RNS Number : 7829I

Creston PLC

21 June 2011

21 June 2011

Creston plc

Unaudited Preliminary Financial Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2011

Creston plc ("Creston" or "the Group") (LSE: CRE), the insight and communications group, today announces its preliminary financial results for the year ended 31 March 2011.

Financial Highlights*

-- Revenue increased by 11% to GBP67.8 million (2010: GBP61.3 million)

-- Revenue increased on a like-for-like ([1]) basis by 7% (2010: -1%)

-- Headline ([2]) PBIT ([3]) margin restored to 18% in the second half with the full year at 16% (2010:18%)

-- Headline PBT ([4]) increased by 1% to GBP10.4 million (2010: GBP10.3 million)

-- Operating cash flow at GBP9.9 million (2010: GBP13.7 million) and cash conversion to Headline EBITDA ([5]) of 82% (2010: 113%)

-- Net debt decreased by GBP25 million to GBP0.05 million (2010: GBP24.9 million)

-- Total full year dividend of 3.00 pence per share (2010: 1.00 pence per share)

Operational Highlights*

-- Cash sale of advertising business DLKW Group for GBP28.0 million

-- Acquisition of the trade and assets of New York healthcare public relations business, Cooney/Waters, and its subsidiary, Alembic Health Communications, for an initial cash consideration of $9.4 million (GBP5.9 million)

-- Digital and online revenues increased by 19% to represent 41% of Group revenues (2010: 38%)

-- Continuing focus on international expansion post-period end - Nelson Bostock opening Hong Kong office to service HTC in Asia, an existing client in Europe

[1] A comparison of the current year performance (including acquisitions from the relevant date of completion) compared to the prior year performance adjusted to include the results of acquisitions for the commensurate period in the prior year. [2] Headline results reflect the underlying performance of the Group and excludes acquisition and start-up related costs, restructuring costs, amortisation of acquired intangible assets, deemed remuneration and notional finance costs from the Reported results. A full reconciliation is presented in note 4 to this Preliminary Announcement. [3] Profit before Interest and Taxation (PBIT) is defined as profit before finance income, finance cost, income from financial assets and taxation. [4] Profit before Taxation (PBT). [5] Earnings before finance income, finance costs, income from financial assets, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA).

 Financial Results 
  *                    Headline results              Reported results 
                         2011      2010   Change       2011      2010   Change 
                         GBPm      GBPm                GBPm      GBPm 
 Revenue                 67.8      61.3     +11%       67.8      61.3     +11% 
 Pre-tax profit          10.4      10.3      +1%        8.4       5.0     +66% 
 Post-tax profit          7.5       7.9      -6%        5.7       2.9     +94% 
 Diluted EPS 
  (pence)               12.39     13.46      -8%       9.41      4.97     +89% 

* All figures are based on continuing operations.

Commenting on today's announcement, Don Elgie, Group Chief Executive Officer, said:

"In the last 12 months, we have transformed the shape and balance of the Group organically and by acquisition to increase our exposure to digital and international and delivered revenue growth of 11 per cent. At the same time, we have continued to invest in our people and our services to ensure our client proposition remains innovative and current to market changes. We believe that our strong focus on the highest growth areas within the insight and marketing communiation sectors, coupled with a growing client list of exceptional quality, positions us well for the next year and beyond."

A meeting for analysts will be held today at 9.30 am at Investec, 2 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QP. Please contact Sarah Macleod on telephone: 020 7484 7159 for details.

For further information, please contact:

Creston plc Tel: 020 7930 9757

Don Elgie, Group Chief Executive Officer

Barrie Brien, COO & CFO

Sarah Macleod, Communications Director


M:Communications Tel: 020 7920 2339

Elly Williamson Group Chief Executive's Statement

2011, our tenth year, has been a significant and successful one for Creston plc. We have transformed the shape and balance of the Group, grown revenue by 11 per cent (7 per cent on a like-for-like basis), launched new marketing services, strengthened the balance sheet from a position of net debt to net cash and invested in a leadership development programme for our senior people.

In July 2010 the Group disposed of DLKW Group, its traditional above-the-line advertising business, in order to focus investment on faster growth opportunities. One such example is the acquisition in December 2010 of the business and assets of New York based Cooney/Waters and its subsidiary Alembic Health Communications (together "Cooney/Waters"), an award winning, growing, profitable healthcare PR group. The acquisition builds on an existing collaboration and shared client base with our UK healthcare PR company, Red Door Communications. We have been pleased with the performance of the business to date.

The disposal of DLKW Group and the acquisition of Cooney/Waters have helped to reshape the Group in two ways. Firstly, more of the Group's profits (almost two thirds of Headline PBIT before head office costs) are now weighted towards its higher margin and more resilient divisions, Insight and Health, and secondly, the Communications Division is now focused on the faster growth areas of digital, local and mobile marketing, public relations and social media.

During the first half of the year, we continued to invest in new marketing services and personnel across the whole Group. As highlighted at the time of our Interim Results, the cost of these investments impacted on the Group's Headline PBIT margin temporarily. We are pleased to report a return to our historical 18 per cent margin in the second half of the year, delivering a Headline margin of 16 per cent for the full year.

In view of the strong revenue growth, margin improvement and a much strengthened balance sheet, the Board recommends a final dividend of 2.25 pence per share (2010: 1.00 pence per share), which combined with the interim dividend of 0.75 pence per share (2010: nil), represents a 200 per cent increase in dividends for the year. Following this material increase, the Board expects to return to a progressive dividend policy.

The evolving landscape brings opportunities

The markets in which we operate continue to evolve at a rapid rate and across the board our clients' markets are evolving too. Old methods of advertising, communicating a one-way message via TV, radio or posters, are becoming less important, while the increasingly numerous online channels and developing technology are transforming the way people behave and consume.

To help our clients fit the array of marketing possibilities into clearly planned, executable and media-neutral campaigns, we launched Creston Unlimited, a creative brand and innovation consultancy, in April 2011. It works to solve specific brand problems such as developing new products and managing brand portfolios, as well as developing execution strategies. In so doing, Creston Unlimited will work closely with all Creston companies to create new opportunities across the Group and we are encouraged by early demand for its services.

In many ways, Creston Unlimited is a client-facing embodiment of our "better together" ethos. Bringing complementary and relevant skills together from across a range of agencies is central to the way Creston operates and it has been a key part of our success in the last year. Such synergy underpins our strategy of acquiring and growing complementary, high-performing businesses.

Change brings opportunity and it is Creston's unique combination of complementary insight and communications agencies and our integrated approach that positions us to take advantage of the evolving landscape.

