14 년 전
FWH, it is nice to hear from you on PTQ board. I sold XAG a few months ago when you warned about silver, but I do keep it on my radar, also occasionally checking on your “ love” ACTC.
As you can tell – PTQ board had temper flying a week ago between MJK and Lo- I share your concern about his grandiose and extremely positive outlook, but still like to read his posts- he was local guy.
Well, my other silver play GPL – I should of could of , ha-ha- should of sell it for $5 and make a nice profit , but No – been greedy ( how many times I told myself…) so I am back to my entry point $3.
PTQ ? – it is what it is – a huge potential, but will be that potential realized? I really would love to have some PDI shares, think it will outperform ptq one day.
The good thing – all it is my “ play money”, none of it is my 401-K and I would never recommend someone to use retirement funds for this kind of play.
I hope everything is OK with you.
Best Regards,
14 년 전
Xtierra Inc.: Bilbao Project Update
Exercise of Warrants
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 27, 2011) - Xtierra Inc. (TSX VENTURE:XAG) ("Xtierra" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce that 1,725,476 of outstanding warrants (representing 98.6%) with an expiry date of April 15, 2011 have been exercised to raise further proceeds of US$517,642, bringing the total proceeds of recently exercised warrants to US$3.8 Million.
With the exercise of the warrants, the issued and outstanding share capital of the Company is now 103,262,142 shares. There are 14,331,210 warrants and 4,755,000 share options currently outstanding and "in the money." The proceeds of the warrant conversion brings Xtierra's current working capital to approximately US$9.5 Million.
Bilbao Update
Drilling - Current drilling at Bilbao is focussed on several silver-rich zones in the southern and southwestern margins of the deposit. The first drill-hole was sited to confirm whether there was continuity of the silver-rich breccia zone intersected by drill-holes CG4 and X85. Drill-hole X92, located mid-way between the holes has been completed to a depth of 278.45m and encountered a similar brecciated limestone with disseminated sulphides over a thickness of 5.25m, between 139.35 and 144.60m.
Extremely rich silver mineralization encountered previously in drill-hole X26 at a depth of 382m is the target of drill-hole X86A which is currently in progress at a depth of 190m. The main objective of this angled hole is to determine the structural elements of the mineralised veins and to locate a possible feeder conduit.
In addition to the planned 2,000m of drilling on the high grade silver zones, further exploration drill-holes will test geophysical anomalies (ground magnetic) south of the Bilbao deposit as well as at the Ardillas silver-lead prospect, situated 1.5km north-east of Bilbao.
Feasibility Study-An updated and independent NI-43-101 compliant resource estimate, final hydrological and geotechnical (rock mechanics) reports, mine plans and power supply reports will be completed during May.
Metallurgical test work on the oxide ore is still in progress. The milling and wet high intensity magnetic separation (WHIMS) processes are currently being optimized in order to obtain maximum payable metal in the pre-concentrate at optimum acid consumption. These tests are being conducted at the SGS Mineral Service's Laboratory in Durango, Mexico. Upon completion, locked cycle test work will also be conducted at the SGS facilities. Pilot plant testing, also to be conducted at SGS, will allow finalised industrial design to be completed and the tailings and geochemical characteristics generated by the pilot plant will facilitate the completion of an environmental assessment report, risk analysis and tailings management final design. The final feasibility study should be completed within three months after completing the pilot plant test work.
Incentive Stock Options
Pursuant to the Company's stock option plan, the board of directors has granted 4,225,000 options to purchase common shares in the capital stock of the Company to directors, officers, consultants and employees of the Company at an exercise price of $0.51 per share for a period of five years. Of the total grant, 2,000,000 options were granted to directors, 1,400,000 to officers and senior employees and the balance to employees and consultants.
Qualified Person
Information of a scientific or technical nature contained in this release has been prepared by or under the supervision of Terence N. McKillen, P.Geo., Chief Executive Officer, Gerald J. Gauthier, P.Eng., Chief Operating Officer and Dr. Anthony C. Gallon, C.Eng., Chief Geologist, all 'qualified persons' within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators.
About Xtierra Inc.
Xtierra Inc. is a Toronto based exploration and development company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "XAG". There are 103,262,142 shares issued and outstanding. The Company is conducting a feasibility study on its Bilbao silver-zinc-lead-copper project in Zacatecas, Mexico. Xtierra's objective is to become a mid-tier producer of precious and base metals through the development of its Bilbao project as well as through exploration, organic growth and M & A opportunities.
