RNS Number : 8363I
  Greencore Group PLC
  25 November 2008


    GREENCORE GROUP PLC ("Greencore" or the "Group"), a leading international food and malt producer, today issues the following preliminary
statement of results for the year ended 26 September 2008.

    *     Sales growth of 3.2% to EUR1.31 billion, growth of 13.3% on a constant currency basis
    *     Operating profit (1) decrease of 4.5% to EUR77.3 million, representing 5.5% growth on a constant currency basis. Impact of
currency on operating profit was EUR8.1 million
    *     Adjusted EPS (2) decrease of 7.7% to 24.1 cent, representing a 1.2% increase on a constant currency basis
    *     Well financed balance sheet
    *     An 11.6% reduction in comparable net debt year on year to EUR283.4 million 
    *     Committed bank facilities of EUR586 million (with maturity dates between May 2010 and October 2015)
    *     Final dividend of 8.21 cent per share (FY07: 8.21 cent) resulting in a total dividend for the year of 13.51 cent per share (FY07:
13.26 cent) 

    *     Solid performance in Convenience Foods division (excluding Mineral Water ("Water"))
    *     *     Increase in sales (3) by 8.3%
    *     Strong performance in recovering input price inflation
    *     Constant currency operating profit decreased by 1.3%
    *     Water cost concealment issue fully resolved
    *     *     Financial impact consistent with announcement of June 2008 
    *     Completion of wider Group financial risk and control review without issue
    *     New Group control process implemented
    *     Excellent performance in Ingredients & Related Property division
    *     *     24.0% increase in sales, or 29.9% on a constant currency basis
    *     16.9% increase in operating profit, or 25.9% on a constant currency basis
    *     Significant progress on development agenda
    *     *     Initial US Convenience Foods platform, Home Made Brand Foods Inc. ("HMBF"),  acquired in April 2008
    *     The securing of a ten year US licence with Weight Watchers across five chilled prepared food categories
    *     The UK's No.1 foodservice desserts business, Ministry of Cake, acquired in December 2007
    *     Successful resolution of EU Sugar restructuring aid process with final instalment of EUR83.4 million received in February 2008

    Commenting on the results, Patrick Coveney, Group Chief Executive said:
    'These results represent a resilient response to a challenging year which saw double digit food inflation, a dramatic weakening in
sterling, declining confidence in all consumer markets and the negative impact of a cost concealment issue at our Mineral Water business.
Despite these headwinds, our Group has delivered constant currency growth in sales, profit and EPS. Our portfolio continues to work well in
each of our core markets, we have a well financed balance sheet and we have made excellent early progress in our new North America
Convenience Foods business - a strategy that will in time transform the scale, shape and returns of our Group.'
    (1) Before exceptional items and acquisition related amortisation with FY07 restated for the impact of the costs concealment issue at
the Group's Mineral Water ("Water") business 
    (2) Continuing operations before exceptional items, acquisition related amortisation, FX on inter company and certain external loan
balances and the movement in the fair value of all derivative financial instruments and related debt adjustments. The comparative amount for
FY07 has been restated to reflect the impact of the costs concealment issue at the Group's Water business 
    (3) At constant exchange rates and excluding Water
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
    * * * * * * * * *


    A presentation of results will be made to analysts and institutional investors at 9.00am on Tuesday, 25 November 2008 at The Conrad
Hotel, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2.  

    This presentation can be accessed live through the following channels:
    *     Webcast - details on www.greencore.com
    *     Conference call dial-in numbers
    *     *     +353 (0) 23 60297 
    *     +44 (0) 20 7138 0843
    *     The participant code is 8269443 in both cases

    Replay of the presentation will be available on www.greencore.com. It will also be available through a conference call replay facility
which will be available for one week - the replay dial in numbers are +353 (0)1 659 8321 and +44 (0)20 7806 1970. The replay passcode is


 Patrick Coveney                 Chief Executive Officer   Tel: +353 (0) 1 6051045
 Geoff Doherty                   Chief Financial Officer   Tel: +353 (0) 1 6051018
 Eoin Tonge                      Capital Markets Director  Tel: +353 (0) 1 6051028
 Billy Murphy / Anne-Marie       Drury Communications      Tel: +353 (0) 1 260 5000
 Rory Godson / Elizabeth Rous    Powerscourt               Tel: + 44  (0) 20 7250 1446


    *     A leading international producer of convenience food, as well as an established ingredients supplier with operations in Ireland,
the UK, the US, The Netherlands and Belgium
    *     Strong market leadership positions in the UK convenience food market across sandwiches, prepared salads, sushi, chilled prepared
meals, chilled soups & sauces, ambient sauces & pickles, cakes & desserts, mineral water and Yorkshire puddings
    *     Extending presence outside the UK with fast-growing convenience food businesses in the US, The Netherlands and Ireland
    *     The leading malt producer in Ireland, the UK and Belgium
    *     Significant property assets in Ireland and the UK
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
    SUMMARY (4)

    The advantages of the Group's diversified food portfolio were strongly demonstrated during FY08.  The excellent performance in the
Group's Ingredients activities significantly offset a decline in our Convenience Foods division.  The results were delivered in the context
of an 11.6% depreciation in the average EUR/GBP exchange rate to 0.764 in FY08 (FY07: 0.675) which impacted the translation of operating
profit by EUR8.1 million. In addition to the currency impact, the Group experienced significant input price inflation, a consumer slowdown
particularly in the second half of the year and the discovery of a material cost concealment issue at our Water business. The Group's
overall performance in the year was resilient against this backdrop. Overall Group sales of EUR1.31 billion were 13.3% ahead of FY07 on a
constant currency basis (3.2% ahead after the impact of currency translation).  Group operating profit of EUR77.3 million was ahead of FY07
by 5.5% on a constant currency basis, although was adverse by 4.5% after the impact of currency translation.  Adjusted EPS of 24.1 cent was ahead of FY07 by 1.2% on a constant currency basis but was
2.0 cent, or 7.7%, behind the FY07 continuing adjusted EPS of 26.1 cent. 