Fostering innovation and collaboration

Our innovation strategy is to build capacity in new areas of marketing whilst judiciously managing risk. We do this by focusing investment on new service offerings and start-up ventures, and ensuring efficiency through our Centres of Excellence, which provide a forum for leveraging expertise across the Group.

Collaboration amongst our companies enables us to expand our expertise into new sectors. Examples of this collaboration include:

-- the evolution of our specialist Insight Health offer by pooling expertise from our research and healthcare agencies;

-- a combination of our specialist healthcare expertise and our local marketing capability to meet the changing demands expected to result from the proposed NHS budget reforms; and

-- the launch of a new consumer healthcare proposition that pools expertise from our Health and Communications Divisions, which has already identified significant opportunities. An early business win has resulted in four companies from all three divisions working together on a UK product launch.

Creston Health's medical education business, ROCK, shows the value of our start-up approach by delivering a year of strong growth with revenue at almost GBP1.0 million during its first full year of operation.

Digital media and innovation are key recurring themes in the development of Creston's offer to clients and with a 19 per cent absolute increase on last year, over 40 per cent of Group revenues now come from digital-related business. Our focus on this area reflects the strong growth we continue to expect from online advertising and digital marketing that will outpace the recovery in traditional above-the-line activity.

International growth

Creston's client list and success over the last decade proves that a group of our size is a highly attractive partner for major global brands. Today, a quarter of our revenues are derived from international projects and this is expected to increase as we capitalise on new client opportunities and with a full year's contribution from Cooney/Waters.

As we respond to client demand by establishing regional hubs in strategically important markets, we significantly increase our potential for growth. As with Cooney/Waters and our Health Division, growth will be achieved through the ownership of an established business or, in cases where we believe it is important to leverage our own expertise, we will build organically. For example, we are in the process of opening an office in Hong Kong for Nelson Bostock Group to support HTC, whom we currently service across Europe, so extending our PR agency's already significant relationship with the Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer over two continents.

To provide coverage in other markets, we will continue to support and develop our affiliate networks, namely the InterDirect network in direct marketing, the Research Alliance and WIN Network in Insight, the Health Collective network in healthcare PR and the Compass network in B2B and consumer PR. We recently strengthened our specialist pharmaceutical branding and creative offer by uniting our Indigenus network of aligned creative agencies more formally under a single LLC and expanding the network to provide full global coverage for clients. Indigenus now comprises thirteen agencies in major and key emerging markets.

New business growth

During the past financial year, annualised net new business wins of GBP10.0 million (2010: GBP7.0 million) included Astellas, BP Castrol, CA Technologies, Guinness digital, Intercontinental Hotel Group, LighterLife, Lotus, Pfizer, Rolls Royce, Sony Ericsson, Sony Europe, Twinings, ViiV Healthcare and a major international financial services company. We have recently retendered for one of our top five accounts and are currently awaiting the outcome of that process. None of the other top twenty client accounts are currently under tender.

Refreshing the Insight Division

Our Insight Division began the financial year facing a period of significant challenge. The market research sector was in decline, especially in government and social research, and there was the departure of the founder of ICM along with a number of senior managers. In responding, we focused investment on hiring senior directors with the skills to synthesise rapidly emerging new research techniques and deliver clear, actionable insights for clients. The success of the new team at ICM is demonstrated by there only being a small decline in ICM's turnover in line with the market of 2 per cent, indicating there was no material reduction in the number and value of projects commissioned by the existing clients. However, revenue and Headline PBIT did decline because of a lower gross margin on increased data collection costs. With the benefit of improving budgets in government and social research, ICM's return to growth in the final quarter and an improvement in gross margins for the new financial year demonstrate the benefits of the senior team changes. With strong loyalty from our client base and major new business from Sainsbury's and BT, we are confident of the future prospects for the agency and the Division.


Creston's prospects have been strengthened this last financial year. We have transformed the business model away from traditional advertising towards the higher growth areas of digital marketing and the higher profit margin areas of insight and healthcare marketing, whilst transforming our balance sheet from net debt of GBP25 million to a net cash position.

We are benefiting firstly from the increased synergy between our complementary businesses as they work together to develop innovative services and win new business and, secondly, from our blue chip client list which provides an increasing number of international opportunities.

The anaemic recovery in UK consumer spending is well publicised and despite a general stabilisation and improvement in clients' marketing budgets, we remain cautious over the current year. The Group's current net cash balance together with its unutilised banking facility will enable Creston to continue to build its international and domestic capabilities through strategic acquisitions and low-risk start-up investments. We therefore anticipate further growth in revenues during the next year from both overseas markets and the faster growing areas of marketing services.

Don Elgie

Group Chief Executive Officer

Financial Review

As required under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the results of DLKW Group are treated as a discontinued operation and are therefore eliminated from the Reported and Headline results for the current and prior year. Any year-on-year commentary therefore excludes the historical performance of DLKW.

For the financial year ended 31 March 2011 (2011) the Group has again delivered a robust set of financial results. Revenue increased by 11 per cent (2010: 1 per cent decline) to GBP67.8 million (2010: GBP61.3 million), driven by 7 per cent like-for-like revenue growth and the inclusion of three months' trading from the recently acquired Cooney/Waters and Alembic Health businesses (together "Cooney/Waters"). The Group also ended the year strongly with like-for-like revenue growth of 10 per cent in the final quarter of 2011. This growth has been achieved through the net new business wins of GBP10.0 million (2010: GBP7.0 million) and the Group's continuing shift to digital revenue streams, which grew 19 per cent to GBP27.5 million during the year. Digital revenue now accounts for 41 per cent of Group revenue compared with 38 per cent in the financial year ended 31 March 2010 (2010).

Headline PBIT before foreign exchange losses increased by 1 per cent to GBP10.9 million (GBP10.8 million). Headline PBIT after foreign exchange charges had a small decline from the prior year of less than 0.5 per cent to GBP10.8 million (2010: GBP10.8 million) and the Headline PBIT margin reduced to 15.9 per cent (2010: 17.6 per cent). This is as a result of the continuing investment in start-ups, staff development programmes and a foreign exchange loss of GBP0.2 million (2010: GBP0.03 million). Headline PBT increased 1 per cent to GBP10.4 million (2010: GBP10.3 million). Headline Diluted Earnings Per Share (DEPS) declined by 8 per cent to 12.39 pence (2010: 13.46 pence), despite the increase in Headline PBT. This decline was predominantly the result of a lower than usual effective tax rate in 2010.

