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Interactive Health Network (CE)

Interactive Health Network (CE) (IGRW)

( 0.00% )
업데이트: 09:00:00

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IGRW Discussion

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Ryan8 Ryan8 11 월 전
Frank Petronis JR For Doxing Shareholders

Enjoys threatening shareholders, women and doxing cancer patient volunteers. I drafted a lawsuit just for you and your pump and dump stock promoting father.

I cannot wait to personally depose both of you. Your NFT collection, wallet address and Youtube videos have all been indexed, Your fathers email threats of violence against my family have also been indexed.

My record in deposition is when Andrew Brown of Ramp Corporation took the 5th 244 times in deposition. I have a feeling between your father and you, this record will be broken.

Don't fret you are in great company

1. Ford Gilbert- Convicted Felon Bribery of a State Official
2. Kevin Buckman
3. Fred Schiemann - Permanent SEC BAN
4. Scott Warkins - Convicted Felon Stock promotion
5. Joel Stohlman - Convicted Felon Stock Promotion
6. Henry Manayan -
7. Morgan Pettiti - SEC Injunction - SEC Lawyer, signed everything Fred Schiemann produced.

Ryan8 Ryan8 11 월 전
RICO Lawsuit Finished
4 months of writing worth every minute of it.

Interactive Health Network
Wellness Builders
Creative Edge Nutrition
Discovery Minerals

People of Interest

Ford Gilbert
Fred Schiemann
Kevin Buckman
Henry Manayan
Morgan Petitti
Scott Watkins
Joel Stolman

Let me know if I am missing anyone.
weedbegone weedbegone 12 월 전
I am waiting w baited breath...Cant Wait they All Hit the Fan of the Justice System...
Ryan8 Ryan8 12 월 전
Same cast of characters, different TV Show

Discovery Minerals (OTC : $DSCR)
A Call for a criminal investigation

More than 15,000 shareholder lost
more than $125,000,000

Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Connection

Wellness Builders, Embezzlement, & Genesis of DSCR Fraud

The seed capital of the DSCR SCAM came from the $4,200,000 that was embezzled from Viratech.

IGRW and the Criminal Trial in Eastern District of PA is tying this all together


DSCR & Wellness Builder, WellnessBuilder Wellness Builder Corp

"What makes corruption so insidious, is that it is allowed to hide in the opportunities that never came". The activity here is beyond just a simple pump and dump, and is the tip of a spear of a larger criminal conspiracy to defraud thousands of investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This conspiracy extends to stock promoters, lawyers, CEOs, transfer agents, CPA's & funders, all working in unison to sell worthless stock based off of "blue sky" and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) combination.

These culprits need to be brought to justice, and made an example of. The are the cancer of the American Dream and fueled by a common motive operandi consisting of an attitude and culture, that it is easier to sell stock then execute on their business model.

This is a gross violation of an owed fiduciary duty of care to the minority shareholders, and is allowed to survive because of the culprits operating under the radar screen of small scams, via a rinse and repeat format.

The SEC has bigger fish to fry and this conduct individually is a not on their radar screen. That is why we consolidated the corruption found, provenanced the transgressions, and added this all up. In the end more that $350,000,000 has been stolen from shareholders by a group of co-conspirators over a 9 year period.

Where did the genesis of the stock fraud come from?

Common Elements $DSCR, $VIRA, $IRGW, $FITX & $AIDC

What is the fulcrum that ties $DSCR, $VIRA, $IGRW, $FITX, AIDC, together

For that answer 4 pieces of evidence are tied together

1. US Federal criminal indictment Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG ?
2. Wellness Builder, Inc;
3. Wellnessbuilder;
4 Wellness Builder Corp.

These 3 corporations (2-4) were used to conceal from mandatory public company
disclosure more that 135,000,000 common shares of Wellness builders common stock,
These shares were due to the benefit of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
, (Symbol: VIRA), Instead those shares and the money earned by selling them,
went to fuel a criminal conspiracy as detailed in the criminal indictment titled:

1. Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil.


On July 13, 2013 the shares that were due to Viratech, Corp,
were embezzled via a Twinning concept of creating
3 separate companies consisting of:

#1 Wellness Builders Inc,

#2. WellnessBuilder, and then ultimately to

#3 Wellness Builder Corp.

In an acquisition agreement from Interactive Health Network
to Viratech in 2013, 2014 the paper shuffle of #2, #3 and #3 is exhibited.

This usurpation was all the detriment of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
(Symbol: VIRA), to the benefit of Interactive Health Network (Symbol IGRW),
who used the proceeds to fund a massive ongoing pump and dump, which has been
well documented in the superseding indictment titled
Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG and documented below.

Here is the provenance of the mechanism which allowed the
embezzlement of $4,200,000 from the minority shareholders of Viratech in
January 2013 to July 2014.

Exhibit #2. Wellness Builder, Inc.

Wellness Builder Inc.
Nevada Corporation
File # 20200496344
Fred V. Schiemann
429 W Plumb Lane,Reno NV 85009
75,000,000 shares Par Value $0.01


Entity Number:E0258542010-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:05/25/2010
NV Business ID:NV20101396709
Annual Report Due Date: 6/30/2010

Exhibit 3. Wellnessbuilder

Entity Number:E0033242013-6
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:01/22/2013
NV Business ID:NV20131041194
Annual Report Due Date: 2/28/2013
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE,
RENO, NV, 89509, USA

Exhibit 4. Wellness Builder Corp.

Entity Number:E0216342014-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date: 04/23/2014
NV Business ID:NV20141279375
Annual Report Due Date:5/31/2014
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE, RENO, NV, 89509, USA
Authorized 75,000,000 0.001000000000

Exhibit #1 The superseding indictment that this ties this all together

Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil


Part 6 of DSCR Warranted Criminal Investigation

Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

For all the message board pumpers this link is for you.

Great conversation starter for a convened Grand Jury

And More if you want to get sick to your stomach

A conspiracy among thieves

Overt Act and Co Conspirator are the words for today.

This was a coordinated ongoing scam among Tranfer Agents,
CPA's, Lawyers, Brokers, and Promoters.
Each played their role (Overt Act) to continue and further the conspiracy.
In the end more than 15,000 minority shareholders
lost more than $125,000,000 over a ten year period.

These people all belong in front of a
Federal Judge answering for their crimes.

Their mentality was it was easier to sell stock through message board
pumpers and fraudulent inflated press releases, then to execute on a business model.
The business model of this conspiracy was and continues to be
that of pumping lies to unsuspecting retail investors.

Exhibits & Evidence of Securities Fraud

$DSCR understanding the conspiracy to commit securities fraud

USA vs Richardson 2:20-cr-00333 Eastern District of PA

USA vs Richardson Eastern District of PA,
case number 2:20-cr-00333,filed 9/30/2020.

Common Elements
429 W. Plumb Lane, Reno Nevada 89509

Home of the following companies:

1. DSCR; Caveat Emptor Status;

2. FITX; Suspended February 2016;

3. IGRW; Suspended February 2016;


5. NHEL; Suspended July 2019;

6. ANVV; Suspended July 2019;

7. ADIC. Suspended February 2016.

And same cast of characters including:

A. Fred Schiemann; Permanent Injunction,
SEC 2E and OTC Markets Prohibited Service Provider

B. Frank Petronis;
C. Henry Manayan, CEO of VIRATECH - Expert Market ;

D. Morgan Petitti; Permanent Injunction

E. Scott Watkins; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

F. Russell Smith;

G. Ricardo Richardson; indicted/ awaiting trial

H. Joel Stohlman; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

I. Edward Heil indicted / awaiting trial

J. Gary Wolff indicted /awaiting trial

Why $DSCR's Management should be indicted for securities fraud?

This company CEO lied to the WY SOS to illegally increase t
he authorized capital from 5,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 common shares.

All for the purpose of executing this corporate action of increasing
the authorized common share capital, ALL without
NOTICE of meeting and APPROVAL of the shareholders of $DSCR.

Further the CEO knowingly with scienter materially concealed
(highest form of non disclosure), that this corporate action of raising
the authorized common shares from any mandatory disclosures. Even
to go as far as to omit this action from the "subsequent events" portion
of ALL OTC mandatory reports, from June 2018 to current (4 years).

Here is where you can start reading of the level
of fraud you have all been subjected to.

DSCR The $49,000,000+ Accounting Error

Further in support:

1. $DSCR a spoke in much bigger fraud

2. A call for an adverse bankruptcy filing

3. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

4. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 5

5. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 4

6. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 3

7. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 2

8. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 1

$DSCR Evidence in Support of a Securities Fraud 10b-5 Investigation

240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices What are the elements of a 10b-5 claim?

“To succeed on a Rule 10b-5 fraud claim [based on an untrue
statement or omission of a material fact], a plaintiff must

(1) a false statement or omission of material fact;

(2) made with scienter;

(3) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied;

(4) that proximately caused the plaintiff's injury.

In support of the above the following evidence is provided:

9. Exhibit 1 May 7 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

10. Exhibit 2 May 11 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

11. Exhibit 3 DSC Coin Not Registered May 7, 2021;

12. Exhibit 4. DSCR Trading History 12-23-2020 to 12-22-2001;

13. Exhibit 5 Discovery Minerals LTD., Press Release Dated May 11, 2021;

14. Exhibit 6. False & Misleading Information;

15. Exhibit 7. Discovery Minerals Placed in Caveat Emptor Status;

16. Exhibit 8. What is Caveat Emptor Status;

17. Part 1 - Using Twitter to Broadcast Non Public Information;

18. Exhibit 11. Social Media Used Pump & Dump;

19. Exhibit 14 Discovery Minerals Tweet May 4, 2021;

20. Exhibit 15-a Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

21. Exhibit 15-b Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

22. Exhibit 15-c Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

23. Exhibit 15-d Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

24. Exhibit 15-e Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

25. Exhibit 15 f Discovery Minerals Ltd Tweets May 6, 2021;

26. Exhibit 16-a Discovery Minerals Investors Hub Message Board Post (May 4 to May 11, 2021);

27. Exhibit 17.b Etherscan - Sales of DSC Coin Prior to May 11 Company Press Release Announcement (Yahoo);

28. Exhibit 18 Discovery Minerals $Volume & Trading History;

29. Exhibit 19. Discovery Minerals Announces DSC Coin on on May 21, 2021;

30. Exhibit 20 "Should I Buy DSCR Stock" the video;

31. Exhibit 21. Michael Handelman, CPA;

32. Exhibit 22. Annual Report 9-30-2019 filed 10-17-2019;

33. Exhibit 23. Why Does a Message Board Poster Have Access to Issuer Only Access Link?;

35. 39 Exhibits That Show Insider Trading Occured;

36. Exhibit 26. DSC Coin Board Shows Insider Information was Broadcasted to Select Shareholders;

37. Exhibit 28.a. Use of YouTube To Broadcast Non Public Information May 6, 2021

38. Exhibit 37 Post index from Marauder Proves Coin Sale Occured

39. Exhibit 43. James M Donovan Esquire;

40. Exhibit 44 Jessica M. Lockett, Esq. filed 2/12/2019;

41. Exhibit 45. Par Value of Authorized Capital Not The Same;

42. Exhibit 45. Par Capital Does NOT ADD UP PART 2-;

43. Exhibit 46. DSCR Nevada SoS Certified Filings;

44. Exhibit 47. DSCR Wyoming Articles of Continuance;

45. Exhibit 48. Reincorporation into Wyoming to Increase shares to
10,000,000,000 circumventing shareholder approval and meeting;

46. Exhibit 54. Authorized Capital Increase from 5-10 Billion Common shares, Par Value $.0001;

47. Alt5 Sigma's Response on DSC Coin Sale

26 January, 2022

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING ALT 5 Sigma Inc., and Discovery Minerals Ltd., and the Discovery Minerals Coin.

