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Panglobal Brands Inc (CE)

Panglobal Brands Inc (CE) (PNGB)

마감 03 3월 6:00AM

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PNGB Discussion

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Mcclain023 Mcclain023 4 년 전
What’s going on with this?
sidedraft sidedraft 11 년 전
PNGB: Suspended by SEC

Stefanod Stefanod 11 년 전
Let's hope for a big bang this time
JimBoStevens JimBoStevens 11 년 전
Looks like it bout ready to pop baby
JimBoStevens JimBoStevens 11 년 전
This could pop Big anytime from looking at that L2 any 1 day pump will blow this wide open imo

Watch her close
Crumbster Crumbster 11 년 전
Nice candle yesterday and no one home
crawfish poboy crawfish poboy 12 년 전
Sir Stock Alot Sir Stock Alot 12 년 전
Ohhh Yaaaa... GO PNGB
Stefanod Stefanod 14 년 전
What is happening here some movement......?.
rjviking rjviking 15 년 전
anybody have any info on the new web site we heard about a few months ago?
VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
rjviking, " might be a good time ..."

Yeah, all stocks and markets move in cycles. So it MUST go down now so it CAN go up later. UP-DOWN, up-down... endless cycle.

I too, got caught up in the pump and hype about their successful clothing lines, etc. It all seemed so real at the time. Now I'm feeling a little like "I got played!", just like so many other times. It is just the "nature of the beast". I always knew this is a very risky investment.

My view is this one will eventually bottom out and then trend sideways for a while, maybe (my guess) up to two years. Then all of a sudden, it will take off again, and within a few days it will be UP (my guess) 700% etc. I'm sure we've all seen this phenomenon before. That's why we're here.

So I guess it all boils down to whether individual shareholders will stick around and suffer dead money for a while. OR see the long term potential here and view it as a Sector Play that will grow as the consumer resumes spending. Whenever that will be! I believe this is a more constructive way to view this, in order to convince myself there is justification to hold on for a while longer. Because basically, I just don't want to take the loss.

I have a moderately small position here so I don't have TOO much skin in the game. I can handle this level of financial risk. But my position is now DOWN 81% and I don't like that at all.

At some point I will average down when the PPS gets really cheap. I expect my number of shares will increase by 10X. Then I will just wait patiently for the situation to come around again. I will give this two years to produce an ROI.

Patience will be Rewarded! and Good Luck to All Longs...

rjviking rjviking 15 년 전
Since this stock has been on life support for some time now might be a good time for a resurrection!!!
Pic Pic 15 년 전
Careful may wake up the dead. :)
InvestorSuisse InvestorSuisse 15 년 전
I will be doing the same, I'll be holding and hoping for something to happen over here one day..

Bought this pos a few months ago and went on vacation "Bad idea." dropped about 4 pennies before I returned..

Because of this I don't really play much penny stocks anymore, unless I know personally that something is up.
rjviking rjviking 15 년 전
as did i fortunately i can afford to ride this one out and hopefuuly break even some day
InvestorSuisse InvestorSuisse 15 년 전
LOL I second that, I'm embarrassed to say I got caught up in the hype about the filings and upcoming clothing lines. In turn I lost a Huge chunk of money here.
rjviking rjviking 15 년 전
LOL...i'd be happy to get back to a penny at this point!
InvestorSuisse InvestorSuisse 15 년 전
Wish we could see 0.05 again..
VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
I was hoping you could tell me.

They just filed a 15D so they no longer have to file with the SEC.

Now here is, yet another, SEC filing.

rjviking rjviking 15 년 전
vista...what ia your take on this transaction?

VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
Panglobal Brands files SEC Form D on 04/26/2010

"The shares are being issued as interest payments on a convertible loan agreement dated April 9, 2009"

VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
Looks like we've lost the "E" again.

Symbol back to PNGB as the SEC Form 15D has been applied and we're now a pink sheet stock.

Ask is currently up at .25 and I realize it doesn't mean much. But it's nice to see that anyway. Probably because most MMs haven't caught up with the change yet.

Good Luck to All Longs.


