RNS No 6950m
1 July 1999

                      Interim Results for the
                       Twenty-Six Weeks ended
                             1 May 1999

For continuing operations and excluding operations under review and
exceptional costs:

-    Record orders of #42 million

-    Turnover increased to #29.3 million (1998: #26.6 million)

-    Operating profit rose to #3.2 million (1998: #2.8 million)

-    Recommended interim dividend of 2p per ordinary share
-    Gearing down to 77%

-    Initial #5 million requirement for BOL infra-red decoy awarded
     by UK MoD

-    Kembrey  Wiring Systems won BAe preferred supplier contract to
     supply wiring harnesses to all military aircraft

Ken Scobie, Chairman commented on the results:

  The  future  is exciting against a background of customers  long-
term  commitments,  increasing  orders,  investment  in  innovative
products  and  leading positions in key markets, creating excellent
growth prospects. 


David Evans         Chief Executive     today     0171 930 0777
                                 after 1 July     01489 881880

Peter Gaze          Cardew&Co.                    0171 930 0777


Record  orders  received in the first half of #42 million increased
the  order book by 36% to #44 million and exceeded first half sales
of continuing operations by over 40%. 

There  is  clear evidence that our marketing strategy and increased
R&D spend is translating into orders and will support growth across
the  Group,  particularly  in  our  Countermeasures business, where
turnover this year will be more than double that of two years ago.

Against  this  background,  I  am  confident of exciting, continued
growth for the future.


Turnover  of  continuing  operations,  excluding  operations  under
review  and  exceptional  costs,  was #29,297,000, up 10.1% (1998 -
#26,609,000)  and operating profit was #3,153,000, up 11.9% (1998 -

Group  turnover,  including  discontinued activities and operations
under review, was #32,059,000 (1998 - #36,658,000) providing profit
before interest of #2,089,000 (1998 - #3,019,000).

Inflow  of  cash  from  operating activities was #2,059,000 (1998 -

After  interest  and  an  estimated  taxation  charge at 19%, Group
profit  on  ordinary  activities  for  the  half year was #885,000 
3.74p per ordinary share.


The directors have declared an interim dividend at the same rate as
last year, at 2p per ordinary share. This will be paid on 27 August
1999 to holders on the register at 6 August 1999.



Orders  received  of #29 million exceeded sales by 75% in the first
half, increasing the defence order book by 55% to a record level of
#32 million, which further increased in May to #35 million with 50%
deliverable in the second half of the financial year.  

The Countermeasures business is performing exceptionally well, with
turnover  up  68%  on  the  comparable period last year, and strong
demand  for  our  products  continues  against  a  background  of
protecting valuable military platforms engaged in active combat. 

We  have established ourselves as an international market leader in
introducing innovative self-protection decoy solutions for both air
and  sea  applications.  We  have  several new naval projects under
development, which will lead to sales next year.

The  extensive use of military aircraft in the Balkans campaign has
e m p hasised  the  need  for  increased  self-protection  and  our
Countermeasures  business  will  benefit, particularly our US based
Countermeasures  business, Alloy Surfaces, which received its first
significant  production  requirement  (#5  million) in June for its
innovative  BOL  infra-red  (IR)  decoy  from  the  UK  Ministry of
Defence.  The BOL IR capability is expected to be available for all
UK  aircraft  capable  of  carrying  the  BOL dispenser and will be
fitted  on  the  Eurofighter  aircraft.  In  the USA, the US Navy s
Tomcat  is  equipped  with  the BOL dispenser and the IR decoy will
complete  operational evaluation in the autumn which is expected to
lead  to  production  orders  later this year. The BOL dispenser is
under  evaluation  on  the  US  Navy  s F18 aircraft and the US Air
Force s F15 and other aircraft types.

Since the  acquisition  of  Alloy  Surfaces  in  1993,  its
Countermeasures  turnover has grown dramatically and is expected to
increase by over 95% this year.
Military  Pyrotechnic sales have been slow in the first half due to
the  order  book  phasing,  although  orders  received  of over #10
million  were  almost  double turnover in the period, and increased
the  order  book  at  the  end  of  April  to  #11 million.  We are
increasing    our    international    collaboration    initiatives,
particularly   in  Europe,  to  position  us  for  possible  future
European-led defence procurement programmes.


