RNS No 9627f
7th July 1998

                                  BIRKBY PLC
               Preliminary results for the year to 31 March 1998
                                  KEY POINTS

*   Profit before tax up 17% to #11.0 million (1997: #9.4 million)
*   Earnings per share increased by 17.5% to 16.8p (1997: 14.3p)
*   Proposed net final dividend of 6.5p making a total for the year of 9.0p
*   Operating cash flow up 85% to #16.8m
*   Record profits from both divisions - achieved substantially from organic
    growth rather than from acquisitions.  Workspace division profit up 14% to
    #9.2 million; retailspace division profit up 18% to #3.3 million.
*   Excellent progress in raising occupancy levels and rental rates across
    portfolios - average cash equivalent occupancy rate of workspace division 
    up to 84.6% (1997: 80.5%) and of retailspace division up to 79.3% (1997:  
*   Satisfactory expansion of portfolio during the period, against background
    of inflated property prices - 683,000 sq ft added for #5.7 million
*   Majority of acquisitions completed 'off-market', reflected in favourable
    purchase prices
*   Investment returns of circa 20% within 12/18 months expected from
*   Latest acquisition - Glenfield Park Group plc for #6.5 million, the    
    largest private workspace operator in Lancashire, with portfolio of    
    510,000 sq ft

*   Accelerating rate of acquisition - 760,000 sq ft acquired since year end  
    at cost of #9.8 million.  A further 28 new sites are currently under      
*   Encouraging start to new financial year.  With a strong balance sheet,
    modest gearing and softening property prices, the Board is confident of   
    further strong progress

Birkby plc:
Bill Cran, Chief Executive
Kim Taylor Smith, Deputy Chief Executive             Tel: 0171 377 6677

Biddick Associates:
Zoe Biddick and Katie Tzouliadis                     Tel: 0171 377 6677


Birkby has made good progress during the year to 31 March 1998, with both  our
managed  workspace and retailspace divisions achieving record profits for  the
Group.  This  reflects  the strong demand for premises over  the  last  twelve
months and our success in increasing occupancy levels and rental rates. It  is
pleasing to note that the 17% increase in profits was primarily achieved  from
organic growth within our existing portfolio rather than from acquisitions.

Despite  overheated conditions in the property market during  the  period,  we
also made a number of careful acquisitions, totalling approximately 683,000 sq
ft  for  an  aggregate  investment  of #5.7 million.  The  majority  of  these
acquisitions were made in the final half of the year as prices began to soften
and  the full income benefit will not be seen until the current year. We  have
concentrated our efforts in purchasing 'off-market' sites, without the use  of
agents,  the benefit of which is seen in the favourable purchase  prices.   We
expect all our acquisitions to yield our target rate of return.

Birkby remains the largest operator of managed commercial and retail space  in
the UK.  The Group's portfolio now totals approximately 6.7 million sq ft over
a  total  of 177 locations.  It is divided into 7,350 individual units,  which
are  offered for rental on flexible, 'easy-in/easy-out' terms.  To  date,  our
tenant base consists of approximately 4,400 businesses and generates an annual
licence income of approximately #38.1 million.


The  Group achieved a profit before taxation of #11.0 million, an increase  of
over  17%  on the previous year (1997: proforma profit on ordinary  activities
before  exceptional items of #9.4 million).  Earnings per share  increased  by
17.5%  from 14.3p to 16.8p.  As at 31 March 1998, consolidated net assets  had
risen  to #76.9 million, representing an increase of 20% on the previous year.
The  Group's  net  gearing  remains low at 38% (1997:  45%),  with  total  net
borrowings  at  #29.1  million.   This includes  borrowings  of  #8.3  million
associated with our instalment credit division, Manor Credit.


The Board is proposing to pay a final net dividend of 6.5p, giving a total net
dividend  for  the year of 9.0p (1997: 8.5p). We have restricted  the  overall
increase  in  dividend  this  year to 6% in  accordance  with  our  policy  of
maintaining dividend cover of 2 times. The final dividend will be  paid  on  9
October 1998 to shareholders on the register at 11 September 1998.