14 년 전
Xtierra / Answeres!!(From Stockhouse board)
4/22/2011 4:33:46 AM |
I got this from Tim yesterday!
"There is no question we are valued as an explorationcompany and that the upside if you are a 'producing silver company' as thosecompanies trade at 10-20x cash flow. We have had delays with the pilot plant andmetallurgical testing which means we have not had much news to report. Terenceand Gerry are aware of this but this is beyond their control. I am expecting thefeasibility reports to be completed in the Summer, then financing in the Falland then construction in 2012 for startup and cash flow some time in 2013 butall timelines are subject to change.
For Laguna we need to get an agreement with the Ajidos-thelocal village, then bulk test, etc and Bilbao is the priority.
Latest ppt attached."
Tim Gallagher
Xtierra Inc.
220 BayStreet, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5J 2W4
Direct +1416-925-0090
Tel: +1 416-362-8243
i like this line: "There is no question we are valued as an explorationcompany and that the upside if you are a 'producing silver company' as thosecompanies trade at 10-20x cash flow" Talk about a huge upside, and if silver hits 100$ we are going to be rich ppl by this company i think! First thing im going to do on monday - BUY MORE!
14 년 전
VBGOOD, it looks like it will eventually be a good play, but that's why I switched to ARIAN SILVER, ASLRF, as I mentioned to you a few days ago.
Arian just struck a new, huge silver vein in mexico and also announced a new cfo.
Also, hope you picked up some ACTC. I added to my position yesterday and today.
It's currently correcting a bit, so it appears a good time to buy.
I truly think with human trials starting soon, etc., ACTC could prove to be the investment of the century.
Disclosure: I have a huge position and continue to add.
Good luck.
Don't know how to read PTQMF, just too many questions for me at the moment, though I still monitor the board.
14 년 전
FWH, yes you are right, XAG will not go into production until mid/end of the next year. They did report a good news today, drilling , etc.
I am placing ACTC on my radar for sure.
STK reported good drilling results also, de-watering might last 8 – 10 weeks and then after few weeks of preparation and paper-work – they can start a production in the Fall. I am very excited about STK and will increase my holding while they still trading around $ 0.10, seems to me it is 4-bagger for sure, JMHO.
14 년 전
Apr 01, 2011 07:00 ET
Xtierra Reports a New High Grade Silver Zone at Bilbao
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 1, 2011) - Xtierra Inc. (TSX VENTURE:XAG) ("Xtierra" or the "Company"), is pleased to report the discovery of a new high grade silver zone at its Bilbao project in central Zacatecas, Mexico.
Drill-hole CG-4, undertaken as part of the geotechnicalportion of a feasibility study for the proposed open-pit at Bilbao,encountered economically significant silver values in a newly identifiedbrecciated fault zone. The new target occurs stratigraphically abovethe high grade silver targets subject to investigation by the drillingprogram previously announced (March 2, 2011) and occurs towards thesouth-eastern extremity of the proposed open-pit.
The new silver mineralization occurs in a brecciated,manganiferous limestone at least 5.70metresin thickness (core lengthwhich is considered to be more or less a true width), from a depth of120.00m to 125.70m, with an average grade of 247g/t silver. This samehorizon has also been identified in drill-hole X-85, previously drilledby Xtierra within the main Bilbao resource, on the projected down dipextension to the zone. The table below shows the mineralizationintersected in drill-hole CG4.
(m) To
(m) Interval
(m) Silver
g/t Gold
ppb Lead
% Zinc
% Copper
120.00 125.70 5.70 247.05 6.49 0.33 0.26 0.01
217.35 220.90 3.55 11.51 6.48 0.50 0.44 0.05
Drill-hole CG4 occurs in a previously untested area of theproject, 100m to the east of drill hole X-85 and 50m south of drill holeX-41, indicating continuity of mineralization in the south-easternsector of the deposit and which is likely to add to the currentlydefined mineral resource.
The new diamond drilling program investigating the high gradesilver zone previously encountered along the western margin of theBilbao deposit extending over a strike length of at least 300 metreswill also investigate this new silver-rich zone which is locatedapproximately 180 metres to the south-southeast. In addition, drillingwill be undertaken on several geophysical targets and on a newsilver-lead geochemical anomaly target at the Ardillas prospect located1.5km to the north-east of Bilbao.
