,900     (2,349,674)     (2,149,178)     (2,359,594) 
                                                       ---------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net profit for the period                                 515,686,103     611,728,733     183,384,302     298,228,563 
 (Less)/ Add : Non-controlling interest                    (4,423,298)    (23,700,872)       (823,407)    (23,707,330) 
 Attributable to owners of the parent             30       511,262,805     588,027,861     182,560,895     274,521,233 
                                                       ===============  ==============  ==============  ============== 
 Earnings per share for the period                34              0.32            0.38            0.11            0.18 
                                                       ===============  ==============  ==============  ============== 
  CFO and Head of investors relationships       Managing Director                Chairman 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------- 
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelsalam             Eng. Ahmed Ali Elhitamy    Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.


For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2019

                                            From           From          From           From 
                                          1/1/2019       1/1/2018      1/4/2019       1/4/2018 
                                             To             To            To             To 
                                          30/6/2019     30/6/2018      30/6/2019     30/6/2018 
                                            L.E.           L.E.          L.E.           L.E. 
 Net profit for the period               515,686,103    611,728,733   183,384,302    298,228,563 
 Other comprehensive income                   -             -              -             - 
                                        ------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total other comprehensive income        515,686,103    611,728,733   183,384,302    298,228,563 
 (Less)/Add: Non-controlling interest    (4,423,298)   (23,700,872)     (823,407)   (23,707,330) 
 Owners of the parent                    511,262,805    588,027,861   182,560,895    274,521,233 
                                        ============  =============  ============  ============= 
  CFO and Head of investors relationships       Managing Director                Chairman 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------- 
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelsalam             Eng. Ahmed Ali Elhitamy    Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.


For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2019

                   Issued and        Legal        Retained      Net profit for        Total       Non-controlling       Total 
                     paid up        reserve       earnings        the period                         interest 
                      L.E.           L.E.           L.E.             L.E.             L.E.             L.E.             L.E. 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2018      997,100,389   123,313,788     332,036,186       931,621,229   2,384,071,592        70,527,049   2,454,598,641 
 Transferred to 
  earnings              -              -          931,621,229     (931,621,229)         -                -                - 
 Dividends for 
  2017                  -              -        (95,165,000)           -           (95,165,000)          -          (95,165,000) 
 Transfer to 
  legal reserve         -          47,164,860   (47,164,860 )          -                -                -                - 
  earnings used 
  for Al Nasr 
  for Civil 
  Works                 -              -            (196,289)          -              (196,289)         (177,881)       (374,170) 
  for the 
  period                -              -              -             588,027,861     588,027,861        23,700,872     611,728,733 
 Balance at 30 
  June 2018         997,100,389   170,478,648   1,121,131,266       588,027,861   2,876,738,164        94,050,040   2,970,788,204 
                 ==============  ============  ==============  ================  ==============  ================  ============== 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2019    1,200,000,000   170,478,648     918,233,758     1,084,591,561   3,373,303,967        96,136,160   3,469,440,127 
 Transferred to 
  earnings              -              -        1,084,591,561   (1,084,591,561)         -                -                - 
 Dividends for 
  2018                  -              -        (104,730,000)          -          (104,730,000)          -          (104,730,000) 
 Transfer to 
  legal reserve         -          53,482,681    (53,482,681)          -                -                -                - 
 Amount paid 
  under capital 
  according to 
  AGM held on 
  25 March 2019     240,000,000        -        (240,000,000)          -                -                -                - 
 Dividends for 
  2018 - Al 
  Nasr Company 
  for Civil 
  Works                 -              -          (6,535,357)          -            (6,535,357)       (5,922,433)    (12,457,790) 
  for the 
  period                -              -              -             511,262,805     511,262,805         4,423,298     515,686,103 
 Balance at 30 
  June 2019       1,440,000,000   223,961,329   1,598,077,281       511,262,805   3,773,301,415        94,637,025   3,867,938,440 
                 ==============  ============  ==============  ================  ==============  ================  ============== 
  CFO and Head of investors relationships       Managing Director                Chairman 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------- 
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelsalam             Eng. Ahmed Ali Elhitamy    Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.


For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2019

                                                                                           30/6/2019       30/6/2018 
                                                                                Note         L.E.            L.E. 
 Net profit for the period before tax                                                      667,806,617     795,960,849 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation of fixed assets and investments in properties                    4, 5/3        8,274,884       5,084,290 
 Provisions                                                                                    982,000      18,797,887 
 Provisions no longer required                                                                 -           (2,000,000) 
 Revenue of investments held to maturity                                                     (706,677)        (41,715) 
 Loss on sale of fixed assets                                                                  -                13,260 
 Net recognized installment sale profit and interest profits and interests 
  due during the period                                                          15       (20,321,778)    (25,553,255) 
 Loss/(gain) on foreign exchange                                                 29            374,710        (29,380) 
 Return on treasury bills                                                        27        (7,715,293)         - 
                                                                                        --------------  -------------- 
 Operating profit before working capital changes                                           648,694,463     792,231,936 
 Inventory and housing and development projects                                          (370,127,851)   (243,042,380) 
 Trade receivables, trade payables debit balances and notes receivable                   (683,650,790)   (848,703,374) 
 Trade payables, unearned revenue, creditors and utilities' liabilities                    694,533,223     666,977,462 
 Provisions used                                                                 13        (1,000,000)     (1,113,536) 
 Dividends paid to directors and employees                                                (86,493,115)    (82,643,778) 
 Income tax paid                                                                         (308,172,947)   (273,309,541) 
 Held to maturity investments-treasury bills                                               109,009,090      14,731,191 
 Net cash from operating activities                                                          2,792,073      25,127,980 
                                                                                        --------------  -------------- 
 Payments for purchase of fixed assets & projects 
  under construction                                                          4/1, 4/2     (5,006,579)     (9,730,119) 
 Payments for purchase of investments in properties                                          (114,696)       (920,505) 
 Revenue from other investments held to maturity                                               706,677          41,715 
 Net cash used in investing activities                                                     (4,414,598)    (10,608,909) 
                                                                                        --------------  -------------- 
  CFO and Head of investors relationships       Managing Director                Chairman 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------- 
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelsalam             Eng. Ahmed Ali Elhitamy    Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E.


For the period from 1 January to 30 June 2019

                                                                          30/6/2019       30/6/2018 
                                                                 Note       L.E.            L.E. 
 Non-controlling interest                                                 (5,922,433)       (177,881) 
 Proceeds from long term loans                                    19       16,870,342         - 
 Repayments for long term loans                                   19     (69,129,777)    (73,107,989) 
 Repayments for short term loans                                  20    (145,000,545)   (112,709,080) 
 Withdrawals from short term loans                                20      400,000,000     335,000,000 
 Net cash from financing activities                                       196,817,587     149,005,050 
                                                                       --------------  -------------- 
 Change in cash and cash equivalents                                      195,195,062     163,524,121 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                 446,066,228     148,985,853 
 (Loss)/gain on foreign exchange                                            (374,710)          29,380 
                                                                       --------------  -------------- 
 Total cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the period                                                           640,886,580     312,539,354 
 Less: Pledged time deposits against letters 
  of guarantee                                                           (91,752,886)    (73,866,411) 
 Pledged investment certificates against letters of guarantee             (9,837,327)     (8,297,708) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the period                                                   20      539,296,367     230,375,235 
                                                                       ==============  ============== 


The statement of cash flows does not include the following non-cash transactions:

- An amount of L.E. 1,012,063 represents amount transferred from projects under construction to fixed assets during the period.

- An amount of L.E. 372,364,497 represents bank accounts and deposits against liabilities for projects maintenance.

- An amount of L.E. 240,000,000 represents Amounts paid under capital increase against issuance for free shares funded from retained earnings.

  CFO and Head of investors relationships       Managing Director                Chairman 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------- 
          Mr. Mohamed Abdelsalam             Eng. Ahmed Ali Elhitamy    Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat 
   1.1       Legal form of the company 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development - S.A.E. was incorporated in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. 815/1959 and was changed to Joint Stock Company according to Presidential Decree No 2908/1964, then became a subsidiary of Public Sector Authority for Housing by Presidential Decree No. 469/1983.

The company was converted under the provisions of Law No. 203 for 1991 issued on 30/06/1996 to an Egyptian Joint Stock Company as a subsidiary to the Holding Company for Housing under the name of Madinet Nasr Housing and Development. The Extraordinary General Assembly of the company held on 30/06/1996 approved the change in the governing laws under which the company was operating from the provisions of Law No. 203 for 1991 to the provisions of Law No. 159 for 1981 and its executive regulations and published in company's journal on January 1997.