    The second half of FY08 was marked by the discovery, during a scheduled internal audit review, of a deliberate concealment of costs at
Water. This concealment was undertaken by the former financial controller of Water who left the business prior to the issue being
discovered. Within the FY08 result, an operating loss of EUR4.0 million, primarily incurred in the period prior to discovery, was recorded
in the Group's Water business compared to a restated loss of EUR2.8 million in FY07.  The results for FY07 have been restated for the impact
of this with an adjustment of EUR10.1 million to operating profit, representing the difference between the restated loss of EUR2.8 million
and the amount included in reported profit in FY07 of EUR7.3 million. A further after tax amount of EUR5.2 million in relation to FY06 has
been restated through opening reserves. In July and August 2008, the Group, independently supported by KPMG, performed a full balance sheet
and financial control review of the Group. No additional issues were identified but salutary lessons have been learned from the Water issue and immediate steps implemented which have significantly
enhanced the Group's control environment.

    The Convenience Foods division (excluding Water) delivered a solid performance overall in FY08 despite testing market conditions. 
Operating profit was EUR50.1 million, a decrease by 1.3% on a constant currency basis or a decrease by 12.3% after the impact of currency
translation.  Sales were EUR863.9 million, compared to EUR894.5 million in FY07, a decrease of 3.4% but were ahead by 8.3% on a constant
currency basis.  

    The Ingredients & Related Property division delivered a very strong performance in FY08 across all activities comprising Malt, Molasses,
Edible Oils and Agri-trading. Divisional sales grew strongly, by 29.9% on a constant currency basis, to EUR414.1 million or by 24.0% after
the impact of currency translation. Operating profit grew by 25.9% on a constant currency basis to EUR31.1 million and by 16.9% after the
impact of currency translation.

    The Group's net finance charge (5)  for the financial year was EUR19.2 million compared to EUR17.9 million in FY07. The key reason for
the increase is the reduction in the net pension financing credit, a non cash item, by EUR1.1 million to EUR9.1 million in FY08. Net bank
interest payable decreased to EUR29.2 million from EUR30.6 million in FY08 reflecting lower average debt levels more than offsetting the
impact of interest rate increases. In addition, the Group's effective tax rate decreased to 16.0% (FY07:16.7%) consistent with the change in
the mix of Group profits. Group comparable net debt decreased by 11.6% to EUR283.4 million.

    A net exceptional gain (after tax) of EUR9.2 million, with an associated cash benefit of EUR11.8 million, was recorded in the year. This
comprised of a gain of EUR18.9 million reflecting, primarily, the increased amount of EU Sugar restructuring aid received, partially offset
by charges (EUR8.9 million) taken in respect of two site closures and business restructuring initiatives and the costs (EUR0.8 million)
associated with investigation of the Water cost concealment issue and the subsequent wider Group financial review. 

    (4)  Through this review, unless otherwise stated, comparatives against FY07 are post the restatement of FY07 for the impact of the cost
concealment issue at Water
    (5)  Excluding FX on inter-company and certain external loan balances and the movement in the fair value of all derivative financial
instruments and related debt adjustments
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------


    The Board is recommending a final dividend of 8.21 cent per share (FY07: 8.21 cent per share) which when added to the interim dividend
of 5.30 cent per share (FY07: 5.05 per share) results in a total dividend for the year of 13.51 cent per share (FY07: 13.26 per share).


    The Group continues to make progress in its development as an international food business with a balanced customer and channel exposure.
Central to this is the continuing development of its UK Convenience Foods business underpinned by strong number 1 and number 2 category
market positions with multiple retail and foodservice customers. We continue to grow our International Convenience Foods business,
particularly in the US, with international sales now comprising 13% of overall Convenience Foods activity. This proportion will increase
further in FY09. In addition, we have an excellent Malt franchise with well invested facilities and number 1 market positions in Ireland and
the UK and a leading position in Belgium.
    The consumer environment in the near term is likely to remain challenging. In particular, in our core convenience foods market in the UK
the general economic outlook is poor. However, Convenience sales overall in the early part of FY09 are in line with last year. We continue
to make excellent progress in our US and Continental European Convenience businesses.  FY09 has started well in our Ingredients & Related
Property division and is on track to have another strong year. In addition, the outlook for energy pricing and interest rates has improved
in recent weeks although the EUR/GBP exchange rate has weakened further.

    Within the Group's finance costs, accounting standards require the Group to record the expected return on its defined benefit pension
assets at the beginning of the financial year. Pension assets globally have decreased significantly year on year and as such the interest
income in respect of the expected return on these assets will be significantly lower in FY09.  These are long-term assets to fund long-term
liabilities.  The nature of this accounting item is that it fluctuates significantly year on year and, therefore, the Group will eliminate
it from its adjusted EPS calculation from FY09 onwards to give a fairer measure of underlying earnings performance.

    These are undoubtedly tough times in our industry but there are opportunities in every market. We remain confident that the combination
of our people, our low cost leadership, our well capitalised balance sheet, strong market positions and excellent facilities will ensure a
positive medium term outlook for our business. 

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
    OPERATIONAL REVIEW - Convenience Foods

                    FY08  FY07*          Constant 
                   EUR'm  EUR'm  Change     Change

 Turnover          894.0  933.1   -4.2%      +7.4%
 Operating Profit   46.2   54.4  -15.1%      -4.6%

    * as restated for the impact of the Water business cost concealment issue

    *     Overall

    Convenience Foods recorded a disappointing trading performance in the year, in particular given the impact of the Water cost concealment
issue that weighed significantly on the divisional result for the year. In June 2008, we announced that following a scheduled review by the
Group's internal audit function a significant amount of concealed cost had resulted in a material restatement of the balance sheet.  The
correction of this has been adjusted through the results of the current and prior years. The Convenience Foods divisional result in FY08 of
EUR46.2m is stated after charging a loss of EUR4.0 million for Water. In addition, a restatement of the FY07 operating profit by EUR10.1
million has also been recorded with a further after tax amount of EUR5.2 million in respect of FY06 restated through opening reserves.  A
recovery plan is well underway for Water with a significant number of initiatives already implemented.

    In order to understand the underlying performance of the division, it is necessary to highlight divisional performance excluding Water. 
Sales were EUR863.9 million or 8.3% ahead of FY07 on a constant currency basis and were 3.4% behind after the impact of currency
translation.  Operating profit on the same basis was EUR50.1 million, or 1.3% behind FY07 but was 12.3% behind after the impact of currency
translation.  UK sales represented 91% of convenience food sales in the year. On a run-rate basis, considering that our US business Home
Made Brand Foods Inc. was acquired in April and consolidated in these results for five months, UK sales were 87% of convenience foods
activity. The international proportion of Group Convenience sales will continue to grow as we drive the development of our international
business. The delivery of overall 8.3% sales growth and a food operating margin of 5.8% represent a resilient performance.  Our 'Total
Lowest Cost' or TLC programme, embedded in our business over many years, continues to underpin our food margins and enables the Group to deliver distinctive value for its customers.  In Convenience Foods a 6%
operating margin is broadly consistent with a 15% return on invested capital which represents a key measure of performance. 

