14 년 전
GPKE~~~~~Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc. will be taken public first, to be followed by the companies that they incubated. The company will grow in asset value by retaining a 50% ownership in each company it “grows” into a franchise operation.
¨ Begin soliciting franchise ideas and fund efforts by budget per project; project funding is anticipated to be fully funded by cash flow in 12 to 15 months.
We expect to have suGPKEcient cash flow in the second year to increase our “throughput” capacities to meet market demand for new franchise ideas that might not attract the interest of banks and other financial institutions when they begin their franchising efforts.
It is our goal to take Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc., Inc. public this year to be followed by Kako Environmental and other ideas the company has incubated over the previous years. By retaining a 50% ownership in each of the new public companies, GPKE benefits in asset growth and cash flow because they are also partners in these new ventures.
The plan calls for the creation of 500 million shares in each of the companies at a valuation of approximately $.50 a share which would add significant valuation to GPKE with each new successful venture. All efforts will be based on sound economic planning and the acceptance of our ideas in the public marketplace.
These funds will be used to incubate new ideas for the Baby Boomer generation that is expected to need more health and financial management related help than any past generation. These are the target areas for ideas identified by graystone park enterprises, inc. management.
Bristol, Indiana & Longwood, Florid
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Financial Plan
To accomplish this goal we have developed a comprehensive plan to intensify and accelerate our franchise support operations, infrastructure development, marketing and sales activities, services expansion, distribution and customer service. To jumpstart the company we will become a publicly traded company by being funded privately initially and then file to be a public company this year. To implement our plans we require an estimated total of $5,000,000 in financing over the next 12 months (four quarters) through funding efforts, with the first $2,000,000 being used for the following purposes:
¨ Funding the establishment of the company through its first franchising support project, Kako Environmental and Biorecycling.
¨ Build the infrastructure of the company (sales, marketing, and management team) and put the services aspect of the business “on-line” and in front of prospective franchise owners looking for joint venture partners.
¨ Establish a reputation with franchise owners as a highly involved strategic partner for the owners and the franchisees.
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GPKE~~~~Market Analysis
Franchised businesses account for nearly 50% of all retail sales in the United States.
The International Franchise Association has reported that franchising is responsible for 760,000 businesses, 18 million jobs, 14 percent of the private sector employment, and over $500 billion in payroll!
From January, 2000 to December, 2004 the index that tracks the performance of the top 50 franchisors increased 34.5% compared to a drop of 20.1% in the S&P 500 over the same period.
A 1999 study by The United States Chamber of Commerce found that 86% of franchises opened within the last five years were still under the same ownership and 97% of the were still open for business.
A U.S. Department of Commerce study conducted from 1971 to 1997 showed that during that time less than 5% of franchise businesses were closed each year.
A U.S. Small Business Administration study conducted from 1978 to 1998 found that 62% of non-franchised businesses closed within the first 6 years of their existence due to failure, bankruptcy, etc
Total sales by franchised businesses are projected to reach over $2 trillion, this year.
1 out of every 12 businesses is a franchised business.
A new franchised business is opened every 8 minutes of every business day.
In 2000, the median gross annual income, before taxes, of franchisees was in the $75,000 to $124,000 range, with over 30% of franchisees earning over $150,000 per year.
Franchising is the novice’s way of entering a market with little or no experience. We take it a step further by establishing the original idea as an ongoing business, retaining ownership all the way through the franchising phase in return for our equity investment and technical support during the process.
The franchising marketplace is dominated by a few companies that “market” franchises for companies or provides venues, conventions, for franchise owners to market their concepts to eager buyers. For this service they receive a fee, and then they are gone. Unfortunately, most of the franchises lack the financial muscle to provide more that an initial setup and a couple of months of training to its franchisees who often must rely on their own financial muscle to make the concept work in their marketplace.
Those concepts with the financial muscle extract sizable fees up front and control almost every aspect of the business for the franchisee including whom they can buy from and who they can market to in an area. They control their clients by being the sole source for products and advertising, at premium prices, and constant “monitoring” to keep up the corporate image. This is a tough fit for an entrepreneur with his or her own ideas about running a business.
We did find several franchise consulting and brokerage companies that try and match clients with franchise owners for a fee. Their approach is to create a business profile, match clients to prospective franchises, and help them evaluate and select the right franchise for the client. Unfortunately, this is where the companies stop providing services. They base their decision on the statistic that over 92% of all franchised businesses stay open for 10 years or longer. Wham, bam they are done! Unfortunately, the franchisee is now tightly locked into the model from which there is no escape, but usually with a steady income and often little resale value except to the originating company.