We are writing you further to the receipt of inquiries from Discovery Minerals’ shareholders and or purchasers of the Discovery Minerals Coin as it pertains to the role and relationship of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. and Discovery Minerals Ltd.

On March 9, 2021, Discovery Minerals Ltd entered into a technology and consulting agreement with ALT 5 Sigma Inc. to build the technology framework for the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

ALT 5 Sigma provided the technology and consulting services to Discovery Minerals and Discovery Minerals proceeded with the sale of its coin whereby proceeds from the sale of the coin were remitted to Discovery Minerals Ltd and more specifically to the company’s president, Mr. Russell Smith.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc. provided technology and consultancy services only and was not party to the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

It should be noted that Discovery Minerals Ltd. proceeded to file false and misleading statements with the OTC Markets namely the name of the control person of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. as being Brian Scott
is incorrect.

Neither ALT 5 Sigma Inc., nor Brian Scott entered into any loan agreement with Discovery Minerals Ltd. for the reimbursement of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

Shareholders, Stakeholders and or Discovery Minerals Coin holders should read the most recent filings by Discovery Minerals Ltd. at More attention should be placed on Note #8:

Note 8 – Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued. As previously disclosed in the Company’s period ending March 31, 2021 quarterly report and further press release dated April 30, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with ALT 5 Sigma for the development of its Discovery Coin and Gateway Payment. However, management has determined this course of action would not be in the Company’s or the shareholders best interest and has terminated the agreement and is no longer exploring a crypto currency initiative. In December 2021 the Company entered into an escrow agreement whereby all coin buyers will be refunded their full purchase amount.

We therefore ask that you contact Discovery Minerals Ltd. If you have any questions and or comments regarding the company, its coin and or the refund.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc.
ALT 5 Communications
420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10170


48. Email from Discovery Minerals Admits Coin Sale

Date December 13, 2021 lack of memory is going to be your downfall.

From: DSCR Management
RE: DSC Coin Sale

"...Due to the high volume of emails, we will be having longer
than normal response times. We apologize for the
inconvenience but we are grateful for your support and patience.

DSCR is committed to transparency, and we are working tirelessly
to ensure we have everything up to date on our
website, social media and investor relations.

If you have questions about the coin, we will be issuing refunds.
Please send a copy of receipts or purchasing agreements
to us via email. Please allow 7 days for a response.

If you are inquiring about verified pink status on OTC, please know
we have submitted all necessary paperwork and are awaiting updates as well.

If you are inquiring about The Ruby Mine or our JV, please
know we have more details to be released in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate all of our shareholders.


DSCR Team..."

More Inside Information

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here
Ryan8 Ryan8 12 월 전
The wellness builders lawsuit is incoming, wait till the public understand how Fred Schiemann embezzled 135,000,000 share of Wellness Builders stock valued at $4,200,000 due to Viratech, that went to say a different undisclosed party.

2 years getting intel 100% worth it.

Legal taped conversation are going to blow this wide open. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of scumbags.
👍️ 1
weedbegone weedbegone 12 월 전
Keep me posted...if I can be of any help...
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Lawsuit Discovery Evidence


Re: tisdal post# 5772

Friday, November 03, 2017 7:52:59 AM

of 53884
Agreed I have a Roth IRA I manage, all of my funds are allocated to other stocks and by law I cannot add $$ until 1 Jan 2018. I want to retire in 6 - 10 years myself.

That unless one the others shoots to the moon and I can bleed off some cash and move it over to ZN. Its about supporting Israel and being wise with my money.

I did however open a separate account personal account with TDA and bough 1,600 more shares the other day. I am considering the direct purchase program with ZN, but need to contact TDA and see how I convert my shares over from the ZN's broker.

I have also decided to wait a week or so before doing anything else, had yesterdays news came out earlier I could have gotten more shares for the same price I paid. This is not only about Israel's future but it is about my retirement and my baby girl who God blessed me and my younger wife later in my life. This is about her future I see a bright determined little girl who I want to have a better life than I did.
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Discovery Minerals (OTC : $DSCR)
A Call for a criminal investigation

More than 15,000 shareholder lost
more than $125,000,000

Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Connection

Wellness Builders, Embezzlement, & Genesis of DSCR Fraud

The seed capital of the DSCR SCAM came from the $4,200,000 that was embezzled from Viratech.

IGRW and the Criminal Trial in Eastern District of PA is tying this all together


DSCR & Wellness Builder, WellnessBuilder Wellness Builder Corp

"What makes corruption so insidious, is that it is allowed to hide in the opportunities that never came". The activity here is beyond just a simple pump and dump, and is the tip of a spear of a larger criminal conspiracy to defraud thousands of investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This conspiracy extends to stock promoters, lawyers, CEOs, transfer agents, CPA's & funders, all working in unison to sell worthless stock based off of "blue sky" and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) combination.

These culprits need to be brought to justice, and made an example of. The are the cancer of the American Dream and fueled by a common motive operandi consisting of an attitude and culture, that it is easier to sell stock then execute on their business model.

This is a gross violation of an owed fiduciary duty of care to the minority shareholders, and is allowed to survive because of the culprits operating under the radar screen of small scams, via a rinse and repeat format.

The SEC has bigger fish to fry and this conduct individually is a not on their radar screen. That is why we consolidated the corruption found, provenanced the transgressions, and added this all up. In the end more that $350,000,000 has been stolen from shareholders by a group of co-conspirators over a 9 year period.

Where did the genesis of the stock fraud come from?

Common Elements $DSCR, $VIRA, $IRGW, $FITX & $AIDC

What is the fulcrum that ties $DSCR, $VIRA, $IGRW, $FITX, AIDC, together

For that answer 4 pieces of evidence are tied together

1. US Federal criminal indictment Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG ?
2. Wellness Builder, Inc;
3. Wellnessbuilder;
4 Wellness Builder Corp.

These 3 corporations (2-4) were used to conceal from mandatory public company
disclosure more that 135,000,000 common shares of Wellness builders common stock,
These shares were due to the benefit of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
, (Symbol: VIRA), Instead those shares and the money earned by selling them,
went to fuel a criminal conspiracy as detailed in the criminal indictment titled:

1. Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil.


On July 13, 2013 the shares that were due to Viratech, Corp,
were embezzled via a Twinning concept of creating
3 separate companies consisting of:

#1 Wellness Builders Inc,

#2. WellnessBuilder, and then ultimately to

#3 Wellness Builder Corp.

In an acquisition agreement from Interactive Health Network
to Viratech in 2013, 2014 the paper shuffle of #2, #3 and #3 is exhibited.

This usurpation was all the detriment of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
(Symbol: VIRA), to the benefit of Interactive Health Network (Symbol IGRW),
who used the proceeds to fund a massive ongoing pump and dump, which has been
well documented in the superseding indictment titled
Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG and documented below.

Here is the provenance of the mechanism which allowed the
embezzlement of $4,200,000 from the minority shareholders of Viratech in
January 2013 to July 2014.

Exhibit #2. Wellness Builder, Inc.

Wellness Builder Inc.
Nevada Corporation
File # 20200496344
Fred V. Schiemann
429 W Plumb Lane,Reno NV 85009
75,000,000 shares Par Value $0.01


Entity Number:E0258542010-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:05/25/2010
NV Business ID:NV20101396709
Annual Report Due Date: 6/30/2010

Exhibit 3. Wellnessbuilder

Entity Number:E0033242013-6
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:01/22/2013
NV Business ID:NV20131041194
Annual Report Due Date: 2/28/2013
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE,
RENO, NV, 89509, USA

Exhibit 4. Wellness Builder Corp.

Entity Number:E0216342014-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date: 04/23/2014
NV Business ID:NV20141279375
Annual Report Due Date:5/31/2014
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE, RENO, NV, 89509, USA
Authorized 75,000,000 0.001000000000

Exhibit #1 The superseding indictment that this ties this all together

Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil


Part 6 of DSCR Warranted Criminal Investigation

Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

For all the message board pumpers this link is for you.

Great conversation starter for a convened Grand Jury

And More if you want to get sick to your stomach

A conspiracy among thieves

Overt Act and Co Conspirator are the words for today.

This was a coordinated ongoing scam among Tranfer Agents,
CPA's, Lawyers, Brokers, and Promoters.
Each played their role (Overt Act) to continue and further the conspiracy.
In the end more than 15,000 minority shareholders
lost more than $125,000,000 over a ten year period.

These people all belong in front of a
Federal Judge answering for their crimes.

Their mentality was it was easier to sell stock through message board
pumpers and fraudulent inflated press releases, then to execute on a business model.
The business model of this conspiracy was and continues to be
that of pumping lies to unsuspecting retail investors.

Exhibits & Evidence of Securities Fraud

$DSCR understanding the conspiracy to commit securities fraud

USA vs Richardson 2:20-cr-00333 Eastern District of PA

USA vs Richardson Eastern District of PA,
case number 2:20-cr-00333,filed 9/30/2020.

Common Elements
429 W. Plumb Lane, Reno Nevada 89509

Home of the following companies:

1. DSCR; Caveat Emptor Status;

2. FITX; Suspended February 2016;

3. IGRW; Suspended February 2016;


5. NHEL; Suspended July 2019;

6. ANVV; Suspended July 2019;

7. ADIC. Suspended February 2016.

And same cast of characters including:

A. Fred Schiemann; Permanent Injunction,
SEC 2E and OTC Markets Prohibited Service Provider

B. Frank Petronis;
C. Henry Manayan, CEO of VIRATECH - Expert Market ;

D. Morgan Petitti; Permanent Injunction

E. Scott Watkins; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

F. Russell Smith;

G. Ricardo Richardson; indicted/ awaiting trial

H. Joel Stohlman; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

I. Edward Heil indicted / awaiting trial

J. Gary Wolff indicted /awaiting trial

Why $DSCR's Management should be indicted for securities fraud?

This company CEO lied to the WY SOS to illegally increase t
he authorized capital from 5,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 common shares.

All for the purpose of executing this corporate action of increasing
the authorized common share capital, ALL without
NOTICE of meeting and APPROVAL of the shareholders of $DSCR.

Further the CEO knowingly with scienter materially concealed
(highest form of non disclosure), that this corporate action of raising
the authorized common shares from any mandatory disclosures. Even
to go as far as to omit this action from the "subsequent events" portion
of ALL OTC mandatory reports, from June 2018 to current (4 years).

Here is where you can start reading of the level
of fraud you have all been subjected to.

DSCR The $49,000,000+ Accounting Error

Further in support:

1. $DSCR a spoke in much bigger fraud

2. A call for an adverse bankruptcy filing

3. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

4. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 5

5. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 4

6. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 3

7. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 2

8. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 1

$DSCR Evidence in Support of a Securities Fraud 10b-5 Investigation

240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices What are the elements of a 10b-5 claim?