BlackThought BlackThought 15 년 전
rjviking rjviking 15 년 전
Well I would agree....I too am deeply in the red here. I bought in to this one based largely on the management team so I am a little disappointed with the late filings.

I know what Lesser did as part of Tru Religion and I think they have a great foundation of product lines so ultimately I think they will be successful. I wasn't looking to flip this one anyway so I too will be buying more and averaging down and keeping a eye on what they are doing. I figure as long as see product at my local mall we have a shot.

VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
rjviking, I bought this because it is fully reporting...

... and making money, and has a reasonably low float.

Apparently it won't be fully reporting, going forward. So I guess we'll have to rely on PRs and such. But they're still making money and the share float is still pretty low. That means that the PPS can move up quite easily with moderate buying interest.

I hope the management will stay "shareholder friendly" but right now it looks like they are pretty upset with the mess associated with the reporting requirement and deadline for filing. They lost their OTCBB standing because they filed late three times in 24 months. I'm sure they knew what was at stake.

This is NOT the shareholder's fault. They shot themselves in the foot and now the shareholders have to pay the price by being cutoff from the flow of timely financial info. So I can only hope they continue to make public the info we need. There are several ways they can accomplish this, as many other pink sheet stocks are managing to keep their shareholders updated without the burden of audited SEC filings.

Tough to call this at the moment. I am deep in the red on this. So I'm looking for a bottom so I can average down in the hope of extricating myself later this year. It looks like the Consumer Product segment is recovering so that should help out a lot.

All just my opinion...


rjviking rjviking 15 년 전
Vista...what are your thoughts on PNGB long term. Still see them as a viable company long term?
VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
PANGLOBAL BRANDS INC. files SEC Form 15-15D on 04/16/2010


Well, that answers my earlier question.

VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
Still curious why we haven't lost the "E" and gone pink.

Found this link on another forum, which shows Panglobal's current status as "pending decision".

And here's the factors that determine strikes and subsequent OTCBB eligibility...

22.How does FINRA determine whether an OTCBB issuer’s periodic financial report was filed timely?
For the purpose of determining the extent to which an issuer has filed its periodic financial reports in a timely fashion or has filed its periodic financial reports within the applicable grace period (in the case of an issuer that did not meet the initial filing deadline), the periodic financial report in question must have been received and time stamped by the Commission’s EDGAR system no later than 5:30 p.m. EST on the day the report was due or the last day of the applicable grace period. For the purpose of determining an issuer’s eligibility for quotation on the OTCBB, no exceptions to the 5:30 p.m. EST cut off will be made absent the existence of extraordinary circumstances in the sole discretion of SEC staff.

Initial Filing Deadline Delinquency Example: An OTCBB issuer that fails to file a periodic financial report on the day it is due by 5:30 p.m. EST receives a “strike,” even if the filing is made on the following day. If such a “strike” is the issuer’s third, the issuer will be removed form the OTCBB. A hearing request will stay the removal of the issuer’s securities from the OTCBB, pending the Hearing Officer’s decision, but only if it is accompanied by evidence / receipt of a wire transfer in the amount of $4,000. The stay of removal pending the Hearing Officer’s decision will not provide the issuer with additional time in which to cure ineligibility, if the issuer was, in fact, delinquent at the time that the filing was due.

Grace Period Filing Deadline Delinquency Example: An OTCBB issuer that fails to file a periodic financial report on the day it is due and then subsequently fails to file the periodic financial report by 5:30 p.m. EST on the last day of the applicable grace period (in the case of a first or second “strike”) will be removed from the OTCBB. A hearing request will stay the removal of the issuer’s securities from the OTCBB, pending the Hearing Officer’s decision, but only if it is accompanied by evidence / receipt of a wire transfer in the amount of $4,000. The stay of removal pending the Hearing Officer’s decision will not provide the issuer with additional time in which to cure ineligibility, if the issuer was, in fact, delinquent at the end of the applicable grace period.

VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
teachera, "Everyone is free to do what they like but here's what I'm doing. Standing pat... "

So, you're going to do nothing.

Well, that's one way to go.

