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Liquidmetal Technologies Inc (QB)

Liquidmetal Technologies Inc (QB) (LQMT)

마감 26 1월 6:00AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.


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LQMT Discussion

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D-Mart D-Mart 9 시간 전
Apple rumors heating up on the foldable iPhone and iPad. Supposedly phone first on their Fall 2026 cycle. iPhone 18. I’ll ask this way. If LQMT doesn’t source the hinge, which is supposed to be one the key elements Apple is still trying to perfect, then is there any hope for them to get in an Apple product?
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Almosthere Almosthere 9 시간 전
God bless you, and good luck to you and TC.

Just remember, not everyone one buys into or believes what you post.
👍 1
Researchfyi Researchfyi 15 시간 전
Another week passes and LQMT’s share price is down 5.25% from 0.0428 cents to 0.04055 cents on extremely weak trading volumes and little interest. The same when LQMT moves up or down.

For now, LQMT’s share price is holding in the low pennies. Bouncing around in the low 0.04’s and upper 0.03’s on anemic trading volumes. No longer is the share price headed for the 0.03’s. It has reached the 0.03’s in intra day trading as predicted. The trend remains for lower share price trading. There are absolutely no lows, where LQMT can drop to. They are called penny stocks for a reason. And just as there are no limits as to how low this stock can go. There are no limits as to how high they can go as well.

But for the stock to go higher long term, all would have to see new contracts of significance. Something all have not seen in many years. And for the stock to go lower long term, all would have to see no new contracts of significance in many years.

99.99% of LQMT investors understand this and accept what is and, what is not and have the cognitive ability to see and understand in which direction the share price is heading. We may not like the outcome so far and it is for that reason a .0001% of those invested will bury their head in the sand.

That fact is never understood by those who have a personal agenda imo, much different from the reality of LQMT’s failures. When confronted with facts of LQMT’s poor achievements as stated by LQMT over the years that do not align with their agenda, these investors, often develop a far fetched theory of manipulation beyond the norm. Such as the mm’s are involved or a poster is posting facts as propaganda. How pathetic.

All of this are just distractions from LQMT and have nothing to do with this investment, in which, all invested, myself included are not happy with LQMT at the moment, due to the company’s failure in significantly growing shareholder value.

Being disappointed in the historical results may be a good logical reason to sell. But it may not be enough to negate the reason for buying and holding on. William A., Points out an excellent reason without theories or facts for holding on, on Friday.

That post of William’s encompasses everything everyone ever thought about the material becoming a commercial success. It’s not based on FOMO! It is based on facts of its sales in every form increasing. And that is a fact. We can debate whether his timeline or price limit might be correct. But intelligent people do not purposely go out of there way to attack opinions like William’s. It’s his opinion and he is not backing it up with BS or misleading twisted facts to fit an agenda.

The share price remains in a coma like the new contracts anticipated which has not occurred for three years now based on the LQMT end of year reviews.

36 months and LQMT is still without a new 8K announcement for a part order contract from executives operating the company. 3 years now and counting.

The bottom line was pointed out by another poster in so few words. Basically; Without new significant revenues flowing in, it’s all bullshit. The management hopes and forward worded dreams.
Anyone arguing with that opinion, imo, has an agenda not aligned with reality.

Recently the 10Q’s show growth and the stock charts show a decline in shareholder value. A disconnect from the bottom line. A disconnect from where the stock markets are at and the expansion of amorphous metals abroad. A total disconnect from any correlations to growth everywhere else. The same disconnect you see in many posts from reality to an altered reality by some being bullish using absolutely no direct connection to LQMT.

Like the CEO spin annually.

However the votes are in folks. It seems the consensus is, no matter what view you have about LQMT. Everyone seems to agree that they believe in the technology to succeed. That seems to be the factual and only reason all bought in.

Other than belief in the technology and FOMO. They are probably the only palatable reasons for holding on.or as William just put it: a gut feeling. I say this since no one from the company tells us what is going on regularly through PR’s. Like once or twice a month. I believe the last PR was 10 months ago back in March.

Is it any wonder even anyone bullish doesn’t even know what the heck is going on.

Hell, no one still has any factual inkling why 4 shells born in September 2024 bought almost 180,000,000 million shares of stock 300% above the trading price. And more ridiculous, who buys that many shares and does not announce a business plan?

Like, what LL or LQMT is doing, we only have more theories. As someone so eloquently stated it on the news today, 1/24/2025: A lack of communications only leads to speculation.

So then what the hell is missing? Given the fact that there does appear to be some sort of success with the same bought and paid for technology abroad.

Could it be inept management and the lack of means to have the knowledge to raise funds to self develop and manufacture the material, instead of selling out our chances for success. First, CE to Apple, then the whole shebang, the whole enchilada, the whole kit and caboodle to China and LL’s company Eontec? Oh no that couldn’t possibly be the reason. No, never.

