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Remote Dynamics Inc (CE)

Remote Dynamics Inc (CE) (RMTD)

마감 12 12월 6:00AM

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RMTD Discussion

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trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 5 시간 전
I think once this starts trading,
the news will just keep coming
and coming AND Vz has the
Remote dynamics website. WHY?
See you at the bank. LOL
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 6 시간 전
$$$$$ $RMTD
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 6 시간 전
Very, very, very complicated.
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 7 시간 전
Look up " Eastman Kodak Company and Subsidiary Companies"
Ha ha ha How many companies bought KODAK?
Fascinating research there if anyone has the time.
Verizon and who else????
Verizon alone could not afford to buy RMTD no more than Telogis could, IMO
Pieces, yeah, but not the whole company.
I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
RSI38 RSI38 10 시간 전


SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 13 시간 전
have you fil the form k-10 already?, come on get rush that we need it....
m0n m0n 13 시간 전
Sure, so enlighten us, who is buying a CE junk stock/symbol with no filings or board members yet alone a working phone number? 

RSI38 RSI38 17 시간 전
Agreed and this is the high likelihood of the status of rmtd

Thanks Trackk
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 21 시간 전
Or Both.
"Either we will be golden"
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
RSI38 RSI38 1 일 전
It could be multiple pennies to dollars if and when rmtd shows it still owns some of its many patents and or vz uses it as a separate division

Either we will be golden

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 일 전
No one knows.
Company has been silent for many, many years.
AstroHero96 AstroHero96 2 일 전
So I only have 3 million shares and it only cost around $400.00 USD. I honestly don't know if the company will take off I only did basic research but if it goes to even like half a penny that's pretty good for me to sell. I didn't really expect to much. Can I ask roughly how high do you think it's capable of going, Pennies dollars?
Termite7 Termite7 2 일 전
Don't remove that bra....!
RSI38 RSI38 2 일 전
Misleading statement bra...

SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 일 전
again that the volume is fake... rollin and rolling around the same.....
RSI38 RSI38 2 일 전
All I know is when it took off there were billions of shares traded hands.

So many hold so many shares here


m0n m0n 2 일 전
Tell us how you plan on doing this? LoL 

No One can Purchase this junk! LoL

m0n m0n 2 일 전
You do realize no one can purchase this stock LoL 
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 3 일 전
The best proof, thats there isn´t many shares on the ask. that´s what they aimed whend quotation touch 0.0001, people accumulating orders at this price IMHO.
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 3 일 전
Thanks. Happy Holidays to you and our entire board as well.
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
👍️ 3 🤑 1
RSI38 RSI38 4 일 전

Once this kicks in I am sure the first few weeks volume will be in the BILLIONS of share like last time

But this time will be different in that it will go much higher $$$

RSI38 RSI38 4 일 전
I could not agree with you more of course

We will be golden in this coming year

Happy holidays Trackk

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 4 일 전
275,001 Does not seem like many shares available
Imagine putting a buy order in for a few milly
and only getting 275,001

👍️ 1
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 4 일 전
Yeah, to those of us with shares who have been waiting 5-10-15 years, we are closer now than we have ever been, but the window of opportunity might be closed for fence sitters.
Time will tell.
Sure has been and still is, interesting.
Can't wait to read filings and learn the truth.
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$

👍️ 2 🤑 1
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 4 일 전
Poverty will be a thing of the past.
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
16 years worth of loading
opposite "THE BIG SHORT" (movie)
We were suppose to believe this was garbage.
BUT.... we didn't, we just bought MORE!
Millions of dollars lent to this company.
The investors said to the company, " errr ummm... Just convert the cash you
owe us into common shares..
If the investors wanted common shares, then SO DID I.
If the investors were willing to wait years, then so was I.
Ha ha ha
Congrats to all longs.
👍️ 1 🤑 1
RSI38 RSI38 5 일 전
They are scooping up cheap shares


SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 6 일 전
Four trades that´s a record
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 7 일 전
I want to propose the Bullish to WaspaGroup where to keep in touch away of this board. Who wants? this doesn´t mean leave from here. sending me a private or reporting in public i would public the phone number here, i have no problem in that
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 주 전
absolutly no
RSI38 RSI38 1 주 전
You are not kidding Mr.


SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 주 전
And whithout falling in delincuency
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 주 전
the one stake volume, Miller health management again?
RSI38 RSI38 1 주 전
I have never seen a stock basher that lasts 20 years,lol

Go RMTD $$$

Have a great day dear,,

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 주 전
A blissful existence for sure.
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
LOL ja ja ja!
RSI38 RSI38 1 주 전
And that is by his own choice lol

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 주 전
Read the SEC files to ascertain which companies have anything to do with RMTD.
You seem to be many years behind.
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 주 전
m0n m0n 1 주 전
LoL on topic as in posting about companies that have nothing to do with R M T D 

Got it LoL

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 주 전
Try to stay on topic. We are talking
about a date which has particular
significance for RMTD.
m0n m0n 1 주 전
Two companies that have nothing to do with this turd LoL

No One is Fooled 
RSI38 RSI38 1 주 전
Good morning Trackk

Interesting as things are starting to move now!!



trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 주 전
"On July 2nd, 2024 press release, the Board of Directors of Delex Healthcare Group Inc. (DELEX) and Bounce Mobile Systems Inc. (BNCM) has signed an agreement for the ..."
July 2 Holds such significance for RMTD, but with so many years here, I just cant place it.
I know I've posted about it before.
Anyone ???
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 주 전
One more listed for our caribean party....

RSI, Trackk, poor Termite7, "OnlyMe" jjjjjj, and me.
👍️ 1 🤣 1
JustMe JustMe 2 주 전
LoL... Just trying to show a bit of humility...

👍️ 1 😝 1
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 2 주 전
Dead? Not a chance.
God has big plans for him and his RMTD profits.
👍️ 1
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 주 전
we were mailing... Thought he was dead. jajajajaj
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 주 전
jajajajaj I had a little suspicious. Did you park your harley already

very original your new nick, you were thinking too much around it? jajajaj
RSI38 RSI38 2 주 전
FYI folks

Vol. @ 456k shares thus far today


Someone is scooopin




👍️ 1
JustMe JustMe 2 주 전
Yup.... I'm right here waiting for the explosion.... How you been?

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 2 주 전
No, what about him?
Why do you ask?