RNS Number:5720G
Capcon Holdings PLC
24 January 2003

                               CAPCON HOLDINGS PLC

24 JANUARY 2003

Preliminary announcement of the audited consolidated results of the
Group for the twelve months ended 30 September 2002


-  Group's first acquisition since flotation Vincent Sherman (''VSA''),
   completed in April 2002 _ has been successfully integrated and rapidly turned
   around from loss making to profitability by year end

-  Group's second acquisition is announced today Argen, for an initial
   consideration of #1.35m, increasing to a maximum #3.265m based on performance

-  Argen is an ideal fit which will further strengthen the Group's
   Commercial Investigations division

-  Group sales for year increased by 22.5% to #4.96m including initial
   contribution from VSA

-  Despite economic slowdown, and liquidation of a major client, both
   original core business divisions of the Group's Audit and Stocktaking and
   Commercial Investigation Services, increased sales.

-  Profit before tax was to #0.1m (2001 #0.04m)

-  Basic Earnings increased from 0.2p to 0.7p per share

-  Final dividend of 1.4p per share, making a total of 2.1p (2001 nil)

-  Board expanded with appointment of Cliff Cavender as managing director
   and Karine Luckraft as business development director. Additionally, Stephen
   Jones has been appointed financial controller reporting to Cliff Cavender


Strategic review

Our first full year since flotation proved to be an eventful period. We made our
first acquisition in April and negotiated the acquisition of a second company,
which we have today conditionally agreed to purchase.

Naturally the general economic slowdown had an effect on our trading performance
but we still achieved a 2.8% increase in sales from the original operations of
audit, stocktaking and commercial investigation despite a major client going
into liquidation and delays by others in implementing contracts originally
expected earlier in the year. The integration of Vincent Sherman (Creditor
Claims) Limited ('VSA'), acquired on 8 April 2002, has been highly successful
and it has been rapidly turned around from loss making to a profit on a monthly
basis by the year end.

The board has spent considerable time throughout the year reviewing and
appraising potential acquisitions in pursuit of our strategy of building and
developing a range of quality services based on the management of risk and
protection of revenue for our clients. I am pleased to report that today we have
conditionally agreed to purchase Argen Limited, a specialist investigation
company providing services to UK and overseas blue chip corporate clients.

The Directors remain confident that the relatively limited rate of sales growth
in the past year does not reflect a lasting slow down in demand for the core
services of the business. In fact the world economic and business climate
continues to create a greater awareness by business managers and professionals
for the need for our services. Furthermore, a growing momentum for greater
corporate governance in the light of recent high profile corporate fraud has
endorsed the board's strategy of building a Group providing inter-related risk
management services, developed both organically and through acquisition, to deal
with the increasing general concern of directors, institutional investors and
regulatory bodies.

Financial overview

Sales for the year to 30 September 2002 were #4.96 million (2001: #4.05 million)
including VSA which contributed sales of #0.80 million during the period since
its acquisition. This represents a 22.5% increase overall, of which 19.7% is
attributable to VSA, compared with #4.05 million last year. The increase in core
sales was achieved during a period when our traditional market in the leisure
sector was faced with the severest trading conditions for many years which had
an inevitable effect on our clients' spending as well as causing the liquidation
of a major client.

The profit for the year, before interest and amortisation of goodwill, was #0.27
million (2001: #0.52 million). Profit before tax was #0.10 million compared with
#0.04 million, which included a charge for loan stock redemption costs.

Basic earnings per share of 0.7p compares with 0.2p last year.

The board has declared a final dividend of 1.4p per ordinary share making a
total for the year of 2.1p per ordinary share (2001: nil). The dividend will be
payable to those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 31
January 2003 and will be paid on 7 March 2003.

Audit & stocktaking

Sales increased to #3.42 million from #3.39 million in 2001, despite the effect
of cut backs by some of our long standing clients due to economic conditions,
unexpected delays in implementation of contracts with new clients, and loss of
revenue from a significant client that went into liquidation.

In January 2002 we renewed the contract with our largest client for a further
two years and at the same time extended it to include another significant
division. Additionally, other business has been won which has offset the sales
lost from the client whose business failed earlier in the year. The lost profit
from the liquidated business is estimated at #90,000 including a provision for
non recovery of debt.

Delays in the implementation of specific new business, which had been identified
at the beginning of the year meant that we did not reach our anticipated profit
target, but this new business has now either commenced or has been committed to
by our clients for the coming year.