Commenting on the results, Xtierra's President and CEO, Terence McKillen said, "Thediscovery of this new silver-rich zone to the southeast of the proposedBilbao open pit is an important development and one which couldpositively impact the Bilbao resource estimate. Results of the currentdrill program following up on this and the western zone of high gradesilver will be awaited with interest."
Analytical Method
Samples from half-core were prepared at the Stewart Grouplaboratory in Zacatecas and initially analyzed for 38 element contentusing ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry) by theStewart Group (Eco-Tech Laboratory) in Kamloops, British Columbia.Values exceeding the limits of detection are automatically re-analyzedby Fire Assay or Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) methodsrespectively. Standards and blanks were used regularly for qualitycontrol.
Qualified Person
Information of a scientific or technical nature contained inthis release has been prepared by or under the supervision of Terence N.McKillen, P.Geo., Chief Executive Officer and Dr. Anthony C. Gallon,C.Eng., Chief Geologist, both 'qualified persons' within the meaning ofNational Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators.
14 년 전
VBGOOD, as I believe I mentioned in an earlier post, I decided tyo switch silver stocks to ARIAN Silver, ASLRF, as they are actively mining and producing in a number of prolific areas.
I like Xtierra, but feel it will take awhile to apprciate the more I study it.
ACTC is about to move ahead with FDA human trials by the end of 2Q.
That should be bullish and positive results as the summer unfolds, could be explosive, imo.
I'm in somewhat a similar stage in life as you, though I am already retired. I have a huge position in ACTC, which I am very excited about. That and my silver plays are my 'risk' and fun money.
They have great patent revenue potential and their current focus could make this the stock of the century, imo. Regenerative medicine is where it's all at in the days to come. I do look for a rs within the year to move to a better exchange, though that in this case, will be a positive, imo.
14 년 전
Hi FWH, thanks for information. It will be interesting to know what they got to say, positive results might finally move SP over .60 I hope .
Investing : FWH, my situation is a bit different, I am older fellow
and ready to retire in 2-4 years, so 95% of my investment and 401K is in very conservative funds and bonds.
The rest of my money I can "play" with. At this point I am holding PTQ, XAG, STK, GPL and trying not to spread myself too thin . ACTC is very interesting , way out my area of interest, but I might take a small position in it, it is very promising therapy I am not sure how long will it take to go thru all FDA approval - you might know more about it.
STK had 10 x volume yesterday - something is cooking there...
Xtierra - lets get this baby going, I can not wait for rest of the media and heard to find out about it.
14 년 전
Hi FWH, I am also planning to add more XAG shares,- got some money coming next week, and will check this weekend ASLRF and ACTC - thanks .
PTQ -? I got lucky and make some money (got in at 0.65-sh)- so now I pull all my original investment and running on free shares only. I do planning to add some before they report to catch some action ( also rumor of PDI split)- then I will re-evaluate my holding there. Also there is a sentimental factor with PTQ – my first mine investing ;o) – call me old fashion, I know – need to separate my heart and not to fall in love with the stock ..hmm
Mjk-? – smart , older gentleman ( 72) a lot of knowledge, but opinionated and hot tempered...
E-trade - same thing, I wish we were be able to trade on Toronto X, but got to do what we can..
Yes, just like you , I am very excited about Xtierra and will be slowly building my position there.
Small play: STK.V - Strike Minerals , $ 0.10 , Canadian company operating in Canada, rebuilding older gold mine, they have to pump the water out and basically ready to go. Only 300000 oz gold but they are adding more by drilling nearby property with history of gold mining, what is attractive is minute float, just 71 mil. shares.. any way check it out , there is a board on SH with former PTQ guys and IH .
I have small position with Great Panther, I should of got in when you mention, ;0( but still making 30% profit but very cautious at this level, may be another 30 at best…
I am very excited – waiting on my silver coins from GPL store coming soon in a mail … yea !
Well got to go in a basement and run some wires, I come-up with a good saying not to mess-up:
“ black is gold, white is a silver and green is a ground …- dirt.. hmm Ha-ha.
Have a great weekend
( And excuse my English )
14 년 전
Hello, again VBGOOD.