Our  Marine  business provides a comprehensive SOLAS approved range
of  pyrotechnic, electronic and light marine safety products and is
recognised  as  an  international leader in marine safety products.
Turnover  in the first half was up 9% on last year and sales of the
new  higher  margin  products,  particularly the low cost Emergency
Position  Indicating  Radio  Beacon  (EPIRB)  and  the  Hydrostatic
Release  Unit  (HRU),  will  benefit  the  second half. Further R&D
expenditure  will  be  directed  at new electronic products to meet
known future legislation.

We  are  pleased  that  British Aerospace has awarded a contract to
Kembrey  Wiring  Systems  to  supply  wiring  harnesses for all its
military  aircraft.  The  contract is for an initial 5-year period.
Kembrey's computer aided design and engineering expertise, together
with  investment  in  the  latest  laser-marking  technology,  were
significant  factors  in  BAe's decision. The BAe contract adds to
Kembrey's  already  strong  presence in the aerospace sector, with
existing  long term agreements with Rolls Royce and BMW/RR. It also
complements  a  healthy  order  book  at  the  Swindon facility and
provides further strong growth where the arrangement is expected to
provide  up  to  #6  million  increase  in  annual turnover. In the
current financial year the infrastructure and organisation has been
strengthened  in  support of the second half turnover growth.  This
necessary  investment  has  increased the overheads and constrained
profits in the first half.


The  1998  disposal  programme  is now complete, with Vacuum Reflex
sold  on  7  December  1998  and  Ronstan  on 31 January 1999.  The
results of both are shown under discontinued operations.

Chemring  Plating  Systems  order intake is being affected by over-
capacity  in  the  printed circuit board industry, brought about by
restructuring  within  the  industry  and the downturn in the South
East  Asian  economies.    This over-capacity has resulted in lower
printed  circuit  board  prices  from  South  East  Asia  affecting
European  suppliers  and,  as  a  result,  delaying  of  capital
expenditure.    Losses  in  the first half were #776,000 because of
lack  of  orders.  The cost base has been significantly reduced and
orders  are  now  being  received  which  should reduce second half
losses  significantly.    I believe that the business would benefit
from  being  part  of  a  specialist  group  supplying  a  range of
equipment  into  the  printed  circuit  board  industry  and we are
reviewing the future alternatives for this business.


Costs  in  relation  to  the aborted bid by a financial institution
amounting  to #295,000 have been treated as exceptional but charged
against operating profit of the continuing operations.


The  Group  s  banking  facilities are adequate, and the continuing
operations  will  generate  cash  to  service  debt  and  future
investment.  The  net  debt  reduced in the period by #1 million to
#21.25 million at the half year and gearing was 77% (1998 - 84%).

YEAR 2000

The  Group  has fully reviewed the possible impact of Year 2000 and
all  necessary actions are in hand to ensure compliance.  The costs
are expected to be immaterial in the context of the Group.


Having been through an extended phase of restructuring, the quality
of  our  continuing businesses, particularly in Countermeasures and
Marine  Safety  products,  and  their capacity to support a buoyant
future  for  the  Group,  is  now  clear.   We have also secured an
attractive  future  for Kembrey Wiring Systems and we will continue
to  look  to  optimise  our  performance  in Military Pyrotechnics.
Current difficulties at Chemring Plating Systems should not obscure
these  successes,  nor  will they distract us from concentrating on
the development of our core businesses.

The future is exciting against a background of customers  long-term
commitments,  increasing  orders, investment in innovative products
and  leading  positions  in  key markets, creating excellent growth

The Group is well positioned for strong growth in the future and we
have  the  necessary  management  skills  and  worldwide  marketing
network to realise the potential. 