Instead let’s blame the nay sayer posters in rebuttal, using adolescent content to those who point out the facts and are pissed off at their loss of value in their investment. Oh yeah, they must be the reason for LQMT’s failure to succeed annually. :) and let’s tell them to sell. Oh yeah, that will sky rocket up the share price. How intelligent? :) in fact one genius this week actually conjured up a new dots and dashes theory of connecting my posts to the MM’s as propaganda. You just can’t make this crap up.

As stated by me many times. I believe all, including myself want to see LQMT succeed. I also have zero connections with any MM. and I have a zero agenda. My posts and opinions are based on what LQMT has achieved as stated in their quarterly, annual and commentary statements as well as their limited communications by way of PR’s. They are also based on the anemic liquidity and trading volumes way below 1% of the float. In essence reality.

Like I stated last week as well. Usually rebuttals to my another week weekly posts are made up of adolescent content IMO.

To those still claiming to want to buy those cheap shares…guess what? You can still buy them and at a cheaper price come Monday morning. :)

Again, You just can’t make this crap up. :)
They should, whoever they are, be thanking every naysayer for holding on and not selling. Man, did we not save them a lot of money. :)

Heck we could have sold it at 0.09 cents and they would have more losses today.

I try to present a balanced realistic view based on the facts not on the emotions of anyone hyping or bashing LQMT. I believe I nailed it correctly. This board has had it correct past and present from potential to expectations to hope to FOMO.

I would rather see a weekly LQMT blog update on any progress from the company, or a more frequent PR monthly, than to post another week passes post. I’m sure everyone else would agree.

Will this be the year revenues increase consistently? Only the 4th Q’s will tell. 3 down and 1 to go. So far it looks good. Increasing revenues are always good. Significantly increasing revenues are even better.

Perhaps in 2026 or 2027 LQMT might succeed and if they ever do make it in 2025, all in it will be very thankful and glad that they did.

Good luck to all in LQMT.
Wish TC & Co., luck.
New tenant yet???
I think others have wisely suggested. Sell the property, move to another state and lower your taxes and operating costs further. Heck, it may not raise the shareholder value, but it will bring the company much closer to reporting a bottom line profit and you can still collect rental income. Maybe even build that car wash too, while waiting for that ship to come in. :)
And who knows, maybe even invest in equipment to successfully manufacture domestically and hire people who understand what to do with the material and how to sell it too.
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Researchfyi Researchfyi 1 일 전
GOD bless you too.
Treshold Treshold 2 일 전
Like you Will,I do Believe in Spring!
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tnyellowtomcat tnyellowtomcat 2 일 전

The only "analysts" here have been "Research", and yours's truly, digging in his box!

Laughter - Tomcat
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tnyellowtomcat tnyellowtomcat 2 일 전

I HOPE you are correct!

What is "Incredible" about LiquidMetal is that the company has survived for decades on life support!

IMHO - Tomcat
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William A William A 2 일 전
Let me tell you, LQMT stock—Liquidmetal—is absolutely incredible. It’s soon moving like nobody’s ever seen before. Believe me, folks, this is big. The stock is heading to 1 dollar, and it’s doing it FAST. Faster than anyone thought possible. Faster than the experts, the so-called analysts expects - they will be all shocked, folks.

1 dollar? That’s nothing. Just wait. Watch what happens next.

Thank you, and God bless!
👍️ 1
Almosthere Almosthere 2 일 전
Meant 4th quarter 2024 report.
Almosthere Almosthere 2 일 전
Don’t take it so personal.

Next bump up will be March with 4th quarter 2025 report. Until then don’t expect a peep out of TC.

I think we will continue a slow steady rise from there forward.
👍️ 3
Researchfyi Researchfyi 2 일 전
Here is another fact you will never understand because you hate to admit you are wrong . Never do I base any trend on a few hundred dollars worth of trades to indicate a trend. Throughout my history of posts they are always based on the long term price changes and the constant failures of LQMT not being able to change their fundamentals. You show me a post where I base the trend of where the stock is headed based on a few hundred dollars or some overnight dip and I will sell my stock.

By the way did you know today’s closing price of under 0.04 cents is based on just under $13 dollars of trading? Just under $13.00 knocked the share price down $3.5%. And if you understand basic English, not the king’s English you would know that I always point out that the sp means squat due to the anemic trading volumes, be it 1 cent or ten cents.

So keep on disagreeing and misinterpreting my posts. That’s all you do besides copying what others say and posting it here.

And you’re the one who LL writes to. Seriously?
From what I gather after reading your posts is the only one laughing his rear end off, is LL at you. And according to you , after him writing to you you bought shares. Doesn’t sound to bright now, does it?

If it were true, which it is not. I wouldn’t brag about it and mock others and brag how you paid a higher share price based on some fantasy communications from LL.

Like how brilliant is that?

I could go on and on about your hype. But it’s better when you do it. Because it gives everyone else the opportunity to laugh their arsses off too!
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Researchfyi Researchfyi 2 일 전
The response is also backed up by today’s closing share price.

But you still won’t get it. Going down to the threes for one or two days does not a trend make. It’s the long term trend that determines the direction it’s heading for.