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GPKE~~~~Service Strategy
The revenue from our family of products and investor support will allow Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc. to act quickly when new opportunities appear, drawing on sizable cash positions and marketable securities held as the result of our rollout strategy.
Team members will help the company identify, qualify, quantify and then dominate new sectors that fall within the business model of the company.
Likened to a spider spinning a web, the Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc. model will generate products and services out from each of its keystone locations to slowly dominate each new market segment.
The interconnectivity of the products and services will translate to sales and marketing savings, local support teams, and eventual dominance of a market. The ability to quickly pounce upon an opportunity is the key to the success of the company.
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GPKE~~~~~~Financially, the focus is on the building of equity while bringing revenues to the bottom line.
Each new franchise idea will benefit from access to top experts in their fields and access to the senior management team when bringing these products or services to market.
Specialized services are available through Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc., to insure success,
plus a network of successful Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc., franchisers and franchisees will continue to drive innovation and secondary sales channels within the private sector of the United States and into the rest of the Americas.
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GPKE~~~Exit Strategy
The initial investors in Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc., Inc. will benefit from the company itself going public this year, plus asset and income growth resulting from the spinning off of franchise ideas, i.e. Kako Environmental, where GPKE retains a 20-80% ownership in every new public company.
The direct benefit to the holders of GPKE will be dividends resulting from the creation of a new public company which is expected to occur at least one to two times a year. And, the growth expected within GPKE itself resulting from income sharing with the companies it incubates.
Stockholders will also benefit from the joint ventures that GPKE enters into when the incubated companies are “Spun off” at some time in the future. Companies will be managed and nurtured until they operate independently to the GPKE company.
Stockholders in GPKE will receive dividends with each new company formed and become stockholders in these new entities.
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GPKE~~~Company Overview
Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc., Inc. is a Delaware corporation with limited operating history as a group, but stellar in the accomplishments of the individuals that make up the company.
The goal of the company is to receive suGPKEcient funding to take an equity position in the current concept and first client, and begin building then franchising Kako Environmental in major cities and to the entrepreneurs who will run them.
This will be done by first using private equity to quickly build a chain of collection points, and then take the company public to raise funds in the open marketplace to fund the franchising effort.
Public and private offerings will be considered to raise the initial capital necessary for a successful launch of the company.
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GPKE~~~~ Fishox Systems, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oxy aGen, Inc., and is in the business of manufacturing a one liter per minute oxygen concentrator for the recreational fishing and commercial live seafood markets.
The company purchases 2,000 units per year for the US market at the price of $160 delivered and they sell wholesale for $360 and retail for $600. The company intends to split the sales evenly between the two markets.
Foundation is funding the development of custom molds for the cases and the shipment of the first 1,000 units to the second largest distributor of boat accessories in the US.
They also have established markets in Mexico and the Caribbean. Fishox has tested equipment with PAC Seafood of Las Vegas and Bar Harbor Seafood of Orlando to reduce mortality rates of lobsters that has proven successful;
Fishox reduced their death losses by 23%. This is an emerging market in which the company has a firm foothold.
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GPKE~~~~ Oxy aGen, Inc., a company that has an exclusive North and South American contract to distribute medical and industrial grade oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, suction machines, and other medical equipment to small distribution companies from EMG Technologies of Taiwan.
EMG has also committed to establishing a national distribution and repair center in the Orlando area to be operated by Oxy aGen to service all equipment sold nationally by EMG through Oxy aGen and other distributors.
They have agreements with AMS Healthcare of Canada who operate the 65+ stores in Canada and Washington State; and a design consulting agreement with Real-Axis, a Czechoslovakian manufacturing company, interested in the Eastern and Western Europe oxygen concentrator markets.
These projects will require prepayment for all equipment ordered including freight, Oxy aGen will receive a profit from the medical equipment that they order and fees from repairs.
Each order will be approximately $100,000 worth of equipment and the profit target is 136%.
The company is also in negotiations to establish a Durable Medical Equipment company (DME) in order to be able to bid on Medicare and Medicaid contracts.
These are multi-million dollar sales opportunities. Oxy aGen has been in contact with several other DME’s and corporate nursing homes offering them preferred pricing in exchange for interests in their companies, they have found that the pricing is highly competitive with other US and international manufacturers.
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GPKE~~~ Kako Environmental is a company involved in the recycling of vegetable oil from restaurants and industry for use as a biofuel in diesel engines.
The company can collect a fee for helping restaurants dispose of the oil, charge companies for providing feed stock to make biodiesel, or process the oil ourselves for use in our own vehicles.
