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Future Science Holdings Inc (CE)

Future Science Holdings Inc (CE) (FUTS)

( 0.00% )
업데이트: 09:00:00

FUTS Discussion

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Threeflight Threeflight 2 주 전
FUTS So Grant Horvat was booted from this website and for good reason. He lied about everything including his posts on this board. As I tried to point out.

That being said, I am hearing that things are in motion and that we may see some filings soon. And no I have no reason to lie about this. This doesn't trade because it is on the gray sheets so I have no reason to try and stir up anything or to get anyone to buy. Just passing along scuttlebutt.
👍 2
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 1 월 전
No it can't. Stop lying.

Not without a whole new regime taking over with a company or 2 ready to go.

Let us see what happens.
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 1 월 전
The 500k in convertible debt this company has would dilute that 'Low OS' faster than you can make up new user names.

In your own best interest you should hope for a change in management/ownership here.

Horvat out.
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 1 월 전
Hi Cryptoblock!

You really outdid yourself this time. Wow is all I can say lol. Unreal. It's sad. Really, really sad. Oh well.

As far as FUTS for once you just might be right about something.

One way or another I do expect 'FUTS' to have filed and be back trading by Spring. However if it's the old FUTS you know and love is a whole other story.

Hopefully not.

Another step was taken today btw. A small one but a step nonetheless.

Horvat Out.
Threeflight Threeflight 1 월 전
FUTS will submit filings by spring. All IMO.
👍 1
Threeflight Threeflight 1 월 전
FUTS still could run big due to the fact that they have not diluted in many many years.
👍 1
Threeflight Threeflight 1 월 전
FUTS still has very good potential based on its low OS.
👍 1
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 1 월 전
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 2 월 전
Initial contact has been made. Things seem somewhat promising.

Obviously very early stages but there is hope.

Will update when I can.

Horvat Out...
👍 3
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 2 월 전
yea the odd thing is there has been no dilution inn years when it was trading
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 2 월 전
The one and only reason I think something will eventually get done here (If our attempt at taking it over fails) is the debt. 3 people are owed a lot of money, including the CEO, and the only way they get their money back is if this starts trading again (unless they accept our offer to buy them out).

With interest Futs noteholders are probably owed around 500k by now. No small chunk of change to say the least.
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 2 월 전
Threeflight seems to know the most he's the one who contacted me originally about it 
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 2 월 전
Interesting that FUTS was touted as a clean is far from it. Veryyyyy interesting. Could work to our advantage however.

If anyone wants to know what a totally clean, debt free shell looks like check out G*VSI's latest annual...2024's will be filed imminently as well...the 8th of 2 years of Q's...and when it does it will set in motion a chain of events that will Rock the OTC to its core in 2025.
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 2 월 전
Looks like around 233k in debt to 3 noteholders issued around 5 years ago. Obviously more at this point with accrued interest owed. Still outstanding as far as I can tell.

So to the people who said this was a clean shell and debt free....wrong as usual 🙄.

But this is actually a good thing. The stock has gone dark and hasnt traded in a long time. They have no way to get their money out. We can offer them a chance to do just least a % of what they put in.
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 2 월 전
Luis Rodriguez at 310-408-3826 is the latest we have.

If anyone has anything else let me know.
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 2 월 전
Does anyone here know if this shell still has anyone running things? At least keeping the lights on?

An attempt is going to try to be made to take things over here and buy the shell out between myself and my partner....perhaps 1 or 2 others. Get it current again and back trading. Lots of ideas on what to do with it if we are successful.

However we have had trouble reaching anyone. Please post any relevant contact information or contact me directly.