Board Changes

After  a  period of three years, I shall be standing down as Chairman  at  the
forthcoming  Annual  General  Meeting to resume a  non-executive  directorship
position.  Bill  Cran, currently Chief Executive, will be appointed  Executive
Chairman.  Kim  Taylor-Smith,  who is presently  Deputy  Chief  Executive  and
Finance  Director,  will assume the role of Chief Executive.  Bill  Cran  will
continue to be actively involved in the strategic development of Birkby  while
Kim Taylor-Smith will be responsible for overall operations. I am also pleased
to  announce the appointment of Simon Dighton as Finance Director with  effect
from the Annual General Meeting.




The  workspace division returned an excellent performance, achieving a  profit
before  interest  and  tax  of #9.2 million (1997:  proforma  profit  of  #8.1
million).  This represents 69% of the Group's operating profit. Annual  income
rose  to  #17.1 million from proforma #15.5 million last year.   At  31  March
1998,  the  workspace portfolio totalled 107 operational centres (1997:  102),
divided into approximately 3,700 units, amounting to some 4.9 million  sq  ft.
The tenant base comprised 2,400 small and medium-sized businesses.

Demand  for  workspace  during  the year was  strong  throughout  the  UK  and
particularly  intense for smaller units of around 1,000 sq ft,  especially  in
the  North  of  England. This underpinned our success in increasing  occupancy
levels  and rental rates. The cash equivalent occupancy rate during  the  year
rose  to  84.6%  (1997:  80.5%), with each percentage increase  generating  an
additional #200,000 of income. Rental growth, excluding the sites we  acquired
during  the year, averaged 5.5% and 40% of our portfolio, excluding new sites,
is now fully occupied compared with 24% at the start of the financial year.

We   made  excellent  progress  at  IMEX  Enterprise,  formerly  British  Coal
Enterprise  (BCE), which we acquired in January 1997.  During  the  period  we
achieved  our  target of increasing occupancy levels to  match  those  of  the
existing IMEX division. This represents an increase of 25% since 1 April 1996,
when we took over the management of BCE.

As  a result of our central service operations, IMEX is able to fill spaces in
vacant  sites quickly and efficiently, and to improve the performance  of  new
sites  rapidly without any substantial increase in overhead costs. An  example
of  our  success  in  improving occupancy levels this year  was  at  Greenhill
Business  Centre,  Glasgow.  Acquired as a vacant site in  November  1997,  we
converted this former factory into a 54-unit workspace centre.  By the time of
its  opening  in early June 1998, 40% of the units had been let.   The  centre
currently  has  an occupancy rate of 50% and is comfortably in line  with  our
stated target investment return.

Our   success  in  increasing  occupancy  also  reflects  the  strong  working
relationships we have established with local councils and economic development

Acquisitions and Disposals

During  the  period, we acquired five new sites and the remaining interest  in
two  existing  ones.  Details of the acquisitions and disposals  are  set  out

The  Quantum Business Park, Birmingham is now fully let to a single  occupier,
yielding an initial return of 58% and, at Washington, we have raised occupancy
from 84.5% to 97.0% over the course of nine months.

In  December  1997  we acquired the remaining 50% stake in IMEX  Holland,  our
joint  venture operation, the initial stake having been bought for #1 in 1994.
IMEX  Holland operates two estates in Tilburg, South Holland and  comprises  a
former Phillips factory of 280,462 sq ft and a mill complex of 112,335  sq  ft
The estates generate an annual rental income of #600,000 and provide space  to
a  diverse  range of businesses.  Although we have no immediate  intention  of
expanding  outside  the  UK, we are pleased to confirm  that  the  concept  of
managed workspace works well in Europe.