The Company was registered in the Commercial Registry under No. (300874) dated 23 December 1996 and Tax Registration No. 095-009-200.

   1.2       Activity 

The company is engaged in all activities related to real estate development for land, buildings and facilities including acquisition of land and real estate, sale and rental, dividing it and providing all types of facilities necessary for reconstruction and connected to it in Nasr City and other areas nationwide, the purchase and development, utilization, leasing and sale of all buildings and land. The company can establish, manage and invest in all residential, administrative, tourist, recreational and all projects necessary to achieve these purposes, and all real estate operations, financial, commercial and entertainment related to these purposes, as well as carrying out design, and engineering consultancy, and supervision of the execution by others.

BIG Investment Group Limited - Britain - is considered the main shareholder of the company.

   1.3       Duration 

The company's term is 50 years starting from the date of the registration in the commercial register and has been renewed for another 25 years started from 23/12/1996 to 22/12/2021.

   1.4       Location 

The company's Head Office is located at 4, Youssef Abbass, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.

The Chairman is Eng. Mohamed Hazem Barakat.

The company's ordinary shares are listed on the Egyptian Exchange (EGX) and, as Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs),

   1.         COMPANY BACKGROUND - Continued 

The company's Board of Directors has approved the consolidated financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2019 on 7 August 2019.

   1.5       Basis of consolidation 

A subsidiary is a company in which the company owns more than 50% of the share capital and the company exercises the right to control the investee when the company is exposed or entitled to variable returns through the company's contribution to the investee company and has the ability to affect those returns through its authority over the company. Therefore the company controls the investee company when the company has all the following:

   --    Power over the investee. 
   --    Exposure or right to variable returns by contributing to the investee company. 

-- The ability to use the authority on the investee company to influence the amount of proceeds obtained from it.

Investments in subsidiaries are carried at cost less impairment losses, if any.

-- The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the company and its subsidiaries.

-- The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting year as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies.

-- All intra-group balances, transactions, income and expenses and profits and losses resulting from intra-group transactions that are recognized as assets and liabilities, are eliminated in full.

-- Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from date of acquisition, being the date on which the group obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date such control ceases.

-- Non-controlling interests represent the portion of total comprehensive income and net assets not held by the group are presented separately in statement of income and within equity in consolidated financial position, separate from owners of parent's equity.

The following is a listing of subsidiaries:

                Subsidiary                         Percentage 
                                                    Ownership              Activity 
 Al Nasr for Civil Works S.A.E.                      52.46%           Civil construction 
 Al Nasr for Utilities and Erection S.A.E.           98.37%           Civil construction 
                                               (Direct investment) 
                                              (Indirect investment) 

The preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with Egyptian Accounting Standards requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable, under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities. Actual results may differ from those estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on a continuous basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised and the future periods if it affects future periods.

The following are items on the consolidated financial statements that are effected by judgments, assumptions, and estimates:

   -     Depreciation of fixed assets and investment property 
   -     Provisions 
   -     Assets impairment 
   -     Taxation 
   -     Cost of sales and cost of completion of infrastructure liability 
   -     Amortization of the discount of present value of notes receivable 
   a)         Basis of preparation of consolidated financial statements 

The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with the Egyptian Accounting Standards and relevant local laws and regulations.

The consolidated financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention modified for measurement of available for sale investments, held to maturity investments and investment at fair value through profit and loss.

The consolidated financial statements are presented in Egyptian Pounds which presents the functional currency of the group.

The consolidated financial statements are prepared by complying the same accounting policies for the current year, except the implementation of the new Egyptian Accounting Standard no. (34)- Investment Property- issued during 2019 which is applied starting from or after the financial period January 2019 concerned with applying the cost model with fair value disclosure-investment property, but the company couldn't measure its fair value reliably.

   b)         Fixed assets and depreciation 

Fixed assets are recorded on purchase at cost and are presented in the consolidated financial position net of accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Historical costs include costs associated with the purchase of the asset. For assets constructed internally, the cost of the asset includes the cost of raw materials, direct labor and other direct costs incurred in bringing each asset to its location and the purpose for which it was acquired, as well as the costs of removal and rearrangement of the site, where the assets are located.

Components are accounted for on an item of fixed assets that have different useful lives as separate items within those fixed assets.

The carrying amount of fixed assets includes the cost of replacing a part or component of such assets when it is expected to obtain future economic benefits as a result of spending that cost. Other costs allocated to the consolidated statement of income as an expense when incurred.

Depreciation is provided on a straight line basis to write off the cost less estimated residual value of each asset - other than land. Estimated useful lives are reviewed periodically and on review base useful lives are adjusted and relevant rates for year 2019 as follows:

                                                               MNHD                            NCCE        NCUE 
                                                            Useful life                       Useful    Useful life 
                                                               Years                          Years        Years 
 Buildings                                                      40                              10-40       20-50 
 Improvements- Leasehold building        5 or the duration of the lease whichever is lower        -           - 
 Improvements- Building owned                                    8                                -           - 
 Machinery & equipment for production                            -                              2-10         2-10 
 Machinery & equipment                                           5                                -           - 
 Motor vehicles                                                  5                              5-10         4-6 
 Computers and servers                                          5-8                               -           - 
 Programs                                                        3                                -           - 
 Tools & equipment                                               2                              4-10         4-12 
 Furniture & office equipment                                   2-8                              10         10-15 
   c)         Projects under construction 

Projects under construction are recorded at cost which includes all the direct costs incurred on the assets to reach its final position. These are transferred to fixed assets or investment property when the asset is complete and ready for its intended use. Projects under construction are recorded at cost less impairment, if any.

   d)         Available for sales investment 

Available for sale investments are initially recorded at cost and are subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are reported as a separate component of other comprehensive income. Where available for sale investments could not be measured reliably, as the market for an investment is not active (and for unlisted securities), these are stated at cost less impairment losses, if any. Impairment loss is charged to the consolidated statement of income.

   e)         Held to maturity investments 

Held to maturity investments are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Premiums or discounts (if any) are amortized using the effective interest method. When the investment is impaired, the impairment loss is adjusted against book value and included in the consolidated statement of income.

   f)         Investment properties 

Investment properties are measured at cost model and depreciation expense carried to the consolidated statement of income according to the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of all investment property except the land. In case of such assets are impaired, the loss is included in the consolidated income statement.

   g)         Investments at fair value through profit and loss 

Investments at fair value through profit and loss are initially recorded at cost and revaluated at the date of consolidated financial statements at fair value which represents the market price at the valuation date. Changes in fair value are charged to the consolidated statement of income.

   h)         Inventories 

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Costs include expenses incurred in bringing each product to its present location and condition. Cost of raw materials, packing materials, spare parts, fuel and oil is determined on an weighted average basis.

Net realizable value is based on estimated selling price less selling and completion cost.

   i)          Housing and development projects 

All cost incurred on housing and development projects are included in this account. At point of sale, this account is adjusted based on actual per meter cost of land or units sold. Housing and development projects are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. In case of decrease the net realizable value under the cost, the decrease is charged to the consolidated statement of income.

   j)          Consolidated statement of cash flows 

Consolidated statement of cash flows is prepared according to the indirect method

   k)         Cash and cash equivalents 

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, time deposits and treasury bills (due within 3 months), investments at fair value through profit and loss, bank current accounts, and short term highly liquid investments, which can be easily converted to cash, less overdrafts (credit banks) and pledged time deposits against letters of guarantee.

   l)          Trade receivables, notes receivables and other debit balances 

Trade accounts receivable stated at cost net of allowance for doubtful debts, which is estimated for amounts not expected to be collected in full. Other debtors stated at cost less any impairment.

Notes receivable represents are the value of the Post Dated Checks (PDCs) obtained from the customers in payment of the remaining contractual values of the contracted real estate units. The initial recognition of the notes receivable is at fair value at the time the contract is entered into with the customers. At the date of preparation of the consolidated financial statements, notes receivable are re-measured at amortized cost which is determined by discounting the future cash flows of the notes receivable using the rate of return that discounts the nominal value of the instruments to the current cash price for selling the real estate units.

   m)        Assets impairment 

Non-Financial Assets

At the consolidated financial statements date, the company reviews the carrying amounts of its owned non financial assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the company estimates the recoverable amount for each asset separately in order to estimate the impairment losses. In case the recoverable amount of the asset cannot be properly estimated, the company estimates the recoverable amounts for the cash-generating unit which is related to the asset.

In case of using a reasonable and consistent basis for allocating of the assets to the cash generating units, the company's general assets would be also allocated to these units. If this is unattainable, the general assets of the company shall be allocated to the smallest group of the cash-generating units, which the company determined using logical and fixed bases.