    *     UK convenience

    FY08 was a challenging year in the UK convenience food market with the twin issues of significant commodity price inflation and a more
general consumer slowdown, particularly in the later part of the year, impacting performance.  Our input price inflation has now been fully
recovered.  Average category volume growth in our UK business was 2% (equivalent market decrease of 1%) during the year with Food to Go,
Cakes & Desserts, Yorkshire Puddings and Foodservice sales above the median with Ready Meals and Ambient Grocery tracking above market
growth but behind our average portfolio growth. The balance in our UK portfolio ensures we are not overly reliant on any single category. 
Our Food to Go business, (approximately one third of divisional sales) with its core  sandwich offering, complemented by growing ranges in
sushi and prepared salads, grew its market share by 1% during the year to 28% underpinning its position as the UK's number 1 food-to-go
business. Our Food to Go team continue their category leading work with customers on category management, merchandising, ranging and availability. We have extended our already successful partnership
with Weight Watchers into food-to-go generating EUR6.0 million of incremental sales in the year.  In addition, our innovation continues to
win new business, for example the 'Boots Summer Collection' range. Our Cakes and Desserts business also performed well, delivering sales
growth significantly ahead of average convenience food sales growth. This sales growth was delivered as a result of continuing innovation by
our Cakes and Desserts team delivering on initiatives such as 'Design your Cake' and 'Terry's Chocolate Orange' cake. Our Yorkshire Puddings
business also performed well with our business now recording a 38% share of the UK frozen baked Yorkshire puddings market. We continue to
make inroads in the growing foodservice channel, with this channel and sales to non-multiple retailers now representing 30% of our overall
business. In December 2007 we acquired the UK's number 1 foodservice desserts business Ministry of Cake. In the period since acquisition, the business has generated 10% like for like
sales growth winning innovation awards with both Pizza Hut and Burger King. The ready meals category represents the most difficult category
in UK convenience foods. The key issue remains over-capacity although there is increasing recent evidence of manufacturers reducing
capacity. Greencore has played its own part in this with the closure of one of our ready meal facilities in FY08 and moving production
volume to the Group's other facilities. This will help in our drive to make more acceptable returns on capital in this category.  Weight
Watchers ready meals have continued to buck the overall market trend with growth in the past year of 16%.

    The next twelve months will be tough in the UK. Pressures continue to increase on the consumer, although recent attempts to stimulate
the economy such as interest rate cuts will help. Our job in this environment is to continue to deliver innovation, quality and most
importantly value to our consumers and customers whilst delivering an acceptable return on invested capital. There are opportunities in
every market and the combination of our people, our well invested facilities, technical & food safety skills and reputation for offering
value and innovation will stand to us over time.

    *     International

    The highlight of our International convenience food business in FY08 was the acquisition in April 2008 of Home Made Brand Foods Inc.
('HMBF'). This first step followed an eighteen month US business development and research effort. The US chilled market is an emerging
market in food with grocery retailers determined to win back market share conceded to the foodservice channel over the last ten years. An
innovative chilled food programme underpinned by strong food safety standards remains at the heart of their 'fight back'.  Our initial
acquisition of HMBF was underpinned by the Group securing the Weight Watchers US licence for chilled foods in August 2008. We will be
testing product in store with leading US retailers from January 2009.  HMBF had year on year earnings growth of 26% albeit from a small base
driven largely by category growth in fresh prepared foods, particularly ready meals and salads. The category offering will be extended in
FY09 into sandwiches.  Fresh sandwiches delivered direct to store is a relatively new concept in the US but retailers are responding very positively with two new programmes scheduled for 2009. The US
chilled food market remains in its infancy with many of our competitors being small privately owned businesses.  Economic conditions are
challenging in the US but there is considerable evidence of consumer switching from foodservice into buying chilled product from our retail
customers as consumers increasingly choose to eat at home.

    Our Continental European business also performed well during FY08 and enjoyed its best result in Greencore ownership since 2001.  Sales
grew by 13% in the year driven, in particular, by strong sandwich category trading including new petrol forecourt ranges.

    Overall, there is a lot to be confident about regarding the medium term prospects for our convenience foods business. It will
undoubtedly be tough in the near term but the growing geographic diversification of our sales, our ability to transfer our chilled
intellectual capital to other markets and our commitment to delivering cost leadership and value position our convenience foods business
well in this environment.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
    OPERATIONAL REVIEW - Ingredients and Related Property 

                    FY08   FY07          Constant 
                   EUR'm  EUR'm  Change     Change

 Turnover          414.1  334.0  +24.0%     +29.9%
 Operating Profit   31.1   26.6  +16.9%     +25.9%

    Our Ingredients & Related Property division had an excellent year with progress in all activities. Constant currency sales were 29.9%
ahead of last year or 24.0% after the impact of currency translation.  Divisional operating profit of EUR31.1m was 25.9% ahead of last year
on a constant currency basis or 16.9% ahead after the impact of currency translation. The key driver of performance was Malt which comprised
60% of divisional sales in the year. Our Molasses, Edible Oils and Agri-trading businesses also recorded strong performances in the year.
Considerable progress was made on the Group's planning and zoning efforts in respect of its property activities, notwithstanding a
significant softening of property markets.

    *     Malt

    Our Malt business recorded strong performances in each of its key markets in the UK, Ireland and Belgium. The closer match of supply and
demand has driven malt margins in the period above that seen in previous years.  In Scotland we experienced particularly strong demand due
to a buoyant market for Scottish whisky. During the year, we commissioned the expansion of an additional 20,000 tonnes of capacity at our
Buckie plant to meet the excess demand over current available capacity in Scotland. Although core UK brewing volumes were under some
pressure in the year, this was offset by additional volumes to distilling and export customers. Our Malt business has annual capacity of
525,000 tonnes and our facilities are well invested.  The replacement cost of our malting assets is significantly in excess of book value
with the build cost of malting capacity at circa EUR750 per tonne reflecting the cost of malting construction and the limited number of
malting plant constructors.  In an effort to lessen the variability of malt earnings year to year, in a historically cyclical industry, we continue with our efforts to put in place an increasing
proportion of multi-annual contracts with our customers.  Approximately 50% of our overall malt volumes are now sold under these
multi-annual contracts.

