RNS Number : 1587F

Greencore Group PLC

21 May 2013


for the half year ended 29 March 2013




Double-digit EPS growth despite challenging market conditions

Greencore Group plc, a leading international convenience food producer, today announces its unaudited interim results for the 26 weeks ended 29 March 2013


-- Group revenue of GBP572.9m, up 0.9%;

-- Convenience Foods revenue of GBP542.1m, up 1.8%;

-- Group operating profit(1) up 6.3% to GBP33.7m;

-- Strong growth in adjusted EPS(2) , up 10.9%;

-- Interim dividend of 1.90 pence per share, an increase of 8.6% versus H1 12;

-- Restructuring of Uniq desserts activity completed with disposal of Minsterley chilled desserts facility; and

-- Roll out of food to go range in Starbucks USA successfully commenced.

Summary Financial Performance

                             H1 13     Change 
Group revenue                572.9      +0.9% 
Group operating profit(1)     33.7      +6.3% 
Group operating margin(1)     5.9%     +30bps 
Adjusted PBT(2)               26.5      +9.9% 
Adjusted EPS (pence)(2)        6.1     +10.9% 
Net debt                     272.6  +GBP14.6m 
Convenience Foods Division 
Revenue                      542.1      +1.8% 
Operating profit(1)           32.1      +4.7% 
Operating margin(1)           5.9%    +10 bps 

Patrick Coveney, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"We have made good progress on our strategic agenda during the first half of the year, despite the fact that market conditions throughout the period proved very challenging. In the UK, we have completed the Uniq integration with the restructuring of the desserts business and the disposal of the Minsterley facility, and the integration of International Cuisine is progressing well. In the US, MarketFare and Schau have been integrated and, since the end of April, we are supplying Starbucks from four of our six facilities there.

However the UK retail environment remains under severe pressure and this was exacerbated in Q2 by the horsemeat scandal, which has temporarily driven the ready meals market lower.

Although we expect market conditions to remain tough, we remain confident in our ability to deliver adjusted EPS growth for the financial year in line with expectations."


1 Operating profit and margin are stated before exceptional items and acquisition related amortisation

2 Adjusted PBT and adjusted earnings measures are stated before exceptional items, pension finance items, acquisition related amortisation, FX on inter-company and certain external balances, and the movement in the fair value of all derivative financial instruments and related debt adjustments

3 Market / category growth rates are based on Nielsen data for the 26 weeks to 30 March 2013



A presentation of the interim results will be held for analysts and institutional investors at 8.30am today at Investec Bank plc, 2 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QP.

This presentation can be accessed live through the following channels:

-- Webcast - details on www.greencore.com

-- Conference call

 Ireland number:    +353 1 486 0921 
 UK number:         +44 20 3364 5381 
 Pass code:         7084698 

A replay of the presentation will be available on www.greencore.com. It will also be available through a conference call replay facility which will be available for one week - to dial into the replay:-

 Ireland replay 
  number:             +353 1 486 0902 
 UK replay number:    +44 203 427 0598 
 Replay code:         7084698 

For further information, please contact:

 Patrick Coveney                 Chief Executive   Tel: +353 (0) 1 605 
                                  Officer           1045 
 Alan Williams                   Chief Financial   Tel: +353 (0) 1 605 
                                  Officer           1045 
 Rob Greening or Lisa Kavanagh   Powerscourt       Tel: +44 (0) 20 7250 

About Greencore

   --      A leading manufacturer of convenience food in the UK and the US 

-- Strong market positions in the UK convenience food market across food to go, chilled prepared meals, chilled soups and sauces, ambient sauces & pickles, cakes & desserts and Yorkshire puddings

-- A fast growing food to go business in the US, serving both the convenience and small store channel and the grocery channel


Portfolio and Strategy

During H1 13, we have further cemented the transformation the Group underwent in FY12 to form a business with clear scale and a balanced customer mix:

- In the UK, we completed the integration of Uniq with the transfer of all premium desserts production to the refurbished Evercreech facility and the disposal of the Minsterley facility. The integration of International Cuisine is progressing well.

- In the US, both MarketFare and Schau were integrated, the product portfolio in the Newburyport facility was rationalised and supply to Starbucks commenced under a multi-year, multi-site contract.

This focused portfolio, together with good operating and financial discipline, have enabled us to deliver strong growth in adjusted EPS in the half despite the challenging market conditions.

Financial and Operating Performance(1, 2)

Group revenue increased in the period by 0.9% to GBP572.9m with growth in the Convenience Foods division of 1.8% to GBP542.1m. Growth rates in our core markets in the UK were lower than in the prior year, even before the impact of the horsemeat scandal on the ready meals category. Despite this, Group operating profit increased by 6.3% to GBP33.7m as we maintained good operating and financial discipline and delivered improvements in returns in lower margin businesses.

Adjusted earnings per share were 10.9% higher at 6.1 pence as a result of the growth in operating profit combined with lower year-on-year financing costs and a continued low effective tax rate due to historic tax losses.

Interim Dividend

The Board of Directors is announcing an interim dividend of 1.90p. It remains the Board's intention to increase the total dividend distribution for the financial year in line with the growth in adjusted earnings per share.


We expect market conditions to remain tough during FY13, particularly in the core UK market which shows little or no volume growth and where the ready meals category, which represents c. 15% of Group revenue, is still to recover fully from the horsemeat scandal.

However, the Group is strategically well positioned to confront these challenges given its balanced customer portfolio and exposure to faster growing convenience categories. We continue to see moderating input cost inflation and now expect this to be 2% or below for the financial year. With the tight financial controls we have in place, we remain confident in our ability to deliver adjusted EPS growth for the financial year in line with expectations.


Convenience Foods

Revenue and Operating Profit(*)

                     H1 13   H1 12   Change 
                      GBPm    GBPm 
------------------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Revenue             542.1   532.6    +1.8% 
------------------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Operating profit     32.1    30.7    +4.7% 
------------------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Operating margin     5.9%    5.8%   +10bps 
------------------  ------  ------  ------- 

*The impact of currency was not material

Reported revenue in the Convenience Foods division increased by 1.8% in the period to GBP542.1m. This was significantly impacted by changes in the portfolio during the period.

In the UK, like-for-like revenue (that is excluding both the International Cuisine acquisition and the Uniq desserts activities which were exited or sold) was 1.3% lower. This was due mainly to the impact of the horsemeat scandal on the ready meals business and to lower market growth rates as economic conditions continue to exert pressure on the consumer.

In the US, revenues more than doubled through the net impact of the acquisitions of MarketFare and Schau, as well as portfolio rationalisation in the 'legacy' business, particularly in Newburyport.

Despite the challenging conditions, operating profit increased by 4.7% to GBP32.1m as we maintained strong financial discipline and delivered improvements in returns in lower margin businesses.

UK Convenience Foods

Food to Go

The UK Food to Go business represents approximately 40% of Convenience Foods revenues and comprises sandwiches, sushi, snack and side of plate salads.

Both the sandwiches sub-category and the broader chilled food to go market experienced lower growth than seen in recent periods. The sandwich sub-category grew by 1.8% in the period while the broader chilled food to go market (sandwiches, sushi and salads) experienced a 0.2% decline. This was predominantly weather related and compared to a period of strong growth in the prior year.