The asset recoverable amount or the cash-generating unit is represented by the higher of the fair value (less the estimated selling costs) or the estimated amount from the usage of the asset (or the cash generating unit).

The estimated future cash flow from the usage of the assets, or the cash generating unit using a discount rate before tax is discounted in order to reach the present value for these flows which represents the estimated amount from using the asset (or the cash generating unit).


This rate reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset, which were not taken into consideration when estimating the future cash flow generated from it. When the recoverable amount of the asset (cash generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (cash generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount with the impairment loss recognized immediately in the consolidated income statement.

In case the impairment on asset (or cash generating unit) decreases subsequently, and this decrease is related in a logical manner to one event or more taking place after the initial recognition of the impairment at the profit or losses, a reversal is done for the revised amount of losses (or a part of it) - which had been previously recognized - in the consolidated income statement, and the carrying amount for the asset is increased (or the cash generating unit) with the new estimated recoverable amount provided that the revised carrying amount of the asset after revising (or the cash generating unit) does not exceed the carrying amount determined for the asset, had the recognized losses resulting from impairment, not been recognized in previous years

Financial Assets

At the consolidated financial statements date, the company determines whether there is any indication that its financial assets may be impaired.

Financial assets are exposed to impairment when an objective evidence that the estimated future cash flow have been affected by the event or more established at a date subsequent to the initial recognition of the financial asset.

The carrying value of all financial assets is reduced directly with the impairment losses except those related to the reduction in the expected value of the collections from the customers debts and other debit balances, where a formed allowances for impairment loss is done on its value. When the debt of the clients or the owner of the debit balance is uncollectible, a written off discount is applied upon this account. All the changes in the book value relating to this account are recognized in the consolidated income statement.

   n)         Provisions 

Provisions are recognized when there is a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle this obligation and a reliable estimate can be made for the obligation.

Provisions are reviewed at the consolidated statement of financial position date and adjusted (if necessary) to present the best current estimate.

   o)         Unearned revenue, payables and other credit balances 

The value of unearned revenues on real estate units (villas, townhouses, twin houses, apartments and garages) contracted for sale and were not delivered to customers on the date of the consolidated statement of financial position is recorded as a liability at the cash price of those units (after discounting the future contractual value of these units to reach the cash sale price). These balances are recognized as sales income in the consolidated statement of income on the date of delivery.

Liabilities are recognized for amounts to be paid in the future for goods received or services rendered to the company, whether billed or not billed by the supplier.

   p)         Treasury stocks 

Treasury stocks are recorded at cost and deducted from shareholders equity. Gain or loss from sale of shares is included in the retained earnings.

   q)         Dividends 

Dividends are recorded as liability during the year when declared.

   r)          Revenue recognition 
   1.         Cash sales 

Sales of land and property is recoded after collection of the agreed upon price and delivery to the customer in accordance with the terms of the contract.

   2.         Installment Sales 

- Total sale of value of land and property is recorded as sales during the period after deduction of profit relating to deferred installments on those sales. Such deduction is recorded as a liability (profit from deferred installments) when the following terms for sales are met as:

-- The risk and rewards of ownership of units sold is not transferred to the buyer until settlement of all installments due from the buyers and the transfer of ownership to buyer.

-- The company has the right of managerial intervention and supervision on units sold to guarantee that the buyer is a biding by the contractual terms.

-- According to the signed contracts with the customers, the company has the right to cancel the contracts if all installments due were not paid.

- Deferred installments profit and deferred interests on installments which related to sale of land and properties in prior years are recognized on the accrual basis when the installments full due adjusting the profit margin by cost incurred on projects during the year.

   3.         Revenue from real estate contracts 

The company is performing the activity of real estate and marketing to this activity through customers' contracts which give them the right to have real estate villa, ton house and unit over the period of the contract. Revenue recognized from sales agreements according to the stages included in the sales agreements according to the following:

   --    Development of land for construction of real estate 
   --    Construction of the building 
   --    Finishing of units 
   4.         Joint arrangement 

A joint arrangement is an arrangement in which two or more parties have joint control. It is either a joint operation or a joint venture. A joint arrangement is that the parties are bound by a contractual agreement granting joint control to two or more parties of the arrangement.

The classification of a joint arrangement as a joint operation or a joint venture depends on the rights and obligations (undertakings) of the parties to the arrangement. The joint operation becomes a joint arrangement when its parties have joint control over the rights over the assets and the obligations associated with the arrangement. These parties are called joint operators. A joint venture is a joint arrangement when its parties have joint control over the rights over the net assets associated with the arrangement. These parties are called shareholders in joint ventures. The entity shall apply the judgment in assessing whether the joint arrangement is a joint venture or a joint venture.

The joint operator shall account for assets, liabilities, income and expenses related to its share in the joint operation in accordance with the Egyptian Accounting Standards applicable to such assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.

On 31 December 2015, the Company adopted a new strategy to execute a joint venture development contract based on a share in the revenue of the sales. The Company receives its share against the land provided for development by the other co-developer who will receive the rest of the sale revenue against incurring the development cost.

   5.         Other revenue: 
   -    Rent, time deposits interest and bonds revenue recorded on the accrual basis. 

- Dividends revenue are recognized and recorded as income when they become legally payable by the investee companies and realized after acquisition date.

   6.         Contracting Revenue 

Contacting revenue of the two subsidiary companies included value of contracts with customers, approved change orders, incentives, and other claims. Revenue from contracting is recognized following percentage-of-completion method.

   s)         Direct and indirect cost 

Direct and indirect costs incurred for the constructions of the real estate are accumulated in the housing and development projects inventory account. Cost of the completed units are comprises of land cost, cost of building constructed and other indirect costs.

   t)          Operating rent 

Operating rent are recorded in the consolidated statement of income on a straight line method over the rent period.

   u)         Employees' benefits 

The company contributes to the social insurance scheme for the benefit of its employees in accordance with the Social Insurance Law. Contributions of workers and employers are calculated at a fixed rate of wages. The company's commitment is represented in value of its contribution. The company's contributions are charged to the statement of income. The company gives employees who have reached retirement age, end of service gratuity up to a maximum of 50 thousand Egyptian pounds. The Company also applies an optional early retirement scheme. End of service benefits for employees benefiting from this system are charged to the consolidated statement of income in the period in which they are approved for early retirement.

   v)         Taxation 

Income tax

Taxation is accounted according to Egyptian laws and regulations.

Income tax expense that is calculated on the profits of the company represents the sum of the tax currently payable (calculated according to the applied laws and regulations and using the tax rates prevailing as of the consolidated financial statements date) and deferred tax. Current and deferred taxes are recognized as income or expenses and included in the profits or losses of the period except for instances that taxes are established from:

-- A transaction or event recognized, in the same period or other period, outside profit or loss either in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, or

   --    Business combinations. 

Deferred tax is recognized on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities according to the accounting basis used in the consolidated financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in which the liability is settled or the asset realized, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the consolidated financial statements date.

Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized (generated from taxable temporary differences in the future) while deferred tax assets recognized for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which those deductible temporary differences can be utilized.

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available in future years to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered. The balance sheet method is used in accounting for deferred assets and liabilities and they are recognized as non-current assets and liabilities.

   w)        Earnings per share 

Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit for the period after deduct employees share in profit and Board of Directors remuneration by the weighted average number of outstanding shares during the year.

   x)         Borrowing cost 

Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualified asset for capitalization of cost of borrowing; are capitalized as part of the cost of the asset. Other borrowing costs are charged as an expense in the consolidated statement of income on a time-apportioned basis using the effective interest rate.

   y)         Legal reserve 

As required, by the Companies Law No. 159 of 1981 and the company's Articles of Association 5% of the profit for the year is transferred to the legal reserve. The company may resolve to discontinue such annual transfers when the reserve totals 50% of the issued share capital. The legal reserve cannot be distributed except in cases stated in the Law.

   z)         Foreign currency transactions 

The company's functional currency is the Egyptian pound. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the consolidated financial statements date are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at that date. Retranslation exchange profit and loss is taken to the consolidated statement of income.

