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OCI International Holdings Ltd (PK)

OCI International Holdings Ltd (PK) (DGTLF)

마감 02 2월 6:00AM

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DGTLF Discussion

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Renee Renee 7 년 전
Dragonite International Ltd. changed to OCI International Holdings Ltd.
acstigs acstigs 10 년 전
Looks like this stock is finally turning the corner...its about time...earnings should be interesting.
dskarpus dskarpus 10 년 전
Is this finally where we wanted to be?
dskarpus dskarpus 10 년 전
thumper15 thumper15 11 년 전
well at least it is gaining in my account. what ever we own
ralph4 ralph4 11 년 전
Lol I had a lot more until the split. Can't sell cause it's on the greys...
thumper15 thumper15 11 년 전
not sure, but i have the same
ralph4 ralph4 11 년 전
Wtff is up with this company.... Still in with 50 shares...
newmedman newmedman 11 년 전
Light at the end of the tunnel ? Brother, I hope so... I hope all is well for you and all others still concerned here too...

dskarpus dskarpus 11 년 전
thumper15 thumper15 11 년 전
Ask at .40
newmedman newmedman 11 년 전
actually I knew the son of the guy who invented the "pop top". He worked for Reynolds at the time and was immediately bought out for a paltry amount of cash and benefits.... successful life, but no recognition..

Tell Hon to take a look at Crapper, Edsel, Whitney, Tesla, and even good ole' Henry Ford (Hemp World) for examples...

and then take a look at Alice and Drew..... The mismanagement here has gone beyond recognition, even by shitty Chinese stock standards...

I hope he can hang them out to dry...

Thanks ds...
ralph4 ralph4 11 년 전
Wtf is up with this stock?
dskarpus dskarpus 11 년 전
dskarpus dskarpus 11 년 전
ralph4 ralph4 11 년 전
Me too! 50 shares... Lol I think I started with 50k. This thing still trading on the greys?
,,,,,,,E-cig patents worth Millionssssssss????????--MONEYMADE
dskarpus dskarpus 11 년 전
Second thoughts?
dskarpus dskarpus 11 년 전
If only Hon Lik had read this board. If Dragonite had only listened to customers. If only...

p.s. It's been a slice. Nice chatting with you guys.
newmedman newmedman 11 년 전
Dragonite is getting PAID !

75 million U.S.!

Here's the buyer...

I should have seen this coming, I was wondering who was going to pony up for those patents...
story from May.

recent coverage..

also the B/A in DGTLF is spot on with a 1.50 HKD = .194 USD, the price that the 329 currently stands.

so much for dollarland ....

I wonder why the Chinese lemming traders aren't scarfing this deal up ? There's only 211 million shares outstanding in the 329 stock.... the company is about to realize 581,250,000 HK dollars... at 1.50HK it isn't even trading at half of the book value lol...

what a P I G...
newmedman newmedman 11 년 전
on the same token.

If someone wanted to take a shot at the .001 bid that would probably be one heck of a buy if the deal goes through...

just throwing it out there, lol...
newmedman newmedman 11 년 전
I put mine in for 10 bucks, about what I initially invested(and a little more), according to my unrealized loss...

The current ask is 999 so I figured my price is a bargain lol.... If the big news hits and someone goes to buy on impulse, I think, in theory, we should be the first in line with a sell in place.

I have no idea if it will work or not, but it's worth a shot because we know that someone is buying the Ruyan brand from Dragonite and trading has been suspended in Hong Kong for this reason. Why we are able to place orders in DGTLF, I don't know but I did.

I might have to go significantly lower and take a loss too, but either way I want to get out when they sell out.... and I hope it's a big boy... the patents are where it's at for us. hopefully a few dollars is not out of the question.

Do you know that Blu-Cigs made Lorrilard's profit jump 10% last Q ?

thumper15 thumper15 11 년 전
i am down to 5o shares now after all the splits. what would be a good gtc you htink
newmedman newmedman 11 년 전
Even though trading is suspended for the 329 HK stock, I was still able to put a GTC sell order in through scottrade for DGTLF

I put it in high enough to get my losses back if it were to hit. You never know, if they announce a blockbuster deal the price could skyrocket in the short term.

I'm not holding my breath but I think it is worth the shot to see if someone else will see any value here when HK trading opens back up.

I remember one poster here who had a GTC order in that hit and they got their money back before the last R/S....

Perhaps a couple more of us could get lucky ?

of course we might have to hire a promoter lol.... Just Kidding..

newmedman newmedman 11 년 전
The B/A today on Scottrade is .155/.18...

I don't think we would get stock of anyone else. It looks more like a buyout where Dragonite would receive a lump sum payment for it's ecig biz and intellectual property...

Unless it goes differently they might issue a dividend or just report it as revenue....

Either way I'm going to finally cut the cord on this pos once the deal is announced...
Once the ecig biz is gone there's no need to hope for this company any longer for me.

That is if I can even sell my shares in this illiquid garbage of a stock.
thumper15 thumper15 11 년 전
so is this going to benefit us you think? as shareholders? will we get stock of who ever buys i wonder...
ecig observer ecig observer 11 년 전
This morning Dragonite announced that it has reached an agreement to sell its e-cigarette assets and asked the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to halt trading pending an announcement.


