RNS Number : 9343Z 
Lithic Metals and Energy Limited 
30 September 2009 

Lithic Metals and Energy Limited ("Lithic Metals" or the "Company") 
Final results for the year ended 31 March 2009 
Lithic Metals and Energy (AIM:LMY), the African diversified commodity 
exploration and development company, today announces its final financial results 
for the year ended 31 March 2009. 
The following extracts of the audited consolidated financial statements for the 
year ended 31 March 2009 are listed below. The full consolidated financial 
statements of the Company are available for download at www.lithicme.com 
  *  Chairman's Statement 
  *  Extracts from Directors' Report 
  *  Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
  *  Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
  *  Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
  *  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
  *  Accounting policies and notes 
| Lithic Metals and Energy   | David Weill, Chairman  | T: +44 20 7881    | 
| Limited                    |                        | 0180              | 
|                            |                        |                   | 
| Seymour Pierce             | Nicola Marrin          | T: +44 20 7107    | 
|                            | Catherine Leftley      | 8000              | 
Chairman's Statement 
The Chairman is pleased to present this year's annual report for Lithic Metals 
and Energy Limited ("the Company") together with the consolidated financial 
statements for the year ended 31 March 2009. 
Revenue for the year ended 31 March 2009 was GBP310,082, with finance revenue 
totalling GBP122,434. Total expenses amounted to GBP2,912,720. Included within 
total expenses was an impairment charge in respect of capitalized exploration 
costs of GBP1,982,193. Share options expensed totalled GBP104,525. Retained loss 
for the period attributable to members of the parent Company totalled 
GBP2,602,638 equating to a loss of 1.8 pence per share. 
During the year an impairment charge was taken against previously capitalised 
exploration costs in respect of the Mitaba Nickel project in Zambia. This 
decision was based on a number of factors, including but not limited to the 
isolated location of the project and the amount of Nickel found so far, and on 
balance it was felt that the additional cost of the intensive drilling program 
necessary to prove feasibility of the site could not be justified in the current 
economic climate. For this reason all of the costs to date have been expensed in 
the current year resulting in the charge of GBP1,982,000 referred to above. 
The past year has been eventful for the Company with the signing of the Joint 
Venture Agreement with Zambezi Resources in April 2008 which has introduced the 
business to the associated uranium prospects in Zambia. However difficult 
decisions have had to be made, both by the former Board through the 
restructuring programme earlier in the year which resulted in redundancies 
throughout the Group, and also through shareholder pressure for a change of 
strategy which resulted in the new Board being appointed at the Special General 
Meeting in July this year. 
As announced recently your Board is continuing its strategic review of the 
business, including an independent assessment of the Company's assets, as well 
as considering the acquisition of new complementary projects. The review is 
progressing well and a further announcement will be made as soon as it is 
We remain positive about the continuing prospects for the Company over the 
coming year. 
George Greville Roach, on behalf of the Chairman 
30 September 2009 
Directors' Report 
The Directors of Lithic Metals and Energy Limited ("Lithic" or the "Company") 
herewith submit their report together with the audited annual financial 
statements of the Lithic Group ("Group"), being Lithic and its subsidiaries, as 
indicated in Note 9 of the financial statements, for the year ended 31 March 
Principal activities 
The Group's principal activity during the financial year was the exploration of 
Nickel, Zinc and Uranium resources in Zambia, Togo and Mozambique. 
Review of Operations 
On 28 April 2008 Lithic signed a joint venture agreement with Zambezi Resources 
Limited in the search for uranium resources at its Mpande, Mulungushi, Chumbwe 
and Rufunsa projects in Zambia. In terms of the joint venture ("JV"), Lithic is 
required to spend equity finance of US$5 million, over 2.5 years, to earn a 51% 
interest in Southern African Resources Limited and Oryx Resources Limited, whose 
Zambian subsidiaries hold rights to explore the uranium projects. Lithic can 
increase its JV interest to 75% by completing a Definitive Feasibility Study 
("DFS") over the Chumbwe licence and by completing a DFS over any one of the 
other prospects. The JV agreement also has a provision for Lithic to increase 
its ownership to 100% by sole funding mine development, assuming that Zambezi 
Resources Limited elects not to contribute at any stage. Should Lithic acquire a 
100% interest, Zambezi Resources Limited will hold a 2.5% Net Smelter Royalty 
right over all uranium produced. 
On 22 July 2008 Lithic announced that it had successfully negotiated with BHP 
Billiton for 100% unencumbered ownership of the Mavita licences in Mozambique. 
The Mavita Project comprises two prospecting licences, 1045L and 1046L, located 
in the Manica province of central western Mozambique. Prior to this successful 
outcome, BHP Billiton held an option to claw back 100% of the project anytime 
after the threshold of 200,000 tons of contained nickel equivalent metal at JORC 
inferred level was defined. 
On 28 October 2008 Zambezi Resources Limited sold its shareholding of 26,633,621 
shares in the Company in volatile market conditions. In order to stabilise the 
Company's shareholding and its Zambian investments, 26 million of these shares 
were acquired at short notice by Lithic Directors and management. On 31 December 
2008 the Company announced a restructuring of the transaction as a buyback of 
the shares acquired by the Directors and management following the lapse of the 
close period restrictions. 
As a consequence of the global economic crisis and the lack of investor 
confidence in world markets, the Board implemented a restructuring program to 
ensure the long term sustainability of the Company. The restructuring program 
unfortunately resulted in staff terminations throughout the Group which whilst 
regrettable was necessary for the long term survival of the Company. The cost to 
the Group for the restructuring was GBP166,569. The Group is now in a position 
whereby it can continue its business for some 1.5 years on current cash 
During the financial year Lithic earned interest income of GBP122,434 and 
realised a loss of GBP2,602,638, after an impairment charge of GBP1,982,193 to 
the Mitaba project. 
No dividends were declared or paid during the financial year. 
For further details of all the Company's assets and corporate activity please 
see the Company's website at www.lithicme.com. 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
For the year ended 31 March 2009 
|                                    | Notes  |          Group          |  |        Company          | 
|                                    |        |    31 March |  31 March |  |    31 March |        31 | 
|                                    |        |        2009 |      2008 |  |        2009 |     March | 
|                                    |        |             |           |  |             |      2008 | 
|                                    |        |         GBP |       GBP |  |         GBP |       GBP | 
|                                    |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Total income                       |   3    |     310,082 |   150,380 |  |     307,681 |   150,254 | 
| Total expenses                     |   3    | (2,912,720) | (987,075) |  | (1,759,640) | (952,228) | 
| Operating deficit                  |        | (2,602,638) | (836,695) |  | (1,451,959) | (801,974) | 
| Income tax                         |   4    |           - |         - |  |           - |         - | 
| Deficit after tax for the year     |        | (2,602,638) | (836,695) |  | (1,451,959) | (801,974) | 
|                                    |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Loss per share                     |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| - Basic and diluted deficit per    |   5    |      (1.78) |    (1.78) |  |      (0.88) |    (0.88) | 
| share (pence)                      |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Other comprehensive income:        |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Exchange differences on            |        |     798,969 |  (11,856) |  |           - |         - | 
| translation of foreign operations  |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Total other comprehensive income   |        |     798,969 |  (11,856) |  |           - |         - | 
|                                    |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE DEFICIT        |        | (1,803,669) | (848,551) |  | (1,451,959) | (801,974) | 
|                                    |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Deficit attributable to owners     |        | (1,803,669) | (848,551) |  | (1,451,959) | (801,974) | 
|                                    |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
|                                    |        |             |           |  |             |           | 
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
As at 31 March 2009 
|                                         |          Group          |  |        Company          | 
|                                         |    31 March |  31 March |  |    31 March |        31 | 
|                                         |        2009 |      2008 |  |        2009 |     March | 
|                                         |             |           |  |             |      2008 | 
|                                         |         GBP |       GBP |  |         GBP |       GBP | 
| Cash flows from operating activities    |   (744,431) | (487,249) |  |   (577,389) | (516,807) | 
| Payments to suppliers and employees     |     122,434 |   150,380 |  |     122,430 |   150,254 | 
| Interest received                       |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Net cash utilised by operating          |   (621,997) | (336,869) |  |   (454,958) | (366,553) | 
| activities                              |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Cash flows from investing activities    | (1,126,237) | (325,495) |  |   (421,583) |  (59,702) | 
| Payments for mineral exploration        |           - | (114,318) |  |           - | (114,318) | 
| activities                              | (1,317,281) | (205,742) |  | (1,387,816) | (135,225) | 
| Purchase of Regent Resources Capital    |   (142,988) | (131,149) |  |    (35,660) |  (17,352) | 
| Corporation                             |       4,706 |         - |  |       1,339 |         - | 
| less cash acquired                      |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Payments for investments in other       |             |           |  |             |           | 
| entities                                |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Purchase of property, plant and         |             |           |  |             |           | 
| equipment                               |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Proceeds received from insurers and on  |             |           |  |             |           | 
| the sale of assets                      |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Net cash utilised by investing          | (2,581,800) | (776,704) |  | (1,843,720) | (326,597) | 
| activities                              |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Cash flows from financing activities    |           - | 6,000,000 |  |           - | 6,000,000 | 