Against this backdrop, revenue in the combined Food to Go business grew by 0.1%. Good gains in listings were made across the Food to Go range in a major retail customer, although overall new business wins were more modest than in the previous year.

Prepared Meals

The Prepared Meals business comprises chilled ready meals, quiches, chilled soup and chilled sauces.

The chilled ready meals market saw growth moderate to 3.1% in the period, while the Italian ready meals market, our major sub-category, experienced a 1.8% decline. This was predominantly driven by the impact of the horsemeat scandal which affected the broader processed beef market from late January. Although all industry tests on chilled products were negative for the presence of horsemeat, the chilled ready meals market, in particular Italian meals, was negatively impacted in Q2. The quiche market exhibited more robust performance against a softer comparative with 4.5% growth and the soups market benefitted from poor weather with 10.4% growth.

The Prepared Meals business grew revenue by 10.7% in the period due primarily to the acquisition of the International Cuisine business. On a like-for-like basis (excluding the acquisition of International Cuisine), revenue was 5.9% lower as a result of the decline in ready meals. Across other product categories, namely soup, sauces and quiche, the business performed well, growing in line with, or exceeding, market growth rates. The integration of the International Cuisine business, acquired in August 2012 is progressing as planned. The business is performing well, albeit with some impact from the horsemeat scandal.

More than 200 tests were conducted for the presence of horsemeat on both Greencore finished products and ingredients. All tests were negative at the Food Standards Agency's 1% threshold, except one positive test carried out by Asda, who withdrew the product. A thorough and detailed investigation, including further extensive testing, concluded there was no evidence of contamination and the product was subsequently put back on shelf by Asda. As a response to the broader issue, additional species screening procedures were introduced throughout the supply chain for beef-related ingredients and we continue to work with our customers to rebuild consumer confidence in the supply chain.

Grocery and Frozen

The Grocery and Frozen business provides meal components with Grocery activity focused on cooking sauces, table sauces and pickles and Frozen supplying Yorkshire Puddings. The own label cooking sauce market was flat in the period whilst Yorkshire Puddings grew by 3.1% in value terms.

The businesses performed well with overall revenue growth of 4.5%. This was driven by gains in cooking sauces in the discounter sub-channel and in Yorkshire Puddings in major multiples.

Cakes and Desserts

The Group's cakes and desserts activity includes the Hull facility, the food service desserts facility in Taunton and the chilled desserts facility in Evercreech. The largest sub-category in which we participate, celebration cakes, declined by 3.6% in the period. The cheesecake sub-category, in which we also participate, continued to exhibit good growth.

Overall, Cakes and Desserts revenues were 2.9% lower on a like-for-like basis. The Hull facility experienced modest growth in the period and delivered stronger financial performance than in recent periods due to operational improvements and a lower inflationary environment.

The Food Service desserts business saw modest revenue decline in a tough market; during the period, the business secured additional volumes with a key customer which should underpin growth over the next twelve months.

The refurbishment of the Evercreech facility was completed during the period and the remaining premium desserts lines were all successfully transferred from the Minsterley facility. The disposal of the Minsterley facility was completed at the beginning of January.

US Convenience Foods

The US business has been transformed with the acquisitions in H2 12 of MarketFare and Schau and with the addition of Starbucks as a material new customer. Reported revenues were over 120% higher following the acquisitions. The 'legacy' business in Newburyport and Brockton experienced some planned revenue decline as we decided to exit several unprofitable product lines. This has left a much tighter product portfolio concentrated on food to go and salads. The rationalisation at Newburyport reduced complexity prior to the successful launch of a food to go range for Starbucks in January in the Boston area. Subsequent to the period end, the business has successfully commenced supply to Starbucks from the Jacksonville, Fredericksburg and Chicago facilities.

The MarketFare and Schau businesses have been integrated and we continue to build out capability in the combined business with a blend of assignments from the UK business and local hires. Overall financial performance was enhanced through a combination of the acquired profit streams, tighter product portfolio and combinational benefits.

Ingredients & Property

                     H1 13   H1 12   Change Actual   Change Constant 
                      GBPm    GBPm        Currency          Currency 
------------------  ------  ------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Revenue              30.8    35.1          -12.4%             -9.4% 
------------------  ------  ------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Operating profit      1.6     1.0          +53.4%            +57.8% 
------------------  ------  ------  --------------  ---------------- 

The Ingredients & Property division accounts for around 5% of Group activity. The revenue decline in the period was driven by the edible oils trading activity while the molasses feed business benefitted from the poor weather, reducing grass growth. Despite lower revenues overall, operating profit benefitted from better mix in oils and the growth in molasses revenues.

The planning consent on the Littlehampton site is now definitive and marketing will commence over the next few months as planned. As detailed in the note to the financial statements on exceptional items, the Group has recognised an exceptional charge of GBP9.2m in the period related to its Irish property portfolio. This comprises an impairment charge following the rezoning of one of the former production facilities and reflecting the continued soft property market, together with a charge for the expected costs to complete the remediation of the former Irish sugar sites.


Revenue and Operating Profit

Revenue in the period was GBP572.9m, an increase of 0.9% versus H1 12. Group operating profit of GBP33.7m was 6.3% ahead of the prior year. Operating margin of 5.9% was 30 basis points higher than H1 12.

The impact of currency in the period was a modest reduction in revenue and operating profit, predominantly driven by the relative strengthening of sterling against the euro compared with H1 12.

Interest Payable

The Group's bank interest payable in H1 13 was GBP7.7m compared to GBP8.1m in H1 12. This was driven by a lower effective interest rate on the Group's primary bank facilities. The composition of the charge was GBP7.1m of interest payable, commitment fees for undrawn facilities of GBP0.3m and an amortisation charge in respect of facility fees of GBP0.3m.

Non-Cash Finance Charges/Credit

The Group's net non-cash finance charge in H1 13 was GBP0.1m (GBP0.2m credit in H1 12). The change in the fair value of derivatives and related debt adjustments was a non-cash credit of GBP1.9m (GBP2.5m credit in H1 12) reflecting the impact of marking to market the Group's interest rate swap portfolio. The non-cash pension financing charge of GBP1.9m was lower than the GBP2.4m charge in H1 12 and reflects a reduction in interest rates and lower expected return on assets. The charge in respect of the increase in the present value of assets and liabilities held was GBP0.1m (GBP0.1m credit in H1 12).


The Group's effective tax rate in H1 13 (including the tax impact associated with pension finance items) was 1% compared to a rate of 4% in FY12.

The Group's effective tax rate continues to benefit from historic tax losses. The reduction in the period reflects the enactment of changes in corporation tax rates in jurisdictions where the Group operates and the net movement in current and deferred tax provisions.

Exceptional Items

The Group recognised a net exceptional credit in the period of GBP0.4m. The breakdown is as follows:

- a charge of GBP2.2m in connection with (i) the completion of the integration of the Uniq business including the Chilled Desserts restructuring and (ii) the integration of the International Cuisine business acquired in August 2012;

- a charge of GBP1.1m in connection with the integration of the acquisitions of MarketFare and Schau in the US;

- a charge of GBP9.2m related to the Group's Irish property portfolio. This comprises an impairment charge of GBP4.3m following the change in zoning of a large area owned by the Group together with continued soft property market conditions, and an additional charge of GBP4.8m in connection with the remediation of the former sugar processing sites;

- a credit of GBP4.4m representing a curtailment gain in connection with the Greencore Group pension scheme;

- a tax credit of GBP7.8m in connection with the resolution of a number of tax positions, including the settlement of an overseas tax case; and

   -       a tax credit of GBP0.7m in connection with the UK integration costs. 