   4/1       FIXED ASSETS 
                    Land      Buildings and   Machinery      Motor        Tools     Furniture    Computers       Total 
                     (*)      constructions       &         vehicles                 & office    & software 
                                   (*)        equipment                             equipment 
                    L.E.          L.E.           L.E.         L.E.        L.E.         L.E.         L.E.         L.E. 
 At 1 January 
  2019            1,660,315      28,265,598   37,216,903   17,781,535   3,905,784   17,387,432   27,041,081   133,258,648 
  during the 
  period              -             520,101       -        1,090,600       58,513      777,187    1,967,136     4,413,537 
  from projects 
  (4/2)               -             576,804      435,259       -            -           -            -          1,012,063 
  during the 
  period              -                   -     (36,122)       -        (156,783)       -            -          (192,905) 
 At 30 June 
  2019            1,660,315      29,362,503   37,616,040   18,872,135   3,807,514   18,164,619   29,008,217   138,491,343 
                 ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 At 1 January 
  2019                -           7,388,783   29,138,897   16,685,952   3,525,878   11,128,254   10,945,466    78,813,230 
  during the 
  period              -           1,132,950    2,042,764      319,101      36,277    1,082,013    3,632,198     8,245,303 
  during the 
  period              -             -           (36,122)       -        (156,783)       -            -          (192,905) 
 At 30 June 
  2019                -           8,521,733   31,145,539   17,005,053   3,405,372   12,210,267   14,577,664    86,865,628 
                 ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Net book 
 At 30 June 
  2019            1,660,315      20,840,770    6,470,501    1,867,082     402,142    5,954,352   14,430,553    51,625,715 
                 ==========  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==========  ===========  ===========  ============ 
 At 31 December 
  2018            1,660,315      20,876,815    8,078,006    1,095,583     379,906    6,259,178   16,095,615    54,445,418 
                 ==========  ==============  ===========  ===========  ==========  ===========  ===========  ============ 

(*) Land and buildings includes land and buildings of the social club and the playground rented for Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development club by book value approximately L.E. 1.3 million and L.E. 4.5 million for land and buildings respectively, also the buildings and constructions of El Nasr for Utilities on a plot of land of 7,780 M(2) by a usufruct right for the company with unlimited period and there are negotiation to purchase this land.

   4/1       FIXED ASSETS - Continued 
   a)     Fully depreciated assets and still operating are as follows: 
                                   30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                      L.E.         L.E. 
 Buildings and constructions          799,518      728,518 
 Motor vehicles                    15,174,589   14,987,989 
 Furniture and office equipment     5,908,227    4,607,960 
 Machinery and equipment           18,179,534   17,681,571 
 Computers and software             2,428,138      228,491 
 Tools                              3,084,957    3,238,300 
                                   45,574,963   41,472,829 
                                  ===========  =========== 
   b)     Depreciation for the period is allocated as follows: 
                                                  30/6/2019   30/6/2018 
                                                    L.E.        L.E. 
 Cost of sales                                    1,968,920   2,586,628 
 Selling & marketing expenses (Note 25)           1,432,616     611,291 
 General and administrative expenses (Note 26)    4,843,767   1,857,118 
                                                  8,245,303   5,055,037 
                                                 ==========  ========== 
                                           30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                             L.E.          L.E. 
 Balance at the beginning of the year      17,482,227    10,106,923 
 Additions during the period/year             593,042     9,203,809 
 Transferred to fixed assets (Note 
  4/1)                                    (1,012,063)   (1,828,505) 
 Balance at the end of the period/year 
  (Parent Co.)                             17,063,206    17,482,227 
                                         ============  ============ 
 Al Nasr Company for Civil Works              639,583       639,583 
                                           17,702,789    18,121,810 
                                         ============  ============ 
   5.         INVESTMENTS 
   5/1       Held to maturity investments 
                                                 30/6/2019   31/12/2018 
                                                   L.E.         L.E. 
 Investments in Governmental bonds (unlisted)      672,200      672,200 
                                                ==========  =========== 
   5.         INVESTMENTS - Continued 
   5/2       Available for sale investments 
                                                             Contribution   30/6/2019   31/12/2018 
                                                                  %           L.E.         L.E. 
 Egyptian Kuwaiti Real Estate Development (*)                   7.503       4,314,110    4,314,110 
 High Education House (S.A.E.) (*)                               1.76         300,000      300,000 
 El Nasr Transformers & Electrical Products Co. (El-Maco)        0.01          19,200       19,200 
 El Nasr Co. for Clay Brick Production (*)                       0.8          200,000      200,000 
                                                                            4,833,310    4,833,310 
                                                                           ==========  =========== 

(*) Available for sale investments are not traded in active market, the management point of view that there is no material variance between the cost and the fair value.

   5/3       Investments properties 
                                                        30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                                           L.E.         L.E. 
 Allocated land for Development and Housing Projects     8,867,732    8,753,036 
 Held land ownership on sold properties                  3,427,692    3,427,692 
 Rented building - Net (*)                                 648,956      678,537 
                                                        12,944,380   12,859,265 
                                                       ===========  =========== 

Fair value of investment properties is not less than its book value.

   (*)        Rented buildings (Net) 
                                  Residential units   None residential units     Total 
                                        L.E.                   L.E.              L.E. 
 At 1 January and 30 June 2019              545,997                2,645,758   3,191,755 
                                 ------------------  -----------------------  ---------- 
 Accumulated depreciation: 
 At 1 January 2019                          457,863                2,055,355   2,513,218 
 Provided during the period 
  (Note 22-b)                                 4,631                   24,950      29,581 
 At 30 June 2019                            462,494                2,080,305   2,542,799 
                                 ------------------  -----------------------  ---------- 
 Net book value: 
 At 30 June 2019                             83,503                  565,453     648,956 
                                 ==================  =======================  ========== 
 At 31 December 2018                         88,134                  590,403     678,537 
                                 ==================  =======================  ========== 
   5.         INVESTMENTS - Continued 
   -    Fully depreciated investment properties and still used are as follows: 
                          30/6/2019   31/12/2018 
                            L.E.         L.E. 
 Residential units          109,417      109,417 
 Non-residential units      300,737      300,737 
                            410,154      410,154 
                         ==========  =========== 
   5/4       Investments at fair value through profit and loss 
                                           30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                              L.E.         L.E. 
 Investment certificates in: 
 Bank Misr Investment Fund (Day-By-Day)       294,576      275,845 
 QNB Investment Fund                        1,217,950    1,098,849 
 Banque Du Caire Investment Fund              507,840      776,798 
 United Bank Investment Fund (*)           10,677,387    9,996,054 
 SAIB Investment Fund                               -       21,958 
                                           12,697,753   12,169,504 
                                          ===========  =========== 

(*) United Bank Investment Fund (Rakhaa) includes pledged investment certificates by L.E. 9,837,327 against letters of guarantee as of consolidated financial statement date. (Note 20)

   5/5       Held to maturities investments - Treasury Bills 
                              30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                 L.E.         L.E. 
 Treasury Bills - 63 days         -         14,600,000 
 Treasury Bills - 124 days        -        106,500,000 
 Not accrued interest             -        (5,206,203) 
                    -                      115,893,797 
 =======================================  ============ 

Treasury bills are classified as follows:

                                                     30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                                        L.E.         L.E. 
 Treasury bills matures within 3 months (Note 20)        -         14,600,000 
 Treasury bills matures more than 3 months               -        101,293,797 
                                -                                 115,893,797 
 ==============================================================  ============ 
   6.         INVENTORIES 
                                     30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                        L.E.         L.E. 
 Materials                           47,145,776   47,593,662 
 Fuel and oil                           111,154       89,931 
 Spare parts and supplies             3,986,697    1,612,819 
 Others (materials on site & WIP)        16,875    5,902,661 
                                    -----------  ----------- 
                                     51,260,502   55,199,073 
 Less: Decrease in inventory          (400,000)    (400,000) 
                                     50,860,502   54,799,073 
                                    ===========  =========== 
                                                                    30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                                                      L.E.            L.E. 
 Unfinished properties and lands: 
 El Waha Project                                                     19,543,039      46,841,246 
 6th October Project                                                206,981,732     203,688,887 
 Tag City Project                                                 1,155,386,528     793,409,875 
 Nasr City (Main City) Project                                        1,046,791       1,046,791 
 Sarai City                                                         446,288,442     410,193,311 
                                                                  1,829,246,532   1,455,180,110 
                                                                 --------------  -------------- 
 Finished properties: 
 El Waha Project                                                      6,680,048       6,680,048 
 Nasr City (Main City) Project                                       11,587,224      11,587,224 
 6th October Project                                                 60,278,442      60,278,442 
                                                                 --------------  -------------- 
                                                                     78,545,714      78,545,714 
 Total unfinished properties and lands and finished properties    1,907,792,246   1,533,725,824 
                                                                 ==============  ============== 

(*) The main project "Taj City" includes the stages that have been launched for sale: "Taj Sultan", "Zone T", "Zone B", "Zone A - CBD". In addition to the stages not yet put up for sale, the balance on June 30, 2019 represents the cost of the work of external and internal facilities and construction

Housing and development projects has been recorded at cost which is not less than net realizable value as the consolidated financial statements date.