Operating margins were temporarily reduced as a result of increasing
infrastructure costs early in the year in anticipation of more business coming
on stream but these are now increasing again as the new business sales take

The outlook for this division is better for the coming year and the prevailing
harsh trading conditions in the leisure sector are not expected to prevent sales
and profit growth in this division.

Commercial investigation services

Once again, this division has increased sales and further reduced its dependency
on the largest client from 67% to approximately 43% of divisional sales.

Sales increased to #0.68 million from #0.66 million, and the operating margin
has been maintained at the same level as last year.

Much of the year has been spent raising the Company's profile in the financial
services sector and in the City in particular. The division is now able to offer
high level personnel screening and a broad range of fraud prevention and
investigation services that are particularly relevant to the financial sector.
Although this market is considered to be a high growth area for the future, the
past year has proven difficult, primarily due to a particularly inactive
corporate finance market. However, considerable enthusiasm for our services from
most financial institutions gives cause for confidence that an upturn in
corporate activity will enable the division to exploit opportunities in this
major market sector, although achievement of our short term forecasts does not
assume that this upturn is imminent.

The division has been active on a number of major new projects, which have run
into the new year, including an international soft drinks company, a listed food
processing group and an international law firm.


VSA, a company specialising in investigating insurance fraud, was acquired on 8
April 2002 for an initial consideration of #210,000 and up to a further #250,000
payable over six years depending on performance. In addition, the two vendor
shareholders of VSA, who have entered into new service agreements with VSA, have
each been granted rights entitling them to subscribe up to #175,000 each for new
ordinary shares in the Company at the prevailing mid-market share price on the
date of vesting. Vesting of these rights will occur in tranches of #25,000
annually if the performance of VSA matches or exceeds pre-determined profit

Sales for the 25 weeks to 30 September 2002 were #0.80 million. After a period
of incurring substantial losses prior to acquisition, this company has moved
into profit under Capcon ownership before the financial year end although a
small loss was made for the period overall. Future growth for any service
provider operating in this market is largely determined by appointment to the
panels of various major insurers and, since acquisition, VSA has been successful
in this respect. Sales have steadily increased during the year, reflecting the
successful marketing activities of recent months, and new appointments to major
insurance company panels have given the board confidence that these trends will
continue. The board expects a good contribution to profit in the coming year.


The board has issued a circular to shareholders today detailing the proposed
acquisition of Argen Limited for an initial consideration of #1.35 million
increasing to a potential maximum consideration of #3.265 million depending on
profit performance over a two year period.

Argen is a well established investigations business, based in London, providing
services to major blue chip organisations world-wide. The services are delivered
to most clients at the highest level in the organisation and cover a wide range
of investigative activities including due diligence, corporate fraud
investigations, intelligence gathering and parallel trading investigations.

The board considers this acquisition to be the ideal fit for Capcon and will
further strengthen the growing investigative area of the business. The benefits
of integrating Argen are expected to add value for shareholders with immediate
effect from the completion date.

Board changes

On 1 January 2002 we welcomed Karine Luckraft to the board of the company as a
non-executive director. Richard Wevill, a non-executive director, left the board
on 7 January 2002.

With the imminent acquisition of Argen Limited, and in acknowledgement of the
demands of managing a growing company during difficult economic circumstances,
the board has been strengthened during the year to improve the day to day
running of the company, whilst recognising a specific need to focus on business

With effect from 1 November 2002, Cliff Cavender, formerly the finance director,
was appointed managing director, whilst Karine Luckraft has taken on the full
time executive role of business development director. Also on 1 November 2002,
Stephen Jones, formerly finance director of Capitol Security Services Limited,
was appointed financial controller reporting to Cliff Cavender.

Current trading and prospects

The company's bank facilities have been increased to assist the acquisition of
Argen whilst providing additional working capital for the enlarged Group.

Trading since the commencement of the current year has been in line with
expectations. The integration of Argen will create greater opportunities to
market our services to a wider client base whilst introducing new services to
existing Capcon clients.

The board will continue with its strategy of acquiring businesses that provide
services that are compatible with those of Capcon and, therefore, can be
integrated with minimal disruption to the core business and enhance the Group's
overall prospects.

