2 년 전
Ok , here you go For Friday 10.14.22 , all facts, links (remember if you see posts without links more than likely the info "stinks"), read the DD (Due Diligence on Data and Disclosures) , then trade accordingly . This is Long , sorry , but I had an avalanche of questions afterwards about how did is know from the Past, so I give you a taste below , it is all documented in the disclosures, I provide links below.
Then I will at the end tell how I predicted the second week of October 2022 there would be a change (you are going to say hey that was to easy ) but you have to know what to look for :).
Apologize for the Length in advance.
1. Well first of all I was honored to be invited on a call yesterday lead by PANTHER (https://twitter.com/Pantherxiii) in his Twitter Spaces (was not even sure what that was LOL) . Normally I would not do that , hey I am just like all the rest, been in the OTC and Big Board side for years , just want the straight facts , Links , and I will read and stay away from IMO's , and just put the info out there and see what returns . I have been on all the boards, chats , discords, Ihub , Twitter , Stocktwits in the past and still post some .
However I was AMAZED at the amount of people on this call last night and the in depth knowledge of the technology , Medical side , and really for the first five minutes listening said "boy oh boy" these folks must all be scientists , they are on a roll what in the world would I be able to add. But ONE NEEDS TO know that this Company is PROTECTED and is SET UP TO move forward. That PR that came out just a Month ago shows Charles Cleaning House. Auditor replaced (good get it done) , OTC Markets taken care of (GREAT) , Legal is going our Way case dismissed (GREAT SAVOV is on the chopping block as we speak) , Clears the way to NOW DO WHAT WE DO BEST (ok Lets Go)
Ok some info on the past , I covered some others last night , but just so one knows not only have I been around for some time in OTC land, I do know the entire ENZC story . Read what you want or need , I get to current items at bottom.
Well come to find out form the call last night , many have been burned in the past in OTC (how surprising) , are fairly new to disclosures and if you want to the know the past of ENZC as I said I have been around now since Jan of 2019 with ENZC , know all about Harry Z's past , his wife Diane , His Father, the original company , Savov , the Bulgarian Mafia and so forth , with OTC bad guys like Zimbler who screwed Harry and others. (enough of that if you want to know the history just look up my posts , they have all the links).
I also strange enough, was following Bioclonetics when the started off with Start Engine (see link https://www.startengine.com/bioclonetics) with Charles C and team and had talked to them about investing at that time (had no idea these would hook up at all , must be Karma as it was long before 2019).
[b]Follow along (plus you can read many others I have posted if you want) but lets go MACRO (instead of hourly micro) for a minute and look what has been done.
1. Ok so what drew the interest of SOME FEW/b] way back then . Really is was an SEC FILING "early 2019" (much more than a OTC Disclosure) which I have yet really understood, besides my posts way back when ,even question why was Harry Z taking on the mightyToxic Lender Livingston Assets with a SEC Filing (aka Stephen Hicks and Harry Sargent , aka Southridge Partners) on 8/13/2019, Which of all things was an SEC FILING.
2. Well it turns out that Harry and Diana Z Moved to Fitch Texas in April of 2019 and I picked up on that . I wondered why as he had been in Monrovia CA and now Texas and low and behold Harry then puts out a (4/16/2020) SEC Filing 8-k (very strange about moving to TX and some other company updates in a PR in the 8-k which identified some same info that was coming from Bioclonetics at the time.) https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/html?id=14076248&guid=lmR-k6G3LScHJth
3. Then I have filed many posts like this one from NOV 10 , 2020 almost two years ago , so if you need to see those you can find them on various topics
4. Lets FAST FORWARD now , here we are as I said in my predictions OCTOBER 2022 Second week would be changes, Two YEARS later after Charles C and Team made the announcement such an important time to really know. Charles C was about to take his 40 years of Patent, Intellectual Property , Corporate Attorney of over 800 cases of Legal Knowledge and go into entire Reincorporation and in less than two years has taken the Toxic Debt out , created a secure Patent proof company and is now ready to move forward . Stop and think about this, he did in less than two years what some companies try to do in decade in Legal Changes. Amazing (plus clean house)
5. Then TWO VERY IMPORTANT Disclosures , the Company was reorganizing , changing , Charles C and Legal Expertise going into Launch Mode . in Dec of 2020 , starting the entire change of business .
and then the subsidiaries
6. Then in April of 2021 the Subsidiaries show up (Buffers , Legal Moves, getting set up to protect the Parent Company and the value of Patents and Intellectual Property that only some like Charles C could do .
7. Well Steve Sharabura then in 7/2021 (have not heard much right/ what happened to him ) comes along to Robustomed Inc . (hmm another Cornell guy , but younger https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevesharabura/)
Well RobustoMed also is one of the Legal Buffers Charles put up , so SMART
in the disclosures
"2. As a result of the reorganization, in accordance with Section 251(g) of the DGCL, the remaining previous convertible and non-convertible debt
of ENZC is debt of the Predecessor and convertible into shares of the non-public subsidiary or payable by the Predecessor rather than the
Parent" Protecting ENZC (NEW ENZC that is)
OK here is the KEY FOLKS . Last night I said I have never seen a company DISCLOSE there TRANSFER AGENT LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS , it just DOES NOT HAPPEN. But ENZC did and it came out 3/16/22. When I saw that I said oh boy here we go , the rest or what ever is left is going to convert and IT DID.
a. Ok when were the LAST NEW ISSUANCES on that disclosure , Well it is October 15, 2020 or so , a FEW DAYS before the PR that CHARLES was the Decision Maker . How about that .
b. Ok lets look through the big shareholders on that link above
- Livingston had around 1 BILLION SHARES (OMG
- Sky Direct had around 250 million shares (OMG)
- SEACOR had around 400 Million shares (OMG)
- Queenston Inc had around 150 Million shares (OMG)
- Mt Rose Corporation had about 100 Million shares (OMG)
- Dimitri Savav showed 91 Million shares (OMG but those we will see back)
- Then the statement in the disclosure that some of the others (same one) if they contacted the transfer agent could take off the restrictive legends.
c. Well that is over TWO BILLION Shares , but you did not know how much had been converted or how much the Zhabilov Trust and Harry's went to the NEW ENZV Mgt Team , but had an idea.
d. If you recall there were many, many posts on how much was left , many of you had your input and I had mine. I said there is 21 Market Days in a month (minus holidays) and if there are about BILLION left (somewhere around there according to my math) with all of them above on the list it will take about 6.5 months at about 10 million avg per day (some higher some lower) to convert to who ever MM, Retail, Investment . What I did underestimate is after listening to the call last night how MANY RETAIL folks are actually holding . The Rest is simple it started to dry up in September , the MM"S started manipulating for any shares possible and into the Month October I said this is going to change right at that TWO YEAR anniversary of Charles C (he and the team have three year employment contracts) .
So there you go ,
You should just know that the House has been cleaned at Enzolytics, there may be some dust left around there , but you know the history and it is done with , there really is not much left to disclose , except business ventures at this point. I specialize and focus my efforts in the OTC on CEO's (they have to have a success record) that have come from Private Business (no past history in the OTC) and enter the OTC Markets for various reasons. Charles and TEam were one group, there are a few others that are about to come out , but lets focus on ENZC.
If that helps then good , Lets leave history behind and do what all the other great folks are posting (so many , so smart, ) on their great DD , we have a positive road ahead here folks.
TIMING out (and tired :)