Good Luck.

teachera teachera 15 년 전
VW and Stefanoid,

We all understood that buying a company with negative revenues and a micro cap stock was going to be an extremely high risk, high reward scenario. Everyone is free to do what they like, but here's what I'm doing. Standing pat and either this thing goes to zero(is a real possiblity) or til it at least doubles from my entry price. Like everyone else I'm down huge on this one.

VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
Stefanod, I am now down 76% on this one. And I'm NOT happy.

When I bought in I was hoping to make a reasonable ROI in a few months. Now it looks like it may take up to a year or more.

I suppose that I will be averaging down here at some point, so that I might be able to eventually break even or make a modest profit.

But it seems to me that the recent moves by the company are in the opposite direction from supporting my plan. So for the near-term I am going to wait and see what happens next.

All investors should be careful with this one and make up their own minds about what to do.

I suggest that you start by reading the last few SEC filings to become familiar with what you own. Then decide.

All just my opinion...

Stefanod Stefanod 15 년 전
Hey Vista,
I am new at this but I have a question and looking for advice, I bought the stock at 0.08 now at 0.01 should i buy again to average the proce down and hope for a rebound [maybe 1 day]?
your thoughts
VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
SEC Form 8-K filed on 03/24/2010

I guess this will be their Last Filing.

VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
roadking56, I think they're probably doing OK selling products.

But they are a chronic "late filer". They were late filing at least three times in two years and caught the dreaded "E" twice in two weeks, just in the last month.

As a result, they were just notified by the OTCBB of their pending delisting. They were supposed to have a hearing with the OTCBB this last Friday to try to head off this delisting. But they never told us the result, good or bad.

Now today, they come out with this PR stating that they are CHOOSING to be delisted and are going to file the appropriate forms to make it happen. It really sounds like a big cop out to me. They are trying to make it look like they are actually in control. I would bet that they were going to be delisted anyway, due to their repeated inability to meet their legal obligation of filing on time. So now they're trying to "save face". Their game is pretty transparent.

There is one very peculiar passage in today's PR that tips their hand:

"Furthermore, management expects that satisfying this requirement would require a considerable increase in the workload placed on the Company’s directors, officers and consultants."

In every company that I have ever been involved in, the financial reporting and auditing, etc. is the EXCLUSIVE domain of the CFO (chief financial officer). THE CFO is a VP level position. So why in the world would they have directors and consultants involved in producing the financial filings? Don't they have centralized accounting? This is just total BS! If they were doing a proper job in accounting there would be little problem. I wonder if they have ever heard of the term "weekly trial balance".

The bottom line is that they are turning their back to the outside shareholders. I guess while they needed to sell shares to stay alive, we shareholders were pretty important. But now that they have a growing revenue stream and are becoming fairly self-sufficient, they no longer feel the need to give us anything; not even timely and accurate financial information that is legally certified. This is extremely disappointing!

As I said: "Just another Stinky Pinky!"

All just my opinion...


TAonly TAonly 15 년 전
So much for their doing real good.
VistaViewer VistaViewer 15 년 전
So now we're just another Stinky Pinky!

Up until today I was anticipating a reasonable price appreciation and a descent ROI.

Now, this is just one more position I have to unwind from.



Stefanod Stefanod 15 년 전
cuold it be related to this?

Pic Pic 15 년 전
low volume...but you're correct..OUCH!
InvestorSuisse InvestorSuisse 15 년 전
Pic Pic 15 년 전
looks like shares are on sale this a.m.
InvestorSuisse InvestorSuisse 15 년 전
Thanks fatherofseven! I'm still holding here.. :)
goldenhands goldenhands 15 년 전
wow thats great great news fatherofseven !!!! I am glad things look so positive. I am also glad you got to talk to him directly for all the right answers. This is a great time to buy more shares or for first time buyers of Panglobal. Most of us are in at a much higher price. I did buy more though as prices dropped. I am now at 200,000 shares paying from .02-.10 cents per share. Again thanks for the update and good news.
fatherofseven fatherofseven 15 년 전

I typed, with his permission, as fast as I could...