    Audited                             Unaudited    Unaudited

  13 months                           26 weeks to  26 weeks to
  to 31 Oct                                 1 May      3 April
       1998                                  1999         1998
       #000                                  #000         #000

             Continuing operations
    57,664        - ongoing               29,297       26,609 
     1,724        - under review             557          827 

    59,388                                29,854       27,436 
    15,358   Discontinued operations       2,205        9,222 

    74,746                                32,059       36,658 

             Operating profit/(loss)
     6,814   Continuing operations
                  - ongoing                3,153        2,817 
         -        - exceptional
      (165)       costs                     (295)           - 
                  - under review            (776)         (11)

     6,649                                 2,082        2,806 
             Discontinued operations           7          213 
     6,024                                 2,089        3,019 

        70   Associated undertaking            -            - 

             Exceptional items
             Loss on disposal of
    (2,261)  discontinued operations           -            - 

             Profit on ordinary
             activities before
     3,833   interest                      2,089        3,019 
    (2,582)  Interest payable               (994)      (1,007)
             Profit on ordinary
             activities before
     1,251   taxation                      1,095        2,012 
             Tax on profit on
      (413)  ordinary activities            (210)        (508)

             Profit on ordinary
             activities after
       838   taxation                        885        1,504 
    (1,189)  Dividends                      (473)        (473)

      (351)  Retained profit/(loss)          412        1,031 

             Earnings per ordinary
      3.52p  share                          3.74p        6.35p
             Diluted earnings per
      3.37p  ordinary share                 3.74p        6.24p

             Net dividend per
      5.00p  ordinary share                 2.00p        2.00p


    Audited                             Unaudited    Unaudited

  13 months                              26 weeks     26 weeks
  to 31 Oct                              to 1 May   to 3 April
       1998                                  1999         1998
       #000                                  #000         #000

             Profit on ordinary
       838   activities after
             taxation                        885        1,504 
             Currency translation
             differences on foreign
    (1,009)  currency net
             investments                     361         (568)
      (209)  Decrease in revaluation
             reserve                           -            - 

      (380)                                1,246          936 

AS AT 1 MAY 1999

    Audited                              Unaudited   Unaudited

      as at                                  as at       as at
     31 Oct                                  1 May     3 April
       1998                                   1999        1998
       #000                                   #000        #000

             Fixed assets
    18,854   Intangible assets             18,892      18,430 
    18,549   Tangible assets               16,960      17,483 
       863   Investments                      863         843 

    38,266                                 36,715      36,756 
             Current assets
    10,920   Stock                         10,971      14,086 
    14,487   Debtors                       15,383      18,669 
             Cash at bank and in
     2,162   hand                           1,616       1,506 

    27,569                                 27,970      34,261 

             Creditors due within
             one year
             Bank loans and
     7,369   overdraft                      5,831       8,457 
        44   Loan stock                        44         643 
    14,143   Other                         13,953      18,567 

    21,556                                 19,828      27,667 
     6,013   Net current assets             8,142       6,594 

             Total assets less
             current liabilities           44,857      43,350 

             Creditors due after
   (16,964)  more than one year           (16,769)    (14,022)
             Provisions for
      (500)  liabilities and charges         (500)       (500)
    26,815                                 27,588      28,828 

     1,246   Capital and reserves
    25,569   Called up share capital        1,246       1,246 
             Reserves                      26,342      27,582 

    26,815   Shareholders  funds           27,588      28,828 


    Audited                              Unaudited   Unaudited

  13 months                               26 weeks    26 weeks
  to 31 Oct                               to 1 May  to 3 April
       1998                                   1999        1998
       #000                                   #000        #000

             Net cash inflow from
     7,297   operating activities           2,059         632 
             reorganisation of
    (1,788)  operations                      (494)          - 
     5,509                                  1,565         632 

             Returns on investments
             and servicing of
    (2,312)  finance                       (1,027)     (1,007)
      (165)  Taxation                        (346)         (3)
    (4,251)  Capital expenditure           (1,179)       (500)
             Acquisitions and
       401   disposals                      2,843           - 
      (712)  Equity dividends paid           (710)       (237)

             Cash inflow/(outflow)
             before use of liquid
    (1,530)  resources and financing        1,146      (1,115)
        18        - issue of shares             -           - 
                  - (decrease)/
     2,846        increase in debt            (55)        636 

             Increase/(decrease) in
     1,334   cash                           1,091        (479)


We have reviewed the interim financial information for the 26 weeks
ended  1  May  1999,  which  is the responsibility of, and has been
approved  by the directors.  Our responsibility is to report on the
results of our review.