Earnings per Share

Adjusted earnings of GBP23.8m in the period were 12.9% ahead of the prior year. Adjusted earnings per share of 6.1 pence were 10.9% ahead of H1 12.

Cash Flow and Net Debt

A net cash inflow from operating activities of GBP5.3m was recorded compared to an inflow of GBP7.8m in H1 12. The modest reduction in inflow was primarily due to a larger seasonal working capital outflow in the half than in H1 12 which benefitted from reductions of working capital in the former Uniq businesses.

Capital expenditure of GBP18.4m was incurred in the period compared to GBP14.1m in H1 12 with the increase driven predominantly by the acquisition of the freehold of the Bristol facility and expenditure in acquired businesses. Interest costs of GBP7.5m were paid in the period with cash dividends to equity holders of GBP4.8m.

The Group's net debt at 29 March 2013 was GBP272.6m, an increase of GBP14.6m from 28 September 2012. This increase was driven by the seasonal working capital outflow and higher capital expenditure, together with an adverse movement in the translation of US dollar debt of GBP5.0m. There were no movements on the Group's committed debt facilities other than a movement in drawings under the Group's revolving credit facility.


The net pension deficit(before related deferred tax) increased to GBP155.9m at 29 March 2013 from GBP141.8m at 28 September 2012. The net pension deficit after related deferred tax was GBP126.0m, an increase of GBP10.1m from 28 September 2012.

The fair value of total plan assets relating to the Group's defined benefit pension schemes (excluding associates) increased to GBP378.2m at 29 March 2013 from GBP345.7m at 28 September 2012. The present value of the total pension liabilities for these schemes increased to GBP533.5m from GBP486.9m over the same period. Liabilities increased more quickly than asset values as there was a material increase in UK inflation expectations despite a further fall in discount rates.

All defined benefit pension scheme plans are closed to future accrual and the Group's pension policy with effect from 1 January 2010 is that future service for current employees and new entrants is provided under defined contribution pension arrangements.

Subsequent to the period end, the Group entered into arrangements with the Hazlewood Foods Defined Benefit Pension Scheme Trustees to address GBP40m of the actuarial deficit in the scheme through an asset backed structure. The substance of this arrangement is to reduce the cash funding which would otherwise be required based on the latest triennial valuation, whilst improving the security of the pension scheme members' benefits. This agreement is described in more detail in note 15 to the condensed financial statements.

Related Party Transactions

There were no related party transactions in the half year that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Group in the period. In addition, there were no changes in related party transactions from the last Annual Report that could have had a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Group in the first six months.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

There are a number of potential risks and uncertainties which could have a material impact on the Group's performance over the remainder of the financial year and could cause actual results to differ materially from expected and historical results. In particular, the timing and pace of recovery in consumer demand in the chilled ready meals market following the horsemeat scandal remains uncertain. The Board considers the risks and uncertainties described on pages 14 and 15 of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 28 September 2012 issued on 27 November 2012 to remain applicable. These risks are as follows:

Strategic risks

-- Competitor activity

-- Expansion

Commercial risks

-- Changes in consumer behaviour and demand

-- Loss of key customer relationships

-- Commodity price / input cost fluctuations

Operational risks

-- Food safety, environmental and health and safety

-- Loss of manufacturing capability

-- Loss of key personnel

Financial risks

-- Interest rates, foreign exchange rates, liquidity and credit

-- Employee retirement obligations


-- Property development

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements made in this announcement are forward-looking. These represent expectations for the Group's business, and involve risks and uncertainties. The Group has based these forward-looking statements on current expectations and projections about future events. The Group believes that expectations and assumptions with respect to these forward-looking statements are reasonable. However, because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which in some cases are beyond the Group's control, actual results or performance, may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

P.G. Kennedy, Chairman

21 May 2013


for the half year ended 29 March 2013

                                        Half Year Ended 29 March                   Half Year ended 30 March 
                                                   2013                                       2012 
                                               (Unaudited)                                (Unaudited) 
                                                   Exceptional                                Exceptional 
                        Notes   Pre - exceptional     (Note 5)      Total  Pre - exceptional     (Note 5)      Total 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000            GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Revenue                    3              572,886            -    572,886            567,681            -    567,681 
Cost of sales                           (399,288)            -  (399,288)          (396,457)            -  (396,457) 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Gross profit                              173,598            -    173,598            171,224            -    171,224 
Operating costs, 
 net                                    (139,913)      (8,133)  (148,046)          (139,533)      (3,438)  (142,971) 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Group operating 
 profit before 
 related amortisation      3               33,685      (8,133)     25,552             31,691      (3,438)     28,253 
Amortisation of 
 acquisition related 
 intangibles                              (4,128)            -    (4,128)            (4,817)            -    (4,817) 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Group operating 
 profit                    3               29,557      (8,133)     21,424             26,874      (3,438)     23,436 
Finance income            11                8,673            -      8,673              9,160            -      9,160 
Finance costs             11             (16,405)            -   (16,405)           (17,085)            -   (17,085) 
Share of profit 
 of associates after 
 tax                                          389            -        389                325            -        325 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Profit before taxation                     22,214      (8,133)     14,081             19,274      (3,438)     15,836 
Taxation                   6                (198)        8,559      8,361              (658)          753         95 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Profit for the 
 period                                    22,016          426     22,442             18,616      (2,685)     15,931 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Attributable to: 
Equity shareholders                        21,215          426     21,641             18,102      (2,685)     15,417 
 interests                                    801            -        801                514            -        514 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
                                           22,016          426     22,442             18,616      (2,685)     15,931 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per 
 share                     8                                          5.5                                        4.0 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 
Diluted earnings 
 per share                 8                                          5.4                                        4.0 
-----------------------  -----  -----------------  -----------  ---------  -----------------  -----------  --------- 


for the half year ended 29 March 2013

                                                                            Half year 
                                                              Half Year         ended 
                                                               29 March      30 March 
                                                                   2013          2012 
                                                            (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
                                                                GBP'000       GBP'000 
Items of income and expense taken directly to 
Items that will not be reclassified to profit 
 or loss: 
Actuarial (loss)/gain on Group defined benefit 
 pension schemes                                               (21,559)         3,739 
Deferred tax on Group defined benefit pension 
 schemes                                                          4,259         (270) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                               (17,300)         3,469 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to 
 profit or loss: 
Currency translation adjustment                                   3,568         (781) 
Current tax on currency translation adjustment                    (127)           151 
Hedge of net investment in foreign currency subsidiaries        (4,884)         1,266 
Cash flow hedges: 
  fair value movement taken to equity                             (625)       (1,004) 
  deferred tax on fair value movement taken to 
   equity                                                           144           241 
  transfer to Income Statement for the period                       326           168 
  deferred tax on transfer to Income Statement 
   for the period                                                  (75)          (40) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                                (1,673)             1 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Net (expense)/income recognised directly within 
 equity                                                        (18,973)         3,470 
Group result for the financial period                            22,442        15,931 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total recognised income and expense for the financial 
 period                                                           3,469        19,401 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Attributable to: 
Equity shareholders                                               2,466        18,983 
Non-controlling interests                                         1,003           418 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total recognised income and expense for the financial 
 period                                                           3,469        19,401 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 