By my estimates if the fundamentals continue as you so eloquently posted back in December 2024, then the share price will go below the enterprise price and definitely hit the twos.

I would like to tell you, you can quote me and bank on it. But at that price there wouldn’t be much left to bank on. :)

Obviously not many have the same confidence in TC. And some never had any confidence in TC at all. The same thing with LL.
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Researchfyi Researchfyi 2 일 전
No insult intended. Just the truth.
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Almosthere Almosthere 2 일 전
Yep, you still don’t get the hypocrisy. So now you turn to insult when you don’t have a good response to try and divert attention from the double speak posted repeatedly on this board.

Just keep posting the another week stuff. I am sure you enjoy listening to yourself weekly.
Researchfyi Researchfyi 3 일 전
Like I said accurately: “you still don’t get it and you never will “

You just can’t help yourself. You are so used to cherry picking, that you have lost all sight of common sense.

If you could set aside your tunnel vision and look at the bigger picture. You will notice the trends for a lower share price is long term and not short term as in daily or weekly or 30 days. All of these facts are in my posts.

LQMT did not fall below a dime over night and stay there. The same for 0.08, 0.07 0.06 0.05 and on and on. This downward spiral started years ago and has had pauses and pops and daily ups and downs. You always either intentionally or ignorantly miss the bigger picture. Not stupidly. You are not stupid.

Those upper threes presented a buying opportunity for anyone interested in buying shares in the very low fours. The same will happen when the sp continues to walk back down into the lower threes and then the twos if LQMT continues the same path of insignificant revenues to attract new investors to raise the sp based on actual potential, since perceived potential no longer works.

Based on what you have posted, It would be wise to include yourself and take your own advice, when reading your posts, regarding your last sentence of your post. For I can’t count how many times you have been wrong and fail to admit it.
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Almosthere Almosthere 3 일 전
You still don’t get it, never will. When you say volume is anemic, price can go up or down but then when it breaks below 0.04 over a few hundred dollars you start telling us it will continue in the 0.03’s you don’t get it.

In fact it did the opposite of what you were so confident in.

This is why I listen to and trust no one on these boards.

Researchfyi Researchfyi 3 일 전
Let me guess…4 reasons. Competition, cash burn, no big announcements from all of their B2B hype and the relaunch was a dud.

All of which is being realized now that it is going to be awhile before revenues will truly significantly increase to raise the sp to a gain on original invested $$$ from shareholders who thought they were buying into the next opportunity of a lifetime.

So if it’s going to realistically take four more quarters for that to happen. What the heck is holding the sp up?

IMO, a competent team who believe they can succeed in the long term, but is facing uphill marketing battles short term along with some disgruntled short term investors.

Bottom line: getting onto the Nasdaq guarantees to cost you more money, but obviously doesn’t guarantee you to earn more money. That still has to be generated from within.

The same parallel principle applies to LQMT. Gaining access to a company (yian) that can manufacture high volume parts to make you money. Does not guarantee you the contracts to order those high volume parts to make you money. That still has to be generated from within.

C’est la vie, C’est la vie!

What we feel we know is simply this: investors believe there is still a niche to be found for this material to be a success and that LQMT is still the pathway to do it.

The problem is not the lack of faith in the material. The problem is not in the (FOMO) possibility for the material to succeed. The problem as my *9th alias below explains is in the lack of confidence in the executives to get us there.

*” I have been defending this company for years. But they need to get their sh*t together and get some contracts in 2025.

I am hoping for the best. But none of us are sure what the company and Li are up to anymore.

Let’s hope revenues continue to increase, Movano hits a home run with the Evie medical ring, and TC finally lands some serious contracts that they can 8k about.

We are all getting tired of waiting with the share price in the gutter.”

*Source: Almosthere. 12/27/24.
tnyellowtomcat tnyellowtomcat 3 일 전
MOVE fell out of bed Wednesday!

Does anyone know why??

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tnyellowtomcat tnyellowtomcat 3 일 전

LQMT trade IS Boring!

Researchfyi Researchfyi 3 일 전
Speaking of move. It’s been about 20 days since the 4th quarter ended. One would know by now how successful the relaunch went by now to match their own hype. But no, not a peep to indicate their own upcoming end of year success.

That said their share price is near their pre split low trading at around 31 cents a share discounting the reverse split. Not exactly terrible. And not great either. Definitely not near the .80 cents, when folks got wind of the company and bought in on the hype.

Good luck to you.
Researchfyi Researchfyi 3 일 전
For the record, YOY, despite quarterly growth reported so far in 2024, LQMT is down 28.5%.

month over month. Up 3.4%. It is the monthly micro watching which fluctuates up or down and in the absence of significant revenue changes up or down are meaningless.

The agreements recently with amorphology and other agreements for revenues last year obviously have not impacted the trend for the sp to head lower.
Researchfyi Researchfyi 3 일 전
You gotta be bullshitting me. A half a trillion to be invested in AI.

Do you have any idea what that means? Get your arse out of the cat litter box.

There are cancers that cannot be diagnosed because tumors cannot be distinguished and diagnosed properly in time to save a life.