| Proceeds from the issue of share        |   (153,100) |         - |  |   (153,100) |         - | 
| capital                                 |           - | (226,524) |  |   (863,270) |         - | 
| Payment for share buy-back:             |           - |         - |  |             | (226,524) | 
| -equity holders of the parent           |             |           |  |             | (474,066) | 
| -share issue costs                      |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Advances to subsidiaries                |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Net cash (utilised by)/generated        |   (153,100) | 5,773,476 |  | (1,016,370) | 5,299,410 | 
| from/financing activities               |             |           |  |             |           | 
|                                         |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and     | (3,356,897) | 4,659,903 |  | (3,315,048) | 4,606,260 | 
| cash equivalents                        |   4,920,809 |   260,906 |  |   4,823,489 |   217,229 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning  |             |           |  |             |           | 
| of the year                             |             |           |  |             |           | 
|                                         |             |           |  |             |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of the |   1,563,912 | 4,920,809 |  |   1,508,441 | 4,823,489 | 
| year                                    |             |           |  |             |           | 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
As at 31 March 2009 

                              | Notes  | Group                            |   | 
                                |        |          2009 |   |         2008 | 
                  |        2009 |   |          2008 | 
                                |        |           GBP |   |          GBP | 
                  |         GBP |   |           GBP | 
                                |        |               |   |              | 
                  |             |   |               | 
| Non-current 
assets                          |        |               |   |              | 
|             |   |               |          | 
| Property, plant and equipment 
              | 6      |       294,443 |   |      124,882 |   |      34,481 | 
|        17,214 |          | 
| Mineral properties                          | 7 
     |     2,932,009 |   |    3,094,160 |   |     559,962 |   |     1,044,871 | 
| Other assets                                | 8      | 
  1,522,120 |   |      205,816 |   |   1,522,120 |   |       134,304 | 
| Investment in subsidiaries                  | 9      |             - |   | 
                 - |   |   1,254,066 |   |     1,254,066 |          | 
Inter-company loans                         | 10     |             - |   | 
                 - |   |   2,010,880 |   |     1,147,610 | 
| Total non 
current assets                    |        |     4,748,572 |   |    3,424,858 | 
                   |   5,381,509 |   |     3,598,065 | 
| Current 
assets                              |        |               |   | 
     |   |             |   |               |          | 
| Trade and other 
receivables                 | 11     |       137,997 |   |       52,725 |   | 
  19,089 |   |        37,667 |          | 
| Prepayments 
         | 12     |        50,148 |   |       46,681 |   |      20,555 |   | 
   26,087 |          | 
| Cash at bank and in hand                    | 13 
|     1,563,912 |   |    4,920,809 |   |   1,508,441 |   |     4,823,489 | 
| Total 
    current assets                        |        |     1,752,057 |   | 
           5,020,215 |   |   1,548,085 |   |     4,887,243 | 
| Total 
    assets                                |        |     6,500,629 |   | 
           8,445,073 |   |   6,929,594 |   |     8,485,308 | 
LIABILITIES                      |        |               |   |              | 
                  |             |   |               | 
|          | 
Current liabilities              |        |               |   |              | 
  |             |   |               |          | 
|          | Trade and other 
payables         | 14     |       169,699 |   |      283,934 |   |     123,017 | 
  |       196,015 |          | 
|          | Provisions                       | 
15     |        41,248 |   |       19,213 |   |      36,575 |   |        18,758 
|          | 
Total current liabilities        |        |       210,947 |   |      303,147 | 
                  |     159,592 |   |       214,773 | 
|          | 
Total liabilities                |        |       210,947 |   |      303,147 | 
                  |     159,592 |   |       214,773 | 
|          | 
Equity                           |        |               |   |              | 
|             |   |               |          | 
|          | Issued capital 
              | 16     |     1,392,972 |   |    1,522,972 |   |   1,392,972 | 
 |     1,522,972 |          | 
|          | Share premium account            | 
16     |     7,815,178 |   |    7,838,278 |   |   7,815,178 |   |     7,838,278 
  |          | 
|          | Options and Warrants reserve     | 17     | 
  285,346 |   |      180,821 |   |     285,346 |   |       180,821 | 
|          | Foreign currency translation     | 17     |       758,153 |   | 
     (40,816) |   |           - |   |             - |          | 
|          | 
reserve                          | 17     |   (3,961,967) |   |  (1,359,329) | 
    | (2,723,494) |   |   (1,271,536) |          | 
|          | Accumulated 
deficit              |        |               |   |              |   | 
                          |   |               | 
|          | 
Total equity                     |        |     6,289,682 |   |    8,141,926 | 
                  |   6,770,002 |   |     8,270,535 | 
|          | 
Total equity and liabilities     |        |     6,500,629 |   |    8,445,073 | 
                  |   6,929,594 |   |     8,485,308 | 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
For the year ended 31 March 2009 
|                                                  |       Group |     Company | 
|                                                  |         GBP |         GBP | 
| Issued Capital                                   |             |             | 
| Opening balance as at 1 April 2007               |     353,741 |     353,741 | 
| Issued during the year                           |   1,169,231 |   1,169,231 | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2008              |   1,522,972 |   1,522,972 | 
| Share buy-back during the year                   |   (130,000) |   (130,000) | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2009              |   1,392,972 |   1,392,972 | 
| Share Premium Account                            |             |             | 
| Opening balance as at 1 April 2007               |   2,234,033 |   2,234,033 | 
| Premium on shares issued during the year         |   5,830,769 |   5,830,769 | 
| Less capital raising costs                       |   (226,524) |   (226,524) | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2008              |   7,838,278 |   7,838,278 | 
| Premium reduced by share buy-back during the     |    (23,100) |    (23,100) | 
| year                                             |             |             | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2009              |   7,815,178 |   7,815,178 | 
| Options & Warrants Reserve                       |             |             | 
| Opening balance as at 1 April 2007               |      72,003 |      72,003 | 
| Recognition of share-based payments during the   |     108,818 |     108,818 | 
| year                                             |             |             | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2008              |     180,821 |     180,821 | 
| Recognition of share-based payments during the   |     104,525 |     104,525 | 
| year                                             |             |             | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2009              |     285,346 |     285,346 | 
| Accumulated Deficit                              |             |             | 
| Opening balance as at 1 April 2007               |   (522,634) |   (469,562) | 
| Deficit for the year                             |   (836,695) |   (801,974) | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2008              | (1,359,329) | (1,271,536) | 
| Deficit for the year                             | (2,602,638) | (1,451,959) | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2009              | (3,961,967) | (2,723,494) | 
| Translation Reserve                              |             |             | 
| Opening balance as at 1 April 2007               |    (28,960) |           - | 
| Exchange differences arising on translation of   |    (11,856) |           - | 
| foreign operations                               |             |             | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2008              |    (40,816) |           - | 
| Exchange differences arising on translation of   |     798,969 |           - | 
| foreign operations                               |             |             | 
| Closing balance as at 31 March 2009              |     758,153 |           - | 
|                                                  |             |             | 
| Total of shareholders' equity at 31 March 2009   |   6,289,682 |   6,770,002 | 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 
For the year ended 31 March 2009 
1.    Accounting policies 
Lithic Metals and Energy Limited (hereafter "Lithic" or the "Company") is a 
company registered and domiciled in Bermuda whose principal activities comprise 
minerals exploration and development for the benefit of shareholders. 
 The Company's registered office is: 
Canon's Court 
22 Victoria Street 
Hamilton HM 12 
The financial statements incorporate the principal accounting policies set out 
below. Accounting policies of the subsidiaries are consistent with those of the 
holding company. 
1.1     Statement of compliance 
The Group financial statements are prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the International Accounting 
Standards Board (IASB) and interpretations issued by the International Financial 
Reporting Interpretations Committee of the IASB. 
1.2    Basis of preparation 
The Group financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis. Cost 
is based on the fair value of the consideration given in exchange for assets. 
All amounts are presented in British Pounds, unless otherwise noted. 
The preparation of IFRS financial statements requires the use of certain 
critical accounting estimates and requires management to exercise a higher 
degree of judgement in the process of applying the Group's accounting policies. 
Significant estimates used in the preparation of these consolidated financial 
statements include, amongst other things, plant and equipment (see Note 6), the 
expected economic lives of and the future operating results and net cash flows 
expected to result from the utilization of resource properties (see Note 7) and 
the estimated values of options (see Note 17). Actual results may differ from 
those estimates. 
Going concern 
The financial statements have been prepared on the basis that the consolidated 
entity is a going concern, which contemplates the continuity of normal business 
activity, realisation of assets and the settlement of liabilities in the normal 
course of business. If the consolidated entity chooses to maintain its current 
high level of expenditure on specific projects, it will have to raise additional 
capital. If the consolidated entity does not raise additional capital in the 
short term it can continue as a going concern by substantially reducing 
exploration expenditure until funding is available, without jeopardising its 
commitment base on those specific projects. The consolidated entity always has 
the opportunity to enter into joint venture arrangements to fulfil ongoing 
exploration expenditure or apply for expenditure exemptions. 
