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Energtek Files Second Provisional Patent Application re EN-Hyboost -- Filing of Additional PPA Supplements Existing Intellectual Property...
Energtek Expands Operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Pilot Project to Supply Consumer in Major Bosnian City Begun - Profitable Project in...
Energtek Completes Land Purchase in Vermont for Filling Station -- Purchase of Land in Swanton, VT Completed PR Newswire NEW YORK, Jan. 22, 2015...
Energtek Reports Further Progress Towards Implementation of First Commercial Projects in USA - Energtek Receives Final Permit from Natural...
Energtek Inc. Issues Q4-2014 Letter to Shareholders PR Newswire NEW YORK, Nov. 13, 2014 NEW YORK, Nov. 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Energtek...
Energtek Receives State Permit to Deliver Natural Gas in Vermont - Energtek North Country Inc. given green light by the State of Vermont, whose...
Energtek Reports Further Fundraising Success - More than $1.5m Raised in Bonds and Equity During First Half of 2014 - Company to Meet...
Energtek Appoints Alfred G. McNeill to Board - McNeill, a high-ranking officer in very large organizations, brings proven operational expertise...
Energtek Develops Second Generation Hyboost Devices - "EN-Hyboost II" Provides Expanded Technological Flexibility and Energy Savings PR...
Energtek Further Strengthens Management Team PR Newswire NEW YORK, June 10, 2014 NEW YORK, June 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Distinguished New York...
Energtek Reports Revenues of $3.2M in Q1 '14 Increase of more than 50% compared to Q1 '13 PR Newswire NEW YORK, May 28, 2014 NEW YORK, May 28...
Energtek (USA) Purchases Land in Swanton, Vermont Advantageous Location for Construction of Filling Station PR Newswire NEW YORK, May 15, 2014...
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