AI can map out a tumor and from a biopsy and stored data and be able to accurately formulate a specific treatment to attack the tumor based on individual DNA, within a few days and not weeks to reverse the tumor and find a cure.

If that’s boring. Then LQMT just possibly may not be the right fit for you. I might suggest you take up skiing on the Swiss alps or race car driving or becoming a soldier of fortune or practice FAA flight certification over the shark infested waters of the Caribbean where power is cut off in flight, while waiting for LQMT to become exiting again.
tnyellowtomcat tnyellowtomcat 4 일 전
This Market STINKS and it is Boring!

Volume of several million shares, and a close above .05 would make the trade here less boring!

IMHO - Tomcat
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Researchfyi Researchfyi 4 일 전
It’s not a big deal. The 0.03’s twos or fours or any other single digit. The big deals are the trading interests and liquidity the things that make it possible to get in and out at the price you want to when buying and selling.

There are just about zero incentives for a new investor to buy in, when the opportunity to get out in high trading volumes are nonexistent.

IMO, The threes in this case are more indicative of the lack of interest in this company than where the actual share price should be. Based on the operating executives achievements to sign new contracts of significant value to increase shareholder value.

We have seen 4 quarters of increasing revenues but not an increase in interest from new dice rollers doing DD and apparently the same from existing shareholders as evidenced by the volume and numbers of trades.

Good luck to you.
Researchfyi Researchfyi 4 일 전
If you want to know whenever a server is up or down, simply type in the url or copy and paste it in the link below. I was receiving a server error code 503 this morning.

The link for ihub is…

Good luck to all in LQMT.
Wish TC luck.
Nerd Beautiful Nerd Beautiful 4 일 전
Whoa, closed in the 3’s
Almosthere Almosthere 4 일 전
“Another week passes and LQMT’s share price is up 1.95% from 0.0412 cents to 0.042 cents on extremely weak trading volumes and little interest. The same when LQMT moves up or down.”

No, you don’t get it. Chumps like to change their propaganda. This stock has always been manipulated by stinky penny mms bringing it up and down. And they plant their propagandists on these boards.

Nothing new here. The another week passes are just part of the propaganda.

Good luck to all true longs. Not so much the propagandists.
Researchfyi Researchfyi 4 일 전
You still don’t get it. You never will. Anyone who has a small understanding of trends. Knows the price drop did not occur all of a sudden. As posted many times by me. “It is a slow walk down.” The long term charts back it up the consistent walk backwards in share price does not occur suddenly.

What happens with anemic trading volumes as far as up one day down another have nothing to do with trends. There have been a few pops over the past few years on speculation. But overall the trends still pointed south of the border for the reasons posted my others and myself. To some up all of those reasons is simple. The fundamentals of the company have not changed one iota.

The good thing is that it doesn’t take much to raise the sp due to the weak volumes. But imo, the sp at. 0.03 or 0.09 doesn’t mean squat. Without liquidity increasing, without new dice rollers, it just looks bad on paper or worse on paper. Meaning our LQMT portfolio.

Without LL & Co. able to secure significant revenues to raise the sp meaningful. The trend for lower is inevitable constantly long term. They might as well drop the sp now to 0.01 penny and get it over with or even 0.005. This way the negativity goes away while all can focus on that if ever whale contract.

That would mean dropping the sp below the enterprise value. A point where it would make sense for all dice rollers to buy into the company without any guarantees for success.

I have no idea what planet you live on or what you have for breakfast lunch or dinner, but as far as I know; Going from a market cap of almost $400,000,000 million dollars to a market cap of $37,000,000 and losing about $363,000,000 in value is also, definitely not chump change and it didn’t happen overnight.

Those operating the company achieved it in 7 years.

Keep laughing your caboose off, if you are still on that train that you thought left the station years ago. Take a good look around. It’s still in the railroad junkyard.

Hey LL, I think that last car in the back of the train needs a little more grease. :)
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Almosthere Almosthere 4 일 전
Maybe, maybe not. Remember price can go either way due to anemic volume. I remember this drum beating every week by the broken record!

But now all of a sudden the price dipped below 0.04 at its going lower.


iateclube iateclube 4 일 전
People will try to make sense out of the dip, by pointing out that the new administration is threatening to tariff China. And we have our manufacturing base there. But how ridiculous is that, when we have no material business? Even if Yiang is manufacturing parts for MOVE....and we do not know is chump change divided by 1 billion for us.
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Researchfyi Researchfyi 4 일 전
As predicted, LQMT closes below 0.0400 cents.

As stated by others as well. The share price will be going lower. Not based on hype or theories or operating costs. But on insignificant revenue.

LQMT is now 3 consecutive years without a parts order contract requiring an 8K to be filed.

Good luck to all in LQMT.
Whisk TC. Luck.
This is definitely not the way to operate a company.
👍 3
RSuave25020 RSuave25020 5 일 전
Yeap, zero is a very near term reference point with no improvements. 
LQMTinvestor2018 LQMTinvestor2018 5 일 전
If by almost there you mean at 0, then yes, we're almost there!
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RSuave25020 RSuave25020 7 일 전
Do you have more shares than i ?   
In either case we will both be set since we are ALMOST THERE right ??

