Capital Management and Investment PLC 
Interim Results for the 6 month period ended 31 July 2011 
The slowdown in world economic growth continues to impact on the performance of 
your company's investments in Algeco Scotsman and Magticom. 
Results for the year 
The Consolidated Income Statement shows a Loss Before Tax of  GBP0.264m (2010 - 
Loss of  GBP0.592m). The principal reason for the reduced losses is the reduction 
of administrative expenses following the renegotiation of the contract for the 
provision of office, administrative, and management support services. 
Income of  GBP0.04m (2010 -  GBPNil) relates to fees paid by Algeco Scotsman in 
relation to the monitoring of our investment. 
Net Asset Value ("NAV") per share is  GBP1.55 and the Company had net cash balances 
of  GBP1.296m (2010 -  GBP5.599m) as at 31 July 2011. 
Investment in Algeco Scotsman Holdings ("ASH") 
Trading continues to be difficult in the USA. Performance in Europe has been 
stronger than expected and this means that the company expects to be broadly on 
budget for the year ending 31 December 2011. 
In April 2011 ASH acquired the trade and assets of Speedy Space and these have 
been integrated into the existing UK business (trading as Elliott). A number of 
other smaller acquisitions have also been made in the period to supplement the 
core business in Europe and the USA. 
In May 2011 ASH entered into an option agreement to acquire Ausco Modular 
Holdings Ltd, a leading provider of modular buildings in Australia and New 
Zealand. Ausco is a major supplier of modular buildings and accommodation units 
to the mining, oil, and gas markets of Western Australia and Queensland. It is 
likely that Algeco Scotsman will need to raise additional debt and/or equity if 
it is to exercise the option and discussions are ongoing with both existing and 
potential lenders. 
The company is recording the carrying value of its shareholding in ASH in the 
interim results for the period ended 31 July 2011 at  GBP9.912m (31 January 2011 - 
Investment in Yola Investments Sarl ("Yola") 
The Company holds an indirect investment of 7% in Magticom, the largest mobile 
telephone operator in The Republic of Georgia via its 33% shareholding in Yola 
Investments Sarl. 
A new mobile phone operator has entered the Georgian market and this has had a 
significant impact on selling prices. Meanwhile the business has continued to 
suffer from industry taxes introduced by the government and the general weakness 
of the Georgian economy. Revenues are expected to decline by up to 20% in 2011 
and this will impact on the profitability of the company. 
The Board continue to show the carrying value of its shareholding in Yola in the 
Financial statements at  GBPnil. 
Strategy going forward 
CMI continues to actively monitor its investments in Yola and ASH through 
regular meetings with the management teams of ASH and Magticom, receipt of 
monthly financial reports, and attendance at board meetings. 
Your Board takes the view that the market capitalisation of CMI will move 
broadly in line with the underlying investments in Algeco Scotsman and Yola and 
that a significant improvement in the performance of either investment will have 
a material effect on the share price. At present the current market price of CMI 
shares is a significant discount to NAV. Your board believes that this reflects 
the illiquidity of the shares and the lack of newsflow from the investee 
The board is not recommending payment of a dividend for the period under review. 