I added some more Xtierra today on minor weakness this morning.
It's interesting to note that the price and volume figures I get on line from TD Ameritrade, are not really accurate figures, but american figures., e.g., Xtierra by 2 pm had already traded 115,200 shares on the vancouver exchange.
I love where this company has acreage rights and will be drilling, as it's a world class area for silver and also has gold zinc and copper.
Based on our experience and what I consider a very unpredictable climate in panama, I would much rather be in a proven mining friendly country like mexico. I think mjkii is a good guy but full of himself.
I am also slowly building a position in Arian Silver, ASLRF. They are in a number of areas/countries and are actually producing.
Added some more today around .60 US.
Yes, I would be interested in any other thoughts you consider truly promising, e.g., I consider Xtierra's backing/funding sources to be a huge plus as these are folks in the know from what I've been able to ascertain.
By the way, I have a huge position in ACTC, only the second company in the US to obtain fda approval (GERN the other) to move forward with stem cell eye testing to correct blindness in children and adults and that will be happening in two months. Regenerative medicine is the future of medicine and investments, imo.
I'm very excited about the potential for Xtierra.
Yes, I would
14 년 전
FWH, nice to have you here , just a few of us , but it will be growing with time. Minco, Pacific and Sprott holding 70 % of all shares !!! So you can see what will happen when retail investors find –out and institutions begin to pump it, but first they have to build a mine and start to produce silver.
I mention this to Mjk, but he does not want anything to do with Mexico ? ! I reply but Lo deleted my message also. Mexico, as you know , is a power-house when it comes to silver mining.
This is much better board for silver discussion; MWM does not mind new ideas.
Also SH has board for XAG. Anyway , it is great to have you here. After fiasco with PTQ as DVM warn us I started to look for different plays. I still have some PTQ, XAG was my first find, took position but planning to add more. Then there is an interesting small play in gold: STK.V – a few members from PTQ are there, 1Best recommended it and after some DD I took a small position, it is a 0.10 stock ;o) but it is Canada... if you interested I’ ll tell you more about it , In mean time let’s learn all we can about Xtierra , may be one day it will be X-Panther Silver ;0))
14 년 전
For anyone looking for a silver mining investment, you've found it early, while it's affordable and loaded with promise and some outstanding initial drilling prospects already.
XTIERRA has a few sites under development, with further mergers and acquisitions a part of their business plan.
One of the most exciting things, is their huge acreage and rights in the Mexican state of Zacatecas, legendary as a world class area of silver and other metal deposits, including gold, zinc and copper.
Th fundamentals of the company, including the quality of it's funding sources is first class. They're well capitalized to move forward without financial concerns, it appears.
The technical aspects of the company appear to be excellent, showing support at major support levels in recent trading.
What is needed now is more public exposure and increased volume to move this stock much higher.
This is clearly a silver plus stock to add to one's portfolio.
Other similar companies in the area, after a short mining history are already in the $5.00 range.
With dramatic drilling prospects about to unfold, I anticipate dramatic upward swings in price. Combine that with the very bullish longer term projections on silver, and you're on the ground floor of a soon to be big winner, imo.
Welcome aboard.
14 년 전
Bilbao Ag-Zn-Pb-Cu Development Project
Project Overview
The Bilbao project is located in the Panfilo Natera Mining District, approximately 50 km east of the state capital, Zacatecas and consists of 1,406.7 hectares comprising nine exploitation concessions.
Drilling by Xtierra has outlined a resource (NI 43-101 compliant) of 9.68 million tonnes indicated resources at an average grade of 2.09% lead, 0.21% copper, 2.43% zinc and 59.40 g/t silver and 4.04 million tonnes of inferred resources at an average grade of 1.55% lead, 0.18% copper, 1.43 zinc and 53.64 g/t silver. Additional drilling completed in September 2010 is expected to add to the resource total.
The Bilbao deposit can be classified as a sulphide replacement deposit with a skarn overprint adjacent to the La Blanca granodiorite intrusive.
The Company owns a 100% ownership interest in the property subject to a 1.5% NSR royalty to a previous owner.
Xtierra is finalising a Feasibility Study on the deposit which includes a pilot plant-scale metallurgical test of the near-surface oxide mineralization and the confirmation of a flow-sheet and process for the recovery of lead, zinc, silver, copper and gold previously developed in bench-scale tests.