Almosthere Almosthere 1 주 전
“Not here to bash.”

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Boilingman Boilingman 1 주 전
Another week passes and we have to listen to your drivel........
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Nerd Beautiful Nerd Beautiful 1 주 전
To be fair if I were suddenly curious about Liquidmetal, perhaps from the Evie ring, I would google the product and stumble on this site just like I did several years ago. The long faces and dejected aura would certainly give me pause. Then again it’s not our job to bolster this stock. Valencia Circle has that job. As always, their quietude signals either massive incompetence, product irrelevance, or top secret negotiations for a to-the-moon contract. I’m so over waiting to find out which
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RSuave25020 RSuave25020 1 주 전
If the bashers are the ones here on this website I am sure they,  are not the ones influencing the entire stock market's decision,  to buy and sell shares of LQMT. As well as the delays in the technology and the lack of sales of this product. 
        When the stock has been dragging the ground for years, nothing anyone says here is going to change the price. It is the actions of the company or lack thereof, that creates the greatest price movement in either direction. The issue here is that people are either tired, irritated, frustrated, or disappointed, and all of the above. Maybe it is a good time to just sit and wait another undetermined set of years for results,( Right !!!) and or, trade companies that are making real money. 
       Since just about everyone here has at least one foot in the door with share ownership, it might be a good time to give it a rest. Healthier that way for everyone.
 I comment here on occasion but my priority is the real market. No action here other than words. I mean NO offense to anyone personally. I am just looking at the big picture. 
In case anyone has questions as to where I may stand,  I am in 2 million deep in shares @ just under thirteen cents and I refuse to buy another share. I have made the decision years ago to succeed or bust, and can afford to lose it all, after having made it all back on real price moving companies. So, not here to bash, trash, or move the stock price. It has to move itself. No offense meant to anyone and not pointing fingers. LQMT has to bail itself out of the mess it has or has not created. Management has the power to admit delays, setbacks, plans, results, effects, failures, etc but they don't care to do so or they don't know how.  Everyone should pass Blame on them.... throwing rocks at each other here puts zero dollars in your pockets. Everyone here deserve a break from this UNDERWHELMING and UNPRODUCTIVE poor excuse for a company, and should get out there and trade a REAL company, until such time LQMT goes BOOM or BUST. 
       That is the reason for the past, current, and future stock price. Li's current concern is research, development, expansion, and sales in China. The priority given to LQMT USA by management at this time is equivalent to a speck of sand on a beach. Brush it off until next time. 

Keep Trading, Take Care. 

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Researchfyi Researchfyi 1 주 전
“Maybe if the bashers didn’t fling their BS 24/7 on the stock boards it would be different.

Chalk it up for the BSers!”

A classic case of a disconnect from reality.

Chalk it up to basher derangement syndrome. :)
👍️ 3
Almosthere Almosthere 1 주 전
“Recently the 10Q’s show growth and the stock charts show a decline in shareholder value. A disconnect from the bottom line.”

Maybe if the bashers didn’t fling their BS 24/7 on the stock boards it would be different.

Chalk it up for the BSers!
Researchfyi Researchfyi 1 주 전
Another week passes and LQMT’s share price is up 2.1% from 0.0419 cents to 0.0428 cents on extremely weak trading volumes and little interest. The same when LQMT moves up or down.

For now, LQMT’s share price is holding in the low pennies. Bouncing around in the low 0.04’s and upper 0.03’s on anemic trading volumes. No longer is the share price headed for the 0.03’s. It has reached the 0.03’s in intra day trading as predicted. The trend remains for lower share price trading.

The share price remains in a coma like the new contracts anticipated which has not occurred for almost three years now based on the LQMT end of year reviews.

35 months and LQMT is still without a new 8K announcement for a part order contract from executives operating the company. Soon to reach 3 years by this upcoming weekend.

The bottom line was pointed out by another poster in so few words. Basically; Without new significant revenues flowing in, it’s all bullshit. The management hopes and forward worded dreams.

Recently the 10Q’s show growth and the stock charts show a decline in shareholder value. A disconnect from the bottom line. A disconnect from where the stock markets are at and the expansion of amorphous metals abroad. A total disconnect from any correlations to growth everywhere else. The same disconnect you see in many posts from reality to an altered reality by some being bullish using absolutely no direct connection to LQMT.

Like the CEO spin annually.

However the votes are in folks. It seems the consensus is, no matter what view you have about LQMT. Everyone seems to agree that they believe in the technology to succeed. That seems to be the factual and only reason all bought in.

Other than belief in the technology and FOMO. They are probably the only palatable reasons for holding on. I say this since no one from the company tells us what is going on regularly through PR’s. Like once or twice a month. I believe the last PR was 10 months ago.

Is it any wonder even anyone bullish doesn’t even know what the heck is going on.

