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Comw.bk.a.2.63% (99LW)

마감 28 9월 12:30AM

개인 투자자를 위한 전문가급 도구.

99LW 뉴스

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Steady_T Steady_T 1 분 전
This is true.georgejjl puts out fantastic information. Does great research.
What is also true is that George puts out daily "expectation" posts that have little to do with reality. That's why the bashers give him a bad time.
MeteoricChimera43 MeteoricChimera43 2 분 전
So there!! lol
hssbwwmp hssbwwmp 3 분 전
Look what Mr. Strong is doing now:
arizona1 arizona1 3 분 전
Wow, that's crazy! It seems like she's been around forever so I just looked her up on wiki and I can't believe she's only 49 y/o.
iwfal iwfal 4 분 전
If teoxane is attempting to argue they are owed (more) shares then their position is bolstered by making an argument about the worth of their RVNC shares (and, by extension, all RVNC shares). Yes, it’s not their only argument, but it’s actually a reasonable one.

And BTW, i doubt Crow
littlejohn littlejohn 10 분 전
Git-R-Done...been a ruff week...

so we watch...LJ
Golfbum22 Golfbum22 10 분 전

Dr. Bendover has been at work for decades with the gse’s

swingingRichard swingingRichard 11 분 전
“his team” lmao. Is his mother still alive?
snoopycomic snoopycomic 12 분 전
It is the only path forward. Nobody can pay full intrinsic value which could be $100B
janice shell janice shell 13 분 전
And Alex is now living with Huma Abedin...
bb8675309 bb8675309 13 분 전
georgejjl puts out fantastic information. Does great research. That's why the bashers give him a bad time.

Keep the Great research coming, georgejjl. Thank you...
dinogreeves dinogreeves 13 분 전
No way of knowing for sure, I like the CEO, I like the fact that he is putting boots on the ground and getting his nails dirty and excellent communication skills and updates shareholders on every move the company does, almost feels like you are there with him and witnessing everything in real time.
cableguy cableguy 15 분 전
I have been exposing SCAM stocks for over 19 years now. Battin 1000

Well that's not hard to do given the fact that the OTC is a plethora of stinky pink dealings, the fact is that the US Congress allows it, its all about the story that ROCKS the OTC world, so FUG the critics, the story
arizona1 arizona1 17 분 전
Soros handed control of his political empire last year to his son, Alex, and his various organizations have continued to exert significant financial influence, including millions of dollars aimed at flipping Texas to Democrats.
Zadie420 Zadie420 18 분 전
Again how is that related to NWBO?
AngeloFoca AngeloFoca 18 분 전
I would love to see a bidding war... Winner takes all... somewhere between $25 and $30 Billion.

But I think it will go as Linda said... Franchise, that way everyone puts their dime in the pot. I believe that is the only way to get proper value right now.

Tom turtles Tom turtles 18 분 전
Alpha14 ? Really ? Nice to see it trading at six digits ? Wow....Ok.
attilathehunt attilathehunt 19 분 전
Probably funds reshuffling for quarter end.
dstock07734 dstock07734 19 분 전
Let me guess those companies must have something to do with ADCs, t-cell engager or small molecule drug.
axelvento axelvento 21 분 전
Dendritic Cell–Based Immunotherapy Data in Resected Pancreatic Cancer Published in JCO

reatment with the dendritic cell–based immunotherapy MesoPher led to a 2-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) rate of 64% and low-grade adverse effects (AEs) compared with the historical expected RFS
BDEZ BDEZ 21 분 전
Minneapolis Police Dept hires an illegal
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 22 분 전
Insults are all ya got, master chartist is going to watch your every trade now to show you what I know
Motor-goater Motor-goater 22 분 전
Ha ha after all the wining and complaining and calling them a scam.. … what a tool. I’m out!

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