    *     Other Ingredient and Agri-business

    A strong performance was also recorded in our Edible Oils, Molasses and Agri-business activities. Throughout much of FY08 the fall in
global stock levels for many agricultural commodities saw prices soar to record highs. This encouraged farmers to sow increased cereal
acreages with a consequential increase in the demand for fertiliser, chemicals and inputs generally.

    *     Progress on Property planning

    Property markets have softened considerably in recent times and it is likely to take some time for credit markets to unfreeze and buying
activity to start again. Central to our property strategy is the reduction of planning and zoning risk and we made excellent progress on
this during FY08. In particular in July 2008 our Carlow lands were rezoned for significant mixed use redevelopment and we achieved planning
permission for a retail warehousing scheme in Athy. Additionally, in Littlehampton we expect to lodge a planning application for 1,500
residential units in the coming months with a subsequent planning and rezoning decision expected by 2010. We have slowed down our rezoning
and promotional efforts in Mallow and Laois reflecting the softened property market but will keep this under active review. Our ongoing
investment in planning and zoning is modest but we will continue our efforts to best position our property portfolio in anticipation of a
return to more favourable property market conditions.

    *     Resolution of EU Sugar restructuring aid

    In January 2008 the Irish Government informed the Group of its decision to allocate 87.3% (representing a total of EUR127.0 million) of
EU restructuring aid to Greencore. The revised allocation resulted in a final settlement of EUR83.4 million received on 29 February 2008.
The Group recorded a net exceptional gain of EUR18.9 million in the period reflecting, primarily, the increased amount of EU restructuring
aid received. We continue to make good progress in the delivery of our restructuring plan, the costs of which have already been provided for
in 2007.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

    *     Overview

    The strengthening of the euro against sterling has had a material translation impact on the results when compared to last year. The
average EUR/GBP exchange rate was 0.675 in FY07 compared to 0.764 in FY08 impacting translation of our sterling results negatively by 11.6%
in the period. Approximately 80% of total operating profits are sterling dominated.  Operating profit in the year of EUR77.3 million was
4.5% behind FY07 after the impact of currency translation. On a constant currency basis operating profit was 5.5% ahead. Group sales of
EUR1.31 billion were 13.3% ahead of FY07 on a constant currency basis and 3.2% ahead after the impact of currency translation. Profit before
tax and exceptional items was EUR55.3 million compared to EUR65.0 million in FY07 with currency, in particular, having an impact year on

    *     Capital Structure

    The Group employs a combination of debt and equity to fund its operations. At the end of FY08 the total capital employed in the Group
was EUR581.7 million (FY07: EUR605.4 million). The Group's primary source of incremental capital, outside of the capital markets, is its
cash flow from operations which was EUR83.0 million, before exceptional items, during FY08. The Group funds its acquisition activity from a
combination of cash flow and available headroom within committed bank facilities. All acquisitions are made within internally prescribed
Group net debt to EBITDA targets both on acquisition and within 18 months of acquisition.

    As at 26 September 2008 the Group's comparable net debt of EUR283.4m represented 2.7 times EBITDA, comfortably within the Group's key
debt covenant. The Group has committed facilities of EUR586.4 million with the maturity dates between May 2010 and October 2015. 61% of our
facilities are provided by a group of international banks with the remainder being private placement notes.

    *     Finance Costs 

    The Group's net bank interest payable for the year was EUR29.2 million compared with the FY07 charge of EUR30.6 million.  The change in
the fair value of derivatives, related debt adjustments and FX movements on inter-company and certain external loan balances was a net cost
of EUR3.4 million compared to a gain of EUR1.2 million in FY07.  In addition, within the finance line of the Group's profit and loss account
is a composite item in relation to the Group's defined benefit pension schemes. This item reflects the income associated with the expected
returns on the Group's defined benefit pension assets and an interest charge on discounting the associated pension liabilities. The
resulting net pension finance income was EUR9.1 million compared to EUR10.2 million in FY07.  This item is materially variable year on year
and will be significantly reduced in FY09 due to poor global pension asset returns.  Due to the ongoing volatility associated with this
accounting item, the Group will exclude this from its adjusted EPS from FY09 onwards.

    *     Taxation

    The Group's effective tax rate on continuing operations (excluding exceptional and associates) in FY08 was 16.0% compared to the FY07
rate of 16.7% reflecting a change in the mix of the Group's profits. The amount of cash taxation continues to be well below the tax charge
reflecting the availability of losses forward and other reliefs.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
    *     Exceptional Items

    The Group recorded a net exceptional gain (net of tax) of EUR9.2 million in FY08 (full details of which are contained in note 3 to the
preliminary statement).  The associated cash impact of this was a net benefit of EUR11.8 million.  The net gain comprised the following:-

 * * Sugar exit                  A EUR18.9 million net benefit (versus FY07
                                 receivable and provisions) related to the exit
                                 from sugar processing in Ireland
 * * Business restructuring      A composite item of EUR8.9 million associated with
                                 the asset write-off and related costs in respect
                                 of the closure of a Ready Meals Facility, the
                                 closure of one of the Group's Frozen Desserts
                                 facilities and business unit and central function
                                 headcount reductions and associated redundancy
 * * Water investigation and     A EUR0.8 million charge in respect of professional
 associated Group financial      and other fees incurred on the Water investigation
 review                          and subsequent wider Group financial review.

    *     Earnings Per Share

    Adjusted EPS in FY08 was 24.1 cent which is 2.0 cent, or 7.7%, adverse on the restated FY07 continuing adjusted EPS of 26.1 cent.
Adjusted EPS in FY08 was 1.2% ahead of FY07 on a constant currency basis. This is based on a weighted average number of ordinary shares of
200.7 million for the year (FY07 198.9 million).

    *     Pensions

    The fair value of total plan assets relating to the Group's defined benefit pensions scheme (excluding associates) decreased to EUR386.6
million at September 2008 from EUR547.3 million at September 2007. The present value of the total pension liabilities for these schemes
decreased to EUR454.7 million from EUR573.1 million over the same period. This is reflected in an increase in the net pension deficit
(before related deferred tax) to EUR68.1 million at September 2008 (from a net pension deficit of EUR25.8 million at September 2007).

