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Sýn hf.: Earnings for the first quarter of 2024 Key aspects of financial performance and year-over-year comparison. Sýn hf.’s Consolidated...
Sýn hf.: Earnings for the fourth quarter and the year 2023 Sýn hf.’s Consolidated Financial Statement for the year 2023 was approved by the board...
Sýn hf.: Significant Milestones Completed Sýn hf.’s Consolidated Interim Financial Statement for the first nine months of 2023 was approved...
Sýn hf.: Operating profit amounted to ISK 1,002 million for the first half of 2023 Sýn hf.’s Consolidated Interim Financial Statement for the...
Sýn hf.: Continued operational improvement in a challenging environment Sýn hf.’s Consolidated Interim Financial Statement for the first...
Sýn hf.: Improved operations, improved future outlook Sýn hf.’s Consolidated Financial Statement for the year 2022 was approved by the board...
Sýn hf.: Continued operational improvement and growing margins Sýn hf.’s Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statement for the first...
Sýn hf.: Record operating profit Sýn hf.‘s Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statement for the first half of 2022 was approved by the...
Sýn hf.: Changes in Financial Calendar 2022 Sýn hf. announces changes in pubilshed Financial Calendar. The change only applies to Interim...
Sýn hf.: Strong Internal Revenue Growth Sýn hf.’s Consolidated Interim Financial Statement for the Q1 2022 was approved by the board on May...
Sýn hf.: Making a good company better Sýn hf.’s Consolidated Financial Statement for the year 2021 was approved by the board on February...
Sýn hf.: Financial Calendar 2022 Sýn will host its Annual General Meeting and publish its interim condensed and annual consolidated financial...
Sýn hf.: Sale of Sýn´s hf. passive mobile infrastructure - closing Closing in relation to the sale of Sýn´s passive mobile infrastructure to...
Sýn hf.: Higher Earnings and New Revenue Sources Sýn hf’s Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statement for the first nine months of...
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