at 29 March 2013

                                                            March             March              Sept 
                                                             2013              2012              2012 
                                                                    As re-presented   As re-presented 
                                                                        (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                              Notes   (Unaudited) 
                                                          GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                 9       503,587           478,568           503,025 
Property, plant and equipment                     9       226,322           209,487           226,301 
Investment property                               9        28,635            34,555            31,961 
Investments in associates                                     918               882               548 
Other receivables                                             941             2,836             2,817 
Derivative financial instruments                 11        13,811            12,877            11,888 
Deferred tax assets                                        61,165            57,044            61,164 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total non-current assets                                  835,379           796,249           837,704 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                                50,170            50,540            54,366 
Trade and other receivables                               100,232           113,510           107,304 
Derivative financial instruments                 11         2,665                 -               170 
Cash and cash equivalents                        11        13,102            16,527            18,751 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total current assets                                      166,169           180,577           180,591 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total assets                                            1,001,548           976,826         1,018,295 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Capital and reserves attributable to equity 
 holders of the Company 
Share capital                                    10       117,637           120,864           120,920 
Share premium                                             176,859           168,478           171,469 
Reserves                                                (102,265)          (84,392)          (95,116) 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                                          192,231           204,950           197,273 
Non-controlling interests                                   4,047             3,160             3,246 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total equity                                              196,278           208,110           200,519 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                       11       251,332           291,600           288,647 
Derivative financial instruments                            5,728             8,288             9,017 
Retirement benefit obligations                   14       155,860           121,276           141,841 
Other payables                                              2,252             2,643             3,089 
Provisions for liabilities                       12        15,852            14,676            12,112 
Deferred tax liabilities                                   31,839            31,113            28,833 
Government grants                                              64                77                70 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total non-current liabilities                             462,927           469,673           483,609 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                       11        50,713                 -                 - 
Derivative financial instruments                            1,876                28                 - 
Trade and other payables                                  258,580           252,385           282,993 
Consideration payable on acquisitions                       1,316                 -             3,701 
Provisions for liabilities                       12         5,490            12,687             8,963 
Current taxes payable                                      24,368            33,943            38,510 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total current liabilities                                 342,343           299,043           334,167 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total liabilities                                         805,270           768,716           817,776 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total equity and liabilities                            1,001,548           976,826         1,018,295 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

As re-presented to reflect adjustments to provisional fair values previously recognised on business combinations as set out in Note 16


for the half year ended 29 March 2013

                                                               Half year      Half year 
                                                                   ended          ended 
                                                                29 March       30 March 
                                                                    2013           2012 
                                                             (Unaudited)    (Unaudited) 
                                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Profit before taxation                                            14,081         15,836 
Finance income                                                   (8,673)        (9,160) 
Finance costs                                                     16,405         17,085 
Share of profit of associates (after tax)                          (389)          (325) 
Exceptional items                                                  8,133          3,438 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Operating profit (pre-exceptional)                                29,557         26,874 
Depreciation                                                      11,525         10,970 
Amortisation of intangible assets                                  4,831          5,513 
Employee share option expense                                        935            822 
Amortisation of government grants                                    (6)            (6) 
Difference between pension charge and cash contributions         (6,300)        (7,047) 
Working capital movement                                        (17,320)       (12,210) 
Other movements                                                      442            171 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities before 
 exceptional items                                                23,664         25,087 
Cash outflow related to exceptional items                       (10,585)       (10,083) 
Interest paid                                                    (7,491)        (7,046) 
Tax paid                                                           (254)          (163) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                          5,334          7,795 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Dividends received from associates                                    20             25 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                       (17,309)       (11,531) 
Purchase of investment property                                    (237)        (1,332) 
Purchase of intangible assets                                      (856)        (1,188) 
Acquisition of undertakings                                      (1,984)      (113,316) 
Disposal of undertakings                                          10,393            185 
Interest received                                                    176             24 
Net cash outflow from investing activities                       (9,797)      (127,133) 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Proceeds from/(costs of) issue of shares                             125            (5) 
Ordinary shares purchased - own shares                             (709)              - 
Increase in bank borrowings                                        3,107         58,561 
Inception of finance lease liabilities                             1,045              - 
Dividends paid to equity holders of the Company                  (4,847)        (4,082) 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                        (202)          (220) 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities              (1,481)         54,254 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                        (5,944)       (65,084) 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Reconciliation of opening to closing cash and 
 cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                  18,751         81,564 
Translation adjustment                                               295             47 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                            (5,944)       (65,084) 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                        13,102         16,527 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 


for the half year ended 29 March 2013

                                                                     Retained            Non-controlling 
                 Share capital  Share premium  Other reserves        earnings     Total        interests  Total equity 
                       GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000   GBP'000          GBP'000       GBP'000 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ---------------  ------------ 
At 28 September 
 2012                  120,920        171,469        (11,758)        (83,358)   197,273            3,246       200,519 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ---------------  ------------ 
Items of income 
and expense 
directly to 
 adjustment                  -              -           3,366               -     3,366              202         3,568 
Current tax on 
 adjustment                  -              -               -           (127)     (127)                -         (127) 
Net investment 
 hedge                       -              -         (4,884)               -   (4,884)                -       (4,884) 
Actuarial loss 
 on Group 
 schemes                     -              -               -        (21,559)  (21,559)                -      (21,559) 
Deferred tax on 
 Group defined 
 schemes                     -              -               -           4,259     4,259                -         4,259 
Cash flow 
    fair value 
     taken to 
     equity                  -              -           (625)               -     (625)                -         (625) 
     tax on 
     fair value 
     taken to 
     equity                  -              -             144               -       144                -           144 
    transfer to 
     the period              -              -             326               -       326                -           326 
     tax on 
     to the 
     for the 
     period                  -              -            (75)               -      (75)                -          (75) 
Profit for the 
 period                      -              -               -          21,641    21,641              801        22,442 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ---------------  ------------ 
 income and 
 for the 
 period                      -              -         (1,748)           4,214     2,466            1,003         3,469 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ---------------  ------------ 
Employee share 
 option expense              -              -             935               -       935                -           935 
Exercise, lapse 
 or forfeit of 
 share options               -              -         (1,160)           1,160         -                -             - 
Shares acquired 
 by Deferred 
 Awards Trust                -              -           (738)              29     (709)                -         (709) 
Shares granted 
 of the 
 Deferred Share 
 Awards Trust                -              -             839           (839)         -                -             - 
Cancellation of 
 shares                (3,312)          3,312               -               -         -                -             - 
 Issue of 
  shares                     2            123               -               -       125                -           125 
Dividends                   27          1,955               -         (9,841)   (7,859)            (202)       (8,061) 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ---------------  ------------ 
At 29 March 
 2013                  117,637        176,859        (13,630)        (88,635)   192,231            4,047       196,278 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  --------  ---------------  ------------ 
                                                                      Retained           Non-controlling 
                 Share capital  Share premium  Other reserves         earnings    Total        interests  Total equity 
                       GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000  GBP'000          GBP'000       GBP'000 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  ---------------  ------------ 
At 30 September 
 2011                  117,004        171,010        (14,792)         (81,584)  191,638            2,962       194,600 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  ---------------  ------------ 
Items of income 
and expense 
directly to 
 adjustment                  -              -           (685)                -    (685)             (96)         (781) 
Current tax on 
 adjustment                  -              -               -              151      151                -           151 
Net investment 
 hedge                       -              -           1,266                -    1,266                -         1,266 
Actuarial gain 
 on Group 
 schemes                     -              -               -            3,739    3,739                -         3,739 
Deferred tax on 
 Group defined 
 schemes                     -              -               -            (270)    (270)                -         (270) 
Cash flow 
    fair value 
     taken to 
     equity                  -              -         (1,004)                -  (1,004)                -       (1,004) 
     tax on 
     fair value 
     taken to 
     equity                  -              -             241                -      241                -           241 
    transfer to 
     the period              -              -             168                -      168                -           168 
     tax on 
     for the 
     period                  -              -            (40)                -     (40)                -          (40) 
Profit for the 
 period                      -              -               -           15,417   15,417              514        15,931 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  ---------------  ------------ 
 income and 
 expense for 
 the financial 
 period                      -              -            (54)           19,037   18,983              418        19,401 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  ---------------  ------------ 
adjustment                   -              -               -                -        -                -             - 
Employee share 
 option expense              -              -             822                -      822                -           822 
Exercise, lapse 
 or forfeit of 
 options                     -              -           (632)              632        -                -             - 
Shares acquired 
 by Deferred 
 Awards Trust                -              -            (36)               36        -                -             - 
Shares granted 
 of the 
 Deferred Share 
 Awards Trust                -              -           1,575          (1,575)        -                -             - 
 Issue of 
  shares                 3,848        (3,848)               -                -        -                -             - 
 with the issue 
 shares                      -            (5)               -                -      (5)                -           (5) 
Dividends                   12          1,321               -          (7,821)  (6,488)            (220)       (6,708) 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  ---------------  ------------ 
At 30 March 
 2012                  120,864        168,478        (13,117)         (71,275)  204,950            3,160       208,110 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  ---------------  ------------ 