    *     Cash Flow and Net Debt

    Net debt (excluding the impact of marking to market all derivative financial instruments and related debt) at 26 September 2008 was
EUR283.4 million, a year on year reduction of 11.6% from last year's EUR320.5 million. During the year, the final instalment of EU
restructuring aid, EUR83.4 million was received. The Group made three acquisitions during the year for an aggregate consideration of EUR48.6
million.  Further amounts of up to c. EUR9.4 million may become payable in, or following, FY09, depending on performance. The acquisitions
were Home Made Brand Foods Inc (the Group's initial platform US business), Ministry of Cake, the leading UK foodservice desserts player and
the former Danone bottled water business at Blaen Twyni in Wales.  A net cash inflow (pre exceptional items) from operating activities of
EUR83.0 million was recorded compared to an inflow of EUR101.1 million in FY07.  Working capital increased in the period by EUR14.2 million
due in the main to the 24% increase in divisional sales in Ingredients and Related Property.
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
    *     Financial control and risk

    The Water cost concealment issue led the Group to conduct a thorough review of its control environment and material Group risks.  As a
result of this review, we have implemented a new set of financial control procedures, performance measures and monitoring controls to
significantly improve the control environment of the Group. We have widened the definition of what is meant by control to all functions of
the business rather than examining and monitoring through the finance function in isolation.  An element of compensation for our senior
business leaders is now directly connected to the maintenance of a strong control environment.  In addition, we have established a Risk
Management Group (RMG) to identify and monitor key Group risks supported by a programme of work approved by, and reporting periodically to,
the Board's Audit committee.

    *     Key Performance Indicators

    The Group uses a set of headline key performance indicators to measure the performance of its operations. Although separate measures,
the relationship between all four is also monitored.  In addition, other performance indicators are measured at individual business unit

    Return on capital employed

    Capital is defined as the sum of the book value of shareholder's equity plus net debt but excluding pension scheme assets or deficits
with the returns measure expressed as operating profit including share of associates. The Group's return on capital in FY08 was 14.5%.

    Sales Growth

    Group sales on constant currency basis grew by 13.3% in FY08. In our Convenience Foods business the Group measures weekly sales growth.
In FY08 we recorded 8.3% growth on a constant currency basis (excluding Water). In the Ingredients & Related Property division we track
monthly sales. In FY08 we recorded 29.9% sales growth on a constant currency basis.

    Operating Margin

    The Group's operating margin in FY08 was 5.9% compared to 6.4% in FY07. In Convenience Foods the operating margin was 5.2% compared to
5.8% in FY07 and 5.8% and 6.4% respectively after excluding our Water activities.

    Free Cash flow

    The Group's free cash measure is net cash flow from operating activities before exceptional items adjusted for maintenance capital
expenditure. Group free cash was EUR73.8 million in FY08 or 95% of Group operating profit of EUR77.3 million.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
    year ended 26 September 2008
         2007 (as restated)
                                                       Notes                     Pre - exceptional  Exceptional (note 3)    Total     Pre -
exceptional  Exceptional (note 3)    Total
                                                                                      EUR'000             EUR'000          EUR'000        
EUR'000             EUR'000          EUR'000
 Continuing operations
 Revenue                                                                     2          1,308,097                     -   1,308,097         
1,267,156                     -   1,267,156 
 Cost of sales                                                                           (947,221)                    -    (947,221)        
 (906,021)                    -    (906,021)
 Gross profit                                                                             360,876                     -     360,876         
  361,135                     -     361,135 

 Operating costs, net                                                                    (283,571)              (13,586)   (297,157)        
 (280,161)               (5,923)   (286,084)
 Group operating profit/(loss) before amortisation of acquisition related                  77,305               (13,586)     63,719         
   80,974                (5,923)     75,051 
 Amortisation of acquisition related intangibles                                             (672)                    -        (672)        
        -                     -           - 
 Group operating profit/(loss)                                                             76,633               (13,586)     63,047         
   80,974                (5,923)     75,051 
 Finance income                                                              6             43,167                     -      43,167         
   43,645                     -      43,645 
 Finance costs                                                               6            (65,788)                    -     (65,788)        
  (60,343)                    -     (60,343)
 Share of profit of associates after tax                                                    1,329                     -       1,329         
      733                     -         733 

 Profit/(loss) before taxation                                                             55,341               (13,586)     41,755         
   65,009                (5,923)     59,086 
 Taxation                                                                                  (9,189)                3,854      (5,335)        
  (10,505)                1,658      (8,847)
 Result for the period from continuing operations                                          46,152                (9,732)     36,420         
   54,504                (4,265)     50,239 

 Discontinued operations
 Result from discontinued operations (incl. associate)                                          -                18,892      18,892         
    1,628                52,455      54,083 
 Result for the financial period                                                           46,152                 9,160      55,312         
   56,132                48,190     104,322 

 Attributable to:
 Equity shareholders                                                                       44,249                 9,160      53,409         
   54,759                48,190     102,949 
 Minority interests                                                                         1,903                     -       1,903         
    1,373                     -       1,373 

                                                                                           46,152                 9,160      55,312         
   56,132                48,190     104,322 

 Basic earnings per share (cent)                                             5
 Continuing operations                                                                                                          17.2        
 Discontinued operations                                                                                                         9.4        
 Diluted earnings per share (cent)                                           5
 Continuing operations                                                                                                          17.1        
 Discontinued operations                                                                                                         9.4        

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

    at 26 September 2008
                                                           2008           2007
                                                                 (as restated)
                                                        EUR'000        EUR'000
 Non-current assets
 Intangible assets                                      402,986        357,229
 Property, plant and equipment                          367,388        392,164
 Investment property                                        808            905
 Investments in associates                                1,244          1,404
 Other receivable                                             -         64,967
 Retirement benefit assets                                  866         37,674
 Deferred tax assets                                     35,722         17,098
 Total non-current assets                               809,014        871,441

 Current assets
 Inventories                                            125,160        136,905
 Trade and other receivables                            138,834        112,497
 Cash and cash equivalents                              139,040        117,949
 Available for sale financial assets                         23            290
 Derivative financial instruments                             -          1,836
 Total current assets                                   403,057        369,477
 Total assets                                         1,212,071      1,240,918

 Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders
 of the Company
 Share capital                                          129,641        128,125
 Share premium                                          118,961        110,366
 Other reserves                                         (4,417)          1,992
 Retained earnings                                      (4,947)         26,012
                                                        239,238        266,495
 Minority interest in equity                              4,816          4,196
 Total equity                                           244,054        270,691

