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Bae Sys 27 S

Bae Sys 27 S (BX58)

마감 25 11월 1:30AM

실시간 스트리밍 인용문, 아이디어 및 실시간 토론을 위한 허브

BX58 뉴스

공식 뉴스 전용
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gitreal gitreal 4 분 전
The mill still shows as abandoned by the MSHA database, not permitted for actual production. Good for promo videos only. Kinda deceptive IMO.

Hey, maybe call NBRI's new crypto coin "Rhodio"'d buy some, right? You seem gullible enough.
Gman3343 Gman3343 4 분 전
It may have been longer than that, but it was a music company of some sort.
But I don't remember where I heard it from.
Alpha14 Alpha14 5 분 전
The trillion shares was debt that foxo now owns there has been no filings fron rnva as to the completion of the transaction. The os needs to be adjusted to represent the transference of the debt to foxo. I'm guessing foxo gets one gigantic red candle then approval of the RS.
alidare alidare 5 분 전
Yeah I see nice progress on these corn fields, they might be baking some tasty yellow corn chips soon.

Gittin real here, yummy.
Boat Shoes From Yahoo Boat Shoes From Yahoo 6 분 전
Good evening Warriors!
I’m thinking $5 before inauguration

$7 after inauguration

$15 when released

$20 When re-listed

$30 within 2-3 weeks of re-listing

Then Sky’s the limit! Jury already ruled on the theft! I ca
Zorax Zorax 6 분 전
What's the diff?

But I think you're right. One of those assholes.
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 6 분 전
Dam crooked Bastard?

Polish official says half of US aid to Ukraine was stolen & laundered back to Dums
HoldEm777 HoldEm777 6 분 전
Im not trying anything. The facts are the facts. It will only go up to be brought back down. Don’t get caught holding the bag. Good luck
Zorax Zorax 7 분 전
I wonder where that stands now and if the repulseklans have buried or blocked it still?
Viking61 Viking61 7 분 전
$4 by cranberry season!!! That’s this Wednesday folks!🚀
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 7 분 전
According to the label it's bottled by them.
mis en bouteille par les vins.....

I'm sure most of the price involves shipping.
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 8 분 전
I hope they get all of them

Dem Rep “Chellie Pingree's net worth before joining politics was just $316,000. Just 4 years later, it spiked to $46 MILLION
cjstocksup cjstocksup 9 분 전
Zorch305 Zorch305 9 분 전
Alot of shares were bought by somebody
porty porty 9 분 전
I'll buy too on Bellisarian's as soon as I can. I have Schwab and E*Trade. E*trade is usually quicker than Schwab on allowing trading for tickers moving off expert. 
EternalPatience EternalPatience 9 분 전
Do you think there would be idiots who pay for SA subscription in this day and age?
surfer44 surfer44 10 분 전
Smoking Method:
Preheat Bradley Smoker to 100°C (200°F).

Place unpeeled banana halves on racks in the smoker and using Cherry flavor bisquettes smoke/cook for around 30 minutes.

Remove bananas from the smoker.

Remove skins from
sspalmo sspalmo 10 분 전
Thank you for openly and honestly admitting that you were part of the scam here.
My group, consisting of 5 people, is responsible for ****. While I probably shouldn't give any names of anyone working here now, what the heck, I'm leaving here, so what can they do? sue me? Ha! I can tell you **
cjstocksup cjstocksup 10 분 전
OnTrack444 OnTrack444 10 분 전
Well then just move up that bid!!  Soak up the sells but ya gotta jump the tens of thousands on the bid at 16/17....  soon to be 20+ this week!!  💥 

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