Through a simple chemical process that costs about $.85 per gallon, used vegetable oil can be converted to a “fatty acid methyl ester” or biofuel. By using the same truck to collect pad and oil, fuel expenses are minimized or significantly reduced by running on biofuel. We intend to run our trucks and equipment for both Kako companies on biofuel that we make ourselves on a small scale (80 gallons per day system at $.85 per gallon).
o One to one conversion process, one gallon of vegetable oil becomes one gallon of biofuel.
o Catalyst and Methanol cost about $.70 per gallon produced a gallon of biofuel, equipment to produce 80 gallons a day cost $3,000 one time cost.
o 3 billion gallons of vegetable oil are used and disposed of every year, fees for pickup and disposal are common and these costs are rising with fuel costs
o Glycerin byproduct (5-8 gallons per batch) is marketable
o Diesel is 22% of all fuel used
o This is solar energy in a liquid form
o One goal is to establish a biofuel truckstop
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GPKE~~~Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc. will also be joint venturing with several companies outside of the recycling industry. GPKE will get 50% of the net income and 20-80% of the stock for its investments into each of the companies. The companies currently under our direction and under consideration are:
Kako Environmental is a carpet pad recovery company that collects and recycles the cushion pad under carpeting. The first location is replacing a company, Carpet Pad Recovery, which recently closed that was collecting and processing pad from the Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Battle Creek area logging sales of 550,000 to 600,000 pounds per month. It costs about $.08 to collect and bale each pound and it can be resold to manufacturers for $.16 per pound. The plan is to eventually purchase a reprocessing machine that will raise the revenue to $1.65 per pound with a profit margin of $.91 per pound after all expenses. Pad is already being collected and processed for shipment in Indiana to several national reprocessors. Particulars:
80 percent of all pad installed in the US is recycled
50 percent of all pad currently installed will be recycled
62,500 tons are recycled each year
Only 200 companies nationwide collect and resell used pad
30 factories buy and rebond the pad. Equipment is available to rebond your own pad, installatiion cost $1,000,000 per machine.
Pad can be recycled 8 to 10 times
Recycling services save the installer time, transport costs and disposal fees
Collections teams are small and low tech, centralized balers clean and compress pad for sale to rebonding companies. Start-up costs are low for a centralized collection center.
Plans call for 30 new locations a year in major cities feeding three rebonding machines or other rebonding companies depending on the price of used padding.
Matching funds are available from the states to reduce landfill waste and entice recycling companies to take carpet and pad.
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GPKE~~~The company is currently in the development phase having signed the initial joint venture agreement with Kako Environmental and Kako Biorecycling. From their initial location, Kako is working with the company to expand to a new location in a prime growing area where they provide carpet pad and biofuel reclamation services to a 100 mile radius. Once established, we will help position the company this year in the public marketplace and build a franchising network that will quickly expand to 30 locations in major cities within two years. Each new location will cost approximately $60,000 to set up and fund. Initially the collected pad will be baled and sold to local rebonding companies, as locations increase we intend to purchase our own rebonding equipment ($1,000,000 per installation) and only sell the excess collection capacity. Each location should average 1-1.5 million pounds of pad per month ($1,920,000@$.16).
17 년 전
As part of its Anti-Spam Initiative, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission" or "SEC") today announced the temporary suspension, pursuant to Section 12(k) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), of trading in the securities of the following issuers, commencing at 9:30 a.m. EDT on March 20, 2008, and terminating at 11:59 p.m. EDT on April 3, 2008:
NeoTactix Corporation (NTCX)
Graystone Park Enterprises, Inc. (GPKE)
Younger America, Inc. (YNGR)
The Commission ordered these trading suspensions because of questions that have arisen regarding the adequacy and accuracy of publicly disseminated information concerning among other things: (1) the companies’ current financial condition, (2) the companies’ management, (3) the companies’ business operations, and/or (4) stock promoting activity.
The Commission cautions brokers, dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by the companies.
Further, brokers and dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspension, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker or dealer has any questions as to whether or not it has complied with the rule, it should not enter any quotation but immediately contact the staff in the Division of Trading and Markets, Office of Interpretation and Guidance, at (202) 551-5760. If any broker or dealer is uncertain as to what is required by Rule 15c2-11, it should refrain from entering quotations relating to the securities of the companies listed above until such time as it has familiarized itself with the rule and is certain that all of its provisions have been met. If any broker or dealer enters any quotation that is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action.
The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Assistance has information for investors and members of the general public on topics directly related to this action by the SEC. See for a compilation of helpful links.
Any broker or dealer or other person with information relating to this matter is invited to e-mail the Securities and Exchange Commission at