Acquisitions 1997/98               Sq Ft     Purchase    * Current     Current
                                                Price   annualised   Occupancy
                                                       licence fee
Quantum Business Park,            
Birmingham                        55,000     #440,000      250,000        100%
Wildon Road/Stirling Road,        
Washington                        63,034     #720,000      131,000         97%
Greenhill Business Centre,
Glasgow                           40,000     #210,000       65,000         50%
West Point Trading Park, Hull     26,138     #485,000       82,000         82%
Gosford Industrial Estate, 
Coventry                          40,374     #410,000       51,000         60%
Phoenix, Tilburg, Holland        112,335     #584,000      150,000         71%
The Vault, Tilburg, Holland      280,462   #1,716,000      440,700         91%
                                 617,343   #4,565,000                         
Post Year End Acquisitions                                                   
                                   Sq Ft     Purchase    * Current     Current
                                                Price   annualised   Occupancy
                                                       licence fee
Traction House, Motherwell       115,077   #1,050,000      239,320         80%
Grosvenor Mill, 
Ashton-under-Lyne                 63,000     #480,000       74,150         72%
Arnold, Nottingham                52,386     #510,000      158,587         87%
Glenfield Park 
(5 site portfolio), Lancashire   510,000   #6,475,000      966,000         83%
                                 740,463   #8,515,000                         
Disposals 1997/98
Western Road Industrial Complex,Birmingham  #175,000                         
Ashington Workshops, Northumberland         #275,000                         
Browning Street Industrial Complex,                                
Birmingham                                  #395,000  
* based on current occupancy exclusive of services

Site Expansion
In  areas  of  heavy demand, we make full use of sites by converting  existing
space  and building new units on surrounding, unutilised land.  This  year  we
have  built  additional  units  at our head  office  in  Birmingham,  at  Cold
Hesledon, County Durham and at Black Rock Mills in Huddersfield.

Bridge House
Included  within  the  workspace  division is  Bridge  House,  which  provides
serviced offices from six locations.  The company had another successful  year
with  cash equivalent occupancy rate of 82.8% and contributed #322,000 to  the


An  increase in spending in the lower income sector of the economy, from where
our  tenants typically draw their customers, together with a further upgrading
of   the  portfolio,  has  contributed  to  the  excellent  results  from  the
retailspace  division.  In the year under review, In Shops returned  a  profit
before interest and tax of #3.3 million (1997: #2.8 million).  This represents
24  %  of  Group operating profits. Annual income rose to #24.1  million  from
#23.2  million last year.  During the period to 7 July 1998, we acquired  four
centres and closed one and the In Shops' portfolio now comprises 62 centres.

Demand for retailspace has increased and we made a notable improvement to cash
equivalent occupancy rates, reducing the level of assistance, in the  form  of
subsidies,  we offered retailers. The cash equivalent occupancy rate  for  the
period  was  79.3%  (1997:  76.4%)  with each percentage  increase  generating
#260,000 of additional income.  The most noticeable improvements were made  in
the North-West, Scotland and in some London centres.

Acquisitions and Disposals
Traditionally, In Shops has expanded by taking leases on space within shopping
centres  and  dividing this space into small units to create a shopping  hall.
This  strategy relied on our ability to predict the demand for such units over
the  period of the lease. However, changes in shopping habits have  made  this
more  difficult.  Following the successful trial of Blackpool  last  year,  In
Shops' expansion strategy has focused on acquiring arcades and markets with an
established  track  record.   Details of our acquisitions  and  disposals  are
listed below.

Acquisitions 1997/98
                                    Sq Ft   Purchase   Annualised      Current
                                               Price  licence fee    Occupancy
Shopping Halls, Glasgow            44,000   #667,000      795,000          99%
Wilton Market, Birmingham          22,000   #467,000      384,000          96%
                                   66,000 #1,134,000                          
Post Year End Acquisitions         Sq Ft    Purchase     Annualised    Current
                                               Price    licence fee  Occupancy

Northfield, Birmingham            16,648    #777,500         84,000       100%
Eldon Arcade, Barnsley            10,000    #500,000         89,000        95%
                                  26,648 #1,277,500                          
Disposals 1997/98
Supashoppa, High Street, Leven, Fife          Surrender of Lease              
In  the  financial  year  to date, we have added a further  three  established
markets  and  one  arcade in Barnsley to the network. Since  acquiring  Wilton
Market,  Birmingham  we  have improved net income by 17.5%,  a  rise  of  over
#60,000 per year. In Clydebank, after making improvements to the retail units,
particularly in design and layout, we have increased net income  by  #944  per
week and raised occupancy levels to 98.7%.

We  acquired  the  freehold  of  our  existing  successful  retail  centre  in
Northfield, Birmingham in order to avoid potential onerous rent increases. The
annualised licence fee income of #84,000 referred to above represents the rent
paid by In Shops together with sub-let income from an established retailer.

Eldon  Arcade, Barnsley is excellently located and is In Shops' first purchase
of  a shopping arcade. Arcades represent a potential new area of expansion for
In  Shops.   While  requiring the same operational  skills  as  a  traditional
centre, they are less management intensive.

