1 일 전
Closing in the 0.03’s now. A long term trend prediction based on facts of zero fundamental change as accomplished by the executives of LQMT and not on any negative opinions or bashing of the company and not on anyone hyping or having agendas.
These predictions were and are always backed up by facts. They do not require the knowledge of rocket science. Just an unbiased look at what the company has actually accomplished vs what they say they want or expect to achieve.
It’s not a guarantee that the share price will drop lower or reach the 0.02’s soon. That unfortunate guarantee will also come from the current trend and any LQMT revenue changes to reverse it.
Obviously an Apple waiver from CE restrictions, would be one of those real potential changes that can spike the SP as well as another insider executive purchase of shares without any new contracts.
I don’t know why? But I have my fingers crossed 🤞 on the MIM order LQMT posted last June, nine months ago…
Usually, like 1000% of the time when contracts and partnerships get canceled are terminated or expire, LQMT sits on their mouth and feels they don’t have to talk about it with their shareholders, because they are not legally required to do so.
Of course to us outsiders it is a total disrespect and imo gives everyone outside a misleading picture going forward and can result in people misunderstanding the silence, causing many to sell. Maybe that is their intention. To me it sure seems that way as outsiders only learn of these lost opportunities of potential growth after the fact by seeing them disappearing in the next 10k, by both language and lost revenues.
These predictions were MIM order is still alive on their website as posted above. If it is still in the works and no $$$ is to be reported for the first quarter 2025 or last quarter 2024 then LQMT can legally continue to be imo disrespectful towards the outside shareholders.
The above scenario regarding LQMT’s silence and disrespect has long been a factor in the minds of I believe all shareholders who post and yet you never see any of the executives bring this important issue up!!
Im not talking about silence on any potential deal.
How about the many deals that just faded away into the LQMT abyss. Im sure many posters can name at least a half dozen. One poster here recently has named more.
Good luck to all in LQMT
Wish tc luck.
It doesn’t require too much effort to inform PERIOD!
6 일 전
Another week passes and LQMT’s share price is unchanged at 0.04 cents on extremely weak trading volumes and little interest. The same when LQMT moves up or down.
LQMT through BW announces 3-13-25 EOY call. I’m presuming no Q&A. Just a one way call. I call that type of call: Company Spin. Or another way to put it: Protecting The Silence to avoid jeopardizing any endeavor real or imaginary. Staying inline or exit as outlined by the controlling shareholder.
So far for 37 months, the endeavors have been imaginary as LQMT has failed to ink a new parts order deal of any size worthy of a filed 8K to increase the share price. It’s the longest spin cycle without a wash rinse and repeat cycle.
End of year calls have been factually proven to be worth very little and have a factual history of not changing the fundamentals of the company. Projected forward worded comments year over year of more new contracts or deals have yet to come to fruition to increase shareholder value. In fact the unfulfilled expectations of any pipeline coming to fruition have culminated in a decrease in shareholder value.
I mean, doesn’t the new 0.16 cent shareholding shells with 179 million plus shares have a Q?
In essence to me and this is only my opinion having given the company each year the benefit of the doubt. Maybe others agree too. The End of Year calls are just for listening to another year of excuses for why the company has failed to increase shareholder value for the past & perhaps present year. Sort of like the expression: “My Bad.” If you don’t believe it. Just look at the disappointing long term price charts! Those charts are real facts not opinions. See link below reflecting 5 years.
What I am saying is… if there is no real meat in the spin, then just wish everyone a happy and healthy life and just say and end the call in a few seconds with just a “My Bad.” There will be less disappointments and no giddiness based on BS spin. Can’t hurt to speak realistically with facts and not spin any facts into a yarn for those in la la land. Because they are fed up too, but too embarrassed to admit it. Maybe it’s peer pressure. Who the hell knows? Could be they fee like the broken clock only they haven’t been right once.
For anyone in LQMT, LQMT’s performances are accomplished by those who operate the company and are responsible for their own results good or bad.
If there is anyone thinking or believing that anyone’s comments factually or by opinion have an influence or agenda to see this stock go lower, with the extremely anemic trading volumes, liquidity and interest, which trade daily, weekly and monthly in the stock, that kind of thinking may qualify for a 911 call or an emergency trip to the nearest neurological emergency room for examination. One would have to be so far gone not to realize those who operate the company are the only ones responsible for its success or failure.
It’s like the opposite of looking for endless theories for success, when you are so pissed off at the company and start doing it for it’s failures, when the facts are staring you in the face and screaming out loud ; Hi there my name is TS, LL, BB, TC ETC., ETC.
The agenda here (at least for me and I'm sure everyone else) is to see LQMT succeed. .Unfortunately the performance results of LQMT is not in sync with that agenda. Just like all hope to see LQMT succeed each year but fail to see it happen. So too does LQMT do the same but fail to realize it. Pointing this out is not bashing. It’s noting the broken record of the company’s performance due to the silence, share price and bottom line.
Without new meaningful contracts they just talk the talk. They cannot walk the walk and they are even further away from walking the talk. The way many see it, I believe. Talk is cheap, but even at that price they can’t afford it. Not with these anemic revenues.