                                         30/6/2019        31/12/2018 
                                           L.E.              L.E. 
 Long term notes receivable 
 Tag Sultan customers                     289,980,639       339,937,210 
 Tag City customers (Zone T)            1,930,550,300     2,040,268,312 
 Tag City customers (Zone B)            1,458,656,327     1,470,693,448 
 Tag City customers (Zone A)              262,681,733          - 
 Premira customers                         51,434,884        63,480,106 
 Capital Gardens customers (*)            340,951,782       376,806,276 
 Sarai City (1) customers                 792,600,641       917,561,199 
 Sarai City (2) customers               2,082,287,029     1,978,825,254 
 Sarai City (3) customers                 352,751,576       317,033,107 
 El Waha and Nasr city                     79,802,240          - 
 Lands customers                           27,557,142          - 
 Total long term notes receivables      7,669,254,293     7,504,604,912 
                                     ----------------  ---------------- 
 Less: Present value discount 
 Tag Sultan Project                      (47,972,666)      (56,209,331) 
 Tag City Project (Zone T)              (312,007,541)     (331,669,477) 
 Tag City Project (Zone B)              (220,615,125)     (238,347,477) 
 Tag City Project (Zone A)               (51,041,894)          - 
 Premira Project                         (17,157,603)      (20,754,041) 
 Capital Gardens Project (*)            (133,636,596)     (153,670,025) 
 Sarai City (1) Project                 (115,295,730)     (138,844,423) 
 Sarai City (2) Project                 (347,787,242)     (367,285,477) 
 Sarai City (3) Project                  (54,954,283)      (48,542,353) 
                                     ----------------  ---------------- 
 Total present value discount         (1,300,468,680)   (1,355,322,604) 
 Net long term notes receivables        6,368,785,613     6,149,282,308 
                                     ================  ================ 
 Short term notes receivable 
 Tag Sultan customers                     191,382,870       229,264,003 
 Tag City customers (Zone T)              606,293,300       573,873,051 
 Tag City customers (Zone B)              403,925,021       380,222,994 
 Tag City customers (Zone A)               62,485,306          - 
 Premira customers                         26,774,079        34,611,060 
 Capital Gardens customers (*)             90,250,749        90,767,155 
 Sarai City (1) customers                 280,989,268       281,999,760 
 Sarai City (2) customers                 628,857,808       576,448,134 
 Sarai City (3) customers                  88,265,197        72,052,779 
 El Waha and Nasr city                     25,833,631          - 
 Land customers                            50,530,579          - 
                                        2,455,587,808     2,239,238,936 
                                     ================  ================ 
   8.         TRADE AND NOTES RECEIVABLE - Continued 
                                                                             30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                                                               L.E.            L.E. 
 Trade receivables 
 Tag Sultan Project                                                           12,462,493       9,133,903 
 Tag City (Zone T) Project                                                   142,396,236     124,501,331 
 Tag City (Zone B) Project                                                    68,980,365      32,555,901 
 Tag City (Zone A) Project                                                     2,000,000         - 
 Premira Project                                                               1,328,731         741,706 
 Sarai City (1) Project                                                       47,516,039      32,253,825 
 Sarai City (2) Project                                                      141,847,312     108,857,586 
 Sarai City (3) Project                                                       25,312,536       7,384,828 
 El Waha and Nasr City project                                                68,358,367     192,539,232 
 Land                                                                         34,376,619      90,408,858 
 Rent                                                                          1,770,870       1,361,496 
 Construction contracts                                                      446,726,477     410,169,590 
                                                                          --------------  -------------- 
                                                                             993,076,045   1,009,908,256 
 Less: Deferred profit & interest on outstanding installments (Note 15)    (169,547,373)   (183,956,762) 
 Less: Impairment of trade receivables                                      (49,789,520)    (49,789,520) 
                                                                             773,739,152     776,161,974 
                                                                          ==============  ============== 

(*) Capital Gardens' project represents joint operation between the company and Palm Hills for Development Company S.A.E. in accordance with the signed contract on 5 July 2015, the company's share is 36% of total project's revenues. (Note 22)

                                                         30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                                            L.E.           L.E. 
 Trade payables & contractors                            469,444,059    284,892,463 
 Less: Impairment in trade payables - debit balances    (48,010,594)   (57,809,677) 
                                                         421,433,465    227,082,786 
                                                       =============  ============= 
                                                          30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                                            L.E.          L.E. 
 Cheques under collection                                    312,966       202,968 
 Prepaid expenses                                        281,423,179   237,589,608 
 Accrued income                                            2,112,868     1,738,534 
 Refundable deposits                                      25,488,946    21,558,357 
 Other debit balances                                      7,083,274     1,338,184 
                                                        ------------  ------------ 
                                                         316,421,233   262,427,651 
 Less: Impairment in debtors and other debit balances       (63,160)      (63,160) 
                                                         316,358,073   262,364,491 
                                                        ============  ============ 
                                       30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                         L.E.          L.E. 
 Cash on hand                           1,161,899       674,982 
 Bank current accounts with return    710,260,355   395,227,644 
 Time deposits (*)                     92,760,618    89,689,780 
                                      804,182,872   485,592,406 
                                     ============  ============ 

(*) Time deposit on 30 June 2019 included L.E. 91,752,886 (2018: L.E. 88,682,048) pledged time deposits against letters of guarantee. (Note 20)

                                   30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                     L.E.            L.E. 
 Tag Sultan Project customers      176,250,621     203,252,824 
 Premira Project customers          10,530,716      31,162,943 
 Zone T Project customers        2,234,616,387   2,131,674,074 
 Zone B Project customers        1,463,225,505   1,316,699,988 
 Zone A Project customers          147,384,647         - 
 Capital Gardens customers         135,520,158     134,825,919 
 Sarai City(1) customers           879,923,324     864,952,324 
 Sarai City(2) customers         2,010,876,172   1,829,635,619 
 Sarai City(3) customers           226,977,259     182,719,174 
                                 7,285,304,789   6,694,922,865 
                                ==============  ============== 
   13.       PROVISIONS 
                         Balance at       Provided during     Used during the        No longer          Balance at 
                          1/1/2019           the period           period             required            30/6/2019 
                            L.E.                L.E.               L.E.                L.E.                L.E. 
 Disputed taxes 
  provision                  11,978,471          -                   -                   -                  11,978,471 
 Claims provision            50,091,295          -                 (1,000,000)           -                  49,091,295 
 Legal provision             24,026,728          -                   -                   -                  24,026,728 
 General provision           15,000,000          -                   -                   -                  15,000,000 
 Other provisions            22,946,921          -                   -                   -                  22,946,921 
                            124,043,415          -                 (1,000,000)           -                 123,043,415 
                     ==================  =================  ==================  ==================  ================== 
                            Balance at 1/1/2019   Provided / (returns)   Work executed   Balance at 30/6/2019 
                                   L.E.                   L.E.               L.E.                L.E. 
 Tag City project                    48,802,876             33,507,854    (60,777,344)             21,533,386 
 Sarai City project                  58,596,511             35,103,916     (7,891,321)             85,809,106 
 Capital Gardens project              4,311,597                  1,514         -                    4,313,111 
 El Waha Project                      4,842,034              1,317,100     (5,624,833)                534,301 
                                    116,553,018             69,930,384    (74,293,498)            112,189,904 
                           ====================  =====================  ==============  ===================== 
                                                  Land        Properties       Total 
                                                  L.E.           L.E.           L.E. 
 Balance at beginning of the period             40,386,717    143,570,045    183,956,762 
 Additions during the period                     6,217,710        -            6,217,710 
 Due during the period (Note 23-a)             (5,678,560)   (14,643,218)   (20,321,778) 
 Disposals during the period                       -            (305,321)      (305,321) 
 Balance at the end of the period (Note 8)      40,925,867    128,621,506    169,547,373 
                                             -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Balance at beginning of the year               48,852,758    177,958,402    226,811,160 
 Additions during the year                      14,685,972        -           14,685,972 
 Due during the year (Note 23-a)              (19,025,841)   (32,872,543)   (51,898,384) 
 Disposals during the year                     (4,126,172)    (1,515,814)    (5,641,986) 
 Balance at the end of the year (Note 8)        40,386,717    143,570,045    183,956,762 
                                             =============  =============  ============= 
                                                                    30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                                                      L.E.          L.E. 
 Non current liabilities: 
 Notes payable - Land purchase (*)                                  19,627,962    39,255,924 
                                                                  ------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities: 
 Notes payable                                                      59,312,619    58,368,017 
 Notes payable - Land purchase (*)                                  39,255,924    39,255,924 
 Support to National Housing Project                                   880,000       880,000 
 Down payment for land & property sales (El Waha & 6th October)     11,639,597    16,207,949 
 Customers collection (Gas, water)                                     788,677     1,791,217 
 Selling and marketing commissions                                   8,494,122    12,281,600 
 Accrued employees' bonus                                            8,154,789     8,154,789 
 Contractors under settlement                                       33,965,009    14,167,814 
 Engineering stamp and Building Union stamp                            192,677       172,603 
 Customers' balances for cancelled reservations                     13,115,179    13,144,322 
 Proceeds for maintenance expenses and counters                      9,048,930     9,359,761 
 Accrued interest on term loans                                     19,633,449    16,679,297 
 Customers' deposits under settlement                               11,912,127     1,517,936 
 Governmental authorities                                           47,860,078    46,631,880 
 Accrued expenses                                                   10,500,761     5,363,225 
 Early retirement benefits and others                                  419,824     1,700,630 
 Comprehensive medical care                                          3,313,458     4,031,616 
 Other                                                               1,575,628     1,112,542 
                                                                   280,062,848   250,821,122 
                                                                  ------------  ------------ 
                                                                   299,690,810   290,077,046 
                                                                  ============  ============ 