OVERALL - BACK TO WHERE WE WERE IN REVENUE: "We're in a turn around situation... in all honesty we've streamlined expenses. We're back to where we were in revenue, will be back next quarter... focused on business... three brands, three targets, different price points... low end, medium/department, botiques... 2010 is clean-up year... 48 employees still... goal is to raise revenue without expenses, offices, systems, staff....

ON BUSINESS STRUCTURE: "We have a good structure, good people... we're over production issues... have shipping operations, consumer productions... name of game is to focus. Question 1: How do we grow top line? Not selling to any crappy stores. Real goal: how do we grow the top...

ON MARKET/PRODUCT- DRAMATICALLY BETTER...: "Market is suprisingly good... our products are dramatically better than they were 10 months ago... 2 of 3 have new designers, product is dramatically improved, only way to work is to really give your customer incredible value... one is a bargain....

"Many of stores we're in you keep hearing good things about... we're out of garbage stores, took knocks with two bankruptces [those stores, not Panglobal].... we're in JCPenny, trying to get into Kohls... looking at Sears... the only companies that go out of business are those who forget about their customer...

WEBSITE: "New and dramatically improved website is forthcoming... focussing on business is job one... "

DELISTING: He was dismayed by this possibility, particularly because "an accountant dropped the ball"... they are taking actions to avoid, but he thinks it may be unavoidable... he's not too phased by it... [I respect that they informed us all of this eventuality...].

Charles is very well-spoken, and tuned into the industry, the pulse of the market, and where Panglobal needs to be... and doing it. I recommended he have go on record through an interview, release, pod-cast (etc.)... I mentioned he gave me enough content in my little interview to cause a very favorable/positive turn in investor confidence with Panglobal. He was very receptive to that, but just so focussed on the business... I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see something very soon.


Over and out.

InvestorSuisse InvestorSuisse 15 년 전
Thanks, Nice work fatherofseven! :)
fatherofseven fatherofseven 15 년 전
Golden... just called. They have a bonafide business phone system, with extensions and all. No worries there. I left a message for CL also. Google Map the address and you see the plant/offices... labeled as Panglobal... quite the building. No worries there. Would be nice to get update on the site... Ill track it down... they've been very forthcoming, and latest release demonstrates their intentionality....
goldenhands goldenhands 15 년 전
This is the latest info I have. Panglobal Brands Inc
2853 E. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90023
United States
Tel: 1/323 266-6500
fatherofseven fatherofseven 15 년 전
Thanks for doing that. I don't have answers, but was on the verge of doing the same tracking.... I recall someone making contact recently and Charles reporting the new website would be done soon. We're trading bottom-barrel... the recent 10-K obviously raised some flags, but it was honest, and exhibited thoughtful management intent on becoming profitable... a $10M backlog.... Someone also recently searched their products and found all positive feedback.

Obviously, we'd all be more comfortable with a clear phone-number, website, etc.... Hopefully all this simply spells re-structuring (for instance, they did indicate dropping a losing brand, which might have warranted the web-redesign...).

Can you please post the website, email, phone numbers?
goldenhands goldenhands 15 년 전
By the way I have called twice, and got only a voice mail for Charles Lesser. No return call as of yet. They dont even have a secretary to answer phone calls. At least they didnt when I called, which was during the day and normal business hours for California. When I called an answering service answered the call and said they have no knowledge about anyone working for Panglobal. Called the business number of Panglobal a second time and had to go through company directory for Charles Lesser's extension and voicemail. Wats up guys ????????????????????????
goldenhands goldenhands 15 년 전
Geeez no postings for over 5 days. Anyone have any new info on Panglobal. Has anyone even considered calling Charles Lesser or Panglobal in general to find out approximately when the new website will be up and running. I dont think it takes this long to create a new website.
fatherofseven fatherofseven 15 년 전
While scoring a sour note on the surface, for those familiar with the very positive stature of this company, history, managment, current position (etc.)... There's ALOT to like about this: (1) PNGB chose to release this... immediately conveying a propriety/concern with share holders, market cap, pps, (2) Strong language vigorously conveying their intent to "right" it....

Translation: they're alive and kicking... streamlining for success... industry-proven management... new site coming soon!