K P Dulieu


                                              Year ended                                 Year ended
                                          30 September 2002                          30 September 2001
                                      Before  Amortisation                       Before  Amortisation
                                Amortisation            of                 Amortisation            of
                     Notes       of goodwill      goodwill         Total    of goodwill      goodwill         Total     
                                           #             #             #              #             #             #

operations           1             4,160,851            --     4,160,851      4,045,819            --     4,045,819
Acquisitions                         795,345                     795,345             --                          --
                               ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
Group turnover                     4,956,196                   4,956,196      4,045,819                   4,045,819
Cost of sales                    (3,290,345)            --   (3,290,345)    (2,673,350)            --   (2,673,350)
                               ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
GROSS PROFIT                       1,665,851                   1,665,851      1,372,469            --     1,372,469
expenses             2           (1,395,624)     (127,000)   (1,522,624)      (850,409)     (101,806)     (952,215)
operations                           311,026     (101,806)       209,220        522,060     (101,806)       420,254
Acquisitions                        (40,799)      (25,194)      (65,993)
                               ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
Group operating
profit/(loss)        3               270,227     (127,000)       143,227        522,060     (101,806)       420,254
Interest receivable  5                                             2,020                                      3,716
Interest payable     6                                          (40,575)                                  (387,212)
                               ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
TAXATION             4                                           104,672                                     36,758
ACTIVITIES           7                                          (55,356)                                   (27,555)
                                                           -------------                              -------------
TAXATION                                                          49,316                                      9,203
DIVIDENDS            8                                         (156,505)                                         --
                                                           -------------                              -------------
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                            (107,189)                                      9,203
BROUGHT FORWARD                                                  278,074                                    268,871
                                                           -------------                              -------------
CARRIED FORWARD                                                  170,885                                    278,074
                                                           -------------                              -------------
Basic                9                                              0.7p                                       0.2p



                                                            Group                            Company
                                                       2002             2001             2002             2001
                                  Notes                   #                #                #                #

Fixed Assets
Investments                       10                     --               --          606,142           50,000
Intangible fixed assets           11              3,128,921        1,934,302               --               --
Tangible fixed assets             12                331,040           97,890               --               --
                                            ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
                                                  3,459,961        2,032,192          606,142           50,000

Current Assets
Debtors                           13              1,364,207          999,596        1,295,533        1,394,951
Cash at bank and in hand                             67,056          247,097            1,253            1,144
                                            ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
                                                  1,431,263        1,246,693        1,296,786        1,396,095

Creditors: amounts falling due
within one Year                   14            (1,828,848)        (597,557)          104,336         (71,400)
Net Current (Liabilities)/Assets                  (397,585)          649,136        1,192,450        1,324,695
                                            ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
Total Assets less Current
Liabilities                                       3,062,376        2,681,328        1,798,592        1,374,695
Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year          15               (94,875)         (50,000)               --               --
Provisions for Liabilities and
Charges                           16               (48,024)         (28,559)               --               --
Net Assets                                        2,919,477        2,602,769        1,798,592        1,374,695

Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital           17,18              74,526           71,875           74,526           71,875
Share premium account             18              1,474,066        1,302,820        1,474,066        1,302,820
Other reserves                    18                950,000          950,000               --               --
Profit and loss account           18                170,885          278,074               --               --
Shares to be issued               27                250,000               --          250,000               --
Shareholders' Funds                               2,919,477        2,602,769        1,798,592        1,374,695
                                                  =========        =========        =========        =========


                                                               2002                              2001
                                  Notes                   #                #                #                #

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities              20                                (87,558)                           425,955
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                                     2,020                             6,732
Interest paid                                      (40,575)                         (587,662)
                                            ---------------                   ---------------
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of
finance                                                             (38,555)                         (580,930)
Tax paid                                                            (33,664)                          (68,107)
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire tangible
fixed assets                                       (63,293)                          (48,258)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                         6,100
                                            ---------------                   ---------------
Net cash outflow from investing
activities                                                          (57,193)                          (48,258)
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of business                           (206,142)                                --
Net overdrafts acquired with                                                               
subsidiary                                        (201,899)                                --
                                            ---------------                   ---------------
Net cash outflow for acquisitions                                  (408,041)                                --          
Equity dividends paid                                               (52,169)                                --
                                                             ---------------                   ---------------
Net cash outflow before financing                                  (677,180)                         (271,340)
Issue of new ordinary shares                         75,023                         1,750,000
Costs of new issue                                  (1,126)                         (353,905)
Repayment of loan stock                                  --                         (700,000)
Repayment of loans                                (137,853)                         (100,000)
Invoice discounting facilities                      251,186                                --
Principal payment under finance
lease                                              (36,557)                                --
                                            ---------------                   ---------------
Net cash outflow from financing                                      150,673                           596,095
                                                             ---------------                   ---------------
(Decrease)/increase in cash                                        (526,507)                           324,755
                                                             ---------------                   ---------------