Other Reserves

                                                             Capital                 Foreign 
                                                          conversion                currency 
                                      Share                  reserve   Hedging   translation 
                                    options  Own shares         fund   reserve       reserve     Total 
                                    GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
At 28 September 2012                  4,218    (18,870)          804   (2,003)         4,093  (11,758) 
---------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
Items of income and expense 
 directly to equity 
Currency translation 
 adjustment                               -           -            -         -         3,366     3,366 
Net investment hedge                      -           -            -         -       (4,884)   (4,884) 
Cash flow hedges 
    fair value movement 
     taken to equity                      -           -            -     (625)             -     (625) 
    deferred tax on fair 
     value movement 
     taken to equity                      -           -            -       144             -       144 
    transfer to Income Statement 
     for the period                       -           -            -       326             -       326 
   deferred tax on transfer 
    to Income 
    Statement for the period              -           -            -      (75)             -      (75) 
Total recognised income 
 expense for the financial 
 period                                   -           -            -     (230)       (1,518)   (1,748) 
---------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
Currency translation 
 adjustment                             222           -            -         -         (222)         - 
Employee share option 
 expense                                935           -            -         -             -       935 
Exercise, lapse or forfeit 
 of share options                   (1,160)           -            -         -             -   (1,160) 
Shares acquired by Deferred 
 Share Awards Trust                       -       (738)            -         -             -     (738) 
Shares granted to beneficiaries 
 of the 
 Deferred Share Awards 
 Trust                                    -         839            -         -             -       839 
At 29 March 2013                      4,215    (18,769)          804   (2,233)         2,353  (13,630) 
---------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
                                                                Capital                 Foreign 
                                                             conversion                currency 
                                         Share                  reserve   Hedging   translation 
                                       options  Own shares         fund   reserve       reserve     Total 
                                       GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
At 30 September 2011                     3,230    (20,387)          804         -         1,561  (14,792) 
------------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
Items of income and expense 
 taken directly to equity 
Currency translation 
 adjustment                                  -           -            -         -         (685)     (685) 
Net investment hedge                         -           -            -         -         1,266     1,266 
Cash flow hedges 
    fair value movement taken 
     to equity                               -           -            -   (1,004)             -   (1,004) 
    deferred tax on fair 
     value movement taken 
     to equity                               -           -            -       241             -       241 
    transfer to Income Statement 
     or the period                           -           -            -       168             -       168 
    deferred tax on transfer 
     to Income Statement for 
     the period                              -           -            -      (40)             -      (40) 
------------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
Total recognised income 
 and expense for the financial 
 period                                      -           -            -     (635)           581      (54) 
------------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 
Currency translation 
 adjustment                              (111)           -            -         -           111         - 
Employee share option 
 expense                                   822           -            -         -             -       822 
    Exercise, lapse or forfeit 
     of share 
     options                             (632)           -            -         -             -     (632) 
    Shares acquired by Deferred 
     Awards Trust                            -        (36)            -         -             -      (36) 
    Shares granted to beneficiaries 
     of the 
     Deferred Share Awards 
     Trust                                   -       1,575            -         -             -     1,575 
At 30 March 2012                         3,309    (18,848)          804     (635)         2,253  (13,117) 
------------------------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------------  -------- 


   1.    Basis of Preparation 

The Group Condensed Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007, the related Transparency Rules of the Irish Financial Services Authority and with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union.

These Condensed Financial Statements do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 19 of the Companies (Amendment) Act 1986. The Group condensed financial information for the year ended 28 September 2012 represents an abbreviated version of the Group Financial Statements for that year. Those financial statements, upon which the auditor issued an unqualified audit report, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue operating for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Group Condensed Financial Statements.

   2.    Accounting Policies 

The accounting policies and methods of computation adopted in the preparation of the Group Condensed Financial Statements are consistent with those applied in the Annual Report for the financial year ended 28 September 2012 and are as set out in those financial statements.

The adoption of new standards and interpretations (as set out in the 2012 Annual Report) that became effective for the Group's financial statements for the year ended 27 September 2013 did not have any significant impact on the Group Condensed Financial Statements.

   3.    Segment Information 

The Group is organised around different product portfolios. The Group's reportable segments under IFRS 8 are as follows:

Convenience Foods - this reportable segment is the aggregation of two operating segments, Convenience Foods UK and Convenience Foods US. This segment derives its revenue from the production and sale of convenience food.

Ingredients & Property - this segment represents the aggregation of 'all other segments' as permitted under IFRS 8 (IFRS 8 specifies that, where the external revenue of reportable segments exceeds 75% of the total Group revenue, it is permissible to aggregate all other segments into one reportable segment). The Ingredients & Property reportable segment derives its revenue from the distribution of edible oils, molasses and the management of the Group's surplus property assets.

The Chief Operating Decision Maker monitors the operating results of segments separately in order to allocate resources between segments and to assess performance. Segment performance is predominantly evaluated based on operating profit before exceptionals and acquisition related amortisation. Exceptional items, net finance costs and income tax are managed on a centralised basis, therefore, these items are not allocated between operating segments for the purposes of the information presented to the Chief Operating Decision Maker and are accordingly omitted from the segmental information below. Intersegment revenue is not material.