Giles Davies 
21 October 2011 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the six month period ended 31 July 2011 
|                             Unaudited       Unaudited          Audited       | 
|                                                                              | 
|                            Six months      Six months       Twelve months    | 
|                                                                              | 
|                               Ended           Ended             Ended        | 
|                                                                              | 
|                            31 July 2011    31 July 2010    31 January 2011   | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                    GBP'000            GBP'000                GBP'000  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Other Income                          40               -                  64  | 
|                          --------------- --------------- ------------------- | 
|                                      40               -                  64  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Administrative expenses            (305)           (599)               (654)  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                          --------------- --------------- ------------------- | 
|Operating loss                     (265)           (599)               (590)  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Finance Income                         1               7                  10  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                          --------------- --------------- ------------------- | 
|Loss before tax                    (264)           (592)               (580)  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Taxation                               -               -                  16  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                          --------------- --------------- ------------------- | 
|Loss for the period                (264)           (592)               (564)  | 
|                          --------------- --------------- ------------------- | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Basic and fully diluted                                                       | 
|loss per share           2       (3.69)p         (8.26)p             (7.87)p  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Expense 
Loss for the period         (264)     (592)          (564) 
Other comprehensive expense: 
Exchange differences on translation         217                (20) 
of foreign operations 
_________    __________     _________ 
      (47)                   (612)                     (521) 
                            _________         __________ 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
As at 31 July 2011 
|                     Share     Share    Merger     Foreign   Retained   Total | 
|                    Capital   Premium   Reserve   Currency   Earnings  Equity | 
|                              Account            Translation                  | 
|                                                   Reserve                    | 
|                                                                              | 
|                        GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Balance as at 31       2,499    38,109     1,693      37,655  (75,227)   4,729| 
|January 2010                                                                  | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Share Capital          4,667     2,334                                   7,001| 
|Issued                                                                        | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Share buy back           (4)       (2)                                 (6)    | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Total                      -         -         -        (20)     (592)        | 
|comprehensive                                                                 | 
|expense for the                                                               | 
|period                                                                   (612)| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Balance as at 31       7,162    40,441     1,693      37,635  (75,819)  11,112| 
|July 2010                                                                     | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Share Issue Cost           -     (136)         -           -         -   (136)| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Total                      -         -         -          63        70 133    | 
|comprehensive                                                                 | 
|income for the                                                                | 
|period                                                                        | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Balance as at 31       7,162    40,305     1,693      37,698  (75,749)        | 
|January 2011                                                           11,109 | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Total                                                                         | 
|comprehensive            -         -         -           217     (264)    (47)| 
|income/(expense)                                                              | 
|for the period                                                                | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Share options              -         -         -           -        28      28| 
|charge                                                                        | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Balance as at 31       7,162    40,305     1,693      37,915  (75,985)  11,090| 
|July 2011                                                                     | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
As at 31 July 2011 
|                                       Unaudited    Unaudited   Audited      | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                       Six months   Six         Twelve months| 
|                                                    months                   | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                       Ended        Ended       Ended        | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                       31 July 2011 31 July     31 January   | 
|                                                    2010        2011         | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                             GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000     | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|ASSETS                                                                       | 
|                                                                             | 
|Non Current assets                                                           | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Investments                               9,912       6,198      9,668     | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|                                            9,912       6,198      9,668     | 
|                                                                             | 
|Current assets                                                               | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Trade and other receivables                  98         202        336     | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Cash and cash equivalents                 1,296       5,599      1,503     | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|Total Current Assets                        1,394       5,801      1,839     | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|Total Assets                               11,306      11,999     11,507     | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|LIABILITIES                                                                  | 
|                                                                             | 
|Current Liabilities                                                          | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Trade and other payables                  (215)       (375)      (397)     | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Corporation tax payables                    (1)       (512)        (1)     | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|Total Current Liabilities                   (216)       (887)      (398)     | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|TOTAL NET ASSETS                           11,090      11,112     11,109     | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|EQUITY                                                                       | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Share capital                             7,162       7,162      7,162     | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Share premium accounts                   40,305      40,441     40,305     | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Merger reserve                            1,693       1,693      1,693     | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Foreign currency translation reserve     37,915      37,635     37,698     | 