The subsidiary undertaking acquired during the year created a deficit of
#201,899 in the Group's net operating cash flows, paid #10,785 in respect of
interest and utilised #4,109 for capital expenditure.


1.         TURNOVER

Turnover comprises the invoiced value of services supplied exclusive of value
added tax and after deduction of trade discounts. Turnover is entirely
attributable to the Group's principal activities.

Group turnover split business segments is:

                                                 Year Ended           Year Ended
                                               30 September         30 September
                                                       2002                 2001
                                                          #                    #
Audit and stocktaking                             3,484,355            3,388,582
Investigations and other                          1,471,841              657,237
                                                 ----------            ---------
                                                  4,956,196            4,045,819
                                                  =========            =========

The analysis of profit and net assets has been omitted since in the opinion of
the directors disclosure of this information would be seriously prejudicial to
the Group.


                                                 Year Ended           Year Ended
                                               30 September         30 September
                                                       2002                 2001
                                                          #                    #
Central overhead costs                              180,095              141,200
Central marketing costs                              34,315               29,500
Group development costs                             132,360               84,700
Amortisation of goodwill                            127,000              101,806
Other administrative expenses                     1,048,854              595,009
                                                  ---------            ---------
                                                  1,522,624              952,215
                                                  =========            =========

The information presented includes costs attributable to future development and
management of the business. These costs are highlighted on the basis that this
allows greater comparability of the underlying performance for the accounting

Central overhead costs include the remuneration for C J Cavender and
professional fees relating to potential future development of the Group.

Central marketing costs relate mainly to the salary and benefits of an employee
appointed to establish a database comprising potential new clients for existing
and future services of the Group and potential targets for acquisition.

Group development costs includes the time and expenses of K P Dulieu attributed
to the implementation of the Group strategy of seeking a flotation and then
making acquisitions.


                                                                              Year Ended            Year Ended
                                                                            30 September          30 September
                                                                                    2002                  2001
                                                                                       #                     #
Profit on ordinary activities is stated after charging:
Auditors' remuneration:
Audit                                                                             27,500                12,000
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets:
Owned by the company                                                              36,909                20,356
Leased                                                                            23,473                    --
Amortisation of goodwill:                                                        127,000               101,806
Operating lease rentals:
Equipment                                                                        365,570               357,716
Land and buildings                                                                54,084                18,168
                                                                               =========             =========


                                                                                Year Ended          Year Ended
                                                                              30 September        30 September
                                                                                      2002                2001
                                                                                         #                   #
Staff costs (including directors) include the following amounts:

Wages and salaries                                                               2,529,620           1,953,682
Social security costs                                                              189,479             183,742
Pension costs                                                                      103,697              90,916
                                                                                 ---------           ---------
                                                                                 2,822,796           2,228,340
                                                                                 =========           =========

The average monthly number of persons employed by the Group during the year was
as follows:

                                                                                Year Ended          Year Ended
                                                                              30 September        30 September
                                                                                      2002                2001
                                                                                       No.                 No.

Administration and management                                                           30                  18
Operational staff                                                                       92                  73
                                                                                 ---------           ---------
                                                                                       122                  91
                                                                                 =========           =========

The remuneration of the directors who served during the year was as follows:

                                                                                Year Ended          Year Ended
                                                                              30 September        30 September
                                                                                      2002                2001
                                                                                         #                   #

Aggregate emoluments                                                               133,523              86,335
Pension contributions                                                                6,233               6,233
                                                                                 ---------           ---------
                                                                                   139,756              92,568
                                                                                 =========           =========

There are two (2001 - two) directors to whom benefits are accruing in respect of
a money purchase pension scheme.