“To succeed on a Rule 10b-5 fraud claim [based on an untrue
statement or omission of a material fact], a plaintiff must

(1) a false statement or omission of material fact;

(2) made with scienter;

(3) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied;

(4) that proximately caused the plaintiff's injury.

In support of the above the following evidence is provided:

9. Exhibit 1 May 7 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

10. Exhibit 2 May 11 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

11. Exhibit 3 DSC Coin Not Registered May 7, 2021;

12. Exhibit 4. DSCR Trading History 12-23-2020 to 12-22-2001;

13. Exhibit 5 Discovery Minerals LTD., Press Release Dated May 11, 2021;

14. Exhibit 6. False & Misleading Information;

15. Exhibit 7. Discovery Minerals Placed in Caveat Emptor Status;

16. Exhibit 8. What is Caveat Emptor Status;

17. Part 1 - Using Twitter to Broadcast Non Public Information;

18. Exhibit 11. Social Media Used Pump & Dump;

19. Exhibit 14 Discovery Minerals Tweet May 4, 2021;

20. Exhibit 15-a Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

21. Exhibit 15-b Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

22. Exhibit 15-c Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

23. Exhibit 15-d Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

24. Exhibit 15-e Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

25. Exhibit 15 f Discovery Minerals Ltd Tweets May 6, 2021;

26. Exhibit 16-a Discovery Minerals Investors Hub Message Board Post (May 4 to May 11, 2021);

27. Exhibit 17.b Etherscan - Sales of DSC Coin Prior to May 11 Company Press Release Announcement (Yahoo);

28. Exhibit 18 Discovery Minerals $Volume & Trading History;

29. Exhibit 19. Discovery Minerals Announces DSC Coin on on May 21, 2021;

30. Exhibit 20 "Should I Buy DSCR Stock" the video;

31. Exhibit 21. Michael Handelman, CPA;

32. Exhibit 22. Annual Report 9-30-2019 filed 10-17-2019;

33. Exhibit 23. Why Does a Message Board Poster Have Access to Issuer Only Access Link?;

35. 39 Exhibits That Show Insider Trading Occured;

36. Exhibit 26. DSC Coin Board Shows Insider Information was Broadcasted to Select Shareholders;

37. Exhibit 28.a. Use of YouTube To Broadcast Non Public Information May 6, 2021

38. Exhibit 37 Post index from Marauder Proves Coin Sale Occured

39. Exhibit 43. James M Donovan Esquire;

40. Exhibit 44 Jessica M. Lockett, Esq. filed 2/12/2019;

41. Exhibit 45. Par Value of Authorized Capital Not The Same;

42. Exhibit 45. Par Capital Does NOT ADD UP PART 2-;

43. Exhibit 46. DSCR Nevada SoS Certified Filings;

44. Exhibit 47. DSCR Wyoming Articles of Continuance;

45. Exhibit 48. Reincorporation into Wyoming to Increase shares to
10,000,000,000 circumventing shareholder approval and meeting;

46. Exhibit 54. Authorized Capital Increase from 5-10 Billion Common shares, Par Value $.0001;

47. Alt5 Sigma's Response on DSC Coin Sale

26 January, 2022

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING ALT 5 Sigma Inc., and Discovery Minerals Ltd., and the Discovery Minerals Coin.

We are writing you further to the receipt of inquiries from Discovery Minerals’ shareholders and or purchasers of the Discovery Minerals Coin as it pertains to the role and relationship of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. and Discovery Minerals Ltd.

On March 9, 2021, Discovery Minerals Ltd entered into a technology and consulting agreement with ALT 5 Sigma Inc. to build the technology framework for the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

ALT 5 Sigma provided the technology and consulting services to Discovery Minerals and Discovery Minerals proceeded with the sale of its coin whereby proceeds from the sale of the coin were remitted to Discovery Minerals Ltd and more specifically to the company’s president, Mr. Russell Smith.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc. provided technology and consultancy services only and was not party to the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

It should be noted that Discovery Minerals Ltd. proceeded to file false and misleading statements with the OTC Markets namely the name of the control person of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. as being Brian Scott
is incorrect.

Neither ALT 5 Sigma Inc., nor Brian Scott entered into any loan agreement with Discovery Minerals Ltd. for the reimbursement of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

Shareholders, Stakeholders and or Discovery Minerals Coin holders should read the most recent filings by Discovery Minerals Ltd. at More attention should be placed on Note #8:

Note 8 – Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued. As previously disclosed in the Company’s period ending March 31, 2021 quarterly report and further press release dated April 30, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with ALT 5 Sigma for the development of its Discovery Coin and Gateway Payment. However, management has determined this course of action would not be in the Company’s or the shareholders best interest and has terminated the agreement and is no longer exploring a crypto currency initiative. In December 2021 the Company entered into an escrow agreement whereby all coin buyers will be refunded their full purchase amount.

We therefore ask that you contact Discovery Minerals Ltd. If you have any questions and or comments regarding the company, its coin and or the refund.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc.
ALT 5 Communications
420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10170


48. Email from Discovery Minerals Admits Coin Sale

Date December 13, 2021 lack of memory is going to be your downfall.

From: DSCR Management
RE: DSC Coin Sale

"...Due to the high volume of emails, we will be having longer
than normal response times. We apologize for the
inconvenience but we are grateful for your support and patience.

DSCR is committed to transparency, and we are working tirelessly
to ensure we have everything up to date on our
website, social media and investor relations.

If you have questions about the coin, we will be issuing refunds.
Please send a copy of receipts or purchasing agreements
to us via email. Please allow 7 days for a response.

If you are inquiring about verified pink status on OTC, please know
we have submitted all necessary paperwork and are awaiting updates as well.

If you are inquiring about The Ruby Mine or our JV, please
know we have more details to be released in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate all of our shareholders.


DSCR Team..."

More Inside Information

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here
weedbegone weedbegone 1 년 전
And the Rest of his Mob where the SNAKE OIL Sales Team...What Goes Around...Comes Around....
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Fred Schiemann was the control person of this dumpster fire.
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Frank, Henry, Scott, Fred, Joel, Morgan, Kevin, these are all name you will become familiar with on this board. It is about to get fun.
weedbegone weedbegone 1 년 전
Thanks Ryan8...How do I PM YOU...DO I Need a subscription for this site...If so how do I subscribe...ever since they changed the format on this site I not sure how to manipulate it...thx again for your help...Vince...'weedbegone'
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
PM me we are suing all the parties involved with this, you will enjoy how we caught ALL of them
weedbegone weedbegone 1 년 전
I know the term 'Caveat- Emptor' but is there any hope of recouping any of the monies I put into IGRW back in 2014 ??? Still have my shares listed on E-Trade. Thx. Vince...WeedBeGone.
weedbegone weedbegone 1 년 전
I've been waiting since 2014 to see how this plays out...Still have about 500k shares on E-Trade...Hope there will be some kind of Reprive...
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Hey Fred did you get a chance to read the lawsuit. The Ghost of Wellness Builders past is here.
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Jeremy Barbera, Scott Watkins, Riccardo Richardson, Joel Stohlman, Fred Schiemann, Kevin Buckmann, Viratech, Interactive Health Network, Morgan Petitti, AKA Morgan Kimmel, Henry Manayan, Frank Petronis.

What do they have to do with


Stay tuned, and thanks for all the anonymous intelligence, very helpful
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Dr Kevin Buckmann was the CEO of Viratech when Wellness Builders was embezzled by Fred Schiemann for the benefit of IGRW.

Here is the evidence to support an investigation into these indefensible corporate acts.

Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Embezzlement

Discovery Minerals (OTC : $DSCR)
A Call for a criminal investigation

More than 15,000 shareholder lost
more than $125,000,000

Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Connection

Wellness Builders, Embezzlement, & Genesis of DSCR Fraud

The seed capital of the DSCR SCAM came from the $4,200,000 that was embezzled from Viratech.

IGRW and the Criminal Trial in Eastern District of PA is tying this all together


DSCR & Wellness Builder, WellnessBuilder Wellness Builder Corp

"What makes corruption so insidious, is that it is allowed to hide in the opportunities that never came". The activity here is beyond just a simple pump and dump, and is the tip of a spear of a larger criminal conspiracy to defraud thousands of investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This conspiracy extends to stock promoters, lawyers, CEOs, transfer agents, CPA's & funders, all working in unison to sell worthless stock based off of "blue sky" and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) combination.

These culprits need to be brought to justice, and made an example of. The are the cancer of the American Dream and fueled by a common motive operandi consisting of an attitude and culture, that it is easier to sell stock then execute on their business model.

This is a gross violation of an owed fiduciary duty of care to the minority shareholders, and is allowed to survive because of the culprits operating under the radar screen of small scams, via a rinse and repeat format.

The SEC has bigger fish to fry and this conduct individually is a not on their radar screen. That is why we consolidated the corruption found, provenanced the transgressions, and added this all up. In the end more that $350,000,000 has been stolen from shareholders by a group of co-conspirators over a 9 year period.

Where did the genesis of the stock fraud come from?

Common Elements $DSCR, $VIRA, $IRGW, $FITX & $AIDC

What is the fulcrum that ties $DSCR, $VIRA, $IGRW, $FITX, AIDC, together

For that answer 4 pieces of evidence are tied together

1. US Federal criminal indictment Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG ?
2. Wellness Builder, Inc;
3. Wellnessbuilder;
4 Wellness Builder Corp.

These 3 corporations (2-4) were used to conceal from mandatory public company
disclosure more that 135,000,000 common shares of Wellness builders common stock,
These shares were due to the benefit of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
, (Symbol: VIRA), Instead those shares and the money earned by selling them,
went to fuel a criminal conspiracy as detailed in the criminal indictment titled:

1. Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil.


On July 13, 2013 the shares that were due to Viratech, Corp,
were embezzled via a Twinning concept of creating
3 separate companies consisting of:

#1 Wellness Builders Inc,

#2. WellnessBuilder, and then ultimately to

#3 Wellness Builder Corp.

In an acquisition agreement from Interactive Health Network
to Viratech in 2013, 2014 the paper shuffle of #2, #3 and #3 is exhibited.

This usurpation was all the detriment of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
(Symbol: VIRA), to the benefit of Interactive Health Network (Symbol IGRW),
who used the proceeds to fund a massive ongoing pump and dump, which has been
well documented in the superseding indictment titled
Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG and documented below.

Here is the provenance of the mechanism which allowed the
embezzlement of $4,200,000 from the minority shareholders of Viratech in
January 2013 to July 2014.

Exhibit #2. Wellness Builder, Inc.

Wellness Builder Inc.
Nevada Corporation
File # 20200496344
Fred V. Schiemann
429 W Plumb Lane,Reno NV 85009
75,000,000 shares Par Value $0.01


Entity Number:E0258542010-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:05/25/2010
NV Business ID:NV20101396709
Annual Report Due Date: 6/30/2010

Exhibit 3. Wellnessbuilder

Entity Number:E0033242013-6
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:01/22/2013
NV Business ID:NV20131041194
Annual Report Due Date: 2/28/2013
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE,
RENO, NV, 89509, USA

Exhibit 4. Wellness Builder Corp.

Entity Number:E0216342014-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date: 04/23/2014
NV Business ID:NV20141279375
Annual Report Due Date:5/31/2014
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE, RENO, NV, 89509, USA
Authorized 75,000,000 0.001000000000

Exhibit #1 The superseding indictment that this ties this all together

Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil


Part 6 of DSCR Warranted Criminal Investigation

Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

For all the message board pumpers this link is for you.