As announced by Dragonite International Limited (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) on 1 August 2013, the Company has been engaged in discussions relating to the possible disposal of the Company’s electronic cigarette business in whole or in parts. On 14 August 2013, the Group and the buyer have entered into the Sale of Assets Agreement for the disposal of the Group’s certain assets relating to the electronic cigarette business (the “Disposal”).

The Disposal will constitute a very substantial disposal for the Company pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. At the request of the Company, trading in the shares of the Company on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited will be suspended with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 15 August 2013 pending the release of an announcement in relation to the Disposal.

By order of the Board
Dragonite International Limited
Gary Drew Douglas
Managing Director
thumper15 thumper15 11 년 전
still trading? seems to creep up
newmedman newmedman 12 년 전
we might get something, but I don't think the PPS will shoot to 3-5 dollars so we could break even...

Like you, I'm a big bagholder here.. 600 shares... Never should have been listening to others about this pos.

I don't even want to try to average down with R/S's happening every year. I thought the court settlements would give them a boost but it did nothing.

Even if they get money for Ruyan, they will probably just piss it away in the market again like they have done to the tune of millions in the last few years.

I chalk this one up to my second biggest mistake next to buying SFIO a day before it was locked ( I had already exited ).

I don't think we'll ever see a stitch of returns here either, but you never know.
thumper15 thumper15 12 년 전
so does this mean we get anything from the sale? i am now at 50 shares down lots after reverse splits
newmedman newmedman 12 년 전
Po s s i bl e Di s po s a l o f El e c t ro ni c Ci g a re t t e Bus i ne s s
Du r i n g t h e Ye a r, t h e Co mp a n y e n g a g e d a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n v e s t me n t b a n k t o a d v i s e t h e
Co mp a n y o n t h e p o s s i b l e d i s p o s a l o f t h e e l e c t r o n i c c i g a r e t t e b u s i n e s s i n wh o l e o r i n
p a r t s ( t h e “ Po s s i b l e Di s p o s a l ” ) . Th e i n i t i a l c l o s i n g d a t e f o r t h e b i d wa s 2 2 Ma r c h
2 0 1 3 . As a t t h e d a t e o f t h i s a n n o u n c e me n t , t h e Co mp a n y h a s t e n t a t i v e l y r e c e i v e d o n e
b i d f o r t h e i n t e l l e c t u a l p r o p e r t y a s s e t s o n l y a n d t h e Bo a r d i s c o n s i d e r i n g e n t e r i n g i n t o
a n e x c l u s i v e a r r a n g e me n t wi t h t h i s p o t e n t i a l b u y e r f o r a p e r i o d o f 3 0 d a y s . Th e
Co mp a n y ma y c o n s i d e r t h e b i d s f o r o t h e r a s s e t s i n t h e f u t u r e . Th e Bo a r d h a s n o t y e t
c o n c l u d e d t h e f o r m o f t h e Po s s i b l e Di s p o s a l wi t h t h e p o t e n t i a l b u y e r ( s ) a n d h o p e f u l l y
t h e s a l e s a n d p u r c h a s e a g r e e me n t c a n b e r e a c h e d . No d e f i n i t i v e a g r e e me n t s h a v e b e e n
s i g n e d a n d t h e Po s s i b l e Di s p o s a l ma y o r ma y n o t ma t e r i a l i z e .

LOL.... top of page 25
newmedman newmedman 12 년 전
??????? really.
newmedman newmedman 12 년 전

and to celebrate our court victory we will be announcing another R/S in the coming months... Thank you for your continued support while we continue to steal all of your money that you invested in us..


I'll see if the court documents list the settlement agreements... I'd like to know what these patents are worth since they just announced 3 more...

Now they can drag everyone back to court again.
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
I promised myself last time I would not bite again.
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
Nope. But I expect an announcement soon. If they don't make a move now, big T will take over the disposable market with new patents, mom and pop shops will control mods and Ruyan will die. Of course, given my track record on this stock, I could be completely wrong.

thumper15 thumper15 12 년 전
any idea what is going on?
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전

And not a mention of Hon Lik...
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
And now selling...
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
Somebody is buying...
newmedman newmedman 12 년 전
I still have 750... lol.. I just don't know if I will ever be able to do anything with them..

If it wasn't for the MJ companies and my real world stocks, I wouldn't be laughing about this....

It will make a nice write off for me if I can coax someone into buying them.....

Since DGTLF has been revoked, that will make it a bit harder.

thumper15 thumper15 12 년 전
Their website is updated

Parallel trading in the Adjusted Shares (in form
of new and existing share certificates) begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m., Thursday,
15 November
thumper15 thumper15 12 년 전
wow down to 50 shares now, funny i used to have 20000 at one point.. DRGINT= DRAGONITEINTERNATIONAL pos
dskarpus dskarpus 12 년 전
Wow. That's something we haven't seen before. Could it have something to do with the kerfuffle over the auditor not signing off on the last audited statement? Or they made some secret deal they are hiding from shareholders? I wouldn't put anything past them given their track record. Maybe our nightmare is over...
newmedman newmedman 12 년 전
GAME OVER.... WTF ?????

Thu, Nov 08, 2012 12:00 - Dragonite International, Ltd. (DGTLF: Grey Market) - Deleted Symbol - As of Thu, Nov 08, 2012, DGTLF is no longer a valid symbol. You may find a complete list of deleted symbols at

newmedman newmedman 12 년 전
Ha Ha...

Every stock gaps when they reverse split......

For fun we did it twice this year !!!!!


only $99.735 to go........ slap that ask !!!! lol