                                                             Year Ended                    Year Ended
                                                           30 September                  30 September
                                                                   2002                          2001
                                                                      #                             #
Bank interest receivable                                          2,020                         3,716
                                                             ==========                    ==========


                                                             Year Ended                    Year Ended
                                                           30 September                  30 September
                                                                   2002                          2001
                                                                      #                             #
Bank loans and overdrafts                                        33,241                        22,480
Interest on loan stock                                               --                       364,732
Interest on finance leases                                        7,334                            --
                                                             ----------                    ----------
                                                                 40,575                       387,212
                                                             ==========                    ==========


                                                                            Year Ended               Year Ended
                                                                          30 September             30 September
                                                                                  2002                     2001
                                                                                     #                        #

Analysis of tax charge in year
Current tax (see note below)
UK corporation tax on profits of the year                                       37,227                   35,000
Adjustments in respect of prior periods                                        (1,336)                  (6,702)
                                                                             ---------                ---------
Total current tax                                                               35,891                   28,298
                                                                             =========                =========

Deferred tax
Originating and reversal of timing differences                                  19,465                    (743)
                                                                             ---------                ---------
Total deferred tax (see note 16)                                                19,465                    (743)
                                                                             ---------                ---------
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                            55,356                   27,555
                                                                             =========                =========

Factors affecting tax charge for year

The tax assessed for the year is higher than the standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK 30% (2001 _ 20%). The differences are explained below:

                                                                            Year Ended               Year Ended
                                                                          30 September             30 September
                                                                                  2002                     2001
                                                                                     #                        #

Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                       104,672                   36,758
Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by the relevant                        31,402                    7,352
standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30% (2001 _ 20%)

Effects of:
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes (including                             34,545                   14,061
amortisation of goodwill)
Difference between capital allowances and depreciation                          26,233                   12,189
Other timing differences                                                        35,232
Utilisation of losses                                                         (75,075)                       --
Marginal relief                                                               (15,110)                       --
Adjustments to tax charge in respect of prior periods                          (1,336)                  (6,702)
                                                                             ---------                ---------
Current tax charge for year (see note above)                                    35,891                   28,298
                                                                             =========                =========

There were no significant factors that may affect future tax charges.

8.         DIVIDENDS

                                                                            Year Ended               Year Ended
                                                                          30 September             30 September
                                                                                  2002                     2001
                                                                                     #                        #

Equity shares                                                                   52,169                       --
Dividends paid                                                                 104,336                       --
                                                                               -------                  -------
Dividends proposed                                                             156,505                       --
                                                                               =======                  =======


                                                                            Year Ended               Year Ended
                                                                          30 September             30 September
                                                                                  2002                     2001
                                                                                     #                        #

Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders                                  49,316                    9,203
                                                                              ========                 ========
Weighted average number of shares issued during the year                     7,344,006                5,815,068
Dilutive effect of share options                                                    --                  513,750
Adjusted weighted average number of shares in issue during                   7,344,006                6,328,818
the year
                                                                              ========                 ========
Basic earnings per share                                                          0.7p                     0.2p
                                                                              ========                 ========
Diluted earnings per share                                                        0.7p                     0.1p
                                                                              ========                 ========

The options outstanding at 30 September 2002 were granted at prices that at the
year end were anti-dilutive and consequently there is no difference between the
basic and fully diluted earnings per share for the year ended 30 September 2002.

10.        INVESTMENTS

                                                        Group                              Company
                                                  2002              2001              2002              2001
                                                     #                 #                 #                 #
Balance at 1 October 2001                           --                --            50,000                --
Additions                                           --                --           556,142            50,000
                                             ---------         ---------         ---------         ---------
Balance at 30 September 2002                        --                --           606,142            50,000
                                             =========         =========         =========         =========

The company owns the entire issued share capital of Capcon Limited, a company
registered in England and Wales. The principal activity of Capcon Limited is the
provision of audit, stocktaking and commercial investigation services.

During the year the company acquired the entire issued share capital of Vincent
Sherman (Creditor Claims) Limited, a company registered in England and Wales.
The principal activity of Vincent Sherman (Creditor Claims) Limited is the
provision of insurance investigation services.


                                                                                 Group                  Company
                                                                                     #                        #

At 30 October 2001                                                           2,036,108                       --
Additions                                                                    1,321,619                       --
                                                                             ---------                 --------
At 30 September 2002                                                         3,357,727                       --
                                                                              ========                 ========
At 1 October 2001                                                              101,806                       --
Charge for the year                                                            127,000                       --
                                                                              --------                 --------
At 30 September 2002                                                           228,806                       --
                                                                              ========                 ========
Net Book Value
At 30 September 2002                                                         3,128,921                       --
                                                                              ========                 ========
At 30 September 2001                                                         1,934,302                       --
                                                                              ========                 ========

The goodwill addition represents the goodwill arising on the acquisition of
Vincent Sherman (Creditor Claims) Limited _ see note 27.