Reported PBIT increased 48 per cent to GBP8.7 million (2010: GBP5.9 million) and resulted in a Reported PBIT margin of 13 per cent (2010: 10 per cent). Reported PBT increased 66 per cent to GBP8.4 million (2010: GBP5.0 million). Reported DEPS increased 89 per cent to 9.41 pence (2010: 4.97 pence). Note 4 to this Preliminary Announcement presents a reconciliation between Headline and Reported results with the principal adjustments being exceptional acquisition-related charges.

Key performance indicators remain strong

The Group manages its operational performance through a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) which remain in the upper quartile for the industry.

                           Financial Year   Financial Year 
                                ended            ended 
                            31 March 2011    31 March 2010 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT margin          15.9%            17.6% 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Revenue per head            GBP83,400        GBP83,100 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT per head      GBP13,200        GBP14,700 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Cash conversion                82%              113% 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

Divisional review

Insight Division

The Insight Division accounts for 22 per cent of Group revenues (2010: 26 per cent) and 30 per cent of Group Headline PBIT before head office costs (2010: 37 per cent). The Division contributed revenue of GBP14.8 million (2010: 16.0 million) and Headline PBIT of GBP4.1 million (2010: GBP4.9 million). On a Reported basis, PBIT was GBP3.9 million (2010: GBP0.7 million).

                           Financial Year   Financial Year 
                                ended            ended 
                            31 March 2011    31 March 2010 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT margin           28%              31% 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Revenue per head            GBP103,800       GBP112,400 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT per head      GBP28,600        GBP34,400 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

The market research sector declined 2 per cent during the year (source: Market Research Society), which, combined with the change in senior management at ICM and the temporary increase in online data collection costs, resulted in a difficult year for the Division. However, the re-structure of the senior management within ICM has proved successful and we remain confident heading into the 2012 financial year.

Communications Division

The Communications Division accounts for 61 per cent of Group revenues (2010: 60 per cent) and 45 per cent of Group Headline PBIT before head office costs (2010: 42 per cent). The Division contributed revenue of GBP41.1 million (2010: GBP36.5 million) and Headline PBIT of GBP6.2 million (2010: GBP5.5 million). On a Reported basis, PBIT was GBP6.1 million (2010: GBP5.0 million).

                           Financial Year   Financial Year 
                                ended            ended 
                            31 March 2011    31 March 2010 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT margin           15%              15% 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Revenue per head            GBP72,300        GBP71,600 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT per head      GBP10,900        GBP10,700 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

The Division performed strongly with like-for-like revenue and Headline PBIT growth of 13 per cent and 14 per cent respectively. This is attributed to particularly strong growth by our local marketing and public relations companies.

Health Division

The Health Division accounts for 17 per cent of Group revenues (2010: 14 per cent) and 25 per cent of Group Headline PBIT before head office costs (2010: 21 per cent). The Division contributed revenue of GBP11.8 million (2010: GBP8.8 million) and Headline PBIT of GBP3.4 million (2010: GBP2.7 million). On a Reported basis, PBIT was GBP1.9 million (2010: GBP2.7 million).

                           Financial Year   Financial Year 
                                ended            ended 
                            31 March 2011    31 March 2010 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT margin           29%              30% 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Revenue per head            GBP132,600       GBP119,500 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Headline PBIT per head      GBP38,600        GBP36,600 
------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

The Division achieved like-for-like revenue and Headline PBIT growth of 8 per cent and 9 per cent respectively and with the acquisition of Cooney/Waters it has entered the new year with positive momentum.

During the 2011 financial year we also launched Intensity Digital, a small business focused on e-detailing and digital sales to healthcare professionals. The start-up did not perform to our level of satisfaction and we therefore decided not to pursue Intensity as a separate entity but to roll the expertise into our healthcare advertising agency, PAN.

Acquisition of Cooney/Waters

During the year the Group acquired Cooney/Waters for an initial consideration payment of GBP5.9 million ($9.4 million). Deferred consideration payments will become due in June 2013 and 2015 and will be based on the trading performance of Cooney/Waters over the period to 31 March 2015. The maximum deferred consideration payment due is GBP13.6 million ($21.4 million). However, the fair value recorded in the balance sheet at 31 March 2011 is GBP8.4 million ($13.4 million) (after discounting for notional interest based on the expected consideration payable). The total consideration due will be based on a multiple of between 5 and 5.5 times Cooney/Waters' average PBIT. Further amounts are payable under the terms of the sale and purchase agreement to certain key employees of Cooney/Waters which are treated as employee costs under IFRS. These are referred to as deemed remuneration charges. This will become due in June 2013 and July 2016. GBP0.1m has been charged to the income statement in 2011. The current estimated full payout for deemed remuneration is GBP1.7 million ($2.7 million).

Continued positive cash flow performance

In 2011, the Group generated operating cash flow of GBP9.9 million (2010: GBP13.7 million). The cash conversion ratio of operating cash flow to Headline EBITDA was 82 per cent (2010: 113 per cent). After an average three year cash conversion exceeding 100 per cent, the Group has continued to meet management's long-term average target of 95 per cent.

Capital expenditure for 2011 was GBP1.5 million (2010: GBP1.1 million) with investment mainly in new leasehold property improvements, system hardware and IT software.

Balance sheet strengthens and the Group is virtually debt free

The balance sheet was strengthened significantly during the year. As a result of the sale of DLKW, the acquisition of Cooney/Waters and another year of positive operating cash flow, the Group's net debt fell to GBP48,000 at 31 March 2011 (2010: GBP24.9 million). The Group also had an unutilised GBP25 million committed bank facility and net current liabilities of GBP0.3m (2010: GBP28.1m).

Total debt, including deferred consideration, reduced from GBP24.9 million to GBP8.4 million. This represents a gearing level to total equity of 9 per cent (2010: 26 per cent) and a total debt to Headline EBITDA multiple of 0.7 (2010: 2.1).

Net finance costs minimal

Headline net finance costs reduced to GBP0.3million (2010: GBP0.7 million). This decrease was driven by the sale of DLKW and consequent reduction in net debt, positive cash generation during the year and the historically low LIBOR. The Group's average interest rate margin paid over LIBOR was 1 per cent during the year. Headline net finance costs were covered by Headline EBITDA 39 times (2010: 18 times).

The Reported net finance cost was GBP0.4 million (2010: GBP1.1 million), which includes notional finance costs relating to the deferred consideration payments of GBP0.1 million (2010: GBP0.4 million).