 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                                             407,500        316,334
 Derivative financial instruments                        15,346         42,086
 Retirement benefit obligations                          68,956         63,458
 Other payables                                          10,148          8,033
 Provisions for liabilities                              11,831         18,804
 Deferred tax liabilities                                51,183         33,273
 Government grants                                        1,047          1,160
 Total non-current liabilities                          566,011        483,148

 Current liabilities
 Borrowings                                                  69         81,919
 Derivative financial instruments                         5,286            120
 Trade and other payables                               356,953        367,104
 Provisions for liabilities                              12,601         10,902
 Income taxes payable                                    27,097         27,034
 Total current liabilities                              402,006        487,079
 Total liabilities                                      968,017        970,227
 Total equity and liabilities                         1,212,071      1,240,918

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

    year ended 26 September 2008
                                                          2008           2007 
                                                                 (as restated)
                                                       EUR'000        EUR'000 

 Operating profit - continuing                          63,047         75,051 
 Exceptional items - continuing                         13,586          5,923 
 Operating profit - continuing (pre-exceptional)        76,633         80,974 
 Depreciation                                           26,716         29,800 
 Amortisation of intangibles                             1,710          1,148 
 Employee share option expense                             319            382 
 Amortisation of government grants                         (88)           (91)
 Difference between pension charge and cash             (6,379)        (5,998)
 Changes in working capital                            (14,243)        (6,574)
 Other movements                                        (1,678)         1,419 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities before      82,990         101,060 
 exceptional items
 Cash inflows related to exceptional items             73,187          17,981 
 Interest paid                                        (33,327)        (33,842)
 Tax paid                                                (470)         (1,386)
 Net cash inflows from operating activities           122,380          83,813 

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Dividends received from associates                       531             728 
 Purchase of property, plant, equipment and software  (44,811)        (48,716)
 Acquisition of undertakings                          (48,555)         (1,840)
 Disposal of undertakings & investment in associate     1,311          40,640 
 Interest received                                       2,690          2,741 
 Government grants (repaid)/received                      (25)             69 
 Net cash outflows from investing activities          (88,859)         (6,378)

 Cash flows from financing activities
 Proceeds from issue of shares                            281             899 
 Ordinary shares purchased - own shares                   (800)             - 
 Increase/(decrease) in borrowings                     19,870         (16,956)
 Decrease in finance lease liabilities                    (38)           (128)
 Dividends paid to equity holders of the Company      (16,633)        (18,361)
 Dividends paid to minority interests                  (1,273)           (749)
 Net cash outflows from financing activities            1,407         (35,295)
 Net increase in cash & cash equivalents               34,928          42,140 

 Reconciliation of opening to closing cash and cash
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year       117,949          78,967 
 Translation adjustment                               (13,837)         (3,158)
 Increase in cash and cash equivalents                 34,928          42,140 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year             139,040         117,949 

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

    year ended 26 September 2008
                                                          2008           2007 
                                                                 (as restated)
                                                       EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Items of income and expense taken directly within
 Currency translation differences                       (2,522)          (343)
 Hedge of net investment in foreign currency            (2,280)             - 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain on Group defined benefit        (64,704)         6,764 
 pension schemes
 Deferred tax on Group defined benefit pension           7,746         (1,171)
 Share of actuarial gain on defined benefit pension          -          1,947 
 schemes of 
 associates (net)
 Fair value of available for sale financial assets         347           (223)
 Cash flow hedges:
    Loss taken to equity                                (2,141)          (166)
    Transferred to profit for the period                    98           (333)
 Deferred tax on cash flow hedge                           570            150 

 Net (expense)/income recognised directly within       (62,886)         6,625 
 Group result for the financial period                  55,312        104,322 

 Total recognised income and expense for the            (7,574)       110,947 
 financial year

 Attributable to:
 Equity shareholders                                    (9,477)       109,574 
 Minority interests                                      1,903          1,373 

 Total recognised (expense)/income for the financial    (7,574)       110,947 

    year ended 26 September 2008

    1 Basis of Preparation of Financial Information
    The financial information presented in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and
measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
(IFRIC) interpretations adopted by the European Union (EU), and the requirements of Listing Rule 6.7 of the Irish Stock Exchange.

    The financial information, which is presented in euro and rounded to the nearest thousand (unless otherwise stated), has been prepared
under the historical cost convention, as modified by the measurement at fair value of certain financial assets and financial liabilities,
including share options at grant dates, available for sale investments and derivative financial instruments. The carrying values of
recognised assets and liabilities that are hedged are adjusted to record the changes in the fair values attributable to the risks being
hedged. Full details of the Group's accounting policies will be included in the 2008 annual report which will be distributed in January
2009. The accounting policies are consistent with those applied in the Group financial statements for the year ended 28 September 2007. The
Group adopts IFRS 7 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' in the current year and will disclose the required additional information in the
2008 annual report.

    The prior year results have been restated in respect of a material misstatement of the financial position and performance of the Water
business (part of the Convenience Foods segment) which was uncovered during the year ended September 2008. Further details are disclosed at
note 7.

    2 Segmental Reporting
    The Group's primary reporting segment is by class of business. The Group has two primary reporting segments: (i) Convenience Foods and
(ii) Ingredients & Related Property.

                                              Revenue                  Profit
                                      2008        2007      2008           2007 
                                                                   (as restated)
                                   EUR'000     EUR'000   EUR'000 
 Continuing - Group revenue and
 operating profit before
 exceptional items and
 amortisation of acquisition
 related intangibles
 Convenience Foods                 893,989     933,149    46,166         54,350 
 Ingredients & Related Property    414,108     334,007    31,139         26,624 
 Total continuing                1,308,097   1,267,156    77,305         80,974 

 Amortisation of acquisition
 related intangibles
 Convenience Foods                                          (672)             - 
 Group operating profit                                   76,633         80,974 
 Exceptional items
 Convenience Foods                                       (12,755)        (5,923)
 Ingredients & Related Property                             (831)             - 
 Group operating profit                                   63,047         75,051 


    3 Exceptional Items
    Exceptional items are those that, in management's judgment, need to be disclosed by virtue of their nature or amount. Such items are
included within the income statement caption to which they relate and are separately disclosed in the notes to the Group Financial

    The Group reports the following exceptional items:

                                                               2008      2007 
                                                            EUR'000   EUR'000 
 Continuing operations
 Business restructuring                                (a)  (12,449)        - 
 Water restructuring and associated Group financial    (b)   (1,137)        - 
 Lease obligation provision                            (d)        -    (5,923)
                                                            (13,586)   (5,923)
 Taxation on exceptional items                                3,854     1,658 
 Total continuing operations                                 (9,732)   (4,265)

 Discontinued operations (net of tax)
 Exit from sugar processing                            (c)   18,892    21,134 
 Profit on disposal of investment in associate         (e)        -    24,158 
 Reduction in provision for loss on termination of     (f)        -     4,117 
 Profit on business disposals                          (g)        -     3,046 
 Total discontinued operations                               18,892    52,455 
 Total exceptional gains                                      9,160    48,190 

    (a) Business restructuring
    During 2008 the Group undertook a detailed strategic review of production facilities. As a consequence of that review, it was decided
that one ready meal facility at Kiveton and one frozen desserts facility should be closed. Production from those facilities was transferred
to other Group sites during the year ended September 2008.

