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Nat.grid 2.817%

Nat.grid 2.817% (30DJ)

마감 19 12월 1:30AM

개인 투자자를 위한 전문가급 도구.

30DJ 뉴스

공식 뉴스 전용
norisknorewards norisknorewards 2 분 전
"They also said I didn't provide enough coverage on risks and challenges..."

Lol oops
Lime Time Lime Time 2 분 전
I would so be in FL right now, still looking for a place down there. Maybe some day. SWFL stole my heart World class fishing Cape Coral.

Like I said, this stock can run in 2025, we need to get volumes back and I think it is setting up. Just get past this end of year selling.
Moonboy1 Moonboy1 2 분 전
So Trump buys millions of $ in crypto several days ago. Fed destroys crypto prices a few days later. Nothing to see here
QuantumTravesty QuantumTravesty 3 분 전
Thanks Bud.
Moonboy1 Moonboy1 3 분 전
Aave not aave
shoondale shoondale 3 분 전
"made false claims and fabricated a study about a disinfectant that could kill the virus on surfaces for “28 days or more.”"
According to the city of Los Angeles
3331 3331 4 분 전
BIEL: HUGE VA NEWS - Flagship product RecoveryRX now available to all veterans at all VA's!

Ted Fienning
BioElectronics Corporation
Harvard University
Marine Corp Pilot

"Share with any veteran you know using the VA: RecoveryRX is an FDA-approved pai
Moonboy1 Moonboy1 4 분 전
Yes even writing articles about the truth finally I've seen lately. Way too many coins. Without huge massive burns it's going basically no where but down. I didn't write the article. Just repeating what I've researched. Also the Fed is trying everything they can to Destroy Trump before he takes offi
3331 3331 5 분 전
BIEL: HUGE VA NEWS - Flagship product RecoveryRX now available to all veterans at all VA's!

Ted Fienning
BioElectronics Corporation
Harvard University
Marine Corp Pilot

"Share with any veteran you know using the VA: RecoveryRX is an FDA-approved pai
againstallodds againstallodds 5 분 전
Mini Madoff Harpreet failed in Tanzania

No lithium
StayHumble StayHumble 5 분 전
💹🎃Win-Win! $UBQU clears $2Million💹of debt in 12months💹
Preciouslife1 Preciouslife1 5 분 전
delerious1 delerious1 5 분 전
I guess it all boils down to knowing how to read a press's all there NBRI ....CEO Jared Lazerson has been quite upfront with all the details of bringing the Mill back online...this week we could see the completion on those finishing touches...making the Mill efficient....once done we'll
Matteo2017 Matteo2017 5 분 전
We had a good day let's keep it going!!!
shoondale shoondale 6 분 전
CoronaCide (product invovled in scam)...Author: Jeffrey F. Williams...
Safety of MACS- treated soft surfaces for skin and respiratory exposure.
Author: Jeffrey F. Williams
The active ingredients in the MACS formulation are safe for prolonged skin contact, and do not cause irrita
Chartmaster Chartmaster 6 분 전
No, but the 50 day MA is the trend following indicator, and it has flattened out with pps just above it, and the bsb line at 11's is about to be taken out! When you see 12's, this will explode higher imo
10thMountain 10thMountain 6 분 전
Zorax Zorax 6 분 전
Oh no no... not that shitface has a free hand, it's the certainty of what hand he will attempt to play.
Although true, I do not have your confidence that any of those agencies or congress will do anything more conductive than to sit on their thumbs hoping and praying for the midterms instead
Preciouslife1 Preciouslife1 7 분 전
Moonboy1 Moonboy1 7 분 전
Just not jumped
Stinger2014 Stinger2014 7 분 전
“ Unless, Logan separates himself from the MMS” curious what relationship do you think he has? TIA
Torez Torez 7 분 전
This garbage is comical, bitcoin goes up 10% - shiba goes up 3%, Bitcoin falls 5%- Shiba falls 10%. Absolute garbage with pretty much unlimited amount of coins
dexprs dexprs 8 분 전
We could be near a buying opportunity in small, value and cyclical stocks.

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