Great conversation starter for a convened Grand Jury

And More if you want to get sick to your stomach

A conspiracy among thieves

Overt Act and Co Conspirator are the words for today.

This was a coordinated ongoing scam among Tranfer Agents,
CPA's, Lawyers, Brokers, and Promoters.
Each played their role (Overt Act) to continue and further the conspiracy.
In the end more than 15,000 minority shareholders
lost more than $125,000,000 over a ten year period.

These people all belong in front of a
Federal Judge answering for their crimes.

Their mentality was it was easier to sell stock through message board
pumpers and fraudulent inflated press releases, then to execute on a business model.
The business model of this conspiracy was and continues to be
that of pumping lies to unsuspecting retail investors.

Exhibits & Evidence of Securities Fraud

$DSCR understanding the conspiracy to commit securities fraud

USA vs Richardson 2:20-cr-00333 Eastern District of PA

USA vs Richardson Eastern District of PA,
case number 2:20-cr-00333,filed 9/30/2020.

Common Elements
429 W. Plumb Lane, Reno Nevada 89509

Home of the following companies:

1. DSCR; Caveat Emptor Status;

2. FITX; Suspended February 2016;

3. IGRW; Suspended February 2016;


5. NHEL; Suspended July 2019;

6. ANVV; Suspended July 2019;

7. ADIC. Suspended February 2016.

And same cast of characters including:

A. Fred Schiemann; Permanent Injunction,
SEC 2E and OTC Markets Prohibited Service Provider

B. Frank Petronis;
C. Henry Manayan, CEO of VIRATECH - Expert Market ;

D. Morgan Petitti; Permanent Injunction

E. Scott Watkins; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

F. Russell Smith;

G. Ricardo Richardson; indicted/ awaiting trial

H. Joel Stohlman; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

I. Edward Heil indicted / awaiting trial

J. Gary Wolff indicted /awaiting trial

Why $DSCR's Management should be indicted for securities fraud?

This company CEO lied to the WY SOS to illegally increase t
he authorized capital from 5,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 common shares.

All for the purpose of executing this corporate action of increasing
the authorized common share capital, ALL without
NOTICE of meeting and APPROVAL of the shareholders of $DSCR.

Further the CEO knowingly with scienter materially concealed
(highest form of non disclosure), that this corporate action of raising
the authorized common shares from any mandatory disclosures. Even
to go as far as to omit this action from the "subsequent events" portion
of ALL OTC mandatory reports, from June 2018 to current (4 years).

Here is where you can start reading of the level
of fraud you have all been subjected to.

DSCR The $49,000,000+ Accounting Error

Further in support:

1. $DSCR a spoke in much bigger fraud

2. A call for an adverse bankruptcy filing

3. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

4. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 5

5. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 4

6. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 3

7. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 2

8. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 1

$DSCR Evidence in Support of a Securities Fraud 10b-5 Investigation

240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices What are the elements of a 10b-5 claim?

“To succeed on a Rule 10b-5 fraud claim [based on an untrue
statement or omission of a material fact], a plaintiff must

(1) a false statement or omission of material fact;

(2) made with scienter;

(3) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied;

(4) that proximately caused the plaintiff's injury.

In support of the above the following evidence is provided:

9. Exhibit 1 May 7 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

10. Exhibit 2 May 11 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

11. Exhibit 3 DSC Coin Not Registered May 7, 2021;

12. Exhibit 4. DSCR Trading History 12-23-2020 to 12-22-2001;

13. Exhibit 5 Discovery Minerals LTD., Press Release Dated May 11, 2021;

14. Exhibit 6. False & Misleading Information;

15. Exhibit 7. Discovery Minerals Placed in Caveat Emptor Status;

16. Exhibit 8. What is Caveat Emptor Status;

17. Part 1 - Using Twitter to Broadcast Non Public Information;

18. Exhibit 11. Social Media Used Pump & Dump;

19. Exhibit 14 Discovery Minerals Tweet May 4, 2021;

20. Exhibit 15-a Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

21. Exhibit 15-b Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

22. Exhibit 15-c Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

23. Exhibit 15-d Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

24. Exhibit 15-e Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

25. Exhibit 15 f Discovery Minerals Ltd Tweets May 6, 2021;

26. Exhibit 16-a Discovery Minerals Investors Hub Message Board Post (May 4 to May 11, 2021);

27. Exhibit 17.b Etherscan - Sales of DSC Coin Prior to May 11 Company Press Release Announcement (Yahoo);

28. Exhibit 18 Discovery Minerals $Volume & Trading History;

29. Exhibit 19. Discovery Minerals Announces DSC Coin on on May 21, 2021;

30. Exhibit 20 "Should I Buy DSCR Stock" the video;

31. Exhibit 21. Michael Handelman, CPA;

32. Exhibit 22. Annual Report 9-30-2019 filed 10-17-2019;

33. Exhibit 23. Why Does a Message Board Poster Have Access to Issuer Only Access Link?;

35. 39 Exhibits That Show Insider Trading Occured;

36. Exhibit 26. DSC Coin Board Shows Insider Information was Broadcasted to Select Shareholders;

37. Exhibit 28.a. Use of YouTube To Broadcast Non Public Information May 6, 2021

38. Exhibit 37 Post index from Marauder Proves Coin Sale Occured

39. Exhibit 43. James M Donovan Esquire;

40. Exhibit 44 Jessica M. Lockett, Esq. filed 2/12/2019;

41. Exhibit 45. Par Value of Authorized Capital Not The Same;

42. Exhibit 45. Par Capital Does NOT ADD UP PART 2-;

43. Exhibit 46. DSCR Nevada SoS Certified Filings;

44. Exhibit 47. DSCR Wyoming Articles of Continuance;

45. Exhibit 48. Reincorporation into Wyoming to Increase shares to
10,000,000,000 circumventing shareholder approval and meeting;

46. Exhibit 54. Authorized Capital Increase from 5-10 Billion Common shares, Par Value $.0001;

47. Alt5 Sigma's Response on DSC Coin Sale

26 January, 2022

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING ALT 5 Sigma Inc., and Discovery Minerals Ltd., and the Discovery Minerals Coin.

We are writing you further to the receipt of inquiries from Discovery Minerals’ shareholders and or purchasers of the Discovery Minerals Coin as it pertains to the role and relationship of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. and Discovery Minerals Ltd.

On March 9, 2021, Discovery Minerals Ltd entered into a technology and consulting agreement with ALT 5 Sigma Inc. to build the technology framework for the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

ALT 5 Sigma provided the technology and consulting services to Discovery Minerals and Discovery Minerals proceeded with the sale of its coin whereby proceeds from the sale of the coin were remitted to Discovery Minerals Ltd and more specifically to the company’s president, Mr. Russell Smith.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc. provided technology and consultancy services only and was not party to the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

It should be noted that Discovery Minerals Ltd. proceeded to file false and misleading statements with the OTC Markets namely the name of the control person of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. as being Brian Scott
is incorrect.

Neither ALT 5 Sigma Inc., nor Brian Scott entered into any loan agreement with Discovery Minerals Ltd. for the reimbursement of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

Shareholders, Stakeholders and or Discovery Minerals Coin holders should read the most recent filings by Discovery Minerals Ltd. at More attention should be placed on Note #8:

Note 8 – Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued. As previously disclosed in the Company’s period ending March 31, 2021 quarterly report and further press release dated April 30, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with ALT 5 Sigma for the development of its Discovery Coin and Gateway Payment. However, management has determined this course of action would not be in the Company’s or the shareholders best interest and has terminated the agreement and is no longer exploring a crypto currency initiative. In December 2021 the Company entered into an escrow agreement whereby all coin buyers will be refunded their full purchase amount.

We therefore ask that you contact Discovery Minerals Ltd. If you have any questions and or comments regarding the company, its coin and or the refund.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc.
ALT 5 Communications
420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10170


48. Email from Discovery Minerals Admits Coin Sale

Date December 13, 2021 lack of memory is going to be your downfall.

From: DSCR Management
RE: DSC Coin Sale

"...Due to the high volume of emails, we will be having longer
than normal response times. We apologize for the
inconvenience but we are grateful for your support and patience.

DSCR is committed to transparency, and we are working tirelessly
to ensure we have everything up to date on our
website, social media and investor relations.

If you have questions about the coin, we will be issuing refunds.
Please send a copy of receipts or purchasing agreements
to us via email. Please allow 7 days for a response.

If you are inquiring about verified pink status on OTC, please know
we have submitted all necessary paperwork and are awaiting updates as well.

If you are inquiring about The Ruby Mine or our JV, please
know we have more details to be released in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate all of our shareholders.


DSCR Team..."

More Inside Information

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Discovery Minerals Call for a criminal investigation

More than 15,000 shareholder lost
more than $125,000,000

Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Connection

Wellness Builders, Embezzlement, & Genesis of DSCR Fraud

The seed capital of the DSCR SCAM came from the $4,200,000 that was embezzled from Viratech.

IGRW and the Criminal Trial in Eastern District of PA is tying this all together


DSCR & Wellness Builder, WellnessBuilder Wellness Builder Corp

"What makes corruption so insidious, is that it is allowed to hide in the opportunities that never came". The activity here is beyond just a simple pump and dump, and is the tip of a spear of a larger criminal conspiracy to defraud thousands of investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This conspiracy extends to stock promoters, lawyers, CEOs, transfer agents, CPA's & funders, all working in unison to sell worthless stock based off of "blue sky" and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) combination.

These culprits need to be brought to justice, and made an example of. The are the cancer of the American Dream and fueled by a common motive operandi consisting of an attitude and culture, that it is easier to sell stock then execute on their business model.

This is a gross violation of an owed fiduciary duty of care to the minority shareholders, and is allowed to survive because of the culprits operating under the radar screen of small scams, via a rinse and repeat format.

The SEC has bigger fish to fry and this conduct individually is a not on their radar screen. That is why we consolidated the corruption found, provenanced the transgressions, and added this all up. In the end more that $350,000,000 has been stolen from shareholders by a group of co-conspirators over a 9 year period.

Where did the genesis of the stock fraud come from?

Common Elements $DSCR, $VIRA, $IRGW, $FITX & $AIDC

What is the fulcrum that ties $DSCR, $VIRA, $IGRW, $FITX, AIDC, together

For that answer 4 pieces of evidence are tied together

1. US Federal criminal indictment Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG ?
2. Wellness Builder, Inc;
3. Wellnessbuilder;
4 Wellness Builder Corp.

These 3 corporations (2-4) were used to conceal from mandatory public company
disclosure more that 135,000,000 common shares of Wellness builders common stock,
These shares were due to the benefit of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
, (Symbol: VIRA), Instead those shares and the money earned by selling them,
went to fuel a criminal conspiracy as detailed in the criminal indictment titled:

1. Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil.


On July 13, 2013 the shares that were due to Viratech, Corp,
were embezzled via a Twinning concept of creating
3 separate companies consisting of:

#1 Wellness Builders Inc,

#2. WellnessBuilder, and then ultimately to

#3 Wellness Builder Corp.

In an acquisition agreement from Interactive Health Network
to Viratech in 2013, 2014 the paper shuffle of #2, #3 and #3 is exhibited.

