Notice of Annual General Meeting in Karolinska Development AB
The shareholders of Karolinska Development AB (publ), reg. no.
556707-5048, (“Karolinska Development” or the
“Company”) are invited to the Annual General
Meeting, on Thursday May 16, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. (CEST), at Nanna
Svartz väg 2, 171 65 Solna, Sweden.
The Board of Directors has resolved that shareholders shall have
the right to exercise their voting rights in advance through postal
voting pursuant to item 13 in the articles of association.
Therefore, shareholders may choose to exercise their voting rights
at the AGM by attending in person, by postal voting or through a
Participation in person
A shareholder who would like to participate at the AGM in person
both be entered in the register of the shareholders maintained
by Euroclear Sweden AB by Tuesday May 7, 2024,
and give notice of his or her intention to participate to the
Company no later than Friday May 10, 2024, at the address
Karolinska Development, “AGM”, Nanna Svartz väg 6A, 171 65, Solna,
Sweden, or through email
When giving notice to participate, please provide name, personal
identity number or company registration number, telephone number
and number of represented shares.
Participation by postal voting
Shareholders who wish to participate in the AGM by postal voting
both be registered in the register of shareholders maintained by
Euroclear Sweden AB as per Tuesday May 7, 2024,
and notify their intention to participate by submitting their
postal vote in accordance with the instructions below, so that the
postal vote is received by Karolinska Development no later than
Friday May 10, 2024.
Shareholders may exercise their voting rights at the AGM by
voting in advance through postal voting pursuant to item 13 in the
articles of association, referring to Chapter 7, Section 4 a of the
Swedish Companies Act.
For advance voting, a special form must be used. Forms in
Swedish and English are available for download on the Company’s
website, advance voting form is
valid as notification of participation at the AGM.
The completed advance voting form must be received by the
Company no later than Friday May 10, 2024. The completed form shall
be sent to Karolinska Development by e-mail to or by regular mail to
Karolinska Development, “AGM”, Nanna Svartz väg 6A, 171 65, Solna,
Sweden. The shareholder may not provide special instructions or
conditions in the advance voting form. If so, the vote (i.e. the
advance vote in its entirety) is invalid. Further instructions and
conditions are provided in the form for advance voting.
Those who wish to withdraw a submitted postal vote and instead
exercise their voting rights by participating in the AGM in person
or through a proxy must give notice thereof to the AGM’s
secretariat prior to the opening of the AGM.
Participation by proxy
If the shareholders are represented by proxy, a written proxy
must be issued and submitted to the Company at the above address
well in advance of the AGM. The proxy is valid during the period
set forth in the proxy, however, at most five years from the
issuance. If a proxy is issued by a legal entity, a copy of the
legal entity's registration certificate or similar document
evidencing signatory powers must be enclosed. Proxy forms in
Swedish and English are available for download on the Company’s
Nominee registered shares
For shareholders who have their shares nominee-registered
through a bank or other nominee, the following applies in order to
be entitled to participate in the meeting. In addition to giving
notice of participation, such shareholder must re-register its
shares in its own name so that the shareholder is registered in the
share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB as of the record date
Tuesday May 7, 2024. Such re-registration may be temporary
(so-called voting rights registration). Shareholders who wish to
register their shares in their own names must, in accordance with
the respective nominee’s routines, request that the nominee make
such registration. Voting rights registration that have been
requested by the shareholder at such time that the registration has
been completed by the nominee no later than Friday May 10, 2024,
will be taken into account in the preparation of the share
Proposal for agenda
1. Election of chairman of the
2. Preparation and approval of the voting
3. Approval of the agenda
4. Election of one or two persons to verify
the minutes
5. Determination of whether the meeting was
duly convened
6. Presentation of the annual report and the
auditor’s report and the group annual report and the auditor’s
group report
7. Resolutions regarding
a) adoption of the profit and loss statement and
the balance sheet, and consolidated profit and loss statement and
consolidated balance sheet
b) appropriation of the Company’s result according
to the adopted balance sheet
c) discharge from liability for the directors and
the CEO
8. Resolution regarding the number of
directors and auditors and deputy auditors to be appointed
9. Resolution in respect of the fees for the
Board of Directors and for the auditors
10. Election of chairman of the Board of
Directors, directors and auditors and deputy auditors
11. Principles for appointing members and
instruction for the Nomination Committee
12. The Board of Directors’ proposal
regarding principles for remuneration to executive management
13. Resolution on approval of the Board of
Directors’ Remuneration Report 2023
14. The Board of Directors’ proposal
regarding authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on
transfer of own shares
15. The Board of Directors’ proposal
regarding authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on
new issues of shares
16. Closing of the meeting
Items 1 and 8–11: The Nomination Committee’s proposal
regarding chairman at the meeting; number of directors, auditors
and deputy auditors to be appointed; fees for the Board of
Directors and auditors; election of chairman of the Board of
Directors, directors, auditors and deputy auditors and principles
for appointing members and instruction for the Nomination
The Nomination Committee has consisted of Yan Cheng (chairman),
appointed by Worldwide International Investments Ltd; Jack Li,
appointed by invoX Pharma Ltd; Jan Dworsky, appointed by Swedbank
Robur Microcap fond; Hans Wigzell, appointed by
Insamlingsstiftelsen för främjande och utveckling av medicinsk
forskning vid KI; Peter Markborn, appointed by Styviken Invest
The Nomination Committee proposes that the Annual General Meeting
resolves as follows:
Lawyer Annika Andersson (Cirio Law Firm) is appointed to chair
the Annual General Meeting.
