Kibo Energy PLC (Incorporated in Ireland)
(Registration Number: 451931)
(External registration number: 2011/007371/10)
LEI Code:
Share code on the JSE Limited: KBO
Share code on the AIM: KIBO
ISIN: IE00B97C0C31
('Kibo' or 'the Company')
Dated: 26 September
Kibo Energy PLC
Notice of Extraordinary
General Meeting ("EGM")
Kibo Energy PLC ('Kibo' or the
'Company'), the renewable energy focused development
company, announces that a Notice of EGM & Sample Proxy
Form ('Notice of EGM') is now available on the Company's
The EGM will be held at 12 noon
on Friday, 11 October 2024, at 17 Pembroke Street Upper,
Dublin D02 AT22 ,Ireland
The Notice of EGM is being dispatched by post
today to those shareholders who have indicated a preference to
receive hard copies. Shareholders should consult
the notes to the Notice of EGM for detailed information on the
options for returning proxies.
The directors and management are encouraging
shareholders to approve the resolution on the Notice of EGM
for which they and their Related Parties comprising approximately
13% of the issued share capital will be doing.
On the 16 September 2024, the Company announced
that it had signed a binding term sheet with ESGTI AG, a Swiss
registered company to acquire a diverse portfolio of renewable
energy projects across Europe and Africa spanning wind and solar
generation, agri-photovoltaics and technology development, by way
of a Reverse Takeover of the Company (the "RTO" or the "Proposed
Acquisition"). The Proposed Acquisition is being arranged by Aria
Capital Management Limited, a global asset management company (
"Aria Capital Management").
The Proposed Acquisition will constitute a
reverse takeover under the AIM Rules for Companies (the "AIM
Rules") which the Company must adhere to as condition of the
admission of its shares on the AIM Market in London. As the
consideration for the Proposed Acquisition is substantially larger
than the Company's current market capitalization and therefore, in
accordance the AIM Rules, will require the Company to make
application for the enlarged share capital to be readmitted to AIM
("Admission"), the publication of an AIM admission document
("Admission Document") and approval by the shareholders of the
Company at a general meeting.
A summary of the terms for the Proposed
Acquisition can be found on the Company's public announcement of 16
September 2024 which is available on its website (www.kibo.energy)
and can be accessed at the following link:
It is anticipated that the general meeting to
seek shareholder approval for the Proposed Acquisition will be held
before the end of 2024, and this meeting will also serve as the
Company's Annual General Meeting by which time the Company's
delayed audited financial statements will be published and made
available to shareholders.
One of the conditions precedent to the signing
of the term sheet was an agreement to dispose of the Company's
wholly owned Cyprus subsidiary, Kibo Mining (Cyprus) Limited (the
"KMCL Disposal"), to Aria Capital Management.
A conditional sale & purchase agreement has
been signed with Aria Capital Management for the KMCL Disposal and
completion is conditional on shareholder approval, as required
under the AIM Rules.
KMCL's 19.52% shareholding in Mast Energy
Developments PLC will be excluded from the KMCL Disposal and will
be transferred to the Company prior to the completion of the KMCL
KMCL contains the legacy coal assets and the
Company's waste-to-energy and biofuel projects in sub-Saharan
Africa which are carried in the Company's last published interim
accounts to 30 June 2023 at £258,242, following impairment. In the
six months to 30 June 2023 KMCL contributed a loss of £610,827 on
£nil revenue, excluding Mast Energy Developments PLC. KMCL carries
liabilities relating to the Company's historic payroll of £535,527
to 31 January 2024 (refer to Kibo RNS announcements dated 20th and
7th June 2024) (the "Historic Payroll Liabilities"). As
consideration for the KMCL Disposal, Aria Capital Management is
assuming the Historic Payroll Liabilities for which it will pay the
Company £535,527 (essentially thereby netting off the consideration
from the liability being assumed and resulting in £nil cash being
received, and the Group indebtedness being reduced by the amount of
the Historic Payroll Liabilities). The settlement of this
historical payroll debt will significantly reduce the existing debt
on the Group's balance sheet.
The KMCL Disposal constitutes a 'Fundamental
Change of Business' under the AIM Rules and consequently, it will
require shareholder approval at a general meeting the notice of
which (Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting) forms part of this
Additionally, the Kibo board, on approval by
the Kibo shareholders of the KMCL Disposal, would consider the
Company to be an AIM Rule 15 cash shell. Accordingly, with effect
from the date the KMCL Disposal completes, the Company will have
six months to undertake a Reverse Takeover or otherwise will be
suspended from trading on AIM.
The Company, ESGTI AG and Aria Capital
Management are committed to completing the RTO during which time
the Company will remain suspended on AIM. The Company and Aria
Capital Management are working together to secure the pre-RTO
funding to cover its working capital costs, including making
further creditor settlements and the costs of engaging advisers and
meeting other transactional costs associated with completing the
This announcement contains inside information as stipulated
under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) no. 596/2014
For further information please visit www.kibo.energy or contact:
For further information please visit
www.kibo.energy or
Cobus van der Merwe
Kibo Energy PLC
Chief Executive Officer
James Biddle
Roland Cornish
+44 207 628 3396
Beaumont Cornish Limited
Nominated Adviser
Claire Noyce
+44 20 3764 2341
Hybridan LLP
Joint Broker
James Sheehan
+44 20 7048
Global Investment Strategy UK
Joint Broker
Beaumont Cornish Limited ('Beaumont Cornish') is the Company's
Nominated Adviser and is authorised and regulated by the FCA.
Beaumont Cornish's responsibilities as the Company's Nominated
Adviser, including a responsibility to advise and guide the Company
on its responsibilities under the AIM Rules for Companies and AIM
Rules for Nominated Advisers, are owed solely to the London Stock
Exchange. Beaumont Cornish is not acting for and will not be
responsible to any other persons for providing protections afforded
to customers of Beaumont Cornish nor for advising them in relation
to the proposed arrangements described in this announcement or any
matter referred to in it.
26 September
Corporate and Designated Adviser
River Group