This usurpation was all the detriment of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
(Symbol: VIRA), to the benefit of Interactive Health Network (Symbol IGRW),
who used the proceeds to fund a massive ongoing pump and dump, which has been
well documented in the superseding indictment titled
Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG and documented below.

Here is the provenance of the mechanism which allowed the
embezzlement of $4,200,000 from the minority shareholders of Viratech in
January 2013 to July 2014.

Exhibit #2. Wellness Builder, Inc.

Wellness Builder Inc.
Nevada Corporation
File # 20200496344
Fred V. Schiemann
429 W Plumb Lane,Reno NV 85009
75,000,000 shares Par Value $0.01


Entity Number:E0258542010-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:05/25/2010
NV Business ID:NV20101396709
Annual Report Due Date: 6/30/2010

Exhibit 3. Wellnessbuilder

Entity Number:E0033242013-6
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:01/22/2013
NV Business ID:NV20131041194
Annual Report Due Date: 2/28/2013
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE,
RENO, NV, 89509, USA

Exhibit 4. Wellness Builder Corp.

Entity Number:E0216342014-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date: 04/23/2014
NV Business ID:NV20141279375
Annual Report Due Date:5/31/2014
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE, RENO, NV, 89509, USA
Authorized 75,000,000 0.001000000000

Exhibit #1 The superseding indictment that this ties this all together

Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil


Part 6 of DSCR Warranted Criminal Investigation

Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

For all the message board pumpers this link is for you.

Great conversation starter for a convened Grand Jury

And More if you want to get sick to your stomach

A conspiracy among thieves

Overt Act and Co Conspirator are the words for today.

This was a coordinated ongoing scam among Tranfer Agents,
CPA's, Lawyers, Brokers, and Promoters.
Each played their role (Overt Act) to continue and further the conspiracy.
In the end more than 15,000 minority shareholders
lost more than $125,000,000 over a ten year period.

These people all belong in front of a
Federal Judge answering for their crimes.

Their mentality was it was easier to sell stock through message board
pumpers and fraudulent inflated press releases, then to execute on a business model.
The business model of this conspiracy was and continues to be
that of pumping lies to unsuspecting retail investors.

Exhibits & Evidence of Securities Fraud

$DSCR understanding the conspiracy to commit securities fraud

USA vs Richardson 2:20-cr-00333 Eastern District of PA

USA vs Richardson Eastern District of PA,
case number 2:20-cr-00333,filed 9/30/2020.

Common Elements
429 W. Plumb Lane, Reno Nevada 89509

Home of the following companies:

1. DSCR; Caveat Emptor Status;

2. FITX; Suspended February 2016;

3. IGRW; Suspended February 2016;


5. NHEL; Suspended July 2019;

6. ANVV; Suspended July 2019;

7. ADIC. Suspended February 2016.

And same cast of characters including:

A. Fred Schiemann; Permanent Injunction,
SEC 2E and OTC Markets Prohibited Service Provider

B. Frank Petronis;
C. Henry Manayan, CEO of VIRATECH - Expert Market ;

D. Morgan Petitti; Permanent Injunction

E. Scott Watkins; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

F. Russell Smith;

G. Ricardo Richardson; indicted/ awaiting trial

H. Joel Stohlman; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

I. Edward Heil indicted / awaiting trial

J. Gary Wolff indicted /awaiting trial

Why $DSCR's Management should be indicted for securities fraud?

This company CEO lied to the WY SOS to illegally increase t
he authorized capital from 5,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 common shares.

All for the purpose of executing this corporate action of increasing
the authorized common share capital, ALL without
NOTICE of meeting and APPROVAL of the shareholders of $DSCR.

Further the CEO knowingly with scienter materially concealed
(highest form of non disclosure), that this corporate action of raising
the authorized common shares from any mandatory disclosures. Even
to go as far as to omit this action from the "subsequent events" portion
of ALL OTC mandatory reports, from June 2018 to current (4 years).

Here is where you can start reading of the level
of fraud you have all been subjected to.

DSCR The $49,000,000+ Accounting Error

Further in support:

1. $DSCR a spoke in much bigger fraud

2. A call for an adverse bankruptcy filing

3. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

4. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 5

5. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 4

6. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 3

7. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 2

8. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 1

$DSCR Evidence in Support of a Securities Fraud 10b-5 Investigation

240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices What are the elements of a 10b-5 claim?

“To succeed on a Rule 10b-5 fraud claim [based on an untrue
statement or omission of a material fact], a plaintiff must

(1) a false statement or omission of material fact;

(2) made with scienter;

(3) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied;

(4) that proximately caused the plaintiff's injury.

In support of the above the following evidence is provided:

9. Exhibit 1 May 7 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

10. Exhibit 2 May 11 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

11. Exhibit 3 DSC Coin Not Registered May 7, 2021;

12. Exhibit 4. DSCR Trading History 12-23-2020 to 12-22-2001;

13. Exhibit 5 Discovery Minerals LTD., Press Release Dated May 11, 2021;

14. Exhibit 6. False & Misleading Information;

15. Exhibit 7. Discovery Minerals Placed in Caveat Emptor Status;

16. Exhibit 8. What is Caveat Emptor Status;

17. Part 1 - Using Twitter to Broadcast Non Public Information;

18. Exhibit 11. Social Media Used Pump & Dump;

19. Exhibit 14 Discovery Minerals Tweet May 4, 2021;

20. Exhibit 15-a Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

21. Exhibit 15-b Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

22. Exhibit 15-c Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

23. Exhibit 15-d Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

24. Exhibit 15-e Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

25. Exhibit 15 f Discovery Minerals Ltd Tweets May 6, 2021;

26. Exhibit 16-a Discovery Minerals Investors Hub Message Board Post (May 4 to May 11, 2021);

27. Exhibit 17.b Etherscan - Sales of DSC Coin Prior to May 11 Company Press Release Announcement (Yahoo);

28. Exhibit 18 Discovery Minerals $Volume & Trading History;

29. Exhibit 19. Discovery Minerals Announces DSC Coin on on May 21, 2021;

30. Exhibit 20 "Should I Buy DSCR Stock" the video;

31. Exhibit 21. Michael Handelman, CPA;

32. Exhibit 22. Annual Report 9-30-2019 filed 10-17-2019;

33. Exhibit 23. Why Does a Message Board Poster Have Access to Issuer Only Access Link?;

35. 39 Exhibits That Show Insider Trading Occured;

36. Exhibit 26. DSC Coin Board Shows Insider Information was Broadcasted to Select Shareholders;

37. Exhibit 28.a. Use of YouTube To Broadcast Non Public Information May 6, 2021

38. Exhibit 37 Post index from Marauder Proves Coin Sale Occured

39. Exhibit 43. James M Donovan Esquire;

40. Exhibit 44 Jessica M. Lockett, Esq. filed 2/12/2019;

41. Exhibit 45. Par Value of Authorized Capital Not The Same;

42. Exhibit 45. Par Capital Does NOT ADD UP PART 2-;

43. Exhibit 46. DSCR Nevada SoS Certified Filings;

44. Exhibit 47. DSCR Wyoming Articles of Continuance;

45. Exhibit 48. Reincorporation into Wyoming to Increase shares to
10,000,000,000 circumventing shareholder approval and meeting;

46. Exhibit 54. Authorized Capital Increase from 5-10 Billion Common shares, Par Value $.0001;

47. Alt5 Sigma's Response on DSC Coin Sale

26 January, 2022

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING ALT 5 Sigma Inc., and Discovery Minerals Ltd., and the Discovery Minerals Coin.

We are writing you further to the receipt of inquiries from Discovery Minerals’ shareholders and or purchasers of the Discovery Minerals Coin as it pertains to the role and relationship of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. and Discovery Minerals Ltd.

On March 9, 2021, Discovery Minerals Ltd entered into a technology and consulting agreement with ALT 5 Sigma Inc. to build the technology framework for the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

ALT 5 Sigma provided the technology and consulting services to Discovery Minerals and Discovery Minerals proceeded with the sale of its coin whereby proceeds from the sale of the coin were remitted to Discovery Minerals Ltd and more specifically to the company’s president, Mr. Russell Smith.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc. provided technology and consultancy services only and was not party to the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

It should be noted that Discovery Minerals Ltd. proceeded to file false and misleading statements with the OTC Markets namely the name of the control person of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. as being Brian Scott
is incorrect.

Neither ALT 5 Sigma Inc., nor Brian Scott entered into any loan agreement with Discovery Minerals Ltd. for the reimbursement of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

Shareholders, Stakeholders and or Discovery Minerals Coin holders should read the most recent filings by Discovery Minerals Ltd. at More attention should be placed on Note #8:

Note 8 – Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued. As previously disclosed in the Company’s period ending March 31, 2021 quarterly report and further press release dated April 30, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with ALT 5 Sigma for the development of its Discovery Coin and Gateway Payment. However, management has determined this course of action would not be in the Company’s or the shareholders best interest and has terminated the agreement and is no longer exploring a crypto currency initiative. In December 2021 the Company entered into an escrow agreement whereby all coin buyers will be refunded their full purchase amount.

We therefore ask that you contact Discovery Minerals Ltd. If you have any questions and or comments regarding the company, its coin and or the refund.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc.
ALT 5 Communications
420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10170


48. Email from Discovery Minerals Admits Coin Sale

Date December 13, 2021 lack of memory is going to be your downfall.

From: DSCR Management
RE: DSC Coin Sale

"...Due to the high volume of emails, we will be having longer
than normal response times. We apologize for the
inconvenience but we are grateful for your support and patience.

DSCR is committed to transparency, and we are working tirelessly
to ensure we have everything up to date on our
website, social media and investor relations.

If you have questions about the coin, we will be issuing refunds.
Please send a copy of receipts or purchasing agreements
to us via email. Please allow 7 days for a response.

If you are inquiring about verified pink status on OTC, please know
we have submitted all necessary paperwork and are awaiting updates as well.

If you are inquiring about The Ruby Mine or our JV, please
know we have more details to be released in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate all of our shareholders.


DSCR Team..."

More Inside Information

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Embezzlement

Discovery Minerals (OTC : $DSCR)
A Call for a criminal investigation

More than 15,000 shareholder lost
more than $125,000,000

Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Connection

Wellness Builders, Embezzlement, & Genesis of DSCR Fraud

The seed capital of the DSCR SCAM came from the $4,200,000 that was embezzled from Viratech.

IGRW and the Criminal Trial in Eastern District of PA is tying this all together


DSCR & Wellness Builder, WellnessBuilder Wellness Builder Corp

"What makes corruption so insidious, is that it is allowed to hide in the opportunities that never came". The activity here is beyond just a simple pump and dump, and is the tip of a spear of a larger criminal conspiracy to defraud thousands of investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This conspiracy extends to stock promoters, lawyers, CEOs, transfer agents, CPA's & funders, all working in unison to sell worthless stock based off of "blue sky" and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) combination.

These culprits need to be brought to justice, and made an example of. The are the cancer of the American Dream and fueled by a common motive operandi consisting of an attitude and culture, that it is easier to sell stock then execute on their business model.

This is a gross violation of an owed fiduciary duty of care to the minority shareholders, and is allowed to survive because of the culprits operating under the radar screen of small scams, via a rinse and repeat format.