Effective tax rate increases

The Group's Headline tax rate was 29 per cent (2010: 24 per cent). This rate is higher than the current statutory rate of 28 per cent as a result of items of expenditure that are not deductible for tax purposes. The rate in 2010 was lower than both the statutory rate and the 2011 Headline rate, as a result of prior-year adjustments reflecting the resolution of discussions with HMRC on the deductibility of goodwill in earlier periods. The Reported effective tax rate was 32 per cent (2010: 42 per cent) and is higher than the statutory rate of 28 per cent because of non-deductible acquisition related costs.


The results for the year are encouraging. Despite the uncertain economic climate, we have achieved excellent revenue growth, transformed our balance sheet, invested in the business and its talent, and continued to report profit margins above industry norms. The Group is well balanced across its three divisions; approximately two thirds of total Headline PBIT reside in our Insight and Health Divisions and our Communications Division is now focused on the faster growth areas of direct and digital communication.

Barrie Brien

Chief Operating and Financial Officer

Consolidated income statement

                       Unaudited   Headline                Audited   Headline 
                          Before      items                 Before      Items 
                        Headline      (note   Unaudited   Headline      (note    Audited 
                           items         4)       Total      items         4)      Total 
                            2011       2011        2011       2010       2010       2010 
                Note     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 (billings)        3     100,542          -     100,542     93,673          -     93,673 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Revenue            3      67,769          -      67,769     61,259          -     61,259 
 costs                  (57,008)    (2,015)    (59,023)   (50,447)    (4,887)   (55,334) 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Profit before 
 income from 
 assets and 
 taxation          4      10,761    (2,015)       8,746     10,812    (4,887)      5,925 
 income                        1          -           1          6          -          6 
Finance costs              (314)       (68)       (382)      (676)      (404)    (1,080) 
Income from 
 assets                        -          -           -        195          -        195 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Profit before 
 taxation          4      10,448    (2,083)       8,365     10,337    (5,291)      5,046 
Taxation                 (2,981)        286     (2,695)    (2,425)        297    (2,128) 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Profit for 
 year from 
 operations                7,467    (1,797)       5,670      7,912    (4,994)      2,918 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 (loss) for 
 the year 
 operations        5         125    (3,448)     (3,323)      2,458      (243)      2,215 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Profit for 
 the year                  7,592    (5,245)       2,347     10,370    (5,237)      5,133 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 (loss) per 
 (pence)           6 
 operations                12.39                   9.41      13.47                  4.98 
 operations                 0.20                 (5.52)       4.19                  3.77 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                           12.59                   3.89      17.66                  8.75 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 (loss) per 
 (pence)           6 
 operations                12.39                   9.41      13.46                  4.97 
 operations                 0.20                 (5.52)       4.19                  3.77 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                           12.59                   3.89      17.65                  8.74 
-------------  -----  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

                                                          Unaudited    Audited 
                                                               2011       2010 
                                                   Note     GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------  --------- 
Profit for the year                                           2,347      5,133 
-------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
Other comprehensive (expenses)/income: 
    Exchange differences on translation of 
    foreign operations                                        (190)          - 
    Cash flow hedge: 
    Fair value gain/(loss) in the year                          188      (188) 
    Tax effect of fair value (gain)/loss                       (53)         53 
Other comprehensive expense for the year, net 
 of tax                                                        (55)      (135) 
Total comprehensive income for the year                       2,292      4,998 
-------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 

Consolidated balance sheet

                                                      Unaudited     Audited 
                                                          As at       As at 
                                                       31 March    31 March 
                                                           2011        2010 
                                               Note     GBP'000     GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets 
    Goodwill                                      8     101,280     119,081 
    Other                                                 1,379       1,551 
Property, plant and equipment                             2,144       2,065 
Financial assets - available for sale                         -         550 
Deferred tax asset                                          688         766 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
                                                        105,491     124,013 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
Current assets 
Inventories and work in progress                          1,444       2,937 
Trade and other receivables                              29,053      32,346 
Cash and short term deposits                              1,677       2,778 
============================================  =====  ==========  ========== 
                                                         32,174      38,061 
============================================  =====  ==========  ========== 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                               (27,713)    (35,884) 
Corporation tax payable                                 (3,087)     (2,398) 
Obligations under finance leases                            (7)         (8) 
Bank overdraft, loans and loan notes                    (1,716)    (27,687) 
Derivative financial instrument                               -       (135) 
                                                       (32,523)    (66,112) 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
Net current liabilities                                   (349)    (28,051) 
Total assets less current liabilities                   105,142      95,962 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
Non current liabilities 
Provision for other liabilities and charges       9     (8,376)           - 
Obligations under finance leases                            (2)         (8) 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
                                                        (8,378)         (8) 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
Net assets                                               96,764      95,954 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
Called up share capital                                   6,134       6,134 
Share premium account                                    35,943      35,943 
Own shares                                                (779)       (801) 
Shares to be issued                                       1,545       1,461 
Other reserves                                           30,822      31,357 
Foreign currency translation reserve                      (190)           - 
Retained earnings                                        23,289      21,860 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 
Total equity                                             96,764      95,954 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------- 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                                                Shares                 currency 
                   Share     Share       Own     to be      Other   translation   Retained 
                 capital   premium    shares    issued   reserves       reserve   earnings     Total 
                 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
Changes in 
equity for 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
At 1 April 
 2010              6,134    35,943     (801)     1,461     31,357             -     21,860    95,954 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
Profit for the 
 year                  -         -         -         -          -             -      2,347     2,347 
 of foreign 
 operations            -         -         -         -          -         (190)          -     (190) 
Fair value 
 gain on 
 liability             -         -         -         -          -             -        188       188 
Tax effect of 
 fair value 
 gain                  -         -         -         -          -             -       (53)      (53) 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
 income for 
 the year              -         -         -         -          -         (190)      2,482     2,292 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
Credit for 
 schemes               -         -         -       112          -             -          -       112 
Exercise of 
 share award           -         -        22      (28)          -             -          -       (6) 
Gain on 
 scheme / 
 trust                 -         -         -         -          -             -          6         6 
Fair value 
 adjustment of 
 own shares            -         -         -         -          -             -        (4)       (4) 
 (note 7)              -         -         -         -          -             -    (1,055)   (1,055) 
Disposal of 
 investment            -         -         -         -      (535)             -          -     (535) 
At 31 March 
 2011              6,134    35,943     (779)     1,545     30,822         (190)     23,289    96,764 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
                                                Shares                 currency 
                   Share     Share       Own     to be      Other   translation   Retained 
                 capital   premium    shares    issued   reserves       reserve   earnings     Total 
                 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
Changes in 
equity for 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
At 1 April 
 2009              5,576    33,345   (1,054)     2,706     31,357             -     15,938    87,868 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
Profit for the 
 year                  -         -         -         -          -             -      5,133     5,133 
Fair value 
 loss on 
 liability             -         -         -         -          -             -      (188)     (188) 
Tax effect of 
 fair value 
 loss                  -         -         -         -          -             -         53        53 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
 income for 
 the year              -         -         -         -          -             -      4,998     4,998 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
Credit for 
 schemes               -         -         -        11          -             -          -        11 
Exercise of 
 share award           -         -       253   (1,202)          -             -          -     (949) 
Loss on 
 scheme / 
 trust                 -         -         -         -          -             -       (11)      (11) 
Gain on 
 scheme / 
 trust                 -         -         -         -          -             -        185       185 
Fair value 
 adjustment of 
 own shares            -         -         -         -          -             -        696       696 
Proceeds from 
 issued              558     2,788         -         -          -             -          -     3,346 
 with shares 
 issued                -     (190)         -         -          -             -          -     (190) 
Transfer of 
 options               -         -         -      (54)          -             -         54         - 
At 31 March 
 2010              6,134    35,943     (801)     1,461     31,357             -     21,860    95,954 
--------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------- 

Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                                          Unaudited    Audited 
                                                               2011       2010 
                                                   Note     GBP'000    GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Operating cash flow                                  10       9,937     13,686 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Tax paid                                                    (1,593)    (1,812) 
Cash (outflow)/ inflow from discontinued 
 operating activities                                       (1,058)      3,568 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Net cash generated from operating activities                  7,286     15,442 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Investing activities 
Finance income                                                    1          6 
Income from financial assets                                      -        195 
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                         (9,010)   (20,058) 
Net cash acquired with subsidiaries                             497          - 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                   (1,381)      (843) 
Sale of property, plant and equipment                             4         12 
Purchase of intangible assets                                 (164)      (227) 
Decrease in restricted cash deposits                              -         22 
Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiary                     27,374          - 
Cash outflow from discontinued investing 
 activities                                                 (1,373)      (160) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing 
 activities                                                  15,948   (21,053) 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Financing activities 
Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (net 
 of issue costs)                                                  -      3,156 
Finance costs                                                 (324)      (766) 
Net (decrease)/ increase in borrowings               11    (24,600)      3,200 
Dividends paid                                        7     (1,055)          - 
Capital element of finance lease payments                       (7)        (7) 
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from financing 
 activities                                                (25,986)      5,583 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                11     (2,752)       (28) 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year           11       2,778      2,806 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Effect of foreign exchange rates                               (45)          - 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year             11        (19)      2,778 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  --------- 


1. Basis of Preparation

The financial information set out herein does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2011 or 2010, within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for 2010 have been delivered to the registrar of companies. The auditors have reported on these 2010 accounts and their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain statements under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. Copies of the statutory accounts for 31 March 2011 will be distributed to shareholders in advance of the Annual General Meeting and will be delivered to the registrar of companies upon approval.

The information has been prepared in accordance with the EU-adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRIC interpretations and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 which are applicable to companies reporting under IFRS, however, this preliminary announcement in itself does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS.

2. Accounting policies

The preliminary results were prepared in accordance with the policies disclosed in the prior year audited annual report subject to the following relevant standards, amendments and interpretations which were effective in 2011:

(i) IFRS 3 (revised 2008), 'Business combinations', and consequential amendments to IAS 27, 'Consolidated and separate financial statements', are applied prospectively to business combinations from 1 April 2010. The main impact of these revised standards was as follows:

- In the year to 31 March 2011, all acquisition-related costs have been recognised as an operating cost in the consolidated income statement whereas previously they were capitalised. Prior periods have not been restated as this change in accounting is required to be applied prospectively from 1 April 2010; and

- Deferred consideration payable is to be measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Any subsequent movements in the fair value of such consideration as a result of post-acquisition events must be recognised as a gain or loss in the consolidated income statement.

3. Segmental Analysis

The chief operating decision-maker has been identified as the Board of Directors ('the Board') which makes the strategic decisions. The Board has determined the operating segments in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the Board. The Board considers the business from a divisional perspective, that being Insight, Communications and Health.

The principal activities of the three Divisions are as follows:


The Insight Division performs a complete range of market research services on behalf of its clients, through both qualitative and quantitative means, using the mediums of face-to-face, telephone and online techniques.


The Communications Division offers clients an integrated approach to their marketing and communication strategy, offering a range of services which include advertising, brand strategy, channel marketing, customer relationship marketing (CRM), digital marketing, direct marketing, promotional marketing and public relations.


The Health Division provides an integrated communications solution to the healthcare and pharmaceuticals sector and offers services which include advertising, direct marketing, digital marketing, public relations, issues management, market research and medical education.

The Board assesses the performance of the operating segments based on a measure of revenue and Headline PBIT. This measurement basis excludes the effects of exceptional charges from the operating segments, such as amortisation of acquired intangible assets, acquisition and start-up related costs, restructuring costs, goodwill write-off, deemed remuneration and notional finance costs on deferred consideration.

Accounting policies are consistent across the reportable segments.

All significant assets and liabilities are located within the UK and US. The Board does not review the assets and liabilities of the Group on a divisional basis and therefore has chosen to adopt the amendments to IFRS 8 of not segmenting the assets of the Group.

Other information provided to the Board of Directors is measured in a manner consistent with that in the financial statements.

The Group's operational framework consists of a three divisional structure consisting of the Insight, Communications and Health Divisions.

The analysis below has been presented on a continuing operations basis

Segmental analysis by business

Turnover, revenue, Headline and Reported profit before finance income, finance costs, income from financial assets and taxation (PBIT), and profit before tax attributable to Group activities are shown below.