(*) The Company has purchased pieces of lands in Tag City project during 2018 from its own Customers by L.E. 100,009,500 and it has paid 20% as an advance payment of total lands price, the rest amount against notes payable over (8) quarterly advances ended in year 2020.

                                 30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                    L.E.           L.E. 
 Purchase price                  100,009,500    100,009,500 
 Less: Advance payment (20%)    (20,001,900)   (20,001,900) 
                               -------------  ------------- 
                                  80,007,600     80,007,600 
 Settlement (**)                 (1,495,752)    (1,495,752) 
 Payments during the period     (19,627,962)        - 
                                  58,883,886     78,511,848 
                               =============  ============= 

The balance classified in consolidated financial statements as follows:

                             30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                L.E.         L.E. 
 Non current liabilities: 
 Long term notes payable     19,627,962   39,255,924 
                            -----------  ----------- 
 Current liabilities: 
 Short term notes payable    39,255,924   39,255,924 
                             58,883,886   78,511,848 
                            ===========  =========== 

(**) The rest of amounts due from the company's customers regarding previously sold lands to its customers were settled against purchase of lands.

   17.       SHARE CAPITAL 

Authorized capital:

The authorized capital is five billion Egyptian Pounds.

                                                                                           30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                                                                             L.E.            L.E. 
 Issued and paid up: 
  1.44 billion shares (2018: 1.2 Billion shares) - The value of each share is one 
  Egyptian pound                                                                         1,440,000,000   1,200,000,000 
                                                                                        ==============  ============== 
   17.       SHARE CAPITAL - Continued 

Following are a list of percentage of shares of issued and paid up capital for shareholders as of 30 June 2019:

                                                 No. of shares      Nominal      Contribution 
                                                                     Value             % 
 BIG Investment Group Ltd.                         286,309,039     286,309,039         19.88% 
 Holding Co. for Construction and Development      218,742,298     218,742,298         15.19% 
 B Investment Holding co.                          107,355,324     107,355,324          7.46% 
 National Investment Bank                           53,069,241      53,069,241          3.68% 
 Al Alian Co. for Investments Ltd.                  50,763,824      50,763,824          3.53% 
 Banque Misr                                        45,627,636      45,627,636          3.17% 
 Other shareholders                                678,132,638     678,132,638         47.09% 
                                                 1,440,000,000   1,440,000,000           100% 
                                                ==============  ==============  ============= 
                                                                      30/6/2019                    31/12/2018 
                                Non-controlling interest in    Non-controlling interest     Non-controlling interest 
                                        net assets               share in net assets           share in net assets 
                                             %                           L.E.                         L.E. 
 Al Nasr Company for Civil 
  Works                                    47.54                              96,394,355                    97,821,365 
 Al Nasr Company for 
  Utilities & Erection                     0.79                              (1,757,330)                   (1,685,205) 
 Total non-controlling 
  interest                                                                    94,637,025                    96,136,160 
                                                             ===========================  ============================ 
   19.       TERM LOANS 

Madinet Nasr for Housing & Development S.A.E.

                                   (A)             (B)              (B) 
                                National     Arab Investment     Commercial        Total 
                                Investment         Bank         International 
                                   Bank                             Bank 
                                  L.E.            L.E.              L.E.            L.E. 
 Balance at the beginning 
  of the period                  1,237,813          -             375,310,381    376,548,194 
 Proceeds during the period         -               -              16,870,342     16,870,342 
 Installments paid during 
  the period                     (491,458)          -            (68,638,319)   (69,129,777) 
 Balance at the end of 
  the period                       746,355          -             323,542,404    324,288,759 
                              ============  ================  ===============  ============= 
   19.       TERM LOANS - Continued 
                                  (A)             (B)              (C) 
                               National     Arab Investment     Commercial         Total 
                               Investment         Bank         International 
                                  Bank                             Bank 
                                 L.E.            L.E.              L.E.            L.E. 
 Classified in financial 
  position as follows: 
 Current liabilities: 
 Current portion of term 
  loans                           491,458          -              96,705,318      97,196,776 
                             ============  ================  ===============  ============== 
 Non-current liabilities: 
 Term loans                       254,897          -             226,837,086     227,091,983 
                             ============  ================  ===============  ============== 
 Balance at the beginning 
  of the year                   1,694,337         2,026,971      381,323,986     385,045,294 
 Proceeds during the year          -               -             209,966,744     209,966,744 
 Installments paid during 
  the year                      (456,524)       (2,026,971)    (215,980,349)   (218,463,844) 
 Balance at the end of the 
  year                          1,237,813          -             375,310,381     376,548,194 
                             ============  ================  ===============  ============== 
 Classified in financial 
  position as follows: 
 Current liabilities: 
 Current portion of term 
  loans                           491,458          -             137,276,635     137,768,093 
                             ============  ================  ===============  ============== 
 Non-current liabilities: 
 Term loans                       746,355          -             238,033,746     238,780,101 
                             ============  ================  ===============  ============== 

Cash and cash equivalents included in the consolidated statement of cash flows comprise the following consolidated financial position amounts:

                                                                            30/6/2019     31/12/2018 
                                                                               L.E.          L.E. 
Cash and bank balances (Note 11)                                            804,182,872   485,592,406 
Investment at fair value through profit and loss (Note 5/4)                  12,697,753    12,169,504 
Investment held to maturity - short term (Note 5/5)                             -          14,600,000 
Credit banks - credit facilities (Note 20/2)                              (175,994,045)  (66,295,682) 
                                                                          -------------  ------------ 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period/year                     640,886,580   446,066,228 
Pledged time deposits against letters of guarantee (Note 11)               (91,752,886)  (88,682,048) 
Pledged investment certificates against letters of guarantee (Note 5/4)     (9,837,327)   (9,203,122) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period/year                     539,296,367   348,181,058 
                                                                          =============  ============ 
   20.       CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - Continued 
   20/1     SHORT TERM LOAN 
                                                             30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                                               L.E.            L.E. 
 Balance at the beginning of the period/year                 111,666,664      56,875,747 
 Proceeds during the period/year                             400,000,000     335,010,373 
 Installments and interests paid during the period/year    (145,000,545)   (280,219,456) 
 Balance at the end of the period/year                       366,666,119     111,666,664 
                                                          ==============  ============== 

The balance of credit banks are summarized as follows:

                                                                  30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                                                    L.E.          L.E. 
 Madinet Nasr for Housing Development (Parent company)           119,509,890   12,231,854 
 Al Nasr Company for Civil Works (Subsidiary)                     56,404,728   53,984,401 
 Al Nasr Company for Utilities and Installations (Subsidiary)         79,427       79,427 
                                                                 175,994,045   66,295,682 
                                                                ============  =========== 
                                                 30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                                   L.E.          L.E. 
 Bank current saving accounts                    19,894,832    11,082,624 
 Time deposits                                  307,647,803   286,322,778 
 Cheques under collection                        41,338,763    35,585,953 
 Accrued revenues                                 3,483,099     5,496,754 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Project maintenance deposit liabilities        372,364,497   338,488,109 
 Amounts under settlement                           928,930     1,824,104 
 Project maintenance deposit and liabilities    373,293,427   340,312,213 
                                               ============  ============ 

The checks received from the customers for the project management, operation and maintenance account amounted to L.E. 1,217,451,405 (2018: L.E. 1,101,300,866).The sum of L.E. 372,364,497 (2018: L.E. 338,488,109) included this collection and invested in deposits and interest-bearing bank accounts. The remaining balance amounting to L.E. 845,086,908 at 30 June 2019 (2018: L.E. 762,812,758) will be collected on maturity dates during the subsequent periods, the deposit's ranges from 1 to 6 months.