                                         Convenience         Ingredients            Total 
                                             Foods            & Property 
                                          Half      Half      Half      Half      Half      Half 
                                          Year      year      Year      year      Year      year 
                                          2013      2012      2013      2012      2013      2012 
                                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Revenue                                542,130   532,587    30,756    35,094   572,886   567,681 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Group operating profit before 
 exceptional items and 
 acquisition related amortisation       32,113    30,666     1,572     1,025    33,685    31,691 
Amortisation of acquisition related 
 intangible assets                     (4,128)   (4,817)         -         -   (4,128)   (4,817) 
Group operating profit before 
 exceptional items                      27,985    25,849     1,572     1,025    29,557    26,874 
Exceptional items                                                              (8,133)   (3,438) 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Group operating profit                  27,985    25,849     1,572     1,025    21,424    23,436 
Finance income                                                                   8,673     9,160 
Finance costs                                                                 (16,405)  (17,085) 
Share of profit of associates 
 after tax                                   -         -       389       325       389       325 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Profit before taxation                                                          14,081    15,836 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
   4.    Seasonality 

The Group's convenience foods portfolio is second half weighted. This weighting is primarily driven by weather and seasonal buying patterns impacting, in particular, the demand for chilled product categories.

   5.    Exceptional Items 
                                                   Half       Half 
                                                   year       year 
                                                   2013       2012 
                                                GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Integration cost of UK acquisitions    (a)     (2,248)    (3,438) 
 Integration cost of US acquisitions    (b)     (1,101)          - 
 Pension curtailment gain               (c)       4,368          - 
 Property related charge                (d)     (9,152)          - 
-------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
                                                (8,133)    (3,438) 
 Taxation on exceptional items          (e)         724        753 
 Exceptional tax credit                 (e)       7,835          - 
-------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Total exceptional credit/(charge)                  426    (2,685) 
--------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 

(a) Integration cost of UK acquisitions

During the period, the Group incurred an exceptional charge of GBP2.2 million in connection with (i) the completion of the integration of the Uniq business, including the Chilled Desserts restructuring, and (ii) the integration of the International Cuisine business acquired in August 2012. In the prior period, integration costs of GBP3.4 million were incurred in respect of the Uniq acquisition.

(b) Integration cost of US acquisitions

During the period, the Group incurred an exceptional charge of GBP1.1 million in connection with the integration of the acquisitions of MarketFare Foods LLC ("MarketFare") and H.C. Schau & Son Inc. ("Schau") in the US.

(c) Pension curtailment gain

During the period, the Group recognised a curtailment gain of GBP4.4 million as the trustees of the Greencore Group pension scheme resolved to pass on the cost of the Irish pensions levy to beneficiaries of the pension scheme in the form of a reduction in future pension payments. The cost of the levy has previously been assumed to be borne by the scheme and had been treated as a reduction in assets of the scheme when paid and as an increase in scheme liabilities for future amounts payable.

(d) Property related charge

During the period, the Group recognised a property related charge of GBP9.2 million arising on its Irish property portfolio which comprises a property impairment charge together with a charge for remediation costs relating to the former sugar processing sites. The property impairment charge of GBP4.3 million arose due to the rezoning of a large proportion of the Group's property assets in Ireland, together with the continued softening of demand for land and the related impact on prices being achieved on sales. The Group also re-evaluated the expected costs to be incurred in meeting the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the remediation of the former sugar processing sites and an additional charge of GBP4.8 million was recognised in this respect.

(e) Exceptional tax credit

During the period, a tax credit of GBP7.8 million arose as the Group resolved a number of tax positions including the settlement of an overseas tax case. A tax credit of GBP0.7 million was recognised in respect of exceptional charges in the period.

   6.    Taxation 

Interim period tax is accrued using the tax rate that is estimated to be applicable to the expected total annual earnings based on tax rates that were enacted or substantively enacted at the half year end, that is the estimated average annual effective income tax rate based on management's judgement applied to the taxable income of the interim period.

   7.    Dividends Paid and Proposed 

A dividend of 2.5 pence per share was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 29 January 2013 as a final dividend in respect of the year ended 28 September 2012 and a total of GBP5.8 million was paid on 3 April 2013 to those shareholders that did not avail of the Group scrip dividend scheme.

An interim dividend of 1.90 pence (2012: 1.75 pence) per share is payable on 3 October 2013 to the shareholders on the Register of Members as of 7 June 2013. The ordinary shares will be quoted ex-dividend from 5 June 2013. The dividend will be subject to dividend withholding tax, although certain classes of shareholders may qualify for exemption.

The liability in respect of this interim dividend is not recognised on the Balance Sheet of the Group as at 29 March 2013 because the interim dividend had not been approved at the balance sheet date (but was subsequently declared by the Directors of the Company).

   8.    Earnings per Ordinary Share 

Basic earnings per ordinary share

Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period, excluding ordinary shares purchased by the Company and held as treasury shares and shares held in trust in respect of the Deferred Bonus Plan Awards scheme. The adjusted figures for basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share are after the elimination of exceptional items, the effect of foreign exchange (FX) on inter-company and external balances where hedge accounting is not applied, the movement in the fair value of all derivative financial instruments and related debt adjustments, the amortisation of acquisition related intangible assets and the effect of pension financing.

                                                             Half      Half 
                                                             year      year 
                                                             2013      2012 
                                                          GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Profit attributable to equity holders of the 
  Company                                                  21,641    15,417 
 Exceptional items (post tax)                               (426)     2,685 
 Fair value of derivative financial instruments 
  and related debt adjustments                            (2,159)   (2,158) 
 FX on inter-company and external balances where 
  hedge accounting is not applied                             240     (335) 
 Amortisation of acquisition related intangible 
  assets                                                    4,128     4,817 
 Pension financing                                          1,884     2,363 
 Tax effect of pension financing and amortisation 
  of acquisition related intangibles                      (1,505)   (1,713) 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Numerator for adjusted earnings per share calculation     23,803    21,076 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                             Half      Half 
                                                             year      year 
                                                             2013      2012 
                                                            pence     pence 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Basic earnings per ordinary share                            5.5       4.0 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Adjusted basic earnings per ordinary share                   6.1       5.5 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Denominator for earnings per share and adjusted earnings per share calculation

                                                      Half      Half 
                                                      year      year 
                                                      2013      2012 
                                                      '000      '000 
------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Shares in issue at the beginning of the period    394,357   387,312 
 Treasury shares                                   (3,905)   (3,905) 
 Shares held by Deferred Share Awards Trust        (1,641)   (2,498) 
 Effect of shares issued in period                   2,722     1,385 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
  issue during the period                          391,533   382,294 
------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Diluted earnings per ordinary share

Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. Employee share options, which are performance based, are treated as contingently issuable shares, because their issue is contingent upon satisfaction of specified performance conditions in addition to the passage of time. These contingently issuable ordinary shares are excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per ordinary share where the conditions governing exercisability have not been satisfied as at the end of the reporting period. Options over 8,557,582 (2012: 8,644,081) shares were excluded from the diluted EPS calculation as they were either antidilutive or contingently issuable ordinary shares which had not satisfied the performance conditions attaching at the end of the reporting period.