The Directors are of the opinion that the basis upon which the financial 
statements are prepared is appropriate in the circumstances. However, if an 
event were to arise where the consolidated entity could not raise additional 
equity capital or reduce its current rate of exploration expenditure by entering 
into joint ventures in order to remain as a going concern, there is no certainty 
as to whether the consolidated entity could realise assets at the amounts as 
shown in the financial statements and extinguish liabilities in the normal 
course of business. 
1.3    Principles of consolidation 
(a)  Subsidiaries 
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the assets and liabilities of 
Lithic and its subsidiaries (hereafter the "Group" or "Consolidated Entity") as 
at 31 March 2009, and the results for the year then ended. Subsidiaries are 
those entities over which the Group has the power to govern the financial and 
operating policies, generally accompanying a shareholding of more than fifty 
percent of the voting rights so as to obtain benefits from its activities. The 
existing and effect of potential voting rights which are currently exercisable 
or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Group controls another 
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is 
transferred to the Group. They are de-consolidated from the date that control 
The purchase method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition of 
subsidiaries by the Group. 
Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between 
Group companies are eliminated on consolidation. Unrealised losses are also 
eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of the impairment of the 
asset transferred. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where 
necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group. 
Minority interests (when relevant) in the results are shown separately in the 
consolidated statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial 
position respectively. 
The Group financial statements incorporate the assets, liabilities and results 
of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries acquired and disposed of 
during a financial period. These assets, liabilities and results are included 
from the effective dates of acquisition to the effective dates of disposal. 
Where necessary, the accounting policies of subsidiaries are changed to ensure 
the consistency with the polices adopted by the Group. 
(b)  Joint ventures 
Joint venture operations, if any, are accounted for using the equity method and 
are carried at cost by the parent entity. Under the equity method, the share of 
the profits and losses of the joint venture is recognised in the statement of 
comprehensive income. Profits or losses on transactions establishing the joint 
venture are eliminated to the extent of the Group's ownership interest until 
such time as they are realized by the joint venture partnership on consumption 
or sale, unless they relate to an unrealized loss that provides evidence of the 
impairment of an asset transferred. 
1.4    Property, plant and equipment 
Property, plant and equipment is stated at historic cost less accumulated 
depreciation. Historical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable 
to the acquisition of the asset. Cost may also include transfers from equity of 
any gain or loss on qualifying cash flow hedges of foreign currency property, 
plant and equipment purchases. 
Subsequent costs are included in the asset's carrying amount or recognized as a 
separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic 
benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of the 
item can be reliably measured. All other repairs and maintenance costs are 
charged to the statement of comprehensive income during the financial period in 
which they are incurred. 
Depreciation on plant and equipment is calculated on the straight line method to 
allocate their cost or re-valued amounts, net of their residual values, over 
their estimated useful lives. The depreciation rates used are: 
  *  Plant and field equipment  - 3 years 
  *  Field motor vehicles - 3 years 
  *  Office equipment - 3 to 5 years 
  *  Office furniture - 3 to 10 years 
The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed annually and adjusted 
if appropriate. 
An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount 
if the asset's carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. 
Gains and losses on disposals are included in the income statement and 
determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount. 
1.5    Impairment of assets 
Assets which have an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortization and 
are tested annually for impairment. Assets that are subject to amortization are 
reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate 
that the carrying value may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized 
for the amount by which the asset's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable 
amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs 
to sell and value in use. If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash 
generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying 
amount of the asset (or cash generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable 
amount. An impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless 
the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount in which case the impairment 
loss is treated as a revaluation decrease. For the purpose of assessing 
impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest cash generating unit for which 
there are separately identifiable cash flows. In assessing value in use, the 
estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a 
pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value 
of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the estimate of future 
cash flows have not been adjusted. 
1.6    Mineral exploration and evaluation expenditure 
Exploration and evaluation costs incurred by the Group are accumulated 
separately for each area of interest. Such costs comprise net direct costs and 
an appropriate portion of related overhead costs, but does not include general 
overheads or administrative costs that do not have a specific association with a 
particular area of interest. Exploration and evaluation costs are carried 
forward to the extent that: 
a) such costs are expected to be recouped through the successful development and 
utilization of the area of interest, or alternatively by its sale; or 
b) exploration and evaluation activities in the area of interest have not 
reached a stage which permits a reasonable assessment of the existence or 
otherwise of economically recoverable reserves. 
In the event that an area of interest is abandoned or if the Directors consider 
the costs incurred exceed the area of interest's recoverable amount, accumulated 
costs carried forward are written off in the year in which that assessment is 
Exploration and evaluation costs are not carried forward in respect of any area 
of interest unless the Group's right of tenure to the property is current. 
Depletion is not charged on areas of interest under development until commercial 
production commences, at which time it will be recorded using a units of 
production basis which will be based on the mineral mined at each area of 
interest relative to the estimated resource relating of that area of interest. 
1.7    Financial instruments 
Financial assets and liabilities are recognised on the Group's statement of 
financial position when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions 
of the instrument. Financial instruments include: 
a) Trade and other receivables 
Trade and other receivables are recognised initially at fair value and are 
subsequently measured at amortised cost, less provision for doubtful debts. 
Trade receivables are reviewed for collectibility on an ongoing basis. Debts 
which are known to be uncollectible are written off. A provision for doubtful 
receivables is established when there is objective evidence that the Group will 
not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of 
receivables. The amount of the provision is the difference between the asset's 
carrying amount and the present value of estimated cash flows, discounted at the 
effective interest rate. The amount of the provision is recognised in the 
statement of comprehensive income. 
b) Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand, deposits held at call with 
financial institutions, other short-term, highly liquid investments with 
original maturities of three months or less which are readily convertible to 
known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes 
in value. 
c) Offset 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset with the net amount 
reported in the balance sheet when the Group has a legally enforceable right to 
offset the recognised amounts, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or 
to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. 
d) Trade and other payables 
Trade and other payables represent liabilities for goods and services provided 
to the Group prior to the end of the financial year and which remain unpaid. The 
amounts are recognised at fair value, and are subsequently measured at amortised 
cost, using the effective interest rate method. The amounts are unsecured and 
are usually settled within the trade terms agreed with suppliers, ranging from 7 
to 30 days from initial recognition. 
e) Equity instruments 
Equity instruments issued by the Company are recorded at the proceeds received, 
net of direct issue costs. 
1.8Revenue recognition 
Interest revenue is recorded on a time proportion basis, based on the effective 
yield of the asset. The effective yield of the asset is the rate of interest 
required to discount the stream of future cash receipts, expected over the life 
of the financial asset, to equate to its net carrying amount. 
Current tax is calculated by reference to the amount of income taxes payable or 
recoverable in respect of the taxable profit or loss for the period. It is 
calculated using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially 
enacted by reporting date. Current tax for current and prior periods is 
recognised as a liability (or asset) to the extent that it is unpaid (or 
Deferred tax is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. 
Temporary differences are differences between the tax base of an asset or 
liability and its carrying amount in the statement of financial position. The 
tax base of an asset or liability is the amount attributed to that asset or 
liability for tax purposes. 
In principle, deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary 
differences. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is 
probable that sufficient taxable amounts will be available against which 
deductible temporary differences or unused tax losses and tax offsets can be 
utilised. However, deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recognised if the 
temporary differences giving rise to them from the initial recognition of assets 
and liabilities (other than as a result of a business combination) which affects 
neither taxable income nor accounting profit. Furthermore, a deferred tax 
liability is not recognised in relation to taxable temporary differences arising 
from the initial recognition of goodwill. 
Deferred tax liabilities are recognised as taxable temporary differences 
associated with investments in subsidiaries, branches and associates, and 
interests in joint ventures except where the Group is able to control the 
reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable that the temporary 
differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets 
arising from deductible temporary differences associated with these investments 
and interests are only recognised to the extent that it is probable that there 
will be sufficient taxable profits against which to utilise the benefits of the 
temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable 
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are 
expected to apply to the period(s) when the asset and liability giving rise to 
them are realised or settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been 
enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date. The measurement of 
deferred tax liabilities and assets reflects the tax consequences that would 
follow from the manner in which the Group expects, at the reporting date, to 
recover or settle the carrying amount of its assets and liabilities. 
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they relate to income taxes 
levied by the same taxation authority and the Company intends to settle its tax 
assets and liabilities on a net basis. 
Current and deferred tax is recognised as an expense or income in the statement 
of comprehensive income, except when it relates to items credited or debited 
directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also recognised directly 
in equity, or where it arises from the initial accounting for a business 
combination, in which case it is taken into account in the determination of 
goodwill or excess. 
Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present legal or constructive 
obligation as a result of past events, for which it is probable that an outflow 
of economic benefits will occur, and where a reliable estimate can be made of 
the obligation amount. 
The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration 
required to settle the present obligation at reporting date, taking into account 
the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. Where a provision is 
measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its 
carrying amount is the present value of those cash flows. When some or all of 
the economic benefits required to settle a provision are expected to be 
recovered from a third party, the receivable is recognised as an asset if it is 
virtually certain that reimbursement will be received and the amount of the 
receivable can be measured reliably. 
1.11Foreign currency 
The individual financial statements of each Group entity are presented in the 
currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (its 
functional currency). For the purpose of the consolidated financial statements, 
the results and financial position of each entity are expressed in British 
Pounds, which is both the functional currency of the company and presentation 
currency for the consolidated financial statements. 
