RNS No 4478a
2nd December 1998

                                  BIRKBY PLC
   UK's leading provider of managed commercial property to small businesses
          Interim results for the six months ended 30 September, 1998
                                 KEY POINTS

*    Property  portfolio substantially expanded - over 1.1m sq ft  added  for
     total of #15m - already beating annual acquisition target

*    Pre-tax profit rose by 20% to #5.98m (1997: #4.97m)

*    Earnings per share lifted 20% to 9.1p (1997: 7.6p)

*    Interim dividend increased to 2.6p (1997: 2.5p)

*    Investment return of 20% within 12/18 months expected from acquisitions

*    Demand for both light industrial space and retail space buoyant

*    Excellent progress at Workspace Division, IMEX:

 -     profit before interest and tax up 23% to #5.47m
 -     4% rise in current annualised rental income from 31 March 1998  
      (excluding new sites)
 -     22  new  sites added at cost of #13.2m during the period to 30     
       November 1998
 -     current cash equivalent occupancy rate of 84.7% (including new sites)

*    Good progress at Retailspace Division, In Shops:

  -    profit before interest and tax up 20% to #1.52m
  -    current cash equivalent occupancy rose by 1.3% to 83.6%
  -    continuing acquisition of arcades - Barnsley and Accrington added
  -    refurbishment programme progressing well - work completed at 3 centres
  -    successful disposal of underperforming centre in Essex

*    Outlook remains extremely positive - Board expects continuing profitable
     organic growth combined with further acquisitions


Birkby plc:      Kim Taylor Smith, Chief Executive     Tel: 0171 377 6677
                 Nikki Smith, PR Manager               Tel: 0121 778 2233

Biddick Associates:  Zoe Biddick and Katie Tzouliadis  Tel: 0171 377 6677



I  am  delighted to report that Birkby has made excellent progress during  the
first half of the year to 30 September 1998.  Demand for both light industrial
space  and  retail space during the period has been buoyant,  enabling  us  to
increase  our occupancy levels and rental rates. In addition, in  a  softening
marketplace,  we  have substantially expanded our property  portfolio,  having
acquired  over  1.1  million  square feet of  space.   This  is  an  excellent
achievement  and  means that we have already exceeded our  annual  acquisition
target for the year.


Group  profit before tax for the six months ended 30 September 1998  increased
by  20% to #5.98 million (1997: #4.97 million), with earnings per share rising
by 20% to 9.1p (1997: 7.6p).

Since  the  beginning  of  the financial year, the Group  has  invested  #15.3
million  and  anticipates further opportunities throughout the  year.  Bearing
this  in  mind, the Board of Directors recommends an interim dividend of  2.6p
(1997:  2.5p)  which  will  be paid on 6 April 1999  to  shareholders  on  the
register on 5 March 1999.


We  are confident that all of our acquisitions will achieve our target rate of
return  within  12  to 18 months.  The Group now manages  over  seven  million
square  feet of space, across 191 locations, providing 7,800 units for  rental
and generating an annual licence fee income of #40 million.

Workspace Division - IMEX

The workspace division now accounts for 74% of Group profits and generates  an
annual licence fee of #18.2 million.  For the six months to 30 September  1998
profit  before interest and tax was #5.47 million (1997: #4.45m), an  increase
of 23% on the previous year. Including acquisitions, the division now operates
127 sites throughout the UK and an additional two sites in Tilburg, Holland.

The  demand  for flexible workspace units remained buoyant across the  country
with   particularly  strong  demand  experienced  in  the  north  of  England.
Excluding  the  new  sites acquired during the period, the current  annualised
rental  income  rose by 4% from 31 March 1998, reflecting  both  increases  in
rates  and occupancy.  Adjusted for the new sites, the current cash equivalent
occupancy rate currently stands at 84.7%.

Since the beginning of 1998, we have seen greater movement within our centres;
the  traditional effect of a slowdown in the economy.  Our experience is  that
in  times  of  economic  uncertainty, existing customers  will  downsize  into
smaller  units  while new customers move in, attracted by the  flexibility  we
offer. Our average customer occupies 1,500 sq ft, employs 2/3 people and  pays
#100  per  week  and  this  end of the market has always  proved  particularly
resilient to a hardening in the economy.