Group                                                      Fixtures and     Motor Vehicles              Total
                                                                      #                  #                  #
At 1 October 2001                                               139,493                 --            139,493
Acquisitions                                                     40,076            305,400            345,476
Additions                                                        58,255              5,038             63,293
Disposals                                                            --            (9,600)            (9,600)
                                                               --------           --------           --------
At 30 September 2002                                            237,824            300,838            538,662
                                                               ========           ========           ========
At 1 October 2001                                                41,603                 --             41,603
Acquisitions                                                      7,636            107,601            115,237
Charge for the year                                              36,600             23,782             60,382
On disposals                                                         --            (9,600)            (9,600)
                                                               --------           --------           --------
At 30 September 2002                                             85,839            121,783            207,622
                                                               ========           ========           ========
Net Book Value
At 30 September 2002                                            151,985            179,055            331,040
                                                               ========           ========           ========
At 30 September 2001                                             97,890                 --             97,890

The net book value of assets held under finance leases, included above within
motor vehicles was #174,326 (2001-nil)


The company has no separate tangible fixed assets.

13.        DEBTORS

                                                           Group                            Company
                                                     2002             2001             2002             2001
                                                        #                #                #                #

Trade debtors                                   1,099,951          847,615               --               --
Amounts due from Group undertaking                     --               --        1,295,533        1,392,262
Other debtors                                     107,938           85,459               --            2,689
Prepayments and accrued income                    156,318           66,522               --               --
                                                ---------        ---------        ---------        ---------
                                                1,364,207          999,596        1,295,533        1,394,951
                                                 ========         ========         ========         ========

14.        CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year

                                                            Group                            Company
                                                     2002             2001             2002             2001
                                                        #                #                #                #

Bank loans                                         66,630          100,000
                                                ---------         --------         --------         --------
Bank overdrafts                                   346,466               --               --               --
Invoice discounting facility                      314,806
Trade creditors                                   200,413           80,071               --               --
Corporation tax                                    37,227           35,000               --               --
Other tax and social security                     333,142          213,771               --               --
Other creditors                                   154,250           81,108               --           71,400
Accruals and deferred income                      194,459           87,607               --               --
Net obligations under finance leases               77,119               --
Proposed dividends                                104,336               --          104,336               --
                                                ---------         --------         --------         --------
                                                1,828,848          597,557          104,336           71,400
                                                 ========         ========         ========         ========

Included within other creditors are directors loans totalling #133,280 (nil _
2001). Repayment of these loans will occur quarterly, in tranches of #10,000, if
the performance of Vincent Sherman (Creditor Claims) Limited matches or exceeds
pre-determined profit targets.

Invoice discounting facilities, totalling #314,806, are secured on trade

15.        CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year

                                                           Group                            Company
                                                     2002             2001             2002             2001
                                                        #                #                #                #

Net obligations under finance leases               79,969               --               --               --
Bank loan                                          14,906           50,000               --               --
                                                 --------         --------         --------         --------
                                                   94,875           50,000               --               --
                                                 ========         ========         ========         ========

Included in the above are amounts falling due as follows:

                                                            Group                            Company
                                                     2002             2001             2002             2001
                                                        #                #                #                #
In 1-2 years:
Bank loan                                          14,906           50,000               --               --
Net obligations under finance leases               79,969               --               --               --
                                                 ========         ========         ========         ========
In 2-5 years:
Bank loan                                              --               --               --               --
Net obligations under finance leases                   --               --               --               --
                                                 ========         ========         ========         ========

A bank loan, totalling #50,000 (2001 _ #150,000), is secured by way of a fixed
and floating charge over the assets of Capcon Limited. A bank loan, totalling
#31,536, is secured by way of a fixed and floating charge over the assets of
Vincent Sherman (Creditor Claims) Limited. Obligations under finance leases
totalling #157,088 are secured on the assets they finance.


