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Kings Entertainment Group Inc (PK)

Kings Entertainment Group Inc (PK) (KENGF)

마감 29 9월 5:00AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.


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gdog gdog 4 분 전
I have no idea what Popps is supposed to mean as for the reat Ray said not if but when
Hopeforthefuture3 Hopeforthefuture3 4 분 전
This post is a reply to a post that links back to a big biz show with LG, youtube now getting closer to 1,000 views. Sully from minute 13 to 15 gave his story and recipie for 3 bags of ice, 3 bags lemons,3 bags of limes, a lot of tequila and all mixed together in a large ice chest and the drink deli
vinnie1965 vinnie1965 5 분 전
 No revenues and non domestic, just African base miner and is just shy of 500 million market cap
BeachBum BeachBum 5 분 전
All it takes is one. Providence will send this. PSRU
Lykiri Lykiri 5 분 전
I believe that Linda Powers is primarily thinking of Dr. Pazdur's wise words.

May 2021
“And when you have a truly important breakthrough therapy drug, it is important that it has relatively widespread, worldwide distribution and approval as soon as possible because that begins
vinnie1965 vinnie1965 6 분 전
zab zab 7 분 전
Open borders cause that's what trump wants, he also wants Putin to win over Ukraine, and lastly to stay out of jail and take money from the American taxpayer.
vinnie1965 vinnie1965 8 분 전
Is that 2.5.-3 miles in size?
arizona1 arizona1 8 분 전
at six weeks the mother can detect the heart beat.

Now, be a good little MAGAt and point out on the six week old embryo exactly where the heart is.
Walter4 Walter4 8 분 전
"Don't drop the soap" -Walter-
getmoreshares getmoreshares 9 분 전
BeachBum BeachBum 9 분 전

Rise of the Tarragon
Chief Ramirez

Production companies
Providence Films
The Mentortainment Group
zab zab 10 분 전
Now you get stories from an AI app from the Philippines that tell you from the start that they make up stories.
lodas lodas 11 분 전
Wmi declared in chapter 11 court documents that said...... ALL ASSETS, both required to be reported, and those NOT REQUIRED to be reported were disclosed to the court....Rosen said WMI did not have Safe Harbor, or off balance sheet where in any 10-K filings does WMI, WMIH, Coop show any
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 13 분 전
We got lucky again and the storm passed west of us and was gone by midday. Western NC wasn't so lucky and Boone Asheville and Elkin where my wife has relatives were all flooded.

And I-40 at the TN border washed away again for the umpteenth time.

Hurricane season can't
cinnamonpee cinnamonpee 14 분 전
Fat lady singing very loudly right now.
Richard H2 Richard H2 15 분 전
This matter is currently the subject of pending legal proceedings, and as such, no further details can be disclosed beyond what has already been publicly stated.

Once the case is filed and enters the public domain in the coming weeks, all relevant information will be available for pu
boston745 boston745 15 분 전
Home destroyed by fire as storm surge inundates Davis Islands

As storm surge overtook the houses on Davis Islands, one house caught on fire off Blanca Avenue. First responders were unable to reach the home because of the high water, according to reporting from 10 Tampa Bay’s Eric Glas
blackhawks blackhawks 15 분 전
NO, no one want's open borders. That's a GOP talking point like defunding the police. The GOP HAS to misrepresent Dem positions while at the same time creating bogus issues like 'stolen elections', illegal immigrants taking jobs that Americans won't do away from Americans, or lying about legally pro
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 15 분 전
Taxpayer-funded Minneapolis food pantry bans white people - as boss' astonishing outburst at local who complained is revealed
Whalatane Whalatane 15 분 전
Jess. VERA's Atacicept is already fast tracked for IgAN and will complete their P 3 in this kidney disease in Q2 2025 . They will announce Oct 2nd if they will pursue the LN indication ...using the same drug . If they pursue the LN indication I expect them to also seek a Fast Track designation for
trippininLaCoste trippininLaCoste 16 분 전
I don’t not believe that the average SHMP shareholder understands what “receivership” actually means

Mr. Fife has a contractor on the team now to provide much needed neglected building maintenance to the facility itself, while the conversion process moves along past design, permittin