We  successfully  disposed of our loss-making centre in Leven,  Fife  and  are
currently in negotiation to dispose of a number of centres this year.

Where  we  can  see  the potential for lifting income, we selectively  upgrade
existing  centres.  In  each  case so far, the upgrade  has  attracted  higher
customer   visits  and  increased  occupancy  levels.  During  the  year,   we
refurbished  our  centres  in  Belfast, Wallsend  in  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  and
Chelmsley Wood in Birmingham.  Since the year-end, we have upgraded our centre
in Edmonton, North London and commenced work at Stratford, East London.

Anchor Tenants
We  have continued to make progress in introducing large, well-known retailers
to  selected centres.  This helps to boost customer footfall and, at the  same
time,  offers  secure long-term income. We have strengthened  our  centres  in
Kirkby,  Liverpool  and Weston-Super-Mare this year with the  introduction  of
established retailers.


During  the  period,  we  continued the process  of  improving  the  operating
structure  of  the Group.  We have paid particular attention  to  the  Central
Service  Company, which supports each division and handles four key functions;
Sales & Marketing, Property, Personnel and Administration. The changes we have
implemented, including the installation of a new property management  computer
system, are aimed at enhancing the Group's overall operational efficiency  and
creating  a  self-sufficient approach so that we  are  not  reliant  on  third
parties for business.

This  structure  improves  our ability to exploit 'off-market'  opportunities,
raise occupancy levels, monitor key performance areas and maintain a low  cost
base.  It  is also specifically designed to allow further acquisitions  to  be
quickly  integrated within the Group's existing framework with  little  or  no
incremental cost.


At   31  March  1998,  in  conjunction  with  the  Group's  valuers,  Eddisons
Commercial,  Chartered  Surveyors,  we undertook  a  review  of  our  property
portfolio. As a result of increases in property values and rental income,  the
revaluation reserve has increased by #10.4 million.  We believe the  valuation
represents a realistic assessment of the underlying value of the portfolio and
is  substantiated by the prices we are currently paying for new sites and from
the profits we have made on the recent disposals.


Manor  Credit  reported a record profit before interest and tax this  year  of
#960,000  (1997: #824,000).  This represents 7% of Group operating profit.   A
tight  lending  policy  has been maintained and, as at 31  March  1998,  Manor
Credit's  outstanding loan book amounted to #11.3 million (1997: #8.7 million)
over  approximately  770 agreements, which is a creditable  performance  given
that we have held borrowings during the year.


We  have  made an excellent start to the new financial year. Demand for  space
remains  buoyant  and  we are continuing to increase licence  fees  and  raise
occupancy levels.

The property market has softened progressively over the last twelve months and
as predicted our rate of acquisition has gathered momentum. Since the year end
we  have  acquired five new sites and, today, I am delighted to  announce  the
acquisition for #6.5 million of Glenfield Park Group plc, the largest  private
operator  of  workspace in Lancashire.  Glenfield Park  comprises  five  sites
totalling  510,000  sq ft and provides an initial rental income  of  #966,000,
excluding  service charges.   In total therefore, over the last three  months,
we have expanded our portfolio by 760,000 sq ft for an aggregate consideration
of #9.8 million.  This is well ahead of last year and compares favourably with
our previously stated target of adding 1 million sq ft of space per annum.

Selectivity in acquisitions remains key and we will continue to look for sites
yielding  returns of approximately 20% within 12 to 18 months.  We  expect  to
enhance  our investment return by dealing "off-market".  In addition, we  will
continue to dispose of our mature sites in order to re-invest the proceeds  in
sites  that offer greater growth potential. We will also continue to focus  in
particular on developing the workspace division, IMEX.
With  our  investment  in  infrastructure over the past  years,  we  have  the
capacity  to  add  more  acquisitions with  little  incremental  cost  and  we
currently have a further 28 sites under offer.

Birkby  has an excellent record with a strong financial base.  The cash inflow
from  operations last year was over #16.8 million, representing  a  return  in
excess  of 21% on shareholders funds.  We have bank facilities of #65  million
and would comfortably operate a much higher level of gearing than currently as
interest is covered a very healthy 5.6 times.