Foreign currency translations are translated into the functional currency using 
the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange 
gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the 
translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities 
denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement, except 
when deferred in equity as qualifying cash flow hedges and qualifying net 
investment hedges. 
Translation differences on non-monetary items, such as equities held at fair 
value through the profit and loss, are reported as part of the fair value gain 
or loss. 
The results and financial position of the Group entities (none of which has the 
currency of a hyperinflationary economy) that have a functional currency 
different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation 
currency as follows: 
  *  Assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated at the 
  closing rate at the date of that balance sheet.; 
  *  Income and expenses for each income statement are translated at average rates 
  (unless this is not a reasonable approximation of the cumulative effect of the 
  rates prevailing on the transaction date, in which case income and expenses are 
  translated at the dates of the transactions); and 
  *  All resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate component of 
On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of any net 
investment in foreign entities and borrowings are taken to shareholders equity. 
When a foreign operation is sold or borrowings repaid, a proportionate share of 
such exchange differences are recognised in the income statement as part of the 
gain or loss on sale. 
1.12Employee benefits 
The cost of short-term employee benefits are recognised in the period in which 
services are rendered and when such cost can be reliably measured. Liabilities 
for salaries and wages, including non-monetary benefits and annual leave 
expected to be settled within twelve months of the reporting date are recognised 
in current liabilities in respect of employees services up to the reporting date 
and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are 
settled. Liabilities for non-cumulative sick leave are recognised when the leave 
is taken and measured at the rates paid or payable. 
The Group does not have any, nor is it a party to, any long-term employee 
benefits such as defined benefit schemes. 
1.13Share-based employee remuneration 
Share-based compensation relating to equity options are measured at the grant 
date, based on the Black Scholes option pricing model that takes into account 
the exercise price, the term of the option, the vesting period, the share price 
at the grant date, the volatility of the underlying share price, the risk free 
rate and the expected dividends receivable over the option term. The fair value 
measured at the grant date is expensed over the option vesting period during 
which the option holders have become unconditionally entitled to the options, 
with the corresponding increase in equity classified as Options and Warrants 
reserve based on the Group's estimate of the number of equity instruments 
expected to vest. 
At each balance sheet date, the Group reviews its estimate of the number of 
equity instruments expected to vest. The impact of the revision of the original 
estimates, if any, is recognised in profit or loss over the remaining vesting 
period, with a corresponding adjustment to the options and warrants reserve. 
Lease payments are apportioned between finance charges and the reduction of the 
lease obligation so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining 
balance of the liability. Finance charges are charged against income, unless 
they are directly attributable to qualifying assets, in which case they are 
capitalised. Contingent rentals are recognised as expenses in the periods in 
which they are incurred. 
Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense on a straight line basis 
over the lease term, except where another systematic basis is more 
representative of the time pattern in which the economic benefits from the 
leased asset are consumed. Contingent rentals arising under operating leases are 
recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. 
In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into operating leases, 
such incentives are recognised as a liability. The aggregate benefits of 
incentives are recognised as a reduction of rental expense on a straight line 
basis, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time 
pattern the economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. 
1.15 Earnings per share and dilutive earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit/(loss) 
attributable to equity holders of the Company, excluding any costs of servicing 
equity other than ordinary shares, by the weighted average number of ordinary 
shares outstanding during the financial year, adjusted for bonus elements in 
ordinary shares issued during the year. 
Diluted earnings per share adjusts the figures used in the determination of 
basic earnings per share to take into account the after tax effect of interest 
and other finance charges associated with diluted potential ordinary shares and 
the weighted average number of shares assumed to have been issued for no 
consideration in relation to dilutive potential ordinary shares. 
1.16Early adoption of accounting standards 
The Company has elected to early adopt IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' and the 
amendment to IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements'. These standards are 
not required to be applied until annual reporting periods beginning on or after 
1 January 2009. 
IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' is a disclosure standard which has resulted in a 
re-designation of the Group's reportable segments (see Note 2), but has no 
impact on the reportable results or financial position of the Group. The 
operating segments are identified on the basis of internal reports about 
components of the Group that are reviewed by the chief operating decision maker 
in order to allocate resources to the segment and to assess its performance. The 
disclosure note for the prior period has also been amended to comply with the 
early adoption of IFRS 8 'Operating Segments'. 
The amendment to IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements' requires all 
entities to disclose a Statement of Comprehensive Income for annual reporting 
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009. The Statement of Comprehensive 
Income includes the profit and loss and other comprehensive income. Other 
comprehensive income items are those items of income and expenses which are not 
recognised in profit and loss but reflect those that were previously reflected 
in the Statement of Changes in Equity for: 
  *  Changes in revaluation surpluses; 
  *  Gains or losses arising from translating the financial statements of foreign 
  *  Gains or losses on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets; and 
  *  The effective portion of gains and losses on hedging instruments in a cash flow 
The early adoption of the amendment to IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial 
Statements' has no impact on the reportable results or financial position of the 
Group. The prior period disclosure has also been amended to comply with the 
early adoption of the amendment to IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements'. 
1.17Standards in issue not yet effective 
At the date of authorisation of the financial report there are certain standards 
and interpretations which were in issue but not yet effective. The Directors do 
not expect the application of these standards and interpretations to have a 
material impact on the amounts recognised in the financial report or the 
disclosures thereof. 
2.    Segmental information 
Lithic operates in three reporting geological areas and reports to management on 
a project by project basis. During the financial year Lithic operated in: 
  *  Zambia - exploring for Nickel and Uranium. 
  *  Togo - exploring for Uranium, Nickel, Zinc and Chromite. 
  *  Mozambique - exploring for Nickel 
Lithic has early adopted IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' and the comparative 
disclosures have accordingly been amended to reflect IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' 
On 13 December 2007 Lithic completed the acquisition of RRCC Limited and Regent 
Resources Capital Corporation SAU (hereafter "RRCC") incorporated in the British 
Virgin Islands and Togo respectively. These wholly owned subsidiaries were 
acquired for GBP1,246,566 and settled by the issuing of 15,384,615 Lithic shares 
at 6.5 pence per share and cash of GBP246,566, of which GBP131,327 (US$262,182) 
was paid in three equal tranches every four months, with the final tranche paid 
on 12 December 2008. RRCC holds 19 prospective licences in aggregate over the 
Haito, Pagala, Niamtougou and Kara projects. The Togo government has a 10% free 
carry in these projects and has rights to acquire a further 10% at market value. 
As the projects are all in exploration phase no segmental revenue or segment 
results are disclosed. Lithic's policy is to capitalise all exploration 
expenditure where it has legal tenure to the exploration licences and such 
expenditures are expected to be recouped through the successful development and 
utilization of the area of interest, or alternatively by its sale or the 
exploration and evaluation activities at each area of interest have not reached 
a stage which permits a reasonable assessment of the existence or otherwise of 
economically recoverable reserves. All exploration expenditure is accumulated on 
an area of interest basis and reflected in the balance sheet under "Mineral 
Each project is a reportable segment where it comprises at least 10% of the 
capitalised exploration costs. Where the aggregate of reportable segments are 
not within 75% of total exploration costs capitalised, additional segments are 
sought and disclosed so that all reportable segments comprise at least 75% of 
total capitalised exploration costs. No reportable segment has been merged or 
aggregated together to meet the 10% rule mentioned above. 
|                |            |                 |        Capitalised        |           | 
|                |            |                 |        exploration        |           | 
|                |            |                 |          costs            |           | 
|                |    Country |  Mineral/Metals | Acquisition | Exploration |     Total | 
|                |            |                 |       costs |       costs |           | 
|                |            |                 |             |             |           | 
|                |            |                 |         GBP |         GBP |       GBP | 
| Asset          |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| reconciliation |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| - March 2009   |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Nickel/Chromite |     309,093 |     571,627 |   880,720 | 
| Haito          |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Zinc            |     309,093 |     215,445 |   524,538 | 
| Pagala         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Uranium         |     309,093 |     184,448 |   493,541 | 
| Niamtougou     |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Uranium         |     309,092 |      64,916 |   374,008 | 
| Kara           |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Mozambique | Nickel          |           - |     659,202 |   659,202 | 
| Mavita         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Segmental      |            |                 |   1,236,372 |   1,695,638 | 2,932,009 | 
| exploration    |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| assets         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
|                |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Segmental      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| property,      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| plant and      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| equipment      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              |            |                 |             |             |   109,285 | 
| Zambia         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              |            |                 |             |             |   150,114 | 
| Togo           |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              |            |                 |             |             |       563 | 
| Mozambique     |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Other          |            |                 |             |             | 1,522,120 | 
| assets         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| in             |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Bermuda        |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| (see           |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Note 8)        |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Unallocated    |            |                 |             |             | 1,786,538 | 
| assets         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
|                |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Total assets                                  |             |             | 6,500,629 | 
During the year Lithic impaired the Mitaba project in Zambia, and capitalised 
exploration costs associated with this project amounting to GBP1,982,193 were 
expensed as an impairment cost. 