Key statistics for the workspace division are given below:

                                     Current            At 31 March 1998
Number of workspace centres            129                    107
Total sq ft                       6.0 million            4.9 million
Number of units                       4,056                  3,658
Max. annualised rental income      #21.5 million          #18.1 million
Annualised rental income           #18.2 million          #15.3 million
Cash  equivalent  occupancy rate       84.7%                  84.6%

Workspace acquisitions and developments

We  have been taking advantage of the continuing softening in property  prices
during 1998 and our  acquisitions programme has been extremely active.  During
the period to 30 November 1998, including those purchases we announced in July
with our final results, we have added a total of 22 new sites for an aggregate
consideration  of  #13.2  million.   I  am  delighted  to  report  that  these
acquisitions are integrating well and we are making good progress  in  raising
occupancy levels.

Our  most  significant acquisition in the first half was Glenfield Park  Group
plc,  the  largest private workspace operator in Lancashire, for #6.5 million.
The Glenfield portfolio of five well maintained sites has integrated well with
our  existing  operation  and is performing ahead of expectations.  Plans  are
underway to convert unutilised space in Blackburn and some of the larger units
are  in the process of being sub divided into smaller units.  In addition, the
acquisition of Glenfield has given us an excellent opportunity to establish  a
new regional office in the north west.

We  have been particularly keen to expand our presence in the north east where
demand  for space has been high.   In July, we bought a portfolio of 11  sites
comprising  275,000  sq  ft,  from Easington  District  Council  for  a  total
consideration of #3.7 million. In November, we extended our north east network
further  with the acquisition of the Barrington Industrial Estate,  Ashington,
from  Wansbeck  District  Council for #463,000. The site  comprises  15  units
totalling some 30,702 sq ft with scope to increase income by raising occupancy
levels. These acquisitions reflect the excellent working relationships we have
established with local authorities in our regions and underline the importance
of these relationships in providing a source for potential  acquisitions and
customer inquiries.  On our part, we  are  pleased that the success of our
business helps to regenerate local economies.

In  November,  we acquired a site in Rotherham, South Yorkshire for  #375,000,
bringing the total number of our sites in the Yorkshire region to 30. The site
complements our existing centre at Templeborough, near Rotherham and comprises
17,000  sq  ft of modern industrial units.  It is currently let  to  a  single
occupier,  returning  14.2% net. We intend to subdivide  the  units  when  the
tenant vacates at the end of the year.

Within  our  portfolio, we own a significant amount of  undeveloped  land  and
where  demand  is strong we will develop and build additional units,  provided
our investment criteria of 20% return within 12 to 18 months can be satisfied.
Examples  of  this are the 18 new units of 1,000 sq ft each that  are  in  the
course of construction at Bilston Glen, Edinburgh where the existing centre is
fully  occupied. Work has also commenced to divide Traction House,  Motherwell
purchased in May this year from the receivers. The site, formerly a bus depot,
comprises 115,077 sq ft and will be broken into smaller units. Work  has  also
commenced  on  building  14  new units totalling 37,000  sq  ft  at  Hucknall,
Nottingham  and  we  anticipate starting construction on a  further  12  units
totalling  14,000 sq ft at Trentham, Stoke and on 4 units totalling 11,500  sq
ft at Templeborough in the new year.

Retailspace Division

In  Shops, which accounts for 20% of Group profit before interest and tax, has
continued  to  perform well and is trading ahead of last year.  Profit  before
interest and tax rose by 20% to #1.52m (1997: #1.27m).

In common with other retailers, our customers have experienced a quiet summer.
Although customer footfall within our centres has remained steady, the  retail
spend is down. Against this background, we have worked hard and have increased
both  income  and the quality of our retailers, with an increase  achieved  of
3.8% in maximum licence fee.  Cash equivalent occupancy is currently 83.6%  up
1.3% on the same point last year and performance is ahead of expectations.