The  Directors  view  both the short and medium term with  optimism  and  look
forward to a year of successful profits and earnings growth.

A M Lewis

for the year ended 31 March 1998

                                    Statutory       Proforma      Statutory
                                         1998           1997           1997
                             Note       #'000          #'000          #'000
   Continuing operations               46,946         41,434         38,246
   Discontinued operations              3,499         19,687         19,687
                                       ______         ______         ______
                              1        50,445         61,121         57,933
Cost of sales                         (32,322)       (39,497)       (38,331)
                                       ______         ______         ______
Gross profit                           18,123         21,624         19,602
Administration expenses                (4,771)       (10,420)       (10,069)
Other operating income                     41            210            210
Income from associated undertakings         -             95             95
                                       ______         ______         ______
                              2        13,393         11,509          9,838
                                       ______         ______         ______   
Operating profit                                                           
Continuing operations                  13,393         11,601          9,930
Discontinued operations                     -            (92)           (92)
Profit on part disposal of Hill        
Hire plc                                    -          1,723          1,723   
Loss on disposal of Milbank                                                
Foods Limited                               -         (1,000)        (1,000)
                                       ______         ______         ______
Profit on ordinary                                                         
activities before interest             13,393         12,232         10,561
Interest receivable and                                                    
similar income                            416            395            395
Interest payable and similar charges   (2,796)        (2,545)        (1,831)
                                       ______         ______         ______
Profit on ordinary activities                                                 
 before taxation                       11,013         10,082          9,125
Tax on profit on ordinary activities   (2,752)        (2,519)        (2,281)
                                       ______         ______         ______
Profit for the financial year           8,261          7,563          6,844
Dividends                      5       (4,425)        (4,187)        (4,187)
                                       ______         ______         ______
Profit retained for the year            3,836          3,376          2,657
                                       ______         ______         ______
Earnings per share:            6                                            
Before exceptional items                16.8p          14.3p          12.9p
FRS 3 basis                             16.8p          15.4p          14.0p

As at 31 March 1998

                                     1998       1998        1997         1997
                                    #'000      #'000       #'000        #'000
Fixed assets                                                             
Tangible fixed assets                        110,281                   95,533
Investments                                        -                      163
                                             _______                  _______
                                             110,281                   95,696
Current assets                                                           
Stocks                              1,544                  5,893              
Debtors due after more                                                   
than one year                       6,451                  4,644
Debtors due within one year         8,698                  9,201              
Cash at bank and in hand              357                    741              
                                   ______                 ______
                                   17,050                 20,479              
Creditors: amounts                                                       
falling due within one year       (23,514)               (31,695)
                                   ______                 ______              

Net current liabilities                       (6,464)                 (11,216)
Total assets less                                                        
current liabilities                          103,817                   84,480
Creditors: amounts                                                       
falling due after more                                          
than one year                                (24,200)                 (17,429)
Provisions for                                                           
liabilities and                                                          
charges                                         (248)                    (496)
Accruals and deferred income                                                  
Licencees' deposits                           (2,478)                  (2,293)
                                              _______                  _______
Net assets                                    76,891                   64,262
                                              =======                  =======
Capital and reserves                                                     
Called up share capital                        2,458                    2,457
Share premium account                         21,975                   21,943
Revaluation reserve                           14,065                    3,686
Merger reserve                                10,340                   15,333
Capital reserves                                 701                    7,708
Profit and loss account                       27,352                   12,740
                                              ______                   ______
Equity shareholders'funds                     76,891                   63,867

Minority interest                                  -                      395
                                              ______                   ______
                                              76,891                   64,262
                                              ======                   ======

For the year ended 31 March 1998
                                                         1998            1997
                                                        #'000           #'000
Cash inflow from operating activities                  16,810           9,103
Returns on investments and servicing of finance        (2,380)         (1,436)

Taxation                                               (1,737)         (1,255)
Capital expenditure                                    (2,470)         (2,994)
Acquisitions and disposals                             (4,943)         (5,817)
Equity dividends paid                                  (5,409)         (3,926)
                                                      _______          _______
Cash outflow before financing                            (129)         (6,325)
Financing                                               5,599           5,599
                                                      _______          _______
Increase/(decrease) in cash in year                     5,866            (726)
                                                      =======          =======