                                                 Half Year    Half 
                                                      2013    Year 
                                                     pence   pence 
----------------------------------------------  ----------  ------ 
 Diluted basic earnings per ordinary share             5.4     4.0 
----------------------------------------------  ----------  ------ 
 Adjusted diluted basic earnings per ordinary 
  share                                                6.0     5.4 
----------------------------------------------  ----------  ------ 

Denominator for diluted earnings per share and adjusted earnings per share calculation

The reconciliation of the weighted average number of ordinary shares used for the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per share amounts is as follows:

                                                   Half   Half Year 
                                                   Year        2012 
                                                   '000        '000 
 --------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  in issue during the period                    391,533     382,294 
 Dilutive effect of share options                 7,518       4,987 
---------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for diluted earnings per share                399,051     387,281 
---------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 

9. Intangible Assets, Property, Plant and Equipment, Investment Property, Capital Expenditure and Commitments

During the six month period to 29 March 2013, the Group made approximately GBP15.7 million (2012: GBP13.5 million) of additions to property, plant and equipment, investment property and intangible assets. The Group also disposed of certain assets with a carrying amount of GBP4.0 million (2012: GBP0.5 million) for proceeds of GBP4.0 million (2012: GBP4.1 million).

At 29 March 2013, the Group had entered into contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment amounting to GBP4.0 million (2012: GBP4.1 million).

   10.   Equity Share Capital 

Issued capital as at 29 March 2013 amounted to GBP117.6 million (28 September 2012: GBP120.9 million) of which GBP2.1 million (28 September 2012: GBP2.1 million) is attributable to treasury shares, GBP0.02 million (28 September 2012: GBP0.02 million) is attributable to shares held by the Deferred Share Awards Trust and GBP111.5 million (28 September 2012: GBP114.9 million) is attributable to deferred shares. During the six month period to 29 March 2013, 2,678,410 shares (2012: 1,408,619) were issued in respect of the scrip dividend scheme and 181,125 shares (2012: none) were issued in respect of the Group's Sharesave schemes. In addition, 384,815,847 deferred shares in the Company were cancelled on 4 January 2013.

Pursuant to the Deferred Bonus Plan Awards scheme, 727,885 shares were purchased by the Trustees of the Plan during the period ended 29 March 2013. In addition, the Trustees utilised dividend income of GBP0.03 million (2012: GBP0.03 million) to acquire 32,111 (2012: 69,490) shares in the Group with a nominal value of GBP0.001 million. In the period, 1,402,077 (2012: 1,292,223) shares with a nominal value of GBP0.013 million were transferred to beneficiaries of the Deferred Bonus Plan.

During the period, no share options were granted under the Executive Share Option Scheme (2012: 575,000), no share options were granted under the Sharesave schemes (2012: nil) and 2,473,607 shares were awarded under the Deferred Bonus Plan Awards scheme (2012: 3,477,711).

Pursuant to the resolutions passed at the Company's Annual General Meeting, the directors were authorised to adopt the Greencore Group plc 2013 Performance Share Plan. During the period, 4,298,604 conditional share awards were granted in accordance with the terms of this plan.

   11.   Components of Net Debt and Financing 

The cash flows from financing activities are set out in the Group Condensed Cash Flow Statement.

                                                        March       March 
                                                         2013        2012 
                                                      GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net debt 
 Cash and cash equivalents                             13,102      16,527 
 Bank borrowings                                    (180,691)   (175,178) 
 Private placement notes                            (120,309)   (116,422) 
 Finance lease                                        (1,045)           - 
 Cross currency interest rate swaps - fair value 
  hedges                                               16,365      12,877 
-------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Group net debt                                     (272,578)   (262,196) 
-------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                        2013       2012 
                                                     GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Net finance costs 
 Net finance costs on interest bearing cash and 
  cash equivalents and borrowings                    (7,674)    (8,147) 
 Net pension financing charge                        (1,884)    (2,363) 
 Change in fair value of derivatives and related 
  debt adjustments                                     2,159      2,158 
 Foreign exchange on inter-company and external 
  balances where hedge accounting is not applied       (240)        335 
 Unwind of present value discount on non-current 
  payables and receivables                              (93)         92 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                                     (7,732)    (7,925) 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Analysed as: 
 Finance income                                        8,673      9,160 
 Finance costs                                      (16,405)   (17,085) 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                                     (7,732)    (7,925) 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   12.   Provision for Liabilities 
---------------------------------------------------  --------- 
 At beginning of period, as previously reported         20,709 
 Adjustments to provisional fair values previously 
  recognised on business combinations                      366 
---------------------------------------------------  --------- 
 At beginning of period, as re-presented                21,075 
 Utilised in period                                    (3,452) 
 Disposed of in period                                   (760) 
 Provided in period                                      4,124 
 Currency translation differences                          262 
 Unwind discount                                            93 
---------------------------------------------------  --------- 
 At end of period                                       21,342 
---------------------------------------------------  --------- 
                                2013               Sept 
                                        as re-presented 
                             GBP'000            GBP'000 
-------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 Analysed as: 
 Non-current liabilities      15,852             12,112 
 Current liabilities           5,490              8,963 
-------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
                              21,342             21,075 
-------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 

The significant provisions are as follows:


Lease provisions consist of (a) provisions for leasehold dilapidations in respect of certain leases, relating to the estimated cost of reinstating leasehold premises to their original condition at the time of the inception of the lease as provided for in the lease agreement; and (b) provisions for onerous contractual obligations for properties held under operating lease. It is anticipated that these will be payable within seven years.

Remediation and closure

Remediation and closure obligations were established to cover either a statutory, contractual or constructive obligation of the Group.

In the Ingredients & Property segment, remediation and closure obligations primarily relate to the closure of Irish Sugar and the exit from sugar processing.

In the Convenience Foods segment, the restructuring provision was established to cover the cost of withdrawal from yoghurt production and exiting everyday desserts to focus on the premium desserts and Müller/Cadbury desserts business.


Other provisions primarily consist of provisions for litigation and warranty claims arising from the sale and closure of businesses, together with a provision for liabilities which are self insured.

   13.   Contingencies 

The Group and certain of its subsidiaries continue to be subject to various legal proceedings relating to its current and former activities. Provisions for anticipated settlement costs and associated expenses arising from legal and other disputes are made where a reliable estimate can be made of the probable outcome of the proceedings.

The Greencore Group Pension Scheme ("the Scheme") has a mortgage and charge relating to certain property assets of the Group with a carrying value of GBP5.1m (2012: GBP11.3m) for use as a contingent asset of the Scheme. Under the terms of the mortgage and charge, should a disposal of these property assets occur that meets the terms of the mortgage and charge, the Scheme is entitled to a portion of the sale proceeds. The maximum amount recoverable by the Trustees of the Scheme under the mortgage and charge is the amount required for the Scheme to meet the minimum funding standard under the Pension Acts 1990-2009. During the period GBP0.6m (2012: GBPnil) was paid to the Scheme in accordance with this arrangement.

   14.   Retirement Benefit Schemes 

In consultation with the independent actuaries to the schemes, the valuation of the pension obligations has been updated to reflect current market discount rates, rates of increase in salaries, pension payments and inflation, current market values of investments and actual investment returns.

The principal actuarial assumptions are as follows:

                                           March 2013       September 2012 
                                         Ireland      UK    Ireland      UK 
--------------------------------------  --------  ------  ---------  ------ 
 Rate of increase in pension payments        *0%   3.15%        *0%   2.60% 
 Discount rate                             3.65%   4.50%      4.00%   4.60% 
 Inflation rate                            1.90%   3.35%      1.90%   2.70% 
--------------------------------------  --------  ------  ---------  ------ 

* The pension increase rate shown above applies to the majority of the liability base, however, there are certain categories within the schemes that have an entitlement to pension indexation and this is allowed for in the calculation.