|                                                                             | 
|  Retained earnings                      (75,985)    (75,819)   (75,749)     | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                                                             | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|TOTAL EQUITY                               11,090      11,112     11,109     | 
|                                      ------------ ----------- ----------    | 
|                                                                             | 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
For the six months ended 31 July 2011 
|                                        Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited      | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                        Six months  Six months   Twelve months| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                        Ended       Ended        Ended        | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                         31 July     31 July     31 January   | 
|                                        2011        2010         2011         | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                           GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000       | 
|                                                                              | 
|Cash flows from operating activities                                          | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Profit for the                            (264)       (592)      (564)      | 
|  period                                                                      | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Adjustments for:                                                            | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Finance Income                              (1)         (7)       (10)      | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Foreign Exchange Losses/(Gains)              28        (56)        (4)      | 
|  Equity settled share based payment           28           -         42      | 
|  expense                                                                     | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Income tax expense                          -             -       (16)      | 
|                                       ----------- -----------  ---------     | 
|                                            (209)       (655)      (552)      | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Cash flows from operating activities before changes in working                | 
|capital and provisions                                                        | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|(Increase)/(decrease) in trade and          (182)          91        135      | 
|other receivables                                                             | 
|                                                                              | 
|Increase/(decrease) in trade and other        238       (116)      (250)      | 
|payables                                                                      | 
|                                       ----------- -----------  ---------     | 
|                                               56        (25)      (115)      | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Cash outflow from                           (153)       (680)      (667)      | 
|operations                                                                    | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Income taxes                                  -           -        (533)      | 
|paid                                                                          | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                       ----------- -----------  ---------     | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Net cash flows from operating               (153)       (680)    (1,200)      | 
|activities                                                                    | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Investing                                                                     | 
|activities                                                                    | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Purchase of investment                        -     (5,331)    (8,801)      | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Interest received                             1           7         10      | 
|                                       ----------- -----------  ---------     | 
|Net cash used in investing activities       (152)     (5,324)    (8,791)      | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Share capital issued net of expenses          -       6,995      6,859      | 
|                                       ----------- -----------  ---------     | 
|Net cash from financing activities              -       6,995      6,859      | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Net (decrease)/increase in cash and         (152)         991    (3,132)      | 
|cash equivalents                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Cash and cash equivalents at beginning      1,503       4,572      4,572      | 
|of the period                                                                 | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Exchange (losses)/gains on cash and          (55)          36         63      | 
|cash equivalents                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Cash and cash equivalents at end of the     1,296       5,599      1,503      | 
|period                                                                        | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
1   Basis of Preparation 
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards and 
Interpretations (collectively IFRS) issued by the International Accounting 
Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by European Union ("adopted IFRSs"), and are 
in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB and with those parts of the 
Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies preparing its financial statements in 
accordance with IFRS. 
The principal accounting policies used in preparing the interim results are 
those the group expects to apply in its financial statements for the year ended 
31 January 2012 and are unchanged from those disclosed in the Group's Report and 
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 January 2011. 
The financial information for the six months ended 31 July 2011 and 31 July 
2010 is unreviewed and unaudited and does not constitute the Group's statutory 
financial statements for those periods.  The comparative financial information 
for the full year ended 31 January 2011 has however been derived from the 
audited statutory financial statements for that period. A copy of those 
statutory financial statements has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
 The auditors' reports on those accounts were unqualified, did not include 
reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis 
without qualifying their report and did not contain a statement under section 
498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
2   Earnings per ordinary share 
The basic and diluted loss per share of 3.69p (2010 - 8.26p per share) is 
calculated by reference to the loss after taxation of  GBP264,000 (2009 -  GBP592,000) 
and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 
7,162,133 (2010- 7,162,133). 
                      Unaudited Six        Unaudited Six        Audited Twelve 
                    months ended 31       months ended 31      months ended 31 
                        July 2011            July 2010           January 2011 
Basic  number of             7,162,133            7,162,133            7,162,133 
                  --------------------- -------------------- ------------------- 
3   Interim Report 
Additional copies of the interim report are available from the Company 
Secretary, Capital Management and Investment PLC, 54 Baker Street, London W1U 
7BU. A copy has been placed on the company's website www.cmi-plc.co.uk 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Capital Management & Investment Plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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Capital Management (LSE:CMIP)
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부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Capital Management 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.