The number of directors will be five and no deputies will be
The number of auditors will be one and no deputy auditor will be
The chairman will be paid a fixed amount of SEK 400,000 to be
paid out in proportion to board meetings attended. All other
directors will be paid a fixed amount of SEK 200,000 to be paid out
in proportion to board meetings attended. The fees to the directors
remain unchanged compared to previous year.
The auditors will be paid as per invoice.
Re-election of the directors Theresa Tse, Anna Lefevre
Skjöldebrand, Ben Toogood and Philip Duong and election of Hans
Wigzell as new director of the Board of Directors. Björn Cochlovius
has declined re-election.
Election of Hans Wigzell as new Chairman of the Board of
Hans Wigzell was born 1938. He is professor emeritus of
immunology and MD. Hans’ previous assignments include, among
others, the president of Karolinska Institutet’s Nobel Committee,
and president of Karolinska Institutet, director general of
Smittskyddsinstitutet and board member/chairman of Karolinska
Development. Hans’ other current appointments include chairman of
Rhenman & Partner Asset Management AB and RaySearch
Laboratories AB, board member of Sarepta Therapeutics Inc., and
also member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Hans holds 1,228,613
shares in the Company. Hans Wigzell is independent of the Company
and its executive management, and independent in relation to the
Company’s major shareholders.
The composition of the Board of Directors meets the independence
requirement of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. The
Nomination Committee proposes that voting shall take place
Re-election of Ernst & Young Aktiebolag as auditor in
accordance with the audit committee’s recommendation, currently
with Oskar Wall as auditor in charge, for the time until the end of
the 2025 Annual General Meeting.
The Nomination Committee shall have five members. Every year,
the five largest owners (voting power, as set forth in the share
register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB as of the last banking day in
August) shall appoint one member each. The chairman of the Board of
Directors shall convene the first meeting. If a shareholder does
not exercise its right to appoint a member, the shareholder next in
order of voting power, who has not already appointed a member or
has a right to appoint a member, shall have the right to appoint a
member to the Nominating Committee. The members of the Nomination
Committee shall be made public as soon as the members have been
appointed, and in no case later than six months prior to the Annual
General Meeting. The members shall among themselves appoint the
chairman of the committee. If a member resigns or is prevented from
pursuing his/her assignment, the shareholder that has appointed
such member shall appoint a new member. In the event that the
shareholding in the Company is materially changed, before the
Nomination Committee has completed its assignment, the Nomination
Committee may decide to change the composition of the Nomination
Committee, as determined by the Nomination Committee (considering
the principles applicable for the appointment of the Nomination
Committee). Any change in the composition of the Nomination
Committee shall be announced as soon as possible. No fees shall be
paid to the members of the Nomination Committee. Out of pocket
expenses shall be reimbursed by the Company. The mandate of the
committee shall be until the members of the succeeding committee
have been announced.
The Nomination Committee is to make proposals to the Annual
General Meeting regarding the election of Chair of the Annual
General Meeting, number of board members, Chair of the Board and
other board members and remuneration to the board members. The
Nomination Committee is also to make proposals regarding the
Company’s auditor, remuneration to the Company’s auditor and
election of members of the Nomination Committee or principles for
the selection of a Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee
shall conduct an annual evaluation of this instruction and when
necessary propose to amend it to the Annual General Meeting. The
Nomination Committee shall otherwise carry out the tasks that,
according to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code, are the
responsibility of the Nomination Committee.
Item 7 b: Appropriation of the Company’s result
according to the adopted balance sheet
The Board of Directors and the CEO proposes that the amount at
disposal of the Annual General Meeting, in
total SEK 1,244,034,986 shall be carried forward.
Item 12: The Board of Directors’ proposal regarding
principles for remuneration to executive management
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
resolves to approve the proposal for Guidelines for Remuneration to
Executive Management, (the “Guidelines”). The
Guidelines applies on salary and other forms of remuneration to the
CEO and other management personnel (executive management) decided
after the 2024 AGM. They apply to all categories of remunerations
and benefits, whether paid in cash, or paid now or in the future,
or if certain or uncertain. The Guidelines do not apply to
remuneration decided by the General Meeting.