koolmc koolmc 3 월 전
not gonna anywhere for awhile, it's doa
cvytrader cvytrader 3 월 전
Well, we're coming on a new year hopefully 2025 is the year for us at Futs My fingers are crossed
vortmaximum vortmaximum 4 월 전
LFGO! Been hearing that for a ‘little’ while…. Low OS/float shell. Need to get on the AI bandwagon imo
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 4 월 전
Word on the street is a new entity is coming in here and taking over the shell...
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 4 월 전
Yep you are correct. Looks like the Otc is starting a new exchange OTCID for only Pink Current stocks to make those more legitimate. So if you're currently pink current it will really help out but for expert marker stocks like this pig nothing will change. Futs management needs to get off their buttons and get pink current again so that they can take advantage of the move the Otc is making.
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 4 월 전
I dont understand cause it says the expert mkt would still exist, they have really made a mountain out of a molehill
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 4 월 전
Get something going yes but no they will not have to get current. This exchange will be for exactly stocks like FUTS that have a stop sign. All it would take is a little effort to get current again as it is but either way the stock will be at least trading again...
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 4 월 전
yea not sure Im still confused by this change otcmarkets sucks with all these changes, in the end they still have to get current and get something going.
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 4 월 전
More important info concerning the positive changes coming to the OTC and FUTS...

GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 4 월 전
The stock will be trading again come July at the minimum...sooner if management gets off their butts and files again. But even if they don't this will be trading again soon.
👍️ 1
GrantHorvat1 GrantHorvat1 4 월 전
Looks like a sign of life for FUTS. There is going to be a new exchange next year for companies like FUTS that are currently on the Expert market. Should spark a new resurgence in OTC stocks. Coming in July so FUTS has about 6 to 8 months to get a merger going. Will be nice to have this trading again. Would not take much to send this.
vortmaximum vortmaximum 5 월 전
Good gawd, 15 years? Hopefully something comes this way at some point. I haven't been playing in this realm for awhile. Trying to build up money in my real account so I can quit this insane woke corporate america, where it is no longer what you know, but what you represent....
Threeflight Threeflight 5 월 전
First, you have stalked me for 15 years on this website. Always disparaging. As my brother? Actually my twin brother? It is weird. Beyond weird. ESPECIALLY since I have never said a negative word about any stock you have ever been in. I cannot imagine a family member doing this for so many years.

It is an obsession with you.

Secondly, for you to say tax loss selling is going to happen....especially since the stock is already at .0001 and on the greys? Shows what a complete idiot you are.

I what reality do you live in where the stock can go lower than .0001? And let us not forget that you, under the alias KUNK...which was just banned last week, said that you wanted to buy this shell. Which would never happen because you have no money whatsoever.

Grouse Hunter Grouse Hunter 5 월 전
OMG. I’m so glad you swung by to save me . I sure hope someone will take my shares off my hands for .0001. I don’t know what I would have done without your warning.
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 5 월 전
Oh well that sucks
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 5 월 전
Still nothing ugh
noradio noradio 6 월 전
Where is your basher brother?
cvytrader cvytrader 7 월 전
Wow, it’s been over six years now. I can’t believe nothing has happened. I wonder if it Will ever happen
govprs govprs 8 월 전
This thing trade today?
Threeflight Threeflight 8 월 전
It is all there for the taking. But until they update filings all we can do is speculate.
👍️ 1
vortmaximum vortmaximum 8 월 전
Hopefully they jump on the AI bandwagon and it goes to $50 Good shell, won’t take much to update.
Threeflight Threeflight 8 월 전
I am expecting something pretty soon......Let us see.
$treet Trader $treet Trader 8 월 전
only certain country's and brokers allow buys,

thankfully i can buy this
$treet Trader $treet Trader 8 월 전
govprs govprs 8 월 전
Can we still buy and sell this? I use E*Trade and I don’t see a bid
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 8 월 전
$treet Trader $treet Trader 8 월 전
Drop some filings and we could see a huge move imo
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 8 월 전
52M float but it always moves easier than that
BurgerKing82 BurgerKing82 8 월 전
What's the Os here?
Threeflight Threeflight 8 월 전
Agree. But it really doesn't matter until they do the filings and get back on OTC pink.
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 8 월 전
No it wouldn’t right play could do very well
koolmc koolmc 8 월 전
true, hopefully this get's out of em wouldn't take much to move it back up again.
i_like_bb_stock i_like_bb_stock 8 월 전
yes I dont have a broker to play them its pretty unfair honestly
koolmc koolmc 8 월 전
been playing other em plays that started like this and they only started to move when company started to communicate their intention to get out of em. Ltn#c was one and got current, c#nna another one although still in process, and so on.