|                |            |                 |        Capitalised        |           | 
|                |            |                 |        exploration        |           | 
|                |            |                 |          costs            |           | 
|                | Country    | Mineral/Metals  |Acquisition  |Exploration  |  Total    | 
|                |            |                 |    costs    |    costs    |           | 
|                |            |                 |             |             |           | 
|                |            |                 |    GBP      |    GBP      |    GBP    | 
| Asset          |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| reconciliation |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| - March 2008   |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Zambia     | Nickel          |     688,700 |     810,427 | 1,499,127 | 
| Mitaba         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Nickel/Chromite |     309,093 |      75,352 |   384,445 | 
| Haito          |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Zinc            |     309,093 |      30,293 |   339,386 | 
| Pagala         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Uranium         |     309,093 |      19,330 |   328,423 | 
| Niamtougou     |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Togo       | Uranium         |     309,092 |       8,577 |   317,669 | 
| Kara           |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              | Mozambique | Nickel          |           - |     225,110 |   225,110 | 
| Mavita         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Segmental      |            |                 |   1,925,071 |   1,169,089 | 3,094,160 | 
| exploration    |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| assets         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
|                |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Segmental      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| property,      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| plant and      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| equipment      |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| -              |            |                 |             |             |    19,451 | 
| Zambia         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| - Togo         |            |                 |             |             |    87,548 | 
| -              |            |                 |             |             |       668 | 
| Mozambique     |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Other          |            |                 |             |             |   205,816 | 
| assets         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| in             |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Bermuda        |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| (see           |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Note 8)        |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Unallocated    |            |                 |             |             | 5,037,430 | 
| assets         |            |                 |             |             |           | 
|                |            |                 |             |             |           | 
| Total assets                                  |             |             | 8,445,073 | 
| Liabilities    |       Total |       Total | 
| Reconciliation | Liabilities | Liabilities | 
|                |        2009 |        2008 | 
|                |         GBP |         GBP | 
|                |             |             | 
| Zambia         |      14,562 |      73,041 | 
| Togo           |      34,681 |      14,652 | 
| Mozambique     |       2,111 |       2,997 | 
| Total          |      51,354 |      90,690 | 
| segmental      |             |             | 
| liabilities    |             |             | 
| Unallocated    |     159,593 |     212,457 | 
| liabilities    |             |             | 
| Total          |     210,947 |     303,147 | 
| liabilities    |             |             | 
3. Reconciliation of deficit 
The deficit for the year (before and after tax) was after charging expenses and 
receiving income as follows: 
|              |         Group          |                       |                  Company                    | 
+              +------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ 
|              |          31 |            31 March |                     |          31 |        31 | 
|              |       March |                2008 |                     |       March |     March | 
|              |        2009 |                     |                     |        2009 |      2008 | 
|              |         GBP |                 GBP |                     |         GBP |       GBP | 
|              |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Interest     |     122,434 |             150,380 |                     |     122,430 |   150,254 | 
| income       |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Management   |     183,947 |                   - |                     |     183,947 |         - | 
| fees         |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Gain         |          73 |                   - |                     |           1 |         - | 
| on           |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| disposal     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| of           |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| property     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| plant        |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| and          |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| equipment    |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Foreign      |       3,628 |                   - |                     |       1,303 |         - | 
| exchange     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| gains        |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Total        |     310,082 |             150,380 |                     |   307,681   |   150,254 | 
| income       |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Auditors'    |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| remuneration |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| -            |    (35,725) |            (18,313) |                     |    (17,599) |  (12,758) | 
| audit        |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| services     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Business     |     (4,050) |                   - |                     |     (4,050) |         - | 
| development  |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| expenditure  |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Depreciation |    (17,053) |             (3,434) |                     |    (17,053) |   (3,434) | 
| Directors'   |    (77,976) |            (43,908) |                     |    (61,250) |  (42,083) | 
| fees         |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Exploration  |           - |           (352,753) |                     |           - | (335,410) | 
| expenditure  |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| written off  |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Exploration  | (1,982,193) |                   - |                     |   (902,442) |         - | 
| expenditure  |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| impaired     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Foreign      |   (120,675) |            (16,016) |                     |    (91,580) |   (9,800) | 
| exchange     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| losses       |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Interest     |     (5,767) |             (4,035) |                     |     (5,675) |   (4,005) | 
| expense      |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Other        |   (286,847) |           (228,185) |                     |   (277,557) | (224,307) | 
| costs        |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Personnel    |    (25,278) |             (1,967) |                     |    (25,278) |   (1,967) | 
| costs -      |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| defined      |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| contribution |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| plan         |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Personnel    |   (252,631) |           (209,646) |                     |   (252,631) | (209,646) | 
| costs -      |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| salaries     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Share-based  |   (104,525) |           (108,818) |                     |   (104,525) | (108,818) | 
| payments     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Total        | (2,912,720) |           (987,075) |                     | (1,759,640) | (952,228) | 
| expenses     |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
|              |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| Deficit      | (2,602,638) |           (836,695) |                     | (1,451,959) | (801,974) | 
| for the      |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
| year         |             |                     |                     |             |           | 
4. Taxes 
The provision for income tax differs from the effective tax charge reflected in 
the statement of comprehensive income and can be reconciled as follows: 
|               |          Group          |        |        Company          | 
|               |          31 |        31 |        |          31 |        31 | 
|               |       March |     March |        |       March |     March | 
|               |        2009 |      2008 |        |        2009 |      2008 | 
|               |         GBP |       GBP |        |         GBP |       GBP | 
|               |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Deficit       | (2,602,638) | (836,695) |        | (1,451,959) | (801,974) | 
| disclosed     |             |           |        |             |           | 
| in the        |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Statement     |             |           |        |             |           | 
| of            |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Comprehensive |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Income        |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Tax           |           - |         - |        |           - |         - | 
| thereon       |             |           |        |             |           | 
| at the        |             |           |        |             |           | 
| statutory     |             |           |        |             |           | 
| rate          |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Rate          |    (18,758) |   (7,534) |        |           - |         - | 
| difference    |             |           |        |             |           | 
| in Zambia     |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Rate          |           - |         - |        |           - |         - | 
| difference    |             |           |        |             |           | 
| in Togo       |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Rate          |           - |   (1,145) |        |           - |         - | 
| difference    |             |           |        |             |           | 
| in            |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Mozambique    |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Tax           |           - |       113 |        |           - |         - | 
| effect        |             |           |        |             |           | 
| of            |             |           |        |             |           | 
| expenses      |             |           |        |             |           | 
| not           |             |           |        |             |           | 
| deductible    |             |           |        |             |           | 
| in            |             |           |        |             |           | 
| determining   |             |           |        |             |           | 
| taxable       |             |           |        |             |           | 
| profit        |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Tax           |      18,758 |     8,566 |        |           - |         - | 
| effect        |             |           |        |             |           | 
| on            |             |           |        |             |           | 
| deferred      |             |           |        |             |           | 
| tax           |             |           |        |             |           | 
| assets        |             |           |        |             |           | 
| not           |             |           |        |             |           | 
| brought       |             |           |        |             |           | 
| into          |             |           |        |             |           | 
| account       |             |           |        |             |           | 
| Effective     |           - |         - |        |           - |         - | 
| tax           |             |           |        |             |           | 
| charge        |             |           |        |             |           | 
|               |             |           |        |             |           | 
At year-end Lithic had estimated carried forward tax losses of GBP217,461 (2008: 
GBP101,358) in Zambia and GBP7,457(2008: GBP5,313) in Mozambique. Tax losses, in 
both Zambia and Mozambique, can be carried forward for 5 years and are reset to 
zero if not utilised within the 5 year period. The following losses reset to 
zero in years: 
|        |  Zambia    |Mozambique  | 
| 2014   |  GBP75,214 |          - | 
| 2013   |  GBP30,209 |   GBP5,020 | 
| 2012   | GBP105,954 |   GBP2,437 | 
| 2011   |   GBP6,084 |          - | 
At year end Lithic had the following deferred tax assets not recognised which 
can be offset against future taxable income: 
  *  Zambia - GBP219,134 (2008: GBP40,151) 
  *  Mozambique - GBP33,145 (2008: GBP2,262) 
5. Loss per share 
The calculation of the loss and diluted loss per share is based on the deficit 
for the financial period of GBP2,602,638 (2008 -GBP836,695) and on a weighted 
average of ordinary shares of 145,832,716 (2008 - 95,550,665 ordinary shares). 
Options of 10,900,000 (2008 - 10,900,000 options) have not been taken into 
account for calculating the diluted loss per share as the impact of these 
instruments are non-dilutive. 