The Guidelines are handled by the Remuneration Committee, which
provide a proposal to the Board of Directors. The decision to
submit the Guidelines for approval by the General Meeting is made
by the Board of Directors.
Remuneration to executive management comprises fixed salary,
variable remuneration, pension fees and other customary
Karolinska Development shall maintain compensation levels and
terms required to recruit and keep executive management with the
competence and experience necessary to fulfil the Company´s
business strategy, long-term interests and sustainability. The
total remuneration to executive management shall be on market
terms, competitive, reasonable and appropriate.
For more information about the Company’s business strategy, see
the Company’s website
Market term consultancy fees may be paid to board directors that
perform services to the Company outside the scope of the
Fixed salary
Fixed salaries shall be based on each individual´s experience,
competence and field of responsibility. Fixed salary shall be
revised annually for each calendar year.
Variable remuneration
Variable remunerations shall be formed to
promote Karolinska Development´s long term value creation,
including its sustainability; be based upon criteria that are
predetermined, clear, measurable and that can be influenced; if in
form of variable salary, have a fixed cap; not be included when
calculating pension insurance premiums.
The CEO and other executive management are
entitled to bonus based on exits in the portfolio. The remuneration
totals of 4% of the net proceeds paid to the Company upon the exit,
limited to a maximum exit related bonus of MSEK 50 per exit and
financial year. The bonus create incentive to contribute to the
realization of the Company’s business strategy, long-term interests
and sustainability.
Annual short-term incentive programs (STI) based
on corporate objectives, set yearly by the Board of Directors, are
proposed by the Remuneration Committee and resolved by the Board of
Directors for each calendar year. The remuneration is conditional
upon criteria based on the development of the portfolio and
development of the business model, which are set up to realize
Karolinska Development’s long-term value creation and creates
incentive to contribute to the realization of the Company’s
business strategy, long-term interests and sustainability. The set
objectives are divided into sub-objectives, each being clear,
measurable and influenceable, which are weighed relatively
depending on priority. The program is evaluated after the end of
the year by the Remuneration Committee and the outcome is decided
by the Board of Directors. The payment to an employee under a STI
program shall be limited to an amount corresponding to six months’
salaries. The cost for the Company at maximum outcome of STI 2024
amounts to 4.6 MSEK.
Information about the exit bonus and the STI and
LTI programs is found in the Annual report for 2023, note 5.
Information is also available on the Company´s website in the
Corporate Governance section.
As described above, the STI part of the total
annual fixed cash salary cannot exceed 50%, which also means that
the fixed salary will always be at least 66% per cent of the total
remuneration. Potential exit bonus is not included in this
Karolinska Development has one long-term
incentive program (LTI) for the year 2010, resolved by the AGM and
therefore not covered by the Guidelines.
The Company´s costs for pension for an employee
shall be paid during the period when the employee is active in the
Company. Pension insurance premiums shall not be paid when an
employee has retired. In addition to what is required under Swedish
law, premiums shall be paid in accordance with an adopted pension
premium plan, with pension fees paid within intervals depending on
age and salary. The pension premiums for defined-contribution may
amount to maximum 35% of the annual fixed cash salary.
Customary other benefits etc.
Executive management are entitled to such other
customary benefits that are applied for all employees at Karolinska
Development, such as sick pay, health care and wellness program
etc. The number of paid holidays amounts to thirty. The Company
does not provide company cars.
Executive management are not allowed to receive
fees for serving on the Board of Directors, when related to the
employment at Karolinska Development.
Executive management who holds employment or
have entered into remuneration agreements in non-wholly owned
subsidiaries shall be exempted from these Guidelines.
The termination period at termination by the
Company shall not exceed twelve months for the CEO and six months
for other executive management. If notice of termination is given
by the CEO, the notice period shall be at least six months and by
other executive management, at least six months. Severance pay may
be paid only to the CEO. Fixed salary during a period of notice and
severance pay aggregated are not to exceed an amount equivalent to
the individual´s fixed salary for two years.
Salaries and terms of employment for
When preparing the Board’s proposal for these
Guidelines, salaries and terms of employment for the Company’s
employees were considered in that information about employees’
total remuneration, the remuneration components, the increase in
the remuneration and the rate of the increase over time formed a
part of the Board’s decision basis for the evaluation of the
reasonableness of the Guidelines and the limitations resulting from
Preparations and decisions
The Company´s Remuneration Committee is to
prepare decisions related to salaries and other employment terms to
executive management. The Board of Directors is to decide regarding
salary to the CEO and principles for remuneration to other
executive management. The Board must prepare a proposal for new
guidelines at least every four years and present the proposal to
the AGM for resolution. The Guidelines should apply until new
guidelines are adopted by the General Meeting. The Board of
Directors should also monitor and evaluate the program for variable
remuneration to the executive management, the application of
guidelines for remuneration to executive management and the
applicable remuneration structures and levels in the Company. The
members of the Remuneration Committee are independent in relation
to the Company and executive management. When the Board of
Directors prepare and decides on remuneration-related matters, the
CEO and other members of executive management do not attend the
meetings to the extent they are affected by the matters.