Hell, no one still has any factual inkling why 4 shells born in September 2024 bought almost 180,000,000 million shares of stock 300% above the trading price. And more ridiculous, who buys that many shares and does not announce a business plan?

Like, what LL or LQMT is doing, we only have more theories.

So then what the hell is missing? Given the fact that there does appear to be some sort of success with the same bought and paid for technology abroad.

Could it be inept management and the lack of means to have the knowledge to raise funds to self develop and manufacture the material, instead of selling out our chances for success. First, CE to Apple, then the whole shebang, the whole enchilada, the whole kit and caboodle to China and LL’s company Eontec? Oh no that couldn’t possibly be the reason. No, never. Instead let’s blame the nay sayer posters in rebuttal, using adolescent content to those who point out the facts and are pissed off at their loss of value in their investment. Oh yeah, they must be the reason for LQMT’s failure to succeed annually. :) and let’s tell them to sell. Oh yeah, that will sky rocket up the share price. How intelligent? :)

Man did we save them a massive bunch of dollars by holding on. Heck all of the naysayers could have sold at 0.05 cents through 0.09 cents and all of those people claiming to have wanted to buy would be stuck holding onto bigger losses. :)

To those still claiming to want to buy those cheap shares…guess what? You can still buy them and at a cheaper price come Tuesday morning. :)
You can thank us later in the week. :)

You just can’t make this crap up. :)
They should whoever they are be thanking every naysayer for holding on. :)

I try to present a balanced realistic view based on the facts not on the emotions of anyone hyping or bashing LQMT. I believe I nailed it correctly. This board has had it correct past and present from potential to expectations to hope to FOMO.

I would rather see a weekly LQMT blog update on any progress from the company, or a more frequent PR monthly, than to post another week passes post. I’m sure everyone else would agree.

Will this be the year revenues increase consistently? Only the 4th Q’s will tell. 3 down and 1 to go. So far it looks good. Increasing revenues are always good. Significantly increasing revenues are even better.

Perhaps in 2026 or 2027 LQMT might succeed and if they ever do make it in 2025, all in it will be very thankful and glad that they did.

Good luck to all in LQMT.
Wish TC & Co., luck.
New tenant?
Heck, if you sell the property for $9,000,000,00, you can buy out LL’s shares and sell it back to newbies at 0.08 cents a pop on the next big insignificant contract and raise back $18,000,000, million dollars. Then watch it drop again and wash rinse and repeat. Before you know it. There will be enough money again to build your own damn manufacturing plant and profit off of every part manufactured, period. Gee, why didn’t LL think of it. :)
👍️ 2
Treshold Treshold 1 주 전
LQMT #1!!!!!
Treshold Treshold 1 주 전
At least some Good News for the New Year ! 2025 here we come LQMT#1!!!!! REALLY MADE MY WEEK !
RSuave25020 RSuave25020 1 주 전
I get that ... you cannot assume everything on there is 100 % correct but it is a starting point to lead to other areas so any information posted on here, on the news, social media or anywhere for that matter should be fact checked 3 different ways. 
Also, Liquidmetal showing up as #1 on the list doesn't mean it is the number one company. ChatGPT did a USA search first under the World list and LQMT was the first name that popped up so it was placed on top. 
👍️ 1
PatentGuy1 PatentGuy1 1 주 전
What I find interesting and problematic is that ChatGPT doesn’t provide the same answer to the same query. I copied your question and received a different answer. Furthermore, ChatGPT doesn’t always rely on facts. Attorneys who have used ChatGPT to write legal briefs have been sanctioned because the briefs contained contained citations to made up cases.

According to ChatGPT, the only “known or verified instance of Apple using BMG” is the SIM ejector tool.
👍️ 2
chipboarder chipboarder 1 주 전
AI garbage….and LQMT is listed as #1 player in numerous locations. Eontec is us!
RSuave25020 RSuave25020 1 주 전
I tried to find market cap and BMG revenues but only three companies out of the 20 listed in a previous post listed Market cap only. The others stated Data was not publicly available. 

Dongguan Eontec Co., Ltd.Market Capitalization: Approximately ¥5.33 billion. Stock AnalysisShenzhen Kaifa Technology Co., Ltd.Market Capitalization: Approximately ¥27.88 billion. Barron'sMaterion CorporationMarket Capitalization: Approximately $1.95 billion. Stock Analysis
These were the comments for the lack of information on the previous companies mentioned:
Regarding revenues specifically from non-metallic Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) products, such detailed financial segmentation is not publicly disclosed by these companies. Typically, such granular data is proprietary and not available in public financial statements.

Please note that for many companies, especially those that are privately held or subsidiaries of larger corporations, specific market capitalization figures are not publicly disclosed.

iateclube iateclube 1 주 전
If LMQT is at the top of the list for worldwide BMG companies, based upon it's revenue or lack thereof, this must be the tiniest of 'new' tech industries. I suspect however, that the Chinese companies are not included in that worlwide list, but rather just on their own list.

"This global network of companies is transforming BMG into a practical material for next-generation technologies". Perhaps this should read
"next generation investers"!