                     Insight   Communications     Health     office      Group 
2011 (Unaudited)     GBP'000          GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 (billings)           25,580           60,096     14,866          -    100,542 
-----------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Revenue               14,828           41,142     11,799          -     67,769 
-----------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Headline profit/ 
 (loss) before 
 finance income, 
 finance costs, 
 income from 
 financial assets 
 and taxation 
 result)               4,094            6,197      3,437    (2,967)     10,761 
Acquisition and 
 start-up related 
 costs                     -            (144)    (1,173)          -    (1,317) 
 costs                 (240)                -          -          -      (240) 
Amortisation of 
 assets                    -                -      (219)          -      (219) 
 payments to 
 employees deemed 
 as remuneration           -                -      (110)      (129)      (239) 
Reported profit/ 
 (loss) before 
 finance income, 
 finance costs, 
 income from 
 financial assets 
 and taxation 
 result)               3,854            6,053      1,935    (3,096)      8,746 
Finance income             -                -          -          1          1 
Finance costs              -                -          -      (314)      (314) 
Notional finance 
 costs on future 
 consideration             -                -       (68)          -       (68) 
 before taxation       3,854            6,053      1,867    (3,409)      8,365 
-----------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Taxation                                                               (2,695) 
-----------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Profit for the 
 financial year                                                          5,670 
-----------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                  Insight   Communications     Health   Head office      Group 
2010 (Audited)    GBP'000          GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 (billings)        27,839           54,989     10,845             -     93,673 
--------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
Revenue            15,956           36,457      8,846             -     61,259 
--------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 (loss) before 
 costs, income 
 assets and 
 result)            4,883            5,455      2,711       (2,237)     10,812 
 costs              (354)            (230)          -             -      (584) 
 write-off        (3,786)                -          -             -    (3,786) 
 remuneration        (36)            (215)        (5)         (261)      (517) 
                ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 (loss) before 
 costs, income 
 assets and 
 result)              707            5,010      2,706       (2,498)      5,925 
 income                 -                -          -             6          6 
Financial cost          -                -          -         (676)      (676) 
 finance costs 
 on future 
 consideration      (204)            (193)        (7)             -      (404) 
Income from 
 assets                 -              195          -             -        195 
--------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 taxation             503            5,012      2,699       (3,168)      5,046 
--------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
Taxation                                                               (2,128) 
--------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
Profit for the 
 year                                                                    2,918 
--------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 

Segmental analysis by geography

The following table provides an analysis of the Group's turnover and revenue by geographical market, irrespective of the origin of the services.

                                                   Revenue                  Turnover 
----------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                           (Unaudited)   (Audited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                                  2011        2010          2011        2010 
                                               GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
UK                                              51,127      47,563        77,787      74,916 
Rest of Europe                                  11,673      11,682        16,103      15,941 
Rest of the World                                4,969       2,014         6,652       2,816 
----------------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
                                                67,769      61,259       100,542      93,673 
----------------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 

4. Reconciliation of Headline profit to Reported profit

In order to enable a better understanding of the underlying trading of the Group, the Directors refer to Headline PBIT, PBT and PAT which eliminate certain amounts from the Reported figures. These break down into two parts:

(i) Certain accounting policies which have a material impact and introduce volatility to the Reported figures. These are amortisation of acquired intangible assets, deemed remuneration and notional finance costs on deferred consideration. These charges will cease once all the relevant earn-out and related obligations have been settled; and

(ii) Exceptional non-recurring operating charges, which, in 2011, consist of acquisition costs, start-up related costs and restructuring costs. In 2010 this consisted of restructuring costs and the write-off of goodwill.

                                                    PBIT        PBT        PAT 
2011 (Unaudited)                                 GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
=============================================  =========  =========  ========= 
Headline                                          10,761     10,448      7,467 
Acquisition and start-up related costs           (1,317)    (1,317)    (1,317) 
Restructuring costs                                (240)      (240)      (240) 
Amortisation of acquired intangible assets         (219)      (219)      (219) 
Future acquisition payments to employees 
 deemed as remuneration                            (239)      (239)      (239) 
Notional finance costs on future deferred 
 consideration                                         -       (68)       (68) 
Taxation impact                                                            286 
---------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Reported                                           8,746      8,365      5,670 
---------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                                                    PBIT        PBT        PAT 
2010 (Audited)                                   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Headline                                          10,812     10,337      7,912 
Restructuring costs                                (584)      (584)      (584) 
Goodwill write-off                               (3,786)    (3,786)    (3,786) 
Future acquisition payments to employees 
 deemed as remuneration                            (517)      (517)      (517) 
Notional finance costs on future deferred 
 consideration                                         -      (404)      (404) 
Taxation impact                                                            297 
---------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Reported                                           5,925      5,046      2,918 
---------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

5. Discontinued operations

(a) Description

On 28 June 2010, the Group announced the proposed sale of Delaney Lund Knox Warren and Partners, Dialogue DLKW and The Composing Room ('DLKW') for GBP28.0 million, which was then approved by shareholders on 13 July 2010 with effect from 14 July 2010. DLKW is reported in the financial statements as a discontinued operation.

(b) Financial performance

The financial performance information, for the year to 31 March 2011 below shows the results of DLKW until the effective date of disposal (14 July 2010). The period to 31 March 2010 shows the financial information of DLKW for the full year.

                                                  Unaudited   Audited 
                                                       2011      2010 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
Turnover (billings)                                   9,180    43,149 
Revenue                                               4,472    19,241 
Headline operating costs                            (4,307)  (15,796) 
Headline PBIT                                           165     3,445 
Loss on disposal (part (e))                         (3,474)         - 
Restructuring costs                                       -     (338) 
Reported (loss)/ profit before interest and tax     (3,309)     3,107 
Reported (loss)/ profit before tax                  (3,309)     3,107 
Taxation                                               (14)     (892) 
(Loss)/ profit for the year                         (3,323)     2,215 
------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 

The table below is a reconciliation of Headline to Reported figures for discontinued operations:

                        PBIT        PBT        PAT 
2011 (Unaudited)     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
=================  =========  =========  ========= 
Headline                 165        165        125 
Loss on disposal     (3,474)    (3,474)    (3,474) 
Taxation impact                                 26 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Reported             (3,309)    (3,309)    (3,323) 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                           PBIT        PBT        PAT 
2010 (Audited)          GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
====================  =========  =========  ========= 
Headline                  3,445      3,445      2,458 
Restructuring costs       (338)      (338)      (338) 
Taxation impact                                    95 
--------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Reported                  3,107      3,107      2,215 
--------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

(c) Cash flow information

Refer to the statement of cash flows for the amounts related to discontinued operations.

(d) Carrying amounts of assets and liabilities

The carrying amounts of assets and liabilities as at 14 July 2010 were:

                                       As at 
                                     14 July 
---------------------------------  --------- 
Property, plant and equipment            350 
Trade receivables                      5,919 
Inventories and work in progress         471 
Deferred tax asset                       219 
Cash and short term deposits           1,331 
---------------------------------  --------- 
Total assets                           8,290 
---------------------------------  --------- 
Trade and other payables             (8,200) 
Corporation tax payable                 (40) 
Total liabilities                    (8,240) 
---------------------------------  --------- 
Net assets                                50 
---------------------------------  --------- 

(e) Financial information on the sale of DLKW

2011 (Unaudited)                      GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  -------- 
Proceeds from the sale                 28,000 
Costs associated with the sale          (626) 
Goodwill write-off                   (30,533) 
Intangible asset write-off              (250) 
Carrying amount of net assets sold       (50) 
Investment write-off                     (15) 
-----------------------------------  -------- 
Loss on disposal of subsidiary        (3,474) 
-----------------------------------  -------- 

The subsidiary disposed of (DLKW) was reportable under the Communications Division.