Derogation from the Guidelines
The Board of Directors may temporarily deviate
from the Guidelines in full or in part if there on a case by case
basis are grounds for such a decision and a deviation is necessary
to ensure the Company’s long-term interests, including its
sustainability, or to ensure the Company’s economic viability.
Exceptions (if any) shall be commented on at the following AGM.
Description of significant changes to the
The Board of Directors has not received any
input from shareholders concerning the existing Guidelines for
remuneration to executive management. The Board of Directors’
proposal for Guidelines for remuneration to executive management
essentially corresponds to existing Guidelines. A clarification has
been made stating that executive management who holds employment or
have entered into remuneration agreements in non-wholly owned
subsidiaries shall be exempted from these Guidelines. In addition,
certain editorial changes have been made regarding derogation from
the Guidelines.
Item 13: Resolution on approval of the Board of
Directors’ Remuneration Report 2023
The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM approve the Board
of Directors’ remuneration report for 2023 in accordance with
Chapter 8, Section 53 a of the Swedish Companies Act.
Item 14: The Board of Directors’ proposal regarding
authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on transfer of
own shares
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
resolves to authorize the Board of Directors, for the period until
the next Annual General Meeting, on one or more occasions, with or
without deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, to
resolve on transfer of all shares of series B held by the Company
at any given time. The Company holds 244,285 shares of series B at
the time of the publication of this notice. Transfer may take place
on Nasdaq Stockholm or otherwise. Transfer on Nasdaq Stockholm
shall be made at a price per share within the registered price
interval at any given time, being the interval between the highest
bid and lowest ask price. Otherwise, transfer shall be made on
market terms. Payment for shares shall be made in cash, in kind or
by set-off.
The purpose of the authorization for transferring own shares and
the reasons for potential deviation from the shareholders’
preferential rights, is to give the Board of Directors the
possibility to adjust the Company’s capital structure, to use
repurchased shares as payment for, or financing of, acquisitions or
investments in order to create increased value for the
A resolution in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal
requires support from shareholders with not less than 2/3 of votes
cast as well as shares represented at the meeting.
Item 15: The Board of Directors’ proposal regarding
authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on new issues
of shares
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
resolves to authorize the Board of Directors, for the period until
the next Annual General Meeting to resolve, on one or more
occasions, with or without deviation from the shareholders’
preferential rights, and for payment in cash, by set-off or in
kind, to issue new shares of series B up to a number that, at the
time of the first resolution under this authorization, corresponds
to twenty (20) per cent of the total share capital; provided
however that any such issue must not result in the Company’s share
capital exceeding the Company’s maximum allowed share capital as
set out in the articles of association.
A resolution in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal
requires support from shareholders with not less than 2/3 of votes
cast as well as shares represented at the meeting.
The annual report, auditor’s report, remuneration report and
other documents that are to be made available in accordance with
the Swedish Companies Act, are available at the Company on Nanna
Svartz väg 2, 171 65, Solna, Sweden and at the Company’s website,, no later than three weeks before the
AGM, and will be sent to shareholders who so request and provide
their postal address.
The Board of Directors and the CEO shall, if requested by any
shareholder and if the Board of Directors is of the opinion that it
can be done without causing material harm to the Company, provide
disclosures about conditions that may impact assessment of an item
of business on the agenda, about conditions that may impact
assessment of the Company’s or a subsidiary’s financial situation,
and about the Company’s relationship with another group
As per the date of this notice, there are 270,077,594 shares,
representing a total of 293,074,943 votes outstanding in the
Company, distributed among 2,555,261 shares of series A (with
25,552,610 votes) and 267,522,333 shares of series B (with
267,522,333 votes). As per the date of this notice, the Company
holds 244,285 treasury shares of series B.
Processing of personal data
For information on how your personal data is processed in
connection to the Annual General Meeting see the privacy policy
available on Euroclear Sweden AB’s website:
Solna in April 2024
Karolinska Development AB (publ)
The Board of Directors
- Notice AGM 2024 Karolinska Development
Karolinska Development Ab (LSE:0P3C)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 1월(1) 2025 으로 2월(2) 2025
Karolinska Development Ab (LSE:0P3C)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2024 으로 2월(2) 2025