Thanks for then article though, it is a good rundown of who's who. WIsh their were BMG revenue numbers for each company.
RSuave25020 RSuave25020 1 주 전

What has Been the growth areas of Bulk Metallic Glass in China and around the world and specifically BMG only?

1. Growth Areas in ChinaChina has become a key player in the development and commercialization of BMG due to significant investment in advanced materials research and industrial applications.Industrial Applications:Consumer Electronics:China has been leveraging BMG for smartphone components, such as casings, buttons, and connectors, due to its high strength, scratch resistance, and smooth surface finish.Companies like Huawei have explored BMG for high-end smartphone frames.Precision Instruments:BMG is used in manufacturing precision gears, springs, and watch components, offering durability and wear resistance.Medical Devices:Chinese manufacturers are using BMG in dental implants, surgical tools, and prosthetics due to its biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.R&D and Manufacturing Centers:China hosts numerous research institutions focusing on BMG, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)and top universities like Tsinghua and Shanghai Jiao Tong.Significant growth is seen in domestic production facilities focusing on cost-effective mass production of BMG through methods like thermoplastic forming and injection molding.2. Growth Areas WorldwideGlobally, BMG is being adopted across several industries, with advanced manufacturing hubs in the U.S., Japan, Germany, and South Korea leading its development.Consumer Electronics:Apple has utilized BMG for components in its products, including the SIM ejector tool and internal mechanisms, showcasing its potential in high-end electronics.Wearable devices and small consumer products are key growth areas due to BMG's lightweight and durable nature.Medical Field:The biocompatibility and non-magnetic properties of BMG make it ideal for medical implants, surgical instruments, and devices like pacemaker housings.Companies in the U.S. and Europe are investing in BMG-based stents and dental tools.Aerospace and Defense:The aerospace industry benefits from BMG's strength-to-weight ratio and resistance to extreme environments, with applications in satellite components and lightweight structures.Defense industries use BMG for armor, casings, and high-performance parts.Sports and Recreation:BMG is being utilized in manufacturing high-end sports equipment such as golf clubs, tennis rackets, and bicycle frames due to its elasticity and strength.Energy and Automotive:BMG is used in wind turbines, motors, and transformers due to its excellent magnetic properties.Automotive industries globally are exploring BMG for lightweight and durable components like gears, shock absorbers, and chassis parts.Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG), also known as amorphous metal, is an advanced material with unique mechanical, thermal, and magnetic properties. It has gained traction in various industries globally, including China, which is a major hub for research and development of BMG. Here’s an overview of growth areas for BMG in China and worldwide:1. Growth Areas in ChinaChina has become a key player in the development and commercialization of BMG due to significant investment in advanced materials research and industrial applications.Industrial Applications:Consumer Electronics:China has been leveraging BMG for smartphone components, such as casings, buttons, and connectors, due to its high strength, scratch resistance, and smooth surface finish.Companies like Huawei have explored BMG for high-end smartphone frames.Precision Instruments:BMG is used in manufacturing precision gears, springs, and watch components, offering durability and wear resistance.Medical Devices:Chinese manufacturers are using BMG in dental implants, surgical tools, and prosthetics due to its biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.R&D and Manufacturing Centers:China hosts numerous research institutions focusing on BMG, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)and top universities like Tsinghua and Shanghai Jiao Tong.Significant growth is seen in domestic production facilities focusing on cost-effective mass production of BMG through methods like thermoplastic forming and injection molding.2. Growth Areas WorldwideGlobally, BMG is being adopted across several industries, with advanced manufacturing hubs in the U.S., Japan, Germany, and South Korea leading its development.Consumer Electronics:Apple has utilized BMG for components in its products, including the SIM ejector tool and internal mechanisms, showcasing its potential in high-end electronics.Wearable devices and small consumer products are key growth areas due to BMG's lightweight and durable nature.Medical Field:The biocompatibility and non-magnetic properties of BMG make it ideal for medical implants, surgical instruments, and devices like pacemaker housings.Companies in the U.S. and Europe are investing in BMG-based stents and dental tools.Aerospace and Defense:The aerospace industry benefits from BMG's strength-to-weight ratio and resistance to extreme environments, with applications in satellite components and lightweight structures.Defense industries use BMG for armor, casings, and high-performance parts.Sports and Recreation:BMG is being utilized in manufacturing high-end sports equipment such as golf clubs, tennis rackets, and bicycle frames due to its elasticity and strength.Energy and Automotive:BMG is used in wind turbines, motors, and transformers due to its excellent magnetic properties.Automotive industries globally are exploring BMG for lightweight and durable components like gears, shock absorbers, and chassis parts.3. Specific BMG Applications OnlyBMG has unique characteristics that differentiate it from traditional metals, leading to specialized applications:Structural Components: Its ability to sustain high elastic deformation without yielding makes it ideal for structural parts subjected to repetitive stress.Microscale Devices: BMG's ease of molding at small scales has driven its use in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).Corrosion-Resistant Applications: BMG is used in harsh chemical environments, such as pipelines, storage tanks, and marine environments.High-Precision Molds: Its smooth surface finish and excellent wear resistance make it ideal for mold-making in plastic and glass manufacturing.Key ChallengesDespite its growth, BMG faces some hurdles:High Production Costs: BMG production remains expensive compared to traditional metals, limiting its widespread adoption.Size Limitations: Manufacturing larger BMG components is challenging due to cooling constraints during production.Material Competition: Advanced alloys and composites often compete with BMG in cost-sensitive industries.Future Growth DriversInnovation in Manufacturing: Advancements in cost-effective production techniques (e.g., injection molding and additive manufacturing) are reducing the barriers to adoption.Growing Demand for Miniaturization: The electronics and medical sectors' need for compact, high-performance components is driving BMG usage.Increased R&D: Governments and private institutions worldwide are investing heavily in BMG research, particularly in renewable energy and space exploration.China, alongside the global community, is set to expand its role in BMG innovation, with demand growing across critical industries.