                                                           Group                            Company
                                                     2002             2001             2002             2001
                                                        #                #                #                #

At 1 October 2001                                  28,559           29,302               --               --
Movements                                          19,465            (743)               --               --
                                                 --------         --------         --------         --------
At 30 September 2002                               48,024           28,559               --               --
                                                 ========         ========         ========         ========

Deferred tax arises as a result of accelerated capital allowances. Taxable
losses have been incurred from the trading activities of Vincent Sherman
(Creditor Claims) Limited which are available for offset against future taxable
profits of the same trade.

A deferred tax asset has not been recognised in respect of these losses. The
estimated value of the deferred tax asset not recognised, measured at a standard
rate of 30%, is #152,965.

17.        SHARE CAPITAL

                                                                                      Company and Group
                                                                                  2002                   2001
                                                                                     #                      #

20,000,000 1p ordinary shares                                                  200,000                200,000
                                                                              ========               ========

Allotted, called up and fully paid
7,452,664 1p ordinary shares (2001 : 7,187,500)                                 74,526                 71,875
                                                                              ========               ========

Shares issued in the year were:

Ordinary 1p shares                                Date of                             Nominal
                                                    Issue            Number             Value     Consideration
                                                                                            #                 #

On acquisition of Vincent Sherman
(Creditor Claims) Limited                        09/04/02           160,000             1,600           100,000
K Luckraft                                       18/04/02            38,500               385            25,025
JN Sweet                                         05/01/01            33,332               333            24,999
RBSTB Nominee Ltd                                06/11/01            33,332               333            24,999
                                                                   ========          ========          ========
                                                                    265,164             2,651           175,023
                                                                   ========          ========          ========

Shares to K Luckraft and RBSTB Nominee Limited were issued to increase the
company's working capital resources.

Share options

At 30 September 2002, options exist which provide the holders the opportunity to
acquire up to 375,000 ordinary shares of 1p each at a price of #0.80 per share.
The options were granted on 17 May 2001 and may be exercised at any time between
17 May 2004 and 16 May 2011.

An option also exists to provide the holders with the opportunity to acquire up
to 62,500 ordinary shares of 1p each at an exercise price of #0.80 per share.
The option was granted on 17 May 2001 and may be exercised at any time up to 16
May 2004.

An option also exists to provide the holder with the opportunity to acquire up
to one per cent of the issued ordinary share capital of the company at the date
of exercise of the option at an exercise price of #0.80 per share. The option
was granted on 17 May 2001 and may be exercised at any time up to 16 May 2004.


                                          Share Premium                    Profit and         Shares
                                   Share        Account         Merger           Loss          to be          Total     
                                 Capital                       Reserve        Account         Issued           2002
                                       #              #              #              #                             #
Opening shareholders'
funds                             71,875      1,302,820        950,000        278,074             --      2,602,769
Shares issued                      2,651        171,246             --             --             --        173,897
Profit/(loss) for the
year after taxation                   --             --             --      (107,189)             --      (107,189)
Contingent consideration
for the purchase of
Vincent Sherman
(Creditors Claims)
Limited                                                                                      250,000        250,000
                                 -------      ---------        -------        -------        -------      ---------
Closing shareholders'
funds                             74,526      1,474,066        950,000        170,885        250,000      2,919,477
                                 =======      =========        =======        =======        =======      =========


At the year end the Group had annual commitments under non-cancellable operating
leases as set out below:

                                                      Land & Buildings                        Other
                                                     2002             2001             2002             2001
                                                        #                #                #                #

Leases which expire:
Within 1 year                                      24,340            4,750          108,589           41,358
Between 1 and 5 years                              43,000           13,336          174,121          199,533
                                                 ========         ========         ========         ========


                                                                                   2002                     2001
                                                                                      #                        #

Group operating profit before interest                                          143,227                  420,254
Depreciation                                                                     60,382                   20,356
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                (6,100)                       --
Amortisation                                                                    127,000                  101,806
(Increase) in debtors                                                         (203,068)                (159,396)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                                              (208,999)                   42,935
                                                                  ---------------------    ---------------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                            (87,558)                  425,955
                                                                           ============             ============


                                                                                   2002                     2001
                                                                                      #                        #

(Decrease)/increase in cash in year                                           (526,507)                  324,755
Outflow/(inflow) from change in debt financing                                 (76,776)                  800,000
                                                                           ------------             ------------
Movements in net debt resulting from cash flows                               (603,283)                1,124,755
Loans and finance leases acquired with subsidiary                             (460,474)                       --
Net funds/(debt) at 1 October 2001                                               97,097              (1,027,658)
                                                                           ------------             ------------
Net (debt)/funds at 30 September 2002                                         (966,660)                   97,097
                                                                           ============             ============