Our  review  was  carried out having regard to the Bulletins 1993/1
Review  of  interim  financial information  and 1998/6  Review of
interim  financial  information  -  supplementary  guidance  for
auditors      issued  by the Auditing Practices Board.  This review
consisted  of  applying  analytical  procedures  to  the underlying
financial  data,  assessing  whether  accounting policies have been
consistently  applied,  and  making  enquiries  of Group management
responsible  for  financial  and  accounting  matters.   The review
excluded  audit  procedures  such  as  tests  of  controls  and
verification  of  assets  and  liabilities,  and  was  therefore
substantially  less  in scope than an audit performed in accordance
with  Auditing  Standards.   Accordingly we do not express an audit
opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

-    in  our  opinion  the  interim  financial information has been
     prepared  using  accounting  policies  consistent  with  those
     adopted  by Chemring Group PLC in its Financial Statements for
     the thirteen month period ended 31 October 1998, and

-    we  are not aware of any material modifications that should be
     made to the interim financial information as presented.

DELOITTE & TOUCHE, Chartered Accountants, 1 July 1999
Mountbatten  House, 1 Grosvenor Square, Southampton, Hampshire SO15



    Audited                                   Unaudited  Unaudited

  13 months                                    26 weeks   26 weeks
  to 31 Oct                                    to 1 May to 3 April
       1998                                        1999       1998
       #000                                        #000       #000
            Ongoing operations
    18,929  Countermeasures                     11,248      6,710 
            Military pyrotechnics and
    12,600  explosives                           5,341      7,246 
    15,622  Marine safety                        8,264      7,581 
     7,772  Wiring harnesses                     3,153      3,542 
     2,741  Chemicals                            1,291      1,530 

    57,664                                      29,297     26,609 

            Operations under review
     1,724  Plating systems                        557        827 

    15,358  Discontinued operations              2,205      9,222 

     74,746                                     32,059     36,658 


    Audited                                   Unaudited  Unaudited

  13 months                                    26 weeks   26 weeks
  to 31 Oct                                    to 1 May to 3 April
       1998                                        1999       1998
       #000                                        #000       #000
            Continuing operations
    57,664       - ongoing                      29,297     26,609 
     1,724       - under review                    557        827 

    59,388                                      29,854     27,436 
    15,358  Discontinued operations              2,205      9,222 

    74,746                                      32,059     36,658 
            Gross profit/(loss)
            Continuing operations
    15,351       - ongoing                       8,098      7,907 
       868       - under review                   (114)       156 

    16,219                                       7,984      8,063 
     4,579  Discontinued operations                899      3,107 

    20,798                                       8,883     11,170 
            Net operating expenses
            Continuing operations
    (8,537)      - ongoing                      (4,945)    (5,090)
         -       - exceptional costs              (295)         - 
    (1,033)      - under review                   (662)      (167)

    (9,570)                                     (5,902)    (5,257)
    (5,204) Discontinued operations               (892)    (2,894)

   (14,774)                                     (6,794)    (8,151)
            Operating profit/(loss)
            Continuing operations
     6,814       - ongoing                       3,153      2,817 
         -       - exceptional costs              (295)         - 
      (165)      - under review                   (776)       (11)

     6,649                                       2,082      2,806 
      (625) Discontinued operations                  7        213 

     6,024                                       2,089       3,019

The  unaudited  results  for the 26 weeks to 3 April 1998 have been
restated to include all businesses that were disposed of subsequent
to that date as discontinued operations.


     The effective rate of taxation is reduced primarily due to the
     utilisation  of  losses incurred in 1997.  The benefit of this
     loss  utilisation  is  offset  in part by the profitability of
     operations in countries subject to higher rates of tax.

4.   1998 RESULTS

     The  figures  for  the  thirteen months to 31 October 1998 are
     abridged  from  the Group s full Financial Statements for that
     period  which  carry  an unqualified Auditors  Report and have
     been  filed  with  the  Registrar of Companies.  The unaudited
     balance sheet at 3 April 1998 has been restated to reflect the
     capitalisation  of goodwill amounting to #18,246,000 following
     the adoption of FRS10 in the 1998 Financial Statements.  



Chemring (LSE:CHG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Chemring 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Chemring (LSE:CHG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Chemring 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.