6.    Property, plant and equipment 
a) Group assets 
|                           |     Plant |    Motor |      Office |     Total | 
|                           |       and | vehicles |   furniture |           | 
|                           | equipment |          |         and |           | 
|                           |           |          |   equipment |           | 
|                           |       GBP |      GBP |         GBP |       GBP | 
| Cost                      |           |          |             |           | 
| As at 1 April 2007        |    28,386 |        - |       1,344 |    29,730 | 
| Foreign exchange on       |     (327) |        - |           - |     (327) | 
| opening balance           |           |          |             |           | 
| Additions                 |    37,567 |   34,484 |      57,902 |   129,953 | 
| As at 31 March 2008       |    65,626 |   34,484 |      59,246 |   159,356 | 
| Foreign exchange on       |    22,927 |   13,910 |      18,765 |    55,602 | 
| opening balance           |           |          |             |           | 
| Additions                 |    38,783 |   85,504 |     114,785 |   239,072 | 
| Disposals                 |   (2,848) |        - |    (10,235) |  (13,083) | 
| As at 31 March 2009       |   124,488 |  133,898 |     182,561 |   440,947 | 
|                           |           |          |             |           | 
| Accumulated depreciation  |           |          |             |           | 
| As at 1 April 2007        |  (12,152) |        - |        (68) |  (12,220) | 
| Foreign exchange on       |       145 |        - |           - |       145 | 
| opening balance           |           |          |             |           | 
| Current depreciation      |  (15,799) |  (2,414) |     (4,186) |  (22,399) | 
| As at 31 March 2008       |  (27,806) |  (2,414) |     (4,254) |  (34,474) | 
| Foreign exchange on       |  (10,263) |    (973) |       (933) |  (12,169) | 
| opening balance           |           |          |             |           | 
| Current depreciation      |  (20,796) | (33,675) |    (53,694) | (108,165) | 
| Disposals                 |     1,776 |        - |       6,528 |     8,304 | 
| As at 31 March 2009       |  (57,089) | (37,062) |    (52,353) | (146,504) | 
|                           |           |          |             |           | 
| Net book value at 31      |    67,399 |   96,836 |     130,208 |   294,443 | 
| March 2009                |           |          |             |           | 
| Net book value at 31      |    37,820 |   32,070 |      54,992 |   124,882 | 
| March 2008                |           |          |             |           | 
The Company is required by IAS 16 'Property, plant & equipment' to estimate the 
useful lives and the expected residual values of property, plant and equipment 
it utilises for its business activities. This estimate is required so that 
depreciation can be calculated and allocated to the profit and loss account over 
the assets useful life. Significant judgement is exercised in determining the 
useful lives and residual values of these assets, especially when these assets 
are used in the field and exposed to the elements; which may increase the wear 
and tear of normal usage. Additionally, as the field assets are used in remote 
areas in foreign jurisdictions, a readily available market for the estimation of 
residual values for these assets may not be available. Consequently actual 
results may differ from those estimated. 
b) Company assets 
|                                    |    Plant and |       Office |     Total | 
|                                    |    equipment |    furniture |           | 
|                                    |              |          and |           | 
|                                    |              |    equipment |           | 
|                                    |              |              |           | 
|                                    |          GBP |          GBP |       GBP | 
| Cost                               |              |              |           | 
| As at 1 April 2007                 |        2,818 |        1,344 |     4,162 | 
| Additions                          |        5,972 |       11,383 |    17,355 | 
| As at 31 March 2008                |        8,790 |       12,727 |    21,517 | 
| Additions                          |            - |       35,660 |    35,660 | 
| Disposals                          |      (2,534) |            - |   (2,534) | 
| As at 31 March 2009                |        6,256 |       48,387 |    54,643 | 
|                                    |              |              |           | 
| Accumulated depreciation           |              |              |           | 
| As at 1 April 2007                 |        (801) |         (68) |     (869) | 
| Current period charge              |      (1,563) |      (1,871) |   (3,434) | 
| As at 31 March 2008                |      (2,364) |      (1,939) |   (4,303) | 
| Current period charge              |      (2,415) |     (14,638) |  (17,053) | 
| Disposals                          |        1,194 |            - |     1,194 | 
| As at 31 March 2009                |      (3,585) |     (16,577) |  (20,162) | 
|                                    |              |              |           | 
| Net book value at 31 March 2009    |        2,671 |       31,810 |    34,481 | 
| Net book value at 31 March 2008    |        6,426 |       10,788 |    17,214 | 
7.    Mineral interests 
a) Reconciliation 
|                            |          Group          |  |        Company         | 
|                            |   31 March  |  31 March |  |  31 March  |  31 March | 
|                            |        2009 |      2008 |  |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                            |         GBP |       GBP |  |        GBP |       GBP | 
|                            |             |           |  |            |           | 
| Opening balance            |   3,094,160 | 1,867,079 |  |  1,044,871 | 1,320,579 | 
| Exploration costs          |   1,334,658 |   350,271 |  |    417,533 |    59,702 | 
| capitalised for the period |             |           |  |            |           | 
| Purchase of exploration    |           - | 1,236,371 |  |          - |         - | 
| licences                   |             |           |  |            |           | 
| Exploration projects       | (1,982,193) | (352,753) |  |  (902,442) | (335,410) | 
| impaired                   |             |           |  |            |           | 
| Foreign exchange movements |     485,384 |   (6,808) |  |          - |         - | 
| As at 31 March 2009        |   2,932,009 | 3,094,160 |  |    559,962 | 1,044,871 | 
The Group's policy is to capitalise exploration expenditure, for each area of 
interest, in terms of IFRS 6 'Exploration for and evaluation of mineral 
resources'. These costs are expensed to the statement of comprehensive income 
when it is expected that the area of interest will not generate future economic 
benefits or alternatively where the amount of expected future economic benefits 
to be generated is less than the area of interests carrying value, the 
difference is treated as an impairment and expensed to the statement of 
comprehensive income. Significant judgement is applied by the Company in 
determining whether an area of interest will generate future economic benefits 
or future economic benefits in excess of its carrying value. Such judgement is 
based upon various technical criteria which include, amongst others, the 
geology; air-borne and ground survey results; soil, rock chip and drill sample 
assay results and metallurgical test work results. 
b) Exploration expenditure per project 
|                            |         Group          |  |        Company         | 
|                            |  31 March  |  31 March |  |  31 March  |  31 March | 
|                            |       2009 |      2008 |  |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                            |        GBP |       GBP |  |        GBP |       GBP | 
| Group exploration projects |            |           |  |            |           | 
| Mavita                     |    659,202 |   225,110 |  |    120,723 |   120,723 | 
| Haito                      |    880,720 |   384,445 |  |    219,835 |     8,700 | 
| Pagala                     |    524,538 |   339,386 |  |     64,494 |     1,978 | 
| Niamtougou                 |    493,541 |   328,423 |  |    123,729 |    10,360 | 
| Kara                       |    374,008 |   317,669 |  |     31,181 |     1,400 | 
| Mitaba                     |          - | 1,499,127 |  |          - |   901,710 | 
|                            |  2,932,009 | 3,094,160 |  |    559,962 | 1,044,871 | 
8.    Other assets 
|             |        Group        |        |      Company        | 
|             |        31 |      31 |        |        31 |      31 | 
|             |     March |   March |        |     March |   March | 
|             |      2009 |    2008 |        |      2009 |    2008 | 
|             |       GBP |     GBP |        |       GBP |     GBP | 
|             |           |         |        |           |         | 
| Business    | 1,522,120 | 205,816 |        | 1,522,120 | 134,304 | 
| development |           |         |        |           |         | 
| projects    |           |         |        |           |         | 
Lithic is farming into a uranium joint venture with Zambezi Resources Limited. 
The costs associated with this farm-in are capitalised to business development 
projects and forms part of acquisition costs once the farm-in is earned. In the 
event that Lithic decides not to proceed with the joint venture, all costs 
capitalised to the joint venture will be expensed. As Lithic has not yet reached 
the minimum expenditure commitments, it does not have a legal interest in the 
joint venture entities and therefore the investment is not yet equity accounted 
for under IAS 31 - Interests in Joint Ventures. 
9. Investment in subsidiaries 
At 31 March 2009, the Company had interests in the following subsidiaries: 
|   Company    |    Country    |   Holding    |  Class   |% Held  |   Nature    |Investment  | 
|              |      of       |   Company    |    of    |        |     of      |    Cost    | 
|              |Incorporation  |              |  Share   |        |  Business   |            | 
|              |               |              | Capital  |        |             |            | 
|              |               |              |  Held    |        |             |            | 
|              |               |              |          |        |             |    GBP     | 
|              |               |              |          |        |             |            | 
| MR Nickel    | Bermuda       | Lithic       | Ordinary |  100   | Exploration |   7,500    | 
| (Bermuda)    |               | Metals and   |          |        |             |            | 
| Limited      |               | Energy       |          |        |             |            | 
|              |               | Limited      |          |        |             |            | 
| MR Nickel    | Zambia        | MR Nickel    | Ordinary |  100   | Exploration |    12      | 
| Limited      |               | (Bermuda)    |          |        |             |            | 
|              |               | Limited      |          |        |             |            | 
| Zambezi      | Mozambique    | MR Nickel    | Ordinary |  100   | Exploration |    420     | 
| Niquel       |               | (Bermuda)    |          |        |             |            | 
| Mozambique   |               | Limited      |          |        |             |            | 
| Limitada     |               |              |          |        |             |            | 
| RRCC Limited | British       | Lithic       | Ordinary |  100   | Exploration | 1,246,566  | 
| (BVI)        | Virgin        | Metals and   |          |        |             |            | 
|              | Islands       | Energy       |          |        |             |            | 
|              |               | Limited      |          |        |             |            | 
| Regent       | Togo          | RRCC Limited | Ordinary |  100   | Exploration |  10,195    | 
| Resources    |               | (BVI)        |          |        |             |            | 
| Capital      |               |              |          |        |             |            | 
| Corporation  |               |              |          |        |             |            | 
| SAU          |               |              |          |        |             |            | 
10.     Inter-company loans 
|                                                   |  |        Company         | 
|                                                   |  |  31 March  |  31 March | 
|                                                   |  |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                                                   |  |        GBP |       GBP | 
|                                                   |  |            |           | 
| Loans to subsidiaries                             |  |  2,010,880 | 1,147,610 | 
Loans by the company to its subsidiaries are unsecured, at call and non-interest 
bearing. The Company has no immediate plan, nor is it considering recalling the 
loans in the foreseeable future. The recoverability of these funds is subject to 
the successful development and exploitation of mineral properties or 
alternatively, the sale of the tenements. Repayment of the funds will not be 
called by the Company until this has taken place. The net asset position of the 
Group is lower than that of the Company. This position is a result of fees 
being charged to the subsidiary in prior periods through the inter-company 
account which are expensed within the subsidiary. Management believe that it 
would be misleading to impair the inter-company receivable and believe that the 
recovery of these amounts will satisfactorily be made through the exploitation 
of the project in due course. 