                                                         1998            1997
                                                        #'000           #'000
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the financial year       5,866            (726)
Cash outflow from increase in debt                     (5,962)         (5,416)
                                                       ______          ______

Movement in net debt during the                           (96)         (6,142)
financial year
Net debt at beginning of financial year               (29,019)        (22,877)
                                                       _______         ______ 
Net debt at end of financial year                     (29,115)        (29,019)
                                                       =======         ====== 


                                      Statutory        Proforma     Statutory
Analysis of turnover by                    1998            1997          1997
business segment:                         #'000           #'000         #'000
Managed workspace                        17,059          15,514        12,326
Managed retailspace                      24,129          23,197        23,197
Discount retailing - discontinued         3,499          19,687        19,687
Instalment credit                         1,281           1,065         1,065
Property and other                        4,477           1,658         1,658
                                     ___________     ___________   ___________
                                         50,445          61,121        57,933
                                     ___________     ___________   ___________

Inter segmental sales are not a material part of total Group turnover.  All of
the  above turnover is supplied in the UK with the exception of #210,000 which
is supplied in Holland by IMEX Holland BV.

                                        Statutory      Proforma     Statutory
Analysis of profit before                                           
interest and taxation by                     1998          1997          1997
business segment is as follows:             #'000         #'000         #'000

Managed workspace                           9,180         8,074         6,403
Managed retailspace                         3,260         2,793         2,793
Discount retailing - discontinued               -          (192)         (192)
Commercial vehicle hire                         -           100           100
Instalment credit                             960           824           824
Property and other                             (7)          (90)          (90)
                                          ________     _________     _________
                                           13,393        11,509         9,838
Profit on part disposal of Hill Hire plc        -         1,723         1,723
Loss on disposal of Milbank Foods Limited       -        (1,000)       (1,000)
                                          ________     _________     _________
Group profit before                    
interest and taxation                      13,393        12,232        10,561
                                          ========     =========     =========

Property and other is shown net of certain overheads incurred by the Group.

The  analysis of business segments has been reclassified to better reflect the
operating   position  of  the  Group.   In  1998,  certain  costs  have   been
reclassified from administration expenses to cost of sales (or vice versa) and
the comparatives restated accordingly.

3.  The  1997  proforma information includes the results of  British  Coal
    Enterprise Limited ("BCE") with effect from 1 April 1996 rather than the  
    actual date of acquisition  (7  January 1997).  This additional       
    information  has  been presented in order to  facilitate an understanding 
    of the performance of the business under Birkby's management in 1997, and 
    provides a more meaningful comparative  for  the year ended 31 March 1998.

4.  Discontinued operations relate to the remaining part disposal of  Hill
    Hire plc and the disposal of Milbank Foods Limited.

5.  The  final  dividend  of  6.5p net is  payable  on  9  October  1998  to
    shareholders on the register on 11 September 1998.

6.  The calculation of earnings per share under FRS 3 is based on the profit
    for the period after taxation of #8.26m (1997: proforma #7.6m, statutory: 
    #6.8m) and on the average weighted number of ordinary shares in issue  
    during the year of 49,147,000 (1997: 48,978,000   ordinary  shares).   The
    earnings  per  share   excluding exceptional items in 1997 is before the  
    net profit on the disposal of the remaining stake  in Hill Hire plc,
    together with the exceptional loss of the sale of Milbank Foods Limited.

                                   Earnings per share       Earnings per share
                                before exceptional items        under FRS 3
  Year ended 31 March 1998                16.8p                     16.8p
  Year  ended 31 March 1997 proforma      14.3p                     15.4p
  Year ended 31 March 1997  statutory     12.9p                     14.0p

7.  The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
    Statutory Accounts for the years ended 31 March 1997 or 31 March 1998 but 
    is derived from those accounts.  Statutory accounts for 1997 have been    
    delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 1998 will be        
    delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting.  The Auditors   
    have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did   
    not contain statements under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act  

8.  Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 1998
    will be despatched to shareholders in due course.  Copies will be         
    available  from the Company Secretary, Birkby PLC, Warwick House, Spring  
    Road, Hall Green, Birmingham B11 3EA and the Company's Registered Office.



Berkeley Energia (LSE:BKY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Berkeley Energia 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Berkeley Energia (LSE:BKY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Berkeley Energia 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.