The SEC has bigger fish to fry and this conduct individually is a not on their radar screen. That is why we consolidated the corruption found, provenanced the transgressions, and added this all up. In the end more that $350,000,000 has been stolen from shareholders by a group of co-conspirators over a 9 year period.

Where did the genesis of the stock fraud come from?

Common Elements $DSCR, $VIRA, $IRGW, $FITX & $AIDC

What is the fulcrum that ties $DSCR, $VIRA, $IGRW, $FITX, AIDC, together

For that answer 4 pieces of evidence are tied together

1. US Federal criminal indictment Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG ?
2. Wellness Builder, Inc;
3. Wellnessbuilder;
4 Wellness Builder Corp.

These 3 corporations (2-4) were used to conceal from mandatory public company
disclosure more that 135,000,000 common shares of Wellness builders common stock,
These shares were due to the benefit of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
, (Symbol: VIRA), Instead those shares and the money earned by selling them,
went to fuel a criminal conspiracy as detailed in the criminal indictment titled:

1. Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil.


On July 13, 2013 the shares that were due to Viratech, Corp,
were embezzled via a Twinning concept of creating
3 separate companies consisting of:

#1 Wellness Builders Inc,

#2. WellnessBuilder, and then ultimately to

#3 Wellness Builder Corp.

In an acquisition agreement from Interactive Health Network
to Viratech in 2013, 2014 the paper shuffle of #2, #3 and #3 is exhibited.

This usurpation was all the detriment of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
(Symbol: VIRA), to the benefit of Interactive Health Network (Symbol IGRW),
who used the proceeds to fund a massive ongoing pump and dump, which has been
well documented in the superseding indictment titled
Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG and documented below.

Here is the provenance of the mechanism which allowed the
embezzlement of $4,200,000 from the minority shareholders of Viratech in
January 2013 to July 2014.

Exhibit #2. Wellness Builder, Inc.

Wellness Builder Inc.
Nevada Corporation
File # 20200496344
Fred V. Schiemann
429 W Plumb Lane,Reno NV 85009
75,000,000 shares Par Value $0.01


Entity Number:E0258542010-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:05/25/2010
NV Business ID:NV20101396709
Annual Report Due Date: 6/30/2010

Exhibit 3. Wellnessbuilder

Entity Number:E0033242013-6
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:01/22/2013
NV Business ID:NV20131041194
Annual Report Due Date: 2/28/2013
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE,
RENO, NV, 89509, USA

Exhibit 4. Wellness Builder Corp.

Entity Number:E0216342014-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date: 04/23/2014
NV Business ID:NV20141279375
Annual Report Due Date:5/31/2014
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE, RENO, NV, 89509, USA
Authorized 75,000,000 0.001000000000

Exhibit #1 The superseding indictment that this ties this all together

Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil


Part 6 of DSCR Warranted Criminal Investigation

Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

For all the message board pumpers this link is for you.

Great conversation starter for a convened Grand Jury

And More if you want to get sick to your stomach

A conspiracy among thieves

Overt Act and Co Conspirator are the words for today.

This was a coordinated ongoing scam among Tranfer Agents,
CPA's, Lawyers, Brokers, and Promoters.
Each played their role (Overt Act) to continue and further the conspiracy.
In the end more than 15,000 minority shareholders
lost more than $125,000,000 over a ten year period.

These people all belong in front of a
Federal Judge answering for their crimes.

Their mentality was it was easier to sell stock through message board
pumpers and fraudulent inflated press releases, then to execute on a business model.
The business model of this conspiracy was and continues to be
that of pumping lies to unsuspecting retail investors.

Exhibits & Evidence of Securities Fraud

$DSCR understanding the conspiracy to commit securities fraud

USA vs Richardson 2:20-cr-00333 Eastern District of PA

USA vs Richardson Eastern District of PA,
case number 2:20-cr-00333,filed 9/30/2020.

Common Elements
429 W. Plumb Lane, Reno Nevada 89509

Home of the following companies:

1. DSCR; Caveat Emptor Status;

2. FITX; Suspended February 2016;

3. IGRW; Suspended February 2016;


5. NHEL; Suspended July 2019;

6. ANVV; Suspended July 2019;

7. ADIC. Suspended February 2016.

And same cast of characters including:

A. Fred Schiemann; Permanent Injunction,
SEC 2E and OTC Markets Prohibited Service Provider

B. Frank Petronis;
C. Henry Manayan, CEO of VIRATECH - Expert Market ;

D. Morgan Petitti; Permanent Injunction

E. Scott Watkins; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

F. Russell Smith;

G. Ricardo Richardson; indicted/ awaiting trial

H. Joel Stohlman; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

I. Edward Heil indicted / awaiting trial

J. Gary Wolff indicted /awaiting trial

Why $DSCR's Management should be indicted for securities fraud?

This company CEO lied to the WY SOS to illegally increase t
he authorized capital from 5,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 common shares.

All for the purpose of executing this corporate action of increasing
the authorized common share capital, ALL without
NOTICE of meeting and APPROVAL of the shareholders of $DSCR.

Further the CEO knowingly with scienter materially concealed
(highest form of non disclosure), that this corporate action of raising
the authorized common shares from any mandatory disclosures. Even
to go as far as to omit this action from the "subsequent events" portion
of ALL OTC mandatory reports, from June 2018 to current (4 years).

Here is where you can start reading of the level
of fraud you have all been subjected to.

DSCR The $49,000,000+ Accounting Error

Further in support:

1. $DSCR a spoke in much bigger fraud

2. A call for an adverse bankruptcy filing

3. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

4. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 5

5. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 4

6. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 3

7. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 2

8. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 1

$DSCR Evidence in Support of a Securities Fraud 10b-5 Investigation

240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices What are the elements of a 10b-5 claim?

“To succeed on a Rule 10b-5 fraud claim [based on an untrue
statement or omission of a material fact], a plaintiff must

(1) a false statement or omission of material fact;

(2) made with scienter;

(3) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied;

(4) that proximately caused the plaintiff's injury.

In support of the above the following evidence is provided:

9. Exhibit 1 May 7 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

10. Exhibit 2 May 11 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

11. Exhibit 3 DSC Coin Not Registered May 7, 2021;

12. Exhibit 4. DSCR Trading History 12-23-2020 to 12-22-2001;

13. Exhibit 5 Discovery Minerals LTD., Press Release Dated May 11, 2021;

14. Exhibit 6. False & Misleading Information;

15. Exhibit 7. Discovery Minerals Placed in Caveat Emptor Status;

16. Exhibit 8. What is Caveat Emptor Status;

17. Part 1 - Using Twitter to Broadcast Non Public Information;

18. Exhibit 11. Social Media Used Pump & Dump;

19. Exhibit 14 Discovery Minerals Tweet May 4, 2021;

20. Exhibit 15-a Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

21. Exhibit 15-b Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

22. Exhibit 15-c Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

23. Exhibit 15-d Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

24. Exhibit 15-e Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

25. Exhibit 15 f Discovery Minerals Ltd Tweets May 6, 2021;

26. Exhibit 16-a Discovery Minerals Investors Hub Message Board Post (May 4 to May 11, 2021);

27. Exhibit 17.b Etherscan - Sales of DSC Coin Prior to May 11 Company Press Release Announcement (Yahoo);

28. Exhibit 18 Discovery Minerals $Volume & Trading History;

29. Exhibit 19. Discovery Minerals Announces DSC Coin on on May 21, 2021;

30. Exhibit 20 "Should I Buy DSCR Stock" the video;

31. Exhibit 21. Michael Handelman, CPA;

32. Exhibit 22. Annual Report 9-30-2019 filed 10-17-2019;

33. Exhibit 23. Why Does a Message Board Poster Have Access to Issuer Only Access Link?;

35. 39 Exhibits That Show Insider Trading Occured;

36. Exhibit 26. DSC Coin Board Shows Insider Information was Broadcasted to Select Shareholders;

37. Exhibit 28.a. Use of YouTube To Broadcast Non Public Information May 6, 2021

38. Exhibit 37 Post index from Marauder Proves Coin Sale Occured

39. Exhibit 43. James M Donovan Esquire;

40. Exhibit 44 Jessica M. Lockett, Esq. filed 2/12/2019;

41. Exhibit 45. Par Value of Authorized Capital Not The Same;

42. Exhibit 45. Par Capital Does NOT ADD UP PART 2-;

43. Exhibit 46. DSCR Nevada SoS Certified Filings;

44. Exhibit 47. DSCR Wyoming Articles of Continuance;

45. Exhibit 48. Reincorporation into Wyoming to Increase shares to
10,000,000,000 circumventing shareholder approval and meeting;

46. Exhibit 54. Authorized Capital Increase from 5-10 Billion Common shares, Par Value $.0001;

47. Alt5 Sigma's Response on DSC Coin Sale

26 January, 2022

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING ALT 5 Sigma Inc., and Discovery Minerals Ltd., and the Discovery Minerals Coin.

We are writing you further to the receipt of inquiries from Discovery Minerals’ shareholders and or purchasers of the Discovery Minerals Coin as it pertains to the role and relationship of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. and Discovery Minerals Ltd.

On March 9, 2021, Discovery Minerals Ltd entered into a technology and consulting agreement with ALT 5 Sigma Inc. to build the technology framework for the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

ALT 5 Sigma provided the technology and consulting services to Discovery Minerals and Discovery Minerals proceeded with the sale of its coin whereby proceeds from the sale of the coin were remitted to Discovery Minerals Ltd and more specifically to the company’s president, Mr. Russell Smith.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc. provided technology and consultancy services only and was not party to the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

It should be noted that Discovery Minerals Ltd. proceeded to file false and misleading statements with the OTC Markets namely the name of the control person of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. as being Brian Scott
is incorrect.

Neither ALT 5 Sigma Inc., nor Brian Scott entered into any loan agreement with Discovery Minerals Ltd. for the reimbursement of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

Shareholders, Stakeholders and or Discovery Minerals Coin holders should read the most recent filings by Discovery Minerals Ltd. at More attention should be placed on Note #8:

Note 8 – Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued. As previously disclosed in the Company’s period ending March 31, 2021 quarterly report and further press release dated April 30, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with ALT 5 Sigma for the development of its Discovery Coin and Gateway Payment. However, management has determined this course of action would not be in the Company’s or the shareholders best interest and has terminated the agreement and is no longer exploring a crypto currency initiative. In December 2021 the Company entered into an escrow agreement whereby all coin buyers will be refunded their full purchase amount.

We therefore ask that you contact Discovery Minerals Ltd. If you have any questions and or comments regarding the company, its coin and or the refund.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc.
ALT 5 Communications
420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10170


48. Email from Discovery Minerals Admits Coin Sale

Date December 13, 2021 lack of memory is going to be your downfall.

From: DSCR Management
RE: DSC Coin Sale

"...Due to the high volume of emails, we will be having longer
than normal response times. We apologize for the
inconvenience but we are grateful for your support and patience.

DSCR is committed to transparency, and we are working tirelessly
to ensure we have everything up to date on our
website, social media and investor relations.

If you have questions about the coin, we will be issuing refunds.
Please send a copy of receipts or purchasing agreements
to us via email. Please allow 7 days for a response.

If you are inquiring about verified pink status on OTC, please know
we have submitted all necessary paperwork and are awaiting updates as well.