                            Nature of relationship       Nature of       Balance at      Balance at 
                                                          Account         30/6/2019      31/12/2018 
                                                                            L.E.            L.E. 
                                                         Long term 
 Capital Gardens project        Joint operation        notes payable      340,951,782     376,806,276 
                              Discount of 
                              present value                             (133,636,596)   (153,670,025) 
                                                                       --------------  -------------- 
                                  Net                                     207,315,186     223,136,251 
                                                                       --------------  -------------- 
                               Short term 
                              notes payable                                90,250,749      90,767,155 
                                                                          297,565,935     313,903,406 
                                                                       ==============  ============== 
   23-a     Net Revenues 
                                                      30/6/2019     30/6/2018 
                                                        L.E.          L.E. 
 Property sales revenue 
 Tag Sultan Project                                   88,303,503    51,928,492 
 Premira Project                                      20,631,623     7,050,800 
 Tag City (Zone T) Project                           101,770,253    80,166,544 
 Tag City (Zone B) Project                           115,258,062   255,289,842 
 Tag City (Zone A) Project                            45,836,756        - 
 Capital Garden project                                6,385,725    80,135,970 
 Sarai City 1 project                                 16,444,582   119,479,592 
 Sarai City 2 project                                279,552,255    83,873,119 
 Sarai City 3 project                                 53,985,395        - 
 El Waha Project                                          -            120,000 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Property sales revenue                              728,168,154   678,044,359 
 Land sales - El Waha and Original City               49,592,360   176,336,140 
 Land sales revenue - Tag City (Zone A) project      115,205,441        - 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Total property and land sales revenues              892,965,955   854,380,499 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Total revenues - Al Nasr Company for Civil Works    113,230,308   182,703,399 
 Total revenues - Al Nasr Company for Utilities 
  & Installations                                     38,121,095    61,731,098 
   23.       REVENUES AND COST OF REVENUES - Continued 
                                                                            30/6/2019       30/6/2018 
                                                                              L.E.            L.E. 
 Less: Property sales returns 
 Tag Sultan Project sales returns                                           (7,897,322)       (216,410) 
 Premira sales returns                                                          -             (244,400) 
 Tag City Zone T sales returns                                             (34,215,129)    (12,335,774) 
 Tag City Zone B sales returns                                             (37,801,480)     (3,260,387) 
 Tag City Zone A sales returns                                              (1,443,903)         - 
 Capital Garden sales returns                                               (4,580,704)     (3,356,477) 
 Sarai City 1 project sales returns                                        (15,442,236)       (613,578) 
 Sarai City 2 project sales returns                                        (91,175,354)    (38,270,485) 
 Sarai City 3 project sales returns                                         (9,727,406)         - 
 El Waha Project sales returns                                                  -           (1,653,493) 
                                                                         --------------  -------------- 
 Total property sales returns                                             (202,283,534)    (59,951,004) 
 Net sales                                                                  842,033,824   1,038,863,992 
                                                                         --------------  -------------- 
 Amortization of the present value of notes receivable                      225,774,132     196,927,866 
 Profit and interest from deferred sales installment during the period       20,321,778      30,578,830 
 Income from investment properties                                              609,588         605,963 
 Net sales                                                                1,088,739,322   1,266,976,651 
                                                                         ==============  ============== 
   23-b     Cost of Revenues 
                                                         30/6/2019     30/6/2018 
                                                           L.E.          L.E. 
 Cost of sold property 
 Cost of Tag Sultan Project                              62,674,687    39,467,628 
 Cost of Premira Project                                 26,928,738     1,634,555 
 Cost of Tag City Zone T Project                         13,658,395     6,491,209 
 Cost of Tag City Zone B Project                         22,155,609    28,236,615 
 Cost of Tag City Zone A Project                          5,166,731        - 
 Cost of Capital Garden project                             165,986     2,400,191 
 Cost of Sarai City 1 project                             4,488,328    17,398,556 
 Cost of Sarai City 2 project                            37,949,123    15,118,702 
 Cost of Sarai City 3 project                             3,553,958        - 
 Cost of buildings sold                                 176,741,555   110,747,456 
                                                       ------------  ------------ 
 Cost of land sold - El Waha project                      3,046,928     2,644,646 
 Cost of land sold - Tag City Zone A                     17,690,400        - 
 Total cost of buildings and land sold                  197,478,883   113,392,102 
                                                       ------------  ------------ 
 Cost of revenue for El Nasr Company for Civil Works     97,598,700   100,038,347 
 Cost of revenue for El Nasr Company for Utilities 
  and Installations                                      41,713,151    63,572,037 
   23.       REVENUES AND COST OF REVENUES - Continued 
                                                   30/6/2019      30/6/2018 
                                                      L.E.           L.E. 
 Less: Cost of sold property returns: 
 Cost of Tag Sultan sales returns                  (2,836,943)       (45,006) 
 Cost of Premira sales returns                         -             (61,106) 
 Cost of Tag City Zone T Project sales returns     (3,105,431)    (1,159,952) 
 Cost of Tag City Zone B project sales returns     (3,811,472)      (375,258) 
 Cost of Tag City Zone A project sales returns       (170,652)        - 
 Cost of Capital Garden project sales returns        (168,241)      (119,658) 
 Cost of Sarai 1 project sales returns             (2,570,903)      (395,504) 
 Cost of Sarai 2 project sales returns            (19,638,689)    (7,857,675) 
 Cost of Sarai 3 project sales returns               (595,399)        - 
 Cost of El Waha sales returns                         -            (283,406) 
                                                 -------------  ------------- 
 Total cost of property sales returns             (32,897,730)   (10,297,565) 
 Net cost of sales                                 303,893,004    266,704,921 
                                                 -------------  ------------- 
 Depreciation of property investments                   29,581         29,253 
 Cost of investment properties                          13,863        - 
 Cost of activity revenues                         303,936,448    266,734,173 
                                                 =============  ============= 

Al Nasr Co. for Civil Works - (Subsidiary Company)

Contracts for executing utilities and civil constructions amounted to L.E. 3,358 million at 30 June 2019, while the executed amount till that date amounted to L.E. 2,761 million.

Al Nasr Utilities and Installations Co. - (Subsidiary Company)

Contracts for executing utilities and civil constructions amounted to L.E. 322,5 million at 30 June 2019, while the executed amount till that date amounted to L.E. 141 million.

                                          30/6/2019     30/6/2018 
                                            L.E.          L.E. 
 Salaries and wages                        5,275,124       807,574 
 Selling and marketing commissions        33,739,057    21,048,445 
 Advertisements (including stamp tax)     52,665,587    88,903,588 
 Rent                                      5,980,079     5,046,785 
 Professional fees                           197,034       727,251 
 Depreciation (Note 4/1)                   1,432,616       611,291 
 Sundry expenses                           3,639,540     3,221,227 
                                         102,929,037   120,366,161 
                                        ============  ============ 
                                            30/6/2019    30/6/2018 
                                               L.E.         L.E. 
 Salaries, wages and equivalent             26,098,869   16,890,659 
 Board of Directors wages and allowances     5,748,625    4,877,890 
 Depreciation (Note 4/1)                     4,843,767    1,857,118 
 Other expenses                             32,509,165   20,573,020 
                                            69,200,426   44,198,687 
                                           ===========  =========== 
   27.       FINANCE INCOME 
                                                   30/6/2019    30/6/2018 
                                                      L.E.         L.E. 
 Revenue from investments at fair value through 
  profit and loss                                     870,649      819,695 
 Income from interest and bank deposit             33,927,000   13,935,061 
 Return on treasury bills                           7,715,293       - 
                                                   42,512,942   14,754,756 
                                                  ===========  =========== 
                                                                              30/6/2019    30/6/2018 
                                                                                 L.E.         L.E. 
 Administrative expenses from customers (for redemption, assignment, etc.)    32,561,171   17,630,234 
 Delay fines on customers                                                     14,946,990    4,272,625 
 Delay penalty on contractors                                                    209,539       - 
 Sundry revenue                                                               11,249,303      895,905 
 Gain on foreign exchange                                                         -            29,380 
                                                                              58,967,003   22,828,144 
                                                                             ===========  =========== 
   29.       OTHER EXPENSES 
                             30/6/2019   30/6/2018 
                               L.E.        L.E. 
 Compensations and fines       159,591      29,235 
 Takaful contribution        2,856,649       - 
 Donations for others           24,565     625,000 
 Capital loss                    -          13,260 
 Loss on foreign exchange      374,710       - 
 Sundry expenses             1,098,087   2,206,016 
                             4,513,602   2,873,511 
                            ==========  ========== 
                                                                           30/6/2019     30/6/2018 
                                                                             L.E.           L.E. 
 Net profit from Madinet Nasr for Housing & 
  Development S.A.E.                                                      511,268,237    574,388,842 
 Group portion in net profits of subsidiaries companies                   (4,085,426)     16,907,665 
 Exclude the effect of impairment in value of investments                      -        (19,518,646) 
 Exclude the effect of return on investments in subsidiaries companies    (1,920,006)        - 
 Exclude the effect of impairment in value of suppliers 
  - credit balances                                                         6,000,000     16,250,000 
                                                                          511,262,805    588,027,861 
                                                                         ============  ============= 