6. Earnings per share

                                    Headline                      Reported 
                           Unaudited            Audited    Unaudited           Audited 
                                2011               2010         2011              2010 
                             GBP'000            GBP'000      GBP'000           GBP'000 
-----------------------  -----------  -----------------  -----------  ---------------- 
Profit for the year 
 from continuing 
 operations                    7,467              7,912        5,670             2,918 
Profit/ (loss) from 
 operations                      125              2,458      (3,323)             2,215 
                         -----------  -----------------  -----------  ---------------- 
                               7,592             10,370        2,347             5,133 
-----------------------  -----------  ------  ---------  -----------  -----  --------- 
Number of shares 
 Weighted average 
 number of shares         60,285,576         58,729,868   60,285,576        58,729,868 
Dilutive effect of 
 shares                            -             32,047            -            32,047 
                          60,285,576         58,761,915   60,285,576        58,761,915 
-----------------------  -----------      -------------  -----------   --------------- 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings/ (loss) 
 per share (pence): 
- Continuing operations        12.39              13.47         9.41              4.98 
- Discontinued 
 operations                     0.20               4.19       (5.52)              3.77 
                               12.59              17.66         3.89              8.75 
-----------------------  -----------      -------------  -----------  -----  --------- 
Diluted earnings/ 
(loss) per share 
- Continuing operations        12.39              13.46         9.41              4.97 
- Discontinued 
 operations                     0.20               4.19       (5.52)              3.77 
                               12.59              17.65         3.89              8.74 
-----------------------  -----------      -------------  -----------  -----  --------- 

Diluted earnings per share has been calculated based on the following dilutive elements:

(i) On 31 March 2010 there were 32,047 restricted shares which had vested but not been issued at the balance sheet date.

A reconciliation from Headline to Reported profit after tax is provided in note 4.

7. Dividends

                                                          Unaudited    Audited 
                                                               2011       2010 
                                                            GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
Amounts recognised as distributions to shareholders in 
 the year 
Prior year final dividend of 1.00 pence per share               603          - 
(2010: nil pence per share) 
Interim dividend of 0.75 pence per share (2010: nil             452          - 
pence per share) 
-------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
Total                                                         1,055          - 
-------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 

A final dividend of 2.25 pence per share (2010: 1.00 pence per share) equivalent to GBP1,378,911 is to be paid on 12 September 2011 to shareholders on the register on 5 August 2011. The final dividend will be recognised in the 2012 accounts, should it be approved by shareholders at the AGM.

8. Goodwill

                                Purchased            Goodwill 
                                 goodwill    on consolidation      Total 
                                  GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------------  --------- 
At 1 April 2009 (Audited)           3,786             119,070    122,856 
Goodwill write-off                (3,786)                   -    (3,786) 
Adjustments to consideration            -                  11         11 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------------  --------- 
At 31 March 2010                        -             119,081    119,081 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------------  --------- 
Disposals                               -            (30,533)   (30,533) 
Additions (note 9)                      -              12,975     12,975 
Exchange differences                    -               (243)      (243) 
At 31 March 2011 (Unaudited)            -             101,280    101,280 
=============================  ==========  ==================  ========= 
Net book amount 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------------  --------- 
31 March 2011 (Unaudited)               -             101,280    101,280 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------------  --------- 
31 March 2010 (Audited)                 -             119,081    119,081 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------------  --------- 

The 'adjustments to consideration' in 2010 relates to a change in the estimated deferred consideration for agencies in the earn-out period under the terms of the relevant sale and purchase agreements.

The Group disposed of DLKW and acquired Cooney/Waters in the year to 31 March 2011.

In accordance with the Group's accounting policy, the carrying values of goodwill and other intangible assets not subject to systematic amortisation are reviewed semi-annually for impairment. The review assesses whether the carrying value of goodwill could be supported by the present value of future cash flows derived from operating activities. Future cash flows are calculated with reference to each subsidiary's two year business plan (approved in March 2011) which is subject to a rigorous review and challenge process. The residual growth rate thereafter has been reduced to a nominal rate of 3 per cent for all units and after year 5, a terminal value with zero growth has been applied.

In assessing the discount rate applicable to the Group we have considered the following factors:

(i) 12 month cost of debt;

(ii) The cost of equity based on a two year beta of 1.00. We consider this to be an appropriate period since the Group is of an acquisitive nature and therefore has changed significantly during the last five years;

(iii) The risk free rate for a 10 year UK government bond; and

(iv) The risk premium to reflect the increased risk of investing in equities.

The pre-tax discount rate used to assess the carrying value of goodwill is 8.3 per cent (2010: 9.6 per cent), which is the Group's weighted average cost of capital (WACC). As all the cash generating units are similar in nature, the risk profile is considered the same across countries. As a result the same WACC is used for each.

The review performed at the year end did not result in the impairment of goodwill for any cash-generating unit as the estimated recoverable amount exceeded the carrying value in all cases.

At 31 March 2011, had the Group used an industry average beta of 1.22, the WACC would have been 9.2 per cent. At this level, no impairment on goodwill would be recognised.

Using a WACC of 8.3 per cent, a 10 per cent decrease in management's budgeted 2012 and 2013 PBIT at 31 March 2011 and zero growth thereafter, no impairment on goodwill would be recognised.

Components of goodwill at 31 March 2011 and 2010 are:

                        Unaudited    Audited 
                             2011       2010 
                          GBP'000    GBP'000 
 ICM                       19,030     19,030 
MSL                         7,633      7,633 
                           26,663     26,663 
=====================  ==========  ========= 
DLKW                            -     30,533 
EMO                         4,362      4,362 
NBC                         6,434      6,434 
TMW                        28,541     28,541 
TRA                         5,281      5,281 
                           44,618     75,151 
---------------------  ----------  --------- 
Cooney/Waters              12,975          - 
PAN                         9,599      9,599 
RDC                         7,668      7,668 
Exchange differences        (243)          - 
---------------------  ----------  --------- 
                           29,999     17,267 
---------------------  ----------  --------- 
Total                     101,280    119,081 
---------------------  ----------  --------- 

9. Acquisition of subsidiaries

Cooney/Waters and Alembic Health Communications

On 20 December 2010, the Group completed the acquisition of the trade and assets of both Cooney/Waters and its sister company, Alembic Health Communications (together known as "Cooney/Waters"), a healthcare public relations business based in the United States of America for consideration (including deferred consideration) as set out below.