If you are inquiring about The Ruby Mine or our JV, please
know we have more details to be released in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate all of our shareholders.


DSCR Team..."

More Inside Information

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here
Ryan8 Ryan8 1 년 전
Discovery Minerals (OTC : $DSCR)
A Call for a criminal investigation

More than 15,000 shareholder lost
more than $125,000,000

Fred Schiemann and the Wellness Builders Connection

Wellness Builders, Embezzlement, & Genesis of DSCR Fraud

The seed capital of the DSCR SCAM came from the $4,200,000 that was embezzled from Viratech.

IGRW and the Criminal Trial in Eastern District of PA is tying this all together


DSCR & Wellness Builder, WellnessBuilder Wellness Builder Corp

"What makes corruption so insidious, is that it is allowed to hide in the opportunities that never came". The activity here is beyond just a simple pump and dump, and is the tip of a spear of a larger criminal conspiracy to defraud thousands of investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This conspiracy extends to stock promoters, lawyers, CEOs, transfer agents, CPA's & funders, all working in unison to sell worthless stock based off of "blue sky" and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) combination.

These culprits need to be brought to justice, and made an example of. The are the cancer of the American Dream and fueled by a common motive operandi consisting of an attitude and culture, that it is easier to sell stock then execute on their business model.

This is a gross violation of an owed fiduciary duty of care to the minority shareholders, and is allowed to survive because of the culprits operating under the radar screen of small scams, via a rinse and repeat format.

The SEC has bigger fish to fry and this conduct individually is a not on their radar screen. That is why we consolidated the corruption found, provenanced the transgressions, and added this all up. In the end more that $350,000,000 has been stolen from shareholders by a group of co-conspirators over a 9 year period.

Where did the genesis of the stock fraud come from?

Common Elements $DSCR, $VIRA, $IRGW, $FITX & $AIDC

What is the fulcrum that ties $DSCR, $VIRA, $IGRW, $FITX, AIDC, together

For that answer 4 pieces of evidence are tied together

1. US Federal criminal indictment Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG ?
2. Wellness Builder, Inc;
3. Wellnessbuilder;
4 Wellness Builder Corp.

These 3 corporations (2-4) were used to conceal from mandatory public company
disclosure more that 135,000,000 common shares of Wellness builders common stock,
These shares were due to the benefit of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
, (Symbol: VIRA), Instead those shares and the money earned by selling them,
went to fuel a criminal conspiracy as detailed in the criminal indictment titled:

1. Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil.


On July 13, 2013 the shares that were due to Viratech, Corp,
were embezzled via a Twinning concept of creating
3 separate companies consisting of:

#1 Wellness Builders Inc,

#2. WellnessBuilder, and then ultimately to

#3 Wellness Builder Corp.

In an acquisition agreement from Interactive Health Network
to Viratech in 2013, 2014 the paper shuffle of #2, #3 and #3 is exhibited.

This usurpation was all the detriment of the minority shareholders of Viratech Corp.
(Symbol: VIRA), to the benefit of Interactive Health Network (Symbol IGRW),
who used the proceeds to fund a massive ongoing pump and dump, which has been
well documented in the superseding indictment titled
Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG and documented below.

Here is the provenance of the mechanism which allowed the
embezzlement of $4,200,000 from the minority shareholders of Viratech in
January 2013 to July 2014.

Exhibit #2. Wellness Builder, Inc.

Wellness Builder Inc.
Nevada Corporation
File # 20200496344
Fred V. Schiemann
429 W Plumb Lane,Reno NV 85009
75,000,000 shares Par Value $0.01


Entity Number:E0258542010-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:05/25/2010
NV Business ID:NV20101396709
Annual Report Due Date: 6/30/2010

Exhibit 3. Wellnessbuilder

Entity Number:E0033242013-6
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date:01/22/2013
NV Business ID:NV20131041194
Annual Report Due Date: 2/28/2013
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE,
RENO, NV, 89509, USA

Exhibit 4. Wellness Builder Corp.

Entity Number:E0216342014-0
Entity Type:Domestic Corporation (78)
Entity Status:Permanently Revoked
Formation Date: 04/23/2014
NV Business ID:NV20141279375
Annual Report Due Date:5/31/2014
Name of Individual or Legal Entity:
Street Address:429 W PLUMB LANE, RENO, NV, 89509, USA
Authorized 75,000,000 0.001000000000

Exhibit #1 The superseding indictment that this ties this all together

Case No. 2:20-cr-00333-JMG
United States vs. Ricardo Richardson, John Scott Watkins, Gary Wolfe, Edward Heil


Part 6 of DSCR Warranted Criminal Investigation

Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

For all the message board pumpers this link is for you.

Great conversation starter for a convened Grand Jury

And More if you want to get sick to your stomach

A conspiracy among thieves

Overt Act and Co Conspirator are the words for today.

This was a coordinated ongoing scam among Tranfer Agents,
CPA's, Lawyers, Brokers, and Promoters.
Each played their role (Overt Act) to continue and further the conspiracy.
In the end more than 15,000 minority shareholders
lost more than $125,000,000 over a ten year period.

These people all belong in front of a
Federal Judge answering for their crimes.

Their mentality was it was easier to sell stock through message board
pumpers and fraudulent inflated press releases, then to execute on a business model.
The business model of this conspiracy was and continues to be
that of pumping lies to unsuspecting retail investors.

Exhibits & Evidence of Securities Fraud

$DSCR understanding the conspiracy to commit securities fraud

USA vs Richardson 2:20-cr-00333 Eastern District of PA

USA vs Richardson Eastern District of PA,
case number 2:20-cr-00333,filed 9/30/2020.

Common Elements
429 W. Plumb Lane, Reno Nevada 89509

Home of the following companies:

1. DSCR; Caveat Emptor Status;

2. FITX; Suspended February 2016;

3. IGRW; Suspended February 2016;


5. NHEL; Suspended July 2019;

6. ANVV; Suspended July 2019;

7. ADIC. Suspended February 2016.

And same cast of characters including:

A. Fred Schiemann; Permanent Injunction,
SEC 2E and OTC Markets Prohibited Service Provider

B. Frank Petronis;
C. Henry Manayan, CEO of VIRATECH - Expert Market ;

D. Morgan Petitti; Permanent Injunction

E. Scott Watkins; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

F. Russell Smith;

G. Ricardo Richardson; indicted/ awaiting trial

H. Joel Stohlman; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing

I. Edward Heil indicted / awaiting trial

J. Gary Wolff indicted /awaiting trial

Why $DSCR's Management should be indicted for securities fraud?

This company CEO lied to the WY SOS to illegally increase t
he authorized capital from 5,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 common shares.

All for the purpose of executing this corporate action of increasing
the authorized common share capital, ALL without
NOTICE of meeting and APPROVAL of the shareholders of $DSCR.

Further the CEO knowingly with scienter materially concealed
(highest form of non disclosure), that this corporate action of raising
the authorized common shares from any mandatory disclosures. Even
to go as far as to omit this action from the "subsequent events" portion
of ALL OTC mandatory reports, from June 2018 to current (4 years).

Here is where you can start reading of the level
of fraud you have all been subjected to.

DSCR The $49,000,000+ Accounting Error

Further in support:

1. $DSCR a spoke in much bigger fraud

2. A call for an adverse bankruptcy filing

3. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

4. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 5

5. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 4

6. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 3

7. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 2

8. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 1

$DSCR Evidence in Support of a Securities Fraud 10b-5 Investigation

240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices What are the elements of a 10b-5 claim?

“To succeed on a Rule 10b-5 fraud claim [based on an untrue
statement or omission of a material fact], a plaintiff must

(1) a false statement or omission of material fact;

(2) made with scienter;

(3) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied;

(4) that proximately caused the plaintiff's injury.

In support of the above the following evidence is provided:

9. Exhibit 1 May 7 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

10. Exhibit 2 May 11 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

11. Exhibit 3 DSC Coin Not Registered May 7, 2021;

12. Exhibit 4. DSCR Trading History 12-23-2020 to 12-22-2001;

13. Exhibit 5 Discovery Minerals LTD., Press Release Dated May 11, 2021;

14. Exhibit 6. False & Misleading Information;

15. Exhibit 7. Discovery Minerals Placed in Caveat Emptor Status;

16. Exhibit 8. What is Caveat Emptor Status;

17. Part 1 - Using Twitter to Broadcast Non Public Information;

18. Exhibit 11. Social Media Used Pump & Dump;

19. Exhibit 14 Discovery Minerals Tweet May 4, 2021;

20. Exhibit 15-a Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

21. Exhibit 15-b Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

22. Exhibit 15-c Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

23. Exhibit 15-d Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

24. Exhibit 15-e Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

25. Exhibit 15 f Discovery Minerals Ltd Tweets May 6, 2021;

26. Exhibit 16-a Discovery Minerals Investors Hub Message Board Post (May 4 to May 11, 2021);

27. Exhibit 17.b Etherscan - Sales of DSC Coin Prior to May 11 Company Press Release Announcement (Yahoo);

28. Exhibit 18 Discovery Minerals $Volume & Trading History;

29. Exhibit 19. Discovery Minerals Announces DSC Coin on on May 21, 2021;

30. Exhibit 20 "Should I Buy DSCR Stock" the video;

31. Exhibit 21. Michael Handelman, CPA;

32. Exhibit 22. Annual Report 9-30-2019 filed 10-17-2019;

33. Exhibit 23. Why Does a Message Board Poster Have Access to Issuer Only Access Link?;

35. 39 Exhibits That Show Insider Trading Occured;

36. Exhibit 26. DSC Coin Board Shows Insider Information was Broadcasted to Select Shareholders;

37. Exhibit 28.a. Use of YouTube To Broadcast Non Public Information May 6, 2021

38. Exhibit 37 Post index from Marauder Proves Coin Sale Occured

39. Exhibit 43. James M Donovan Esquire;

40. Exhibit 44 Jessica M. Lockett, Esq. filed 2/12/2019;

41. Exhibit 45. Par Value of Authorized Capital Not The Same;

42. Exhibit 45. Par Capital Does NOT ADD UP PART 2-;

43. Exhibit 46. DSCR Nevada SoS Certified Filings;

44. Exhibit 47. DSCR Wyoming Articles of Continuance;

45. Exhibit 48. Reincorporation into Wyoming to Increase shares to
10,000,000,000 circumventing shareholder approval and meeting;

46. Exhibit 54. Authorized Capital Increase from 5-10 Billion Common shares, Par Value $.0001;

47. Alt5 Sigma's Response on DSC Coin Sale

26 January, 2022

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING ALT 5 Sigma Inc., and Discovery Minerals Ltd., and the Discovery Minerals Coin.

We are writing you further to the receipt of inquiries from Discovery Minerals’ shareholders and or purchasers of the Discovery Minerals Coin as it pertains to the role and relationship of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. and Discovery Minerals Ltd.

On March 9, 2021, Discovery Minerals Ltd entered into a technology and consulting agreement with ALT 5 Sigma Inc. to build the technology framework for the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

ALT 5 Sigma provided the technology and consulting services to Discovery Minerals and Discovery Minerals proceeded with the sale of its coin whereby proceeds from the sale of the coin were remitted to Discovery Minerals Ltd and more specifically to the company’s president, Mr. Russell Smith.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc. provided technology and consultancy services only and was not party to the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

It should be noted that Discovery Minerals Ltd. proceeded to file false and misleading statements with the OTC Markets namely the name of the control person of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. as being Brian Scott
is incorrect.