    Additionally, as part of the continuation of the 'Total Lowest Cost' agenda, the Group embarked on a Management Restructuring program
which resulted in head count reductions at both business units and in central functions.

    The total cost of this restructuring was EUR12.4m (EUR8.9m net of tax).

    (b) Water restructuring and associated Group financial review
    In June 2008, the Group announced that it had uncovered a deliberate concealment of costs in the Water business (part of the Convenience
Foods segment).  This concealment had led to a material misstatement of the financial performance of the Group covering the periods 2006,
2007 and the current year.  In the same announcement the Group stated that it was conducting a thorough review of all the Group's businesses
and of its internal control, financial reporting and external audit process.

    The cost of the Water investigation along with related business restructuring and review costs was EUR1.1m (EUR0.8m net of tax). The
related costs have been accounted for as an exceptional item.

    (c) Exit from sugar processing
    During 2006, Greencore confirmed its intention to exit sugar processing in Ireland, renounce its quota and apply for EU restructuring
aid under the Council Regulations (EC) No. 320/2006 and No. 968/2006 (the Regulations). The total EU restructuring aid available for the
sugar quota renounced by Greencore was EUR145.5m. The Regulations gave the Member State responsibility for the allocation of this aid
between Greencore, sugar beet growers and machinery contractors.

    In July 2006, the Government announced that it was allocating EUR98.4m to Greencore. The Board of Directors of Greencore rejected the
basis of this allocation and sought a judicial review of the decision in the High Court. The findings of this judicial review were issued in
June 2007 and the Government's decision regarding allocation of the restructuring aid was quashed.

    On 26 September 2007, the European Council approved changes to the sugar restructuring scheme and, on 9 October 2007, the EU published
amendments to the relevant regulations. These amendments resulted in Greencore becoming entitled to a minimum amount of EUR112.1m. As a
result, Greencore recognised restructuring aid totalling the present value of EUR112.1m in its accounts for the year ended 28 September

    Subsequent to the 2007 year-end the Government entered into a new EU aid allocation process. As a consequence of this process, the
Government concluded that Greencore was entitled to EUR127.0m of restructuring aid. The Group has recognised an exceptional gain of EUR16.9m
as a result of this decision. As of September 2008, the total amount of EUR127.0m has been fully received by the Group. As required by the
Regulations, the Group has provided security to the Government of Ireland. As of 26 September 2008, the security totals EUR52.1m and is in
the form of a bank guarantee. The guarantee becomes payable if the Group does not complete one or more of its commitments under its
restructuring plan, at which time, the part of the aid granted in respect of the commitment concerned can be recovered from the Group. The
Group continues to perform its commitments under its restructuring plan and accordingly, in the opinion of the Directors, the repayment of
any restructuring aid received is considered to be remote and therefore no provision has been recognised in the Group financial statements in respect of this guarantee.

    The financial consequences to Greencore of the exit from sugar processing are as follows:
                                                                   2008   2007
                                                                  EUR'm  EUR'm

 Recognition of additional EU restructuring aid                    16.9   10.2
 Reversal of/(recognition of) impairment of assets                  2.0    8.4
 Environmental, remediation, demolition, redundancy & other           -    2.5
 Net exceptional gain                                              18.9   21.1

    (d) Lease obligation provision
    Following a strategic review of the Group's property portfolio in 2007, a decision was made to provide for the exit costs associated
with terminating certain leases. The exceptional loss of EUR5.9m (EUR4.3m net of tax) represents the costs associated with these

    (e) Profit on disposal of investment in associate
    In August 2007, the Group's investment in the Odlum Group (an associate investment) was sold for a consideration of EUR35.0m. The Group
recorded an exceptional gain of EUR24.2m (net of tax) on this transaction.

    (f) Reduction in provision for loss on termination of operations
    In September 2005, the Group made a provision of EUR40.1m (net of tax) for the costs associated with the disposal of a business for a
nominal consideration. The exceptional item booked at that time included a provision to write down all of the relevant assets to their
recoverable amount and to cover all costs associated with this business termination. The EUR4.1m exceptional credit represents a gain
associated with the finalisation of the treatment of certain items associated with that provision/exit.

    (g) Profit on business disposals
    Exceptional gains of EUR3.0m (net of tax) arose on the disposal of agri-businesses whose activities were closely related to sugar
processing (a business which Greencore exited during the year ended 29 September 2006).


    4 Dividends
                                                                 2008     2007
                                                              EUR'000  EUR'000
 Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in
 the year:
 Equity dividends on ordinary shares:
 Final dividend of 8.21c for the year ended 28 September       16,404   15,053
 2007 (2006: 7.58c)
 Interim dividend of 5.30c for the year ended 26 September     10,691   10,058
 2008 (2007: 5.05c)
                                                               27,095   25,111

 Proposed for approval at AGM:
 Equity dividends on ordinary shares:
 Final dividend of 8.21c for the year ended 26 September      16,574    16,404
 2008 (2007: 8.21c)

    This proposed final dividend is payable on 3 April 2009 to shareholders on the Register of Members at 5 December 2008.

    This proposed dividend is subject to approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability
in the balance sheet of the Group as at 26 September 2008, in accordance with IAS 10 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date'.

    5 Earnings per Ordinary Share
    Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period, excluding ordinary shares purchased by the Company which are held as treasury
shares and own shares purchased in respect of the deferred bonus share awards. The adjusted figures for basic and diluted earnings per
ordinary share are after the elimination of exceptional items, effect of foreign exchange (FX) on inter-company balances and external loans
where hedge accounting is not applied, the movement in the fair value of all derivative financial instruments and related debt adjustments
and the amortisation of acquisition related intangible assets.