The acquisition complements the international drive of the Health Division and builds on an existing collaboration and shared client base with the Group's UK healthcare public relations company, Red Door Communications.

                                                Fair value   Provisional 
                                 Book value    adjustments    fair value 
2011 (Unaudited)                    GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets 
Other                                     -            540           540 
Property, plant and equipment            39              -            39 
                                         39            540           579 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables           2,540              -         2,540 
Cash and short term deposits            497              -           497 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
                                      3,037              -         3,037 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
Current liabilities                 (1,954)              -       (1,954) 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
Net current assets                    1,083              -         1,083 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
Net assets                            1,122            540         1,662 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
Goodwill (note 8)                                                 12,975 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
Total                                 1,122            540        14,637 
------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 

Satisfied by:

2011 (Unaudited)           GBP'000 
------------------------  -------- 
Cash                         5,943 
Working capital payment        386 
Deferred consideration       8,308 
------------------------  -------- 

The fair value adjustment relates to the recognition of other intangible assets as required under IFRS as follows:

2011 (Unaudited)     GBP'000 
------------------  -------- 
Customer orders          222 
Brand names              318 
Intangible assets        540 
------------------  -------- 

As part of the sale and purchase agreement, there was a minimum working capital and cash requirement on the acquisition date. Any excess/shortfall from the minimum would be paid/collected to/from the seller. There was a working capital excess of GBP386,000 which will be settled as a cash payment after the year end.

The amount of deferred consideration payable is contingent upon the average level of PBIT achieved by Cooney/Waters in the period from completion to 31 March 2015.

The potential undiscounted amount of deferred consideration (ie including future notional interest charges to be made to the income statement) that the Group could be required to make under this arrangement is between GBPnil and GBP13,580,000 ($21,390,000).

The fair value of the deferred consideration of GBP8,308,000 was estimated by applying the income approach. The fair value estimates are based on a discount rate of 3.33 per cent and assumed probability-adjusted profit in Cooney/Waters.

The fair value of the deferred consideration recognised at 31 March 2011 was GBP8,376,000. The difference between the GBP8,308,000 shown above and the year end balance of GBP8,376,000 is the notional interest charge of GBP68,000 for the period from acquisition to 31 March 2011.

Deferred consideration will be paid in cash, in accordance with the associated asset and purchase agreement. These payments are due in June 2013 and June 2015.

IFRS 3 (revised) now requires companies to expense acquisition costs. As a consequence GBP988,000 has been charged to the income statement in relation to the acquisition of Cooney/Waters.

Profit and cash flow

The subsidiary undertaking acquired during the year made the following contributions to, and utilisations of, Group profit and cash flow:

2011 (Unaudited)                                      GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------  ------- 
Profit before finance income, finance costs, income 
 from financial assets and taxation                       551 
Depreciation                                                2 
Increase in inventories and work in progress            (140) 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                   642 
Decrease in trade and other payables                    (900) 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                 (3) 
----------------------------------------------------  ------- 
Cash flow                                                 152 
----------------------------------------------------  ------- 

Cooney/Waters contributed revenue of GBP2.3m and operating profit of GBP0.6m to the results of the Group since acquisition. If the acquisition had been completed at the beginning of the financial year, management estimate that Group revenue for the year would have been GBP74.7m and Group Headline PBIT would have been GBP13.2m (note that the revenue and profit figures for Cooney/Waters for the period before the acquisition have not been audited due to this not being a requirement for a US incorporated entity).

10. Reconciliation of profit for the year to operating cash flow

                                                           Unaudited   Audited 
                                                                2011      2010 
                                                             GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
Profit for the year                                            5,670     2,918 
Taxation                                                       2,695     2,128 
---------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
Profit before taxation                                         8,365     5,046 
Income from financial assets                                       -     (195) 
Finance costs                                                    382     1,080 
Finance income                                                   (1)       (6) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
Profit before finance income, finance costs, income 
 from financial assets and taxation                            8,746     5,925 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                    955     1,019 
Amortisation of intangible assets                                599       323 
Share-based payments/(credits)                                    17      (92) 
Goodwill write-off                                                 -     3,786 
Deemed remuneration                                              239       517 
Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment              (1)       (1) 
Loss on disposal of intangible assets                             22         - 
Decrease/ (increase) in inventories and work in progress         196     (719) 
Increase in trade and other receivables                        (468)   (3,293) 
(Decrease)/ increase in trade and other payables               (368)     6,221 
---------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 
Operating cash flow                                            9,937    13,686 
---------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -------- 

11. Analysis of net and total debt

                     Audited     Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited 
                          At                                                At 
                    31 March                               Foreign    31 March 
                        2010   Acquisition   Cash flow    exchange        2011 
                     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Cash and short 
 term deposits         2,778             -     (1,056)        (45)       1,677 
Bank overdraft             -             -     (1,696)           -     (1,696) 
Revolving credit 
 facility           (13,000)             -      13,000           -           - 
Acquisition loan 
 notes               (3,087)             -       3,067           -        (20) 
Bank loans          (11,600)             -      11,600           -           - 
Finance leases          (16)             -           7           -         (9) 
----------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Net debt            (24,925)             -      24,922        (45)        (48) 
Provision for 
 consideration             -       (8,376)           -           -     (8,376) 
----------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Total debt          (24,925)       (8,376)      24,922        (45)     (8,424) 
----------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Included within the cash flow movement was an initial cash consideration of GBP5.9m paid for the acquisition of Cooney/Waters.

12. Related party transactions

Mr D C Marshall is a Director of City Group P.L.C. and Western Selection P.L.C. which held 3,000,000 Ordinary Shares in Creston plc at 31 March 2011. During the year total fees of GBP61,321 (2010: GBP61,435) were paid to City Group P.L.C., GBP31,321 (2010: GBP31,435) for the provision of secretarial services and assistance on the acquisitions and GBP30,000 (2010: GBP30,000) for the services of Mr D C Marshall. There were no outstanding balances with City Group P.L.C at 31 March 2011 or 31 March 2010.

13. Availability of the Annual Report and Accounts

Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders in due course and are available from the Company's registered office at City Group P.L.C., 30 City Road, London, EC1Y 2AG and on the company's website www.creston.com.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Conduit (LSE:CRE)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Conduit 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.