The financial position of the schemes was as follows:

                                                   March 2013                        September 2012 
                                            Irish          UK                   Irish          UK 
                                          Schemes     Schemes       Total     Schemes     Schemes       Total 
                                          GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total market value of assets             230,985     147,247     378,232     209,386     136,322     345,708 
 Effect of paragraph 58(b) limit*               -       (567)       (567)           -       (631)       (631) 
 Present value of scheme liabilities    (254,362)   (279,163)   (533,525)   (235,767)   (251,151)   (486,918) 
-------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Deficit in schemes                      (23,377)   (132,483)   (155,860)    (26,381)   (115,460)   (141,841) 
-------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Deferred tax asset                             -      29,901      29,901           -      25,982      25,982 
-------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net liability                           (23,377)   (102,582)   (125,959)    (26,381)    (89,478)   (115,859) 
-------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

* Restriction in IAS 19 on recognition of a surplus in a defined benefit plan that cannot be recovered through refunds or reductions in future contributions.

   15.   Subsequent Events 

On 10 May 2013, the Group entered into arrangements with the Hazlewood Defined Benefit Scheme Trustees to address GBP40m of the actuarial deficit in the scheme. The substance of this arrangement is to reduce the cash funding which would otherwise be required based on the latest triennial valuation, whilst improving the security of the pension scheme members' benefits. As part of these arrangements, the Pension Scheme has acquired an interest in a Group subsidiary which entitles it to a distribution from the profits of the subsidiary of the Group semi-annually for 15 years 11 months. Under IAS 19, distributions to the Scheme will be reflected in the Group Financial Statements as contributions paid on a cash basis.

   16.   Acquisition of Undertakings 

2012 Acquisitions

On 17 April 2012, the Group acquired 100% of MarketFare which is a leading manufacturer of food to go products for convenience and small stores in the US with facilities in Salt Lake City, Utah and Fredericksburg, Virginia. The acquisition builds additional scale with its key customer, 7-Eleven, and provides new competencies to Greencore USA.

On 21 June 2012, the Group acquired 100% of Schau, a fresh food manufacturer with facilities in Chicago, Illinois and Jacksonville, Florida. The acquisition forms a critical part of the supply network for a significant new multi-regional contract gain with Starbucks in the food to go category.

On 23 August 2012, the Group acquired 100% of International Cuisine Limited ("ICL"), a private label chilled ready meal business with a facility in Consett, County Durham. The acquisition provides additional capacity for the Group in the ready meals category in the UK and complements our existing business.

The fair value of the assets acquired, determined in accordance with IFRS, as previously reported at 28 September 2012 and subsequently adjusted to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date were as follows:

                                                   2012 Acquisitions 
                                  As previously       Adjustments 
                                       reported    to provisional     As re-presented 
                                                      fair values 
                                        GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Intangible assets                       13,956                 -              13,956 
 Property, plant and equipment           10,275             (707)               9,568 
 Inventory                                5,304                42               5,346 
 Trade and other receivables             12,488               286              12,774 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Total assets                            42,023             (379)              41,644 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Trade and other payables              (13,814)               131            (13,683) 
 Provisions for liabilities               (223)             (366)               (589) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                 (744)                 -               (744) 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Total liabilities                     (14,781)             (235)            (15,016) 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Net assets acquired                     27,242             (614)              26,628 
 Goodwill                                16,698               879              17,577 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Total enterprise value                  43,940               265              44,205 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Satisfied by: 
 Cash payments                           41,538                 -              41,538 
 Cash acquired                          (2,686)                12             (2,674) 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash outflow                        38,352                12              38,864 
 Consideration payable                    5,088               253               5,341 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
 Total consideration                     43,940               265              44,205 
-------------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------------ 

At 29 March 2013, the fair values of the acquired net assets of Schau and ICL have been determined provisionally and are subject to change, as the Group has yet to finalise the fair value of all the identifiable net assets acquired. The fair values of the acquired net assets of MarketFare have now been finalised. The fair value of the acquired net assets of all acquisitions have been adjusted retrospectively and the Group Balance Sheet at 28 September 2012 has been adjusted to reflect the effect of these adjustments.

2011 Acquisitions

On 23 September 2011, the Group's acquisition of Uniq was declared unconditional in all respects. The acquisition provided further critical mass in the Food to Go market and exposure to the premium chilled desserts market, in both cases with a major retail customer with which the Group previously had little trade.

The fair value of the assets acquired, determined in accordance with IFRS, as previously reported at 30 March 2012 and subsequently finalised in September 2012 to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date were as follows:

                                       March 2012       Adjustments         March 2012 
                                    As previously    to provisional    As re-presented 
                                         reported       fair values 
                                          GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Intangible assets                         36,597               137             36,734 
 Property, plant and equipment             25,894             (734)             25,160 
 Deferred tax assets                       19,744                 -             19,744 
 Inventory                                  8,292               389              8,681 
 Trade and other receivables               28,501               269             28,770 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Total assets                             119,028                61            119,089 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Borrowings                              (15,500)                 -           (15,500) 
 Trade and other payables                (49,558)             2,295           (47,263) 
 Provisions for liabilities              (16,585)           (4,890)           (21,475) 
 Current taxes payable                    (5,833)           (4,891)           (10,724) 
 Retirement benefit obligations           (2,446)             (200)            (2,646) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                 (9,149)                 -            (9,149) 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Total liabilities                       (99,071)           (7,686)          (106,757) 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Net assets acquired                       19,957           (7,625)             12,332 
 Goodwill                                  84,622             7,625             92,247 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Total enterprise value                   104,579                 -            104,579 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Satisfied by: 
 Cash acquired                            (8,123)                 -            (8,123) 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Consideration payable                    112,702                 -            112,702 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Total consideration                      104,579                 -            104,579 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------- 

The Group Balance Sheet as at 30 March 2012 has been re-presented to reflect the effect of changes to the fair values of the Uniq acquisition balance sheet, which were processed in September 2012.

   17.   Information 

Copies of the Half Yearly Financial Report are available for download from the Group's website at www.greencore.com.

   18.   Auditor Review 

This half yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the auditor of the Group pursuant to the Auditing Practice Board guidance on Review of Interim Financial Statements.


The Directors are responsible for preparing the Half Yearly Financial Report in accordance with the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007, the related Transparency Rules of the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority and with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union.

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- the Group Condensed Financial Statements for the half year ended 29 March 2013 have been prepared in accordance with the international accounting standard applicable to interim financial reporting adopted pursuant to the procedure provided for under Article 6 of the Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002;

-- the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the Group Condensed Financial Statements for the half year ended 29 March 2013 and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months; and

-- the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of related party transactions that have occurred during the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or the performance of the Group during that period, and any changes in the related parties' transactions described in the last Annual Report that could have a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Group in the first six months of the current financial year.

On behalf of the Board,

 P.F. Coveney              A.R. Williams 
------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer 
------------------------  ------------------------ 
 21 May 2013               21 May 2013 
------------------------  ------------------------ 

* * *

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Greencore 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.