                                                          2008           2007 
                                                                 (as restated)
                                                       EUR'000        EUR'000 

 Profit attributable to equity holders of the           53,409        102,949 
 Exceptional items                                      (9,160)       (48,190)
 Fair value of derivative financial instruments and      3,755         (2,645)
 related debt adjustments
 FX on inter-company balances & external loans where      (337)         1,399 
 hedge accounting is not applied
 Amortisation of acquisition related intangible            607              - 
 Numerator for adjusted earnings per share              48,274         53,513 
 Discontinued profit for the year                            -         (1,628)
 Numerator for continuing adjusted earnings per         48,274         51,885 
 share calculation
 Numerator for discontinued adjusted earnings per            -          1,628 


                                                                 2008     2007
                                                                 cent     cent

 Basic earnings per ordinary share                               26.6     51.8
 Adjusted basic earnings per ordinary share                      24.1     26.9
 Continuing adjusted earnings per ordinary share                 24.1     26.1
 Discontinued adjusted earnings per ordinary share                 -       0.8

 Denominator for earnings per share and adjusted earnings
 per share calculation
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during   200,695  198,881
 the year (thousands) 

    Diluted earnings per ordinary share
    Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated by adjusting the weighed average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume
conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. Employee share options, which are performance based, are treated as contingently
issuable shares, because their issue is contingent upon satisfaction of specified performance conditions in addition to the passage of time.
These contingently issuable ordinary shares are excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per ordinary share where the conditions
governing exercisability have not been satisfied as at the end of the reporting period. Options over 5,648,807 (2007: 6,283,720) shares were
excluded from the diluted EPS calculation as they were either antidilutive or contingently issuable ordinary shares which had not satisfied
the performance conditions attaching at the end of the reporting period.

                                                            2008  2007
                                                            cent  cent

 Diluted earnings per ordinary share                        26.5  51.6
 Adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share               24.0  26.8
 Continuing adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share    24.0  26.0
 Discontinued adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share    -    0.8

    A reconciliation of the weighted average number of ordinary shares used for the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per share
amounts is as follows:

                                                                 2008     2007
 Denominator for diluted earnings per share and adjusted
 diluted earnings per share calculation
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during   200,695  198,881
 the year (thousands)
 Dilutive effect for share options (thousands)                    729      643
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted       201,424  199,524
 earnings per share (thousands)

    6 Comparable Net Debt and Financing (non IFRS measure)
                                                              2008       2007 
                                                           EUR'000    EUR'000 
 Net Debt
 Current assets
 Cash and cash equivalents                                 139,040    117,949 
 Current liabilities
 Borrowings                                                    (69)   (81,919)
 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings before fair value adjustment                  (422,378)  (356,567)
 Comparable net debt                                      (283,407)  (320,537)
 Borrowings - fair value hedge adjustment                   14,878     40,233 
 Total cash, cash equivalents & borrowing                 (268,529)  (280,304)
 Derivative financial instruments - fair value hedge       (15,346)   (42,086)
                                                          (283,875)  (322,390)

 Finance (Costs)/Income
 Net finance costs on interest bearing cash and cash        (29,177)  (30,633)
 equivalents and borrowings
 Net pension financing credit                                 9,070    10,182 
 Change in fair value of derivatives                         (3,755)    2,645 
 Foreign exchange gain/(loss)                                   337    (1,399)
 Increase in the present value of the EU receivable           1,522     2,507 
 Increase in the present value of provisions held              (618)        - 
                                                            (22,621)  (16,698)

 Analysed as:
 Finance income                                              43,167    43,645 
 Finance costs                                              (65,788)  (60,343)
                                                            (22,621)  (16,698)

    Comparable net debt is a non-IFRS measure used by the Group as a key performance indicator.

    7 Restatement
    In June 2008, the Group uncovered a deliberate concealment of costs at its Water business (part of the Convenience Foods segment) which
resulted in a material misstatement of the Group financial position and performance presented in the annual reports for the financial years
2006, 2007 and the 2008 half yearly financial report. The investigation undertaken indicated that this concealment of costs was undertaken
by the former financial controller who left the business prior to this issue being uncovered. The effect of this restatement on the
financial statements of 2007 is summarised below. Opening retained earnings for 2007 have been reduced by EUR5.2m, which is the amount of
the adjustment relating to 2006.

                                           As stated 
                                          previously    As restated    Restatement 
                                                2007           2007           2007 
                                             EUR'000        EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Effect on Balance Sheet
 Property, plant and equipment               393,424        392,164         (1,260)
 Inventory                                   142,789        136,905         (5,884)
 Trade and other receivables                 114,417        112,497         (1,920)
 Trade and other payables                   (359,278)      (367,104)        (7,826)
 Deferred tax liabilities                    (37,845)       (33,273)         4,572 
 Retained earnings                            38,663         26,012        (12,651)
 Other reserves                                1,659          1,992            333 
 Net decrease in Equity                                                    (12,318)

                                           As stated 
                                          previously    As restated    Restatement 
                                                2007           2007           2007 
                                             EUR'000        EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Effect on Income Statement
 Cost of sales                              (903,296)      (906,021)        (2,725)
 Operating costs, net                       (272,819)      (280,161)        (7,342)
 Group operating profit                       91,041         80,974        (10,067)
 Taxation                                    (13,131)       (10,505)         2,626 
 Decrease in result from the                                                (7,441)
 period from continuing

                                 As stated previously
                                                 2007    As restated    Restatement
                                                 cent           2007           2007
                                                                cent           cent
 Effect on Earnings per share
 Earnings per share                              55.5           51.8            3.7
 Adjusted earnings per share                     30.6           26.9            3.7
 Diluted earnings per share                      55.3           51.6            3.7
 Adjusted diluted earnings per                   30.5           26.8            3.7

    8 Information
    The financial information in this preliminary announcement for the years to 26 September 2008 and 28 September 2007 are not the
statutory accounts of the company. The statutory financial statements of the company for the year to 28 September 2007 were annexed to the
annual return of the company and filed with the Registrar of Companies. The statutory financial statements of the company for the year to 26
September 2008 will, together with the auditors report thereon, be filed with the Registrar of Companies.

    The annual report and accounts will be circulated to shareholders on 12 January 2009, prior to the annual general meeting to be held on
12 February 2009 in the Conrad Hotel, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland.

    By order of the Board, CM Bergin, Company Secretary, 25 November 2008, Greencore Group plc, St Stephen's Green House, Earlsfort Terrace,
Dublin 2, Ireland.

    * * *

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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