What are top 20 major companies involved in BMG specifically in China and around the world ?

1. Major Companies in China (Top 10)Dongguan Eontec Co., Ltd.Specializes in BMG manufacturing, focusing on precision components for electronics, medical devices, and consumer goods.Shenzhen Kaifa Technology Co., Ltd.Develops BMG-based components for consumer electronics, such as smartphone casings and connectors.Zhongbei New Material Technology Co., Ltd.Focused on R&D and production of BMG for industrial and medical applications.Ningbo Zhongbang New Material Technology Co., Ltd.Manufactures BMG components for automotive and aerospace applications.Shanghai Qiqi New Material Co., Ltd.Specializes in small-scale BMG parts for wearables and high-tech equipment.Beijing Advanced Technology Co., Ltd.Focuses on the development of BMG for aerospace, defense, and energy industries.Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-Ferrous MetalsA government-backed institution working on BMG applications in renewable energy and heavy industry.Xiamen Innovate Metal Materials Co., Ltd.Produces BMG products for precision molds and consumer electronics.Chengdu Advanced Material Industrial Co., Ltd.Develops BMG for medical implants and microscale engineering.Shenzhen NewTech Materials Co., Ltd.Specializes in R&D of amorphous metals, including BMG, for use in electronics and industrial equipment.2. Major Companies Worldwide (Top 10)Liquidmetal Technologies (USA)A pioneer in BMG, focused on consumer electronics, medical devices, and industrial applications.Materion Corporation (USA)Produces amorphous alloys, including BMG, for aerospace, medical, and industrial sectors.Amorphology Inc. (USA)Specializes in BMG for precision gears, robotics, and aerospace applications.Heraeus Amloy Technologies (Germany)Develops BMG for medical and industrial applications, focusing on additive manufacturing.Johnson Matthey (UK)Works on advanced materials, including BMG, for clean energy and automotive applications.Hitachi Metals, Ltd. (Japan)Produces amorphous metals, including BMG, for industrial and magnetic applications.Nippon Steel Corporation (Japan)Develops BMG materials for high-performance applications in automotive and construction.Sandvik AB (Sweden)Focuses on BMG for industrial tooling and additive manufacturing.Plansee Group (Austria)Produces amorphous metals, including BMG, for high-tech and industrial applications.Vitreloy Technology Corporation (South Korea)Specializes in BMG for electronics, wearables, and industrial components.

Key BMG Applications Across CompaniesConsumer Electronics: Smartphone frames, wearables, connectors.Medical Devices: Surgical instruments, implants, dental tools.Industrial Applications: Precision gears, molds, and tools.Aerospace: Lightweight components for satellites and aircraft.Automotive: Shock absorbers, chassis parts, and precision gears.Trends and ObservationsChina’s Focus:China's companies are heavily invested in scaling up BMG production for consumer electronics and automotive applications.Several Chinese companies collaborate with universities and government R&D labs.Global Leaders:Companies like Liquidmetal Technologies and Heraeus Amloy are pushing the boundaries in medical and precision engineering applications.Japan's Hitachi Metals and Nippon Steel are leaders in industrial and magnetic BMG applications.Additive Manufacturing:Companies like Heraeus Amloy and Sandvik are exploring 3D printing of BMG components to improve scalability and cost-effectiveness.Collaborations:Partnerships between technology companies and material developers are driving advancements in BMG applications.This global network of companies is transforming BMG into a practical material for next-generation technologies.
Watts Watt Watts Watt 1 주 전
Despite valiant efforts to show the growth of amorphous metals, the listed facts iin your post refer en masse to the metallic ribbon, electrical transformers, motor core applications, etc but absolutely no reference to bulk metallic glass applications. In other words, unless you show and itemize the growth of bmgs, then such a post like yours shows only the growth of the oldest and most successful uses of amorphous metals. Bmgs are a subset and a very miniscule sector of amorphous metals.

The original developer of the electrical applications was Allied Electronics in the mid sixties. This sector was later acquired by Hitachi in Japan.
Lqmt has always been locked out of this market due to prevailing and ongoing patent protection.

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