11.Trade and other receivables 
|                                |        Group          |  |        Company        | 
|                                |  31 March  | 31 March |  | 31 March  |  31 March | 
|                                |       2009 |     2008 |  |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                |        GBP |      GBP |  |       GBP |       GBP | 
|                                |            |          |  |           |           | 
| Debtors                        |    137,547 |   51,671 |  |    19,089 |    36,083 | 
| Other                          |        450 |    1,054 |  |         - |     1,584 | 
| Total trade and other          |    137,997 |   52,725 |  |    19,089 |    37,667 | 
| receivables                    |            |          |  |           |           | 
12.     Prepayments 
|                               |        Group          |  |        Company        | 
|                               |  31 March  | 31 March |  | 31 March  |  31 March | 
|                               |       2009 |     2008 |  |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                               |        GBP |      GBP |  |       GBP |       GBP | 
|                               |            |          |  |           |           | 
| Prepayments                   |     50,148 |   46,681 |  |    20,555 |    26,087 | 
Prepayments are general in nature and relate to items such as office rent, 
insurance and subscriptions. 
13.Cash and cash equivalents 
|                                |         Group          |  |        Company        | 
|                                |  31 March  |  31 March |  | 31 March  |  31 March | 
|                                |       2009 |      2008 |  |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                |        GBP |       GBP |  |       GBP |       GBP | 
|                                |            |           |  |           |           | 
| Cash on hand and at bank       |    207,810 |   239,909 |  |   152,339 |   142,589 | 
| Cash on term deposits          |  1,356,102 | 4,680,900 |  | 1,356,102 | 4,680,900 | 
| Total cash and cash            |  1,563,912 | 4,920,809 |  | 1,508,441 | 4,823,489 | 
| equivalents                    |            |           |  |           |           | 
14.    Trade and other payables 
|                                |        Group          |  |        Company        | 
|                                |  31 March  | 31 March |  | 31 March  |  31 March | 
|                                |       2009 |     2008 |  |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                |        GBP |      GBP |  |       GBP |       GBP | 
|                                |            |          |  |           |           | 
| Creditors                      |     86,098 |  271,345 |  |    50,677 |   195,139 | 
| Accruals                       |     83,601 |   12,589 |  |    72,340 |       876 | 
| Total trade and other payables |    169,699 |  283,934 |  |   123,017 |   196,015 | 
Trade creditors are at normal terms and are payable within a range of 7 to 30 
days. No interest is included in respect of overdue payments on the basis that 
this would not be material. 
15.    Provisions 
|            |      Group      |        |    Company      | 
|            |     31 |     31 |        |     31 |     31 | 
|            |  March |  March |        |  March |  March | 
|            |   2009 |   2008 |        |   2009 |   2008 | 
|            |    GBP |    GBP |        |    GBP |    GBP | 
|            |        |        |        |        |        | 
| Leave      | 41,248 | 19,213 |        | 36,575 | 18,758 | 
| provisions |        |        |        |        |        | 
The leave provisions reflect the expected amounts to be paid in aggregate to 
employees for accrued annual leave at the balance sheet date as well as 
associated employee benefit costs including superannuation and workers 
compensation. The timing of the expected payments depends on the timing of 
employees utilising their leave benefits. A reconciliation reflecting the 
movement between the opening and closing balances is shown below: 
Reconciliation of leave provisions 
|                                                      |     Group |  |   Company | 
|                                                      |       GBP |  |       GBP | 
|                                                      |           |  |           | 
| Opening balance                                      |    19,213 |  |    18,758 | 
| Additions for the year                               |    22,035 |  |    17,817 | 
| Closing balance                                      |    41,248 |  |    36,575 | 
16.    Issued capital 
|                                               |       Number |    Issued |                    Share | 
|                                               |           of |   Capital |                  Premium | 
|                                               |       Shares |           |                          | 
|                                               |            # |       GBP |                      GBP | 
|                           Issued              |              |           |                          | 
|                           and                 |              |           |                          | 
|                           fully               |              |           |                          | 
|                           paid                |              |           |                          | 
|                           As                  |   35,374,120 |   353,741 |                2,234,033 | 
|                           at                  |              |           |                          | 
|                           1                   |              |           |                          | 
|                           April               |              |           |                          | 
|                           2007                |              |           |                          | 
|                           May                 |   40,000,000 |   400,000 |                1,600,000 | 
|                           2007                |              |           |                          | 
|                           Issue               |              |           |                          | 
|                           placement           |              |           |                          | 
|                           November            |   61,538,462 |   615,385 |                3,384,615 | 
|                           2007                |              |           |                          | 
|                           Issue               |              |           |                          | 
|                           placement           |              |           |                          | 
|                           Issued              |   15,384,615 |   153,846 |                  846,154 | 
|                           for                 |              |           |                          | 
|                           Regent              |              |           |                          | 
|                           Resources           |              |           |                          | 
|                           Capital Corporation |              |           |                          | 
|                           acquisition         |              |           |                          | 
|                           Capital             |            - |         - |                (226,524) | 
|                           raising             |              |           |                          | 
|                           costs               |              |           |                          | 
|                           Balance             |  152,297,197 | 1,522,972 |                7,838,278 | 
|                           at 31               |              |           |                          | 
|                           March               |              |           |                          | 
|                           2008                |              |           |                          | 
|                           December            | (26,000,000) | (260,000) |                 (23,100) | 
|                           2008                |              |           |                          | 
|                           share               |              |           |                          | 
|                           buy-back            |              |           |                          | 
|                           Balance             |  126,297,197 | 1,262,972 |                7,815,178 | 
|                           as at               |              |           |                          | 
|                           31                  |              |           |                          | 
|                           March               |              |           |                          | 
|                           2009                |              |           |                          | 
|                                               |              |           |                          | 
a.   The Company has an authorised share capital of GBP3,020,000 
comprising 300 million ordinary par value shares at GBP0.01 each and 
2,000,000 preferred shares of GBP0.01 each. 
b.   The ordinary shares are 
fully paid ordinary shares. Each share carries the right to voting and to 
receive dividends. 
c.    The preferred shares, none of which have been 
issued carry the right to vote and to receive an 8 per cent. preferential 
b.    The share premium account reflects the amounts 
received for the issuance of shares over and above the par value of the 
17. Reserves 
|                                 |  Share    | Accumulated |      Foreign |  Options | 
|                                 |  Premium  |     deficit |     currency |      and | 
|                                 |  Account  |             |  translation | Warrants | 
|                                 |           |             |      reserve |  reserve | 
|                                 |    GBP    |         GBP |          GBP |      GBP | 
|                                 |           |             |              |          | 
| As at 1 April 2007              | 2,234,033 |   (522,634) |     (28,960) |   72,003 | 
| Movement for the year           | 5,604,245 |   (836,695) |     (11,856) |  108,818 | 
| As at 1 April 2008              | 7,838,278 | (1,359,329) |     (40,816) |  180,821 | 
| Movement for the year           |  (23,100) | (2,602,638) |      798,969 |  104,525 | 
| As at 31 March 2009             | 7,815,178 | (3,961,967) |      758,153 |  285,346 | 
  *  The share premium account records the amounts paid by shareholders for shares in 
  excess of their nominal value, less any costs incurred in issuing shares. 
  *  The accumulated deficit represents the Group's operational losses since 
  *  The Foreign currency translation reserve represents the foreign exchange 
  movements on the translation of all foreign controlled entities. 
  *  The Options and Warrants reserve represents the value of all share based 
  payments made to Directors, staff and other vendors. The respective amounts are 
  transferred out of the reserve and into the share capital and share premium 
  accounts upon exercise of the options and warrants. 
  *  All options issued to Directors are subject to shareholder approval, whilst 
  options issued to key employees are issued in terms of the Company's staff 
  option plan that was approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held 
  on the 7 September 2007. 
  *  There were 10,900,000 share options outstanding at the beginning of the year. 
  *  2,000,000 share options were issued during the year. 
  *  No options were exercised during the year. 
  *  2,000,000 options lapsed during the year. 
  *  The total of share options issued and outstanding at the end of the year was 
  *  The weighted average price of the share options outstanding at the end of the 
  year was GBP0.12. 