Neither ALT 5 Sigma Inc., nor Brian Scott entered into any loan agreement with Discovery Minerals Ltd. for the reimbursement of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

Shareholders, Stakeholders and or Discovery Minerals Coin holders should read the most recent filings by Discovery Minerals Ltd. at More attention should be placed on Note #8:

Note 8 – Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued. As previously disclosed in the Company’s period ending March 31, 2021 quarterly report and further press release dated April 30, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with ALT 5 Sigma for the development of its Discovery Coin and Gateway Payment. However, management has determined this course of action would not be in the Company’s or the shareholders best interest and has terminated the agreement and is no longer exploring a crypto currency initiative. In December 2021 the Company entered into an escrow agreement whereby all coin buyers will be refunded their full purchase amount.

We therefore ask that you contact Discovery Minerals Ltd. If you have any questions and or comments regarding the company, its coin and or the refund.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc.
ALT 5 Communications
420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10170


48. Email from Discovery Minerals Admits Coin Sale

Date December 13, 2021 lack of memory is going to be your downfall.

From: DSCR Management
RE: DSC Coin Sale

"...Due to the high volume of emails, we will be having longer
than normal response times. We apologize for the
inconvenience but we are grateful for your support and patience.

DSCR is committed to transparency, and we are working tirelessly
to ensure we have everything up to date on our
website, social media and investor relations.

If you have questions about the coin, we will be issuing refunds.
Please send a copy of receipts or purchasing agreements
to us via email. Please allow 7 days for a response.

If you are inquiring about verified pink status on OTC, please know
we have submitted all necessary paperwork and are awaiting updates as well.

If you are inquiring about The Ruby Mine or our JV, please
know we have more details to be released in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate all of our shareholders.


DSCR Team..."

More Inside Information

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here
weedbegone weedbegone 1 년 전
Point Well Taken...Have a Merry Christmas and a Safe n Healthy New Year...Maybe I'll invest in the Vatican...In God we Trust...😎
grantastic grantastic 1 년 전
Consider it a tuition teaching you how to avoid obvious scams.

Is IGRW completely Dead Is there anyway to recoup any percentage of the monies that was Stolen from all of us???
weedbegone weedbegone 1 년 전
Is IGRW completely Dead Is there anyway to recoup any percentage of the monies that was Stolen from all of us???
👍️ 1
weedbegone weedbegone 1 년 전
Is IGRW completely Dead Is there anyway to recoup any percentage of the monies that was Stolen from all of us???
👍️ 1
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
File411 (@File411) posted at 4:16 PM on Tue, Oct 24, 2023:
Feel free to ping me if you need additional Court filings as I’m happy to assist. The investors really got screwed—hopefully the SEC obtains a forfeiture judgement & and disgorgement (and/or restitution) will help them recoup their losses
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
File411 (@File411) posted at 4:16 PM on Tue, Oct 24, 2023:
Feel free to ping me if you need additional Court filings as I’m happy to assist. The investors really got screwed—hopefully the SEC obtains a forfeiture judgement & and disgorgement (and/or restitution) will help them recoup their losses
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
Looks like the Stohlman case is going to trial in a few months.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
If Bill or Bahige Chaaban can't pay back investors Lamia has to go for facilitating all I know it was not Joel Stohlman. $fitx $cenbf $emrg $eloaf @GaryGensler @BCSCInvestRight @globeandmail
weedbegone weedbegone 2 년 전
Frank Sr.
weedbegone weedbegone 2 년 전
Haven't been on here in a long while, Almost Gave-Up. Glad they Finally Caught up with Scheiman, Petronis Stohlman and others. Is IGRW still alive and does it have a "Snowballs Chance in Hell" of ever coming Back ??? Will the "Phoenix" Rise from the Ashes ???
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
What happened with The Joel Stohlman case? Another of the Chaaban family stocks was halted and they cant blame Joel for that one Canada put the kibosh on that one and why is Joe Still practicing law?
👍️ 1
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
They mentioned Fitx as a big reason

Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
They went from Fitx to Cenbf now Eloaf
Fitx lawyer running show over there
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Anything new?
greenmeans1 greenmeans1 2 년 전
Thanks buddy we were all wondering what happened on Facebook looks like it's still going or you would of let's us all know thanks for all you have been doing!
Ryan8 Ryan8 2 년 전
IGRW & Fred Schiemann's Involvement Part 1

IGRW accountant Fred V. Schiemann has recently been barred from OTC Markets as a Service provider.


This is due to the fact that Fred Schiemann received a permeant injunction in Federal Court

"The Commission announced that on June 16, 1993 the Honorable Edward C. Reed, U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Nevada issued a permanent injunction against Fred V. Schiemann (Schiemann) of Reno, Nevada.

The order enjoins Schiemann from aiding and abetting future violations of the antifraud provisions.

Schiemann consented to the issuance of the permanent injunction without admitting or denying the allegations of the Commission's complaint.

The issue of the amount of disgorgement was left open.

The complaint alleged that while acting as a certified public accountant for the company, Pacific Waste Management, Inc. (Pacific Waste),
Schiemann fraudulent inflated assets of the company in two audited financial statements distributed to the public and market makers.

The inflated audited financial statements were relied on by an attorney to issue an opinion that those selling the securities of Pacific Waste need not comply with Rule lSc2-6. Broker-dealers relied on the opinion and did not comply with Rule 15c2-6 when soliciting the securities of Pacific Waste to their retail customers. Schiemann was aware that these audited financial statements would be relied on for this purpose. [SEC v. Pacific Waste Management, Inc .. et al., Civil No. CV-N-93-232-ECR, USDC Nevada] (LR-13704) "


The following is in support of Fred Schiemann's on going conduct, which puts into question whether he is in violation of his Federal Court Permanent Injunction.

Criminal Indictment That Ties It All Together

Like a jigsaw puzzle this Criminal Indictment in the Eastern District of PA, puts the whole conspiracy in order.

👍️ 1
weedbegone weedbegone 2 년 전
What hand did Fred Schrienman play in all this back from 2013???
Greensmeans Greensmeans 3 년 전
@HopeLefeber $fitx $cenbf $eloaf #Acmpr @WSwalm @KooKarimi @_Addi_Son_ @_Addi_Son_ @BigAddison #Mattfinston #chrisparry #AlanBorchstein #otc #stocks #nasdaq #nyse @FictionDoctrine #ukraine @crifici @NubreedNutritio $eloaf $dscr $roag $csoc #GENSINATOR @GaryGensler
Greensmeans Greensmeans 3 년 전
Greensmeans Greensmeans 3 년 전
Prove Lamia Chaaban isn't living off Fitx shareholders money
Greensmeans Greensmeans 3 년 전
Hey you look at CEN Biotech filings from when they spun off from Fitx. Bill Chaaban said on the S1 form that CEN Biotech was in debt for 42 million meanwhile he was giving loans out and excusing them. He also claimed on the sec form with sec and finra that the company was 42 million dollars in debt and there's not one thing that could prove there's any work activity
Ryan8 Ryan8 3 년 전
January 21, 2013 is the Epicenter for IGRW

Report coming out this week on how Joel Stohlman, Scott Watkins and other co conspirators are all tied to this.

It ties into the February 2016 suspension of IGRW, FITX and AIDC. It also ties in directly with COFE, MENC, ANVI, and NHEL. The epicenter of all of this resides in VIRA, where the co conspirators usurped Wellness Builders by twinning it to WellnessBuilders and Wellness Builers, Corp.

This 3 card monte maneuver, allowed IGRW to steal $4,2 million from the minority shareholders of VIratech, in the form of issuing 135,000,000 in IGRW shares for Wellness Builder assets they took for themselves, instead of Viratech on January 21, 2013.

Instead of IGRW giving the income or shares to VIratech, the co conspirators used the proceeds of these ill gotten gains to act as their seed capital for their multiple indicted pump and dumps.

This is the can opener to about 180 other pump and dumps that these co conspirators were all involved in since 2009.

Same Motive operandi
Same Transfer Agents
Same Attorneys
Same CPAs
Same Address
Same Pattern

Don't fret over tolling or statute of limitations, we put the fulcrums into a strategic bankruptcy for the automatic stay and freezing of tolling.

With these 2 pleading guilty to securities fraud, it is only a matter of time that this blows wide open. As it should!!!
Greensmeans Greensmeans 3 년 전
Fitx spinoff and Cenbf are one on same. you notice this Bod and some of the people associated with company ( remember the solar panel fraud guy they acquired) and have made deals with have had personal Bankruptcies and other failings.

Take for instance Brian Payne with Thomas Canning he was the chief financial officer when they got sued and we're eventually bankrupted not to forget Bill Chaabans personal Bankruptcies in 2016 listed in sec filings.

I say Bullcrap that it all should be looked as being separate. When people are in desperate situations they do desperate things they will say or agree to do anything to reestablish themselves Financially.

The guy Lehoux was a tenant of Bills one day his company made an announcement on Facebook that they were saying Goodbye to the association with Bill & Cen Biotech only to have Bill reaquire them at a new address SMH. Only someone thats in desperate need of money does things like this.

That's why these guys prior histories should be called attention to. The 42 million dollar Deficiency they were claiming on the S1 form on June 19,2020 when they said the auditors said that it was a going concern that they would still be able to operate.

When asked to prove if they really spent the money ( BILL) Trying to open a business and getting the company going they respond that Bill doesn't have to tell you anything.

I feel Bill resigned and took the team with him and fired the Auditors because if he tried to file another bankruptcy again under his name with this company he is done selling shares on the markets ( truth is he probably is already with his performance) He won't be able to "Direct" a hot dog stand.

No investors trust him anyway they have seen and heard to much and saw what he did with Fitx and Nubreed.

Now if there's a 42 million dollar Deficiency with Cen Biotech what did he spend the money on?

Time to look at Lamias & Bills assets & holdings and all there business expenses and see if the money matches up with the deficit.

What do shareholders have to show for all his stories from fitx to Cenbf to Eloaf ( let's not forget csoc & qmkr) the only thing that baffles me is that a guy like Joseph Byrne would risk his name and reputation and and license being associated with this company and all these Shenanigans. It's not like he was in a situation like Brian S Payne or Lehoux

Let's not forget Sam Alaweih saying we had license he was a tenants of Lamia Chaaban.
Ryan8 Ryan8 3 년 전
What is the tie between IGRW and VIRA
Ryan8 Ryan8 3 년 전
What is the tie between IGRW and AIDC
Ryan8 Ryan8 3 년 전
What is the tie between IGRW and FITX
Ryan8 Ryan8 3 년 전
What is the tie to IGRW and DSCR
shajandr shajandr 3 년 전
'attempt to traingualte whay'

Ryan8 Ryan8 3 년 전
USA vs. Ricardo Richardson

Scott Wakins plead guity, Joel Stohlman plead guilty both are to be sentenced on July 22, 2022.

Every shareholder of IGRW was affected by these individuals conduct. This board need to revived to memorailize the lies and deceit all of us, have had to endure due to this now concluding fraud.

Please feel free to pm for help and counsel, can direct phone numbers and contact information, for pretrial services to take your victim impact statement.

최근 히스토리

Delayed Upgrade Clock