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Orsus Xelent Technolgies Inc New (CE)

Orsus Xelent Technolgies Inc New (CE) (ORSX)

마감 03 3월 6:00AM

ORSX Discussion

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getmoreshares getmoreshares 7 년 전
not in this one-- saw the Pump a while ago.
fuzzy830 fuzzy830 7 년 전
what is going on with orsx. let's bid
getmoreshares getmoreshares 7 년 전
one or two made $$$$$ the rest do not.
getmoreshares getmoreshares 7 년 전
wow- what a pump! Hope the buyers do OK- Live and learn.
ttottip ttottip 7 년 전
This stock is not without interest. If something positive happens with the company the price can fly to dollars in matters of days.
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
And 23% more today
mcjodie mcjodie 8 년 전
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Nice bounce today on ORSX
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
57% close, not bad.
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Bid up a bit today.
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
I was in at .11 Friday and sold this morning at 035 after seeing it not making any movement. Depending if you're comfortable doing so, maybe put in a sell at 04-05 and see if you get hit. Right now the Bitcoin plays are flying the past 3 days at that is at a record high and a decent chance you could recoup your loss in one of those.
madras50 madras50 8 년 전
yes unfortunately in at .08
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Are you in?
Lambsheadranch Lambsheadranch 8 년 전
Too many questions right now. Appears to be a gamble.

May get news.. may not..
madras50 madras50 8 년 전
this thing still a buy...anyone?
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
It was a promo last week Fri when it soared at the opening. I ended up getting out this morning for a loss but am still watching.
Lambsheadranch Lambsheadranch 8 년 전
Apparently this must be a reverse merger. Something seems to be happening here.

I am only watching it for now since I am getting pretty tight.
Lambsheadranch Lambsheadranch 8 년 전
Yes. I clicked their link provided at the top of the page.

I got very different information from their website written in Japanese.

Think I will hold off on this one.
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Yeah, saw that on twitter. Crazy low float here. I didn't put a lot into it.
SidewaysTrader SidewaysTrader 8 년 전
This was part of a email pump that I got last Friday morning, just be careful
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Radar in AM. 1100% .24 Fri AM on very little volume.
madras50 madras50 8 년 전
do they sell a lot of dildos in china?
Poor Trader Poor Trader 8 년 전
Chinese dildo company
mcjodie mcjodie 8 년 전
Text ALERT to 97000, be very careful though. I took a bath on the last two. If you can't make your money in the first 15 minute, you won't.
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
.11 in the AM. Crazy thin stock though and decent chance Monday it will see a bounce again.
klimanjaro klimanjaro 8 년 전
Hello geico man what went wrong ? hope you got in at .03 or lower
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Hopefully a last minute buy at 08 to give is a good close.
RN1 RN1 8 년 전
OS of just under 3 million. This thing can surge at the blink of an eye. A lot higher than what it did today.
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Not the direction we were looking for.
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Link from twitter:
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
I got in earlier at .10/.11 We just went thru the .10's with just 5k left. Total now showing to .51 is 49k shares. My gut feel is yes, this will take a leap here yet this afternoon. We'll see.
madras50 madras50 8 년 전
this have any juice left in it?
Coz Mabluda Coz Mabluda 8 년 전
Always after the fact. Never shows what is going to rock tomorrow !!
We'ed all be zillionaires if we had that info.
Coz Mabluda Coz Mabluda 8 년 전
Go to "the OTC today". Shows all the stocks being promoted & who the promotors are.
klimanjaro klimanjaro 8 년 전
where does the paid pump n dump ( promoter ) come from please: source /
klimanjaro klimanjaro 8 년 전
where does the paid pump n dump ( promoter ) come from please: source /
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
62k bidding 065+, 49k to .51 on the ask side.
Hotbooty Hotbooty 8 년 전
I got this stock alert from awsome stock pics i believe it was. I wish they will alert me the day they buy it not the day the pump n dump lol
CJFricke CJFricke 8 년 전
Im with you Garyst
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Didn't put a lot in and a pure lotto type play.
stock1ace1 stock1ace1 8 년 전
You seen the last pump n dump on chart didnt end well rinse wash repeat you no the game gary ;) .
Garyst Garyst 8 년 전
Lotto but grabbed a few .11 Hit .24 earlier and .30 in May. Fingers crossed.
stock1ace1 stock1ace1 8 년 전
Clearly a pump n dump lets be real .
mcjodie mcjodie 8 년 전
Not sure, but I think I will buy the dip
makinezmoney makinezmoney 8 년 전
$ORSX: Holy Crap... flying high here.

$0.24 now

makinezmoney makinezmoney 8 년 전
$ORSX: Woah... WTF.... up 400%

Whats going on here.

ttottip ttottip 8 년 전
If we have volume the price will skyrocket.
ttottip ttottip 8 년 전
We have to wait and see how much high this can go .
Mustangs2008 Mustangs2008 8 년 전
Pump and now dump
joeeasy joeeasy 8 년 전
Hi, I agree but it is a P&D.It could go to a few bucks if it gets legs.The issue for me is at what point will the pumpers dump and crash it? Will the SEC shut it down before we get out? I think your right about it moving up. I'm going to watch it closely and if it moves enough I'll jump in.If it doubles I'll take half out and let the rest ride. I had two stocks that did exactly what we're hoping this will do. EMMD & IMMG went from about 30c to a couple bucks in a few weeks then the the SEC shut them down before I got out. I lost 4 k. They were like this one, Pump and Dump. Joe

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