In determining the value of the options, the company uses the Black Scholes 
model. This model requires an estimate of possible future dividend payments and 
the expected future share price volatility over the period the options are 
granted. As the criteria are based upon future events, significant judgement is 
required to estimate these parameters. In determining the parameters to be used, 
the Company assesses the possible payment of future dividends based upon 
expected cash flow results; it also determines the existing share price 
volatility of the Company and estimates whether the result is relevant for the 
period of the options granted. Where necessary the volatility is adjusted to 
take into account the impact of extraneous causes of volatility, changes 
expected due to changes in the Company's activities and perceived projects 
values. The volatility used may differ from actual outcomes. 
The parameters used to value the options issued during the year were: 
  *  Number of options granted - 2,000,000 
  *  Average option period - 4 years 
  *  Average price volatility - 67.32% 
  *  Average exercise price - GBP0.155 
  *  Average share price at option grant date - GBP0.05 
  *  Risk free rate - 5% 
  *  Average expected dividends - nil 
    Based on the parameters used, the issued options had an aggregate fair value 
of GBP21,107. 
18.    Financial instruments 
Exposure to currency, credit, capital, interest rate risk and liquidity risk 
arise in the normal course of the Company's business. The Group may from time to 
time use financial instruments to help manage these risks. The Directors 
regularly review the Company's financial instruments profile risk and determine 
policies for managing these said risks. 
Currency risk 
The Group's activities expose it primarily to the financial risks of changes in 
foreign currency exchange rates. Notwithstanding the possible risk of foreign 
currency fluctuations, the Group has at present decided not to hedge its 
exposure to exchange rate fluctuations. 
The Group has overseas subsidiaries operating in Africa, whose expenses are 
denominated in US dollars, Australian Dollars, Zambian Kwacha and Mozambique 
Meticais. Foreign exchange differences on the translation of these assets and 
liabilities and inter-company loans are charged to the Foreign currency 
translation reserve account. A one percent fluctuation in each of the applicable 
exchange rates would result in an aggregate change of GBP4,536 (2008: GBP1,186) 
to the Foreign currency translation reserve account. 
At the end of the year the Group had GBP31,031 of cash assets held in US 
dollars, GBP20,733 in Australian Dollars, GBP6,103 in Zambian Kwacha, GBP18,102 
in Togolese CFA and GBP1 in Mozambique Metical, the remainder being held by the 
Company in British Pounds. For every one percent fluctuation in the foreign 
exchange rate, the respective aggregate adjustment to the foreign exchange 
gain/(loss) in the statement of comprehensive income would be GBP552 (2008: 
Credit risk 
Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty will default on its 
contractual arrangements resulting in a financial loss to the Group. As the 
Group is currently in the exploration phase, credit risk exposure primarily 
relates to non receipt of VAT input credits, rental security deposits and 
interest income. The Company believes that these transactions are with reputable 
counterparties and as the amounts involved are insignificant the Group has opted 
to self-insure the risks. Credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the 
counterparties are banks with high credit-ratings assigned by International 
credit-rating agencies. 
The carrying value of financial assets recorded in the financial statements net 
of any allowances for losses, represents the Group's maximum exposure to credit 
Capital risk 
The Group manages its capital to ensure that entities in the Group will be able 
to continue as a going concern whilst maximising returns to shareholders. 
The Group's overall strategy has remained unchanged since 2008 although a 
strategic review is currently being undertaken by the new board. Due to the high 
risk nature of exploration, the Group relies solely on shareholder finance. This 
reliance is unlikely to change in the near future unless the Group discovers and 
develops payable resources. 
The Group operates globally, primarily through subsidiary companies established 
in the markets where the Group operates. None of the Group entities are subject 
to externally imposed capital requirements. 
Capital risk is considered to be low as the majority of the Company's movable 
assets are held in cash within reputable financial institutions. Additionally 
all assets acquired are fully paid with title vesting in the Group. 
The Company does not have sovereign risk insurance; however it has 
comprehensively insured its tangible assets with reputable underwriters. 
Interest rate risk 
As the Group does not have any debt bearing liabilities, it does not have any 
interest rate derivatives. 
The Company has GBP207,810 in various current accounts and GBP1,356,102 cash 
invested in term deposit accounts, ranging between 7 to 30 days. Interest 
received on the term deposit accounts is at market rates, approximately 0.3% per 
annum. A one per cent variation in the interest rate would result in a 
respective increase or decrease of interest income amounting to GBP41 (2008: 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Group will not have sufficient liquid 
funds to meet its forecasted obligations as and when they fall due. The Group's 
liquidity position is reviewed on a monthly basis and includes the monitoring of 
future expenses to ensure that sufficient funds are released from its term 
deposits to effect timeous payment of debts. The Group has sufficient funds to 
meet its forecasted obligations for at least the next 12 months. 
Categories of financial instruments 
|               |             Group              |  |              Company              | 
|               |            2009 |         2008 |  |               2009 |         2008 | 
|               |             GBP |          GBP |  |                GBP |          GBP | 
| Financial     |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| assets        |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| Cash and cash |       1,563,912 |    4,920,809 |  |          1,508,441 |    4,823,489 | 
| equivalents   |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| Loans and     |         137,997 |       52,725 |  |          2,029,969 |    1,185,277 | 
| receivables   |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| Other assets  |       1,522,120 |      205,816 |  |          1,522,120 |      134,304 | 
|               |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| Total assets  |       3,224,029 |    5,179,350 |  |          5,060,530 |    6,143,070 | 
| at fair value |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
|               |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| Financial     |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| liabilities   |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| Amortised     |       (169,699) |    (283,934) |  |          (123,017) |    (196,015) | 
| cost          |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
|               |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| Net fair      |       1,691,819 |    4,895,416 |  |          4,937,513 |    5,947,055 | 
| value of      |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| financial     |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
| instruments   |                 |              |  |                    |              | 
|                        |                                   |  |                       | 
The fair value of financial instruments equates to the balance sheet carrying 
value as stated above. 
a) Joint venture agreement 
On 28 April 2008 the Group signed a joint venture agreement with Zambezi 
Resources Limited (hereafter "ZRL") in which Lithic has the right to explore for 
Uranium on certain of ZRL's mining licences. In terms of the agreement Lithic is 
required to contribute in aggregate US$5 million, over a period of 2.5 years, 
for a 51% equity participation in both Oryx Resources Limited and Southern 
African Resources Limited. The joint venture will be managed by Lithic and the 
funds contributed to the equity participation will be used to fund joint venture 
exploration costs. 
b) Operating leases 
At the end of the financial year the Group had the following operating lease 
commitments which have not been capitalised in the financial statements: 
|                                  |       Group        |  |      Company      | 
|                                  |    2009 |     2008 |  |    2009 |    2008 | 
|                                  |     GBP |      GBP |  |     GBP |     GBP | 
|                                  |         |          |  |         |         | 
| Payable within one year          |  76,146 |        - |  |  69,812 |       - | 
| Payable between one and five     |  77,955 |        - |  |  77,955 |       - | 
| years                            |         |          |  |         |         | 
| Total                            | 154,101 |        - |  | 147,767 |       - | 
The above operating leases refer to the lease of business premises and office 
equipment. The business premises are leased for a fixed term of three years and 
include an option to renew. The lease is subject to an increase price 
adjustments being the maximum of 5% or current rental prices at that time. 
Office equipment operating leases are on fixed pricing terms with the 
outstanding lease periods ranging between 3 and 4 years. 
20.    Post-balance sheet events 
At a special General Meeting convened on 1 July 2009, David Rawlinson, Julian 
Ford, James Kerr and David Lunt were replaced as directors by David de Jong 
Weill, George Greville Roach and Ozge Erdem. The new board is currently 
undertaking a strategic review of the business and further updates will be 
provided in due course. 
21.     Related party transactions 
On 28 October 2008 Zambezi Resources Limited sold its shareholding of 26,633,621 
shares in the Company in volatile market conditions. In order to stabilise the 
Company's shareholding and its Zambian investments, 26 million of these shares 
were acquired at short notice by Lithic Directors and management. On 31 December 
2008 the Company announced a restructuring of the transaction as a buyback of 
the shares acquired by the Directors and management following the lapse of the 
close period restrictions. 
Payments to Key Management Personnel 
|                                 |       Group        |  |      Company       | 
|                                 |     2009 |    2008 |  |     2009 |    2008 | 
|                                 |      GBP |     GBP |  |      GBP |     GBP | 
|                                 |          |         |  |          |         | 
| Short-term benefits             |  439,881 | 220,617 |  |  405,270 | 174,393 | 
| Share-based payments            |   45,258 |  36,484 |  |   45,258 |  36,484 | 
| Termination benefits            |   52,813 |       - |  |   21,650 |       - | 
| Total payments to key           |  537,952 | 257,101 |  |  472,178 | 210,877 | 
| management personnel            |          |         |  |          |         | 
22.     Approval of Financial Statements 
    The financial statements were approved by the board of directors and 
authorised for issue on 29 September 2009. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

Lithic Metals (SEE LSE:AFNR) (LSE:LMY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 Lithic Metals (SEE LSE:AFNR) 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Lithic Metals (SEE LSE:AFNR) (LSE:LMY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Lithic Metals (SEE LSE:AFNR) 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.