Letters of guarantee

National Bank of Egypt, Banque Misr, United Bank and others, have issued letters of guarantee amounting to L.E. 281,8 million at 30 June 2019 (2018: L.E. 244.2 million), in favor of third parties, which are partially secured by the company's time deposits amounting to L.E. 91,752,866 (2018: L.E. 88,682,048) and cash margin on letters of guarantee by L.E. 10,290,918 (2018: L.E. 10,290,918).

   32.       DEFERRED TAX 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development (Parent company)

                                                            30/6/2019                  31/12/2018 
                                                   --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                     Assets     (Liabilities)    Assets     (Liabilities) 
                                                      L.E.          L.E.          L.E.          L.E. 
 Fixed assets                                           -         (2,270,939)       -         (2,833,839) 
 Provisions                                         4,712,404         -         4,712,404         - 
                                                   ----------  --------------  ----------  -------------- 
 Total deferred tax (liabilities)/ assets           4,712,404     (2,270,939)   4,712,404     (2,833,839) 
                                                   ----------  -------------- 
 Net deferred tax assets                            2,441,465         -         1,878,565         - 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ==========  ============== 
 Deferred tax charged to the statement of income      562,900         -           212,968         - 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ==========  ============== 
                                                30/6/2019    31/12/2018 
                                                   L.E.         L.E. 
 Unrecorded deferred tax assets (provisions)    12,193,595   11,193,595 
                                               ===========  =========== 
   32.       DEFERRED TAX - Continued 

Al Nasr Co. for Civil Works - (Subsidiary Company)

                                                            30/6/2019                   31/12/2018 
                                                   --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                                     Assets     (Liabilities)     Assets      (Liabilities) 
                                                      L.E.          L.E.           L.E.           L.E. 
 Fixed assets                                           -            (55,557)        -             (55,557) 
 Provisions                                         6,305,972         -           6,305,972         - 
                                                   ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Total deferred tax (liabilities)/ assets           6,305,972        (55,557)     6,305,972        (55,557) 
 Net deferred tax assets                            6,250,415         -           6,250,415         - 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ============  ============== 
 Deferred tax charged to the statement of income        -             -         (1,560,438)         - 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ============  ============== 

Al Nasr for Utilities and Installations Co. - (Subsidiary Company)

                                                            30/6/2019                  31/12/2018 
                                                   --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                     Assets     (Liabilities)    Assets     (Liabilities) 
                                                      L.E.          L.E.          L.E.          L.E. 
 Fixed assets                                           -             -             -             - 
 Unused taxable losses                                  -             -             -             - 
                                                   ----------  --------------  ----------  -------------- 
 Total deferred tax (liabilities)/ assets               -             -             -             - 
 Net deferred tax assets                                -             -             -             - 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ==========  ============== 
 Deferred tax charged to the statement of income        -             -             -       (2,483,566 ) 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ==========  ============== 
 The effect on consolidated financial statements 
 Total deferred tax asset (financial position)      8,691,880         -         8,128,980         - 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ==========  ============== 
 Total charged to the statement of income             562,900         -             -         (3,831,036) 
                                                   ==========  ==============  ==========  ============== 
   33.       TAX STATUS 

Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development S.A.E. (Parent company)

The company submits tax returns to the Tax Authority on due dates and pays taxes according to these returns.

Al Nasr Co. for Civil Works - S.A.E. (Subsidiary company)

Tax returns submitted on due dates, the tax has been settled and paid.

   33.       TAX STATUS - Continued 

Al Nasr Co. for Utilities and Installations - S.A.E. (Subsidiary company)

Tax returns were submitted on due dates, the company has objected on tax claims received from the Tax Authority.

   34.       EARNINGS PER SHARE 
                                                     30/6/2019       30/6/2018 
                                                       L.E.            L.E. 
 Net profit for the period after tax                 511,262,805     588,027,861 
 Board of Directors and employees share 
  in profit                                         (54,760,000)    (47,415,000) 
 Shareholders share in net profit                    456,502,805     540,612,861 
                                                  ==============  ============== 
 Weighted average numbers of shares outstanding 
  during the period                                1,440,000,000   1,440,000,000 
                                                  ==============  ============== 
 Earnings per share                                         0.32            0.38 
                                                  ==============  ============== 

On-balance sheet financial instruments comprise cash and bank balances, financial investments, debtors, creditors, and amounts due from/to related parties. Notes to the financial statements include the accounting policies adopted in the recognition and measurement of financial instruments.

The significant risks associated with the financial instruments and the procedures followed by the company to mitigate these risks are as follows:

   --    Credit risk 

Credit risk is the risk that debtors fail to settle the amounts due from them. The company seeks to reduce this risk to the minimum by agreeing with the customers to transfer property after settling all of their debts, also the company charges customers for delay penalties calculated on settlement.

   --    Liquidity risk 

Liquidity risk represents all factors which affect the company's ability to pay part or all of its obligations. According to the company's policy sufficient liquidity is maintained which reduce the risk to the minimum.


The following are due dates of the financial liabilities:

                                          Less than       1 - 2       More than     Book value 
                                          one year        years        2 years 
                                            L.E.           L.E.         L.E.           L.E. 
 Term loans                                97,196,776      254,897   226,837,086     324,288,759 
 Creditors and other credit balances      280,062,848       -             -          280,062,848 
 Short term loans                         366,666,119       -             -          366,666,119 
 Trade payables and tax                   520,665,570       -             -          520,665,570 
 Long term notes payable                   19,627,962       -             -           19,627,962 
                                        1,284,219,275      254,897   226,837,086   1,511,311,258 
                                       ==============  ===========  ============  ============== 
 Term loans                               137,768,093   28,813,357   209,966,744     376,548,194 
 Creditors and other credit balances      250,821,122       -             -          250,821,122 
 Short term loans                         111,666,664       -             -          111,666,664 
 Trade payables and tax                   663,661,567       -             -          663,661,567 
 Long term notes payable                      -         39,255,924        -           39,255,924 
                                        1,163,917,446   68,069,281   209,966,744   1,441,953,471 
                                       ==============  ===========  ============  ============== 
   --    Interest rate risk 

Interest rate risk represents the risk of changes in the rate of interest. Time deposits, loans and bank overdrafts are subject to this risk. The company uses most of its deposits in settling its loans and overdraft balances whenever a gap between debit and credit interest rates takes place in order to reduce this risk to the minimum as possible.

The following are the financial assets and liabilities according to interest rate type:

                                                                         30/6/2019        31/12/2018 
                                                                            L.E.             L.E. 
 Financial assets instruments with fixed interest rate 
 Financial assets (trade and notes receivable)                         11,434,339,379   11,016,179,755 
                                                                      ===============  =============== 
   Financial liabilities instruments with floating interest rate 
 Financial liabilities (Long and short term loans and credit banks)       866,948,923      554,510,540 
                                                                      ===============  =============== 
   --    Foreign currency risk 

Foreign currency risk represents the changes in the currency rates which affect the receipts and disbursements and the translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies. The company policy is not to take a loan in foreign currencies nor keep significant balances in currencies other than Egyptian pound.


The value of contracts with contractors for the implementation of housing and development projects amounted to L.E. 3,452 million, the executed works till 30 June 2019 amounted to L.E. 1,169 million. Contractors' dues have been paid in accordance with the contracts.

   37.       FAIR VALUE 

The fair values of financial assets and liabilities are not materially different from their carrying value at the financial position date, except for investments available for sale.


Certain prior period figures have been reclassified to conform to the financial statement presentation for the current period.

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 21, 2019 06:30 ET (10:30 GMT)

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