Key statistics for the retailspace division are set out below:

                                              Current     At 31 March 1998
Number of retail centres                        62               61
Number of units                                3,415           3,444
Max. annualised rental income              #27.2 million   #25.9 million
Annualised rental income                   #21.7 million   #20.5 million
Average cash equivalent                           
occupancy rate for period                      79.9%           79.3%
Current cash equivalent occupancy rate     83.6%(20.11.98)   82.3%(21.11.97)
We  are  approaching the important Christmas trading period where activity  at
this time of year acts as an indicator of future performance, particularly  in
the  new year, when many retailers reduce their trading.  Although it is still
too  early to tell, we are seeing some encouraging signs.  Forward notices are
down on the previous year and lettings and enquiry levels are up.

Retailspace Acquisitions and Developments

The continuing focus for In Shops is the acquisition of established arcades or
markets and the upgrading and strengthening of the current portfolio.  Further
acquisition opportunities are currently being explored and will be taken where
the investment represents the required rate of return.

Arcades  represent  an exciting opportunity for In Shops  as  the  concept  is
similar  to  our  existing  centres.  However,  arcades  are  less  management
intensive.  Eldon Arcade, Barnsley was the first arcade to be purchased by  In
Shops and its acquisition was announced with our annual results. In September,
we  purchased  for #750,000 a second arcade in Accrington.  The arcade  totals
over  16,900 sq ft and is divided into 21 units, with office space above.  The
arcade  is  currently 60% let and shows an initial return of 14%  but  with  a
concentrated lettings campaign we are confident of increasing this further.

During the period we have been successful in disposing of a loss making centre
in  Grays, Essex. We have taken the opportunity of assigning our lease  to  an
established  retailer  in  advance of the opening of  The  Bluewater  Shopping
Centre located nearby.

Our  programme  of  selectively  upgrading existing  centres  and  introducing
established  retailers  as  anchor  tenants  in  order  to  increase  footfall
continues  to  progress  well.  In the six months to  30  September  1998,  we
completed  works  at  our centres in Edmonton, North London,  Stratford,  East
London and the Swan Centre in Birmingham. Furthermore, we have let 7,000 sq ft
of  space at the Swan Centre to Scoops (part of Grattan plc) and Bewise opened
on 24 November in our Greenock centre.

Instalment Credit

Manor  Credit, which accounts for 7% of Group profit before interest and  tax,
has  continued  to  increase profitability even within the  tight  constraints
imposed  by  the  Group. As the Group is currently investing  heavily  in  new
acquisitions, borrowings have been restricted to #8m. As at 30 September 1998,
the  division  contributed profits before interest and tax  of  #0.54m  (1997:
#0.45m),  an increase of 20% on the same period last year. A policy  of  tight
control ensures bad debts and arrears remain low and the loan book amounted to
#11.1 million, spread across 719 agreements.

Financial Review

In  the six months under review, the consolidated net asset value of the Group
has  increased  by  3.5% from #76.9m to #79.6 m. The cash flow  of  the  Group
continues to be particularly strong and generated #7.5m (1997: #6.3m)  in  the
six  months  to  30 September 1998. Capital expenditure, of which  almost  all
related to either the acquisition or development of new sites, totalled #15.3m
(1997:  #2.0m) and total net indebtedness now stands at #39.6m (1997: #27.2m).
This  equates  to  gearing  of 49.8% (1997: 41.2%). With  facilities  of  #65m
available   the   Group   is  ideally  placed  to  make  further   substantial

Current Trading and Outlook

Prospects  for the Group remain extremely encouraging. We have made  excellent
progress  during  the year, having successfully integrated  over  one  million
square  feet of new space into our portfolio and, at the same time,  increased
the return from our existing network.

We  believe  that  there are many more opportunities for  us  in  the  current
property market to realise our acquisition criteria of a 20% return on capital
within  12  to  18 months.  With the benefit of our strong cash flow  and  the
significant  funds we have available, we expect our acquisition  programme  to
continue vigorously.

The  Board  looks  forward with optimism to reporting further  successful  and
profitable organic growth in 1999, combined with more acquisitions.