Speaking of contracts. There’s been no update on the MIM order from last summer. Maybe it will be in the 10K, who knows? Could be the outlier. Maybe it’s a huge deal. Who knows? Wouldn’t that be nice. I’d hate to think it is the renewal of the rental agreement or a new one even bigger with another tenant. Better news would be use of a new domestic manufacturing facility to fulfill new orders. One can only dream.
For now, LQMT’s share price is holding in the low pennies. Bouncing around in the low 0.04’s and occasionally dipping to the upper 0.03’s. The trend remains for the share price to head lower again and back to the 0.03’s. A new deal can change that or pause it.
While most stock markets are near their all time highs, LQMT is near its all time lows.of the 0.03’s.
IMO, anyone still stating a potential for LQMT to somehow circumvent the agreements with Apple, by using other agreements with other companies to earn revenues from CE are doing so just to be argumentative As zero CE $$$ has trickled in during the same years of those rumors. It more or less equates to Einstein’s definition of insanity.
Anyone having a realistic understanding of that potential would know that the share prices steady decline makes that point of view moot. For if there were an inkling of truth to the interpretation of the 10k, for potential CE revenues from Apple, don’t you think there would be thousands of new dice rollers buying millions of shares on speculation driving up the share price?
I get the argument. Eontec is supposed to pay LQMT money for an amorphous metal part ordered by Apple, manufactured for sale in LQMT’s footprint.
Even though Apple doesn’t directly contract with LQMT and contracts directly with a company that is obligated to pay LQMT a fee. And the fee is for a part used for CE and this somehow doesn’t violate the LQMT/Apple agreement. Now if true. That would mean a hell of a lot of potential! Right! Not a little, but potentially millions! Right! Then where the hell are the thousands of other dice rollers? No hype no pump no market guru’s screaming opportunity of a lifetime! At this point in time I don’t think any outside shareholder is adverse to seeing the share price hit 0.50 cents or a buck on hype and BS. But it does seem like everyone else who owns no shares, is.
Other than belief in the technology and FOMO and other companies claiming to be earning revenues from various amorphous metal formulas. Are there any other realistic reasons for holding on? Well, another reason as suggested many times is: “We can always dream.” I say this, since no one from the company tells us what is going on regularly through PR’s. Like once or twice a month.
You get the once a year vaccine of spin in March from the End of Year Call, and then silence. Many get giddy and jump for joy and then like a fix, the spin wears off, withdrawal sets in again.
I’m beginning to think the year does end with that End of Year Call! :)
The management team can see the controversy on the boards. They can clear any controversy up in their executive blog. They choose not to.
This might be the only company that is reading posts from around the www to find out how they are doing in place of counting deals being signed. :)
In that respect the score is Bears 24. Bulls 0. However neither side is really winning. :)
Is it any wonder even the bulls like the walking dead, don’t even know what the heck is going on. They have no positive facts and the true facts of results never fit their agendas of hype and misinformation. So they bash others, who state without bias the facts, who also, want to see the company succeed rather than listing the positive facts to promote an intelligent discussion. Could be because there are none. Only hypocritical theories.
After all, how many times have outsiders had to endure the disappointment of others stating: I believe LQMT will hit $1.00 a dollar by the end of this year, year after year? Do they even still do that?
I don’t disagree with the statement or thought of that happening. Just the twisted unproven dots and dashes used to formulate the conclusion for a dollar a share and they know more than anyone else. Heaven forbid you disagree. You get bashed, put down mislabeled and ridiculed for it. I mean, like can’t you see the share price is closer to a penny each year and not a dollar?
I try to present a balanced realistic view based on the facts not on the emotions of anyone hyping or bashing LQMT. I believe I nailed it correctly. This board has had it correct past and present from potential to expectations to hope to FOMO.
I would rather see a weekly LQMT blog update on any progress from the company, or a more frequent PR monthly, than to post another week passes post. I’m sure everyone else would agree.
Will this be the year revenues increase consistently? Only the 4th Q’s will tell. 3 down and 1 to go. So far it looks good. Increasing revenues are always good. Significantly increasing revenues are even better.
The downside right now to LQMT’s consecutive successful quarterly growth is, it is dependant on one major customer to achieve it. Does that RING a bell?
Perhaps in 2026 or 2027 LQMT might succeed and if they ever do make it in 2025, all in it will be very thankful and glad that they did.
Good luck to all in LQMT.
Wish TC & Co., luck.
Follow the silence, not the science. It’s one of LQMT’s greatest achievements.
I expect LQMT to succeed
1 주 전
Apple rumors.
Eon and Sanxiang are flying , Chinese news artciles are specualting that its APPLE. I've come across a couple of reports in China. Hrres an excerpt from one: "interesting link is Yian Technology. According to rumors, Anno has signed a relevant agreement with Yian Technology, and Yian Technology will be the supplier of liquid metal internal components, key components of the folding iPhone hinge.
Previously, starting from Huawei's first generation of foldable screen mobile phones, Yian Technology has been one of the suppliers of this component. What's more special is that Apple has been cooperating with Yian Technology on a liquid metal project since 10 years ago ."