                                             At           Cash      (excluding       Non Cash             At
                                      1/10/2001           Flow           cash)      Movements     30/09/2002           
                                              #              #               #              #              #

Cash at bank and in hand                247,097      (180,041)              --             --         67,056
Overdraft                                            (346,466)                                     (346,466)
                                  -------------  -------------   -------------  -------------  -------------
                                        247,097      (526,507)              --             --      (279,410)

Debt due within one year              (100,000)        130,938        (30,938)       (66,630)       (66,630)
Debt due after one year                (50,000)          6,915        (38,451)         66,630       (14,906)
Invoice discounting facilities               --      (251,186)        (63,620)             --      (314,806)
Finance leases                               --         36,557       (193,645)             --      (157,088)
Directors loan account                       --             --       (133,820)             --      (133,820)
                                  -------------  -------------   -------------  -------------  -------------
Total                                    97,097      (603,283)       (460,474)             --      (966,660)
                                  =============  =============   =============  =============  =============


There is no single ultimate controlling party.


During the year fees were paid to Vantis plc (formerly known as Morgan Brown &
Spofforth) totalling #64,071 (2001 _ #79,235). In addition, fees for services
totalling #36,520 (2001 _ #46,953) were charged by Capcon Limited to Vantis plc.
At the year end, a balance of #24,790 (2001 _ #30,405) was owed by Vantis plc in
respect of services provided by Capcon Limited. P F Jackson is a director of
Vantis plc.


The Group's financial instruments comprise cash, trade debtors and trade
creditors that arise directly from its operations.

The Group's circumstances and operations do not require the use of complex
financial instruments. Nevertheless, the directors recognise that the Group
faces certain interest rate and currency risks, which are discussed below.

Short term debtors and creditors

Short-term debtors and creditors, including the invoice discounting creditor,
have been excluded from the following disclosures.

Interest rate risk

The Group finances its operations through a mixture of retained profits and bank
borrowings. The Groups exposure to interest rate fluctuations on its borrowings
is managed by the use of both fixed and floating facilities. The interest rate
applying to all the Group's borrowings is currently 2.0% over bank base rate.

Currency risk

The Group operates in overseas markets and is subject to currency exposures on
transactions undertaken during the year. The Group does not hedge any
transactions and foreign exchange differences on retranslation of foreign assets
and liabilities are taken to the profit and loss account of the Group companies
and the Group.


On 23 January 2003, the Group conditionally agreed to purchase the entire issued
share capital of Argen Limited, a specialist investigations company providing
services to UK and overseas corporate clients. The initial consideration is
#1.35 million increasing to a potential maximum consideration of #3.265 million
depending on profit performance over a two year period.


Vincent Sherman (Creditor Claims) Limited was acquired on 8 April 2002. The
assets acquired are set out below. The fair value of the consideration was
#556,142 giving rise to goodwill of #1,321,619.

                                                                               Fair value
                                                       Net book value         Adjustments          Fair value
                                                                    #                   #                   #

Intangible fixed assets                                        74,438            (74,438)                  --
Tangible fixed assets                                         280,485            (50,246)             230,239
Current assets                                                161,395                  --             161,395
Net cash and overdraft                                      (201,899)                  --           (201,899)
Liabilities                                                 (955,212)                  --           (955,212)
                                                      ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
Net liabilities                                             (640,793)           (124,684)           (765,477)
                                                      ===============     ===============     ===============

Goodwill                                                                                            1,321,619

Satisfied by:
Shares issued                                                                                         100,000
Cash                                                                                                  110,000
Contingent consideration (shares to be issued)                                                        250,000
Costs                                                                                                  96,142

Contingent consideration is dependent upon the future profits  of Vincent
Sherman (Creditor Claims) Ltd.

The management accounts of Vincent Sherman (Creditor Claims) Limited for the 10
months ended March 2002 and the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 May
2001 showed a loss after tax of #769,764 and #7,557 respectively.


Cliff Cavender                                                 01372 869 706
Managing Director, Capcon Holdings plc

Russell Cook                                                   020 7739 8200
Charles Stanley & Company Limited

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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