Bill Cran

for the six months ended 30
September 1998
                                    Six months       Six months       Year to
                                 ended 30 Sept    ended 30 Sept      31 March
                                          1998             1997          1998 
                                          #000             #000          #000
Continuing operations                   22,507           20,081        46,946
Discontinued operations                      -            3,499         3,499
                                     _________         _________    _________
                                        22,507           23,580        50,445
                                     =========         =========    =========
OPERATING PROFIT                                                     
Continuing operations                    7,396            6,147       13,393
Discontinued operations                     -                 -            -
                                     =========         ========    =========
     BEFORE INTEREST                     7,396            6,147       13,393
Interest payable (net)                  (1,419)          (1,179)      (2,380)
                                     _________         _________   _________
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                       
    BEFORE TAXATION                      5,977            4,968       11,013
Taxation                                (1,494)          (1,242)      (2,752)
                                     _________         _________    ________
PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD          4,483            3,726        8,261
Dividends                               (1,268)          (1,229)      (4,425)
                                     _________         _________    ________
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE                                             
 FINANCIAL PERIOD                        3,215            2,497        3,836
                                     =========         =========    ========
Earnings per share
  FRS 14 (basic and fully diluted)        9.1p             7.6p       16.8p
Dividend per share                        2.6p             2.5p        9.0p

SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                         
     as at 30 September 1998                                              
                                     At 30 Sept     At 30 Sept    At 31 March
                                           1998           1997           1998 
                                           #000           #000           #000
FIXED ASSETS                                                          
Tangible assets                         127,036         97,275        110,281
Investments                                   -            240              -
                                       ________       ________       ________
                                        127,036         97,515        110,281
                                       ========       ========       ========
CURRENT ASSETS                                                        
Stocks                                     718           2,251         1,544
Debtors: due after more than one year    5,781           5,794         6,451
Debtors: due within one year            11,157           8,536         8,698
Cash at bank and in hand                    72             194           357
                                      ________         _______       _______
                                        17,728          16,775        17,050
Creditors: amounts falling due
  within one year                      (35,773)        (29,805)      (23,514)
                                     _________        _________      ________
NET CURRENT LIABILITIES                (18,045)        (13,030)       (6,464)
                                     _________        _________      ________
TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                                     
CURRENT LIABILITIES                    108,991          84,485       103,817
Creditors: amounts falling due 
          after more than one year     (26,335)        (15,812)      (24,200)
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES                                            
AND CHARGES                               (415)           (198)         (248)
ACCRUALS AND DEFERRED INCOME            (2,690)         (2,369)       (2,478)
                                       ________        ________       _______
NET ASSETS                              79,551          66,106        76,891
                                       ========        ========       =======

for the six months ended 30 September 1998
                                        Six months     Six months    Year to  
                                     ended 30 Sept  ended 30 Sept   31 March  
                                              1998           1997       1998
                                              #000           #000       #000
CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING                                                  
 ACTIVITIES                                  7,491          6,298     16,810
SERVICING OF  FINANCE                       (1,560)        (1,179)    (2,380)
TAXATION                                      (358)          (191)    (1,737)
CAPITAL  EXPENDITURE                       (10,526)        (2,169)    (2,470)
ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS                  (4,821)           165     (4,943)

EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                            -         (1,134)    (5,409)
                                          ---------     ---------   ---------
Cash (outflow)/inflow before financing      (9,774)         1,790       (129)

FINANCING                                    1,247         (1,605)     5,995
                                          ---------     ---------   ---------
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN PERIOD       (8,527)           185      5,866
                                          =========     =========    ========

OPERATING PROFIT                             7,396          6,147     13,393
Profit from associated undertakings              -            (20)         -
Depreciation charges                           692            630      1,346
Loss on sale of fixed assets                    61              -         11
Decrease in stocks                             826             44        675
Increase in debtors                         (1,329)           (92)      (659)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors              (155)          (411)     2,044
                                          ---------      ---------   -------- 
NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING                                                
ACTIVITIES                                   7,491          6,298     16,810
                                          =========      =========   =======  
ANALYSIS OF NET DEBT                                                  
                                        At 1 April                At 30 Sept
                                              1998      Cash flow       1998
                                              #000           #000       #000
Cash at bank and in hand                       357           (285)        72
Overdrafts                                  (4,472)        (8,242)   (12,714)
                                         ---------      ---------   ---------
                                            (4,115)        (8,527)   (12,642)
Debt due within one year                    (1,000)          (300)    (1,300)
Debt due after one year                    (24,000)        (1,700)   (25,700)
                                         ---------      ---------   ---------
                                           (29,115)       (10,527)   (39,642)
                                         =========      =========   =========


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