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AIM 13 November 2023 NOTICE 13/11/2023 - 07:00 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON AIM At the request of the Company the following...
FTSE Russell 11 October 2023 IOG (UK): Constituent Deletion Changes in FTSE UK Index Series 11 October 2023 Following the appointment of...
IOG PLC on Wednesday said it has appointed joint administrators, which are now evaluating the company's position. I ...
IOG PLC 11 October 2023 11 October 2023 IOG plc (in Administration) Appointment of Administrators Further to the announcement of 28 September...
IOG PLC shares were suspended from trading on AIM on Thursday, after it said it will be placed into administration. ...
AIM 28 September 2023 NOTICE 28/09/2023 2:10pm TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF TRADING ON AIM IOG PLC At the request of the company, t rading on AIM for...
IOG PLC 28 September 2023 28 September 2023 IOG plc Notice of Intention to Appoint Administrators and Suspension of Trading in the Company's...
IOG PLC on Wednesday said operating efficiency for the Blythe H2 well in the UK North Sea was up in August compared t ...
IOG PLC 13 September 2023 13 September 2023 IOG plc Operational & Corporate Update IOG plc ("IOG", or "the Company"...
based, UK-focused gas developer and producer - Confirms that bondholders controlling 70% of the voting bonds, or 100% ...
IOG PLC 03 August 2023 3 August 2023 IOG plc Approval of Bond Waiver IOG plc ("IOG", or "the Company"), (AIM: IOG.L) confirms...
IOG PLC on Wednesday said it has proposed waiving its EUR100 million senior secured bond to bondholders. This was af ...
IOG PLC 02 August 2023 2 August 2023 IOG plc Proposed Bond Waiver IOG plc ("IOG", or "the Company"), (AIM: IOG.L) confirms...
IOG PLC on Monday said it is discussing a potential further waiver on interest payments with its bondholders, and ris ...
IOG PLC 31 July 2023 31 July 2023 IOG plc Bondholder discussions IOG plc ("IOG", or "the Company"), (AIM: IOG.L) provides a...
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